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<SMALL>...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I></SMALL>
<BIG><BIG><STRONG><FONT COLOR="maroon">The Mailbag</FONT></STRONG></BIG></BIG><BR>
<!-- BEGIN wanted -->
<STRONG>From <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">The Readers of <i>Linux Gazette</I></A></STRONG></BIG>
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<STRONG>Submit comments about articles, or articles themselves (after reading <a href="../faq/author.html">our guidelines</a>) to <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">The Editors of <i>Linux Gazette</I></A>, and technical answers and tips about Linux to <A HREF="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">The Answer Gang</A>.
<!-- index_text begins -->
<li><A HREF="#wanted.1"
><strong>How to host DNS for websites & for DSL connected satellite offices</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#wanted.2"
><strong>fetchmail ? sendmail ? or sender ?</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#wanted.3"
><strong>Router Question</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#wanted.4"
><strong>Help wanted - ps2 shutdown...</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#wanted.5"
><strong>Simulating RPM Tool.</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#wanted.6"
><strong>Internet providers in USA</strong></a>
<!-- index_text ends -->
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<P> <A NAME="wanted.1"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">How to host DNS for websites & for DSL connected satellite offices</FONT></H3>
Mon, 03 Mar 2003 17:12:18 +0200
<BR>Trent Murgatroyd (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=trent@sa-info.com&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2089%5D%20help%20wanted%20%231">trent from sa-info.com</a>)
I have tried lots and lots and lots of things to get DNS setup properly, but can only get
it to work intermitently. What I am try to achieve is a fairly small, fairly simple, multi
domain DNS host for a few domains that my company owns, and then a few that we
are/will be hosting in the near(ish) future.
I have some linux boxes RH62/RH7x configured for various tasks like email,
database servers, apache, samba etc.
Some of the DNS authorities are with register.com, some with various ISP's. I can
modify the register.com ones once I have the thing working, and will ask the ISP's to
"hand over" the SOA's as well, but first I have to get the confounded thing to work
I shall describe what I would like, using thumbsuck names and ip's, and would be
VERY happy and appreciative if you could tell me how the config files should look.
lets say I own/have howdoesdnswork.com as my main domain, and host some others
<blockquote><pre> whywontthiswork.net
I plan to run (i think i have it working, but can't test properly till DNS works) a virtual
domain mailhost (qmail based) system.
I have a fixed IP/permanent connection for my main(own) domain which is on ip
<blockquote><code><font color="#000033"><br>DNS server (primary) is/will_be (using BIND8)
<br>DNS server (secondary) is/will_be (also using BIND8)
<br>Mail server for howdoesdnswork.com (and in fact all above) is
<br>Web server (for all above using apache virtualhosting) is on
You're probably thinking "Why is someone so clueless even attempting something
like this", but I've gotta start somewhere if I'm ever gonna learn. Pls pardon
my ignorance (&amp; I'll pardon your sniggering
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle"> ).
By what I have read, and tried and struggled with, I need zone files for each
domain, each of which contains host info etc.
Here are my attempts, comments etc still included ..... followed by a desperate
request (on my knees, tears running down my face etc) for
<p align="center">See attached <tt><a href="misc/wanted/Murgatroyd.dns-configuration-files.txt">Murgatroyd.dns-configuration-files.txt</a></tt></p>
I would also like to get some info on "mail server splitting" - as in having a local mail
server (proxy) on a DSL connected LAN which forward internet emails to a main
server (mailhost) on a permanent connection, but transmits local mail as local mail,
and then which downloads mail from the "mailhost" to the local "mail proxy" on a
polled interval, but I'm probably pushing my luck here, so I'll post this one another
time..... unless of course...???
I have a working system using micro%$#* but would like to get rid of ALL M$
products as soon as humanly possible.
Thanx a stack
<blockquote><font color="#000066">For DNS questions there's a great resource called "Ask Mr.DNS" - but he
won't answer generic requests, they'd have to be reachable from the net.
