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2020-08-23 10:33:19 +00:00
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<title>Bob Young Speaks at LXNY LG #47</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Bob Young Speaks at LXNY</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:adler@ssadler.phy.bnl.gov">Stephen Adler</a></H4>
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<em>Look Ma! That Bengal Tiger is Charging Right at Us with its
Claws Ready to Strike!</em><br>
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New York City under what remains of hurricane Dennis
<P><EM>[Click on the thumbnail images for full-sized pictures.]</EM>
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The multicast packets were going out the tunnel but not in. Hmmm....
I'll kill mrouted, and change the TTL threshold on the tunnel to 1 in
/etc/mrouted.conf. Restart mrouted, kill it with a USR1, and check the
routing tables it just dumped to /var/tmp. Hmmm.... Again, packets go
out, but not in. Ok, lets ftp the very latest version of mrouted
(beta version number increments by one), recompile, kill the running
version of mrouted and startup the new one. Ah, now I have mrinfo with
this package to help debug the multicast tunnel I've setup. New version
of mrouted but same problem; packets go out, but they don't come
in. I've managed to fully configure a one-way multicast tunnel.
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A nice example of the breadth of architectural styles found in the NYC
sky scape.
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It was September 7th, 1999, and I was counting down the days to a
crazy event which will occur in less than one month. <a
href="http://openscience.bnl.gov">Open Source/Open Science
1999</a>. My life has been turned totally upside down trying to get
this conference together, and setting up this multicast tunnel into
the Internet is a vital step. The conference will be broadcast onto
the Internet come hell or high water! But, another very important
event was happening that day. Bob Young was taking time away from his
schedule to go back to an old haunt of his, LXNY, and spend about 4
hours answering questions and later going to dinner with his old user
group. So I spent the day fighting the multicast tunnel dragon, a
fiery beast which spewed out multicast packets with deadly force. I
defended and attacked with my source code armor and sword, deflecting
those deadly packet attacks with emacs, GNU make, gcc and lots of
greps and mores. The meeting started at 6:30pm and this time I was
damned if I wasn't going to catch the 4:05pm train into the
city. 3:30pm rolled around and the multicast dragon hurled one last
fierce round of flaming packets at me. Emacs, man, grep, make and gcc
couldn't deflect them and baaam! I got a direct hit. Ouch. With that,
I laid down my sword, grabbed my notebook and car keys, and ran to
catch that 4:05 to Penn Station. I'll take up the battle with the
multicast dragon tomorrow. For now, I had a very important users'
meeting to attend. (Important on a historical level...)
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Down below on the street, a newspaper-magazine vendor tends to his
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I got to the Ronkonkoma station at 4pm on the nose, with good time to
walk (not run, as usually) to the train. As I got close to the tracks,
I could hear a muffled announcement which sounded like they had just
canceled the train into the city. I got closer and my intuition was
right. No LIRR to NYC because of a gas leak somewhere between here and
Penn. Back to the car, and on down the LIE where I took a rather
circuitous route to avoid possible parking lot traffic conditions
ahead. All in all, the trip into the city was uneventful. The hour and
a half drive gave me a chance to reflect on the state of the Open
Source movement that day.
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Two standard issue NYC hotdog and hot prezzel stands.
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The big event in the Open Source world was, of course, Red Hat's IPO,
which took place about a month ago. This capitalist rite of passage
catapulted some senior members of Red Hat into billionaire status. At
least on paper, or more virtually, on the text composed by my web
browser. Red Hat's market cap was sitting at over 5 Billion that
day. One share of Open Source/Freedom software (i.e. NASDAQ:RHAT)
started trading that day at about $85 and by the time I headed into
the city it was up to over $90. All the closed source marketing hype
and FUD coming out of other software OS companies cannot refute the
hard cold facts of market forces. The old phrase "free software, you
get what you pay for..." rung especially hollow that afternoon. I was
totally dumbfounded by the new heights shares in NASDAQ:RHAT was
reaching. I remember reading one of those e-trade news blips that
NASDAQ:RHAT shares had reached "nose bleed territory." This was when a
share in RHAT fetched a cool $50 the closing day of the IPO. Now that
it was trading at over $90 a share, how would those financial reporters
describe this territory? "Brain edema territory"? Or maybe "total
outer space vacuum territory." Forget the nose bleeds - your whole
body explodes from the inside out!
