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<H1><A NAME="tips"><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/twocent.jpg">
More 2&cent; Tips!</A></H1> <BR>
<!-- BEGIN tips -->
Send Linux Tips and Tricks to <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">gazette@ssc.com</A></center>
<!-- index_text begins -->
<li><A HREF="#tips/1"
><strong>How to Extract the Hardware address of Ethernet card in Linux.,</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/2"
><strong>Reading Tapes From Another Operating System</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/4"
><strong>A bit of help for Ling Ling</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/5"
><strong>REF: The Answer Gang - issue 63 - 5-linux anti virus</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/6"
><strong>$0.02 tip: tab width toggling in vim and emacs</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/7"
><strong>Looking for packages ...</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/8"
><strong>2c tip: universal X server and X on tv</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/9"
><strong>Deleting directories with invalid names</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/10"
><strong>Baffled & A Rather Unique Query in January 2001 Issue</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/11"
><strong>FreeSCO: "Free Cisco"</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/12"
><strong>LILO problems</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/13"
><strong>Wanted firewall access, a script</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/14"
><strong>renaming ethernet devices - Feb 00 issue</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/16"
><strong>NTPDATE binaries for solaris 6</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/17"
><strong>Trying to build a crash course...</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/18"
><strong>SGID Directories</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/19"
<li><A HREF="#tips/20"
><strong>Mandrake Linux and Cable modems - LG Feb 2001</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/21"
><strong>Memory mystery? lots of tips!</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/26"
><strong>distro version upgrade? (slackware)</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/27"
><strong>script on linuxgazette.com</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/28"
><strong>Makes Windows Explorer Choke - fix!</strong></a>
<li><A HREF="#tips/29"
><strong>FIPS is getting old, try Parted</strong></a>
<!-- index_text ends -->
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<P> <A NAME="tips/1"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">How to Extract the Hardware address of Ethernet card in Linux.,</FONT></H3>
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 11:31:22 -0800
<BR>Dan Wilder <a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">(The Answer Gang)</a>
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Vinayaka.B.S. wrote:
<br>Dear Sir.,
Can u please guide me in the issue of extraction of Hardware address
of Ethernet card in Linux by providing a code for the above.,
I'm using Linux 6.0 Hedwig Edition.,
Thanking You.
If you can get the card detected by the kernel at all, and successfully
ifconfig'ed, ifconfig can then show you the hardware address:
<blockquote><pre>root@dilbert:/proc/net$ ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:3295144 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:3295144 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:60:97:9D:36:98
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:744305466 errors:40 dropped:0 overruns:2 frame:67
TX packets:760536636 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:365
Interrupt:10 Base address:0xe000
-- Dan Wilder
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<P> <A NAME="tips/2"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Reading Tapes From Another Operating System</FONT></H3>
Mon, 05 Feb 2001 02:35:29 -0600
<BR>Jim Dillon<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (jdillon from maxbaud.net)</a>
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If the tapes were created on an AS/400 they are probably in EBCDIC whereas
your PC is probably using ASCII. I have successfully used the "dd" command
to read tapes from an IBM mid-range computer. Depending on how the tape
was created it may have "header records" in front of the data. One way to
proceed would be to take the tape to an AS/400 and print a "VTOC" (volume
table of contents). This would show the block size, etc. Try the "dd"
command to read the tape. Also, try the "non-rewind tape option" (look in
the <TT>/dev</TT> directory for your tape drive device, if it is "mt0" the
non-rewind device is probably "nmt0". The non-rewind device allows you to
position the tape read/write head to a particular file on the tape, rather
than each read or write request re-winding the tape back to the start).
It would be something like this "dd if=/dev/nmt0 of=myfile ibs=32768
obs=32768 cbs=512 conv=ascii".
<blockquote><code><font color="#000033"><br>if = input file
<br>of = output file
<br>ibs = input block size
<br>obs = output block size
<br>cbs = convert block size (This is the record length of the records coming in from the tape, so you need to know the record length.)
<br>conv = ascii (This tells the "dd" program to convert the data to ascii).
Using nmt0 instead of mt0 will cause the tape head to not re-wind so you
can read the next file on a subsequent "dd" command.
