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<H1 align="center">Table of Contents <BR>February 1999 Issue #37</H1>
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<LI><A HREF="../index.html">The Front Page</A>
<LI><A HREF="./lg_mail37.html">The MailBag</A>
<li><a HREF="./lg_mail37.html#help">Help Wanted</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_mail37.html#gen">General Mail</a>
<LI><A HREF="./lg_tips37.html">More 2 Cent Tips</A>
<LI><A HREF="./lg_bytes37.html">News Bytes</A>
<li><a HREF="./lg_bytes37.html#general">News in General</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_bytes37.html#software">Software Announcements</a>
<LI><A HREF="./lg_answer37.html">The Answer Guy</A>, by James T. Dennis
<LI><A HREF="./york.html">Creating A Linux Certification Program, Part 4</a>, by
Day York
<LI><A HREF="./martinez.html">Dispelling the Kernel Compiling Myth</a>, by Jean
Francois Martinez
<LI><A HREF="./pennington.html">Free Philosophy, Part I</a>, by J. W.
<LI><A HREF="./gm.html">Graphics Muse</A>, by Michael J. Hammel
<LI><A HREF="./richardson.html">ispell: Spelling Checker</a>, by Marjorie
<LI><A HREF="./ramirez.html">Linux Assists in the Windows NT Installation
Process</a>, by Gilbert Ramirez
<LI><A HREF="./jenkins6.html">Linux Installation Primer, Part 6</a>,
by Ron Jenkins
<LI><A HREF="./sharma.html">Linux: The Software Gold Rush</a>, by Alolita
Sharma and Bob Adkins
<LI>New Release Reviews, by Larry Ayers
<li><A HREF="./ayers1.html">Comparison of BeOS-r4 and Linux</a>
<LI><A HREF="./adler.html">An Ode to Richard Stallman</a>, by Stephen Adler
<LI><A HREF="./stoneburner.html">A True Satire </a>, by Walt Stoneburner
<LI><A HREF="./holmwood.html">Using Modules with Linux</a>, by John
<LI><A HREF="./pranevich.html">The Wonderful World of Linux 2.2</a>, by
Joseph Pranevich
<LI><A HREF="./lg_backpage37.html">The Back Page</A>
<li><a HREF="./lg_backpage37.html#authors">About This Month's Authors</a>
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<center><H3><font color="maroon">Help Wanted -- Article Ideas</font></H3></center>
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Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 16:59:49 +0100<BR>
From: "W.N. Beukers", <A HREF="mailto:beukers@ampcometal.nl">
beukers@ampcometal.nl</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Set up Linux as server</font>
I am planning to buy a Linux version to use for a server i am setting
The main things I want to have Linux do is ask as a proxy, a mail and a
fax server.
Linux will be running on a PC together with windows 95 and handles all
the outgoing faxes, all e-mail communications (internal and external).
Also these users have to have the possibility to to on the Internet by
means of the proxy server.
Last wish I have is a graphical interface to work with as I am a novice
but I still want to set up this system and maintain it.
What Unix version is the best, easiest (red hat, Susie, or Debian)
Can you tell what I need as a basis and what additional packages I need
so that I can order it.
Wilko Beukers
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Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 11:17:18 -0500<BR>
From: DJ FALCIONE, <A HREF="mailto:falcione@bettis.gov">falcione@bettis.gov
</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Idea for an article</font>
I have an idea for an article.
How about a primer on how to set up one's sound card to do true MIDI?
I have an Ensoniq AudioPCI card and have been successful in getting it
to play WAV files via the audio out port and also simulated MIDI using
But I can't figure out how to get TRUE MIDI rendering like I get with the
same card in Windows 95.
Is this a driver issue? Thanks,
Dean Falcione
<blockquote> <font color="maroon">
(Check out <I>Linux Journal</I> issue58. It has an article on Csound that discusses MIDI
issues. It's on-line too at <A
http://www.linuxjournal.com/issue58/3187.html</A>. --Editor)
</font> </blockquote>
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Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 22:42:11 -0600<BR>
From: Romulo Rodriguez, <A HREF="mailto:romulorc@earthlink.net">
romulorc@earthlink.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Celeron</font>
I would like to know whether Linux will have any problems with the Intel
Celeron Processor. Thanks,
R Rodriguez
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Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 10:33:39 -0600<BR>
From: "MARK -The Great- ZOLTON", <A HREF="mailto:mcz@wheat.ksu.edu">
mcz@wheat.ksu.edu</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Advanced Linux/Java Concepts</font>
At my university, most new programming courses are taught in Java.
Because of that, I have become quite apt in programming for such an
environment. However, when the time comes that I have a great idea
for and application for Linux, I feel somewhat bad about programming
it in Java as it is not native to the system. I feel particularly
left out when it comes to gathering information from the system. For
instance, I am currently working on a set of Zip disk management tools
and I have begun coding the core of the application in Java. Since
Java is the only language where I have any real experience
programming a GUI, I plan on using the Swing widget set to make a
slick GUI. Anyway, to manipulate the Zip disks, I make several calls
to basic system functions like umount, mount, eject. While this is
fine for simply manipulating the disk, I would also like to gather
information about the disk... such as, is there a disk in the drive,
is it already mounted, etc... Can you see where I'm going. Although
Java can do quite a bit, Its platform independence seems to limit it.
I would like to know if there is a Java package designed for use with
Linux that can provide me information about the system. Or, if that
does not exist, does anyone know of a simple, effective method of
gathering information from the system? Maybe parsing output from
other Linux utilities??
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Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 11:30:12 -0600<BR>
From: "MARK -The Great- ZOLTON", <A HREF="mailto:mcz@wheat.ksu.edu">
mcz@wheat.ksu.edu</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Getting started with programming for Linux</font>
Although I am a somewhat experienced programmer, I find myself wanting
to know more about programming for Linux. I have a little C under my
belt as well as C++ and a lot of Java (from university classes) and
I'm just learning Perl. I am
very interested in programming for Linux (specifically X), but I
don't know where to start. I don't know enough C to begin fiddling
around with other people's source, so I'd like a general introduction
to programming for Linux (how to interact with the system, how to
program a GUI using GTK, QT, etc..., and how to write Window Maker
docklets). However, seeing as how I have only a little knowledge of
C, if there is an introduction which provides said things along with
intermediate C programming, that would be the best. Does something
like this exist and would the O'Reilly X books be of any use at this
stage in my development?
Thanks again,
<P> <HR> <P>
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Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 01:01:58 -0600b4
From: Bob Counts, <A HREF="mailto:rcounts@troi.csw.net">
rcounts@troi.csw.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Gzip and tar files</font>
I am looking forward to reading the gazette but for right now the only
machine I have is a Windows 98 that is connected to the Internet. I would
like to download the Gazette but I don't have any way to expand and
un-archive gzip and tar files in Windows. Is there any software that you
know of that will do this. I am still in the infancy stage when it comes
to Linux and I need all the help I can get. I know your magazine will help,
but until I get PPP going on my Linux machine I am stuck. I think I should
mention that my Linux and Windows computers are separate boxes.
Bob Counts
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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 12:58:01 +0100<BR>
From: Ottar Engstr&oslash;m, <A HREF="mailto:Ottar.Engstrom@lfk.mil.no">
Ottar.Engstrom@lfk.mil.no</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Matrox Productiva G100</font>
I am trying to configure X on my PC, XF86config asks me for several
questions I can not answer. Like RAMDAC,Chipset ect on my Productiva
G100 8MB AGP graphic card? I will be pleased if You could answer me.
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Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 18:01:19 +1100<BR>
From: "deves", <A HREF="mailto:deves@eisa.net.au">
deves@eisa.net.au</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">EMM 386 Emulator</font>
I'm trying to find the EMM 386, can you give me any addresses for
download of this emulator?
As my computer needs it to play most games including the famed POKEMON
Do you think I should get this emulator, or wait for the PC game?
P.S I still want those addys!!!!
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Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 10:53:14 -0500<BR>
From: GBE, <A HREF="mailto:hawk@valinet.com">hawk@valinet.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">new user</font>
I'm new at Linux(RH5.2) and I've a question. When I download files
using Netscape4.04 it puts it in my root directory. Now I guess I'm a little
anal-retentive but I would like it to go in a folder called "download"
or some other place. When I went to upgrade my XFree86 the install
directions said that it was suppose to be in /var/tmp ???
Now I can mkdir for the folder, do I put permission on it? Do I have to
link it to somewhere?
Please give me commands to do this, if you can.
Gene Euvrard
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Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 19:32:05 +0200<BR>
From: "Volkan Kenaroglu", <A HREF="mailto:volkan@sim.net.tr">
volkan@sim.net.tr</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">FTP Server</font>
I installed Debian 2.3 recently. And I want to build a FTP server. h All
I need to know is how can do this :)
But I never tried to do so I don't know even where to start. Please help!
Any information would be appreciated.
thanx Linux-mates.
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Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 23:28:18 -0800 (PST)<BR>
From: Shanti Mohan, <A HREF="mailto:kas6719@yahoo.com">
kas6719@yahoo.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Trouble on Linux</font>
This is regarding CD-record software available on Linux. When a CD is
doing a actual write to the CDR, and some other user on the server
tries to remove a very big file using "rm" (the file is about 400MB)
the CD-record program stops writing. This also happens when a user is
trying to copy amount of data on the server.
Is there any solution to this problem as it means that my server is
locked while write is in progress.
Could you please help ?
Shanti Mohan
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Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 09:30:57 +0000<BR>
From: Andreas Neukoetter, <A HREF="mailto:ti95neuk@de.ibm.com">
ti95neuk@de.ibm.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Idea for an article ...</font>
I'm one of the poor guys in Germany who has to use an Provider for his
Web server ... instead of hosting it myself.
The biggest Problem is to keep the "online"-site in sync with the "off-line"-one.
Since i choose a cheap-provider i have no telnet-access to "my"-server and
can't use the wget- or mirror-approach.
I've written some scripts to make "crc32"-lists (in fact just sum-up the bytes
since my crc32.pl just don't works) in Perl
and execute it "off-line" and "online" (as a cgi ... the only way to run
programs on the server). These lists are compared
and different files are synced ... it works... but i don't find it satisfying :(
has anybody a "better" solution ???
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Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 14:26:26 -0000<BR>
From: "Jonathan Homer", <A HREF="mailto:jhomer@pulsesoftware.demon.co.uk">
jhomer@pulsesoftware.demon.co.uk</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Re Telnet!</font>
Need help with the Telnet Daemon. It works perfectly accept when you
connect via Windows or NT (sorry). It does as far as I can tell a Username
lookup. Since NT or WIN 95 does not run such a service there is a pause of
10 seconds or so. I have not yet found the way to switch this lookup off.
Can anyone help me?
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Date: Sat, 16 Jan 1999 06:05:39 -0800 (PST)<BR>
From: Steve Foster<A HREF="mailto:steve_p_foster@yahoo.com">
Subject: <font color="maroon">Xaw3d Documentation</font>
Just a short note, is there any documentation available for the wigit
set, as I have used the example in LG 2(?), and fancy a crack at some
other styles.
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Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 19:29:55 -0500<BR>
From: "Jeffrey S. Flowers", <A HREF="mailto:ftn@bellsouth.net">
ftn@bellsouth.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Linux in ROM</font>
The recent letters about putting Linux on a floppy is interesting to me
but what I am interested in is putting Linux in ROM. I have a used 486
and what I would like to do is buy a ISA card that emulates a IDE hard
drive. I've seen them advertised but to work with Linux wither a custom
driver would be needed or Linux would have to be set up to use the BIOS
for all disk accesses.
Does anyone know of anyone doing this kind of thing?
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Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 10:14:45 -0600 (CST)<BR>
From: Andy Kraut, <A HREF="mailto:opie4624@wagner.mtco.com">
opie4624@wagner.mtco.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Help Wanted -- Client 32</font>
My High School uses Novell's Client 32 for all of their Internet
connections. This means that only the main server has an IP address.
Does anyone know how to make Linux (Red Hat 5.2) use the Internet over
this? IPX is the only protocol in the Network settings of the Win 95
machines here.
Thanks in advance,
Andy Kraut
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Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 10:51:22 +030<BR>
From: "bman", <A
HREF="mailto:biz_bman@hotmail.com">biz_bman@hotmail.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">A Question Please</font>
First, I like your web site, and second, I have a question.
I have two 3com modems v90's one is internal "3com v90 voice" and the
other is
External 3com v90 .... I am using each one with a Linux System and
have them connected to each others by a telephone line .... my problem is
that I don't get the 56 speed
that v90 should have. I get 33 or some thing like that... is there a way
to tune up the modems in Linux operating systems? Thanks a lot.
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Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 17:10:18 -0600<BR>
From: "Aaron Becker", <A HREF="mailto:abecke2@uic.edu">abecke2@uic.edu</A>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Help with AGP Riva TNT and Linux</font>
I just installed Red Hat Linux 5.2, and I don't know how to configure
it to utilize my 16 MB STB Velocity 4400 AGP graphics card. That card
is not in the card database, unfortunately. I can start the X Window System, but,
the resolution is only 320 X 200. This resolution renders X
virtually unusable. I would appreciate any help anyone can give me on
this subject. Please bear in mind that I am extremely inexperienced
with Linux when you respond.
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Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 21:07:17 +0100<BR>
From: "Oriol Molist", <A HREF="mailto:omsv@mail.cotursa-hotels.com">
omsv@mail.cotursa-hotels.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Suggestion</font>
I am a Linux user. I have setup several PCs as X-terminals, but it is quite
boring and takes too much time.
I want to create a script that allows the easy setup of a X-terminal with
lpd and ghostscript printer support, sharing the same NFS root for all
xterminals, these would allow to install a network of xterm-PCs easily.
Imagine that you can have the same of windows terminal server without having
to pay anything.
Please if anyone is interested in helping me, send me e-mail.
Oriol Molist
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Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 00:18:25 -0500 (EST)<BR>
From: <A HREF="mailto:jvu001@umaryland.edu">jvu001@umaryland.edu</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Help: Linux, laptop, PCMCIA SCSI</font>
I have a Toshiba 220CDS laptop and it once ran Linux on a 800 MB partition,
but I deleted the partition because I needed the space. I have a PCMCIA
SCSI card and am thinking about getting the Iomega Jaz drive (either 1 or
2GB) and installing a Linux partition on that external drive. My question
is: Is this possible? Has anyone attempted this and has successfully
installed Linux on it? I'm thinking that I would have to use DOS to load
the PCMCIA drivers first and then use loadlin to boot the Linux partition.
Am I correct in thinking that this will work? Thanks.
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Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 08:58:27 -0600<BR>
From: Pete Nelson, <A HREF="mailto:pete.nelson@ci.stpaul.mn.us">
pete.nelson@ci.stpaul.mn.us</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Serial Headache</font>
I had been trying to set up a PPP connection from my Red Hat 5.2 box at
home to various ISPs. It was so problematic, I ended up writing a
script that would begin dialing and fork an xterm with a 'tail -f
/var/log/messages' so I could watch it fail.
I ironed out all the bugs in my chat script (Linux would be no fun if
everything worked perfectly out of the box!), and pppd would connect -
but it would then bomb out.
The messages were always the same before pppd died :
pppd[xxx]: Serial connection is not 8-bit clean.
pppd[xxx]: Problem: bit 7 always 0.
So it looks like a serial problem. But I haven't found a fix with
'setserial' or anything in my BIOS, or in the PPP setup. My guess is
it's something incredibly simple that I'm just completely overlooking,
but no one else that I know can figure it out, either.
If anybody knows the answer to this problem, I'd really like to hear it
( and you can even throw in a 'DUH!' if you so desire - I'm almost
positive there's a real easy answer to this! )
Pete Nelson
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Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 14:49:53 +0800 (HKT)<BR>
From: Romel Flores, <A HREF="mailto:rom@ncc.edu.ph">rom@ncc.edu.ph</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">(newbie question) messed up terminal</font>
tty1 of my Linux box went gaga and can't accept the enter key. It just
displays the ^M when I press the enter key and ^? when I press backspace.
How do I solve the problem without resetting the machine.
R. Flores
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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 12:43:06 -0800<BR>
From: "Rick Lim", <A HREF="mailto:rick_lim@bctel.com">rick_lim@bctel.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">PPP dialin and out from the same box</font>
I can connect to my ISP (PPP) which uses dynamic IP address.
I can then turn around and configure the same serial port
for a static IP (PPP) for someone to dial into the same box.
But if I now try to connect to the ISP my box has the same
static IP that was assigned to the port and it will not
let me connect.
Is there a way to PPP out dial using a static IP address
and still have a PPP in dial and assign a IP from my LAN?
Thanks for any help.
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Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 11:13:38 -0500<BR>
From: Dean Maluski, <A HREF="mailto:n0ety@home.com">n0ety@home.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Netscape</font>
I tried using tip to have Netscape use Mail directory.