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I did say that NY was under the clouds of Hurricane Dennis, but I
thought I would liven up the view a bit with this nice shot of a Midtown
Manhattan skyline taken the following weekend after Bob's talk. The
shot was taken from Central Park looking south.
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I'm sure millions were spent on this piece of art, yet it seems to get
in the way of pedestrian traffic.
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Take a step back and think of this IPO phenomena. A company with
something on the order of 10^2 employees packages and distributes free
software, offers services on getting it up and running on your PC,
offers only about 10% of its shares to the public and is now worth
over 5 billion dollars! Red Hat's driving force, like many other
companies', are its employees. Therefore one can put a market value on
each one of those employees at about 10 million dollars a head! Think
about this: the free markets of western civilization value an Open
Source employee at 10,000,000. That's a lot of zeros.
The unbelievability of the numbers behind Red Hat's IPO dominated my
thoughts as I swerved over to the Southern State, down the Southern
State, then onto the Cross Island, back onto the LIE and finally
handing over my $3.50 to the toll booth guy to pay for my passage
under the East River at Midtown.
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IBM's red sculpture which sits at the base of the IBM building on 57th
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I was driving around Midtown at 5:30pm, this being record time for
me. So I decided to find a parking lot close to the IBM building where
the LXNY meeting was to take place. The first parking lot I found was
going to charge me $35 bucks to park. I backed right out of that
parking lot. I drove around some more and found another parking lot
which had a special: $25 for 3 hours. "How much for 4 hours?", "forty
dolares" replies the attendant is broken English. "40 bucks?!" I
backed right out of that parking lot as well! After spending 45
minutes driving around in circles through Midtown Manhattan, I
finally gave in. The third parking lot was a mere 32 bucks, (or $40
after tax I found out when I went back to pick up my car. Sigh...)
The rain from hurricane Dennis was now coming down over Manhattan rather
hard. I got only slightly wet this time, as I dashed over to the IBM
building. Knowing that the remains of Dennis were on their way to NYC, I
was wise to bring my umbrella along.
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New Yorker's anxiously awaiting Bob's arrival with baited breath? I
think not. Most of them have no idea who Bob is and are just taking
cover from the rain in front of the main entrance to the IBM building
on 57th street.
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<img src=gx/adler/lxny26Small.jpg>
There was a small crowd of people waiting at the main entrance to the
IBM building for the rain to stop. At first I thought they were all
there, waiting with baited breath to glimpse Bob Young for the first
time. I imagined this grand long black limousine pulling up to the
building, the driver quickly running over to the passenger door to
open it for Bob. I never saw such a limo drive up and I strongly
suspect that Bob arrived in a yellow NYC taxi cab. As a matter of
fact, I think only about 3 or 4 people, of the 20 or so standing out
front, were waiting to get into the IBM building to attend the
LXNY. The rest were taking cover from the rain under the entrance way
into the IBM building. I had a chance to meet one of them, who
introduced himself as a journalist. After some small talk we both
headed in, got our stick-on badges, and headed up to the 6th floor.
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LXNY folk gather at the beginning of the meeting, waiting for Bob to
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The meeting room was a large one. There was ample room to fit at least
100 people. When the journalist and I arrived, there were about 20
people there. I got to work handing out fliers to my Open Source/Open
Science conference and also took some pictures.
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Brian (I think) and Jim of VA Linux posing for me as Jim zips up his
VAIO in one of those glad zip lock bags. Good way to water proof your
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I saw some familiar faces from VA Linux show. There was one guy with a
very nice VAIO note book running Quake. Jim Gleason of VA Linux was
promoting his Linux demo day event. A day where a bunch of guys get
together and play Quake all day on a bunch of VA Linux PC's attached
to an OC-48 fire hose into the Internet. (What ever happened to sex,
drugs and rock 'n roll?)