<P><HR WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center">
Mon, 05 Feb 2001 12:09:38 -0500
<BR>Joe St.Clair <a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">(ksimach from ksimachine.com)</a>
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This is in response to a question from Layton Davis in the Feb., 2001
issue about reading tapes from other OS'.
The first question I would ask is how (software - command) is Layton
attempting to read the tape?
I often read tapes from Sun, AIX, HP, and others on my Linux box. The
tapes have all been created using "tar".
<dt>I set the block size for all tapes to "0" -
<dd><tt>mt -f /dev/st0 setblk 0</tt>
I have to do this every time I load a new tape.
I have 3 tape drives. The first uses old QIC-6150 tapes, very old but
still works great. The second is a 4mm DAT tape drive. The third is a
8mm DAT drive, but I don't believe the type of drive will matter.
I have been using Linux to read CAD data from the different flavors of
Unix for about 4-5 years and have had to use the same method of setting
the block size from the start. Some tapes may not need to have the
block size set in this way but by setting it I can read anything that
doesn't have a problem on the tape.
Joseph St.Clair - KSI Machine &amp; Engineering
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<P> <A NAME="tips/4"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">A bit of help for Ling Ling</FONT></H3>
Sun, 04 Feb 2001 23:40:10 -1000
<BR>Ben Beeson<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (beesond001 from hawaii.rr.com)</a>
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Hello Answer Guys,
I was catching up on your column recently and I noticed the below in
the January edition (edition 61)of Linux Gazette.
Ling Ling asked,
... I have a RH 6.2 server running as FTP server. Upon customer response,
I will have to send certain syslog message to their LAN account, like say
Depending on what Ling Ling needs mailed from from the log file,
"Logcheck" from
<A HREF="http://www.psionic.com"
>http://www.psionic.com</A> may be just what Ling Ling needs. I use this
tool to selectively e-mail to myself at home and at work certain logfile
entries from <TT>/var/log/messages</TT> and <TT>/var/log/secure.</TT> The logcheck
utility can be trained to parse the logfiles for messages of various
formats. That way, you don't have to send the complete logfile, only
the entries you need to worry about. For my case, I am now aware of
ftp connections, ftp file transfers, and various questionable
connection attempts against services that I do not run, or otherwise
reperesent signatures for possible attacks. I even get the source
IP address and hostname logged from some other utilities that I run to
try and keep up with my system's status. All this shows up in my
e-mail at preselected intervals and sure beats wading through the
complete log file everyday.
Hope this helps,
<br>Ben Beeson
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<P> <A NAME="tips/5"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">REF: The Answer Gang - issue 63 - 5-linux anti virus</FONT></H3>
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 01:44:36 -0500
<BR>Ed Wiget<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (ewiget from rhpstudios.com)</a>
<!-- sig -->
I just came acrossed an article in which a person asked about antivirus
software being used on a mail server to check mail destined for Windows
machines. One that I have tried, used, and recommend for just that is made
by Kaspersky Labs/Central Command. The link is <A HREF="http://www.avx.com"
>http://www.avx.com</A> You can
use gui or command line virus scanning, and it can be configured using cron
jobs to scan individual folders, times, frequency. In my personal
evaluations of more than 30 antivirus software packages for various operating
systems and network topologies, the AVX line always ranks right up at the
top. The Windows version has network scanning built-in, and the linux
version can also scan NFS/Samba shares. The cost for full version is less
than $50.00. They also have a trial version too for evaluation.
<br>Thank You for Your time,
<br>Ed Wiget
<br>Senior Network Security Adviser
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<P> <A NAME="tips/6"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">$0.02 tip: tab width toggling in vim and emacs</FONT></H3>
Thu, 15 Feb 2001 08:25:19 -0700 (MST)
<BR>Theodore Roth<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (troth from verinet.com)</a>
<!-- sig -->
When reading code written by other people, I often have to change my tab
width setting in vim and emacs to make everything indent like the original
author intended. To make this a simple, single key operation, I added the
following to my .vimrc and .emacs files.
Here's the .vimrc addition:
<blockquote>See attached <a href="misc/tips/tabstops.vimrc.txt">misc/tips/tabstops.vimrc.txt</a></blockquote>
Note that the ^M is a single character (generated in insert mode with
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT="; )"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">.
