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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Bluefish HTML Editor</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:chimbis@skjoldebrand.org">Martin Skj&oslash;ldenrand</a></H4>
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<P>A few months ago, I wrote a
<A HREF="../issue46/skjoldebrand.html">review</A> of an HTML-editor ported from
Windows: CoffeeCup. I found a quite a few bugs in that version, and don't
actually know if a new one has been made available for Linux. I know that new
Windows versions has been poping up regularly. So the search has been going on
for a reliable and powerful HTML editor in which I can do all my HTML page
construction. I can say I've found a good candidate for such a beast. It isn't
Homesite--but then, it is isn't finished yet.
<P><A HREF="http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/">Bluefish</A> is in version 0.3.4 as
of this writing (early June 2000). So according to version number it is very
early yet, but it is still a quite powerful editor.
<CENTER><IMG SRC="misc/skjoldebrand/bluefish.png" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="300" ALT="Bluefish running under Gnome, Expensive theme" BORDER="0"></CENTER>
<P>As can be seen from the picture, it has all the button rows, tabs and menues
one could ask for. The standard button row is for creating a new document,
opening, saving, undo/redo, etc. All standard stuff. Then we've got a series of
tabs which are generally well laid out but unfortunately not configurable at
this time. Unfortunate, because the quick bar is supposed to contain the most
used tags - but lacks the Heading tags, which are on the Fonts tab. While,
structurally logical, it is not user-friendly. While I'm on about weird
thing about the tabs, I'll mention an irritating bug that's been around for
some versions: the Form wizard. It's long, very, very long. I
have to scroll horizontally two screenfuls to find the close button. And
while the other Wizards are pretty useful (New Page, Font,
Tables, Frames, Lists, CSS, PHP, etc.), the Forms wizard is broken and
should be avoided. Even if it were working, it creates only the opening and
closing tags. While the button rows and wizards are good, you can also add tags
using the menus. These are well laid out, and I believe they contain tags
not available through the buttons and wizards. Another bug which has surfaced
in this version is that the cursor disappears from time to time, making it
hard to know exactly where you are in the text.
Regarding about menus, I can't say much about the help system. There isn't one,
at least not in the version I am running (there was one earlier?).
Even though that may be a disappointment, I didn't miss it much. One thing that
is missing is Imlib support, which is necessary for the Image wizard.
Imlib isn't installed standard on Red Hat. Without that you
have to write you own image tags. Which is a pain. (Not as bad as writing your
own table tags, but still a pain). Fortunately, you just install it off the CD
and then you may happily create images in you HTML documents in no time.
<P> To summarize, Bluefish is a very strong HTML editor, with nice looks as
well. It will be interesting to see where this one is going. It is not Homesite
(the well known Allaire editor for Windows) but it might get there.
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Copyright &copy; 2000, Martin Skj&oslash;ldenrand<BR>
Published in Issue 55 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, July 2000</H5>
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