I noticed the door to the meeting room close and went over to try
get it to stay open, figuring people showing up may miss the meeting
if the door is closed. As I was futsying around with the door, I
turned to find Bob Young looking to get into the room. "Hi Bob" I
said, "Welcome to New York." He cracked a smile, returned the greeting
and went in to mingle with the rest of the gathering crowd. I followed
him in.
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Brian and Ari of VA Linux. If you look closely, you'll notice that
they are both soaked from the rain outside.
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By this time, there were closer to 40 people in attendance. Mike
Smith, one of the co-organizers of LXNY, was there, writing
information down on a large paper pad which sat on an easel about the
various Open Source/Free Software related events going on about town.
He was also waiting for his counter part, Jay Sulzberger, the other
LXNY co-ordinator, to show up and start the meeting. Jay never showed.
So Mike called on everyone to listen to a bunch of announcements he
had, as the meeting formally got started.
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The Amiga Users Group (AUG) president, I assume, announcing the
existence of the AUG.
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Mike started with "LUNY is meeting ... ", "The NYLUG is doing ...",
"WWWAC is having a ....", "NYSIA panel discussion will be on ...", and
on and on. Finally one guy sitting on the far left of the seating
area, exclaimed, "What are all these user groups for?" in a rather
grumbled note. "Why do you have so many? Shouldn't one be
enough!". Jim Gleason took that question. He explained that when he
was in San Francisco, there were so many user groups that one could
find a meeting of some sort any day of the week. When he showed up to
NY, the number of groups was small in comparison so that he figured he
would start the New York LUG. With that, this man at the end of
seating area said, "Well, we want to announce the Amiga Users Group!
(AUG?)" And with that announcement, Manhattan just got one more user
group narrowing the "user group count gap" between the east and the
west coast.
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Mike Smith addressing the assemble group before Bob speaks.
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With the announcements finished, Bob got ready to address this
particular user group. He haggled with the seated crowed about how he
was going to structure his talk. He settled on giving some old LXNY
stories and then take questions from the audience.
Bob started by talking about the amount of travel he was doing lately
in promoting Red Hat to private industry in the pre-IPO days. Those
days were long and the travel extensive. The same presentations were
made over and over to the point that he had a hard getting his mouth
just to form the words during these presentations. Through this
ordeal, he learned the truth of the equation "opportunity - sleep =
trouble." He was also amused to realize that the corollary also held
true, "trouble + sleep = opportunity." A neat equation of state in the
world of sales. During his travel many mistakes were made and this was
done under high pressure situations and little sleep when he and other
Red Hat management types were pitching Red Hat to heavy weight
investors. He recalled one time when they were scheduled to be in New
York on such a day, and someone had scheduled a meeting with just one
investor in Dallas the day before. He and his colleagues who were
touring the country, did not want to go to Dallas, give their
presentation in front of just one investor, and then have to fly that
night to NY getting there at 2am, and then try to be fresh for a
really big, high pressure pitch to a bunch of NY Wall Street types the
next day. So they decided to play a trick on this poor Dallas
investor. During their presentation, they were going to redo all their
mistakes they made during all their other presentations to date. Bob
continues, "I got up and gave my introduction, going through all the
mistakes I could remember while I gave my talk, I then handed the
floor over to Matthew Szulik, (the current president of the company.)
Matthew started. 'We at Red Hat are committed to bringing and
supporting the best software Open Source has to offer to the Amiga
platform!'" Well, maybe you had to be there to get the irony of the
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Bob's waiting for Mike to finish up his announcements before taking
the floor.