Here's the .emacs version:
<blockquote>See attached <a href="misc/tips/tabstops.emacs.txt">misc/tips/tabstops.emacs.txt</a></blockquote>
Both of these use the F1 key, but it should be obvious how to change it to
another key.
Theodore Roth
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<P> <A NAME="tips/7"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Looking for packages ...</FONT></H3>
Mon, 12 Feb 2001 22:57:29 -0600
<BR>Chris Gianakopoulos<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (The Answer Gang)</a>
<!-- sig -->
Antonio Sindona wrote:
<br>I'm actually looking for the following packages:
<br>1) An application performance analisys tool, to understand the load for each process in terms of CPU, mem and so on.
<br>2) A simulation tool (something better than the SIMULA67 language ...)
<br>3) A network monitoring tool (possibly with graphic interface ...)
May You suggest something to me (possibly free software) ?
Hey Antonio,
I cannot answer your first two questions. As far as a network monitoring tool is concerned, do you only need packet sniffer functionality. For LInux, there is a tool called ethereal. It collects packets and can dissassemble those packets.
If a packet sniffer (for IP traffic) is not your desired goal, I will venture to guess that you really want a network monitoring tool which determines the health of your network. An example would be an SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) manager. An example of this would be HP OpenView. HP OpenView costs lots of money, and I am only citing this tool as an example of a network manager. SNMP network managers (the software) can display graphs of data throughput and all kinds of other stuff by retrieving variables from an abstract database called a MIB (Management Information Base). Is this what you desire?
You can also monitor network traffic (in a kind of raw form) by using tcpdump. See the man page for tcpdump for its usage. I use tcpdump when I am doing network troubleshooting.
I performed a search on <a href="http://www.google.com/">www.google.com</a>
(a wonderful search engine) and got lots of hits. One interesting site that it found was at:
<DD><A HREF="http://rak.isternet.sk/win/linux-netman/monitoring.html"
I hope that this stuff helps you, Antonio.
Good luck,
Chris Gianakopoulos
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<P> <A NAME="tips/8"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">2c tip: universal X server and X on tv</FONT></H3>
Sun, 11 Feb 2001 08:24:57 -0800
<BR>Reiner Hammerschmidt<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (reiner.hammerschmidt from web.de)</a>
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here's a 2c tip for all who are lookin for a appropriate X-server:
for a long time I was looking for a working X-server for my ATI rage
fury card. But then i have heard of the wonderful framebuffer device
which makes it possible to get nearly <EM>every</EM> graphics card to speak X.
So I added fb device to my 2.2.14 kernel, made the devices and the magic
began. In addition both 640*480 and 800*600 sizes appeared on my tv
screen also
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle"> And all color depths are selectable. Detailed
description can be found on the <A HREF="http://www.suse.com/">SuSE</A> faq pages. Now I'm very happy i can
also play (sound) with Tux in the living room.
Cheers, Reiner
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<P> <A NAME="tips/9"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Deleting directories with invalid names</FONT></H3>
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 15:41:21 -0800
<BR>Steve Johnson <a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">(steve from bbdltd.com)</a>
<BR>Mike Orr and
<BR>Heather Stern <a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">(The Answer Gang)</a>
<!-- sig -->
To delete the directory, just specify the entire path;
rmdir /home/-h
Or use option "--" to signify no more options. Many GNU commands follow
this convention.
<blockquote><pre>rmdir -- -h
<p>-- Mike</p>
<blockquote>You don't have to remember to run pwd to figure out where "here"
is. <tt>./-h</tt> (dot slash dash h) would also get rid of the annoying -h
filename, by referring to the current directory (dot).</blockquote>
<p>-- Heather</p>
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<P> <A NAME="tips/10"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Baffled & A Rather Unique Query in January 2001 Issue</FONT></H3>
Wed, 31 Jan 2001 18:48:14 -0700
<BR>Claude baker<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (cabaker from home.com)</a>
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Baffled - When I first connected a Linux (RH 5.1) to a cable modem 18
months ago I experienced the same "problem" logging on - no password
required. I formatted and reloaded 5 times in a month before I built a
firewall. The requirement for a password has remained intact since I put
a firewall between me and the Internet. By the way, the "experts"
recommend reformatting to fix a compromised system unless you have a
clear picture of precisely what happened.
