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<title>Running UNIX At Home LG #47</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Running UNIX At Home</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:reid@astro.utoronto.ca">Rob Reid</a></H4>
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<P> I started using UNIX years ago at school, so when Linux came along I eagerly
installed it on my home computer so that I could have the same wonderful
operating system in both places. Linux has worked amazingly well for me, but
after a while I noticed that it wasn't completely adapted for home use.
"locate"'s database wasn't getting updated, the log files kept growing and
growing, and the startups and shutdowns were taking a fair chunk out of my day.
This was because UNIX computers traditionally stay on all the time, while home
computers tend to be frequently turned off.
<P> None of my cron jobs, like updating locate's database and trimming the log
files, were being done since the computer was hardly ever on in the wee hours
of the morning, the time chosen by the distributions (Slackware, then Red Hat
3.0.3, then 5.1) for housecleaning. Very early in the morning is perfect for
computers that stay on all the time, since that's when there are the fewest
users to be upset by the somewhat disruptive janitorial jobs, but I was
unwilling to leave my computer on all them time just to make cron happy. I
ruled out changing the job running time to something during the day, since I
tend to run my home computer at unpredictable times for a few hours. The only
way I could be sure the jobs would be done would be to run them hourly instead
of daily or weekly. That would soon get annoying. My solution, the following
script, was to combine an hourly cron with batch, and to check whether the job
had already been done satisfactorily recently. The hourly cron is frequent
enough that it will probably get a chance while I have the computer on, but
batch minimizes my annoyance by only running the jobs when the computer isn't
too busy, like when I've gone for a snack. The timestamp check cancels the job
if it's already been done in the last week/month/etc.
<P> <A HREF=misc/reid/groundskeeper>groundskeeper</A> (Bash script)
<P> As you probably know, speeding up the startups and shutdowns is a matter of
not starting daemons you'll never need. I've taken it a bit further by often
not starting services that I often *do* need. Craziness? No. We all use SysV
runlevels, now, right? (When I started using Linux, with Slackware, this
wasn't the case, but I hope that even the most ardent BSDers have seen the
desirability of runlevels.) I was using runlevel 3 as my normal operating
mode, had a never used runlevel 4, and noticed that about half the time in
booting 3 was spent on network things. About half the time when I turn on my
computer, I'm not going to use my modem at all, so I set up runlevel 4 as "3
without network stuff". Now when I want to use my modem I boot normally, but
if I know I won't be using it I type "linux 4" at the LILO prompt and save a
lot of time. No reconfiguration of LILO was necessary. I haven't needed to
yet, but I could use my modem in 4 by becoming root and running the network
starter scripts by hand, and stopping them when I'm done. One of these days I
should write a script to automate that, but I'm lazy. Red Hat provides a
runlevel editor in their control-panel, but it is also easy to do from the
command line by playing around in the /etc/rc.d/* directories.
<P> If you're not sure which services you can safely eliminate, here's a
listing of my /etc/rc.d/rc[34].d directories as a sample. Your requirements
will probably be different, however.
rc3.d: rc4.d:
K08autofs K08autofs
K09keytable K09keytable
K15gpm K15gpm
K15sound K15sound
K59crond K59crond
K60atd K60atd
K60lpd K60lpd
K65portmap K65portmap
K80random K80random
K99syslog K99syslog
S01kerneld S01kerneld
S20random S20random
S30syslog S30syslog
S40atd S40atd
S40crond S40crond
S40portmap S40portmap
S60lpd S60lpd
S72autofs S72autofs
S75keytable S75keytable
S85gpm S85gpm
S85sound S85sound
S99local S99local
<P> Another, very optional, thing you can do is run 'tune2fs' on your ext2
filesystems to increase the number of mounts before they get fscked. Read the
man page first, and I have no idea what the ideal number is.
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<H5 ALIGN=center>
Copyright &copy; 1999, Rob Reid<BR>
Published in Issue 47 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, November 1999</H5>
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