OK now I created all my sub-directories in Mail but they start with Caps so
Inbox is not the same as inbox.
Is there any way to make them the same? Preferably Netscape looking
at inbox & not Inbox.
One cool thing is now when I look at message center I have a choice of
looking in Inbox or inbox, and all directories within /Mail using Netscape.
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 22:19:36 EST<BR>
From: <A HREF="mailto:tomf7@hotmail.com">tomf7@hotmail.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Linux</font>
So I finally got Red Hat 5.2 installed after 8 tries, now what. It seems like a
fun game toy, but is it really useful? I can't get Netscape going because the
server doesn't have a DNS even though I put one in for it. The xplaycd reads
the CD, but no sound. The time I spend on this system doesn't make up for the
cost. Linux has at least light years to go to catch up with anything that runs
<a name="gen"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<center><H3><font color="maroon">General Mail</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 16:43:22 +0100<BR>
From: Christian Schaller, <A HREF="mailto:frostking@linuxrising.com">
frostking@linuxrising.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">RE:Anouncements by Sun & TrollTech</font>
After seeing the latest issue of <I>Linux Gazette</I> I have a couple of
1) I often feel that the stories covered in <I>Linux Gazette</I> and thereafter
<I>Linux Journal</I> are dated,
I mean these license announcements are old and heavily debated and
Slashdot etc. As a Journal subscriber I for one would appreciate if the
currentness of the stories covered in the gazette and the journal was
more close to date of publication than today.
2) As for the articles content I have one issue I think should be
brought up when the "open-source" licenses are discussed. And that is the
fact that these licenses are a bigger threat to the free software
community than proprietary software. Most of these licenses makes it
impossible to reuse code and they undermine the success criteria that
GPL/LGPL and BSD licenses gives open source software, by enabling
anybody to modify or include code or complete software packages in their
own software. If these types of licenses are allowed to be accepted as
just as good, the best scenario we might hope for is that anybody making
free software "just" have to include 20 different licenses with the
software witch have to consist of 15 different patches.
I hope SSC through their publications takes care not to support such a
Christian Schaller
<blockquote> <font color="maroon">
(The realities of life are both <I>LG</I> and <I>LJ</I> are monthly magazines. If an
announcement is made on on the 4th of the month, it won't show up in <I>LG</I>
until the next month. For <I>LJ</I>, it's even longer because there's the lead
time needed to get the magazine in print, etc.
</font> </blockquote>
<blockquote> <font color="maroon">
We could, of course, just ignore all news related issues and stick with
technical articles only, but then we wouldn't be getting our opinions out
</font> </blockquote>
<blockquote> <font color="maroon">
What would be nice is if these companies would tell us 2 months in advance
so we could have the stories in print in <I>LJ</I> at the same time the announcement
is made. But this isn't likely to ever happen--insider information and all
</font> </blockquote>
<blockquote> <font color="maroon">
One of the reasons that I put the article in <I>LG</I> was to get it out a bit
quicker than it will appear in <I>LJ</I>.
You are not the only one that has made this particular complaint. However,
I ask that you all cut us a bit of slack--we are not a daily newspaper.
</font> </blockquote>
<blockquote> <font color="maroon">
As to your second point, I noted that these licenses were not the same as
GPL--only a step in the right direction.
Thanks for writing, --Editor)
</font> </blockquote>
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 23:07:49 +0100 (CET)<BR>
From: <A HREF="mailto:jfm2@club-internet.fr">jfm2@club-internet.fr</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Destroying the Kernel Compiling Myth</font>
Once again we find an
article propagating the myth of kernel compiling (the one written by a guy from
India). Problem is that since 1996 benefits of this are nearly nil in a well
designed distribution.
I think this myth is very harmful to Linux: as long as there will be people
"Thou hast to recompile thee kernel" it will be impossible to attract
non-hackers to Linux. That means confining Linux into a _small_ programmer's
The MIME attachment is an <A HREF="./martinez.html">analysis</A> of the benefits of compiling a 2.0 kernel. It
is based on performance measures, simple maths and source reading.
Quantitative analysis shows there are ways far more effective for optimizing a
Linux box. I talk about them but that should be developed. The text will be
part of the Independence distribution. If you think it is not acceptable
for <I>LJ</I> to
publish something that will be on a web site in a few days then publish on
<I>Linux Gazette</I>.
Jean Francois Martinez <BR>
Project Independence: Linux for the Masses,
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 23:30:20 -0500<BR>
From: Jim Heyssel, <A HREF="mailto:jheyssel@bellatlantic.net">
jheyssel@bellatlantic.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Make Linux Better, Yet!</font>
I am happy with your site. I am suggesting some improvements to Linux
itself which would make it the enterprise software of the next decade.
1. Give Linux full journaling, unlimited file-size, and scalable
multiprocessor support.
Whether using ext2 with new 64-bit fs, or writing an integrated driver
for making ufs, or xfs, or ntfs, it does not matter.
2. Incorporate full IPV6 support. Incorporate complete networking
interfaces with NT, Novell, Mac, other UNIX systems. A lot of support is
already there, but I am particularly interested in Network Directory
Service type support and Domain control support with one login.
3. Fully integrated KDE desktop environment - when you install
application software, it should be on the desktop and automated for
dummies. Not everyone is a hacker. But everyone who uses computers for
the sake of interests other than the computer itself (unlike many of us
Linux geeks), should be able to download and install any application
without having to read an inordinate amount of documentation or worry
about configuration files (unless, of course, we enjoy that sort of
4. Multi configuration automation for distinct uses - e.g. an
enhancement like Red Hat's for various types of use: server, router,
desktop workstation, database server, etc.
5. Software that deliberately aims at inter-operability with file
formats generated by Microsoft, Apple, and other popular software
6. These goals can easily be achieved in the next year and make Linux
number one, with a combination of features to entice the most innovative
of hackers, and most mundane of end-users.
7. Tell me where to begin. If anyone else is interested in any one of
the above, I would like to collaborate.
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 18:58:47 -0600<BR>
From: Brian Bray, <A HREF="mailto:ixnay@wws.net">ixnay@wws.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Jan, 99 article Xwindows vs. w95/98/NT</font>
first let me say that I love you :-)~ secondly in your article from Jan 199
entitled X Windows versus Windows 95/98/NT: No Contest, by Paul Gregory Cooper.
he states that that...
"Windows95/98/NT on the other hand is a different kettle of fish.
Here the OS, GUI, WM, and desktop aren't clearly
separated (as in UNIX) but are all rolled into one. Thus you have
whatever choice Microsoft happen to give you, i.e.
windows themes.
</blockquote> <blockquote>
For Microsoft this is an advantage - it stops people butting in and
rewriting parts of their OS which could potentially lose
them money. For instance they realized that with the old windows 2/3.1
you could simply replace MS DOS with another
compatible DOS such as DR DOS from Caldera. In an ongoing court case
Caldera allege that MS added code to windows
to make it seem like there was a bug in DR DOS. With 9*/NT being all
rolled in one there is no need to resort to such tactics. "
While I agree that everything that this article states I would like to point
out that users of Windows 95/8/NT can indeed change there shell to a Afterstep
like interface called Litestep.
I have not personally ever used but know ppl who have. And it doesn't look to
Thanks for your time,
Brian Bray
<P> <HR> <P>
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Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 05:55:47 -0800 (PST)<BR>
From: Casper Boden-Cummins, <A HREF="mailto:casperbc@yahoo.com">
casperbc@yahoo.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">X</font>
Here's a top tip: the popular X Window System is _not_ called `X
Windows'. There is no such product. Instead, the man page on X says:
The X Consortium requests that the following names be used
when referring to this software:
X Window System<BR>
X Version 11<BR>
X Window System, Version 11<BR>
I'd be overjoyed if we could ditch this M$-inspired mistake! ;-)
Casper Boden-Cummins
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 10:33:35 -0500<P>
From: Michael Bright, <A HREF="mailto:mabright@us.ibm.com">
mabright@us.ibm.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">How about a cross platform section?</font>
This is to the <I>Gazette</I> as well as <I>Linux Journal</I>. From what I've seen
in the industry, most businesses are using Linux in a heterogeneous
environment. They are doing this because they don't want to jump into
Linux with both feet. A lot of these are NT/Linux houses which leverage
the abilities of both platforms to get the job done. This could be
anything from a collection of tips to entire articles. I see NT/Linux
related questions and tips in almost every issue. Maybe its time they
were put in the same section. I even have an Idea for a logo or symbol,
Take a Yin Yang and put a Windows emblem in the space for the white dot
and a penguin for the black. The black background could be made to
resemble the NT workstation package with the "edge of space" graphic and
perhaps the penguin could be in an arctic scene.
This idea does not have to be limited to just Linux and NT, there
are connectivity issues for Apple, OS/2/Aurora, Novell and others.
Thanks for your time.
<P> <HR> <P>
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Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 13:25:02 +0000<BR>
From: Me, <A HREF="mailto:deltax@pragma.net">deltax@pragma.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Quark Xpress on WinDos?</font>
Quark Xpress was originally a Mac product.
I was unaware that it was ported to winferior systems.... Indeed it
would be very nice to have Quark under UNIX. From what I remember using
it (long time ago, old version!) it was a very nice, efficient and
powerful page design software.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in <i>Linux Gazette</i> Issue 37, February 1999</center>
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<h5>This page written and maintained by the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
<A HREF="mailto: gazette@ssc.com">gazette@ssc.com</A><BR>
Copyright &copy; 1999 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. </H5>
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<H4>"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><A NAME="tips"><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/twocent.gif">
More 2&#162; Tips!</A></H1> <BR>
Send Linux Tips and Tricks to <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#stracke">
Re: Running Your Own Domain Over a Part Time Dialup
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#delorie">
Boot SCSI with IDE Disk Too
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#ven">
TAG: ifconfig Reports TX Errors on v2.1.x Kernels
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#devries">
Triple booting
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#sumner">
Searching CD-ROMs
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#hopital">
Searching Multiple CD-ROMs
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#hammel">
Does Linux have multimedia support?
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#bloechl1">
Linux and UNIX
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#omegaman">
Linux and UNIX
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#greene">
Help Lotus Notes
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#bloechl2">
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#bloechl3">
Does Linux have multimedia support?
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#bloechl4">
IP Masquerading
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#bloechl5">
Netscape help
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#david">
TX errors with 2.1/2.2 kernels
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#jensen">
Wheel Mouse under Linux
<li>ANSWER: <a HREF="./lg_tips37.html#bavendiek">
Re: I have two ideas for articles
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="stracke"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">
Re: Running Your Own Domain Over a Part Time Dialup
Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1999 15:41:52 -0800<BR>
From: John Stracke, <A HREF="mailto:francis@netscape.com">
If all you need is the ability to telnet into your Linux
box, there is a simpler way (assuming your ISP gives you a
Web site with CGI). First, create a script on your site
called "updateIP.cgi":
echo $REMOTE_ADDR >latestIP
and another called "telnet.cgi":
echo Location: telnet://`cat latestIP`
(Don't forget to make the CGI scripts executable.) Set up a
cron job that will do "lynx -source
http://www.example.com/~foo/updateIP.cgi >/dev/null 2>&1"
every 15 minutes (or whatever). (Replace
http://www.example.com/~foo/ with the URL of your site, of
course.) Now you can set yourself a bookmark for
"http://www.example.com/~foo/telnet.cgi"; when you go to it,
your browser will be redirected to the telnet: URL and will
(should) fire up a telnet session.
No need to pay somebody for Dynamic DNS or a domain name.
If your ISP doesn't support CGI, you can probably hack up
something with FTP instead.
John (Francis) Stracke
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="delorie"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">
Boot SCSI with IDE Disk Too
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 11:08:18 -0500<BR>
From: "DJ Delorie"<A HREF="mailto:dj@delorie.com">dj@delorie.com</A>
Another way to make it boot SCSI first is to install the IDE drive
on the *secondary* IDE controller, not the primary. Whether this
works or not depends on the BIOS and the SCSI card.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="ven"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">
TAG: ifconfig Reports TX Errors on v2.1.x Kernels
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 16:42:49 +0100 <BR>
From: Michel van de Ven,
<A HREF="mailto:michelv@unit4.nl">michelv@unit4.nl</A>
my 0.02 euro:
This is a problem with the net-tools used. The /proc/net format changed
during 2.1.x development and old net-tools just can't grok it. The 2.1.x
Documentation/Changes file states version and location of the net-tools
you need to get correct results: for 2.2.0-pre4 it's v1.49.
It's generally a Good Thing to check Changes after patching the kernel
tree. There are more things you need to consider when running a 2.[12].x
kernel on a 2.0.x distribution, and Changes has the details.
Linux Gazette is a useful piece of work. Thanks!
Michel van de Ven
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="devries"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">
Triple booting
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 12:22:14 +1000<BR>
From: "peter deVries", <A HREF="mailto:brisbane@cox.com.au">
I read your article about booting linux and NT. I have a triple booting
solution for you. I read this in the Jan99 PC@uthority so I can't claim the
credit on this much
I recently saw a suggestion for triple booting NTFS, FAT32 and linux. Well
here's a quick tip: Linux can be put into the NT boot menu. To do so, run
lilo to create a boot sector of your linux partition, then run:
dd if=/dev/hdc1 of=/dev/hda/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1
Replace /dev/hdc1 with your linux partition and /dev/hda/ with your
mountpoint of your "C:" drive under NT. This copies your linux boot sector
to a file which NT reads as C:\BOOTSECT.LNX. Then append C:\boot.ini with
Reboot, and linux should work off the NT boot menu.
this is the article I saw word for word and found that it didn't work so
here is a version that does.
I did this before converting Win98 to FAT32
First make sure that the "C:\"partition is mounted
mount -t msdos /dev/hda1 /mnt/win98
then reference it /mnt/win98 in the place of the /dev/hda1, so the line
should look like this
dd if=/dev/hdc1 of=/mnt/win98/bootsect.lnx bs=512 count=1
I found that is worked.
Peter deVries
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="sumner"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">
Searching CD-ROMs
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 19:18:15 +0200<BR>
From: Reuben Sumner, <A HREF="mailto:rasumner@iname.com">
Here is a two cent tip that I have been meaning to submit for a long long
time now.
If you have a large stack of CD-ROMS, finding where a particular file
lies can be a time consuming task. My solution uses the locate program
and associated utilities to build up a database of the CDs' contents that
allows for rapid searching.
First we need to create the database, the following script does the
trick nicely.
mount /mnt/cdrom
find /mnt/cdrom -maxdepth 7 -print | sed "s;^/mnt/cdrom;$1;" > $1.find
eject -u cdrom
echo Enter name of disk in device:
read diskname
while [ -n "$diskname" ]; do
onedisk $diskname
echo Enter name of next disk or Enter if done:
read diskname
echo OK, preparing cds.db
cat *.find | sort -f | /usr/lib/findutils/frcode > cds.db
echo Done...
Start with no CD mounted. Run the script. It will ask for a label for
the CD, a short name like "sunsite1" is best. It will then quickly scan
the CD, eject it and prompt for another. When you have exhausted your
collection just hit enter at the prompt. A file called cds.db will be
done. To make it simple to use copy cds.db to /var/lib (or anywhere
else, that is where locatedb is on my system). Now create an alias like
alias cdlocate="locate -d /var/lib/cds.db"
Now if I type "cdlocate lyx" I get
In order to prevent locate from warning you that the database is old try
touch -t 010100002020 /var/lib/cds.db to set the modification date to
January 1 2020.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="hopital"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
<font color="navy">
Searching Multiple CD-ROM
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 19:55:51 +0100 (CET)<BR>
From: JL Hopital, <A HREF="mailto:cdti94@magic.fr">
My English is terrible,so feel free to correct
if you decide to publish...
Hello,i am a French linuxer and here is my two cent tips.
If you have many CD-ROMs and want to retrieve
it can helps.
It consist of 2 small scripts using gnu utilities:
<B>updatedb</B> and <B>locate</B>.
Normally 'updatedb' run every night, creating
a database for all the mounted file systems and 'locate'
is used to query this system-wide database.But you can
tell them where are the files to index and where to
put the database.That's what my scripts does:
The first script (addcd.sh) create a database for the
cd actually mounted.You must run it once for every cdrom.
The second ( cdlocate.sh ) search in the databases
created by addcd.sh and display the cdname and full path
of the files matching the pattern you give in parameter.
So you can search for unmounted files !
To use:
<li>create a directory and copy in it the 2 scripts
mkdir /home/cdroms
cp addcd.sh cdlocate.sh /home/cdroms
<li>mount the first cdrom you want to index
mount /mnt/cdrom
( if your mount point is different , you must adapt
the script )
<li>run addcd.sh with a fully descriptive name for
this cdrom as parameter (this description will
be used as part of the database name ,don't use space):
./addcd.sh Linux.Toolkit.Disk1.Oct.1996
It will take some time to updatedb to create the
databases specially if the cdrom contain many files.
