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<H1><A NAME="wanted"><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/mailbox.gif">
The Mailbag</A></H1> <BR>
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<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<center><H3><font color="maroon">HELP WANTED : Article Ideas</font></H3></center>
<P> Send tech-support questions, Tips, answers and article ideas to The Answer Gang
&lt;<A HREF="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"
>linux-questions-only@ssc.com</A>&gt;. Other mail (including
questions or comments about the <EM>Gazette</EM> itself) should go to
&lt;<A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">gazette@ssc.com</A>&gt;. All material
sent to either of these addresses will be considered for publication in the
next issue. <EM>Please send answers to the original querent too, so that s/he
can get the answer without waiting for the next issue.</EM>
<P> Unanswered questions might appear here. Questions with
answers--or answers only--appear in The Answer Gang, 2-Cent Tips, or here,
depending on their content. There is no guarantee that questions will
<em>ever</em> be answered, especially if not related to Linux.
<P> <STRONG>Before asking a question, please check the
<A HREF="../faq/index.html"><I>Linux Gazette</I> FAQ</A> (for questions about the
Gazette) or <A HREF="../tag/kb.html">The Answer Gang Knowledge Base</A> (for
questions about Linux) to see if it has been
answered there.</STRONG>
<P> <HR> <P>
<!-- BEGIN HELP WANTED : Article Ideas -->
<!-- index_text begins -->
<li><A HREF="#wanted/1"
><strong>Linux terminal services server can't connect to internet via network</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#wanted/2"
><strong>Pls Help (Squid/2000)</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#wanted/3"
><strong>suggestion for link...</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#wanted/4"
><strong>Finding a Windows user's home directory from Linux</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#wanted/5"
><strong>article idea - making the minidistro</strong></a>
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<P> <A NAME="wanted/1"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Linux terminal services server can't connect to internet via network</FONT></H3>
Tue, 02 Jul 2002 12:22:11 -0500
<BR>pat ring (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=pat_ring@hotmail.com&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20help%20wanted%20%231">pat_ring from hotmail.com</a>)
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Great eZine. I think the typos, editorial asides and comments, and rough
edits are endearing and "personalizing" experience for the linux
enthusiasts. Your nitpicking detractors obviously are ignorant of the fact
that LG is a labor of love in what seems to be in the spirit of the open
source environment. I know this is a terribly long-winded question, so I
apologize in advance.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Thanks, Pat. As for long questions, it's okay. We like that you
actually made some effort ahead of time. In fact since we didn't reply
to your detailed request I have to assume we're stumped, so I'm letting
the readers take a crack at it.
-- Heather</font></blockquote>
I have a stumper that I can't seem to get answered. I suspect this is more
of a two-NIC network question than a LTSP or K12LTSP question.
I have been testing terminal services. I couldn't really get the actual
LTSP working properly (something wrong with X on the client that I couldn't
figure out,) so I downloaded and installed the K12LTSP version of Redhat7.2.
This is a great version that offers LTSP as an install option and it works
great right out of the box. My clients log right in and can utilize
terminal services perfectly. However, on my normal installations of Redhat,
I can assign a static IP to the linux PC and use my Win2K gateway to surf
the internet. But when I install the LTSP'ized version with two NICs, I can
ping the gateway, the gateway can ping the LTSP server, but I can't surf the
internet. I think I've tried just about everything to try and use the
gateway for internet access. If I can get the LTSP server on the internet
via the gateway, then I believe the LTSP clients will fall into place, as
Some details.
My network "server" is actually a Win2k PC with internet connection sharing.
I use VNC to virtually connect to the gateway to open and close dial in
connections to the internet. I have to use win2k because I need an
"internet answering machine" to answer the phone when I am online and there
is no linux support in this area (living in the sticks, as I do, also makes
separate lines very much cost prohibitive for dial in access to the
The terminal services PC has two NICs. ETH0 attached to the terminal
services clients via a 3com switch. ETH1 is attached via an additional
switch to my network.