Still, his archives are catalogued by category at
<A HREF="http://www.acmebw.com/cats.htm"
<blockquote><font color="#000066">This certainly looks like a solvable problem; if your patience wears
too thin with Micro[snip] and your time too short, you might want to dig
into the Consultants Howto. While by title you'd think it was "Howto become
a consultant" it's really "Howto find a consultant". There's lots of 'em,
but you may recognize a few names in those pages... Check out
<A HREF="http://www.tldp.org"
-- The Scissors</font></blockquote>
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<P> <A NAME="wanted.2"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">fetchmail ? sendmail ? or sender ?</FONT></H3>
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 09:17:58 +0100
<BR>Chris de Boer (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=chris.deboer@rioned.org&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2089%5D%20help%20wanted%20%232">chris.deboer from rioned.org</a>)
I hope this is a legitimate question:
At faked.org a person subscribes to <A HREF="mailto:Info@fake.nl"
with his e-mailadress <A HREF="mailto:special.person@faked.org"
Okay, fetchmail collects the e-mails and sendmail
distributes them on a linuxserver.
What is weird: the sender sends to himself . . .
in pine one sees:
From: <A HREF="mailto:Info@fake.nl"
To: <A HREF="mailto:Info@fake.nl"
Now I would not deliver such an e-mail . . . .
But linux is politer and sends it to the local person of last resort.
I cannot but forward the e-mail to <A HREF="mailto:special-person@faked.org"
I do not want to mess myself with the sendmail and fetchmail configurations
as they do perfectly what they should do with normal e-mails.
For your information I have put here-under what Outlook Express shows
One blames me for not delivering the e-mail in the normal way . . .
(Help !)
In outlook express one sees:
<p align="center">See attached <tt><a href="misc/wanted/Chris-de-Boer.headers-oe.txt">Chris-de-Boer.headers-oe.txt</a></tt></p>
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<P> <A NAME="wanted.3"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Router Question</FONT></H3>
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 14:41:02 -0500
<BR>K Seshadri (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=seshadribpl@hotmail.com&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2089%5D%20help%20wanted%20%233">seshadribpl from hotmail.com</a>)
<blockquote><font color="#000066">This is a multi-part message in MIME format. I had extra fun snipping
the bulky HTML attachment into shreds small enough to wheelbarrow off in
a tilted over greater-than symbol. Clipping the equals marks off the
line ends was gravy.
-- The Scissors</font></blockquote>
Excellent material on this site !!!
I have a small problem. I have two subnets: and I want all the hosts on one to see the others on the
other subnet. In other words, I want to have <EM>NO BLOCKING</EM> of any
service from either side.
I have been able to make the 168 network hosts see and access the 149
hosts. From the 149 subnet I can ping a host on the other subnet, but I
can't, for example, see a PC's shared directories. Security is not an
issue as they are both internal networks.
I am running Coyote Linux on a floppy.
Any help will be greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.
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<P> <A NAME="wanted.4"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Help wanted - ps2 shutdown...</FONT></H3>
Sun, 16 Mar 2003 15:58:48 +0000 (GMT)
<BR>Ruben Hansen (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=&cc=gbyte@mail.dk&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2089%5D%20help%20wanted%20%234">gbyte from mail.dk</a>)
<BR>Response by corncob Pipe
I had simular problem, the other way around...
The BIOS have a function for ps2 keyboard and mouse
power-up, check that it is set for your needs... The
problem is that it doesn't work with all
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/unsmily.gif" ALT=":("
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
Don't know how that come...
Ruben Hansen alias GbyTe
I assume you mean for APM features in the BIOS. I
wonder if perhaps, this is BIOS specific somehow. I
know that almost all BIOS's are "standard" in terms of
options, but you never know......
Thanks, Ruben!
<!-- end 4 -->
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<P> <A NAME="wanted.5"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Simulating RPM Tool.</FONT></H3>
Fri, 21 Mar 2003 15:09:37 +0000 (GMT)
<BR>Suresh Babu G (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=&cc=gsureshbabu@siptech.co.in&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2089%5D%20help%20wanted%20%235">gsureshbabu from siptech.co.in</a>)
<BR>Response by corncob Pipe
I got a lot of useful answers from this
group for my previous
question [TAG] RPM -Installing Packages.Thanks a
lot to Thomas
,Ben,Breen,David and Rick.