<li>umount the cdrom and go to step 2 for all
the cdroms you want or every time you've got
a new one(I have more than 70 databases created
this way).
<li>you can now use cdlocate.sh,to retrieve files
./cdlocate.sh '*gimp*rpm'
Beware that locate's regular expressions have some
peculiarities, 'man locate' will explain.
Hope this help and happy linuxing !
---Cut here------------------------------
# addcd.sh
# Author: Jose-Luc.Hopital@ac-creteil.fr
# Create a filename's database in $DATABASEHOME for the cd mounted
# Example usage: addcd.sh Linux.Toolkit.Disk3.Oct.1996
# to search the databases use cdlocate.sh
test "$CDNAME" = "" && { echo Usage:$0 name_of_cdrom ; exit 1 ; }
# the mount point for the cd-ROM
# where to put the database
updatedb --localpaths=$MOUNTPOINT --output=$DATABASEHOME/$CDNAME.updatedb && \
echo Database added for $CDNAME
---Cut here--------------------------------
# cdlocate.sh
# Author : Jose-Luc.Hopital@ac-creteil.fr
# Usage $0 pattern
# search regular expression in $1 in the database's found in $DATABASEHOME
# to add a database for a new cd-rom , use addcd.sh
test "$*" = "" && { echo Usage:$0 pattern ; exit 1 ; }
# get ride of locate warning:more than 8 days old
touch *.updatedb
CDROMLIST=`ls *.updatedb`
CDROMNAME=`basename $CDROM .updatedb`
locate --database=$DATABASEHOME/$CDROM $@ |sed 's/^/'$CDROMNAME:'/'
<P> <hr> <P>
<H4><font color="maroon">
Tips in the following section are answers to questions printed in the Mail
Bag column of previous issues.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="hammel"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
Re: Does Linux have multimedia support?
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:08:23 -0600<BR>
From: Mike Hammel, <A HREF="mailto:mjhammel@graphics-muse.org">
Don Cramer wrote:
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
I was wondering if Linux now has, or will support any of the multimedia
formats supported by Windows, such as AVI, JPG, WAV,
MOV, etc?
Yes, all of these are supported in various ways. Animated formats (AVI,
MOV, animated GIFs, etc) are supported through the xanim program, along with
a host of other tools (xanim just has the widest range of animation format
support). Xanim also has support for playing some types of audio embedded in
the video file (such as audio that accompanies an AVI file). Sound formats
(WAV, AU, etc) are supported via the "sox" program (that plays these
formats) and the Linux sound drivers (which you can get either in the Linux
distributions or a commercial version which supports a wide range of sound
cards and is available from 4Front Technologies for about $20US). Static
formats for graphics images (JPEG, GIF, TIFF, TGA, etc) are supported by
lots of tools: the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program, which is similar
to Photoshop), xv (which is like LView), ImageMagick and NetPBM (which are
both a collection of graphics viewer/manipulation tools). There are lots of
tools for viewing/listening to multimedia files. You can try the Linux
Multimedia Pages (I've forgotten the URL but I think its listed on SSC's
Resources pages) and my Linux Graphics pages at
Multimedia on Linux is probably not quite what you're used to on Windows as
far as how you use them, but the support for most of the well known and well
used formats is available. What you can't do (at least I doubt you can) is
run multimedia programs from CDs that are Windows specific programs. Those
programs won't run (well, they might under WINE but I've never tried them)
but their support files may be readable by some of the Linux/Unix programs
I've mentioned above.
Michael J. Hammel, The Graphics Muse
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="bloechl1"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
Re: Linux and UNIX
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 11:48:17 -0800<BR>
From: Drew Bloechl, <A HREF="mailto:cheezh@mindless.com">
The distinction between Linux and UNIX is, at this point, only in name.
UNIX is a trademark of the X/Open Group and requires a fee for branding
a product as a flavor of UNIX. Some vendors have considered getting
UNIX certification for their particular brand of Linux, but I haven't
heard of any of them actually doing it.
Linux does, however, support the POSIX standards and others required for
the UNIX branding, so it could be considered a flavor of UNIX even if it
isn't quite official.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="omegaman"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
Linux and UNIX
Date: 06 Jan 1999 09:44:02 -0600<BR>
From: Omegaman, <A HREF="mailto:omegam@cmq.com">omegam@cmq.com</A>
you asked:
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
I am a 2nd year computer science student. I have looked everywhere
for the answer and found only basic answers. My question is what
exactly is the difference between Linux and UNIX, excluding size and
speed. I would appreciate it if you could just send me a few of the
For all intents and purposes Linux *is* Unix -- ie. it is another unix
variant. UNIX is not a single operating system, anyway. It is now a
brand managed by the Open Group. That means that Operating System
vendors (or Linux distribution vendors) may apply for Unix
certification and branding. They pay money and TOG runs a bunch of
tests and basically says, "ok, that's unix."
Of course, there are other relevant standards, such as POSIX. No
standard fully covers the differences between branded or unbranded
Unix implementations.
My question to you is, which unix variant are you referring to? There
are so many, Solaris, HP-UX, Digital Unix, AIX, SCO, and BSDI, to name
some common ones. SCO is sometimes thought of as the main UNIX as it
is the direct descendent of AT&T's original System V source.
Of course, the BSD (Berkeley) derived variations play a pivotal role
in Unix history as well. All of the Unix variant's mentioned above
including Linux incorporate functionality and ideas from both primary
Unix flavors as well as incorporating their own ideas.
System V (SCO) style unix, for example, has a different boot structure
than BSD. Most recent Linux distributions use System V style boot
scripts. But Linux systems also incorporate BSD style printing
mechanisms. The GNU command-line tools used on Linux systems are much
enhanced and extended versions of their System V and BSD
counterparts. GNU ls has many more options than what many unix
vendors may ship. To further confuse the issue, GNU tools can be used
to replace vendor-supplied commands if desired.
Are we having fun yet?
Your best bet is to read up on Unix history to understand why unix
(small u) is not one Operating System but a family of Operating
Systems with similar characteristics. Filesystem structure and
permissions, basic commands, process sheduling, boot method and dozens
upon dozens of other characteristics add up to define an OS as "unix".
Linux falls quite handily into this family despite the lack of
(expensive and arguably meaningless) Open Group unix branding.
See Unix Guru Universe for some more info http://www.ugu.com/<BR>
Also see the geek-girl site for some more history and info
-- <BR>
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="greene"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
Re: Help Lotus Notes
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 10:07:34 GMT<BR>
From: Anthony E. Greene, <A HREF="mailto:agreene@pobox.com">
In your letter to Linux Gazette #36, you wrote:
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
I have a Linux box, with SuSE, and a Lotus Notes server. I
want to e-mail the status of my workstation to another user that
belongs to the Notes Network. Does anybody know how to do
that, or just the concepts to do this?
Just pipe the output of a command to mail. For instance, I have a cron job that mails a weekly status report to the members of my workgroup. This helps remind the boss that the Linux box is stable and doing useful work.
Assuming you want to do something simple like uptime, the command line would look like:
/usr/bin/uptime | /bin/mail -s "Uptime Report" me@my.address
The script I run is a little more complex because it gathers statistics from various logs:
# Script: wsr (Weekl;y Status Report)
# Purpose: Summarize the relevant activity of the server for the past week.
# Author: Anthony E. Greene agreene@pobox.com
echo " "
echo "Uptime"
echo "------"
echo " "
echo "Mail Transactions"
echo "-----------------"
MAILSENT=`/bin/grep -c "stat=Sent" /var/log/maillog.1`
MAILRCVD=`/bin/grep -c "from=" /var/log/maillog.1`
echo "$MAILCOUNT ($MAILRATE transactions per hour)"
echo " "
echo "Web Documents Served"
echo "--------------------"
WEBCOUNT=`/bin/grep -c " 200 " /var/log/httpd/access_log.1`
echo "$WEBCOUNT ($WEBRATE transactions per day)"
echo " "
# End of Script
The cron job is:
/usr/local/sbin/wsr | /bin/mail -s "Weekly Status Report" staff
The "staff" email address is a sendmail alias that points to the actual email addresses of the members of the workgroup. As long as outgoing mail works, this will do what you need.
Anthony E. Greene
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="bloechl2"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
Re: Intellimouse
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 11:53:15 -0800<BR>
From: Drew Bloechl, <A HREF="mailto:cheezh@mindless.com">
There's a program called <B>imwheel</B> that supposedly does this in XFree86,
although I haven't tried it myself.
Its homepage is http://solaris1.mysolution.com/~jcatki/imwheel/
and the freshmeat appindex for it is
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="bloechl3"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
Re: Does Linux have multimedia support?
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 12:03:26 -0800<BR>
From: Drew Bloechl, <A HREF="mailto:cheezh@mindless.com">
Well, the short answer is "yes." :)
There are a number of Linux applications that can view and/or edit these
types of files.
The Gimp ( http://www.gimp.org/ ) can edit almost every graphics format
known to man, and could be considered a good alternative to Photoshop.
You can see quite a few others at
In regards to the video formats, XAnim ( http://xanim.va.pubnix.com/ )
can view most of these without any problem.
As for sounds, there are a plethora of programs for doing almost
anything you could think of that involve sounds. For starters, take a
look at http://core.freshmeat.net/appindex/console/sound.html and
http://core.freshmeat.net/appindex/x11/sound.html for a few of the
available sound apps.
Have fun.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="bloechl4"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
Re: IP Masquerading
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 12:08:58 -0800<BR>
From: Drew Bloechl, <A HREF="mailto:cheezh@mindless.com">
There's another HOWTO at
I haven't tried setting up IPMasq myself, so I'm not sure how much this
good this will do, but I hope it helps a bit.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="bloechl5"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
Re: Netscape help
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 1999 12:16:45 -0800<BR>
From: Drew Bloechl, <A HREF="mailto:cheezh@mindless.com">
This one's pretty easy.
If you're lucky, your settings are only corrupted. This is fixed by
removing the ".netscape" (or just "netscape", without a leading dot, I'm
not sure which offhand) directory from affected users' home directories.
If Communicator itself is broken, you can remove the /usr/local/netscape
directory and reinstall Netscape from the .tar.gz file that I assume you
downloaded. If you installed it from an RPM or some other sort of
package, I would read the manpage for the package manager and remove it
using rpm or dpkg or what have you.
Good luck.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="david"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
TX errors with 2.1/2.2 kernels
Date: Wed, 6 Jan 1999 17:33:23 -0800 (PST)<BR>
From: David, <A HREF="mailto:david@kalifornia.com">
I noticed in your mailbag several letters talking about errors on network
The correct answer is to upgrade the net-tools package. The format of
many /proc files has changed. In particular, those used by ifconfig. I
recommend browsing through linux/Documentation/Changes for everyone. I
would even suggest it be mandatory reading. =)
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="jensen"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
Wheel Mouse under Linux
Date: Fri, 08 Jan 1999 20:46:58 +0100<BR>
From: "Torben D. Jensen", <A HREF="mailto:tdj@hco.kol.ou.dk">
This appeared in Jan '99 issue:
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
From: James Jackson<BR>
Does anybody know how to enable the wheel on an Intellimouse under Linux?
(Red Hat 5.2)
I am sending this to gazette as well, because it might be of general interest.
Look at
He might be able to help you.
<P> <hr> <P>
<a name="bavendiek"></a>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif">
ANSWER: <font color="navy">
Re: I have two ideas for articles
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 17:04:58 +0100 (CET)<BR>
From: Gerd Bavendiek, <A HREF="mailto:bav@rw.sni.de">bav@rw.sni.de</A>
You wanted to get rid of "Start" in fvwm95. Edit your .fvwm95rc like
# here I changed Start to Linux
*FvwmTaskBarStartName Linux
*FvwmTaskBarStartMenu StartMenu
*FvwmTaskBarStartIcon mini-exp.xpm
You might want to have a look at an article I wrote a few months ago:
<A HREF="http://www.ssc.com/lg/issue21/fvwm.html">
Regarding the virtual desktop issue, have a look into your
/etc/X11/XF86Config. In the screen section look for the keyword
virtual. Change it to
Virtual 0 0
to switch off the virtual screen.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in <I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 37, February 1999</center>
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<h5>This page maintained by the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
<A HREF="mailto: gazette@ssc.com">gazette@ssc.com</A><BR>
Copyright &copy; 1999 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. </H5>
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<H4>"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"</H4>
<table cellpadding=7><tr><td>
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<li><a HREF="./lg_bytes37.html#general">News in General</a>
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<center><H3><font color="green">News in General</font></H3></center>
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<center><IMG ALT=" " SRC="./gx/cover59.jpg"></center>
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
March 1999 <I>Linux Journal</I>
The March issue of <A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/"><I>Linux
Journal</I></A> will be hitting the newsstands February 11.
This issue focuses on Internationalization and Emerging Markets with
articles on multilinual Emacs, printing messages in different languages,
autonomous automobiles in Italy and mediated reality. This last is the second part
of Dr. Steve Mann's series on wearable computers. <I>Linux Journal</I> now has
articles that appear "Strictly On-Line".
Check out the Table of Contents at
<A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/issue59/index.html">
http://www.linuxjournal.com/issue59/index.html</A> for articles in this
issue as well as links to the on-line articles.
To subscribe to <I>Linux Journal</I>, go to <A
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
Australian Linux Community Offering
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 1998 01:00:31 -0800<BR>
OzSearch extends its offer to the Australian Linux community to <I>LG</I>
Australian readers as well:
OzSearch Internet Guide, an all-Australian web directory, recently
released its new web site. The site is intended to offer a starting point
for any complete search for Australian web sites. In addition to
successfully running Linux Red Hat 5.2 (where 100+ days of uptime are
common), the site is powered by Apache v1.3.3 with ModPerl and MySQL. Stress
tests have indicated that this configuration scales exceptionally well.
To give back to the Linux community, OzSearch is currently seeking to
help sponsor an Australian-based Linux users group. Please provide your
group's information to Kris Duggan (kduggan@ozsearch.com.au).
OzSearch can be found at <A HREF="http://www.ozsearch.com.au">
http://www.ozsearch.com.au</A> <BR>
For more information:<BR>
Kris Duggan, President of OzSearch Internet Guide,
<A HREF="mailto:kduggan@ozsearch.com.au">kduggan@ozsearch.com.au</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
The Bazaar
Date: Thu, 07 Jan 1999 09:55:07 -0400<BR>
A major free and open source
software event is a convention entitled the Bazaar. It will have
over 5,000 attendees and 100 vendors. The speaker list includes major
free software developers and advocates like Eric Raymond, Richard
Stallman, and Alan Cox. The Bazaar is the first convention of its kind
to ever be held in New York city and we are very excited for the
Bazaar's maiden voyage. It will be opening on March 13th and continuing
through the 15th at the Jacob Javits Center in Manhattan.
For more information:<BR>
Eddie Park, Assistant Director <A HREF="mailto:eddie@inlimine.org">
<A HREF="http://www.thebazaar.org/">http://www.thebazaar.org/</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<font color="green">
Update on USENIX events (40562)
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 09:25:58 -0800 (PST)<BR>
Full tutorial and technical session programs, and online registration,
are now available at http://www.usenix.org/events/ for the following:
NORDU99 - 1st Nordic Europen/USENIX Conference,
February 9-12, 1999, Stockholm, Sweden
OSDI: 3rd Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation,
February 22-25, 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana
1st Conference on Network Administration,
April 7-10, 1999, Santa Clara, California
----Co-located and sharing two days of tutorials with:
1st Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring,
April 9-12, 1999, Santa Clara, California
COOTS: 5th Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems,
May 3-7, 1999, San Diego, California
Workshop on Embedded SyStems,
March 29-31, 1999, Cambridge, Massachusetts
LISA '99--13th Systems Administration Conference,
November 7-12, 1999, Seattle, Washington
Tcl/Tk: 7th USENIX Tcl/Tk Conference,
February 14-18, 2000, Austin, Texas
For more information:<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.usenix.org/events/">http://www.usenix.org/events/</A>,
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
UNIX Internet Service Administrator Wanted
Job at Cincinnati Bell, Cincinnati, Ohio. Administration of Linux servers
and development.
Position Profile:
<li>Maintain all of the IP applications developed or utilized in Internet
<li>Operations as a member of the Internet Operations team.
<li>Work with Director - Internet Service Operations or Director
<li>Internet Service Development and others to develop procedures and
guidelines for implementation and management of applications as they
relate to the Internet and the Internet Operations team.
<li>Responsible for working with the Internet Operations team, Internet
Development group, internal and external information providers, and
others as appropriate to maintain and integrate IP applications.
<li>Responsible for performing all common Unix System Admin tasks for the
server environment.
<li>Responsible for cross-training other members of the Internet Services
in the domain area of expertise of the position to broaden the
knowledge base within the team.