I might have a problem with the way the subnets are setup:
ETH0 is assigned by the K12LTSP default install to and serves
the LTSP clients .100 to .253.
ETH1 also gets its 192.168.0.x IP address either manually or through DHCP
from the network. It doesn't matter if I manually assign the IP or let DHCP
handle the IP asignment, but I have known for years that if I let DHCP
handle the assignment, I can't surf, so I just use This may
be because the DHCP services via Windows Internet COnnection Sharing aren't
really full DHCP.
My win2k gateway PC is and I always enter this address as the
DNS server.
I tried to manually change the LTSP subnet on ETH0 to, etc.,
but I'm not sure this is the problem. Does the fact that the two subnets
are using the same subnet scheme create the problem? I could see if the
clients couldn't surf, then that may be the case, but the LTSP gateway can't
After about 30 installs, different configurations, etc., I'm not sure where
to go further with this issue. Can I provide some conf files that might
give you an idea of where I need to go? Is this DNS or a route problem?
Can the same IP adress scheme be used because the subnets are on different
NICs, or is this the problem? Can you push me in the right direction of
where to get some help?
Thanks for your help.
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<P> <A NAME="wanted/2"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Pls Help (Squid/2000)</FONT></H3>
Tue, 16 Jul 2002 17:03:21 +0530
<BR>Vikas Kanodia (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=vikas@rocsearch.com&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20help%20wanted%20%232">vikas from rocsearch.com</a>)
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Hello ,
I've installed Squid-2.5.PRE8 &amp; Samba 2.2.5 on RedHat Linux 7.1.So i wanted
to authenticate windows 2000 users in Squid.So i've install the Winbind &amp;
configure as per the documentation available on the net , link is attached
pls see(Authentication tab).
<A HREF="http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-23.html#ss23.5"
&lt;<A HREF="http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-23.html#ss23.5&gt"
After doing all the things successfully...when i run the squid it gives the
message like this...
<blockquote><pre>[root@gnspl-prx bin]# ./squid
2002/07/15 10:46:23| Parsing Config File: Unknown authentication scheme 'ntlm'.
2002/07/15 10:46:23| Parsing Config File: Unknown authentication scheme 'ntlm'.
2002/07/15 10:46:23| Parsing Config File: Unknown authentication scheme 'ntlm'.
2002/07/15 10:46:23| Parsing Config File: Unknown authentication scheme 'ntlm'.
2002/07/15 10:46:23| squid.conf line 1746: http_access allow manager localhost localh
2002/07/15 10:46:23| aclParseAccessLine: ACL name 'localh' not found.
2002/07/15 10:46:23| aclParseAclLine: IGNORING: Proxy Auth ACL 'acl AuthorizedUsers
proxy_auth REQUIRED' because no authentication schemes are fully configured.
2002/07/15 10:46:23| aclParseAclLine: IGNORING invalid ACL: acl AuthorizedUsers
proxy_auth REQUIRED
2002/07/15 10:46:23| squid.conf line 1751: http_access allow all AuthorizedUsers
2002/07/15 10:46:23| aclParseAccessLine: ACL name 'AuthorizedUsers' not found.
2002/07/15 10:46:23| Squid is already running! Process ID 9957
[root@gnspl-prx bin]#
Pls guide me...
<BR>Vikas Kanodia
<blockquote><font color="#000066">This is a bit more complicated than the stuff Thomas' "Weekend Mechanic"
column covered in issue 78
(<A HREF="../issue78/adam.html"
>http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue78/adam.html</A>) -- anybody care to help
him out?
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Some articles on living the life of a Windows server when you're really
a Linux box would be cool, too.
