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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">The Answer Gang's Posting Guidelines</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:ben-fuzzybear@yahoo.com">Ben Okopnik</a></H4>
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This article describes the things that you need to do when posting to TAG
in order to maximize the chances of getting meaningful replies to your
inquiry. This should also prevent you from getting laughed at for being
lazy and trying to have others do work that you yourself should be doing.
It draws heavily on Tad McClellan's
<A HREF="http://mail.augustmail.com/~tadmc/clpmisc/clpmisc_guidelines.text">
Posting Guidelines for comp.lang.perl.misc</A>
and the
<A HREF="http://andrew2.andrew.cmu.edu/rfc/rfc1855.html">Netiquette Guidelines RFC</A>.
<H2>Before Posting</H2>
<H4>You Must</H4>
<LI> Check the LG and TAG FAQs
<LI> Check the list of HOWTOs for anything relevant
<H4>You Really, Really Should</H4>
<LI> Search previous issue of LG for relevant answers
<H4>If You Like</H4>
<LI> Check Other Resources (books, STFW, etc.)
<H2>Posting to TAG</H2>
<LI> Question should be about Linux, or of interest to Linux community
<LI> Carefully choose the contents of your Subject header
<LI> Beware of saying "doesn't work"
<LI> Use an effective followup style
<LI> Provide enough, but not too much information
<LI> Do not post binaries, HTML, or MIME
<LI> If your message contains any "confidential" or "for recipient only" conditions
(these are sometimes added automatically on a site-wide basis), you must give us explicit
permission to publish in your e-mail. Otherwise we cannot answer you.
(But asking for your name not to be published <EM>is</EM> OK.)
<P> As you would expect, The Answer Gang's discussions are usually technical in
nature; hence, there is a strong need to observe conventions for conduct in
these discussions.
<P> Checking the FAQs before posting is required in Net forums in general;
there is nothing TAG-specific about this requirement.
<P> There can be hundreds of messages in TAG in any given month. We all must
decide somehow which ones we are going to answer. Your post is in
competition with all the other posts. You need to "win" before a person who
can help you will even try.
<P> You have 40 precious characters of Subject in which to make your first
impression. Spend them indicating what problem we can expect to find in
your query. Don't waste them indicating "experience level" (guru,
newbie...) Don't waste them pleading (please read, urgent, help!...) Don't
waste them on non-subjects (Linux question, Could I ask a question?...)
<P> Part of the beauty of Net forum dynamics is that you can contribute to
the community with your very first post! If your choice of subject
leads a fellow searcher to find the thread you are starting, then even
asking a question helps us all.
<P> When composing a followup, quote only enough text to establish the
context for the comments that you will add. Always indicate who wrote
the quoted material. Don't quote the entire article.
<P> Intersperse your comments *following* the sections of quoted text that your
comments apply to. Failure to do this is called "Jeopardy" posting because
the answer comes before the question. Reversing the chronology of the
dialog (putting your response before the quoted text) makes it much harder
to understand; some folks won't even read it if written that way. For more
information on quoting style, see:
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/nnqweb/nquote.html">http://www.geocities.com/nnqweb/nquote.html</A>
<P> Email is a <EM>text only</EM> medium. Don't post Word documents, vcards, HTML, or
MIME (unless MIME is necessary to preserve your language's specific
characters.) Many people will not be able to easily read your post, and
thus will not bother. Plain text is something everyone can read.
<P> Published answers benefit the entire community; this is what we do here in
TAG. If you have a "This is to be kept confidential" blurb in your post,
forget about having it answered: it just isn't going to happen. Don't
expect people to do one-on-one problem resolution unless you're willing to
pay for it.
<P> Beware of saying "doesn't work". This is a "red flag" phrase. If you find
yourself writing that, pause and see if you can't describe what is not
working without saying "doesn't work". That is, describe how it is not what
you want.
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Ben Okopnik</H4>
<EM>A cyberjack-of-all-trades, Ben wanders the world in his 38' sailboat, building
networks and hacking on hardware and software whenever he runs out of cruising
money. He's been playing and working with computers since the Elder Days
(anybody remember the Elf II?), and isn't about to stop any time soon.</EM>
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<H5 ALIGN=center>
Copyright &copy; 2001, Ben Okopnik.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 73 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, December 2001</H5>
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