<li>Report to the Director Internet Service Operations or Direct or
Internet Service Development as assigned.
Business Impact:
This position will work closely with the Internet Services team to provide
support for the growing number of IP applications within the Internet
Access product. Will have a direct impact on the customer's perception of
the quality of the Internet Access product as well as the quality of any IP
services within the Internet Access product.
Process and Technical Knowledge:
<li>Experience with the Solaris and Linux Unix operating systems (BSDI and
NT a plus).
<li>Experience with the Apache, Netscape Enterprise, Netscape Intern et
Suite of servers, Lotus Domino, or other commercial grade web servers.
<li>Experience SMTP/POP, IMAP and Majordomo servers for UNIX operating
<li>Experience with NNTP servers for UNIX operating systems.
<li>Experience with streaming media servers utilizing IP Multicast
<li>Working knowledge of load balancing methodology, packet shaping and
other load and service management solutions and technologies
<li>Experience with the installation and maintenance of enterprise
archives and backup systems.
<li>Software development skills in Perl, Java, xTML varients or other web
and internet application supporting languages required. HTML(and
varients) and CGI competency a must.
<li>Experience using application performance monitoring tools to detect,
diagnose problems and determine source.
<li>Good customer contact skills.
<li>Good teaming skills.
For more information:
Kendra Childress, <A HREF="mailto:kchildress@cinbell.com">
<P> <hr> <P>
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<font color="green">
Linux Links
StarOffice 5.0 Personal Edfition Report: <A HREF="http://macarlo.com/">
http://macarlo.com/</A> <BR>
World's Smallest Computer Runs Linux: <A HREF="http://wearables.stanford.edu/">
http://wearables.stanford.edu/</A> <BR>
<a name="software"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<center><H3><font color="green">Software Announcements</font></H3></center>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
UNIX CD Bookshelf Released
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 15:32:04 -0800 (PST)<BR>
The recently released "UNIX CD Bookshelf" contains six O'Reilly books
plus the software from "UNIX Power Tools" -- all on a convenient
CD-ROM. A bonus hard copy book of the bestselling "UNIX in a Nutshell:
System V Edition", is also included.
The six included books, purchased separately, would retail for
$175.70, but "The Unix CD Bookshelf" package retails for only $69.95.
The CD-ROM contains the complete text of:
<li>UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition
<li>UNIX Power Tools, 2nd Edition (with software)
<li>Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4th Edition
<li>Learning the vi Editor, 5th Edition
<li>sed & awk, 2nd Edition
<li>Learning the Korn Shell
Formatted in HTML, "The UNIX CD Bookshelf" can be read by any Web
browser. The books are fully searchable and cross-referenced. In
addition to individual indexes for each book, a master index for the
entire library is provided.
A free sample chapter, Chapter 2: UNIX Commands from "Unix in a
Nutshell", is available at:
For more information:
<A HREF="http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/unixcd/">
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
ISS Ships Industry's First, Integrated Network and Host-Based Intrusion Detection Solution
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 17:18:51 -0700 <BR>
ISS Ships Industry's First, Integrated
Network and Host-Based Intrusion Detection Solution
ATLANTA, Ga. - January 7, 1999 - Internet Security Systems (Nasdaq: ISSX),
the leading provider of adaptive network security solutions, today announced
the worldwide availability of RealSecure 3.0, a solution
that combines both network- and system-based intrusion detection and
response capabilities to form a single enterprise threat management system.
By adding host-based intrusion detection
capabilities to RealSecure, customers can have the best of both worlds:
fast detection of attacks at the network level stopping security breaches
before damage is done, as well as identifying unauthorized access attempts
at the system level.
For more information:<BR>
Nicki Kopelson, <A HREF="mailto:nickik@connectpr.com">
<P> <hr> <P>
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<font color="green">
Corel Computer Launches the NetWinder Group Server
Ottawa, Canada=97January 13, 1999, Corel Computer, a division of Corel
today announced the availability of the NetWinder Group Server, the
latest addition to their family of NetWinder thin servers.
The NetWinder Group Server offers departmental workgroups and small businesses
a wide range of Internet/intranet services in an easy-to-use, affordable
package. Based on the StrongARM=AE RISC microprocessor and the Linux operating
system, the NetWinder product family delivers powerful, cost-effective
desktop and server solutions.
The NetWinder Group Server with 32 MB RAM carries a suggested retail price
of US $979 for the diskless version, US $1,339 with 2 GB hard drive, US
$1,629 with 4 GB hard drive and US $1,839 with 6 GB hard drive. Prices
subject to change without notice. Dealers may sell for less.
The NetWinder Group Server provides a full suite of Internet/intranet
services, including:
<li>Web Publishing, with integrated support for HTTP/1.1, Common Gateway
Interface (CGI) and Perl scripting
<li>HTML Page Authoring, enabling individual users to create and edit their
own Web page
<li>E-mail Services, including automatic forwarding of messages and mail
filter creation
<li>Public and private threaded discussion, allowing workgroup communication
and collaboration
<li>Document indexing and searching, including a powerful search system
to quickly locate documents on the NetWinder Group Server
<li>Cross-Platform File Sharing and Transfer between the NetWinder Group
Server and users of Windows NT=AE, Windows=AE 95 and Apple=AE platforms
<li>Document Management enables users to organize documents into categories
and assign searchable properties, such as keywords, to facilitate information
For more information:<BR>
<A HREF="http://www.corelcomputer.com/">http://www.corelcomputer.com/</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<font color="green">
PHT Releases TurboLinux 3.0.1
OAKLAND, Calif - January 18, 1999 - TurboLinux v3.0.1, the first version of
the popular Linux distribution to be sold as a boxed set, is available
today. TL 3.0.1 will offer a comprehensive installation guide and manual,
is priced at $49.95 and can be ordered at http://www.turbolinux.com/orders/.
TurboLinux, the most popular distribution in Japan, if not Asia, has begun a
large transition into the U.S. Market. Pacific HiTech (PHT) has been a
major part of the Linux community for years, previously acting as the
distributor for RedHat and still as the Japanese distributor for all major
Linux distributions. PHT recently opened it's new US offices in Oakland, CA
and is working on more focused Linux products, beginning with TurboLinux
Server, slated for release in the first half of '99, followed by other
releases, including TurboLinux 4.0 in early summer '99.
For more information:<BR>
Justin Ryan, CEO, Senior WebMaster - PCHelp,
<A HREF="http://computers.iwz.com/">http://computers.iwz.com/</A>, <A
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
LAS VEGAS, NV-Informix Partner Forum-January 19, 1999-Informix Corporation
(NASDAQ: IFMX), the technology leader in enterprise database-powered
solutions and award winning Linux vendor, today announced the overwhelming
success of its holiday Linux promotion and ongoing Linux program.
International distribution of Informix products on Linux has exceeded
expectations with more than 175,000 copies of Informix databases on Linux
distributed over the last six months. In response to this overwhelming
demand, Informix has increased the global availability of its
market-leading Linux portfolio through two strategic alliances with leading
Linux distributors Red Hat Software and SuSE. These distribution channel
alliances give the company even greater penetration into the rapidly
growing worldwide Linux community and make access to Informix products even
easier for Linux enthusiasts and business users. These alliances make
Informix's Linux products available for download from both vendors' Web
sites and demonstrate Informix's unmatched commitment to the Linux
A free development copy of Informix's database is bundled with SuSE's new
6.0 release of Linux. Available in Germany today, SuSE 6.0 will be stocked
on U.S. retail shelves for a price of $49.95 by the end of January. The
product bundle is currently available from the SuSE FTP site. Informix
users will need to register the product online with Informix
(http://www.informix.com/register4suse), to receive the free development
Informix Dynamic Server, Linux Edition Suite is available for download from
the Red Hat Web site (http://www.redhat.com). Informix users will need to
register the product online at the Red Hat web site, to receive the free
30-day license.
For more information:
<A HREF="http://www.informix.com/">http://www.informix.com/</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<font color="green">
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 17:07:39 -0600<BR>
SUNNYVALE, CAFastlane Software Systems, Inc. announces the release of its Xni
network analysis, security and accounting package on the Linux platform. Xni
is a comprehensive, easy-to-use, software-only solution that monitors every
conversation between hosts in real time, producing a concise graphical view of
network usage and traffic flow without the heavy resource drain and
of SNMP/ARMON tools or the dedicated hardware typically required of network
Compact data format permits 7-day, 24-hour reporting.
For administrators concerned with tracking DNS performance, Xni uses
Pages to closely monitor DNS/BIND entries for all hosts it sees and reports
devices that have no DNS entry or result in a timeout.
Xni can identify the activity of all network hosts in real time or over time.
Applications can be tracked either individually or in groups. The system can
be configured to monitor traffic and respond to alarms in intervals as
small as
one second. Findings are presented as an easy-to-read combination of graphs,
charts and lists.
On-the fly HTML reporting permits access with a standard browser
Xni features on-the-fly HTML reporting that allows administrators to create
reports on network traffic usage and view them from any machine using a
standard browser.
For more information:
Fastlane Software Systems, <A
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Applix Announces Applixware for Linux On the Power PC Platform and Bundling Deal With LinuxPPC Inc.
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 09:30:26 -0500<BR>
WESTBORO, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 19, 1999--Applix Inc.,
a leader in front office business solutions, today announced support
for a new platform for its market leading suite of decision support
applications. Applixware, Applix's integrated office suite, will run on
Apple's Power PC based computers running the Linux operating system. In
addition, Applix will be selling the product with a bundled version of
LinuxPPC's Linux operating system.
Applixware is a graphical suite running natively under Linux and includes
Applix Words, Applix Graphics, Applix Presents, Applix Spreadsheets, Applix
Mail, Applix Data, Applix HTML Author and Applix Builder, a visual, object
oriented, rapid application development tool that provides full
programmability and customization for the suite.
LinuxPPC Inc., headquartered in Madison, WI, distributes the leading Linux
distribution for the PowerPC platform. LinuxPPC has been working closely
with Applix to raise awareness of the suite's availability on the platform,
and has recently announced that the operating system will run on Apple's
successful iMac product.
For more information:<BR>
Applix, Inc., <A HREF="http://www.applix.com/">http://www.applix.com/</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
Bascom Announces OpenLinux-based K-12 Application Bundle for
Third-largest OEM (ICS)
Orem, UT, January 18, 1998, BASCOM today announced the availability of its
Internet Communications Server (ICS), an educational software/hardware
solution developed for the OpenLinux OS from Caldera Systems Inc.
Having successfully deployed ICS at key regional sites, BASCOM will now
make it available to K-12 schools through the third largest hardware OEM
and accompanying reseller channels. BASCOM's use of OpenLinux provides
the education vertical market with its first Linux-specific application.
While providing a secure and easily transportable platform for future
BASCOM's decision to use OpenLinux was based on the unique needs of the
education community: needs that fell directly under Caldera Systems'
focus on Linux-based business solutions: stable, proven, tested and
For more information:<BR>
BASCOM Global Internet Services, Inc., <A HREF="http://www.bascom.com/">
http://www.bascom.com/</A>, <A
HREF="mailto:info@bascom.com">info@bascom.com</A> <BR>
Caldera Systems Inc., <A HREF="http://www.calderasystems.com/">
http://www.calderasystems.com </A>,
<A HREF="mailto:linux@calderasystems.com">linux@calderasystems.com</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
Servertec today announced the availability of a new release of iServer, a small, fast, scalable and easy to administer platform independent Web/Application Server written entirely in Java
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 99 175420+0500
Kearny, NJ. - January 26, 1999 - Servertec today announced the availability of a new release of iServer, a small, fast, scalable and easy to administer platform independent Web/Application Server written entirely in JavaTM.
iServer is the perfect Web Server for serving static Web pages and a powerful Application Server for generating dynamic, data driving Web pages using Java Servlets, iScript, Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and Server Side Includes (SSI).
iServer provides a rich environment for building and deploying cross platform Web-based business critical Internet and Extranet applications. iServer is also a robust, scalable platform that individuals, work groups and corporations can use to establish a Web presence.
iServer preview release is available for free at http://www.servertec.com/ (connect-time charges may apply).
For more information:<BR>
Servertec, <A HREF="http://www.servertec.com/">http://www.servertec.com/</A><BR>
Manuel J. Goyenechea, <A HREF="mailto:goya@servertec.com">
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in <i>Linux Gazette</i> Issue 37, February 1999</center>
<P> <HR> <P>
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<h5>This page written and maintained by the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
<A HREF="mailto: gazette@ssc.com">gazette@ssc.com</A><BR>
Copyright &copy; 1999 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. </H5>
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<H4>"The Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"</H4>
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<H1><A NAME="answer">
<img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif" alt="(?)"
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<font color="#B03060">The Answer Guy</font>
<img src="./../gx/dennis/bbubble.gif" alt="(!)"
border="0" align="middle">
<H4>By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">linux-questions-only@ssc.com</a><BR>
Starshine Technical Services,
<A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A>
<!-- endcut ======================================================= -->
<p><a href="#tag_greeting"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" alt="(!)" border="0"
align="middle"><strong>Greetings From Jim Dennis</strong></A></p>
<!-- index_text begins -->
<dt><A HREF="#tag/1"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>serial port settings --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/1"
Another Damn WinModem
<dt><A HREF="#tag/2"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Simplified Security? --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/2"
Simple Security Tips
<dt><A HREF="#tag/3"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>eterm quickie + general commment (linux SUPERGRAN)</strong></a><dt><A HREF="#tag/4"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>nr_files and nr_inodes --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/4"
Max Open Files and Inodes: Use The Entries under <TT>/proc</TT>
<dt><A HREF="#tag/5"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>setting up an ISP to serve email</strong></a><dt><A HREF="#tag/6"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>Getting my new linux box to run the ftp server</strong></a><dt><A HREF="#tag/7"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>setting up an ISP to serve email --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/7"
Setting up ISP Mail Services
<dt><A HREF="#tag/8"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>[Fwd: rsh on 2.0.34] --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/8"
More on: 'rsh' as 'root' Denied
<dt><A HREF="#tag/9"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>procmail --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/9"
'procmail' to Get Mail via POP-3? No. 'fetchmail'
<dt><A HREF="#tag/10"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Linux Diagnostic Tool --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/10"
Hardware Info Under Linux: MSD.EXE Clone?
<dt><A HREF="#tag/11"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>X terminals via serial links? --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/11"
X Windows Over a Serial Line (Null Modem)
<dt><A HREF="#tag/12"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>copy of Microsoft Office --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/12"
Free Copy of MS Office for Linux? It isn't April Yet!
<dt><A HREF="#tag/14"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>diald modem settings E71 --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/14"
Using "odd" modem settings
<dt><A HREF="#tag/15"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Further answers to questions? --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/15"
Sometimes Short of the Question
<dt><A HREF="#tag/16"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Steven Hancock: ps to gif --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/16"
More on: Automated PostScript (ps) to GIF Conversion
<dt><A HREF="#tag/17"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>"Routing and Subnetting 101" Linux Gazzette 1/1/99 --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/17"
Re: Routing and Subnetting for Classes
<dt><A HREF="#tag/18"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Partitioning my new Linux box... --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/18"
Disk Partitioning: Review
<dt><A HREF="#tag/19"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Curious modem hangup... --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/19"
PPP Disconnects
<dt><A HREF="#tag/21"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>ifconfig reports TX errors on v2.1.x kernels --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/21"
'ifconfig': TX errors
<dt><A HREF="#tag/22"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>System clock is too fast... --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/22"
Ahh ... The Toils of Time
<dt><A HREF="#tag/23"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>you are the man --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/23"
The Complaint Department: Typos and Grammatical Errors
<dt><A HREF="#tag/25"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>you are the man --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/25"
The Complaint Department: Typos and Grammatical Errors
<dt><A HREF="#tag/26"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>you are the man --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/26"
The Complaint Department: Typos and Grammatical Errors
<dt><A HREF="#tag/29"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>modem disconnect problem?</strong></a><dt><A HREF="#tag/30"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>modem problems under linux --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/30"
X Prevents/Kills Modem Connection
<dt><A HREF="#tag/31"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>I want my 10 GIGS!!! --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/31"
Ultra-DMA and the 8.4Gb IDE Disk Limit
<dt><A HREF="#tag/32"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>LTT submission</strong></a><dt><A HREF="#tag/33"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Is it possible to run Debian on 4 MB? --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/33"
Low Memory Installation
<dt><A HREF="#tag/34"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Better resolution (laptop LCD) --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/34"
Higher Resolution X on a Laptop
<dt><A HREF="#tag/35"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>you are the man</strong></a><dt><A HREF="#tag/36"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>I want my 10 GIGS!!! --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/36"
Ultra-DMA and the 8.4Gb IDE Disk Limit
<dt><A HREF="#tag/37"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>Dos</strong></a><dt><A HREF="#tag/38"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>Low Level Formatting</strong></a><dt><A HREF="#tag/39"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Bad Sectors in my HDD --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/39"
Removing Bad Sectors
<dt><A HREF="#tag/41"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Help --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/41"
Netscape Communicator: "Improper DNS Type"?
