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<BIG><BIG><STRONG><FONT COLOR="maroon">From C To Assembly Language</FONT></STRONG></BIG></BIG>
<STRONG>By <A HREF="../authors/ramankutty.html">Hiran Ramankutty</A></STRONG>
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<h2><b>1. Overview</b></h2>
What is a microcomputer system made up of? A microcomputer system is
made up of a <i>microprocessor unit</i> (MPU), a bus system, a memory
subsystem, an I/O subsystem and an interface among all components. A
typical answer one can expect.
This is only the hardware side. Every microcomputer system requires a
software so as to direct each of the hardware components while they
are performing their respective tasks. Computer software can be
thought about at system side (system software) and user side (user
The user software may include some in-built libraries and user created
libraries in the form of subroutines which may be needed in preparing
programs for execution.
The system software may encompass a variety of high-level language
translators, an assembler, a text editor, and several other programs
for aiding in the preparation of other programs. We already know that
there are three levels of programming and they are Machine language,
Assembly language and High-level language.
Machine language programs are programs that the computer can
understand and execute directly (think of programming in any
microprocessor kit). Assembler language instructions match machine
language instructions on a more or less one-for-one basis, but are
written using character strings so that they are more easily
understood, and high-level language instructions are much closer to
the English language and are structured so that they naturally
correspond to the way programmers think. Ultimately, an assembler
language or high-level language program must be converted into machine
language by programs called translators. They are referred to as
<i>assembler</i> and <i>compiler</i> or <i>interpreter</i> respectively.
Compilers for high-level languages like C/C++ have the ability to
translate high-level language into assembly code. The GNU C and C++
Compiler option of -S will generate an assembly code equivalent to
that of the corresponding source program. Knowing how the most
rudimentary constructs like loops, function calls and variable
declaration are mapped into assembly language is one way to achieve
the goal of mastering C internals. Before proceeding further, you must
make it a point that you are familiar with Computer Architecture and
Intel x86 assembly language to help you follow the material presented
<h2><b>2. Getting Started</b></h2>
To begin with, write a small program in C to print <i>hello world</i>
and compile it with -S options. The output is an assembler code for
the input file specified. By default, GCC makes the assembler file
name by replacing the suffix `.c', with `.s'. Try to interpret the few
lines at the end of the assembler file.
The 80386 and above family of processors have myriads of registers,
instructions and addressing modes. A basic knowledge about only a few
simple instructions is sufficient to understand the code generated by
the GNU compiler.
Generally, any assembly language instruction includes a <i>label</i>, a
<i>mnemonic</i>, and <i>operands</i>. An operand's notation is
sufficient to decipher the operand's addressing mode. The
<i>mnemonics</i> operate on the information contained in the operands.
In fact, assembly language instructions operate on registers and
memory locations. The 80386 family has general purpose registers (32
bit) called <i>eax</i>, <i>ebx</i>, <i>ecx</i> etc. Two registers,
<i>ebp</i> and <i>esp</i> are used for manipulating the stack. A
typical instruction, written in GNU Assembler (GAS) syntax, would look
like this:
movl $10, %eax
This instruction stores the value 10 in the <i>eax</i> register. The
prefix `%' to the register name and `$' to the immediate value are
essential assembler syntax. It is to be noted that not all assemblers
follow the same syntax.
Our first assembly language program, stored in a file named
<i>first.s</i> is shown in <b>Listing 1</b>.
<i>#Listing 1</i>
.globl main
movl $20, %eax
This file can be assembled and linked to generate an <i>a.out</i> by
giving the command <i>cc first.s</i>. The extensions `.s' are
identified by the GNU compiler front end <i>cc</i> as assembly
language files and invokes the assembler and linker, skipping the
compilation phase.
The first line of the program is a comment. The <i>.globl</i>
assembler directive serves to make the symbol <i>main</i> visible to
the linker. This is vital as your program will be linked with the C
startup library which will contain a call to <i>main</i>. The linker
will complain about 'undefined reference to symbol main' if that line
is omitted (try it). The program simply stores the value 20 in register
<i>eax</i> and returns to the caller.
<h2><b>3. Arithmetic, Comparison, Looping</b></h2>
Our next program is <b>Listing 2</b> which computes the factorial of a
number stored in <i>eax</i>. The factorial is stored in <i>ebx</i>.
<i>#Listing 2</i>
.globl main
movl $5, %eax
movl $1, %ebx
L1: cmpl $0, %eax //compare 0 with value in <i>eax</i>
je L2 //jump to L2 if 0==eax (je - jump if equal)
imull %eax, %ebx // ebx = ebx*eax
decl %eax //decrement eax
jmp L1 // unconditional jump to L1
L2: ret
<i>L1</i> and <i>L2</i> are labels. When control flow reaches
<i>L2</i>, <i>ebx</i> would contain the factorial of the number stored
in <i>eax</i>.
