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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">GIMP-Perl: GIMP Scripting for the Rest of Us</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:wolfgang@mynetix.de">Wolfgang Mauerer</a></H4>
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There is no doubt: GIMP not only is one of the applications that serves
as an attractor for Linux desktop-users, but also one of the most
powerful graphic applications available. There's hardly any task that
cannot be
done with the aid of the GIMP. One of its main features is
modularity: programmers can extend the program with C programs called
``plug-ins''. Just open your right-mouse-button
popup-menu, point to ``Filters'' and its diverse
submenus, and you'll see how important the plug-in feature is for
GIMP: all Filters seen here are implemented via plug-ins.
What about the next item in the popup menu, ``Script-Fu''? Tons of
effects can be discovered here. The difference between Script-Fus and
true filters is that Script-Fu-effects are generated by the aid of so
called ``Scheme-Scripts'', small programs written in a
strange-looking language
called ``Scheme'', which is strongly connected with Lisp--some of you
have certainly heard this name in connection with artificial-intelligence
programs. GNU Emacs uses Lisp as an
extension and implementation language, and GUILE, the GNU
Projects Ubiquitous Language for Extension that can be embedded into
all kinds of applications, is a Scheme dialect. Why does the Gimp
as an end-user-application use such a complicated language? This
question may be the source of a great religious and philosophical
debate about programming languages on which some people can spend days
and months. The religious explosive force lies shortly behind the
question about which text editor to use and the world's end. Perhaps
one can sum up the whole discussion with a simple sentence: Lisp and
Scheme are powerful, flexible and elegant
languages, but they are certainly not easy to learn for the
unexperienced user in contrast to more ``conventional'' languages.
Nevertheless, Script-Fu is a powerful means of expanding GIMP's
functionality with shortenings for often needed operations and doing
automated picture processing and image generation--features not only
useful for the end users, but also for web designers and publishers.
Just think of your home page using tons of graphical buttons with the
same look: you'd have to do the same steps over and over for every
button, and sooner or later this will become very boring and tiring.
Scripting automizes the process so that you'll only need to enter the
text of the button (and maybe the color and other things), and GIMP
generates them automatically for you with the aid of a
Script-Fu script.
As you can see, scripting is a powerful feature that can be useful for
all kinds of jobs. To make writing scripts easier, Marc Lehmann set out to
write extension software for GIMP which is already contained in the
1.1.<I>x</I> developers versions and may be used for the stable 1.0.<I>x</I>-tree
of the GIMP: He implemented an interface to make it possible to
write GIMP scripts using the Perl language. I will not start another
discussion about the qualities and weaknesses of Perl here, but in
fact the language is much easier to learn than Script-Fu if you have
no programming experience. Too, and this is the main advantage in my
opinion, most cgi-scripts and web-based programs are written in Perl,
so many people already know the language.
Perl Interpreters are available with all Linux distributions I know,
because Perl has become one of the important components of a
UNIX System, so normally there's no need to install
it separately. If you use the stable version of GIMP (1.0.<I>x</I>), then the
GIMP-Perl package needs to be installed first. See the box below on
how to do this. If you want to use interactive scripts, a language
binding between Perl and the GIMP toolkit gtk must be added to the
system, too, so that the corresponding features are accessible. The
instructions on how to do this are contained in the installation box as
<H3>A Small Sample Script</H3>
Enough of theory--lets take a tour of the small GIMP-Perl script below
to see how the system works.
