
130 lines
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2020-08-23 10:33:19 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Created by Ben Okopnik on Sun May 6 23:53:32 EDT 2007
use lib "$ENV{HOME}/myperl/lib";
use Term::ReadKey;
use Crypt::CBC;
$ENV{TERM} = 'xterm';
$search = shift;
unless ( $search ){
print STDOUT "Usage: ", $0 =~ /([^\/]+)$/, " <search_term|-e>\n";
sleep 2;
exit 1;
# Read the password silently
print "Password: ";
ReadMode( 2 );
my $pass = ReadLine( 0 );
ReadMode( 0 );
print "\n";
# DES uses 8-byte keys, complains if they're longer
chomp( $pass = substr $pass, 0, 8 );
# Get the content of the 'pass' file
open Pass, "$ENV{HOME}/pass" or die "pass: $!\n";
$c = new Crypt::CBC( $pass );
local $/;
@out = split /\n/, $c -> decrypt( <Pass> );
close Pass;
END { unlink "$ENV{HOME}/.pass_edit"; system "/usr/bin/clear"; }
if ( $search =~ /^-e$/ ) {
# Check for lock...
die "The file is currently being edited; please try again later.\n"
if -e "$ENV{HOME}/.pass_edit";
# ...and create one of our own if it doesn't exist.
system ">$ENV{HOME}/.pass_edit";
system "/usr/bin/clear";
$answer ||= ".";
for ( 0 .. $#out ){
printf "%3d. %s\n", $_, $out[$_] if $out[$_] =~ /$answer/;
undef $answer;
print "\nNumber to edit, 'a' to add, 'f' to find, 's' to save, or 'q' to quit: ";
chomp( my $todo = lc <STDIN> );
$todo =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
unless ( $todo =~ /^(\d+|[afsq])$/ ){
print "Unknown option '$todo'\n";
sleep 1;
print "\n";
if ( $todo eq 'a' ) {
elsif ( $todo eq 'f' ) {
print "Search for: ";
chomp( $answer = <STDIN> );
elsif ( $todo eq 's' ) {
elsif ( $todo eq 'q' ) {
exit 0;
else {
print "\n";
else {
for (@out) {
print "$_\n" if /$search/i;
print "\nPress 'Enter' to continue";
exit 0;
sub edit_entry {
my $offset = shift;
print "Can't find offset '$offset'\n", return
unless ( $offset >= 0 and $offset <= @out );
print "Old entry:\n", "-" x 65, "\n$out[$offset]\n", "-" x 65, "\n";
print "New entry ('XXX' to erase):\n", "-" x 65, "\n";
chomp( my $entry = <STDIN> );
if ( $entry =~ /^XXX$/ ) {
print "Erasing...\n";
splice @out, $offset, 1;
else {
$out[$offset] = $entry;
sub add_entry {
print "What to add: ";
chomp(my $str = <STDIN>);
print "NOTHING ADDED", return unless $str =~ /\S/;
push @out, $str;
sub save {
open Pass, ">pass" or die "pass: $!\n";
$c = new Crypt::CBC( $pass );
print Pass $c -> encrypt( join "\n", sort @out );
close Pass or die "Pipe close failed.\n";