<h2><b>4. Subroutines</b></h2>
When implementing complicated programs, we split the tasks to be
solved in systematic order. We write subroutines and functions for
each of the tasks which are called when ever required. <b>Listing 3</b>
illustrates subroutine call and return in assembly language programs.
<i>#Listing 3</i>
.globl main
movl $10, %eax
call foo
addl $5, %eax
The instruction <i>call</i> transfers control to subroutine <i>foo</i>.
The <i>ret</i> instruction in <i>foo</i> transfers control back to the
instruction after the call in <i>main</i>.
Generally, each function defines the scope of variables it uses in
each call of the routine. To maintain the scopes of variables you need
space. The stack can be used to maintain values of the variables in
each call of the routine. It is important to know the basics of how
the activation records can be maintained for repeated, recursive calls
or any other possible calls in the execution of the program. Knowing
how to manipulate registers like <i>esp</i> and <i>ebp</i> and making
use of instructions like <i>push</i> and <i>pop</i> which operate on
the stack are central to understanding the subroutine call and return
<h2><b>5. Using The Stack</b></h2>
A section of your program's memory is reserved for use as a stack. The
Intel 80386 and above microprocessors contain a register called stack
pointer, <i>esp</i>, which stores the address of the top of stack.
<b>Figure 1</b> below shows three integer values, 49,30 and 72, stored
on the stack (each integer occupying four bytes) with <i>esp</i>
register holding the address of the top of stack.
<a href="misc/ramankutty/stack1.bmp">Figure 1</a>
Unlike the stack analogous to a pile of bricks growing up wards, on
Intel machines stack grows down wards. <b>Figure 2</b> shows the stack
layout after the execution of the instruction <i>pushl $15</i>.
<a href="misc/ramankutty/stack2.bmp">Figure 2</a>
The stack pointer register is decremented by four and the number 15 is
stored as four bytes at locations 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991.
The instruction <i>popl %eax</i> copies the value at top of stack (four
bytes) to the <i>eax</i> register and increments <i>esp</i> by four.
What if you do not want to copy the value at top of stack to any
register? You just execute the instruction <i>addl $4, %esp</i> which
simply increments the stack pointer.
In <b>Listing 3</b>, the instruction <i>call foo</i> pushes the
address of the instruction after the call in the calling program on to
the stack and branches to <i>foo</i>. The subroutine ends with
<i>ret</i> which transfers control to the instruction whose address is
taken from the top of stack. Obviously, the top of stack must contain
a valid return address.
<h2><b>6. Allocating Space for Local Variables</b></h2>
It is possible to have a C program manipulating hundreds and thousands
of variables. The assembly code for the corresponding C program will
give you an idea of how the variables are accommodated and how the
registers are used for manipulating the variables without causing any
conflicts in the final result that is to be obtained.
The registers are few in number and cannot be used for holding all the
variables in a program. Local variables are allotted space within the
stack. <b>Listing 4</b> shows how it is done.
<i>#Listing 4</i>
.globl main
call foo
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $4, %esp
movl $10, -4(%ebp)
movl %ebp, %esp
popl %ebp
First, the value of the stack pointer is copied to <i>ebp</i>, the base
pointer register. The base pointer is used as a fixed reference to
access other locations on the stack. In the program, <i>ebp</i> may be
used by the caller of <i>foo</i> also, and hence its value is copied
to the stack before it is overwritten with the value of <i>esp</i>.
The instruction <i>subl $4, %esp</i> creates enough space (four bytes)
to hold an integer by decrementing the stack pointer. In the next line,
the value 10 is copied to the four bytes whose address is obtained by
subtracting four from the contents of <i>ebp</i>. The instruction
<i>movl %ebp, %esp</i> restores the stack pointer to the value it had
after executing the first line of <i>foo</i> and <i>popl %ebp</i>
restores the base pointer register. The stack pointer now has the same
value which it had before executing the first line of <i>foo</i>. The
table below displays the contents of registers <i>ebp</i>, <i>esp</i>
and stack locations from 3988 to 3999 at the point of entry into
<i>main</i> and after the execution of every instruction in
<b>Listing 4</b> (except the return from main). We assume that
<i>ebp</i> and <i>esp</i> have values 7000 and 4000 stored in them and
stack locations 3988 to 3999 contain some arbitrary values 219986,
1265789 and 86 before the first instruction in <i>main</i> is executed.
It is also assumed that the address of the instruction after
<i>call foo</i> in <i>main</i> is 30000.
<a href="misc/ramankutty/table.bmp">Table 1</a>
<h2><b>6. Parameter Passing and Value Return</b></h2>
The stack can be used for passing parameters to functions. We will
follow a convention (which is used by our C compiler) that the value
stored by a function in the <i>eax</i> register is taken to be the
return value of the function. The calling program passes a parameter to
the callee by pushing its value on the stack. <b>Listing 5</b>
demonstrates this with a simple function called <i>sqr</i>.