A Rather Unique Query (I hope) - I recently upgraded from RH 6.1 to RH
7.0 on one of my systems and had no graphics after the upgrade. After a
bit of exploration, I found that RH 7.0 has switched to XFree86 Version
4.0. Version uses a new driver model and there aren't yet many drivers
available. With a visit to XFree I found Version 4.0.2 which included a
driver for my old Trident 9660.
Claude Baker
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<P> <A NAME="tips/11"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">FreeSCO: "Free Cisco"</FONT></H3>
Tue, 06 Feb 2001 17:22:32 -0800
<BR>taylor864 <a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">(taylor864 from yahoo.com)</a>
<!-- sig -->
<!-- ::
FreeSCO: "Free Cisco"
:: -->
First, let me comment that I think TAG is exceptional. I stumbled upon it
by accident, and ended up reading every question and answer, and after this
email, will be going to look for previous months.
Glad you like it. I take it you have a passing interest in Linux.
Would you like to join The Answer Gang and see questions
as they are received throughout the month, and help us hash out
answers to them?
(This model won't scale past a couple of dozen gang members ---
but we're O.K for now).
<p><em>Actually, getting folks their answers individually scales great!
We get a lot more people their answers than we used to. But I'd
need an Editor Gang after a while. -- Heather</em></p>
Anyhow, in reference to one of the questions asked about a firewall
(Firewall for a SOHO From Tom Bynum), you suggested a 3 legged Linux box to
do his routing <TT>/</TT> Firewalling. There is a free router <TT>/</TT> firewall called
FreeSCo (stands for FREE ciSCO) (<A HREF="http://www.freesco.org"
>http://www.freesco.org</A>) that is essentially
a firewall on a floppy, with support for a DMZ. I uses (I believe) masq and
IPChains. Runs a mimumum of services, etc. You most likely already knew
about it, but I thought I'd pass this along (since the guy lives by your mom
and all).
Have a good 'un.
I'd heard of FreeSCO and read a bit of their material over a year
ago. I have to say that (reviewing their new site now) they seem
of have come a long way. I'm also familiar with LRP (Linux Router
Project) and it's derivative, Coyote --- which are listed on the
the distributions pages at Linux Weekly News (<A HREF="http://www.lwn.net"
I hadn't realized that FreeSCO was specified designed for three
legged firewalls.
<p>-- Jim Dennis</p>
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<P> <A NAME="tips/12"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">LILO problems</FONT></H3>
Tue, 06 Feb 2001 10:30:25 +0000
<BR>Shane Kennedy<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (skenn from indigo.ie)</a>
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This may well be irrelevant, but I spend a lot of time swapping drives
around on embedded systems, and the usual cause for the "LI" crash is
that I haven't changed the system bios to match the drive currently
Keep up the good work
Shane Kennedy
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<P> <A NAME="tips/13"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Wanted Firewall Access, a script</FONT></H3>
Wed, 07 Feb 2001 19:00:18 -0600
<BR>Brad Felmey<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (bradf from i-vic.net)</a>
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<A HREF="../issue62/lg_mail62.html#wanted/1"
You need to be root for all of this.
Firstly, get a copy of ipmasqadm if it isn't already on the machine.
Not sure?
<blockquote><pre>rpm -qa | grep ipmasqadm
It's either there or it isn't. If not, RPMs are available for those
who don't do source. <A HREF="http://rpmfind.net"
>http://rpmfind.net</A> is your friend.
Now then, we need to make a script that runs on bootup. I generally
put all my firewall rules in a file <TT>/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.</TT> First, a
bit of security:
<blockquote><pre>chown root:root /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall
chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall
My machine doesn't need this next part, but in case yours doesn't run
it automatically, open up <TT>/etc/rc.d/rc.local</TT> with the text editor of
your choice, and put at the bottom:
Now, on to the script itself. This only covers the portforwarding
stuff, since it appears you have NAT working just fine otherwise.
<blockquote>See attached <a href="misc/tips/portforward.sh.txt">misc/tips/portforward.sh.txt</a></blockquote>
Hope this helps, and hope I didn't misunderstand or misread the
question. Good luck.
