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<BIG><BIG><STRONG><FONT COLOR="maroon">Risk-Free Resource Allocation for I/O Memory-Mapped Device Drivers</FONT></STRONG></BIG></BIG><BR>
<STRONG>By <A HREF="../authors/thangaraju.html">Dr B Thangaraju</A></STRONG></BIG>
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<FONT color=navy><H2>Abstract</H2></FONT color=navy>
<p>A device driver is an entry point to access a device. Developing a
device driver is not as simple a task as writing application programs. Since
any dynamically-loaded driver module is attached to the existing kernel, any
error in the driver will crash the entire system. Resource allocation for a
device is one of the main concerns for device driver developers. The device
resources are I/O memory, IRQs and ports. This article presents a risk-free way
of allocating resource for an I/O memory mapped device for a dynamically loaded
Linux device driver, and is written so that less experienced Linux users can follow
<FONT color=navy><H2>Introduction</H2></FONT color=navy>
<p> In the rapidly developing IT field, new devices are constantly being
developed and we see an increasingly wide variety of Input and Output devices.
The I/O subsystem allows a process to communicate with peripheral devices such
as disks, floppies, CD-ROMs, terminals, printers and networks. Kernel modules
that control devices are known as device drivers. The I/O subsystem handles
the movement of data between memory and peripheral devices. The type of the
devices can be classified into character and block depending on the way the
system accesses the device. In general, the character devices like keyboard,
mouse, console and modem are accessed as a stream of bytes. However, the block
devices like Hard disk, floppy and CD-ROM move blocks of data to and from the
system. </p>
<p> The kernel interacts with these devices through device drivers. A
device driver is a collection of functions used to access any particular
device. One of the important features of Linux is that the device driver
module can be inserted dynamically into the existing kernel. Then the driver
module will become part of the kernel and can access the kernel functions.
In the same way, the loaded driver can be removed dynamically. If the driver is not explicitly removed, it will be persistent in the system until we reboot the machine.</p>
<p> The most frequent job of any driver is transferring data between
the computer and its external environment. The external environment consists
of a variety of external devices, including secondary memory devices,
communications equipment and terminals. Three techniques are possible for I/O
operations: programmed I/O, Interrupt - driver I/O and Direct Memory
Access (DMA). The programmed I/O devices pass the data from system to device
or vice versa in two different ways: I/O port and I/O memory mapped. This
article explains the basic concept of I/O memory mapped devices and the macros
used by the device driver for allocating I/O memory regions for the device and
expounds the concept with well tested device driver code. Since the driver
module is part of the kernel, any attempt to allocate existing address to your
device will crash the system. So the sample driver will first probe whether the
address range is free or not, if it is already in use by other device it will
return immediately with an error, otherwise it will allocate the given address range to
your device. </p>
<FONT color=navy><H2>Basics of I/O memory mapped device</H2></FONT color=navy>
<p> Device drivers are extremely device dependent. The driver framework
should take responsibility of how the CPU interacts with the device. PIO and
DMA are the two ways of moving data between the kernel and the device. PIO
requires the CPU to move data to or from the device as each byte is ready,
by responding to an interrupt or polling. For DMA
devices, the kernel gives the source address, the destination address and the size of
the data in memory. The device can transfer the data without CPU intervention,
and when the data is moved it will send an interrupt to notify the kernel of the
completion. Typically, slow devices like modem and line printers are PIO
devices, while disks and graphics terminals are DMA devices. </p>
<p> For PIO devices, there are two ways to pass data from the device to
system memory. Which way a system uses depends on its architecture. For instance, Intel x86
architectures supports I/O port, and Motorola 680x0 maintains memory mapped
device I/O. Moreover, most of the ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) devices
belong to the I/O support allocation and
PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) devices uphold I/O memory mapped
allocation. Several parameters that a driver must know are, for example, the
hardware's actual I/O addresses or memory range. Sometimes you need to pass
parameters to a driver to help it in finding its own device or to
enable/disable specific features.
In my previous article in Linux Focus
(<A HREF="http://linuxfocus.org/English/November2002/article264.meta.shtml">
http://linuxfocus.org/English/November2002/article264.meta.shtml</A>), I explained the
fundamentals of device controllers and intricacies of the fail safe port
allocation for Linux device drivers From the driver developer perspective, the
allocation of I/O memory for a device has some similarity with allocation of
I/O ports because both are based on similar internal mechanisms. So it is
redundant to explain again the basics of device controller and the functions of
status and control registers for transferring data from or to device to system
<FONT color=navy><H2>Macros used for I/O memory address allocation </H2></FONT color=navy>
<p>To probe whether the address range is already in use or not, use the following
macro in driver.
<FONT color=#8281e10><h3>int check_mem_region (unsigned long start, unsigned
long length);</h3></FONT color=#8281e10>
<p>Here, the first argument <b>start</b> is the starting address of the I/O
memory and <b>length</b> is the size of the address range. The function returns
zero if the address range is available otherwise returns less than zero.
To register the given I/O memory regions, the macro is
<FONT color=#8281e10><h3> void request_mem_region (unsigned long start,
unsigned long length, char
*device_name);</h3></FONT color=#8281e10>
<p>The string argument <b>char *device_name</b> is the name of device, which
will own the I/O memory regions from start address to length size.