<dt><A HREF="#tag/42"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Communicator and PGP on Linux --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/42"
NS Communicator (Mail) and PGP
<dt><A HREF="#tag/43"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Uh, where'd my "man" go? --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/43"
'fsck' Breaks 'man' Pages?
<dt><A HREF="#tag/44"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Custom Install --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/44"
Unable to Open Console: After "Custom" Install
<dt><A HREF="#tag/45"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>Securing a modem dial-out line.</strong></a><dt><A HREF="#tag/46"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>Why can I only login as root? --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/46"
Another "No Login" Problem
<dt><A HREF="#tag/47"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>RAM</strong></a><dt><A HREF="#tag/48"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>I used gzip in bad way... help! --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/48"
Accidental Deletion
<dt><A HREF="#tag/49"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
></a>TCP patch for SACK? (RFC 2018) --or--
<dd><A HREF="#tag/49"
TCP/IP SACK Support: When? Now!
<dt><A HREF="#tag/50"
><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
><strong>you are the man</strong></a>
<!-- index_text ends -->
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<A NAME="tag_greeting"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/bbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(!) " border="0"
>Greetings from Jim Dennis</H3>
<!-- begin greeting -->
Well, the 2.2 kernel is finally out. Indeed the 2.2.1 patch
has also made its way onto the scene (you just knew they'd find
something worth fixing in the first week).
If you're considering upgrading you'll want to look through the
list of required/suggested package upgrades to go with that.
Although most code in userspace isn't affected much by kernel
changes there are always some utilities and applications that
will be.
Of course, you can install a new kernel right along side your
existing one --- and reboot between them with glee. Remember
LILO is a multi-boot utility as well as a boot loader --- so
you can easily add new entries to it.
Thus upgrade will be much easier than the migration from 1.2
to 2.0 (when the structure of many /proc interfaces changed ---
breaking the '<tt>ps</tt>' related utilities). That's good since there
are probably close to ten times more Linux users now.
Of course the faint-hearted can just wait for their friendly
distribution maintainer to put out an all new version with
the 2.2.x kernel and all the new utilities pre-built. However,
what would the fun be in that.
To learn more about upgrading your kernel look LinuxHQ
(<a href="http://www.linuxhq.com/"
>http://www.linuxhq.com/</a>). They have about a half dozen links
to pages on the subject (particularly with lists of requisite
package upgrades and links to the tar.gz files and even one
site that has links to the requisite RPMs).
After you upgrade you'll want to keep you eyes on those sites,
checking back over the next couple of months. There will probably
be other packages that are found "wanting" (unready for 2.2).
If you get that all installed, read all my rantings for this
month and are still bored --- take a look at the
"Linux Tips & Tricks" site
(<a href="http://www.patoche.org/LTT/">http://www.patoche.org/LTT/</a>)
and considering adding your own suggestions to the mix.
I added a couple myself. I also suggested to the site
maintainer that he link to LG's "2-cent Tips" and to the
Linux-Tips HOWTO
(<a href="http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Tips-HOWTO.html"
While we're on the subject of "tips" here's one for you
budding shell scripters and programmers out there:
If you have to use /tmp --- do it safely. Sure,
you script is running on a single-user workstation
now. But eventually you'll use it on a multi-user
machine or someone will copy it. There are all
sorts of nasty tricks people can play on you
involving symlinks in /tmp.
Here's one way:
TMPD=/tmp/$0$$$(date +%s)
## get a (hopefully unique) name
## use any reasonable method for this.
umask 077 || exit 1
mkdir $TMPD || exit 1
trap 'rm -fr $TMPD; exit' 0
umask $OMASK
... this should either successfully make a safe, private
directory under /tmp (and you use $TMPD for the rest of
your temporary file operations --- using whatever names
you want) or it should fail. There should be no race
condition since the new directory should be made with the
appropriate permissions in a single system call (and
my strace output under Linux/bash confirms that).
The part to be careful of is the '<tt>trap</tt>' clause. That
should automatically remove the temp directory and files
on exit (normal or in response to any trappable signals).
(If you use a <tt>kill -KILL</tt> on that script while it's running
--- it won't get a chance to clean up after itself, but a
normal [Ctrl]-[C] and most other kill signals should be
fine. I still suggest using your own private <tt>~/tmp</tt>
directory whenever that's feasible (but not if your
<tt>$HOME</tt> is served over NFS).
I'll be teaching a class in shell scripting at Mission
College (Santa Clara, CA) starting tomorrow. That should
be interesting.
<!-- end greeting -->
<!-- .~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~. -->
<A NAME="tag/1"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 1 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Another Damn WinModem</H3>
<p><strong>From Mark F. Johnson on Mon, 04 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Another Damn WinModem
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Greetings Honorable Answer Guru,
I have been helping a friend of mine set up RedHat Linux on his system
(dual-boot with Windows98). He has a Diamond Supra PCI Voice modem,
which is set up on Com 3 but has an IRQ of 11. (I know, I know, it's
bizarre, but that's the way it is.) His modem works fine in Windows, but
Linux wants to assign it IRQ 4, of course. The modem is apparently
configured to use IRQ 11 and the IRQ can't be changed in Windows. I have
tried using the "setserial" command and was successful with changing the
IRQ, but the modem still won't initialize, and rebooting the system
resets the IRQ to the default. I've only been into Linux for about a
month, so I'm no expert in the fine art of script writing. I am willing
to try, if someone like yourself might give me a starting point and head
me off in the right direction. Any ideas/suggestions wil be greatly
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Last I heard the Diamond/Supra PCI modems were of the
"winmodem" variety. They don't work under MS-DOS, or
Linux (only under Windows --- probably only under Win '95
and Win '98, maybe they have an NT driver, too).
So you should probably return it. Then go back through
last year's "Answer Guy" and search for the word
modem. Almost ever problem that has been reported about
any internal modem as been that it was a <EM>winmodem</EM>.
(If Diamond <EM>claims</EM> it is not --- then boot from a plain
old DOS floppy and get it to to dial the phone using an old
shareware copy of Telix, Procomm, QModem, or any other
MS-DOS program. If that works, there's hope. Otherwise
(If it really isn't a winmodem then try disabling "plug and
play" in your BIOS and/or play with the pciutils package
(available at Linux sites --- search
<A HREF="http://www.freshmeat.net"
>http://www.freshmeat.net</A> for that).
<!-- sig -->
<!-- end 1 -->
<hr width="40%" align="center"><!-- ................................ -->
<!-- begin 13 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Modem Recommendations</H3>
<p><strong>From Mark F. Johnson on Fri, 08 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Modem Recommendations
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Greetings Once Again Honorable Guru,
You were, of course, right on target with your previous assesment of my
modem woes in regards to what was indeed a WinModem. I had my friend go to
the same dealer from whom I bought my modem, an A_Open FM-56. He bought an
installed what was supposedly the same modem, but again, no joy. Come to
find out that A_Open's current line of PCI modems, including both FM-56
models, are all WinModems. The DOJ may be on to something afterall. To make
a long and boring story short, my friend is going to buy an external modem.
To save time and continued harassment of your Honorable self, may I implore
you to recommend a moden that will work equally well with Windows and Linux?
Much appreciation for your assistance.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Any external modem should be O.K.
--- I use an older Zyxel 28.8 --- and I've had
good luck with the old Practical Peripherals 28.8 fax
However, the model change so fast, and the companies
merge and die so often that this is another of those
areas where look at the latest Hardware-HOWTO and a
poll of your favorite users group, newsgroup or mailing
list is probably your best bet.
(I like U.S Robotics Courier series --- but they are
expensive. I detest their less-expensive "Sportster"
series --- too cheap).
<!-- sig -->
<!-- end 13 -->
<hr width="40%" align="center"><!-- ................................ -->
<!-- begin 28 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Happy "True"-Modem Customer</H3>
<p><strong>From Mark F. Johnson on Wed, 13 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Happy "True"-Modem Customer
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Greetings Once Again Honorable Answer Guru,
Just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for your wise and profound
advice. My friend's modem dilemma has been solved. He ended up with a Zoom
external 56k that set up easy and works like a charm. Best of all, it was
just under $90. Who needs Winmodems? Again, much thanks.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Glad I could help. That is a pretty good price. Now
I'll be flooded with requests about where to get them...
<!-- sig -->
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<A NAME="tag/2"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 2 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Simple Security Tips</H3>
<p><strong>From John Radcliffe on Mon, 04 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Simple Security Tips
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
One thing that might make Linux more attractive for the Desktop
market is some clarification of security issues. While I don't
consider myself an expert on desktop computer matters, people keep
coming to me for assistance and advice so I must not be completely
obtuse on the subject. Still I do not understand all that I read
regarding Linux security.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I agree. I'll be giving a talk on this subject:
<P align="center">
13 Tips for Securing your Linux System from Common Threats
... at the Silicon Valley Linux Users Group
(<A HREF="http://www.svlug.org"
>http://www.svlug.org</A>) this week.
If I get my act together I'll set up some web pages
with some version of the content of my slides and
notes at <A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/linux/security/tips.html"
(I've put a placeholder there until my notes are
If you're in the Silicon Valley (San Jose, California)
area --- come to the meeting.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I would like to put together a simplified security guide for
people who are not providing internet content or services, but
wish to use a web browser from the Linux desktop. But I do not
want to give bad advice through my lack of understanding.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
The best advice is to disable all local services
(deactivate inetd, sendmail, and the local httpd)
Do a '<tt>netstat -na</tt>' command to see what ports are "active"
on your system. If it reports anything in "listen" mode
on any port --- you've still got some networking service
It's a bit more complicated than that. I'll go into
more detail a bit later.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
One thing which I do not understand is how crackers gain access
through SUID root programs. From a look at 'rootshell' and
'bugtraq' there seem to be innumerable ways to do this, and new
ones seem to be found daily. Apparently even 'secure shell' isn't
immune to exploitation. Rather than have the average desktop user
try to keep current with all of these, would it be safe to say
that if Telnet, Shell, and Login are commented out in <TT>/etc/inetd</TT>
(and file permissions are correct as per the Linux Security HOWTO)
that the desktop users machine would be safe from this type of
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
To exploit a bug in an SUID program (whether it's owned/run
as 'root' or any other user) the attacker must first
gain "shell" access or must otherwise trick some service
into executing the program. It must also be able to
supply that SUID program with some sort of degenerate
data (usually input or environment values --- though
some exploits occur through signals, shell aliases,
If you are assuming a desktop system which is "owned by"
the operator --- that is that you expect any person at
the console to have "root" access --- then your primary
threat vectors are network/remote exploits (disable
services) and trojan horses (or --- very rarely under
Linux --- viruses).
In other words if I can already attain root by rebooting
into single user mode, I don't need to exploit a bug in some
SUID binary to 'get root.' If I get to a shell prompt
remotely --- you've already lost (there are too many
opportunities for me to violate too many security policies
--- so you focus, in the common case for client workstations
should be on prevent remote access to shell services and
remote execution of any code.
You are correct regarding 'secure shell' or '<tt>ssh</tt>' as it's
more commonly known. This does nothing to protect a system
from SUID bugs nor from trojan horses. That's not its
purpose. The purpose of ssh is to allow secure remote
access --- which is very difficult to spoof, hijack, sniff,
or otherwise compromise.
ssh is a cryptographically strong version of '<tt>rsh</tt>' '<tt>rlogin</tt>'
and '<tt>rcp</tt>'. It uses RSA public key cryptography to perform
mutual host authentication, and to establish a one-time
session key. It then uses IDEA or some similar (user/admin
configurable) symmetrical key encryption to protect the
contents of the session from sniffing. Since the potential
attacker should not be able to properly encrypt any packets
(no access to the session key) --- this also prevent the
attacker from injecting any forged packets into the
communications stream (a process referred to as "session
There are a number of other encryption packages available
for Linux. They operate over various protocols, serving
different needs and providing different features and
applications. For example SSL is a set of protocols that
are most commonly used for securing web pages and
communications between browsers and web servers (primarily
submission of form's data to CGI scripts). SSL is used
because it is commonly built into the most popular web
browsers. There is a suite of other SSL applications such
as ssltelnet and sslftp (these are client/server packages
--- so your intended host sites must install the appropriate
daemons before your clients will be able to use these
I did post a rather lengthy message on free crypto tools
recently --- giving a pretty large list of the tools, though
almost no "HOWTO" coverage of them. The idea was to provide
lots of pointers to the web sites where more info on these
tools (and the tools themselves) could be found.
Naturally, due to the continuing disgrace of U.S. federal
government regulations --- which consititute an obvious and
despicable subversion of our Bill of Rights --- we are
unable to freely provide our crypto software to the world at
large. So <EM>free</EM> nations elsewhere are required to provide
these. (Please write to your congress critter to let them
know that this is a major votiing issue for all software
enthusiasts --- and follow up by endorsing candidates to
recognize the freedom of speech extends to the expression of
practical mathematics through the art of computer
I normally avoid politics in my column. However, this is
one issue on which I cannot be silent. The sheer pettiness
of these regulations (they didn't have the guts to pass them
as laws --- they are "regulations" enacted without direct
congressional action but clearly with plenty of underhanded
political support) is astounding!
The notion that a computer program can be arbitrarily
classified as a "munition" and thus fall under export
control is a slippery slope. It's only a hare's breadth
from the notion that these "munitions" should entail
mandatory registration and "7 day waiting periods" and
ultimately be banned entirely from domestic use. It'll all
start with populist phrases like: "protect the children from
child pornography" and "only drug dealers and mobsters have
secrets to hide from us"
Anyway, back to your subject. Just commenting out
three for four services is not enough. Start by
commenting out <EM>everything</EM>. Then remove 'inetd'
completely from your startup sequence. That's much
more comprehensive.
However, you may find that you "need" some of those
services. For example, if you do IRC you'll find that
most IRC servers want to do an "auth" call back to the
the 'identd' (identification) server on your system.
You can use TCP Wrappers, and only re-enable a service
(with restrictions that are as tight as feasible
in your <TT>/etc/hosts.allow</TT>) when you know <em>what it is
doing</em> and <EM>why</EM> you are enabling it.
That's why I'll be giving this talk. It isn't simple.
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>eterm quickie + general commment (linux SUPERGRAN)</H3>
<p><strong>From liam on Thu, 31 Dec 1998
Dear Answerguy,
A Quickie: (please read this!)
new replacement for rxvt, you know, the one that supports pixmaps
....not the terminal mode of emacs, great as that is). I can't
find it anywhere, it's not in the sunsite or GNU ftp archives,
it's mentioned in some HOWTOS, but with no reference as to how to
obtain it. Is it part of commercial X distributions only or
yours confusedly, Liam.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
As far as I know Eterm is the Enlightenment inspired
xterm. The fastest way to find files like this these days
is the Freshmeat QuickSearch feature. This lead me right to
Eterm and its web home page at:
<A HREF="http://www.tcserv.com/Eterm"
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
A Comment: (linux SUPERGRAN)
On a personal note, my familiy in London who know LESS THAN
NOTHING about computers, got their first PC (assembled by me) for
Christmas, and are all using a pleasent Linux/<A
HREF="http://www.kde.org/">KDE</A>/Netscape+Applixware combo
which they aver they find much easier
to use than "those funny computers at the university" (-
i.e. basic win95+Novell/IE/MSOffice monstrosity). Obvoiusly I set
it all up and do 100% of the sysadmin, but still even my GRAN uses
it (with my sisters help!) for e-mail &amp; browsing. They are quite
pleased that it never crashes
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
On My Soapbox: (consign to <TT>/dev/null</TT> now if looks too long &amp;or boring)
Great column! Nice to see someone with the patience to answer
those 'naieve' (i.e. uninformed!) newbie questions of the general
form "So what's this Linux all about, can I run it on a PC ..."
e.t.c. A waste of time and annoyance to old-timer hacks and busy
developers it may be, but if the OS community is to get the
message accros to joe public as well as relative "techies"
(sys-admins, businessmen, university students like myself...) in
the rapidly accelerating battle for hearts and minds; it is vital
that everyone makes an effort to encourage outsiders to give it a
try. There is an hightened level in media attention in OS &amp; Linux
right now which will not neccesairily last forever, and an
exciting window of opportunity with the rapid development of
'user-freindly' desktop environments such as KDE and
<A HREF="http://www.gnome.org/">GNOME</A>. It is
all too much to ask of one poor Answerguy! Indeed it is an issue
that needs attention from the OS community with hopefully a more
rounded systematic approach developed: the risk of inaction is
that growth of Linux in the home/light use market does not come
quickly enough, and home/light users get locked into a depressing
windows 2000 (NT5) "development" cycle, (if windows 2000 actually
gets off the ground by 2010 that is!).