-- Heather</font></blockquote>
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<P> <A NAME="wanted/3"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">suggestion for link...</FONT></H3>
28 Jul 2002 23:10:53 -0400
<BR>D. Goel (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=deego@glue.umd.edu&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20help%20wanted%20%233">deego from glue.umd.edu</a>)
i went to www.linuxgazette.com and tried to find a 'subscribe to paper
version' link to send to a coworker, but could not find one.
if you could please let me know of such a site, and include a link to
it on the main page..
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Maybe we should put a link on the mirrors page about paper copies to the
FAQ entry for which formats <EM>LG</EM> isn't available in, since it describes
how to make quality printouts.
-- Heather</font></blockquote>
<blockquote><font color="#001F3F">Attention publishers, there continues to be high demand for a print version
of <EM>LG</EM> .
<blockquote><font color="#001F3F"><EM>LG</EM> is not available in printed format. Since it's freely redistributable,
anybody has the right to offer this service. Since nobody has done this in the
six years <EM>LG</EM> has been in existence, even though there have been numerous
requests, one has to consider why. It costs money to print and deliver a paper
version, and the subscription rate would be higher than most people would be
willing to pay. Those outside the publisher's own country or region can forget
it; the mailing cost alone would be prohibitably high. Plus there's the
labor-intensive world of "subscription fulfillment": taking down names and
addresses, processing payments, updating addresses, etc. It can't all be
automated, unless you can somehow wave a wand and get everybody to fill out the
forms perfectly correctly every time.
<blockquote><font color="#001F3F">Commercial magazines can justify all these costs by building a business around
selling advertisement space, but <EM>LG</EM> does not accept advertisements.
<EM>Consumer Reports</EM> don't accept advertising either, but again they have built a whole
business around it. One can't see the incentive for building such a business
around <EM>Linux Gazette</EM> , especially since Linux print magazines are already
available. (Unashamed plug for <EM>Linux Journal</EM> .)
-- Mike</font></blockquote>
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<P> <A NAME="wanted/4"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Finding a Windows user's home directory from Linux</FONT></H3>
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:13:39 -0600
<BR>Dee Abson (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=dee.abson@sait.ab.ca&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20help%20wanted%20%234">dee.abson from sait.ab.ca</a>)
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I've decided to try and integrate a RedHat 7.3 computer into our Windows NT
domain based network, going for that brass ring of single sign-on and
integrating the Windows necessities - access to Windows print queues and
Windows file servers.
I have successfully implemented winbind (and samba, natch) under RedHat 7.3
and am now able to log on using a Windows domain based user name and
password. Through a little more research and such, I have Linux configured
so the user directory is setup automatically when the Windows user logs in
for the first time, printconf makes it easy to connect to an SMB-based print
queue and LinNeighborhood helps locate and mount SMB file shares. The only
missing piece of the puzzle, as far as I'm concerned at the moment, is
mapping the Windows user's home directory (which is a share on an SMB
server) to a subfolder under their Linux home directory. I'm certain that I
can accomplish the automatic mapping using the PAM module pam_mount
(available at <A HREF="http://pam-mount.conectevil.com"
>http://pam-mount.conectevil.com</A> if anyone's interested in a
look), it's retrieving the user's Windows home directory that eludes me.
Thus my question is this: How can I retrieve the Windows user's home
directory, that elusive little string that will complete my puzzle, from my
<A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> system?
Many thanks,
<BR>Dee Abson, MCSE
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Okay, this question has two parts. As an MCSE he may already know where
MSwin keeps this valuable information stored; what he needs to know is
how to make Linux properly ask for it, or dig it up across the shares.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">It wouldn't be as easy as running 'grep' against some plaintext file, or
maybe in a pipeline combined with 'strings'... would it? If it would,
is that a security problem?
<blockquote><font color="#000066">p.s. Don't attach HTML along with the plaintext. It's so messy and sent
3 times the text for the exact same message.