<A HREF="misc/mauerer/simple.pl.txt">(text version of this listing)</A>
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Simple script to demonstrate the basics of gimp-perl
use Gimp;
use Gimp::Fu;
register &quot;colored_canvas&quot;,
&quot;Creates a colored canvas&quot;,
&quot;This script creates a canvas pattern over a color gradient<\n>,
&quot;Wolfgang Mauerer&quot;,
&quot;wolfgang\@mynetix.de&quot;, # @ must be written as \@ in a perl string
&quot;&lt;Toolbox&gt;/Xtns/Script-Fu/Patterns/Color Canvas&quot;,
sub {
my $image = new Image(640, 480, RGB);
# Set new selections for the fore and background-color.
my $layer = $image->layer_new(640, 480,
"Color Canvas",
# Create a color gradient with the choosen colors.
Gimp->gimp_blend($layer, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
639, 379);
# ... and apply the canvas filter
Gimp->plug_in_apply_canvas(1, $image, $layer, 0, 10);
$image->add_layer($layer, 0);
return $image;
exit main;
The first line of the script, <tt>#! /usr/bin/perl</tt>, has
nothing to do with
GIMP or Perl--it is just a shell command that starts Perl to
interpret the commands contained in the file. You might already know
this construction from shell scripts.
The first lines interesting for use are <tt>use&nbsp;Gimp</tt>; and
<tt>use&nbsp;Gimp::Fu</tt>;, as they initialize the GIMP binding and enable
its usage.
If you use these lines in your Perl scripts, you'll be able to refer
to nearly all of the GIMP's functionality in your Perl scripts.
One central part of creating a new script is registering it within
GIMP. In GIMP-Perl, this task is taken over by the function register,
which expects numerous arguments as parameters. The script is
described by them so that other users can get an idea of what the
script does through a textual description, and on the
other hand, the script is presented to the internal structures of GIMP
so that it can be executed in the right way. The arguments have the
following meanings:
<li> a short but pregnant name for the script
<li> a short textual description of what the script does (GIMP also refers to this as a blurb)
<li> a longer and more detailed description of the script's work
<li> the script creator's name
<li> the creator's e-mail-address
<li> either the version number or the last-change-date of the script
<li> the location within the GIMP's menu structure
<li> the image types suitable for this script. As our script needs
no input image, this parameter can be left blank. Otherwise, you can specify
image types like RGB, GRAY etc. If your script should work with all image types
supported by GIMP, use an asterisk (*) as the argument.
<li> parameters that can be adjusted at run time. As our script runs
in a non-interactive mode, we don't want to pass parameters to it.
<li> a reference to the Perl code that will be executed when
running the script. More advanced perl programmers will have
noticed that the construct used here (<tt>sub { code };</tt>) is an
anonymous subroutine.
Type in or download the script, then save it (we'll use
simple.pl as file name in our examples), and assign execution right
(<tt>chmod&nbsp;a+x&nbsp;simple.pl</tt> within the shell. Then start GIMP and the Perl server
(<tt>Menu Xtns -&gt; Perl Server</tt>) and execute the script by
typing <tt>./simple.pl</tt>. If everything worked, a new window with
a red-blue canvas should appear on your X desktop.
If you get an error message like ``Command not found'' or so
(depending on
the shell you use), then you should check where your perl binary is
located by typing <tt>whereis perl</tt> and adjust the
<tt>#!</tt> line to the correct location. If you get error messages
from Perl, double check
your script's code with the code shown here and try to fix the typos.
Works quite fine, didn't it? But one thing seems to be mysterious:
When calling the register function, we set a location within gimp's
menu structure for the script, and according to the line
&lt;Toolbox&gt;/Xtns/Script-Fu/Simple/Color Canvas
one normally would have expected the script to appear somewhere within
the Xtns-menu. The
reason why the script is not yet installed permanently is simple: we
just used some kind of test mode, a clever feature of GIMP-Perl that
enables the quick testing of new scripts. Normally, a script has to be
installed so that it may be used permanently within the GIMP. By
starting the Perl server, we receive the ability of testing the script
directly on the command line and getting the same results as a
normal, installed module. Another huge advantage of the Perl server is
that you can modify your script as often as you want and then
immediately restart it. When you install a script permanently, you
have to reinstall it whenever you change it. And worse, each
time a script is newly installed, you'll have to restart GIMP.
Debugging or improving a script would really be time consuming with
this method, but with the help of the Perl server, everything works
just fine, and the turnaround time becomes much slower.
