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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00200000000000000000">Preface</A></H1>
<I>Linux Installation and Getting Started</I> (LIGS) has been the
shepherding work for countless new users of the Linux operating
system. Linux continues to evolve and so, too, must this guide.
Matt Welsh, the original author, has turned the book over to the care
and management of Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC), publishers of
<i>Linux Journal</i>, computer books, and references. <i>Linux
Installation and Getting Started</i> is still covered by the GNU
General Public License--it is still freely redistributable, like the
operating system it describes. This new version becomes a
collaborative effort of individuals separated by geography but brought
together on the Internet, much like Linux itself. If you believe you
could expand or update a section of <i>Linux Installation and
Getting Started</i> or have something new and wonderful to add, please
send e-mail to <tt>ligs@ssc.com</tt> and tell us how you'd like to
For this edition, we've added distribution-specific instructions for
obtaining and installing S.u.S.E. Linux, Debian GNU/Linux, Linux
Slackware, Caldera OpenLinux, and Red Hat Linux. Please read through
the acknowledgements, and if you should meet someone named there on
line or in person, thank them for the help.
Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. (SSC)<BR>
February 1998
<H1><A NAME="SECTION00210000000000000000">Preface to the previous edition.</A></H1>
<EM>``You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.''</EM>
Before you looms one of the most complex and utterly intimidating
systems ever written. Linux, the free UNIX clone for the personal computer,
produced by a mishmash team of UNIX gurus, hackers, and the occasional loon.
The system itself reflects this complex heritage, and although the development
of Linux may appear to be a disorganized volunteer effort, the system is
powerful, fast, and free. It is a true 32-bit operating system solution.
My own experiences with Linux began several years ago when I sat
down to figure out how to install the only ``distribution'' available at
the time--a couple of diskettes made available by H. J. Lu. I downloaded
a slew of files and read page upon page of loosely-organized installation
notes. Somehow, I managed to install this basic system and get everything
to work together. This was long before you could buy the Linux software on
CD-ROM from worldwide distributors; before, in fact, Linux was able to
access a CD-ROM drive. This was before XFree86, before Emacs, before
commercial software support, and before Linux became a true rival to
MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, and OS/2 in the personal computer market.
You hold in your hands a map and guidebook to the world of Linux.
It is my hope that this book will help you get rolling with what I
consider to be the fastest, most powerful operating system for the personal
computer. Setting up your own Linux system can be great fun--so
grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and read on.
Matt Welsh<BR>
January 1994
<H1><A NAME="SECTION00220000000000000000">Hints for UNIX novices.</A></H1>
Getting started with your own Linux system does not require a great
deal of UNIX background. Many UNIX novices have successfully installed
Linux on their systems. This is a worthwhile learning experience, but
keep in mind that it can be frustrating. Moreover, once you are ready
to delve into the more complex tasks of running Linux--installing new
software, recompiling the kernel, and so forth--having background
knowledge in UNIX is necessary.
However, simply by running your own Linux system you will learn the
essentials of UNIX. This book helps you get
started--Chapter&nbsp;<A HREF="node5.html#chaptutorialnum">3</A> is a tutorial covering UNIX
basics. Chapter&nbsp;<A HREF="node6.html#chapsysadmnum">4</A> has information on Linux system
administration. You may wish to read these chapters before attempting
to install Linux at all--the information will prove to be invaluable
should you run into problems.
Nobody can expect to go from UNIX novice to UNIX system administrator
overnight. No implementation of UNIX is expected to be maintenance
free. You must be prepared for the journey that lies ahead. Otherwise,
if you're new to UNIX, you may very well become frustrated with the
<H1><A NAME="SECTION00230000000000000000">Hints for UNIX gurus.</A></H1>
Someone with years of experience in UNIX programming and system
administration may still need assistance before he or she is able to
pick up and install Linux. UNIX wizards must be familiar with certain
aspects of the system before they dive in. Linux is neither a
commercial UNIX system, nor attempts to uphold the same
standards. While stability is an important factor in Linux
development, it is not the only factor.