-- Heather</font></blockquote>
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<HR WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center">
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">article idea - making the minidistro</FONT></H3>
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 14:25:24 -0400
<BR>Tony Tonchev (<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com?cc=tony@stclaire.com&subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20help%20wanted%20%235">tony from stclaire.com</a>)
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This article idea may sound silly. I don't even know how to describe the
topic, but here it goes...
For some time now, I've been thinking of developing a minimal/modular
Linux distribution designed to allow small businesses to use Linux for
their server needs rather then the M$ solutions. This idea is inspired
partially by PizzaBox file server that Kyzo
(<A HREF="http://www.kyzo.com/free_stuff.html"
>http://www.kyzo.com/free_stuff.html</A>) made available a few years ago,
but their product is crippled and not Open Source. The same is partially
true for <A HREF="http://www.guardiandigital.com"
>http://www.guardiandigital.com</A> and their excellent product.
Anyway, my problem is that I don't know where to start. I've looked at
"Linux From Scratch" and "BYO Linux", but the most helpful information
came from "Building Tiny Linux Systems with Busybox" Parts 1 through 3,
published in ELJ. The three articles did help me understand some
fundamentals and allowed me to actually plan my next step more
Imagine having a modular Linux-based server that consists of a core and
modules. The core will contain the basic services (kernel, security,
networking, dhcp, etc. Web-based administration of all services should
be available as well as equivalent console-based administration. Typical
Modules will be a Web Server module, Workgroup File Server module, Mail
Server module, Firewall module, FTP module, etc. All modules should be
independent of each other and include their respective web and
console-based administration components.
In other words if I want just a file server, then I install the core and
file server module only. If I want a file and mail server then I install
the core, file and mail modules and that's it.
Here is yet another requirement: The core and all modules must have the
smallest possible memory footprint reasonably possible. I like uClibc,
BusyBox and TinyLogin because they all fit on a floppy. Why can't the
core and each installable module fit on one or two installation
floppies? That will be easy to download and install unlike a 600meg ISO.
As you can probably tell, I know where I want to go, but don't know how
to get there. Maybe my whole idea is flawed due to my lack of knowledge.
An article or articles on how to build that unique Linux
mini-distribution will be great.
Thanks for the time
Tony Tonchev
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Hmm, let me see if I have this right. You want to be able to do all
these cool things, where maybe the real core fits on one floppy, and
maybe each "module" as you put it (not to be confused with kernel
modules) fits on a floppy of its own. Load up enough of them and you
have the dream server, which fit in your lunchbox or purse.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">I note that a 196 MB cd-rom fits in the same space as one floppy (except
that it's slimmer). But you're right - watching someone take us through
this process of development would be a great article.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">You may want to keep an eye on current development in the LNX-BBC
project. Nope, it has nothing to do with Britain's prime television station.
It's what happens when you use cloop compression to cram a fairly usable
Linux setup on a 50 MB "bootable business card" . Think LNX = squished
LiNuX. Since you're interested in rolling your own, I recommend reading
about the new GAR setup and, quite literally, checking it out.
(<A HREF="http://www.lnx-bbc.org"
<blockquote><font color="#000066">There are piles of specialized "mini distros" out there. This request
clearly aims towards the general use setup. A making-of article for any of
the minis might be fun to see, though.
-- Heather</font></blockquote>
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<a name="mailbag"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<center><H3><font color="maroon">GENERAL MAIL</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<!-- index_text begins -->
<li><A HREF="#mailbag/1"
<li><A HREF="#mailbag/2"
><strong>LG #80: add to `Red Hat and USB devices'</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#mailbag/4"
><strong>Using debug to write fresh MBR</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#mailbag/5"
<li><A HREF="#mailbag/6"
><strong>Re: [LG 76] mailbag #1 cybercoffee shop</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#mailbag/7"
<li><A HREF="#mailbag/8"
><strong>Ideas, huh?</strong></a>
<!-- index_text ends -->
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<P> <A NAME="mailbag/1"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 08:37:14 -0400
<BR>Scott Sharkey (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20mailbag%20%231%20IMAP">ssharkey from linuxunlimited.com</a>)
Hi Heather,
Just read your TAG about IMAP. You're right that Courier-IMAP is the
best.... run ith with Postfix instead of sendmail and you'll be even
happier. Then mix in Sqwebmail (from Courier's author) and you'll
be REALLY spoiled.