When you are sure your script works as expected, you may
integrate it into GIMP using the gimptool utility. Our little
script, for example, would be installed executing the line:
gimptool -install-bin simple_fu.pl
The script is only used in your user-related GIMP
configuration--other users won't be able to access your
script that way. If you want all users to be able to profit from your
work, you'll have to type:
gimptool -install-admin-bin simple_fu.pm
as this installs the script globally on your machine. You need to have
root privileges for doing this.
After installing the script, you can see a new menu point in <tt>Xtns -&gt;
Script-Fu -&gt; Patterns</tt> with the name ``Color Canvas''. Select the menu
point to execute the script, and you'll get the same window as you did when
calling the script directly on the command line: our red-blue canvas.
<H3>The Procedural Database</H3>
With a quite simple script, we have created an image that would take
at least several hundred lines of code without GIMP.
Because we could use predefined functions (like <B>GIMP-blend</B>) and
already existing plug-ins (<B>apply_canvas</B>), we were able to do the whole
job with very little coding required.
As you certainly might expect, GIMP is built on the basis
of a huge number of functions and procedures, and a great number of them
can be used within scripts--never mind whether you write them as a
plug-in in C, as script-fu-scripts or with GIMP-Perl. How can one
easily keep track of this big functionality without reading GIMP's
source code and studying all the scripts and plug-ins? As we've
already seen when registering our first script within GIMP, every
new component which can be used by other GIMP users/programmers needs
to have descriptive texts associated with it. All the basic functions,
as well as all plug-ins and scripts shipped with the GIMP by default,
have such descriptions, too. The central access point for all
available functions together with their parameters and descriptions is
the DB browser, an interactive catalogue that aids you in developing
The DB browser can be started by selecting the menu point ``DB
Browser'' from the Xtns menu. A dialog window as shown in Figure 1
appears on your screen.
<H3>Installing the Required Modules</H3>
The best thing to do if you want to work with GIMP-Perl is use one of
the developer versions of GIMP (1.1.<I>x</I>). You can get it from one of the
GIMP mirrors, just take a look at <A HREF="http://www.gimp.org/">http://www.gimp.org/</A>. Installing the
package for GIMP 1.0.<I>x</I> requires a little more work. First, you'll
to get GIMP-Perl and Gtk-Perl (at least version 5.0120) from any
CPAN mirror (<A HREF="http://www.cpan.org/">http://www.cpan.org/</A>). You need to unpack the tar files with
the commands:
tar xzfv Gtk-Perl-0.5120.tar.gz
tar xzfv Gimp-1.098.tar.gz
Move to the newly created directories and in each type:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
If Gtk-Perl doesn't work and GNOME is not installed, you may have to
perl Makefile.PL --without-gnome
<H3>GIMP Functions</H3>
<img alt="figure" src="gx/mauerer/3689f1.gif">
<h4>Figure 1: The Database Browser</h4></center>
In the left part of Figure 1 is a list box with many function names--the
GIMP's functionality is really enormous. When you select a function
from the list, several kinds of information about it appear on the
right side of the window: the functions name, a blurb (we've heard
that before--it's the GIMP's name for a short descriptive
text), a help text and--most important--the parameters needed to
execute the function correctly. When you see one or more lines headed
by ``Out:'', the function not only has input parameters, but also
returns some computed values. The <B>gimp-layer-new</B> function, for
example, takes a long list of parameter values and returns a new
layer. We've used the function in our small example script, feeding it
with the equivalent values and getting back a new layer which was
assigned to the variable <tt>$layer</tt>.
Obviously, the buttons ``Search by name'' and
``Search by blurb'' allow you to search either the
function name or the short description for a piece of text. Do a
search by name for the string ``canvas'', and you'll get to
GIMP functions with the word ``canvas'' in their name. Select
plug-in-apply-canvas and see what parameters were used for the function
in our script.
