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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">The Back Page</font></H1>
<!-- H4>By <a href="mailto:%(email)s">%(author)s</a></H4 -->
<li><a HREF="#authors">About This Month's Authors</a>
<li><a HREF="#notlinux">Not Linux</a>
<a name="authors"></a>
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<center><H3><font color="maroon">About This Month's Authors</font></H3></center>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Gerard Beekmans</H4>
<P> Gerard is the founder of TTS Solutions. TTS' aim is to provide a wide range
of services to the Linux community, for free. This free help is based on the
philosophy that we know what it feels like to be in need of help and answers
and not able to find them. Or one does find somebody and that person is willing
to help...for a price.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Bill Bennet</H4>
<P> Bill, the ComputerHelperGuy, lives in Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada; the
"Catfish Capitol of North America" if not the world. He is on the Internet at
<A HREF=http://www.chguy.net>www.chguy.net</A>. He tells us "I have been a PC
user since 1983 when I got my start as a Radio Shack manager. After five years
in the trenches, I went into business for myself. Now happily divorced from
reality, I live next to my Linux box and sell and support GPL distributions of
all major Linux flavours. I was a beta tester for the PC version of Playmaker
Football and I play `pentium-required' games on the i486. I want to help Linux
become a great success in the gaming world, since that will be how Linux will
take over the desktop from DOS." It is hard to believe that his five years of
university was only good for fostering creative writing skills.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Eric Fischer</H4>
Eric currently lives in Chicago, Illinois and is employed by RootsWeb, Inc. He
was formerly involved in the development of the Vim text editor.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Sean Lamb</H4>
I am a computer science major and LAN Admin at Lakeland College's Madison, WI,
campus as well as a member of the Wisconsin DOT Help Desk and Server Backup
teams. My previous Linux experience was solely with RedHat until installing
Caldera 2.2. I am a member of MadLUG (the Madison Linux User Group, at <A
HREF=http://madlug.jvlnet.com>http://madlug.jvlnet.com</A>) and an active
contributor to the user group's web presence. When I'm not playing with Linux,
I'm building and running my model railroad. I can be reached at <A
HREF=mailto:slambo42@my-dejanews.com> slambo42@my-dejanews.com</A>.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Mike Orr</H4>
Mike is the Editor of the <I>Linux Gazette</I>. You can read what he has to
say in the Back Page column in this issue. He has been a Linux enthusiast
since 1991 and a Debian user since 1995. He is SSC's Webmaster. He also
enjoys the Python programming language. Non-computer interests include
ska/oi! music and the international language Esperanto.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Pramode C.E and Gopakumar C.E</H4>
Pramode works as a teacher and programmer while
Gopakumar is an engineering student who likes to play with Linux
and electronic circuits.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Anderson Silva</H4>
<A HREF="http://www.4christ.org/anderson.html">Anderson</A>
is a Senior at Liberty University majoring in Computer Science.
Originally from Brazil, now he works at the University's
<A HREF="http://www.liberty.edu/itrc">Information Technology
Center</A>. He is also a member of the <A HREF="http://www.lylug.org/">
Lynchburg Linux User Group</A> in Lynchburg, Virginia.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">PJ Wessel</H4>
<P>PJ Wessel is a home user who writes poetry, designs
<A HREF="http://www.greencis.net/~ibi/">web pages</A> part time, and builds
computers as a hobby.
<P>He volunteers as staff support at
<A HREF="http://www.nowonder.com">NoWonder</A>, a live 24-hour tech support
site for all systems including OS/2, Linux, NT, MAC and Win3.1, W95, W98 and
W2000. Wessel answers questions relating to W95, W98, and hopes to field Linux
questions soon.
<P>Wessel's comments concerning design are published at
<A HREF="http://www.useit.com/alertbox/">Alertbox</A> a site devoted to web design useability by Dr. Jacob Nielson. Wessel will reply to
<A HREF="mailto:ibi@greencis.net">comments or questions</A>.
<a name="notlinux"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">Not Linux</font></H3></center>
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<IMG ALT="[ Penguin reading the Linux Gazette ]"
SRC=../gx/lg-penguin.gif ALIGN=right>
<P> This was quite an eventful month for me. It started with the WTO week,
then I got sick, then I started a big web project at work, then I had a
couple personal issues, then Christmas (I made my mom curry). And now
(Dec. 28) it's three days to New Year's, when the Millenium Bug will or
will not cause problems, and terrorists will or will not attack, but I will
definitely be out with me mates celebrating. New Year's festivities at Seattle
Center were cancelled today; no doubt the mayor didn't want to think about
having two disasters in one month.
<P> Meanwhile, the <I>Linux Gazette</I> letter of the month arrived:
I'm very pleased to contact with Red Hat.
I would like to ask you a faver.
Please let me know the e-mail address of the "STOCK MANAGER".
I have several questions for your stock and the business progress state with
I'm looking forward to your quick response.
<P> I wrote back saying,
"Hi. The Linux Gazette is not related to Red Hat. Please contact
Red Hat directly via their web site, www.redhat.com."
<P> -Mike Orr
<I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 49, January 2000,
<A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/">http://www.linuxgazette.com</A><BR>
This page written and maintained by the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
<A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com"> gazette@ssc.com</A>
<H5>Copyright &copy; 2000 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc.<br>
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