Just for grins, I mixed in OpenLDAP, and now have a server with
no Unix accounts, full IMAP/Pop/WebMail capability, and very
easy to maintain.
I use sylpheed as a mail client so far -- gotta try Evolution
sometime. The OpenLDAP handles the address book too.
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<P> <A NAME="mailbag/2"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">LG #80: add to `Red Hat and USB devices'</FONT></H3>
Mon, 01 Jul 2002 14:39:17 +0100
<BR>Daniel Baumann (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20mailbag%20%232%20Red%20Hat%20and%20USB">danielbaumann from linuxmail.org</a>)
hi lg team,
i have a little add to the article `<A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> and USB devices' in you current issue.
the missed kernel config files from the different redhat default kernels are located
in <TT>/usr/src/linux-*/configs.</TT>
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Normally I don't leave sig blocks in, but since we occasionally get
requests asking us about free ISPs who cater to linux users... this
isn't specifically an endorsement, but you're all welcome to go look.
-- Heather</font></blockquote>
Get your free email from www.linuxmail.org
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<P> <A NAME="mailbag/4"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Using debug to write fresh MBR</FONT></H3>
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 18:53:23 -0400
<BR>Ben Okopnik (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20mailbag%20%234%20MBR%20rewrite">the <em>LG</em> Answer Gang</a>)
A recent follow-up to my MBR-rewriting article: a guy who had an E:
drive (yup, Wind*ws) that he wanted to blow off contacted me - seems
that Partition Magic wouldn't touch it as it was. He either didn't want
to or didn't know how to open up the machine and swap cables, so I
tweaked that debug program for him:
mov dx,9000
mov es,dx
xor bx,bx
mov cx,0001
mov dx,0080
mov ax,0301
int 13
int 20
Change the numbers in "mov dx,0080" for the appropriate drive:
<blockquote><pre>hda C: 0080
hdb D: 0081
hdc E: 0082
Worked like a charm, according to the very happy fella.
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<P> <A NAME="mailbag/5"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Mirrors</FONT></H3>
Sat, 06 Jul 2002 00:45:22 +0000
<BR>Daniel Young (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20mailbag%20%235%20mirrors">alandanielyoung from hotmail.com</a>)
A question.
Do you pay your Mirrors?
<blockquote><font color="#000066">No.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">They don't pay us, either.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">-- Dan Wilder
<blockquote><font color="#001F3F">No. The mirrors are run by people who want to host a mirror.
<blockquote><font color="#001F3F">You didn't ask, but none of the LG staff is paid either, we're all volunteers.
I'm the only one who's "paid", but paid in the sense that SSC donates some
of my work time to LG. (I normally do web application and sysadmin stuff for
<I>Linux Journal</I>.)
<blockquote><font color="#001F3F">-- Mike Orr, Editor, Linux Gazette
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<P> <A NAME="mailbag/6"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Re: [LG 76] mailbag #1 cybercoffee shop</FONT></H3>
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 13:43:00 -0700
<BR>sandra (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20mailbag%20%236%20cybercoffee%20shop">sfg from peak.org</a>)
I just want to make a small mention of our own little cybercafe... we're
not gurus but we're definitely geeks here.
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
Sandra Guzdek (waving hi to Heather Stern)
<br>Sip N Surf Cybercafe
<br>Eugene, OR
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Hi Sandra! (Sandra is the webmaster at one of my client sites.)
