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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Two Years Ago - the birth of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI)</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:dan@lpi.org">Dan York</a></H4>
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<h2 align=center>Two Years Ago...</h2>
<p>Two years ago, in the October 1998 Linux Gazette, there appeared a brief
<a href="../issue33/york.html">article</a> that started part of a process
underway that I do not believe any of us had any idea would go as far as it has.
<p>As I mentioned in my <a href="../issue46/york.html">article last
October</a>, my original article outlined the reasons why I felt
a professional certification program would benefit Linux. It concluded with
several questions and asked how I could join in the discussion:
<p><i>If you agree that a certification program can be beneficial for the
growth of Linux, how do we as a community go about addressing the points I
made above about creating a certification program? Do we create another
mailing-list or newsgroup? (Does such a group or list already exist? If so, I
have so far failed to find it.) Do we meet at a conference? </i>...
<p>...<i>I don't necessarily have the answers - but I would like to participate
in the discussion. If someone can suggest the appropriate forum in which this
discussion should take place (or is currently taking place!), please let me
know. </i>
<p>Two years ago, we had no idea that what we were beginning would become the
<a href="http://www.lpi.org/">Linux Professional Institute</a>. We had no
clue of the <a href="http://www.lpi.org/a-advisory.html">tremendous support
we would receive</a> not only from members of the Linux community, but also
from the larger IT, training and publishing communities. Nor did we know
of the <a href="http://www.lpi.org/a-sponsors.html">significant financial
support</a> we would receive. We had no idea how incredibly expensive
all of this would be to pull of. Nor did we know how significantly LPI
would change some of our lives.
<p>And yet... two years later, we have deployed the two exams of
<a href="http://www.lpi.org/p-index.html">Level 1.</a> As I write this,
the exams are <a href="http://www.lpi.org/waiting/">completing</a> the final
stages of the <a href="http://www.lpi.org/p-development.html">incredibly
long and comprehensive process</a> that is involved with our efforts. And
our approach of <i>NOT</i> endorsing or approving any single way of
preparing for our exams has paid off with
<a href="http://www.lpi.org/c-preparation.html"><b>many</b> different ways for people to prepare for our exams</a>.
<p>There are so many people to thank that it is next to impossible to even
<i>begin</i> to list them all. We have tried with web pages thanking
people who have assisted us in <a href="http://www.lpi.org/thanks99.html">
1999</a> and <a href="http://www.lpi.org/thanks00.html">2000</a>, but even
those lists fall short. I would refer you to the articles listed below
to understand both what we have gone through and also who should be thanked.
We have been <i>extremely</i> grateful for all the support of people within
the Linux community and also within the larger IT world. We would also
thank the <a href="/">Linux Gazette</a> for providing the forum that helped
launch our effort and continued to help get our message out. They, and so
many other Linux magazines, journals and web sites have been instrumental
in helping the world learn about our program.
<p>LPI began with a fairly simple idea - if there <i>is</i> to be certification
for Linux, which the larger IT and training industry pretty much determined
would be inevitable, then that certification <i>should be controlled by the
actual Linux professionals working with the operating system</i> and not
by any one Linux vendor or any publishers or training/courseware providers.
Furthermore, candidates should have <a href="http://www.lpi.org/c-preparation.html">the freedom to choose how they prepare</a> for the exams, including the
option of not taking any classes at all and simply studying the
<a href="http://www.lpi.org/p-index.html">exam objectives</a>.
The exams should be <a href="http://www.lpi.org/c-registration.html">available
globally</a> and as inexpensively as possible, and should use
<a href="http://www.lpi.org/p-development.html">standard industry practices</a>
to ensure that the exams are legally defensible, statistically-valid and able
to stand equal or better than other existing IT certifications.
<p>It's been a very long road with plenty of joyous moments and plenty of
rough spots. But working together, we have done it! Yes, there is still a
long way yet to go, and there is much ahead for us to do. There are
<i>many</i> more challenges ahead, and we will need the active support
and participation of <i>many</i> more people to meet those challenges
(please contact Wilma Silbermann &lt;<a href="mailto:wilma@lpi.org">
wilma@lpi.org</a>&gt; if you would like to volunteer). We will need
<a href="http://www.lpi.org/i-jobs.html">help</a> in many different
areas... we will need new people providing leadership... we will need
<a href="http://www.lpi.org/i-sponsorship.html">new financial sponsors</a>...
we will need more people to write and speak about LPI. But based on what
I have seen in the past two years, I am more confident than ever that we
<i>will</i> continue to build LPI to be a premier certification program.
<p>Yet on this October day, I believe we should
take this moment to pause, sit back and appreciate all that has been done by
so many different people. We thank everyone who has been involved for
your past and continued support and look forward to continuing to work with
you all to move this program on to even greater heights!
<p>And so much of it began here, with <a href="../issue33/york.html">a little
article</a> and, <i>most importantly</i>, all of the people who responded
back to say that they, <i>too</i>, wanted to help...
<h4><a name="Previous"><a name="Previous1">Previous</a> ``Linux
Certification'' Columns</a></h4>
<p><b>by Dan York</b><br>
<a href="../issue33/york.html">Linux Certification Part #1, October 1998</a>
<a href="../issue34/york.html">Linux Certification Part #2, November 1998</a>
<a href="../issue35/york.html">Linux Certification Part #3, December 1998</a>
<a href="../issue37/york.html">Linux Certification Part #4, February 1999</a>
<a href="../issue40/york.html">Linux Certification Part #5, Mid-April 1999</a>
<a href="../issue43/york.html">Linux Certification Part #6, July 1999</a>
<a href="../issue46/york.html">Linux Certification Part #7, October 1999</a>
<p><b>by Ray Ferrari</b><br>
<a href="../issue50/ferrari.html">Linux Certification Part #8, February 2000</a>
<a href="../issue54/ferrari.html">Linux Certification Part #9, June 2000</a>
<a href="../issue57/ferrari.html">Linux Certification Part #10, September 2000</a>
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Copyright &copy; 2000, Dan York<BR>
Published in Issue 58 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, October 2000</H5>
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