Two years ago I myself was converted to the 'light side of the
force'and became a newbie (perhaps I still am), and if it wasn't
for an achademic UNIX familiarity, and a good freind who was my
local guru and walked me through the first few weeks, I would not
be e-mailing you now (although a lot has changed in two years). I
have been pleased to spread Linux to four freinds since then,
(walking them through their first install e.t.c), and a healthy
informal Edinburgh LUG, has sprung up consisting mostly of
home-users. The growth has been phenomenal as all the 'statistics'
attest, but in the coming two years word-of-mouth will not be
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Glad you like it. Please feel free to do your part in
the great tech support effort. Join a users group
in your area. Help out at the occasional installfest.
Jump into the newsgroups or onto the occasional mailing
list to <EM>answer</EM> a few questions when you can.
There are still some rough spots for us to go through.
However, I think that we'll make it. Linux currently
enjoys about 2.5 percent of the <EM>desktop</EM> market according
to one of the recent surveys. So that's our next goal.
We tripled our penetration into the server market last year
--- I think we can at least quadruple our share of the
desktop (for a total of 10%). Talk to me after the Y2K
dust settles in 12 months and we'll see if we made that
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Max Open Files and Inodes: Use The Entries under <TT>/proc</TT></H3>
<p><strong>From 4th Dimension Webmaster on Thu, 31 Dec 1998
<!-- ::
Max Open Files and Inodes: Use The Entries under <TT>/proc</TT>
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Hi , i have a DUAL 400MHz Pentium 2 processor which runs 400+
processes. In kernel 2.0.x i had to increase max processes in
tasks.h, and nr_files and nr_inodes in fs.h.
I tried kernel 2.1.131, it was much more efficient with the dual
processors and everything ran more smooth, except one
problem. there is no "nr_inodes" in fs.h. So when ever i hit
around 400 processes , it was out of file descriptors and couldnt
spawn any other processes. If you know how to over come this
problem please let me know.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
You should be able to just 'echo' the desired values
into the proper nodes under the <TT>/proc</TT> filesystem.
Those would be something like:
... though I just snarfed those in while running
a 2.0.x. I'll need to fetch a 2.1.132 and start
a new round of tests on that kernel.
In any event --- the nodes should be under <TT>/proc</TT>
somewhere -- and you can just use 'echo' with
standard shell redirection to put new values
into these at run-time.
Somewhere on the 'net there is a FAQ or HOWTO
that describes this and gives sample values.
I think the max inodes should be about 3 times
the max open files. Anyway, take a look through
the Kernel mailing list FAQ at:
<A HREF="http://www.tux.org/lkml.html"
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>setting up an ISP to serve email</H3>
<p><strong>From chris smith on Wed, 30 Dec 1998
Thanks for your response
in checking out my system with the command ps
I find that there is no pop deamon running so I guess i will have to
find that.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
in.popd (and most other POP daemons such as qpopper)
wouldn't show up during 'ps' unless someone was accessing
the service concurrently to your running the 'ps' command.
The whole point of 'inetd' is that it monitors all of
the TCP/UDP ports (on all of your interfaces) and
dynamically launches the services daemons (in.popd,
in.ftpd, in.telnetd, etc) <EM>on demand</EM>.
So, check your <TT>/etc/inetd.conf</TT> --- and make sure that
inetd is running. Then try to run a POP client.
Another trick is to use telnet to connect to the POP-3
port (110). You can then issue USER and PASS commands
-- followed by a QUIT command. If those work then
your POP daemon is responding.
As with most Unix TCP services, the control messages
in the protocol are implemented as a set of short
commands and standardized responses. This is the way that
SMTP, FTP, POP, IMAP and several others work. (There are
also services that use binary and null terminated strings
for their protocol elements --- those generally can't be
"spoofed" or "debugged" using just plain old 'telnet').
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
as for my comments about the dos\windows directory structures, let me
clarify in dos\ windows when you go to a a folder for say Netscape,
you will find all of the files(for the most part) to run that program
under that folder and in directories directly under that folder (
excepting perhaps some common system .dll and autoexec.bat config.sys,
and 3 or 4 other common system files,ignoring the system registry fro a
while) It seems to me that the programs under linux are scattered all
over the place. I understand that mostly all of the files are text
based (makes sense to me for set up reasons), but why are they
everywhere, and no one has been able to tell me just what the major
directories mean (or represent) just why is stuff where it is?
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
First of all, "folders" are a completely different
abstraction than "directories." Folders don't exist in
MS-DOS. They are a Windows thing. (Terminology borrowed
from the MacOS paradigm).
I think that you belief that Linux and Unix files are
"scattered all over the place" (a complaint you've repeated
twice now) is largely a matter of your perception. As you
say, some DLL's, fonts, and other elements of Windows
programs are put outside of the folders and directories that
are associated with them.
In any event, Unix (and Linux) provide "mechanisms" --- they
don't set "policy." So each programmer is free to use
whatever conventions best suit their needs. Most Unix/Linux
programmers follow a fairly complex set of conventions ---
which have evolved over the course of about 30 years.
That's ten times longer than Windows '95 has been around,
and twice as long as MS-DOS.
As for what the different directories "mean" --- read the
FHS (filesystem hiearchy standard) which is part of the
Linux Documentation Project.
It sounds like you spending more time fighting the
conventions than understanding or accepting them. Some
of them are a bit silly (/etc for configuration files, why
isn't it <TT>/conf?)</TT> and some of the file names are historical
(which is why we store user account names, shells, home
directories, and other info in the <TT>/etc/passwd</TT> file ---
and we store password hashes in the <TT>/etc/shadow</TT> file).
<TT>/usr</TT> is the home of "user space" programs and resources,
while <TT>/var</TT> is the tree for <TT>/usr</TT> type files that are expected
to differ between systems (things that used to be in <TT>/usr</TT>
until people started trying to share <TT>/usr</TT> over NFS). <TT>/home</TT>
is common on Linux and less common on other Unix platforms
--- most of which use a set of fileystems like <TT>/u1</TT>, <TT>/u2</TT>,
etc. <TT>/proc</TT> is a "virtual" filesystem --- a representation
of the kernel's process status as a tree of nodes. This
allows programs and shell scripts to access process status
and other kernel data without requiring special interfaces
into the kernel. The <TT>/dev</TT> directory is for "device nodes"
(filenames through which programs can access and control
It would take a rather lengthy book to go over all of these
conventions. You could read "Linux Installation and Getting
Started" for some of this. Most of it is more of an "oral"
tradition (carried mostly by netnews, over mailing lists,
in user group meetings and at technical conferences like
USENIX, SANS, and the IETF workshops.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
there must be a philosophy behind this system I don't understand yet
can you shed a little light on this??
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Read Peter Salus' "A Quarter Century of Unix" if you want to
understand the background of Unix (and thereby the heritage
of Linux). There is also another book whose title escapes
me --- but it's something like: &quot;the philosophy of Unix&quot;
--- which is more for programmers.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Getting my new linux box to run the ftp server</H3>
<p><strong>From Clay Harmon on Wed, 30 Dec 1998
I have just added an Intel Pentium Linux (Redhat 5.1) box to a
heterogeneous network consisting of 2 Sun Solaris 2.5.1 workstations and 4
Win95 PCs. Everything has gone pretty much OK, only I can't establish an
ftp connection from outside to my Linux box. If I try to ftp into the
Linux box from the Sun stations, I get a "421 Service not available, remote
server has closed connection" message. I have looked at the usual
culprits, i.e. <TT>/etc/hosts.allow</TT>, and have enabled
access to the ftp server
for ALL. What is truly strange is that inetd "superdaemon" seems to work
just fine for the finger, telnet AND rlogin services - I can access the
Linux box from outside just fine using any of these, but the ftp server
does not appear to be up. The only other piece of network weirdness I have
noticed is that when the Linux station boots, I get an error on one of the
Sysv init scripts:
Executing: /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S10network reload
* route: netmask doesn't match route address
* Usage: route [-nNvee] [-FC] [Address_families] List kernel routing tables
* ....... and so on
and then
Executing: <TT>/etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S50inet</TT> restart
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
That probably is unrelated --- though you should
check to make sure your routing tables are right. Are you
running 'routed' or 'gated' to get your route dynamically?
The reasons that I don't believe this symptom is related
to your FTP problem is that it's complaining about routing
and you clearly are getting packets to and from the
box (otherwise you wouldn't get the service unavailable
message --- and finger/telnet and rlogin wouldn't work.
It also sounds like this probably isn't a TCP Wrappers
problem --- since you presumably have all you services
wrapped. However, you should check to make sure that your
forward and reverse DNS zones are consistent --- since this
classically can cause TCP wrappers to deny connections that
would otherwise be allowed. (Normally tcpd is compiled with
<tt>-DPARANOID</tt> enabled --- though
<A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> ships with it off, so
you can explicitly use the PARANOID directive if you want --
but you don't get it unless you ask for it).
In any event it seems that the most likely case is that you
have a problem in your inetd.conf file --- probably a path
referring to non-existent in.ftpd. Did you install in.ftpd,
WU ftpd or ProFTPd? You have to install some FTP daemon
in order for the dispatche (inetd) to execute it.
So, make sure the package is installed. Make sure that the
path listed in the <TT>/etc/inetd.conf</TT> is correct. Finally,
look in <TT>/var/log/messages</TT> for any errors that inetd, tcpd,
and/or in.ftpd (or its ilk) are reporting.
If all of that is O.K and things still don't work ---
I'd look for something weird with one of the routers
(some sort of packet filtering, network address
translations or IP masquerading or something like that).
Incidentally, you mentioned "from outside" --- I hope
you don't mean that your organization is allowing direct
routable IP from the outside world (open Internet) all the
way into your desktop workstations. If that's the case I'd
highly reoommend a review of your security policies and an
assets evaluation and risk assessment.
Your company can provide reasonably safe and secure remote
access to it's employees without leaving itself wide open to
every cracker that want another attack launch point and
portscanning slave.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
This may or may not be related to my problem.
I'm stumped. Everything else seems to work just fine - I can get out
through our ISDN router to the net, Netscape works fine, and all of the
other services seem to work just fine. I can use the ftp utility to access
the Sun stations, and "get" files, but I would really like to be able to
ftp from our PC's into the Linux box, without having to go through the
complicated path of ftp'ing from PC to Solaris(put) and then from Linux to
Solaris(get) to just transfer a simple file. I don't have the option
currently of ftp'ing from Linux to PC, because Win95 does not have an ftp
server as a standard option, so I would like to be able to ftp from PC to
the Linux (put). I have the feeling there is something simple that I'm
doing or not doing that would fix this problem.
Thanks for your help
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Look for your ftpd program. There are several to choose
from. I think Red Hat 5.1 uses 'in.ftpd' as re-ported from
the <A HREF="http://www.openbsd.org/">OpenBSD</A> sources. Most Linux distributions default to
the Washington University (St. Louis) WU-FTPD. I've
recommended others (such as ProFTPD, BeroFTPD, and ncftpd)
in previous columns.
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Setting up ISP Mail Services</H3>
<p><strong>From chris smith on Tue, 29 Dec 1998
<!-- ::
Setting up ISP Mail Services
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I have been going over all the back issues of the Linux gazette (and
many books and articals) looking for info on setting up a Linux(5.1)
machine as an ISP to serve e-mail to customers.
In a test sceneraio I hava created new accounts with passwords
and sent them e-mail from an outside( through another ISP), but trying
to find the info on how to retrive the e-mail is very difficult. My
intent was to use POP3, and aparentaly I have to configure inetd.conf to
run POP3 and allow others access to ther accounts.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
On most distributions POP and various servers are enabled
by default. Normally it's wise edit <TT>/etc/inetd.conf</TT> to
<EM>disable</EM> POP and other services.
When you created these accounts --- one thing you should
probably do is disable user access to shell (login) services
by setting their shell to <TT>/bin/false.</TT>
Actually there is a problem with that, too. It gets a bit
complicated by the fact that <TT>/bin/false</TT> on many Linux and
other Unix systems is actually a shell script. You'd think
that a shell script that does an immediate <EM>exit</EM> would be
safe enough. However, 'telnetd' and some other services will
propagate certain types of environment variables to the
login shell. It's possible (using some shell quoting
hackery) to trick <TT>/bin/false</TT> (the shell script) into
executing arbitrary chunks of shell code if they aren't
filtered by the telnet daemon.
So, you should compile your own binary equivalent of
false --- actually I wrote my own I call "<tt>denysh</tt>" as
shown here:
<blockquote><pre>#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;
/* denysh
* by: James T. Dennis, &lt;jim@starshine.org&gt;
* Proprietor, Starshine Technical Services
* Deny a user shell access. Intended for use as
* the "shell" for POP mail, FTP only and other users
* who are supposed to be restricted to non interactive
* use of the system.
* Usage: using vipw you can replace the "shell" field
* of any user's account record in the /etc/passwd with
* the full path to this binary. You can also add this
* to /etc/shells and (as root) use the chsh command to
* apply this (no need to edit /etc/passwd if that bothers
* you).
* compile with:
* gcc -static -o denysh denysh.c
* to prevent any chance for shared library (LD_PRELOAD)
* exploits
int main () {
char *message= "Access Denied: Your account is not"
" permitted interactive login!\n";
write (STDERR_FILENO, message, strlen(message));
... just compile that and read the comments.
I also recommend setting the home directories
of "POP Only" users to some directory that they
<em>don't</em> own, to which they do not have
any other access, and also denying them FTP access.
Of course if your customers have special needs
--- for example they intend to run 'procmail'
on your server, etc --- then you'll need to review
your policies and make your own decisions.
Of course, most sites don't secure their systems
all that well. So many sites will continue to
use the <TT>/bin/false</TT>, and they'll occasionally see
their "POP Only" users (or people who've sniffed
or stolen the passwords for their users) subvert
the "<TT>/bin/false</TT>" into full interactive shell access.
Of course if your system is using PAM there are
ways that you can limit specific users and groups
to specific services (particularly using the 'listfile'
module. PAM is the default authentication model
for <A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> Inc's
distribution --- and it can
be installed on other systems as you like. It's
also possible to limit access to services based
on where the request is coming from. Thus it's
pretty easy to institute a policy that allows
'telnet' and other forms of access from your
local LAN while denying it to anyone whose
request is coming from an "outside" system.
If your going to run an ISP system you'll want to
learn quite a bit more about Linux security than
the average sysadmin.
(Shamless plug: I'll be giving a tutorial on
the subject at the upcoming LinuxWorld Expo:
<A HREF="http://www.linuxexpo.com"
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
any Help that you can give will be much apriciated.
ps. I got handed this job under protest saying I am willing to learn
( I come from the land of windows and dos where everything is in one
directory not scattered around {what is up with that anyway} ), and I am
reading everything that I can, but there are still many many holes, the
local groups are some help, but the continued refference to read the man
pages helps little. I hardly under stand what they are saying 1/2 the
time. just venting i guess
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I've never seen an MS-DOS or Windows system where
"everything is in one directory" --- even if you consider
the Win '9x "Registry" --- that is more of a "virtual file
system" than a "single file" (since it has many "sub trees"
and "nodes").
Indeed, you'd find (if you'd studied any operating systems
beyond MS-DOS, Windows, and Unix) that the similarities
between MS-DOS and Unix are somewhat greater than their
However, the Unix, and consequently the Linux, convention
is to use relatively simple text files for configuration of
almost all services. System services are almost all
controlled by files under the <TT>/etc</TT> directory tree.
The use of text files allows for easy repair, auditing and
relatively easy automation of changes (since awk, Perl
and other text processing scripts can be written to
modify many settings on systems across a network. It's also
possible to distribute new configuration files (including
passwd and group files to update user account information)
over the net. This is facilitated by having separate
files for different services.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
"in the deep end and over my head comming up for air soon I hope"
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Well, one approach would be to just "go with the flow" ---
just enable the POP daemon support in inetd and let the
users access whatever <EM>other</EM> services they like.
Professionally your best bet is to recommend that a
consultant be placed on retainer to help you set up
each new service as requested. That consultant should
review your needs, show you how to install/configure the
service and give you some pointers on maintaining it.
It would be a good idea to have that consultant --- or
better yet, a different one --- come in to do periodic
systems administration and security audits.
In this way you get the help you need, the services
installed and configured by someone whose done it before,
some training, and a direction to which you can escalate
If your boss expects you to "just do it" and expects it
to all get done right and in a timely fashion, and refuses
to provide you with the additional resources (consultants,
training, time, leeway to mess things up, whatever) then
you should definitely consider your negotiating position.
(Many employers exhibit unreasonable expectations in this
field. They've fallen victim to the lies of software
company marketeers that have been chanting "ease of use"
for the last two decades. A lot of software is only
"easy to use" if you want to do it "their way" and accept
whatever limitations and flaws --- particularly security
flaws --- it shipped with. However, many of these managers
will listen to reason --- and the <EM>really</EM> important part
of a sysadmin's job is to manage the expectations of his or
her users and management).