If you look at the function names exactly, you will see a very
important detail: while all the functions listed in the database have
normal dashes(<tt>-</tt>) in their names, their counterparts in the Perl-script
used underscores (_) for this purpose. While Scheme (and Lisp) usually
take the <tt>-</tt> as an optical-separation symbol, Perl uses the _ convention.
The effect of this is your scripts get more
consistent with other Perl code and thus are easier to read and
understand by programmers other than you. So when you look up
functions in the DBB (an abbreviation for database browser), don't
forget to replace the dashes by underscores in your Perl program.
In some functions, constants may be used as parameters because
descriptive names are easier to remember for than numbers. Pay
attention when using such constants, because GIMP-Perl replaces the
dashes by underscores here, too.
The DBB is a powerful tool to aid you in script development, but it's
not the only one available within the GIMP. The alternative one is the
PDB, the Procedural Data Base Browser. Both show the same functions,
but present them in a different manner. You can start it by selecting
the appropriate entry from the Xtns menu. As you can see, there is a
GIMP-Perl logo in the upper-right corner. The tool is therefore not a
script-fu tool, but natively written for GIMP-Perl. In the window's
headline, you can see that the browser is still an ``early alpha
version'', so be prepared that things may change. Nevertheless,
PDB is already a very good helper when creating GIMP-Perl scripts.
<img alt="figure" src="gx/mauerer/3689f2.gif">
<h4>Figure 2. The Procedural Database Browser</h4></center>
The whole thing works like this: in the ``Command'' text-box, you type
in a function name, and all functions containing the substring are
shown in the box below. You can either continue typing until there's
only one solution left (insert it by pressing <tt>F2</tt>), or select a
function name from the list. Select, for example,
<B>plug_in_apply_canvas</B>. When you press space after the function name,
the PDB will prompt you for the first parameter of the function,
simultaneously presenting a list of valid alternatives.
Again, you can choose one from the list or type in
the parameter via the keyboard (completion by <tt>F2</tt> works too). The
whole game runs again until all needed parameters for the function
call are selected. A nice thing for functions with 10,000 parameters
is the status-bar at the bottom of the window which shows how the
percentage of those completed.
When used in conjunction, PDB and DBB are two very useful
tools to aid you in script development.
<H3>Shorter and Shorter and Shorter</H3>
According to Larry Wall and Randal Schwarz, a programmer has three
main virtues as they state in <I>Programming Perl</I>: laziness,
impatience and hubris. But why do I tell you this when talking about
GIMP? Take a look at the function calls: aren't they really too long
for a lazy and impatient programmer? Always <tt>GIMP-&gt;gimp_...</tt>
before a simple call can be boring. GIMP-Perl introduced some
kind of shortenings for this problem. When you look at the GIMP's
functions, you find they all fit into a certain category that
is deduced from their heading: all functions starting with
gimp-palette- have to do with palette operations, layer functions have
the string gimp-layer- in front of their function name, and so on. As
GIMP-Perl uses Perl's-object oriented syntax
much typing can be saved by using the shorter forms for these
Operations, with the side effect that your scripts will be much easier
to read and understand. If, for example, you have an image-object
(<tt>$image</tt> in our example), you can use the gimp-image--functions
directly by appending them to the object. <tt>Gimp-&gt;image_add_layer($image, $layer, 0</tt>)
becomes <tt>$image-&gt;add_layer($layer, 0</tt>)
by this. <tt>$image</tt> isn't needed
as a parameter any
more since it is clear to which image the layer will be added.
Another possibility for shortening your scripts is using the kind of
abbreviations as you can do with palette operations.
Instead of writing <tt>Gimp-&gt;palette_set_foreground(...)</tt>
you may simple use <tt>Palette-&gt;set_foreground(...)</tt>.
To see what kinds of abbreviations are possible exactly, take a look
at the Gimp/Fu man page by typing <tt>man Gimp::Fu</tt> (if that
work, try <tt>perldoc Gimp::Fu</tt>).