Brad Felmey
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<P> <A NAME="tips/14"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">renaming ethernet devices - Feb 00 issue</FONT></H3>
Thu, 8 Feb 2001 22:47:10 -0800
<BR>Greg Nash<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (greg.n from cybereps.com)</a>
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I had the same problem with 2 ne2000 compatible cards in the same machine -
my solution (I think under RH5.2 at the time - don't know if it's still
relevant) was to add the following to my conf.modules
<blockquote><pre>alias eth0 ne
alias eth1 ne
options eth0 -o io=yxyyy irq=zz
options eth1 -o io=yxyyy irq=zz
the -o was the part that took some researching
Greg Nash
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<P> <HR WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <P>
<br>Sat, 10 Feb 2001 00:00:41 +0100
<BR>Eduardo Perez<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (eduperez from retemail.es)</a>
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I was reading this article of your column, when an idea hit me: what
about the mac address?
You can read the mac address from each card to identify them, and use
that information to configure them properly (I have not tried this, as I
do not have any ethernet card around here).
I hope this helps.
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<P> <A NAME="tips/16"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">NTPDATE binaries for solaris 6</FONT></H3>
Thu, 22 Feb 2001 09:41:06 -0800 (PST)
<BR>Heather<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (The Answer Gang)</a>
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I have a question of where can I get the solaris version of this binary.
This is the Linux Gazette. Unless Solaris has added Linux binary compatibility
(and it might have, we dunno) we probably aren't the right place to be asking
We do have Linux for Sparc if you think it would help... including boxed sets
from a couple of vendors.
Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.
I think there's an archive of toys for Sun at:
<DD><A HREF="http://www.sunfreeware.com"
...but I don't know any more about it than that. Good luck.
<P>-- Heather Stern </P>
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<P> <A NAME="tips/17"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Trying to build a crash course...</FONT></H3>
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 08:06:45 +0000
<BR>Kevin Matthews <a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (kevin.matthews from panasonic.co.uk)</a>
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Hi Matt &amp; TAG
If you purchased the Mandrake as a packaged distro, then you should have their
included books, which are a good kick off.
If not look at:
<A HREF=""
However there are 4 titles I have found very good for solving problems and
overcoming the obstacles (sp?) of the adventure that is Linux:
<dt>Linux for Windows NT/2000 Administrators: the Secret Decoder Ring
<dd>Sybex International
<br>ISBN: 0782127304
<dt>Running Linux
<dd>O'Reilly UK
<br>ISBN: 156592469X
<dt>Linux in a Nutshell
<dd>O'Reilly UK
<br>ISBN: 0596000251
<dt>RHCE Linux Exam Cram
<dd>Certification Insider Press
<br>ISBN: 1576108287
The first is a good all round tour for windows savvy people. the second two
are virtually the standard refernce works ( I tried several other
introductory titles before 'Running Linux' but they were not as good ) and
the last is a good reference to test your progress and point out areas to
Kevin Matthews
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<P> <A NAME="tips/18"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">SGID Directories</FONT></H3>
Sat, 10 Feb 2001 04:43:02 -0800
<BR>Jim Dennis <a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">(The Answer Gang)</a>
<!-- ::
SGID Directories
:: -->
Sorry to bother but one of your postings brought a question to my mind...
"Any directory that is SGID will automatically set the group ownership of
any files created in that directory to match that of the directory. This
means that your webauthors can just create or copy files into the directory
and not worry about using the chgrp (or chown) commands. "
Does that further affect its subdirectories?
<br>Terry Lee
Yes. Creating an SGID directory under Linux will normally
make that group association of the directory become the default
group assigment on new files that are created thereunder (if
the user making creating the files or making those directories
is a member of the associated group). In addition subdirectories
below that point will also "inherit" the group association <EM>and</EM>
the SGID setting.
BTW, although it would be silly to create SGID directories
that were world writable it does work. Users who are not
members of the associated group can create files and directories
but they will be associated with their primary group (as normal) and
their subdirectories will not "inherit" the SGID setting).
It's really much easier to see by experimentation than to
convey by explanation.
The main purpose for this behaviour is to allow users to create
shared project directories. In conjunction with the umask command/setting
it's possible for users ensure that the other members of their team
will be able to write to selected files and directories by default.