&lt;blushing&gt;...you're welcome.
Actually i'm trying (to simulate the RPM
functionalities using C ) to develop a Java
Packager Tool for handling
*. rpm files in a Solaris Box. It should support
packaging operations
like Install , Query, Verify,Erase etc.
Sounds good.
As a first task , I'm tring to simulate the
RPM Query option ,
to query installed packages.If we query an
uninstalled package ,it
should say it's uninstalled.It should generate
package infos. as we get
in : rpm -qi &lt;file&gt;. Also to query the listof files
, pre &amp; post
installation scripts , list of dependencies, list of
covered and not covered.I don't know how to use
&lt;rpmdb.h&gt; file for
generating these informations.
Hmmm, from my limited knowledge I think that you can
just query the RPM database directly without going via
Can anybody (in this
group) help me in
this regard?
Which part are you implementing in Java (I got 93/100
for that last semester
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">???
Any other suggestions that would help me to
procede in this
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Sounds like an interesting project. Readers, if any of you have done
the same, or seen a project with this in progress, let us know!
-- The Scissors</font></blockquote>
<!-- end 5 -->
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<P> <A NAME="wanted.6"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Internet providers in USA</FONT></H3>
Tue, 25 Mar 2003 10:44:06 +0100
<BR>Konqi (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=matthi@gmx.li&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2089%5D%20help%20wanted%20%236">the <em>LG</em> Answer Gang</a>)
Hi all,
I know that this list is called "linux-questions-only" and therefore I have
to prove that it is indeed a linux question! So: I want to travel to the USA
with my <EM>linux</EM> laptop and need some reliable internet access via modem or
ISDN (is ISDN available there and which standard is used then).
In Germany we have something called "Internet by call" where you call a number
and pay via telephone bill, you don't have to register and don't have to pay
in advance.
What are the options to get a linux laptop on the net in the USA? Since some
of you guys are living there, you may answer the question. A quick glance on
google results has only shown me some Calling Card providers where you buy
"points" and then use the web until they are empty. AOL (since it's not
linux-compatible) and T-Online global access (since I'm not a customer) are
no option.
"If liberty means anything at all,
it means the right to tell people
what they do not want to hear."
George Orwell
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Heh, normally I snip sig blocks, but this seems particularly apt to the
BitKeeper related mail a little later on this page.
-- The Scissors</font></blockquote>
You can do what I do, since I travel a lot: use AT&amp;T. It's $20/month,
and they have dial-up numbers pretty much everywhere; AFAIK, more so
than any other service. The only caveat is, no outgoing SMTP - you have
to use their mail servers to push your stuff out. For most people,
that's not a problem; I just find it to be an annoyance. Easy fix: set
up one conffile for a smarthost and one for a local MTA and swap them as
necessary. For extra ease of use, don't run in daemon mode - just invoke
the MTA per-message (and an occasional cron job in case anything gets
stuck in the pipe.)
You know, if I faced that situation, I'd rsync or scp my outgoing mail
over to my own MTA. That's what Andrew Tridgell does. (For that
matter, I usually just ssh over to my MTA box anyway, where I have mutt
perpetually running under GNU screen, interacting directly with the
local mail sppol.) They don't block port 22 (ssh), do they? That would
be a deal-breaker.
You know, I just got a shell account with &lt;freeshell.org&gt;; that is an
<EM>excellent</EM> idea. I'd really like the ability to keep 'Fcc's on my
laptop, but I can always pull down the files.
Entrusting outbound mail to AT&amp;T's smarthost seems an unjustifiable
compromise, in any event. Not acceptable.
Parallels my own attitude; however, I didn't have the means to
support it until now.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">These are interesting thoughts, but quite untrue to their nature, the
Gang didn't answer the question as offered. If you know of a purely
by-the-call internet provider in the United States, or you happen to
be one, chime in, and we'll see that you get noticed. At the moment the
very closest I can think of is some internet coffee shops have taken to
selling daypasses into their wireless hookup, or sell hourly time while
you enjoy the coffee, and hotels in urban areas are starting to offer
high speed access, also paid by the day. You'd need a wireless or
ethernet card respectively. Europeans please note that the phone system
in the US rarely offers direct-plug ISDN - that's considered a business
class data line around here.