Before the device is unregistered, the allocated I/O memory regions
should be released for other devices.
<FONT color=#8281e10><h3>void release_mem_region (unsigned long start, unsigned
long length);</h3></FONT color=#8281e10>
<p>The above function will de-allocate the I/O memory regions.</p>
<FONT color=navy><H2>Example Driver Code for I/O memory region
allocation</H2></FONT color=navy>
<table BORDER COLS=1 WIDTH="52%" BGCOLOR="silver" >
<tr> <td>
<p>#include &lt;linux/module.h>
<br>#include &lt;linux/init.h>
<br>#include &lt;linux/fs.h>
<br>#include &lt;linux/ioport.h>
<p>static int Major, result;
<br>struct file_operations fops;
<p>unsigned long start = 0, length = 0;
<p>MODULE_PARM (start, "l");
<br>MODULE_PARM (length, "l");
<p>int Wipro_init (void) {
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Major = register_chrdev (0, "Wipro_device", &amp;fops);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; if (Major &lt; 0)
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; printk (" Major number allocation
is failed \n");
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return (Major);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; printk (" The Major number of the device is %d \n",
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; result = check_mem_region (start, length);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; if (result &lt; 0)
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {
printk ("Allocation for I/O memory range is failed: Try other range\n");
return (result);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; request_mem_region (start,
length, "Wipro_device");
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; return 0;
<p>void Wipro_cleanup (void) {
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; release_mem_region (start, length);
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; printk (" The I/O memory region is released successfully
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; unregister_chrdev (Major, "Wipro_device");
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; printk (" The Major number is released successfully
<p>module_init (Wipro_init);
<br>module_exit (Wipro_cleanup);
</td> </tr> </table>
<p>The above program is saved as io_mem.c. First four lines are the
headers, which are included to access kernel macros and functions. Next is the
variable and file_operations structure declaration. The macro MODULE_PARM is
the driver modules parameter for assigning value of any variable during the
module loading. It will accept two arguments, first one is the variable name
and the second one is data type of the variable. In this code, "<b>l</b>"
means long int. </p>
<p>In Wipro_init and Wipro_cleanup functions are explicit
initialization and cleanup for this driver module. The modern mechanism
recommends this approach for marking init_module and cleanup_module. The
Wipro_init function first registers the Wipro_device and allocates major number
dynamically. Then it will probe the given address, <b>if the address is already
in use, the function will return an error, otherwise it will allocate the
address range for the device</b>. The Wipro_cleanup function deallocate the I/O
memory region before unregistering the device name and major number.</p>
<p>The file is compiled with 2.4 kernel and has been created io_mem.o object file.
The following <b>device</b> and <b>iomem</b> file contains part of the existing data in my computer shown below.
<table BORDER COLS=1 WIDTH="52%" BGCOLOR="silver" >
<tr> <td>
<p><b>$cat /proc/devices</b>
<br>Character devices:
<br> 1 mem
<br> 2 pty
<br>180 usb
<p><b>$cat /proc/iomem</b>
<br>00000000-0009fbff : System RAM
<br>e0000000-e3ffffff : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 620 Host
<br>ffff0000-ffffffff : reserved </p>
</td> </tr> </table>
<p> The module is loaded by a command,
<b>$insmod ./io_mem.o start=0xeeee0000 length=0xeeee</b>.
After loading successfully, it is evident that the device is registered with
the existing devices list with major number 254 and the given memory range is
allocated and shown in devices and iomem file respectively as shown below. </p>
<table BORDER COLS=1 WIDTH="52%" BGCOLOR="silver" >
<tr> <td>
<p><b>$cat /proc/devices</b>
<br>Character devices:
<br> 1 mem
<br> 2 pty
<br>180 usb
<br><b><FONT color=red>254 Wipro_device</b> </FONT color=red>
<p><b>$cat /proc/iomem</b>
<br>00000000-0009fbff : System RAM
<br>e0000000-e3ffffff : Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 620 Host
<br><b><FONT color=red>eeee0000-eeeeeeed : Wipro_device</b> </FONT color=red>
<br>ffff0000-ffffffff : reserved </p>
</tr> </table>
<br><br><br><FONT color=navy><H2>Conclusion </H2></FONT color=navy>
<p> We discussed the importance of the risk-free resource allocation for I/O memory mapped
devices for Linux
device drivers. We examined the basics of I/O memory mapped devices, the
macros for
I/O memory address allocation. We explained the practical approach
of how to allocate resource for
I/O memory mapped devices with the well tested device driver code.
We verified the code is
explained and the device register and memory range address allocation.
<H2><FONT color=navy>Acknowledgment</H2></FONT color=navy>
I would like to acknowledge <b>Mr.V.Jayasurya and Dr. Sanjay Gupta
</b>,Talent Transformation, Wipro Technologies, India.
<H2><FONT color=navy> References </H2></FONT color=navy>
1. Linux Device Drivers (2nd Edition), by Alessandro Rubini and Jonathan Corbet.
<br> The book is available from O'Reilly : <A HREF="http://linux.oreilly.com/">http://linux.oreilly.com/</A>
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Copyright &copy; 2002, Dr B Thangaraju.
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 83 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, October 2002</H5>
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