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Bob went on to talk about the origins of LXNY and his work in the Free
Software world. Bob claimed that he was a sales guy through and
through. "After the revolution" he said, "I'll be out there selling
fuller brushes". (What ever they are...) Bob was very clear to cast
himself as the "entrepreneur." He went into sales right out of college
and has stuck with it since. He started in the computer industry in
the leasing market. He would rent computers to companies who didn't
want to pay loads of money to add computing power to their IT
systems. The computer leasing industry was about $100 million strong
back then and he ended up moving to New York City. He said he ended up
in middle management for this leasing company and to him it was clear
that the writing was on the wall. During his stint in NYC, he started
a computer news letter. He was also active in one of the Unix user
groups. Unigroup, I believe it was called. He heard complaints that
the Unix user groups where shrinking in membership. "We announce the
meetings, but fewer and fewer people show up", Bob recounted one user
member's complaint. The solution for Bob was simple. You had to attract
attention to these meetings. The newsletter he was working on needed a
unique angle in order to attract the attention of the local computing
community. Bob was up against some well oiled machines like Ziff
Davies and IDG (Infoworld). These were well established media groups
in the computer industry with huge budgets, staffs of reporters
etc. Bob needed to find a niche which these other magazines didn't
cover. This niche was Free Software.
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Bob Young and Mike Smith standing in front of the assembled group
sometime during the Q and A part of Bob's talk. I can tell because Bob
has taken off his jacket and tie at this point.
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Talking to the computer users at the time, it became clear to him that
Free Software had something important to offer. He recalled how
people would wax poetic about the wonders of Free Software. It was
much more stable and reliable than its commercial counterparts. Thus
Bob featured Free Software articles in his newsletter. He didn't tell
the audience if his newsletter was a success or not, but Bob had found
his niche.
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Another shot of Bob and Mike, but this time before the talk
starts. Notice Bob hasn't taken off his jacket and tie yet.
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So Bob started down the Free Software path. This was sometime around
1992 or 1993. Being the entrepreneur he claimed to be, he started to
research the Free Software market. He would talk to people about this
concept of trying to make money from "free" software and the
consistent answer was that no, you could not. Bob found this
strange. Everyone he talked to about it raved about how good it was,
and yet you could not make money from it? This struck an odd chord in
his marketing and sales intuition. The whole idea of a free market
economy is that you look for a need, and you work at fullfiling it. He
was doing this to some extent by publishing a newsletter on free
software. The next obvious step was to somehow make this free software
available to those who wanted or needed it.
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Bob taking questions and giving answers.
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His research on free software and the ability to turn a profit from it
led to a meeting with Richard Stallman. At that time, he joked that
this free software stuff was somehow a Trojan Horse from Redmond,
Washington. Once he met with Richard Stallman, he realized that the
two formed the two extremes of a bipolar system in the software
world. Bill Gates at one end in the closed source software world, and
Richard Stallman, at the opposite end in the open/free software world.
At that time, Linux was making its way into the free software world,
and Bob saw an opportunity to exercise his entrepreneurial skills. In grand
entrepreneurial style, he hooked up with Mark Ewing, and started up Red Hat,
which he ran out of his wife's sewing room. Some time later, he and Marc
moved to North Carolina where Red Hat is now stationed.
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Bob looking over his shoulder at someone, just after he got to the
LXNY meeting.
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Bob was clear about one point in his venture into the free software
world. He and Marc (and the rest of the free software industry) were
up against Microsoft. And the only way one can take on a giant like MS
is by not playing by its rules. Any company who tried to compete with
MS using the closed source model was doomed to fail. And many
did. Once MS decides it will take over some kind of application, be it
a web browser, multi media player, compiler, or whatever, it will
either buy the competition, or release its own version and thus kill
the competition. How can you compete with the guy who owns the
operating system you're writing software for? This left only a rather
bleak choice for your software company to either being bought or
broken by the OS giant.
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Yet another shot of Bob and Mike. Stop me if I'm getting too repetitive...