<H3>Tracing Errors</H3>
Programmers are just humans, so they tend to make errors in their
programs. The situation with GIMP-Perl is
exactly the same, but with a ``special extension'': you can, on the
one hand, create erroneous Perl code and, on the other hand, call
GIMP's function in the wrong manner.
The Perl interpreter helps us to fix things falling into the first
category be displaying corresponding error messages, but what about
our errors originating from the GIMP? Imagine we were calling one of
the internal GIMP functions with the wrong set of arguments. Although
the number of parameters is right, one or more may have values that are out of
range. The only message issued is something like procedural database
execution failed at file <I>name</I> line <I>line_number</I>. That's not very
much information.
Tracing is a way to get more precise messages about your running
script. Simply insert <tt>Gimp::set_trace(TRACE_NAME)</tt> into the
header of
your subroutine, and you'll get a list of all called functions together with their
arguments. For our simple script, the output to STDERR will look like
Listing 2 (the lines were split up in several parts because they are very
long in the original output).
It is possible to fine tune the information given in a trace with the
parameter of the <B>set_trace</B> call. In our example, we have used
TRACE_NAME, but there are other possiblities:
<table border="1"><caption><STRONG>set_trace Options</STRONG></caption>
<td> Output Information</td>
<td> No tracing output at all.</td>
<td> Print all the executed functions together with</td>
<td>&nbsp; </td>
<td> their parameters as shown in the previous examples.</td>
<td> Print the function description from GIMP's</td>
<td> internal database: All parameter names, their </td>
<td> description and the possible values for them.</td>
<td> Print all informations available.</td>
<h4>STDERR Output</h4>
gimp_image_new(width=640, height=480, type=0) = (image=7)
gimp_palette_set_foreground(foreground=[255,0,0]) = ()
gimp_palette_set_background(background=[0,0,255]) = ()
gimp_layer_new(image=7, width=640, height=480, type=0, name=&quot;Color Canvas&quot;,
opacity=100.000000, mode=0) = (layer=16)
gimp_blend(drawable=16, blend_mode=0, paint_mode=0, gradient_type=0,
opacity=100.000000, offset=0.000000, repeat=0,
supersample=0, max_depth=0, threshold=0.000000, x1=0.000000,
y1=0.000000, x2=639.000000, y2=379.000000) = ()
plug_in_apply_canvas(run_mode=1, image=7, drawable=16,
direction=0, depth=10) = ()
gimp_image_add_layer(image=7, layer=16, position=0) = ()
<H3>A More Complex (and Complete) Example</H3>
Let's demonstrate the features of GIMP-Perl shown by now in a more
complex than the first. Did
you ever create a home page that uses graphical buttons? Then you
certainly know that for each button the same operations have to be
applied all the time--the perfect situation for a GIMP-Perl script.
The thing we are working on are buttons with a text component centered
in their middle (variable fonts and sizes should be usable), bordered
by a frame that looks like it has been carved into your desktop. If you've
already worked with a program using Sun's new Java metal layout, you
might already know this. Gtk, too, offers the rendering of buttons
according to such a scheme.
Before we start writing our script, we must think about the steps that
need to be done first. We need three layers: one for the background,
one for the border and one for the text. The border and text
layers must be transparent and therefore need an alpha channel.
As the font name, size and button text need to be user-configurable, we
must pass them as parameters to the script. When you apply
existing script-fu-scripts: dialog boxes for the various settings
appear before the script is actually run. The same thing is possible
with GIMP-Perl: When registering the function, we just need to say
what kind of user customizable arguments the script needs, and the
dialog where the parameters values can be entered is generated and
shown automatically when the script is executed. All these parameter
definitions have to be put inside the square brackets that already
appear in the register of the first example. The
line describing a parameter also needs to be put into square brackets. For
our new script, this would look like:
[PF_STRING, 'text', 'The button's text.',&quot;&quot;],
[PF_FONT, 'font', 'Font used for the button's text label.'],
[PF_BOOL, 'flat', 'Flatten the image and convert it to indexed]
Experienced Perl users know that a reference to an array containing
array references is passed that way, but this is just a technical
detail. The [] block describing the argument is always structured in
this way:
[PF_TYPE,name,description,default value(optional),other values(optional)]
<tt>PF_TYPE</tt> sets the type of the argument. This is important
because the
input methods differ for the diverse data types: a font selection is
done via a font selection box, while string are entered in a text box.
