#!/bin/ash # # magic script for UHS NT Rollout # # Gilbert Ramirez # Technical Services # University Health System # I run fdisk to get INFO *before* the clear because the machine # might have an empty CD-ROM in it. fdisk will try to probe the cdrom # and the kernel will spit out error messages about missing media. # therefore, I clear the screen real quick. INFO=`fdisk -l | head -6 | grep ^Disk` clear HEADS=`echo $INFO | sed -e "s/^.*: //" | sed -e "s/ heads.*//"` SECTORS=`echo $INFO | sed -e "s/^.*heads, //" | sed -e "s/ sectors.*//"` CYLINDERS=`echo $INFO | sed -e "s/^.*sectors, //" | sed -e "s/ cylinders.*//"` echo This disk has $CYLINDERS cylinders, $HEADS heads, and $SECTORS sectors. echo Running fdisk to make one gigantic FAT partition. fdisk /dev/hda > /dev/null 2> /dev/null < to reboot... read JUNK reboot