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Bob then made some comments related to this train of thought regarding
Richard Stallman. People who compare Richard and Bob would conclude
that it's these two who are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Bob
wants to sell free software, or more accurately sell services in the
free software market, while Richard's goal is to keep software
free. (Remember, "free" as in "freedom", not free as in a "free
lunch.") But the end result, either Bob trying to turn a profit by
packaging a free OS and selling services for it, or Richard, keeping
the code free, was the absolute necessity of keeping the source code
free and open. Bob made it very clear. As soon as one starts to dress
up a Linux distribution with closed source "enhancements", like a
partitioner and boot loader applications, a window manager/desktop, or
even the installation tools, your are starting to play right into the
strengths of Microsoft and the closed source software school. And when
you do, you lose! Therefore it is an absolute necessity to keep every
bit of code you package and write free and open.
Bob went on to describe how the railway monopolies of the beginning of
the 20th century were broken. They were not broken by other companies
building better trains or tracks, they were broken when the interstate
highway system was built and truckers could deliver goods from door to
door, rather than from region to region. In a similar fashion, the
software industry will have to use Free Software to break the monopoly
held by Microsoft which it enjoys now.
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Jay Sulzberger bring a gift of pastry snacks to the guest speaker.
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At some point during Bob's discussion on his analysis of Free
Software, Jay Sulzberger came in. Jay, in typical Jay style, made a
rather entertaining entry into the meeting. Jay was wearing a jacket
and tie, but the tie's really not tied right, (on purpose,) along with
some rather ragged shorts. He had with him some baked goods consisting
of a cake, some eclairs and Mediterranean sweets. He exclaimed "You
must always bring gifts to the rich!". Unfortunately I can't remember
all that Jay said at that moment. Be it that it was boisterous, in
good humor, and we all had a good laugh along with Bob.
Bob had some more points about Free Software which need mentioning. He
talked about how the market for overnight package delivery
changed. When Federal Express entered the market, their goal was to
reduce the cost of delivering a package overnight from $200 down to
$10. "What happens when you do so?" You change the way people use
overnight delivery by expanding its use tremendously. And we see this
today, with everyone and his uncle sending or receiving packages
overnight. Now with e-commerce, the overnight delivery volume is just
going to get bigger. Bob segued into this thought, what will happen in
the OS market if you change cost of an operating system to $0? "You
will change the way people use it," implying a great expansion in the
use of Free OS.
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I thought I would break up the monotony of all these pictures of Bob
with this picture of a section of a Maya stone relief. The picture was
taken the following weekend while I roamed the Metropolitan Museum. It's
also a nice contrast to all this talk about high tech and Free Software.
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The final major point of Bob's introductory talk was his thoughts on
where the Free OS market was going. Being a businessman, he had to
keep in mind the bigger picture of whatever business he's in. For
example, when he was in the computer rental market, he knew when his
company went from a startup to a major player. This market grosses
about $100,000,000 a year. If your company grosses $10,000,000 then
you can consider yourself a mature company. There is a term for this
(which I can't remember now) which means that you have gone from a
startup to a major player in the market, thus your quarterly revenue
increases will start to taper off. That is, you grow by a factor of 2
a year and once you become a "mature" player in the market, you will
only grow by a few percent a year since you have in effect saturated
the market. Bob has been trying to apply this analysis to Red Hat in
the Free Software market. How big does Red Hat have to get in terms of
gross income before it can consider itself a "mature" company in the
field? The answer to this date is that he has no idea. No one
knows. From my own personal perspective, one can look at Microsoft's
market capitalization. Right now it stands at about $500,000,000,000:
that's five hundred billion dollars. And Red Hat stands at a puny $5
billion, 1% on the scale of Microsoft. This means Red Hat has another
two orders of magnitude to grow before it can be considered a
"mature" player in this new market of Free Software. But then, if Red
Hat and other new members of the Free Software market are going to
change the way people use software, as in the example of how Federal
Express changed the way people use overnight delivery, then you have
to factor in several orders of magnitude in the expansion of Free
software on top of Microsoft's market cap. So if you consider
Microsoft a "mature" company at $500 Billion, and you consider say 1
order of magnitude increase in the use of Free Software because of its
$0 cost to install and distribute, then Red Hat may look at becoming a
"mature" company when it hits a market cap of $5 trillion? (Yow, these
numbers are so large it's scary.) But then, we are talking about
software which is in every PC (not just Intel,) in every network
appliance (refrigerators, toasters, fuller brushes...) in every
country around the world, tied together by the Internet, so $5
trillion just may be the right scale. Paraphrasing Linus Torvalds,
"This is total world domination."