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<p>The original thread appeared in Issue 36,
"<a href="./../issue36/tag/98.html">'rsh' as 'root' Denied</a>".</p>
<hr width="40%" align="center"><!-- ................................ -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>More on: 'rsh' as 'root' Denied</H3>
<p><strong>From Walt Smith on Tue, 29 Dec 1998
<!-- ::
More on: 'rsh' as 'root' Denied
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
HI !
THX for the reply......
Unfortunately, I still can't -
rsh wally ls
as root. Tried it on slackware nicely setup w/ 2.0.30
kernel. Didn't try Red as I don't know it as well.
I changed the <TT>/etc/inetd.conf</TT> to read <tt>-h</tt>
<br>starts with -
shell stream tcp nowait root <TT>/usr/sbin/tcpd</TT> in.rshd -h
I also tried <tt>-hl</tt> and <tt>-l</tt>
<TT>/etc/services</TT> has:
shell 514/tcp cmd #no passwords used
(thats the actual statement including # comment above)
I had hosts.equiv text of -
wally.bcpl.net +
(I took hosts ISP bcpl.net and added 'wally' for my pc.)
(wally is aliased for same in file hosts)
MESSAGE given is -
permission denied
I also tried renaming <tt>hosts.equiv</tt> to get it out of the loop
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Your <TT>/etc/hosts.equiv</TT> seems to be in the wrong format. Your
hosts.equiv should contain <EM>hostnames</EM> --- no "+" (plus)
signs or any other data. Some versions don't seem to allow
IP addresses -- just hostnames.
I personally recommend that you configure such a system to
give <TT>/etc/hosts</TT> files priority over DNS --- and distribute a
good hosts file to all of the systems on this cluster.
Running it with the -l (disable personal .rhosts files) is
probably a good idea for a cluster. I'd definitely put this
cluster behind a router (any Linux box with a couple of
interfaces will do) and configuring a set of packet filters
to limit outside access to services within the cluster.
The very least you should do with your packet filters is
"anti-spoofing" --- let's say your using the 192.168.10.*
block of addresses (from RFC1918) for your cluster nodes.
You'd put in a rule like this:
<blockquote><pre>ipfwadm -I -o -a deny -W $exterior_interface \
... (as one-line, of course) to add (-a) a "firewall"
(packet filter) rule to the "incoming" (-I) table on
the interface which (-W) you've named which will "deny"
any packet that purports to have a source (-S) address
that's supposed to be assigned to one of your internal
cluster nodes. The -o in this rules specifies that any
packets matching the rule ("caught by it") should generate
"output" to the syslogs. You can then filter/monitor your
syslog for attempts to violate your policy.
This affords only a tiny measure of protection over all.
However, it is better than nothing. If a group of machines
will have a trust relationship based on their IP addresses
--- you much ensure that your routers into that LAN segment
won't blithely allow "imposter" packets through.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
By the way, bcpl.net is Baltimore County Public Library.
Their accounts are $100/year unlimited time, with ppp,
telnet to sun shell $, ftp, and 5 megs for email/and/or
web page !! Such a deal !!!
see <a href="http://www.bcpl.net/~waltech/">www.bcpl.net/~waltech/</a>
if curious, which I doubt....
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I'll leave in the plug. Normally I filter out
identifying information from messages before posting
them to the Linux Gazette. This is to protect your
privacy (and limit the amount of spam that would
be sent to my correspondents).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Never programmed in bcpl .... thats a golden oldie, right ??
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Yes, it pre-dated B which was the predecessor to C.
Some have argued that the next programming language in
the evolution of this family should therefore be "P"
--- then "L"
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I want to use rsh because I want to get a small experimental Beowulf
going, and this tidbit is neglected everywhere I've checked. Did I
muck something ????????????????
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
It looks to me like you put extra stuff on your hosts.equiv
lines. A "+" on a line by itself would be a "wildcard"
allowing in "all" hosts (which is every bit as stupid as
it sounds --- and was the default for SunOS and Solaris
for many years)!
I think the versions of in.rshd and the related daemons
that are commonly shipped with Linux (different versions
for different distributions --- most are BSD or Wietse
Venama 'logdaemon' based) will ignore such wildcards.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
THX for any help !
<br>Walt Smith
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>'procmail' to Get Mail via POP-3? No. 'fetchmail'</H3>
<p><strong>From ehalm on Mon, 28 Dec 1998
<!-- ::
'procmail' to Get Mail via POP-3? No. 'fetchmail'
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Looking for ways to get my mail from my POP3 account on my
ISP and deliver it locally.
Ebow Halm
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
In your subject you list 'procmail' --- that is probably not
the right tool for this job.
The normal way to get your mail from your ISP (or any POP
server) to your system is to use a mail user agent such as
Netscape Communicator that directly uses this protocol.
However, there's another way that's useful if you use 'elm'
or 'pine' (or MH as I do). You can use any of several
programs that fetch the mail from a remote POP or IMAP
server and store it in your "inbox" (usually something like
<TT>/var/spool/mail/$USERNAME</TT>). Currently Eric S. Raymond's
'fetchmail' is the most popular utility for this purpose.
There are others with names like 'getpop' and 'popmail'
--- some are simple PERL scripts.
One minor complaint I have about 'fetchmail' is
that it really wants to relay the mail it fetches
through the local mail daemon (usually 'sendmail')
--- so that it can apply any local aliasing and filtering
rules to it.
Since I like to centralize my mail on one server --- and
prevent mail daemons from running on the client workstations
and other servers on my LANs --- I need to bypass this.
The easiest way is to invoke 'fetchmail' with some extra
parameters to force it to pipe the messages through
my preferred delivery agent (procmail). So I use a
command like:
fetchmail -m "/usr/bin/procmail -f - "
... note: this is only appropriate for fetching mail
for a single user. Some ISP's will spool mail for an
entire client domain into a single "mbox" file (this is
one method of "virtual hosting" mail). They expect the
client to split the mail back into the users within that
domain to whom it is addressed.
ISP's that want to do this correctly will add an additional
header to each incoming message --- usually called
"X-Envelope-To:" One way to do this is documented at:
<A HREF="http://www.sendmail.org/faq/section3.html#3.29"
... in the ' <TT>sendmail</TT> 'FAQ (it uses procmail).
I've seen references to another method that just uses
a line like:
H?P?X-Envelope-To: $u
... or
H?P?X-Envelope-To: $g
... to your sendmail.cf file (near the top) --- or to
your .mc file where it will be passed into your .cf file
by m4.
There's a whole section on these "multidrop mailboxes"
in the 'fetchmail' man pages.
Insteat of using the fetchmail -m (MDA) option I've
also occasionally resorted to a different technique
--- where I define a line in my <TT>/etc/inetd.conf</TT> like:
<blockquote><pre>smtp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/sendmail -bs
... and lines in <TT>/etc/hosts.allow</TT> and <TT>/etc/hosts.deny</TT> like:
<blockquote><pre># hosts.allow
... and:
<blockquote><pre># hosts.deny
... or at least:
<blockquote><pre># hosts.deny
smtp: ALL
This allows me to configure sendmail (or another SMTP
daemon) to be dynamically loaded --- but only for
connections by the "localhost" (throught the loopback
interface). The main reason I use this is that some
of the MUA's (mail user agents) seem to wont to deliver
mail to the local SMTP daemon as well. In particular
the mail sending utility in MH seems to demand it.
Granted, most people are somewhat sloppier about their
system configuration. They let 'sendmail' (or 'qmail'
or some other SMTP daemon) just run on all of their
Unix systems --- including workstations that only ever
have a single user logged into them. I think it's a bad
idea --- unnecessary and possibly a security risk.
('sendmail' has improved immensely over the last couple
of years --- but that doesn't mean we should for get that
it was a favorite target of crackers for over twenty years
--- and that we should assume that some new package like
'qmail' or Wietse Venema's new PostFix doesn't have some,
as yet undiscovered bug).
Incidentally --- another, more hackish, way of getting
your mail would be to have some script that ftp'd or
otherwise copied your remote "mbox" (inbox) file to your
system (performing the necessary locking!) and then
fed it through the 'procmail -f' command to process
it accoding to your filters (and feed the resulting
messages into your <EM>local</EM> mbox/inbox or other folders).
One advantage of 'fetchmail' is that is supports
a wide variety of advanced authentication options. For
more info on 'fetchmail' go to ESR's web page for it:
<A HREF="http://www.ccil.org/~esr/fetchmail"
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Hardware Info Under Linux: MSD.EXE Clone?</H3>
<p><strong>From Stephen P. Smith on Mon, 28 Dec 1998
<!-- ::
Hardware Info Under Linux: MSD.EXE Clone?
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Is there a linux program(s) to would be equivelent to the msd.exe
program (in the dos/windows world).
I would like to know that interrupts, dma ranges, etc. my system
is using so that I can add another ethernet card to my system. I
currently have a 3Com 509B ISA card in the chasis and want to
install a second ethernet card.
Can you point me to an article, how-to, or FAQ. I have done some
searches and can't come up with anything.
Stephen Smith
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Quite a bit of that information is available from the output
of the 'dmesg' (dump boot-time kernel messages) command, and
from virtual files under the <TT>/proc</TT> directory.
Most of the info under <TT>/proc</TT> can be gained using common
shell commands, 'ls' and 'less' or 'cat' Some it is
summarized using the 'procinfo' command.
It's also possible to get additional info using the 'lsdev'
command, the 'scanpci' command, and utilities from the
ISAPNP (plug &amp; play for the ISA bus), PCIUtils and PCMCIA
packages. You can use 'SuperProbe' for video cards.
Obviously there isn't a single, integrated and easy
menu driven interface for this information. I'd love to
see Quarterdeck and Symantec collaborate and put together
a combined Manifest (TM) and NDiags (TM) for Linux. I
personally think that these were the best utilities for
DOS in their class (although "System Sleuth" was pretty
good, too).
Some of the availability of this info is dependent on how
your kernel is configured. It's possible to compile a
stripped down Linux kernel (which can be very compact very
fast and somewhat more secure than a larger or more modular
one). Such a kernel may not recognize many of the devices
that you have installed, and Linux will generally leave
anything it doesn't recognize completely alone.
Generally, it is best to learn about your hardware from the
documentation provided with it. Naturally I don't practice
this as I'd like --- my systems are mostly hobbled together
from spare parts. Unfortunately most systems that most of
us purchase are <EM>woefully</EM> under-documented. The PC
industry churns through component designs and chipsets so
fast and furiously that most manufacturers can't keep track
of what they're using from on day to the next. It's a
sad and unnecessary state of affairs --- the naturally
result of <EM>too much</EM> competition and commoditization.
(However, without that competition and commoditization we'd
all still be paying $5,000 US for XT's --- so I can't
complain too much.)
Incidentally the 'ifconfig' command should tell you which
IRQ and I/O base your current card is using. If it's using
IRQ 10 and I/O base 0x300 (the default for most 3Com cards)
you can usually put the next one at IRQ 11, I/O base 0x280 or
0x320. It's pretty easy to run out of IRQ's on PC's. You
can sometimes disable your printer ports to grab IRQs 5 and
7 --- and sometimes (especially on servers) you can nix the
PS/2 mouse port to reclaim IRQ 12, and/or one or both of
your serial ports to get back 3 and 4. That gives you a
total of seven that you can distribute among SCSI and
ethernet cards in a big server. If you can take out both
IDE channels you might get back 14 and 15. Some systems
will let you use 9 and 13. As for I/O address spaces.
Those usually aren't too crowded.
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>X Windows Over a Serial Line (Null Modem)</H3>
<p><strong>From farquhar on Sun, 27 Dec 1998
<!-- ::
X Windows Over a Serial Line (Null Modem)
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I'm a new Linux user and I've found your column (and The Linux Gazette)
immensely helpful. Thanks.
Here's a question I haven't found an answer to, however. Thanks to The
Linux Gazette, I know it's possible to connect 386/486 PCs to a LAN
containing newer PCs and run them as X Terminals. I also know it's
possible to set up text-mode terminals via null-modem using getty. But
is there any way to run an X Terminal off another PC via a null-modem
link? (This would be great for two-node LANs like you might find in many
homes -- a null-modem cable is much less expensive than two NICs and a
cable to connect them.)
Dave Farquhar
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Is is certainly possible to do this. You have to run a
PPP or SLIP (some sort of TCP/IP networking connection) over
the serial line to do it.
However I'll warn that X Windows on a typical 386 or 486
--- especially over a serial line --- would be essentially
Actually the quality of your video card matters a little
more than the CPU. My 386/33 running X on a 2Mb STB
Powergraph is more usable than an old 486DX2/66 that my
father used to use with a cheap 1Mb or 512K VESA VLB
video card. However, neither of them was acceptable
--- even when running the apps remotely (the server still
has to work locally).
So I wouldn't do it except at the lower resolutions (640x480
and 800x600). X is simply not tolerable at those
resolutions. Of course MS Windows was pretty useless on
those old boxes too.
Anyway --- look at the PPP HOWTO and see if you can get your
TCP/IP running over the null modem. Then running X over
that should be just like running it over any other network
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Free Copy of MS Office for Linux? It isn't April Yet!</H3>
<p><strong>From Vic Ward on Sun, 27 Dec 1998
<!-- ::
Free Copy of MS Office for Linux? It isn't April Yet!
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Where can I find a download site to download the free copy of
Microsoft Office for Linux?
<br>vic ward
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Whoa! Dude!
It's not April for a couple more months. Save the
"Fool's Day" messages until late March!
If you mean "Where can I download a suite of
Linux applications <EM>like</EM> MS Office" that's
a different question.
So far the closest Linux analogs to MS Office
are commercial packages:
<DD><A HREF="http://www.stardivision.com"
<DD><A HREF="http://www.applix.com/appware"
You can download the "Personal Edition" of
StarOffice for Linux by pointing your web browser at
<A HREF="http://www.stardivision.com/office/so5linux_body.html"
This appears to be free for personal, non-commercial use.
Be prepared! This is a 70Mb download. The tar file
isn't compressed, though most of the contents apparently
There are also some produtivity applications which aren't
presented as "suites." Corel's WordPerfect is a recent
example of a commercial application (word processor,
surprisingly enough) that has been ported to Linux.
Actually there have been versions of WordPerfect for Linux
for several years --- originally it was sold exclusively
through <A HREF="http://www.caldera.com/">Caldera</A>. However, recently version 8.x was ported
and released to Linux. This also seems to be free for
"personal" use --- or at least it's available as a free
evaluation download. This one is only 25Mb and can be
had at;
<A HREF="http://news.freshmeat.net/1998/12/17/#913937580"
(Freshmeat lists three different download sites:
download.com, cdrom.com, and surfnet.nl).
Getting just a word processor is probably not enough so it
makes sense to get a spreadsheet, too. There are several of
these available. For someone who likes Excel (as you
presumably must, since you're asking for MS Office for
Linux) you might try Wingz. This has also recently been
updated to version 3.11 (?). You can find that at MetaLab
(formerly known as Sunsite.unc.edu -- Univ. of North
Carolina's premier Linux archive site):
<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/financial/spreadsheet/"
... or you could get XessLite from a different directory at
<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/office"
From what I gather the latest versions of Wingz and Wingz
Professional are under a more liberal license than the
previous Linux version (which was shareware for about $50
US, if I recall correctly).
Naturally you'll want to read the licenses for each of these
packages to glean details about your responsibilities before
you use them.
To get something like "PowerPoint" you could look at
'MagicPoint' (<A HREF="http://www.mew.org/mgp"
>http://www.mew.org/mgp</A>) (from Japan ---
MEW is a MIME mailreader for emacs/xemacs, MagicPoint is
a separate application). This seems to be under a BSD or
GPL license. I was able to get it up and running pretty
quickly and it looks like a very promising package. (The
presentation files are simple text --- and the effects are
layed over them. You just write your presentation in a
simple outline format, and slide styles are applied
according to your indentation level).
For <EM>free</EM> applications you have to dig a bit deeper.
There's the ongoing LyX project (to create a GUI front-end
to LaTeX), and the Hungry Programmers (of LessTif fame) are
working on GWP (<A HREF="http://www.gnome.org/">GNOME</A> Word Processor). From what I read the
Mexican national educational infrastructure will be
investing in GWP, Gnumeric (?) and a few other strategic
projects as part of their initiative to put Linux unto about
1 million computers at 140,000 sites!
SIAG (Scheme in a Grid) seems to be getting more mention
recently, as are Maxwell, PAPyRUS (?) and several others.