<p>-- Jim Dennis</p>
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<P> <A NAME="tips/19"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">smtp</FONT></H3>
Mon, 5 Feb 2001 15:45:21 -0800
<BR>Don Marti <a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">(The Answer Gang)</a>
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Don Harvey wrote:
I am trying to setup a Linux IPChains firewall for an NT network. I can
get everything working except SMTP mail from the Internet. It stops at
the Linux box and is not forwarded to the Exchange Server. What should
I use?
Run an SMTP bastion host on your "DMZ" network to handle all mail
passing in and out. Don't expose your internal "full-featured" mail
server to the outside. If you have one box filling both the roles of
firewall and bastion host, this will work too.
Mick Bauer's explains in LJ:
<DD><A HREF="http://noframes.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue78/4241.html"
Don Marti
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<P> <A NAME="tips/20"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Mandrake Linux and Cable modems - LG Feb 2001</FONT></H3>
Tue, 13 Feb 2001 07:52:38 +0000
<BR>kevin.matthews<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (kevin.matthews from panasonic.co.uk)</a>
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Hi Ian &amp; TAG ,
Mandrake 7.2 has a utility to set up Internet sharing accessable via
the DrakConf control panel. This would seem to be the easiest way to link
the PCs to the net.
I have yet to use this myself as I am still investigating the other things
included with the 7.2 distribution; however I think you will find the new
DrakConf much better than the previous version, and easier to use.
The (very brief) Mandrake Documentation Page ref:
<DD><A HREF=""
I couldn't find any more detailed info.
Hope this helps
Kevin Matthews
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<P> <A NAME="tips/21"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Memory mystery? lots of tips</FONT></H3>
Fri, 16 Feb 2001 15:54:42 -0400
<BR>Alberto Ortiz<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (tarlong from hotmail.com)</a>
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Something like this happened to me. I solve it by downloading a newer
kernel and changing the lilo.conf like you did. Im also told that you
may fix this by recompiling your kernel. This happened to me with Red
Hat 6.2 (which, by that way, has kernel 2.2.14) so, i dont think it is
an isolated problem. Good luck, hope this could help you out.
alberto ortiz
<DD><A HREF="mailto:tarlong@hotmail.com"
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<P><HR WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <P>
<br>Sat, 17 Feb 2001 05:40:07 -0500
<BR>Sean<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (snmjohnson from iclub.org)</a>
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Are you remembering to run lilo after editing lilo.conf? While this may
seem like a silly question, I've done this very thing more times than I
like to admit.
Also, you might want to consider upgrading your kernel to either 2.2.18
or 2.4.1.
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<P><HR WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <P>
<br>Thu, 8 Feb 2001 17:34:40 +1300
<BR>Glenn<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (genright from paradise.net.nz)</a>
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I could be wrong as linux newbie myself but,
In my bios (Award) there is a setting for PNP OS under the PNP/PCI page.
I set this to No and had no problems with installing either windoze or
linux. I beleive it forces the OS to detect the system without relying
on the BIOS settings.
Good luck
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
This should not make any difference to memory detection - since IRQ and DMA
are not involved in that process - but overall, this is a good tip that
bears repeating. I've had problems with several machines, one with my own
AMS TravelPro 150 laptop (Linux would not detect the ESS1688 sound card)
until "Plug-and-Play-aware OS" was set to "No". In all the above cases,
Windows, even though it was set up with the "PNP OS:On", had no problems
with any of the installed hardware.
<p>-- Ben Okopnik</p>
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<P> <HR WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <P>
<br>Thu, 08 Feb 2001 17:39:21 +0100
<BR>Roman Delaveaux<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (Delaveaux from heagmedianet.de)</a>
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Hello Answer Gang,
probably I have the solution for Jan Jakubik with the memory problem.
I was wondering when my linux-box detects only 12 MB of RAM in an
384MB-RAM-machine. I checked my BIOS-settings and disabled
"Memory hole at 16MB" . Now everything is fine.
Mit freundlichen Gr&amp;uuml;&amp;Beta;en
<br>Roman Delaveaux
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<P> <A NAME="tips/26"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">distro version upgrade? (slackware)</FONT></H3>
Mon, 26 Feb 2001 18:37:09 -0800 (PST)
<BR>Heather Stern <a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">(The Answer Gang)</a>
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Dan Blazek wrote:
<br>I think I'm running <A HREF="http://www.slackware.org/">Slackware</A> 2.2 (kernel is 2.0.27 for sure
anyway). Is there some kind of cluster or patch bundle I can download to
upgrade my box. Like a single package I can install to at least jump up to
slackware 3? And if there is.. can you please tell me where to find it, and
if there is there a special way to install it? Or am I going to be stuck
installing a new image?
