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<TITLE>Linux Gazette 80: The Answer Gang</TITLE>
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<H1><A NAME="answer">
<img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif" alt="(?)"
border="0" align="middle">
<font color="#B03060">The Answer Gang</font>
<img src="../gx/dennis/bbubble.gif" alt="(!)"
border="0" align="middle">
<H4>By Jim Dennis, Ben Okopnik, Dan Wilder, Breen, Chris, and...
(<a href="tag/bios.html">meet the Gang</a>) ...
the Editors of Linux Gazette...
and You!
<br>Send questions (or interesting answers) to
The Answer Gang
for possible publication
(but read the <a href="../tag/ask-the-gang.html">guidelines</a> first)
<!-- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: -->
<dt><a href="#tag/greeting"
><strong>&para;: Greetings From Heather Stern</strong></A></dl>
<!-- index_text begins -->
<dt><A HREF="tag/1.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>How to Investigate a System Lockup</strong></a>
<dt><A HREF="tag/2.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>How to send email without a DNS server?</strong></a>
<dt><A HREF="tag/3.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(!)" border="0"
><strong>Starting many X sessions</strong></a>
<dt><A HREF="tag/4.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>Playing CD Music Digital Output</strong></a>
<dt><A HREF="tag/5.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>Mandrake 8.1 fd0 unknown device, and downloading pictures from
a digital camera</strong></a>
<dt><A HREF="tag/6.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>How to optimize space usage for multiple files on multiple CDs</strong></a>
<dt><A HREF="tag/7.html"
><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>/dev/scd0 is not a valid block device?</strong></a>
<!-- index_text ends -->
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<A NAME="tag/greeting"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/hbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(&para;) " border="0"
>Greetings from Heather Stern</H3>
<!-- begin hgreeting -->
<p><strong>The Answer Gang's Editor Gal
Hello all, and welcome once more to the lively world of The Answer Gang.
I'd like to hand out a special thank you to all the readers who
definitely read the posting guidelines before asking the Gang their
question. It's helped my work a lot.
Almost the only spam that escapes Dan's traps anymore are those dratted
conman scams telling me about how their late uncle <TT>/</TT> business partner
<TT>/</TT> revered general or whatever left them a quadzillion dollars <TT>/</TT> francs
or whatever and they can't get at any of it unless you as a friend /
distant relative <TT>/</TT> confidant <TT>/</TT> conveniently uninvolved sucker open your
bank account to help them launder it. Whereupon I presume they take you
to the laundry, raid all your spare quarters and leave you in the giant
tumble-dryer with no socks. So that's the Peeve of the month. Although
I suppose I should mention that the useless use of HTML attachments
fought really hard for second place. The Klez worm gets a distant third
since infected people usually figure it out and fix themselves.
So I didn't get very far in my personal project of the month this time.
After a foray into the space for some clients of mine, I'm starting to
seriously look into decent IMAP setups.
<A HREF="http://www.washington.edu/imap"
is easy to install,
sort of like saying a tricycle is easy to drive. Any kid can do it but
it just was never designed for anything beyond being the reference
implementation for IMAP as far as I can tell. Beyond that it's somewhat
well known for being full of bugs, and their attitude towards client
side problems in the FAQ feels laced with a lot of "your client sucks,
use pine."
<A HREF="http://asg.web.cmu.edu/cyrus"
I glanced at and it seems sturdy enough, I guess. But the clients asked
after <A HREF="http://www.inter7.com/courierimap"
>Courier-IMAP</A>. Hmmm,
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle"> About ten times as fast as UW. Just don't use the MTA that
comes with it. Ugh, whatta mess. Maybe in a year or two you'll be
reading this and it will have grown up. We went back to sendmail.
If there are any other IMAP daemons
to speak of I couldn't find them all that quickly. Courier is
sufficiently cool and maildir delivery makes people happy for other
Did I remember to say IMAP is cool? As I've been going to more
conferences with less techie features available, the idea of having my
mail on the server be willing to deal with two workstations and a laptop
carrying the same mail around doesn't sound half bad at all. And
most people can't take the other tactic that I've done, which is to get
involved with setting up internet lounge space
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
Which reminds me, the
<A HREF="http://www.conjose.org"
>ConJos&eacute;</A>, the 60th World Science Fiction Convention
is coming up at the end of August, in my area, and I expect it'll be a
lot of fun. I can tell you there's gonna be some Linux around.
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";P"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<A HREF="http://www.linuxworldexpo.com"
>Linux World Expo</A> will be in my area
in August also. WIth any luck I'll get to meet some more members of
the Answer Gang. Group photo, anyone?
Anyways, back to IMAP. It turns out there are email specific
appliances out there running Linux and Cyrus under the hood.
Not only nice but I don't have to tinker?
Oboy! To be fair I'm good friends with the folks over at
<A HREF="http://www.imap-partners.net"
>IMAP Partners</A>
and the people who make
the appliances they use host the system for my local sysadmins group,
<A HREF="http://www.baylisa.org"
But I didn't get as far along as I wanted in my great project to
determine which IMAP clients suck the least. Our loyal readers may
recall that I have a rather cynical opinion about the usefulness of
so-called "productivity' software and and regardless of my deep
dependence on email, MUAs (mail user agents) are no exception. So
I will probably have an article about that next month. Contributions
welcome, of course.
With that, it's time for a picnic. This year's Independence Day issue
is full of some juicy bits just waiting for you to throw some CDs on
the roaster. Me, I'll be spending a happy 4th of July hanging out with
my family down in L.A.
<!-- end hgreeting -->
<P> <hr> </p>
<!-- *** BEGIN copyright *** -->
<H5 align="center">This page edited and maintained by the Editors
of <I>Linux Gazette</I>
<a href=""
>Copyright &copy;</a> 2002
<BR>Published in issue 80 of <I>Linux Gazette</I> July 2002</H5>
<H6 ALIGN="center">HTML script maintained by
<A HREF="mailto:star@starshine.org">Heather Stern</a> of
Starshine Technical Services,
<A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A>
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