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<title>Linux Is Not For You LG #46</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Linux Is Not For You</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:nod@film-review.co.uk">nod</a></H4>
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<p align=center><font size=5><STRONG>
Linux is not for you<BR>
(if you are a normal everyday Joe)
<p>Okay, you've got a home computer, most likely a PC. You've been surfing the
net for six months to a year, so you reckon you are pretty wired. But you've
been hearing a rumour, a little whisper, a voice in the back of your head that
states, "There is another operating system and it's cool and funky, free,
stable, powerful and fast". Memories flash up of the time you were working on
that really important letter and the system suddenly locked, the day that you
finally found an interesting web site then the screen went blue, and you never
found that site again. This hint "at a better way" plays on your doubts and
suspicions, and after a little surfing you come across the holy grail of Operating
Systems, <i>Linux</i>. Perhaps you found it through a document like <A
HREF=http://www.linuxdoc.org/LDP/gs/node3.html>this one</A> which states,
"Linux is no longer only for UNIX wizards who sit for hours in front of a
glowing console".
<p>Okay, Sparky, stop right there. Linux is not for you. I really should add
"currently" to that statement, for there does remain hope for the future. But
for the moment, Linux is out of most people's league.
<P> Let me introduce myself. I am the guy that your Uncle Bob calls when his
computer crashes, the knowledgeable friend of the family, the man that can sort
things out. Self-taught, I don't know everything, but when it comes to the
home computer I can sort out most things. Generally this means Windows 95. The
faults that I find with most people's systems are extremely easy to rectify,
but working on them does give some insight into "the average user": what they
want, what they can and cannot do. Also, I myself have been 100% conned by
<i>the Myth</i>, and indeed have over the last five days I have installed Linux
three times all with varying degrees of success. So I now have a pretty good
idea of what is wrong with it in reference to using it for the first time.
<p>Sad but true, Linux is moving rapidly away from being usable by
"the average user". People may choose to argue that with the latest major
distributions including Partition Magic and Boot Magic, things are getting
simpler, but this is not the case. Look at what the distributions come with:
four to six cd-roms, big manuals, yet hardly any help unless one is prepared to
search for it. Give me a single Windows 95 CD-ROM and a boot floppy, and I can
install an operating system that will have a nice friendly interface, where
most people will be able to work out where their hard drive is. It will have a
printer installed, and will attempt to sense any other devices.
<p>With the KDE install that Caldera ships, I was pleasantly surprised to see
that on the desktop was my CD-ROM and floppy, but where was my hard drive?
What about that ATAPI Zip drive? Why is my printer not working? Eventually
after searching the internet (through Windows because there is no obvious quick
way of installing an internet connection on Linux), I find out how in theory to
install the zip drive. Imagine my surprise when I type in:
# dmesg | less
<p>and see that somewhere, somehow, my computer already knows that it has a
zip drive. It just didn't put an icon anywhere for it or indeed even mount the
drive. So I have to do this by <b>typing stuff in</b>: arrgh, horror of
horrors. I am not even going to go into the problems I had with the sound card
which resulted in severe feedback and waking up the neighbours. I have not even
attempted to install a printer yet, because quite honestly my nerves aren't
quite up to it.
<p>Now that deals with the installation problems, no visible hard drive.
Although with a little bit of guesswork you could probably work out that it is
/, that's not really as intuitive as a Hard Drive Icon. As for finding the
other partitions on the drive, well I can do it and am feeling pretty damn
pleased with myself, but the average person could not, even though the
operating system is perfectly aware (just like with the Zip) that these exist.
<p>Now let's deal with the issue of Linux moving rapidly away from what the user
wants. One of the first things I did was click on the big K. I see a wealth
of software: games, text editors (both advanced and normal), and various things
that I don't know what they do. I'm going to click on them anyway, but the
question is, do I need this stuff? Of course not; the installation does not
provide what I need. A good example would be SANE, which apparently is scanner
software. This I know, because I already knew what the KRPM did. I look to
see whether SANE is installed on my system. Apparently it is. I can even
uninstall it by clicking on the button in KRPM. But I can't find any way to run
the program. I look in the manual. It tells me to do various things. While
this may be good for a UNIX guru, it doesn't help me, because I don't
understand what the words refer to.
<p>This is a plea on behalf of the home user. Companies, stop concentrating
on adding as much software as possible! Instead, redirect your effort into
producing a sound, simple, base installation! Take a good look at Microsoft's
products. Study what they install and how the user navigates around. Microsoft
may be despised by the Linux community but it would be best if one were to
study the enemy and exploit their strengths as well as their weaknesses. The
home user doesn't care about open source codes, they don't program. They want
to get a system up and running that they can use, and where they can then
install any additional components, preferably without having to type anything
in. Keep it simple, concentrate on wizards rather than adding features. I've
tested out the speed of Linux using my dual booting system these were the
results :
<p>Copying a folder containing 4 files totalling 149 megabytes to another
partition on the same hard drive:
Linux: 1 minute 47 seconds
Windows: 2 minutes 37 seconds
<p>Now I have no idea how or why etc., but Linux seems faster so I am keeping
it. I know that at some point it could be the OS of the future, and would like
to discuss with anyone that is interested, what form the perfect, simple base
installation could take. One of the fundamentals was that Linux was for the
good of everyone, and as I'm a newbie I figure that I'm the perfect idiot to
test it on.
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<H5 ALIGN=center>
Copyright &copy; 1999, nod <BR>
Published in Issue 46 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, October 1999</H5>
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