Thanks to Sandra I also found a really cool search engine specific to hunting
up internet coffeshops and kiosks - <A HREF="http://cybercaptive.com"
>http://cybercaptive.com</A> - which may be
a little spotty since it relies on visitor reports, but at least it's
international in scope. I was kind of amused when I looked up San Jose and
had to pick through the entries checking that I was finding places in California.
-- Heather</font></blockquote>
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Sweet...</FONT></H3>
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 19:59:29 -0500
<BR>Tim Chase (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20mailbag%20%237%20sweet">gumnos from hotmail.com</a>)
As a long time self-taught user of Linux/Unix/Ultrix (and several other
flavours), I've become addicted to such handy tools as vi, grep, sed, awk,
ctags, and the bazillion other little utilities that can be so artisticly
chained together to produce the desired results. I've stumbled across your
LG archives, and all I can say is "WOAH!" I'm going to have to find myself
a text-to-speech translator so I can read/listen-to all of this good stuff
whilst at work, because there's just so much in here. Thanks for such a
fabulous (and fun!) resource...
-tim chase
<blockquote><font color="#000066">On behald of everbody here, THANKS! BTW, I've heard festival
(<A HREF="http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival"
>http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival</A>) is pretty
nice. Lots of things at Freshmeat that are supposed to use speech
really use either it or ViaVoice under the hood.
-- Heather</font></blockquote>
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<HR WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center">
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Ideas, huh?</FONT></H3>
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 22:12:14 -0700
<BR>The Gaijin (<a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com?subject=%20Re%3A%20%5BLG%2081%5D%20mailbag%20%238%20homebrew%20hardware">blades from inreach.com</a>)
Home-brew hardware plans! Genertic GPL motherboard designs, SCSI
cards, video, audio, PCI modems, NICs...everything Microsoft is trying
to corner the market on. Some people feel Linux has only ten good years
left if the current trend continues.
<blockquote><font color="#1F1F1F">Some people believe that the Moon is made of green cheese and that
big-bellied Santa Claus (with a sack of presents, no less) comes down a
foot-wide chimney. "Other people are/think/do" is a very poor reason for
doing something; I prefer to believe that people are _not_ sheep.
-- Ben</font></blockquote>
Since the anti-trust suit,
Microsoft's political contribution budget has gone from $100,000 per
year to over $6.1 million, and now they're trying to get manufacturers
to implement Microsoft-specific anti-piracy security measures directly
at the hardware level (called "Paladium").
<blockquote><font color="#1F1F1F">And those who do will end up in the same toilet as the winmodem/
winprinter manufacturers: the domain of the ignorant. I think that
lesson has been well ingrained. There's a small market out there that
sells to the gullible, but the whole world certainly isn't about to
switch <EM>en masse</EM>.
-- Ben</font></blockquote>
The only true solution I can see is to go back to the days of
bread-boarding our own hardware in Dad's garage...public domain circuit
designs from electronic hobbyist magazines and soldering irons. We've
"de-marketized" software. Why not the hardware, too? If we can create
the greatest operating system on the planet, imagine what Linux users
can do with computers themselves. It would be nice to have something no
organization or agency can legally touch or ruin for a buck. A
collection of Linux-friendly hardware diagrams in the public domain that
anyone can produce for the cost of parts alone. Our own hardware would
completely end our dependency on third-party drivers and vulnerability
to corporate rail-roading. I think creating our own hardware database
would be the best move we could ever make.
<blockquote><font color="#1F1F1F">I believe that you're seriously underestimating the difficulty and the
complexity of what you propose. Even if Joe Average did have the
necessary soldering, etc. skills (and I assure you that soldering
multi-layer PCboards _is_ a skill, one that takes time and patience to
acquire), where would he get the boards themselves? The average
mainboard today is at least a six- or a seven-layer type; there's no way
for the average experimenter to make one of those. Besides all that,
there's the troubleshooting of the finished board - I can assure you
that this will be required in most cases. How many people are capable of
it? How many of them will burn a trace just as they're about to wrap up
the project (i.e., after they've sunk hours into it?) How many have an
oscilloscope, which is what's necessary for troubleshooting high-speed
digital electronics?