<i>#Listing 5</i>
.globl main
movl $12, %ebx
pushl %ebx
call sqr
addl $4, %esp //adjust esp to its value before the push
movl 4(%esp), %eax
imull %eax, %eax //compute eax * eax, store result in eax
Read the first line of <i>sqr</i> carefully. The calling function
pushes the content of <i>ebx</i> on the stack and then executes a
<i>call </i> instruction. The call will push the return address on the
stack. So inside <i>sqr</i>, the parameter is accessible at an offset
of four bytes from the top of stack.
<h2><b>8. Mixing C and Assembler</b></h2>
<b>Listing 6</b> shows a C program and an assembly language function.
The C function is defined in a file called <i>main.c</i> and the
assembly language function in <i>sqr.s</i>. You compile and link the
files together by typing <i>cc main.c sqr.s</i>.
The reverse is also pretty simple. <b>Listing 7</b> demonstrates a C
function print and its assembly language caller.
<i>#Listing 6</i>
int i = sqr(11);
.globl sqr
movl 4(%esp), %eax
imull %eax, %eax
<i>#Listing 7</i>
print(int i)
.globl main
movl $123, %eax
pushl %eax
call print
addl $4, %esp
<h2><b>9. Assembler Output Generated by GNU C</b></h2>
I guess this much reading is sufficient for understanding the
assembler output produced by <i>gcc</i>. <b>Listing 8</b> shows the
file <i>add.s</i> generated by <i>gcc -S add.c</i>. Note that
<i>add.s</i> has been edited to remove many assembler directives
(mostly for alignments and other things of that sort).
<i>#Listing 8</i>
int add(int i,int j)
int p = i + j;
return p;
.globl add
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $4, %esp //create space for integer p
movl 8(%ebp),%edx //8(%ebp) refers to i
addl 12(%ebp), %edx //12(%ebp) refers to j
movl %edx, -4(%ebp) //-4(%ebp) refers to p
movl -4(%ebp), %eax //store return value in eax
leave //i.e. to movl %ebp, %esp; popl %ebp ret
The program will make sense upon realizing the C statement
<b>add(10,20)</b> which gets translated into the following assembler
pushl $20
pushl $10
call add
Note that the second parameter is passed first.
<h2><b>10. Global Variables</b></h2>
Space is created for local variables on the stack by decrementing the
stack pointer and the allotted space is reclaimed by simply
incrementing the stack pointer. So what is the equivalent GNU C
generated code for global variables? <b>Listing 9</b> provides the
<i>#Listing 9</i>
int foo = 10;
int p foo;
.globl foo
.long 10
.globl main
pushl %ebp
movl %esp,%ebp
subl $4,%esp
movl foo,%eax
movl %eax,-4(%ebp)
The statement <i>foo: .long 10</i> defines a block of 4 bytes named
foo and initializes the block with zero. The <i>.globl foo</i>
directive makes foo accessible from other files. Now try this out.
Change the statement <b>int foo</b> to <b>static int foo</b>. See how
it is represented in the assembly code. You will notice that the
assembler directive <i>.globl</i> is missing. Try this out for
different storage classes (double, long, short, const etc.).
<h2><b>11. System Calls</b></h2>
Unless a program is just implementing some math algorithms in
assembly, it will deal with such things as getting input, producing
output, and exiting. For this it will need to call on OS services. In
fact, programming in assembly language is quite the same in different
OSes, unless OS services are touched.
There are two common ways of performing a system call in Linux:
through the C library (libc) wrapper, or directly.
Libc wrappers are made to protect programs from possible system call
convention changes, and to provide POSIX compatible interface if the
kernel lacks it for some call. However, the UNIX kernel is usually
more-or-less POSIX compliant: this means that the syntax of most libc
"system calls" exactly matches the syntax of real kernel system calls
(and vice versa). But the main drawback of throwing libc away is that
one loses several functions that are not just syscall wrappers, like
printf(), malloc() and similar.
System calls in Linux are done through int 0x80. Linux differs from
the usual Unix calling convention, and features a "fastcall"
convention for system calls. The system function number is passed in
eax, and arguments are passed through registers, not the stack. There
can be up to six arguments in ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, ebp
consequently. If there are more arguments, they are simply passed
though the structure as first argument. The result is returned in eax,
and the stack is not touched at all.
<p>Consider Listing 10 given below.</p>
<i>#Listing 10
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
#include &lt;sys/types.h&gt;
#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;
int main()
return 0;
Compile this program with the command <i>cc -g fork.c -static</i>. Use
the <i>gdb</i> tool and type the command <i>disassemble fork</i>.