Perhaps more important is functionality. In many cases, new code
becomes part of the standard kernel while it is still buggy and not
functionally complete. The Linux development model assumes that it is
more important to release code for users to test and use, than delay a
release until it is complete. WINE (the Microsoft Windows Emulator for
Linux) had an official alpha release before it was completely
tested. The Linux community at large had a chance to work with the
code, and those who found the alpha code good enough for their needs
could use it. Commercial UNIX vendors rarely, if ever, release
software this way.
If you have been a UNIX systems administrator for more than a decade,
and have used every commercial UNIX system under the Sun (pun
intended), Linux may take some getting used to. The system is very
modern and dynamic. A new kernel is released every few weeks. New
software is constantly being released. One day, your system may be
completely up-to-date, and the next day the system may be in the Stone
With all of this activity, how does one keep up with the ever-changing
Linux world? For the most part, it is best to upgrade only those
parts of the system which need upgrading, and only when you think it
is necessary. For example, if you never use Emacs, there is little
reason to continuously install new releases of Emacs on your
system. Furthermore, even if you are an avid Emacs user, there is
usually no reason to upgrade unless you need a feature that is present
only in the next release. There is little or no reason to always be on
top of the newest software versions.
We hope that Linux will meet or exceed your expectations for a
homebrew UNIX system. At the very core of Linux is the spirit of free
software, of constant development and growth. The Linux community
favors expansion over stability, which is a difficult concept to
swallow, especially after being steeped in the world of commercial
UNIX. Expecting Linux to be perfect is unrealistic; nothing in
the free software world ever is. We believe, however, that Linux is
as complete and useful as any other implementation of UNIX.
<H1><A NAME="SECTION00240000000000000000">Audience.</A></H1>
This book is for personal computer users who want to install and use
Linux. We assume that you have basic knowledge about personal
computers and operating systems like MS-DOS, but no previous knowledge
of Linux or UNIX.
Despite this, we strongly suggest that UNIX novices invest in one of
the many good UNIX books out there. You still need UNIX know-how to
install and run a complete system. No distribution of Linux is
completely bug-free. You may be required to fix small problems by
hand. Running a UNIX system is not an easy task, even with commercial
versions of UNIX. If you're serious about Linux, bear in mind that it
takes considerable effort and attention to keep the system running.
This is true of any UNIX system. Because of the diversity of the
Linux community and the many needs which the software attempts to
meet, not everything can be taken care of for you all of the time.
<H1><A NAME="SECTION00250000000000000000">Organization.</A></H1>
This book contains the following chapters:
Chapter&nbsp;<A HREF="#chapintro">1</A>, <EM>Introduction to Linux</EM>, is a general
introduction to Linux, its capabilities, and requirements for running
it on your system. It also provides hints for getting help and
reducing your stress level.
Chapter&nbsp;<A HREF="#chapinstall">2</A>, <EM>Obtaining and Installing Linux</EM>,
explains how to obtain and install Linux software, beginning with
drive repartitioning, creating filesystems, and installing software
packages. The chapter contains instructions that are meant to be
general for any Linux distribution and relies for specifics on the
documentation provided by your particular release.
Chapter&nbsp;<A HREF="node5.html#chaptutorial">3</A>, <EM>Linux Tutorial</EM>, is a complete
introduction for UNIX novices. If you have previous UNIX experience,
most of this material should be familiar.
Chapter&nbsp;<A HREF="node6.html#chapsysadm">4</A>, <EM>System Administration</EM>, introduces
important concepts for system administration under Linux. This will
be of interest to UNIX system administrators who want to know about
the Linux-specific issues for running a system.
Chapters&nbsp;<A HREF="node7.html#chapxwindows">5</A> and &nbsp;<A HREF="node8.html#chapnetworking">6</A>, <EM>X
Windows</EM> and <EM>Networking</EM>, introduce a number of advanced options that
Linux supports, like the X Window System and TCP/IP networking. We
also provide a complete guide to configuring XFree86-3.1.
Appendix&nbsp;<A HREF="app-sources/node1.html">A</A>, <EM>Sources of Linux Information</EM>, is
a list of further documentation sources like newsgroups, mailing
lists, on-line documents, and books.
