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<title> Getting Involved in Open Source LG #43</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Getting Involved in Open Source</font></H1>
<H4>By <A HREF="mailto:andrew@ultraviolet.org">Andrew Feinberg</A></H4>
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<EM>How to join and render help to the Linux community.</EM>
Linux has always been maintained by volunteers. In fact, the ``gift
culture'' of the Open Source community has always been one of its strong
points. However, the majority of users who would like to contribute do not
know how to get involved. This article will discuss aspects of becoming
active in the Open Source community and contributing to the Linux
kernel and other projects, including my experiences with becoming involved
in the Debian project.
<h3>The Kernel</h3>
The contributors file in /usr/src/linux on my home system is huge. My
linux-kernel mailing list folder is always full of mail from people,
eagerly discussing the ins and outs of improving this operating system. Many
people assume that Linus is the sole author of Linux. Not true, I tell
them. Linux is the prime example of the ``benevolent dictator'' model of
open-source development. A prospective developer submits code to Linus or
one of the few ``lieutenants'' such as Alan Cox. They decide what will go
into the kernel.
Another scenario is that certain parts of the kernel,
such as the kernel NFS system, have a maintainer.
Code is submited to them, and they decide what goes into their part
of the kernel. Occasionally, Linus or someone will ask for a person to take
over a part of the kernel. If you volunteer, make sure you know the code
and can handle the responsibility of maintaining it and accepting patches.
Be prepared to handle loads of mail if something breaks. Also, make sure
you are on the linux-kernel mailing list.
One of the more exciting developments in the past year has been the effort
to provide Linux with an easy to use desktop. One of the two front-runners
in that effort has been GNOME: the GNU Network Object Model Environment.
Unlike the kernel, GNOME uses CVS, a version control system, to keep track
of code submitted by developers around the world. This eliminates the need
for someone to patch sources by hand to create an upgrade. To get CVS
access to GNOME, send mail to Miguel de Icaza (miguel@kernel.org). Include
a description of what code you will be writing, along with an encrypted
password. More information is available at <A HREF=http://www.gnome.org/>
Debian GNU/Linux is unique in that unlike most other distributions, it is
maintained entirely by a team of volunteers from all over the world.
Becoming a Debian developer entails your maintaining a package;
that is, you will make sure the latest version is on the Debian FTP
site and that bugs get fixed as soon as possible fixes are done by you, if you
package your own software, or the upstream maintainer, if you package
someone else's software. or the software of a project such as GNOME or
Mozilla. Because developers can place packages into the distribution
tree, Debian is rather strict on security issues, especially when it comes
to letting new developers into the project. A PGP key, (or coming soon,
GNUPG) key is a must, and this key must be signed by another Debian
developer. This may seem Draconian, but it is imperative that they be sure
that the developers are who they say they are. After they receive your
PGP/GPG key (signed), someone may call you for a telephone interview. This
will consist of asking you a few questions, generally about the package(s)
you intend to maintain. The whole process takes time, but it ensures
the distribution is secure.
<h3>Wrapping It Up</h3>
The open-source development model allows talented people to collaborate on
projects from across the world. If someone feels they have something
useful to contribute, they can. This article only touches on three
projects. The Open Source movement is truly a ``gift culture''. You are
judged by what you have contributed and the quality of your code.
Countless projects are out there that can benefit from the
assistance of the community. With your help, they can flourish, and you
may be ``known by your initials''.
<A HREF=http://www.gnome.org/>http://www.gnome.org/</A>
Debian GNU/Linux:<BR>
<A HREF=http://www.debian.org/>http://www.debian.org/</A><br>
<A HREF=http://www.debian.org/devel>http://www.debian.org/devel</A>
(Developer Information)
The Linux Kernel Mailing List:
<A HREF=http://www.tux.org/hypermail/linux-kernel/>
http://www.tux.org/hypermail/linux-kernel/</A> (archives)<br>
To subscribe,
send mail to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu with <tt>subscribe&nbsp;linux-kernel</tt> in
the body.
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Andrew Feinberg <BR>
Published in Issue 43 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, July 1999</H5></center>
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