I thought there wasn't one, but rarely say so without looking. And what
do you know, I found:
slackUp - The Slackware Auto-Upgrade Utility
<DD><A HREF="http://xfactor.itec.yorku.ca/~xconsole/download.html"
You should read its readme yourself, to check that it can handle your
version. If it can't. get involved with the authors ... they haven't
updated it in almost a year (or at least the webpage) and you may spark
an entirely new round of development for the project.
<p>-- Heather</p>
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<P> <A NAME="tips/27"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">script on linuxgazette.com</FONT></H3>
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 23:42:11 -0600
<BR>Chad Whitten<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (cwhitten from intop.net)</a>
<!-- sig -->
Chad Whitten wrote:
trying to get the script you put on linuxgazette.com to work on my
linksys dsl/cable router
<blockquote><pre>lynx -auth=\ :admin -dump
when i do this, it doesnt connect
i have a username/password for the linksys and i tried putting in
<blockquote><pre>lynx -auth=admin:password http://...etc
per the man page for lynx but still get same error message:
<blockquote><pre>Sending HTTP request.
HTTP request sent; waiting for response.
Alert!: Access without authorization denied -- retrying
Retrying with access authorization information.
Looking up
Making HTTP connection to
Sending HTTP request.
HTTP request sent; waiting for response.
Alert!: Can't retry with authorization! Contact the server's WebMaster.
Can't Access `'
Alert!: Unable to access document.
lynx: Can't access startfile
after some playing around, i got it with
<blockquote><pre>lynx -auth=\ 'admin\:password' -dump
<p><em>Yep, those single quotes are really handy for preventing the shell
from running off with your colons, alright. -- Heather</em></p>
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<P> <A NAME="tips/28"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">Makes Windows Explorer Choke - fix!</FONT></H3>
Sun, 4 Feb 2001 04:49:07 -0000
<BR>Man in a BOX @ Crosswinds<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (miab from crosswinds.net)</a>
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Had this problem myself when I partitioned my drive for Linux (fips). It's
caused because doze uses its own timings for each drive and is stored in the
IDE controler driver in your system <TT>/</TT> control panel - it assumes that the
physical drive will never be paritioned so it never checks to see if the
logical size has changed.
Just remove this from Control Panel prior to a Linux installation /
re-partitioning - next time windows loads it will re-discover your IDE
controller and install the relevant drivers - no more problem.
Hope this helps
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<P> <A NAME="tips/29"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A> <P>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<FONT COLOR="navy">FIPS is getting old, try Parted</FONT></H3>
Sat, 03 Feb 2001 00:33:34 -0800
<BR>Hugh Daniel<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"> (hugh from xisp.net)</a>
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Well after several serious skirmishes MS-stupidity lost today! It
turns out that the new FSF/GNU parted (use freshmeat.net...) does a
better quicker job of shrinking both file system (FAT32 in my case)
and partition the FIPS, and all the MS-shit tools!
Note though that this is Mondays release of parted, but it works and
quite cleanly. It's not a real end user tool, but it got the job
So now I have RedHat-7.0 installing on my new laptop, it should be
a very cool toy. Thanks for the support of just being there.
Jim, you might want to point out in Answer Guy that FIPS is dated,
that most folks don't know what they are talking about and that parted
soves the problem quite nicely.
Okay. I've copied TAG on this reply. I haven't played with
parted. However, I haven't been running Linux on mixed
system recently either. All of my recent system have been
pure Linux (or non-PC's).
I also haven't noticed any recent questions for which "FIPS"
would have been an answer. So any old TAG issues that referred
to FIPS are probably also quite dated.
<p>-- Jim Dennis</p>
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<H5 align="center">This page edited and maintained by the Editors
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>Copyright &copy;</a> 2001
<BR>Published in issue 64 of <I>Linux Gazette</I> March 2001</H5>
<H6 ALIGN="center">HTML script maintained by
<A HREF="mailto:star@starshine.org">Heather Stern</a> of
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