Appendix&nbsp;<A HREF="app-ftp/node1.html">B</A>, <EM>FTP Tutorial and Site List</EM>, is a tutorial for
downloading files from the Internet with FTP. This appendix also
lists FTP archive sites that carry Linux software.
Appendix&nbsp;<A HREF="app-gpl/node1.html">C</A>, <EM>The GNU General Public License</EM>, is the
license agreement under which Linux is distributed. It is important
that Linux users understand the GPL. Many disagreements over the
terms in describes have been raised.
<H1><A NAME="SECTION00260000000000000000">Acknowledgments.</A></H1>
This edition builds on the work of those who have gone before, and
they are thanked below in Matt Welsh's original
acknowledgement. Additionally, we owe thanks to Larry Ayers, Boris
Beletsky, Sean Dreilinger, Evan Leibovitch, and Henry Pierce for
contributing the information in Chapter 2 on S.u.S.E. Linux, Debian
GNU/Linux, Linux Slackware, Caldera OpenLinux, and Red Hat Linux,
respectively. David Bandel updated Chapter 2 and added a section
describing a generic Linux installation. Vernard Martin updated and
added to Chapter 5. Thanks are also due to Belinda Frazier for
editing and to Jay Painter for the update to Chapter 4 on systems
<H2><A NAME="SECTION00261000000000000000">Acknowledgments from the previous edition.</A></H2>
This book has been long in the making, and many people have contributed
to the outcome. In particular, I would like to thank Larry Greenfield
and Karl Fogel for their work on the first version of
Chapter&nbsp;<A HREF="node5.html#chaptutorial">3</A>, and to Lars Wirzenius for his
work on Chapter&nbsp;<A HREF="node6.html#chapsysadm">4</A>. Thanks to Michael K. Johnson for
his assistance with the LDP and the LaTeX conventions used in this
manual, and to Ed Chi, who sent me a printed copy of
the book.
Thanks to Melinda A. McBride at SSC, Inc., who did an excellent
job of completing the index for Chapters&nbsp;<A HREF="node5.html#chaptutorial">3</A>, <A HREF="node6.html#chapsysadm">4</A>,
and&nbsp;<A HREF="#chapadvanced"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="gif" SRC="cross_ref_motif.gif"></A>. I would also like to thank Andy Oram, Lar Kaufman,
and Bill Hahn at O'Reilly and Associates for their assistance with the
Linux Documentation Project.
Thanks to Linux Systems Labs, Morse Telecommunications, and Yggdrasil
Computing for their support of the Linux Documentation
Project through sales of this book and other works.
Much thanks to the many Linux activists, including (in no particular order)
Linus Torvalds, Donald Becker, Alan Cox, Remy Card, Ted T'so, H. J. Lu,
Ross Biro, Drew Eckhardt, Ed Carp, Eric Youngdale, Fred van Kempen, and Steven
Tweedie, for devoting so much time and energy to this
project, and without whom there wouldn't be anything to write a book about.
Finally, special thanks to the myriad of readers who have sent their helpful
comments and corrections; they are far too many to list here.
<H1><A NAME="SECTION00270000000000000000">Credits and legalese.</A></H1>
The Linux Documentation Project consists of a loose team of
writers, proofreaders,
and editors who are working on a set of definitive Linux manuals.
This manual is one of several which are distributed by the Linux
Documentation Project. Other manuals include the <EM>Linux User's
Guide, System Administrator's Guide, Network Administrator's Guide,</EM>
and <EM>Kernel Hacker's Guide.</EM> These manuals are all available in
LaTeX source and PostScript output format for anonymous FTP access
at <TT>sunsite.unc.edu</TT>, in the directory <TT>/pub/Linux/docs/LDP</TT>.
<H1><A NAME="SECTION00280000000000000000">Conventions.</A></H1>
We have attempted to use the following documentation conventions
in this guide:
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<I>Clarica Grove <BR>
Wed Mar 4 10:46:42 PST 1998</I>