You can see the assembly code used for fork in the program. The
<i>-static</i> is the static linker option of GCC (see man page). You
can test this for other system calls and see how the actual functions
There have been several attempts to write an up-to-date documentation
of the Linux system calls and I am not making this another of them.
<h2><b>11. Inline Assembly Programming</b></h2>
The GNU C supports the x86 architecture quite well, and includes the
ability to insert assembly code within C programs, such that register
allocation can be either specified or left to GCC. Of course, the
assembly instruction are architecture dependent.
The <i>asm</i> instruction allows you to insert assembly instructions
into your C or C++ programs. For example the instruction:
asm ("fsin" : "=t" (answer) : "0" (angle));
is an x86-specific way of coding this C statement:
answer = sin(angle);
You can notice that unlike ordinary assembly code instructions
<i>asm</i> statements permit you to specify input and output operands
using C syntax. <i>Asm</i> statements should not be used
indiscriminately. So, when should we use them?
<li> <i>Asm</i> statements allow your programs to access the computer
hardware directly. This can produce programs that execute quickly. You
can use them when writing operating system code that directly needs to
interact with the hardware. For example, <i>/usr/include/asm/io.h</i>
contains assembly instructions to access input/output ports directly.
<li> Inline assembly instructions also speed up the innermost loops
of the programs. For instance, <i>sine</i> and <i>cosine</i> of the
same angles can be found by <i>fsincos</i> x86 instruction. Probably,
the two listings given below will help you understand this factor
<i>#Listing 11
#Name : bit-pos-loop.c
#Description : Find bit position using a loop</i>
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
long max = atoi (argv[1]);
long number;
long i;
unsigned position;
volatile unsigned result;
for (number = 1; number &lt;= max; ; ++number) {
for (i=(number&gt;&gt;1), position=0; i!=0; ++position)
i &gt;&gt;= 1;
result = position;
return 0;
<i>#Listing 12
#Name : bit-pos-asm.c
#Description : Find bit position using bsrl</i>
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
long max = atoi(argv[1]);
long number;
unsigned position;
volatile unsigned result;
for (number = 1; number &lt;= max; ; ++number) {
asm("bsrl %1, %0" : "=r" (position) : "r" (number));
result = position;
return 0;
Compile the two versions with full optimizations as given below:
$ cc -O2 -o bit-pos-loop bit-pos-loop.c
$ cc -O2 -o bit-pos-asm bit-pos-asm.c
Measure the running time for each version by using the time command
and specifying a large value as the command-line argument to make sure
that each version takes at least few seconds to run.
$ time ./bit-pos-loop 250000000
$ time ./bit-pos-asm 250000000
The results will be varying in different machines. However, you will
notice that the version that uses the inline assembly executes a great
deal faster.
GCC's optimizer attempts to rearrange and rewrite program' code to
minimize execution time even in the presence of <i>asm</i> expressions.
If the optimizer determines that an <i>asm's</i> output values are
not used, the instruction will be omitted unless the keyword
<i>volatile</i> occurs between <i>asm</i> and its arguments. (As a
special case, GCC will not move an <i>asm</i> without any output
operands outside a loop.) Any <i>asm</i> can be moved in ways that are
difficult to predict, even across jumps. The only way to guarantee a
particular assembly instruction ordering is to include all the
instructions in the same <i>asm</i>.
Using <i>asm's</i> can restrict the optimizer's effectiveness because
the compiler does not know the <i>asms'</i> semantics. GCC is forced
to make conservative guesses that may prevent some optimizations.
<h2><b>12. Exercises</b></h2>
<li>Interpret the assembly code for C program in Listing 6. Modify it
for eliminating errors that are obtained when generating assembly code
with -Wall option. Compare the two assembly codes. What changes do you
<li>Compile several small C programs with and without optimization
options (like -O2). Read the resulting assembly codes and find out
some common optimization tricks used by the compiler.
<li>Interpret assembly code for switch statement.
<li>Compile several small C programs with inline asm statements. What
differences do you observe in assembly codes for such programs.
<li>A nested function is defined inside another function (the
"enclosing function"), such that:
<li> the nested function has access to the enclosing function's
variables; and
<li> the nested function is local to the enclosing function, that is,
it can be called from elsewhere unless the enclosing function gives
you a pointer to the nested function.
Nested functions can be useful because they help control the
visibility of a function.
Consider <b>Listing 13</b> given below:
<i>#Listing 13</i>
/* myprint.c */
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
int main()
int i;
void my_print(int k)
return 0;
Compile this program with <i>cc -S myprint.c</i> and interpret the
assembly code. Also try compiling the program with the command
<i>cc -pedantic myprint.c</i>. What do you observe?
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I have just given my final year B.Tech examinations in Computer Science and
Engineering and a native of Kerala, India.
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Copyright &copy; 2003, Hiran Ramankutty.
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 94 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, September 2003
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