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<title>Book Review: Perl for System Administration LG #90</title>
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<BIG><BIG><STRONG><FONT COLOR="maroon">Book Review: Perl for System Administration</FONT></STRONG></BIG></BIG>
<STRONG>By <A HREF="../authors/puryear.html">Dustin Puryear</A></STRONG>
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<TH ALIGN="left">Title:</TH>
<TD ALIGN="left">Perl for System Administration</TD>
<TH ALIGN="left">Author:</TH>
<TD ALIGN="left">David N Blank-Edelman</TD>
<TH ALIGN="left">Publisher:</TH>
<TD ALIGN="left">O'Reilly &amp; Associates</TD>
<TH ALIGN="left">Published:</TH>
<TD ALIGN="left">July 2000</TD>
<TH ALIGN="left">Cost:</TH>
<TD ALIGN="left">$34.95</TD>
<P> Perl is a great programming language. While not the most
aesthetically pleasing or the most rigorously structured,
the language is powerful, flexible, and very close to being
ubiquitous in the networking world. And for system
administrators Perl fulfills a very important need as a tool
language: The ability to work, and to work well, under both
Windows and UNIX.
<P> There are a lot of useful things that you can do with Perl,
including managing users, adjusting quotas, and monitoring
log files and the Event Log. In Windows you can do much of
this in Windows Scripting Host (WSH), and UNIX users have
long had other tools to do these jobs. However, Perl is a
major player these days in managing mid-size to large
systems, and with Perl there comes a higher level of
integration in managing disparate systems.
<P> In 2000 O'Reilly &amp; Associates published "Perl for System
Administration," by David N Blank-Edelman. This book,
despite having been published two years ago, is still an
excellent resource for Windows and UNIX system
administrators alike. Better yet, if you are managing a
mixed environment, Blank-Edelman's book is even more valuable
because of the emphasis on using Perl as a cross-platform
tool to help manage UNIX, Windows, and even the Mac.
<P> "Perl for System Administrators," weighing in at 418 pages,
includes a very wide range of topics. The ten chapters,
"Introduction," "Filesystems," "User Accounts," "User
Activity," "TCP/IP Name Services," "Directory Services,"
"SQL Database Administration," "Electronic Mail," "Log
Files," and "Security and Network Monitoring," form a solid
foundation for building solutions across systems.
<P> Now what is truly interesting about this book is the focus
on supplying either cross-platform solutions, or if that
doesn't directly apply, of ensuring that both Windows and
UNIX needs are addressed in some depth for each given topic.
For example, when discussing log monitoring in Chapter 9,
"Log Files," Blank-Edelman discusses how to filter through
both Windows Event Log and UNIX log entries. Using the
information presented in this chapter you can begin to
create a cross-platform log monitoring application for your
own network.
<P> Alas, the focus on the cross-platform aspects of Perl may be
an issue for readers that want either a Windows- or UNIX-
only focus. However, I would argue that it is this very lack
of focus on either platform that brings "Perl for System
Administration" to the next level. (If you are looking to
learn how to use Perl under Windows then "Learning Perl on
Win32 Systems," also by O'Reilly, would be a good choice.)
Essentially, by the end of the book you will have learned to
consider various administrative tasks at a higher-level so
that you can address either Windows or UNIX systems with a
cohesive solution, and in the end this kind of high-level
design gives you a more robust and scalable solution.
<P> As far as caveats, "Perl for System Administration" does
require that you are an intermediate Perl user. The book is
in no way an introduction to Perl, so be prepared to read an
introductory text if you are new to Perl before reading this
book. Also, I did find that some of the Perl modules
mentioned in the book, and that you must install on your own
systems, are difficult to find despite the pointers
presented at the end of each chapter.
<P> If you are responsible for managing more than a few servers
or workstations then I suggest you check this book out.
While you may not use all of the techniques and solutions
presented in the book-for example, not everyone will have
SQL servers to manage-there is more than enough information
presented here to keep you thinking of your own custom Perl
solutions far into the future.
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<img ALIGN="LEFT" ALT="[BIO]" SRC="../gx/2002/note.png">
Dustin Puryear, a respected authority on Windows
and UNIX systems, is founder and Principle Consultant of Puryear
Information Technology. In addition to consulting in the information
technology industry, Dustin is a conference speaker; has written
articles about numerous technology issues; and authored "Integrate
Linux Solutions into Your Windows Network," which focuses on
integrating Linux-based solutions in Windows environments.
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Copyright &copy; 2003, Dustin Puryear.
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 90 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, May 2003
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