-- The Scissors</font></blockquote>
<!-- end 6 -->
<!-- index_text begins -->
<li><A HREF="#mailbag.1"
><strong>Escaping from BitKeeper...</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#mailbag.2"
><strong>wordsmithing in Gibberish</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#mailbag.3"
><strong>SCO Sues IBM</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#mailbag.4"
<!-- index_text ends -->
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<P> <A NAME="mailbag.1"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Escaping from BitKeeper...</FONT></H3>
Thu, 27 Mar 2003 13:18:13 +0100
<BR>Ben Margolin (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2089%5D%20mailbag%20%231">ben from prince.org</a>)
<BR>Response by The Scissors
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
I read your 'Greeting' in the latest LinuxGazette online and found it
interesting, and correct. The last company I worked for
actually switched from cvs, to BitKeeper, for all the cool features.
Very long story short, after one year of us debugging their
product, paying tens of thousands of $ for the privilege, and never
having Larry McVoy stop being a pain in the ass, we dumped
them and went back to cvs, and all was well (after they threatened to
sue us, etc... at the time we definitely had superior lawyers,
and they knew they had no case--but why even threaten? Leaves a bad
taste.) Afterward, we missed changesets a bit, but not as
much as you might think. And we got so much better performance for
"simple things", that it made up for it, in our minds.
Oh, and we could save the tens of 000s of $, which was in-line with our
whole philosophy, anyhow.
My. I've no idea why large enough corporations think being a poor
sport would keep them customers who are on the verge of flying the coop.
One would think the other way happens more often - attempts to lure one
back and all.
"Large enough corporations" I suppose -- BitMover is/was only a handful
of folks. I felt they were very deceptive about the quality of their
code (which did improve during the year we spent with it, but should have
been that way to start with), and were obviously trying to exploit Linux
(by convincing Linus to use BK), as a marketing tool. I don't believe LM
has ever contributed to an opensource project, if that tells you something.
My own experiences of these systems have been with the bits only and not
so much which the personailities that drive them. I'm all for people
having pride in their work... but a little respect around the naighborhood
here pays us all back best.
(Search <EM>Linux Gazette</EM> back archives on the title
<a href="../issue64/lg_answer64.html#tag/greeting">"The Coin of the Realm"</a>
for an interesting editorial on that. Issue 65, I think.)
<blockquote><font color="#000066">It was issue 64 actually. OpenProjects has become
<A HREF="http://www.freenode.net"
>http://www.freenode.net</A> and if you enjoyed the concept, you might be
interested in reading ESR's two papers that came after
<a href="http://catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/">"The Cathedral and the Bazaar"</a>
<a href="http://catb.org/~esr/writings/homesteading/">"Homesteading the Neosphere"</a>
<a href="http://catb.org/~esr/writings/magic-cauldron/">"The Magic Cauldron"</a>
... since he explores the anthropologic concepts of "gift culture" and other
modes of economics in more academic detail.
-- The Scissors</font></blockquote>
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
It's too bad BitMover (the company) isn't nearly as cool as well as
BitKeeper, the product, is. I told Linus in email (not sure if
he ever even read it) way back when that, be careful, Larry is not
really a "plays well with others" kind of guy. (This is probably
the understatement of the week, but I'm in a charitable mood.)
Heh. Linus has been known to declare himself "not a nice guy" on
occasion too. I've always found him gentlemanly, but I wasn't toe to
toe with him on the right or wrong ways to implement a deeply integral
kernel function, either.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Your comments were right-on, and interesting to read. I don't usually
visit the site but maybe I'll try to do so more in the future.
(And if you're curious, my current shop is all-windows, that's what I
inherited... trying to slowly turn things towards opensource
solutions, but it's quite the effort. I thought switching from SourceSafe
would be hard, but it turns out they don't even use that!! Wow.
We're going to use cvs hosted on linux, with the excellent and free
TortoiseCVS windows clients.)
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Ben Margolin
I'm glad you enjoyed my mangled thoughts on it all. Your response goes
to show that one of the lessons of open source remains the ability to
vote with our feet, ultimately enforced by the right to just plain re-do
it ourself.
