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<title> The Back Page LG #77</title>
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<H4 ALIGN="center">
"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">The Back Page</font></H1>
<H2>LG to get a makeover and wants your help</H2>
<P> LG will be getting a facelift in the next month or two. A stylesheet,
revamped headers/footers, and perhaps a few more images. My biggest pet
peeve of the current layout is all the the extra whitespace the browsers put
around headers and <CODE>&lt;HR&gt;s</CODE> (horizontal separators). Stylesheets make it
possible to squeeze out all that space, allowing more content to show on the
first screenful. Non-stylesheet browsers would still have the whitespace, but
at least they'd be no worse off than they are now.
<P> I'm actually thinking about an article header something like this:
| LG LOGO LG LOGO Home > issue 77 (April 2002) |
| LG LOGO LG LOGO Title Title Title |
| LG LOGO LG LOGO Title Title Title |
| LG LOGO LG LOGO by Author |
| making Linux ... more fun (e-mail link) |
That's a smaller version of the LG logo, and no more <CODE>&lt;H1&gt;</CODE>
and <CODE>&lt;HR&gt;</CODE>
in the header. "Home > issue 77 (April 2002)" would be Yahoo-style links like
we've used on the <I>Linux Journal</I> site in the past.
<P> I also aim to revamp
the navigation links between pages, to cut down on questions like "Why doesn't
LG get a search engine or an index of all issues?" (It already has them.)
Or, "How do I send a question to The Answer Gang? Oh wait, I didn't know there
was an Answer Gang, so I just sent it to gazette. I looked on the author info
page, but I'm still not sure where to send my News Bytes entry." All these
links are available... if you know where to look. Making the links more
findable in the places people are likely to look will be the goal.
<P> The Answer Gang and I are looking for some more images to decorate the
site with. Don't worry--we're sticking to our "minimum graphics" philosophy.
Just loosening it up a bit. The success of the various cartoon series in LG
over the past year shows that we can increase the size of LG slightly without
incurring the wrath of those who find 200 KB an expensive download.
<P> So, to Leon Czechowicz and all those who have been asking <A
HREF="../issue76/lg_mail.html#gaz/5">Why we stay plain when we could look
Really Cool</A>, now's your chance. <STRONG>Send in your suggestions, images,
HTML fragments, stylesheet fragments, navigation flowcharts and wishlist items
to <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">gazette@ssc.com</A>.</STRONG> How would
you like LG to look? We'll probably make a decision (or start to think about
when to make a decision) around April 15th, so the sooner the better, or at
least send us an e-mail so we know something is coming. Any ideas or examples
we like but don't use we'll put into an article, so at least they'll get some
<P> Those who follow LG closely know our general policies for layout. I've tried
to articulate them below, but no doubt have forgotten something or other.
<LI> The site must be completely static so that it can be read from mirrors with
unknown webserver software, and from CD-ROMs and FTP files where there is no
<LI> Each issue tries to be &gt; 2 MB, and the number of shared files should grow
only modestly. This is for people with slow modems, or who pay per minute or per
megabyte for downloads.
<LI> It must look OK and navigate OK on a wide variety of browsers, both graphical
and text.
<LI> The page width is normally 600 pixels, but may expand to 630 or 750 occasionally.
The layout must look good anywhere from 600-750.
<LI> <STRONG>Images</STRONG> should be PNG (preferred) or JPG (not GIF due to
patent restrictions). Use a white background, no transparency (Netscape
displays PNGs with transparent pixels as solid boxes), and no animation.
Maximum image size should be around 200x100, something we can put around a
header or next to a paragraph.
<LI> <STRONG>Stylesheets:</STRONG> There will be one global stylesheet for all articles,
TOC pages and the home page. (Perhaps we'll use mixin stylesheets down the road, but
that's later.)
<LI> Javascript, frames and sidebars are anathema. Javascript may be
considered in very limited circumstances, such as to submit a form when
pressing Enter in a text field. That provides a slight convenience to the
Javascript user but no degradation to the non-Javascript user. But any
Javascript must be functional rather than just cosmetic.
<LI> No tables around the article text! Keep layout tables to a minimum.
(I'll have to use a table for the article header though, since non-stylesheet browsers
can't do style columnizing.)
<LI> I think we'll be switching to text buttons for the navigation links rather than
graphical buttons. In a table with colored cell backgrounds, unless we find a style
strategy that's suitable and looks OK on non-style browsers. Not only do text buttons
download faster, but they're easier to change later.
<P> So put on your thinking caps and send in some ideas.
<HR> <!-- ************************************************************** -->
<P> Happy Linuxing!
<P> Mike ("Iron") Orr<br>
Editor, <A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/"><i>Linux Gazette</i></A>, <A
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Copyright &copy; 2002, the Editors of <I>Linux Gazette</I>.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 77 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, April 2002</H5>
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