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Back to Bob. Here his is photographed while being only slightly mobbed
by LXNY'ers trying to meet the man for the first time.
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At some point the meeting turned form Bob talking about his
experiences and analyses of the Free Software market to a question and
answer period. There were lots of questions which varied from asking
about his new book, "Under the Radar," to what he thought about making
money off others people's software. (He took his coat and tie off to
answer that question which he started by saying, "We are standing on the
shoulders of giants..."). One thing that I noticed during the question
and answer session was the urgency of those who wanted to ask their
questions. As time went on, more and more people were raising their
hands trying to get a question in. There was an active dialog going on
between Bob and the LXNY users group. The question I wanted to get in,
but couldn't, was what would be Bob's advice to someone who wanted to
enter this new Free Software market. I'll pop the question to him the
next time I see him. He did tell me that he was going to attend my
Open Source/Open Science extravaganza at BNL, so maybe I'll corner him
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LXNY'ers gather at Kaplan's deli after Bob's talk.
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The night was getting on and I could tell Bob was getting tired from
all the questions. The LXNY meeting is a rather long one. It goes from
6:30pm to 9:00pm with dinner at Kaplan's Deli afterwards. It was about
8 or 8:15 and Bob wanted to know how much longer he should take
questions. (I think he was hinting that maybe it shouldn't be too much
longer) "Another 1/2 hour would be great!" Mike, the co-organizer of
LXNY tells Bob. So Bob continued the question and answer period for at
least that long.
The final question finally rolled around. Something about really bad
support from Dell, which went on for about 5 minutes. Bob's reply was
the right one, "Send me an e-mail of your complaint and I'll forward it
on to the right person." With that everyone got up and the "after the
talk buzz" started. Bob was surrounded for the next 20 minutes by
people trying to meet him and get another question in. I walked around
taking photos. After a while, Jay in a very loud voice told every one
to get out since the building management closes the room at 9pm.
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Mike, Bob and Jay, sharing a NY Deli moment.
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The next hour was spent at Kaplan's Deli. Bob came right along with
the group and sat between Mike and Jay eating some deli delight. I was
rather surprised that he would take the time to go with the LXNY bunch
over to the deli for dinner. He must have many demands on his time
nowadays. It was way too late for me, but I wanted to get some photos
of the group in Kaplan's. I had my extra lean corned beef, about 3
glasses of water, said my goodbyes to Jay, and took off for home.
If you have read my other articles, you know my routine by now. I hit
the LIE east, and start counting exits until I reach exit 68. This
time was no different. And again, as I drove down the LIE, (I can
almost drive this freeway blindfolded) my mind wandered off into Free
Software land.
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The event that I just attended I considered to be at the historical
level. And unfortunately, comparisons between Bob Young and Bill Gates
kept popping into my head. When Microsoft went public, did Bill gather
with his old Altair users group to talk about the wonders of DOS?
When was the last time Bill showed up to a users group meeting to
basically shoot the sh*t with his friends? When will Bob be able to do
what he did tonight again? As time goes on, and the free software
market expands, Bob's time is going to be more and more in demand and
events like this one will just not occur. It's a sad thought but a
realistic one, I'm afraid.