<blockquote><font color="#1F1F1F">I suggest that mainboard manufacture is the province of highly
skilled, highly knowledgeable people - not something that can be
retailed to Joe Average. I suggest that a much better tactic would be to
create a Linux certification authority, someone who can brand hardware
"100% Linux-compatible" in bright red ink; a goal that manufacturers
could strive for and easily achieve, given how much hardware support
already exists in Linux.
-- Ben</font></blockquote>
<blockquote><font color="#000066">There is a thing called "open-hardware". AFAIR they got open pci, agp,
bridges and stuff. For a short time they even had a open-processor
(arm clone) but that was pulled when arm pissed them off. So, the
designs are there, but who is going to build the stuff? Writing 0.18um
structures in your kitchen isn't that easy
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<blockquote><font color="#000066">I think that the problem lies not with us linux users, we KNOW that M$
is up to something "bad". But what about those windows dau's that
simple stick to win "because it`s all so easy". Do you think they will
go through much trouble to make their own computer? No, if the thing
is cheap and it's easy (like in sharing your whole hdd with other
kazaa users
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle"> they even let the government spy on them and allow ms
to know what dvd they watch and how ofter.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">When such M$ hardware with the fritz chip arise these people will buy
them (in large numbers) so that it will be hard to get hardware that
does not feature these chips. But I think there will be a small market
(for us linux users and some intelligent win users) and where there is
a market there will be a seller.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Lets hope for the best
<blockquote><font color="#000066">-- Robos
<blockquote><font color="#000066">While I'm a big fan of the make it yourself philosphy, remember that
the widespread presence of all the good toys ... cars, and computers
themselves come to mind ... came not from the individual skilled
crafstmen, but from the assembly line. I find it far easier to maintain
an old 386 for ten years past its expected lifespan, than to figure out
how I'd compose a replacement out of loose copper wire and transistors.
Given that I'm among those whom Ben describes as able to wield a
soldering iron and knowing what an oscilloscope is (I don't own one, but
I know where to borrow a few) I just don't think garage made P7-oids
are going to happen real soon.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">The buzzword you're looking for is "economy of scale". We haven't
"de-marketized" software ... we've shown there's a growing market for a
much greater variety of software.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">Speaking of "so easy" ... the ease is mostly an illusion, fostered by
all those strong-arm OEM deals that resulted in nearly all systems being
preloaded with MSwin. Now that Linux, and perhaps rarely, occasional
others, are also being pre-loaded you'll see that particular bubble pop.
It's mostly flat already, since reinstalling MSwin after it crashes too
many times is so painful.
<blockquote><font color="#000066">In countries where someone cannot simply wander into a department store,
buy a few new couch pillows, tortilla chips and salsa, and a box of the
latest rev of MSwin on special, buying into an expensive foreign
standards probably won't happen either. Indeed, here's looking to a long
and profitable time for companies that don't buy into the "palladiium"
chip game. Can you say "sink the Clipper chip?" Knew you could.
-- Heather</font></blockquote>
<blockquote><font color="#1F1F1F">A better solution might be to join the struggle to give some of the power
back to the people through the establishment of public campaign financing.
It should help to fight many more problems than just M$ taking over.
<blockquote><font color="#1F1F1F">Some URL's to check for more info about this are:
<blockquote><font color="#1F1F1F"><A HREF="http://www.angelfire.com/al/10avs/links.html#campfin"
<blockquote><font color="#1F1F1F"><A HREF="http://www.sonic.net/~doretk/Issues/96-04%20APRIL/alliance.html"
<blockquote><font color="#1F1F1F"><A HREF="http://www.thealliancefordemocracy.org"
<blockquote><font color="#1F1F1F">-- John Karns
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