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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Open Source Market Crisis Means Linux Sites Crash?</FONT></H1>
<H3>An Interview with Former Linux Today French Version Editor C&eacute;dric Godart</H3>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:caruso@olinux.com.br">Paulo Henrique Caruso</a><BR>
Originally published at <A HREF="http://www.olinux.com.br/Interviews">OLinux</A></H4>
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<b>OLinux: Could you tell us about your carreer,
professional abilities, etc.?</b>
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart</b>
I've been a radio presenter and journalist for 3 years since
I left the University (I graduated in translation). I'm 25
years old and I live in Brussels, Capital of Europe. My
computer skills wouldn't sound very exciting. I've actually
been very interested in the Linux and Open Source movement
for three years. Honestly I use two different OS on my home
computer, ie Linux and MacOS X.</p>
<b>OLinux: What were the main reasons that brought about
the extinction of Linux Today French Version?</b>
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
Advertising revenues have been very low since the beginning
of the year. Internet.com will now only focus on profitable
sites. International editions of their Linux and Open Source
sites are no longer profitable. The decision was expected but
it came as a surprise since LinuxToday Fr was only 9 months
<b>OLinux: How many people were involved on the website?
How do they react to the extinction?</b>
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
I was the only "journalist" to work on LinuxToday French. A
daily press review and about 5 articles a week were my main
"mission" on the site. A student helped me with the press
review when I was on vacation. Technical issues were in the
hands of Scott COURTNEY and Paul FERRIS (the "father" of
LinuxToday), both working for the Linux &amp; Open Source
Channel of internet.com, in the USA.</p>
<b>OLinux: What were the most significant differences
between the english version and the french version of 1
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
While the English edition only focused on a press review,
adding features from time to time, the French edition offered
a press review and daily articles. These articles were also
posted on the popular France.Internet.Com, that supported us
since Version 2, launched in January.</p>
<b>OLinux: Could you expect that French Linux Today wiould
be successful so quickly?</b>
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
I was actually very surprised to see how successful the site
became in a couple of months only. Companies and Linux users
soon became addicted. To me, the French audience was really
in need of some kind of professional (-looking) news site
about Linux and Open Source. The success of the English
edition also helped us reach a wider audience : indeed, the
"LinuxToday" brand is a reference. It may be the reason why
the popular Linux Mandrake French site decided to display our
news on their homepage.</p>
<b>OLinux: Did internet.com influence in your productivity
and in your editorial board?</b>
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
Never! Kevin REICHARD (Executive Editor, Internet Technology
and Linux/Open Source Channels) trusted me.</p>
<b>OLinux: Despite you have received a bunch of e-mails
concerning the disapperance of fr.linuxtoday.com, did you
believe for a moment that internet.com could change their
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
No, not really. I expected them to "transfer" Linux and Open
Source properties to their official French site,
france.internet.com. But times are bad for those
international editions, as well. If Yahoo keeps telling that
the advertising model will undoubtedly prove profitable in
the future it's still not.</p>
<b>OLinux: Do you think that economic crisis which also
involves open source enterprises will be reflected in Linux
and open source news sites?</b>
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
Of course. The Linux market is not mature yet. These are bad
times for the whole IT economy. Only a limited number of
companies focusing on Linux and Open Source solutions may
claim to be profitable. Time will tell.</p>
<b>OLinux: How many page views LinuxToday french version
have had per month? And how many stories did you publish
every day?</b>
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
Pageviews must remain confidential, I'm sorry... Every day, I
could find about 15 articles for the press review and at
least one real article. It took me a couple of months to find
reliable sources to make a comprehensive press review.</p>
<b>OLinux: If internet.com choose for keeping the site's
archives, and they invite you to continue working on it,
would you accept or not? Why?</b>
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
We can dream! I don't think they would ever do it.</p>
<b>OLinux: Taking into consideration the widespread
adoption of Linux worldwide, do you think Linux is a
adequate solution when we talk about economic advantages
for governments and institutions?</b>
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
I don't really agree with "widespread adoption" of Linux.
Linux stands for 5 % of today's desktop market. Only a very
limited number of people actually use it as their primary OS.
The vast majority keep using Windows, because most people
don't really care about rebooting their machine from time to
time. Linux must remain a professional OS. Only MacOS X may
claim to be a REALLY consumer-oriented Unix. Economical
assets for governments and institutions, as well as the
availability of source codes, are indeed a key factor for the
adoption of Linux in the public sector. You've certainly
heard that the French government recently announced their
decision to support Open Source technologies.</p>
<b>OLinux: What does a Linux news site must have? Could you
tell us some tips that you learn while french 1 today
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
1/ Stay focused but keep on other OS (Windows / MacOS X and
BeOS); 2/ Avoid grammar and syntax errors; 3/ Keep distant
from stupid OS wars (Windows sucks), leave it only to fat old
geeks or newbies using Outlook Express to post messages on
Linux forums ; and 4/ Never show any preference for any
<b>OLinux: Can you send a message to OLinux users?</b>
<b>C&eacute;dric Godart:</b>
Yes, of course. Sorry for not replying in Portuguese. I was
actually very surprised when I received your request for an
interview. I didn't know a French site, located in Europe,
could ever interest people living thousands of miles away! My
message : use Linux because you love it, not because it
sounds fashionable and never use the word "WindBlows" if you
send your messages using Outlook Express.</p>
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Copyright &copy; 2001, Paulo Henrique Caruso.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 67 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, June 2001</H5>
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