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Back to primitive imagery. Why not! I bet there is a law of human
social interaction and economic forces which states that these forces
are invariant in time. If not, I'll be glad to publish an article on
such a law. This picture is of a gold mask found excavated in Central
<a href="gx/adler/Prim02.jpg">
<img src=gx/adler/Prim02Small.jpg>
Bob, along with Marc Ewring, have started down a quite adventuresome
path. Bob clearly has proven that he understands the world of
Free/Open Source Software. He and Marc have taken Red Hat to where
other Linux distribution and support companies are headed. Build an
"ecosystem" of Free Software and an industry will grow from it. The
contribution which Red Hat has made to GNOME is what I assume is just
the first step. Red Hat has founded RHAD which will be put to use in
developing further Open Source projects which my guess is to expand on
the "lets make a fertile ecosystem" model, so that others can start
writing application software to run on it and Red Hat will make money
supporting systems which use it.
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This gold mask is of Peruvian origin.
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<img src=gx/adler/Prim10Small.jpg>
One needs to keep in mind that the "Open Source/Free
Software," ecosystem has one ace up its sleeve; this ace being the
Internet. I keep harping about this fact, so please forgive my
repetitiveness. This Free Software/Open Source phenomena was born out
of the global connectivity of the Internet. The Open Source nature of
Free Software is a byproduct of the way software developers work
together though the Internet. Another way of writing this is to say
that because of the inherent nature of how developers collaborate from
far distances, over the Internet, with a goal of sculpting a software
package like Apache, GNOME, the Linux kernel etc, one needs to resort
to the "Open Source/Free Software" model in order to make this
collaborative system work. It's its own culture and a pure one at
that, meaning that all of the software which is found in the Open
Source/Free Software domain, was written in this Internet
collaborative model right from the get-go.
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Ugly fellow from the south pacific.
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<img src=gx/adler/Prim09Small.jpg>
So how does this fact affect the closed source software industry? When
software is written in the closed source domain, it will be
<b>very</b> difficult to transfer it to the Open Source domain which
is favored by the Internet. The simple fact that there is monetary
interested invested in a closed source software project will keep it
from being opened. So this sets a very polarized stage in the software
industry. A company which starts out by paying to develop software in
the close source business model, which it sells and is its main source
of revenue, will have a very large mental barrier to overcome in order
to adopt an Open Source business model. One could call them
pre-Internet companies. These companies now have a dilemma brought
about by the Internet. The very nature of collaborative work on the
Internet has given birth to this Open Source development model. The
Internet and its connectivity will dominate our future at all levels
of our social fabric. From the way we do business to the way we meet
our future mates. Because of this Internet connectivity culture which
is forming around us, these closed source companies will either be
forced into the Open Source model or go bankrupt staying in their
close source domain. One can view this as a Darwinian economic jungle
where the principle of "the survival of the fittest," (or free'est?)
applies. This chain of thought then leads to the other side of the
spectrum. The only way for a company to survive in the Internet
domain, is to start out embracing the Open Source model right from the
beginning. The Red Hat's, Caldera's, Turbo Linux'es, Linux Care's, and
other post-Internet companies are the ones who don't have to face the
hurdle of taking a large invested close source software product and
turning it over to the Open Source domain. They all started out on the
Open Source side of the Internet software development model and they
will grow right along with the Internet. Because of the power of the
Internet, or better said, the intellectual power that the connectivity
of the Internet will harness from a global population, and the fact
that it favors (even gave birth to) the Free Software model, then you
should ask your self this question. One what side of the Open
Source/Free Software - Close Source fence would you like to be on? Let
me give you a hint, NASDAQ:RHAT has now reached $135 a share (just shy
of a 1000% gain since its IPO,) and has been consistently selling for
over $100 a share since then. Ugly as it may be, those Free
Market/Darwinian forces are telling us something....
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I leave you with a shot of the Rosetta Stone. An inscription is
repeated 3 times in 2 different languages, Egyptian and Greek. The
inscriptions are hieroglyphs, demotic (another form of Egyptian writing)
and Greek. From what was etched in this stone, 19th century scholars were
able to begin deciphering the Egyptian hieroglyphs. One could argue
that the necessity of open standards pre-exist our Internet times by
several millennia.
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Copyright &copy; 1999, Stephen Adler<BR>
Published in Issue 47 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, November 1999</H5>
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