Let us know if there's any good stuff you'd like to see in our pages!
<!-- end 1 -->
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<P> <A NAME="mailbag.2"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">wordsmithing in Gibberish</FONT></H3>
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 18:34:28 -0800
<BR>Raj Shekhar (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2089%5D%20mailbag%20%232">lunatech3007 from yahoo.com</a>)
<BR>Response by Tuxedo T. Herring
This is with reference to " Perl One-Liner of the Month: The Case of
the Evil Spambots" which was published in th LG#86. I especially
enjoyed you defination of Gibberish.
Here is something I found in my fortune files. I am pretty sure
wordsmithing in the Marketroid language is done using this
I wouldn't be surprised at all... Of course now I've just got to turn it
into a Perl script.
<p align="center">See attached <tt><a href="misc/mailbag/gibberish.pl.txt">gibberish.pl.txt</a></tt></p>
<em>There's</em> something to convince your boss that Perl is the language of
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
Thanks for writing, Raj - hope you're enjoying the articles!
-- Tux
Here's a related link
<DD><A HREF="http://dack.com/web/bullshit.html"
-- Jimmy O'Regan
Extra cool. I loved the reader's comments. -- Tux
<!-- end 2 -->
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<P> <A NAME="mailbag.3"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">SCO Sues IBM</FONT></H3>
Fri, 7 Mar 2003 01:59:41 -0500
<BR>Paul M Foster (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2089%5D%20mailbag%20%233">paulf from quillandmouse.com</a>)
<BR>Response by
<blockquote><font color="#000066">This looked interesting enough to toss the clipping in. Maybe we should
have stuffed it in News Bytes, but the air compressor wasn't in at
press time. The "groups of linux users everywhere" is a list of LUGs
and service also hosted at SSC.
-- The Scissors</font></blockquote>
Some of you may have seen the recent story by ESR on NewsForge about SCO
suing IBM for billions over IBM's "disclosure" of SCO intellectual
property to the "free software" community.
In a nutshell, SCO bought the Unix source and related IP from Novell in
1995. <A HREF="http://www.caldera.com/">Caldera</A> (which was never much of an "open source" company)
recently became SCO, and since then, they have been looking high and low
for who they could sue over their IP. A rumour surfaced a while back
that they had retained David Bois to sue people, which they promptly
denied. Now, guess who's leading the charge against IBM? Yep. SCO has
become openly hostile to the Open Source community, and this looks like
the desperate effort of a dying company to grab money by suing people
rather than making a better product. IBM has the deepest pockets, so
they get sued first.
Anyway, the whole point of this is that I recently received a package of
SCO Linux software for distribution to my LUG. You may have received
such a package as well. If so, I would encourage you to send it back to
SCO with a note explaining (lucidly) why. I don't know that it will
ultimately do any good, but maybe it will get their attention.
<p>Paul M. Foster
<br>Suncoast Linux Users Group (SLUG)
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<P> <A NAME="mailbag.4"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Thanks</FONT></H3>
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 12:14:43 +0000
<BR>Stephen Bint (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2089%5D%20mailbag%20%234">mr_bint from hotmail.com</a>)
I am sorry if this message is in HTML format; Hotmail doesn't give a plain
text option, so I don't know what it's doing.
I believe you need to see: <A HREF="http://expita.com/nomime.html#hotmail"
-- Swirl
I enjoyed reading the letters page. It reflected the range of responses I
received quite well. Just for your information, over 500 of your readers
downloaded my library during February.
On behalf of our missing Editor Gal, thanks, Stephen! It's good to know
we snipped it just right. Loyal readers, I've also snipped the ensuing
fragmented discussion about the nature of languages that sprung up among
TAG ... you'll probably see something of that in a later issue. -- The
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<h5>This page edited and maintained by the Editors of <I>Linux Gazette</I><br>HTML script maintained by <A HREF="mailto:star@starshine.org">Heather Stern</a> of Starshine Technical Services, <A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A>
<br>Copyright &copy; 2003
<br>Copying license <A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A>
<BR>Published in Issue 89 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, April 2003</H5>
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