Boolean (true/false) values will be entered using a simple check box.
The possible values for <tt>PF_TYPE</tt> are documented in the
Gimp/Fu-man page. As the number of input types is
quite large, we won't cover them all here--just take a look at the
man page. (In fact, it would be quite difficult to write a script that
needs parameters of all types available.)
<tt>name</tt> will precede the actual input element as a descriptive text;
description will show up as a tool tip (appears when you place your
mouse over the selection widget and do not move it for some time).
The default setting for a parameter to be usable should supply safe
``base-values'' to a script--or set parameters to their optimal
values for the best look to give a good starting point.
The other values have different meanings for the different parameter
types, but we won't use them here.
<a href="misc/mauerer/etched.pl.txt">Listing 3</a>
What else will we need to create the button? A routine to draw the
frame would be quite handy, and we'll implement this as a Perl
subroutine that calls the corresponding GIMP functions to paint four
lines with the aid of the pencil tool. The script is shown in Listing 3.
As you can see, the subroutine used for controlling the creation of the
button is no more an anonymous one like in the simple example, but a
true Perl subroutine. Therefore, we'll have to use
<B>&amp;create_etched_button</B> to pass a reference of the subroutine to the
register function.
<img alt="figure" src="gx/mauerer/3689f3.gif">
<h4>Figure 3: The Script's Dialog Box</h4></center>
Our third argument to the script has to name <tt>flat</tt>. When it
is selected, all layers of the image will be merged together and the
resulting layer will be converted to the ``indexed'' color format. The
image may be saved in the gif format.
The general outline of the script should be clear now, as the
structure doesn't change too much from our simple example except
that we now have parameters and the subroutine is a real Perl subroutine. One
thing that still needs to be explained is how the
text layer is created.
Font and size for the text have been selected by the user and can be
found in the string <tt>$font</tt>. It's format is called X
logical font description and looks like:
Quite complicated. But that's no problem: we can use that string
directly as an argument for <B>gimp-text-fontname</B>, a function that
creates a new layer containing a specified text string. The function
needs both the font name, and the font size. It is
contained in the font string and can be extracted from it via the
function <B>xlfd_size</B> provided by GIMP-Perl.
Drawing the two overlaying frames that create the etched effect is
done by the Perl procedure <B>draw_frame</B> which is not exported into the
GIMP's database and therefore can be used only in our script. It draws
four lines, based on the knowledge of where the upper-left and lower-right
corner of the box are located. The settings for color and brush
are not changed; the procedure operates with the settings active when it is
If the <tt>flat</tt> flag has been set (<tt>$flatten</tt> is 1
then), additional actions take place: the layers are merged together, and the
image is converted to index colors, suitable for saving as a gif file.
For the user's convenience, the back and foreground colors
from the palette are restored to the settings before the script's
execution. Then we return the picture to the GIMP, and a new window
containing a graphical button shows up. You won't see the etched
effect too much here, but try putting the button in a web page--it
will look like Figure 4 shows.
<img alt="figure" src="gx/mauerer/3689f4.gif">
<h4>Figure 4: Buttons Generated with GIMP-Perl</h4></center>
If you like the script, you may install it with the gimptool command
as demonstrated in the simple example. A new entry called
shows up in <tt>Xtns -&gt; Script-Fu -&gt; Buttons</tt> then.
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Copyright &copy; 2000, Wolfgang Mauerer<BR>
Published in Issue 51 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, March 2000</H5>
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