Generally you can look for Linux applications at several
places. My favorites are Christopher B. Browne's web site
at <A HREF="http://www.hex.net/~cbbrowne"
>http://www.hex.net/~cbbrowne</A> and the canonical
Linux Applications Pages at: <A HREF="http://www.linuxapps.com"
Also Linux File Watcher (<A HREF="http://www.filewatcher.org"
does some decent categorization and organization.
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Using "odd" modem settings</H3>
<p><strong>From rdefoe@reichert.com on Fri, 08 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Using "odd" modem settings
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I am trying to use diald to connect to compuserve.
Compuserve requires that the port settings be set at 7 bits - Even Parity
before the login and then set back to 8 bits with no parity after sending
the password.
I can't seem to find a way to do this with chat. What am I missing?
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Terminal line settings are normally controlled
with 'stty' using commands like:
stty -parodd parenb cs7 &lt; <TT>/dev/ttyS?</TT>
... not the redirection <EM>from</EM> the modem serial device node
not <EM>to</EM> it. That's a quirk of this command; it works
by issuing ioctl()'s on it's input file descriptor.
Just offhand I don't know how to invoke stty during
'chat' --- it might not be possible. In the worst case
you might have to hack together your own version of 'chat'
to add a command or two (which could then invoke the
appropriate 'stty' command through a system() call --- or
could incorporate some of the 'stty' sources directly.
I'm not enough of a programmer to do this in a reasonable
time --- but it's a possibility.
Did you do a Yahoo! and Alta Vista search on the
phrase "<tt>+Linux +CompuServe</tt>"? Is anyone else using Linux
to access their CompuServe accounts?
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Sometimes Short of the Question</H3>
<p><strong>From Laurin Killian on Fri, 08 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Sometimes Short of the Question
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I enjoy your column, but sometimes you seem to stop short of the "real"
answer. What I mean is, you don't answer the <EM>specific</EM> question that
is being asked. This is good in some ways - because I've picked up some
interesting ideas from your more general answers.
Case in point, Answer Guy 36,
"<a href="./../issue36/tag/18.html">How to "get into" an Linux system from a
Microsoft client</a>":
The guy says he can "get into" - use SMB to view files on his linux box
- from win95 and NOT WinNT(sp4). The big issue is the <EM>difference</EM>, he
can see his files with win95, NOT with NT. As of sp4, NT uses encrypted
passwords by <EM>default</EM> for shares and will not view files from a share
that does not use encrypted passwords.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Yes. I remembered that. However I didn't remember the
details so I wanted to refer him to the FAQ.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
There are two options that are detailed in an article in Linux Journal
#56 and also in the documentation for samba, in the files:
<blockquote><code>ENCRYPTION.txt, WinNT.txt, NT4_PlainPassword.reg
Basically, turn off encryption on NT, or turn on encryption on the samba
The easier, of course, is to turn off encryption on the NT box, but to
show interoperability with NT, it is a good idea to actually turn on
(password) encryption on the samba server.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Actually it seems harder to disable the encryption on
the NT box (or boxes) since you have to do it on every
one of them by hand in their weird registry editor.
Enabling the encryption support on the Linux box is
a one time hassle (per server) can can conceivably
be automated. It would be nice if we could make
it the default --- but those pesky U.S. crypto export
regulations are probably chilling that idea.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
What my question really boils down to is this:
Should I email you more detailed answers when I know them, since I don't
seem to have the email of the person who asked the question?
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
You're welcome to relay the more specific answers
through me. In this case I think the original poster
did get the right info from the FAQ. (Usually I get
a follow up if my answer didn't quite do it).
Although I avoid saying "RTFM" to any question --- I
will sometimes "cop out" and point at a specific FM to R.
Sometimes that has more to do with my mood and schedule
than with any rationality and the value of the question at
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<A NAME="tag/16"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>More on: Automated PostScript (ps) to GIF Conversion</H3>
<p><strong>From Steven Hancock on Fri, 08 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
More on: Automated PostScript (ps) to GIF Conversion
:: -->
Hi, here's another solution to the problem of converting postscript
files to gif. Get the ImageMagick package, if it isn't already
installed, and use its mogrify command, like this:
mogrify -format gif somefile.ps
and this will create somefile.gif. The man pages on mogrify and convert
for more information.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I figured there was something like this out there.
Here's a few of other commends that are part of my
copy of ImageMagick:
(I cut this list from a much longer list that's
generated with the command 'rpm -ql imagemag'
on one of my <A HREF="http://www.suse.com/">S.u.S.E.</A> boxes. A similar command
would work on any RPM based distribution).
One utility of special note is:
... which is actually a command-line FTP client
for getting and putting files from/to FTP servers.
(There are several other FTP client utilities that
can be operated non-interactive by command line
invocation --- so it seems like a duplication of effort
to have ImageMagick include one. Presumably the author
couldn't find one of those at the time that he needed
These are the sorts of things I like to see in the
Tips HOWTO and the "2-cent Tips" columns in LG.
Also I'd love for someone to put together an overview
of Linux graphics software with some ideas about how to
use xfig, tgif, ImageMagick, xv, the GIMP etc. Not
something as sophisticated as the Graphics Muse --- but
simpler things for those of use that just need to whip
up some web page icons or draw diagrams and charts for the
occasional project at work.
Obviously I'm ill-suited to this task since I'm an
avowed text mode bigot.
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<A NAME="tag/17"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Re: Routing and Subnetting for Classes</H3>
<p><strong>From Faber Fedor on Thu, 07 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Re: Routing and Subnetting for Classes
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Great article. I'm in the middle of teaching a TCP/IP class and
would have loved to use your article the past two days when we
were going over subnetting.
May I have your permission to make copies and pass the article out
to my class?
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
All of my columns in the Linux Gazette are covered
under the LDP variant of the GPL. That does allow
for free distribution and use.
You are welcome to use it however you like. Leaving
my name associated with it would be appreciated.
Then people know who to blame
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">.
I'll be using a (hopefully improved) version of
this article in my book.
Note: Please also look for the article on
"proxyarp" --- this is a related subject that your
students should also understand. Some of those
concepts actually support the subnetting and routing
discussion by providing a contrast and comparison.
(As in: "Here's another way it can be done.")
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
and now, for my question: you referenced RFC1918 and "private
network addresses". I know about them, I follow them, etc. but
only because they are an RFC. I mentioned private network
addresses to a buddy of mine and he brought up the point of "Why
bother? With proxies, etc., you can have any address(es) you
want, so it doesn't matter which address(es) you choose." I can't
think of a reason to refute him.
So, <EM>is</EM> there a reason for choosing 192.168.x.x as opposed to
using the Post Office's 56.*.*.* for my internal network that no
one ever sees? (Yes, I know they're different classes; that's
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
By an odd coincidence I've done some consulting for the
USPS so I am familiar with the fact that they use
proxying to "hide" their 56.*.*.* network from the
rest of the world. I suspect that about half of the
class A addresses that have been delegated are
similarly sequestered.
It would be nice if these organizations returned their
IP addresses (exchanged them for smaller address
blocks to accomodate their publicly accessible services,
routers and proxy hosts). In the case of the USPS there
are several Class C addresses that are used by the
organization for their web sites et al.
However, the reason for the RFC is to prevent routing
ambiguities. If the USPS decided to use some of their
56.* addresses for their websites, routers, etc ---
and you needed to access those --- your router wouldn't
have any way to know where to send these packets.
Of course, if everyone uses the same RFC1918 addresses
and we start trying to connect to one another over
VPN's then we have to do some weird "bi-directional"
masquerading and NAT (network address translation) to
turn your 10.*.*.* addresses into <EM>my</EM> 10.*.*.* addresses
and vice versa. (This is not merely a theoretical problem
--- a frient of my, has mentioned that he needs to
employ these techniques now).
So, the short answer is: you can do it --- but you'll
probably get bitten. There's no guarantee that the
organization who's "hidden" addresses you try to use
will continue to keep those addresses "hidden". It
shouldn't ever concern any other hosts beyond your
masquerading/NAT routers and proxy gateways --- so
long as you don't "leak" packets with these bogus
source addresses.
This sort of "leakage" is probably the most obvious
reason to use the RFC1918 addresses. Any router
on the net can be configure to drop those packets
when any of use accidentally allow them to leak. This
is good for the whole Internet.
Hope that helps.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Disk Partitioning: Review</H3>
<p><strong>From John L Capell on Thu, 07 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Disk Partitioning: Review
:: -->
After pouring over the various resources on the best way to partition my
system for RedHat Linux 5.2, I think I've come up with the following:
(comments please, before I commit)
<pre><strong>&gt; Mount Point Part. # Size (Megs)
&gt; ==================================================
&gt; / hda1 350
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
HEIGHT="28" WIDTH="50" BORDER="0">
I usually use one third that.
&gt; /usr hda5 2048
&gt; /home hda6 1536
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
HEIGHT="28" WIDTH="50" BORDER="0">
I'd make this bigger. On a personal workstation
I make /home a symlink to /usr/local/home and
/opt one that points to /usr/local/opt
... then I combine those into one larger fs.
Thus all my "local" changes and "my" files
end up under /usr/local
Obviously that's just a matter of personal taste.
&gt; /usr/local hda7 1024
&gt; /var hda8 300
&gt; /tmp hda9 300
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
HEIGHT="28" WIDTH="50" BORDER="0">
I also make this somewhat smaller.
&gt; /usr/src hda10 300
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
HEIGHT="28" WIDTH="50" BORDER="0">
I make this a symlink to /usr/local/src.
&gt; &lt;swap&gt; hda11 127
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
This is fine. I usually make it the second partition.
Ideally this would be located in the center of the
drive's platter --- reducing the average seek time
to it. However, that's hackish and probably not
worth the effort. (If your actually swapping --
add more RAM).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
While I realize that I may have over-allocated space for programs,
leaving only (only!) 1.5Gb for users, I figure I could always add more space
for users with a second hard drive if I needed to.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
As you see its mostly a matter of requirements analysis
--- which classically consists of three considerations:
requirements, constraints and preferences. Given the
size of the average hard drive sold today (4 to 6 Gb)
we have lots of room (and are thus not overly constrained)
and the fact that we an use symlinks for most FHS specified
directories (/home, <TT>/opt</TT>, <TT>/usr/src</TT>, etc --- just don't do
that with <TT>/tmp</TT>, <TT>/dev</TT>, <TT>/etc/</TT>, <TT>/sbin</TT> etc).
--- it is mostly a matter of preference.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
The resources I've used are:
<br>(1) The RH 5.2 Installation Manual
<br>(2) The Linux Documentation Project (http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/)
<br>(3) The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
<br> &nbsp; &nbsp; (http://www.pathname.com/fhs/2.0/fhs-toc.html)
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Good work!
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Where (if anywhere) am I straying from efficient disk usage?
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I think you're devoting a tad too much for <TT>/</TT>, <TT>/tmp</TT>
and could consolidate some of your filesystems.
If you have reasons for keeping <TT>/opt</TT>, <TT>/home</TT>, and
<TT>/usr/local</TT> separate then do so by all means. However,
if you don't --- just combine them into one larger
fs for maximum flexibility. If you're concerned about
'fsck' time (which grows much longer for larger fs'
then I can understand splitting them). However, Linux
systems are generally so stable that the fsck time on
a workstation is not a major consideration (periodic
reboots with <EM>forced</EM> fsck runs can lessen the chance that
this will be required at inopportune times).
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>PPP Disconnects</H3>
<p><strong>From sipior on Tue, 05 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
PPP Disconnects
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Greetings, Mr. Dennis!
Having taken my computer home with me for a couple of weeks, so that
I might not be Quake-deprived for the Christmas season, I found myself
setting up a PPP connection with a local ISP. I was able to manually effect
a PPP connection with little difficulty at all---however, I have been unable
to automate the dialup process with ppp-on and ppp-on-dialer scripts (as
detailed in the PPP-HOWTO). After tailoring these scripts to my particular
setup, I was able to connect well enough, only to have the modem
automatically hang up immediately! The relevant portion of my system log
(sanitised for our mutual protection
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle"> follows:
Jan 2 18:17:56 sarnath kernel: PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation)
Jan 2 18:17:56 sarnath kernel: PPP Dynamic channel allocation code
copyright 1995 <A HREF="http://www.caldera.com/">Caldera</A>, Inc.
Jan 2 18:17:56 sarnath kernel: PPP line discipline registered.
Jan 2 18:17:56 sarnath kernel: Serial driver version 4.13 with no serial options enabled
Jan 2 18:17:56 sarnath kernel: tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A
Jan 2 18:17:56 sarnath kernel: tty01 at 0x02f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
Jan 2 18:17:56 sarnath kernel: registered device ppp0
Jan 2 18:17:56 sarnath pppd[599]: pppd 2.3.3 started by root, uid 0
Jan 2 18:17:57 sarnath chat[604]: timeout set to 3 seconds
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
This timeout might be a tad shorter than you'd like.
Try 15 seconds or so.
<Pre><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Jan 2 18:17:57 sarnath chat[604]: ATH0^M^M
Jan 2 18:17:57 sarnath chat[604]: OK
Jan 2 18:17:57 sarnath chat[604]: -- got it
Jan 2 18:17:57 sarnath chat[604]: send (ATDTXXXXXXX^M)
Jan 2 18:17:58 sarnath chat[604]: expect (CONNECT)
Jan 2 18:17:58 sarnath chat[604]: ^M
Jan 2 18:18:16 sarnath chat[604]: ATDTXXXXXXX^M^M
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
... your forgot to sanitize your local number
from these logs. I've done it here.
<Pre><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Jan 2 18:18:16 sarnath chat[604]: CONNECT
Jan 2 18:18:16 sarnath chat[604]: -- got it
Jan 2 18:18:16 sarnath chat[604]: send (^M)
Jan 2 18:18:16 sarnath chat[604]: expect (ost:)
Jan 2 18:18:16 sarnath chat[604]: 38400^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: - Blue Moon K56flex -^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: ^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: Select HOST:^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: ^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: ppp^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: shell^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: bbs^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: ^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: Type new to register for net access.^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: ^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: host:
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: -- got it
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: send (ppp^M)
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: expect (ogin:)
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: ^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: host: ppp^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: login:
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: -- got it
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: send (xxxxxxx^M)
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: expect (assword:)
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: xxxxxxx^M
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: Password:
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: -- got it
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath chat[604]: send (********^M)
Jan 2 18:18:18 sarnath pppd[599]: Serial connection established.
Jan 2 18:18:19 sarnath pppd[599]: Using interface ppp0
Jan 2 18:18:19 sarnath pppd[599]: Connect: ppp0 &lt;--&gt; /dev/ttyS1
Jan 2 18:18:23 sarnath pppd[599]: Modem hangup
Jan 2 18:18:23 sarnath pppd[599]: Connection terminated.
Jan 2 18:18:24 sarnath pppd[599]: Exit.
Jan 2 18:19:56 sarnath kernel: PPP: ppp line discipline successfully unregistered
Sorry for the long excerpt, by the way---if I had a better idea of
where the trouble was, I could perhaps have quoted fewer lines...
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
What I find perplexing is that the modem hangup comes directly after
the connection is established, but with no IP number yet assigned. I have
also attached my <TT>/etc/ppp/options</TT>, <TT>/etc/ppp/scripts/ppp-on</TT>, and
<TT>/etc/ppp/scripts/ppp-on-dialer</TT> files. These all come with the RedHat 5.0
distribution, obviously edited for my circumstances.
Ultimately, I guess my question is: "What am I missing?" Connecting
manually is not exactly a Brobdingnagian task, but it does keep me from
using diald, along with some other clever script-driven ppp utilities. I
have been up and down the PPP-HOWTO, along with other <TT>/usr/doc/ppp</TT> files,
and cannot effect a solution. I assume what I am missing is terribly
obvious, and maybe a fresh pair of eyes can see after a few minutes what
mine cannot after many hours
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle"> If there is any more information you
require, I will be happy to provide it, though I have tried to be as
painfully complete as possible in this e-mail.
Anyway, I thank you for any time you can spare on this problem, and
I look forward to hearing from you!
Michael Sipior
asyncmap 0
mtu 552
mru 552
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Try it with the -detach directive commented out.
<PRE><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
# Script to initiate a ppp connection. This is the first part of the
# pair of scripts. This is not a secure pair of scripts as the codes
# are visible with the 'ps' command. However, it is simple.
# These are the parameters. Change as needed.
TELEPHONE=******* # The telephone number for the connection
ACCOUNT=msipior # The account name for logon (as in 'George Burns')
PASSWORD=******** # The password for this account (and 'Gracie Allen')
LOCAL_IP= # Local IP address if known. Dynamic =
REMOTE_IP= # Remote IP address if desired. Normally
NETMASK= # The proper netmask if needed
# Export them so that they will be available at 'ppp-on-dialer' time.
# This is the location of the script which dials the phone and logs
# in. Please use the absolute file name as the $PATH variable is not
# used on the connect option. (To do so on a 'root' account would be
# a security hole so don't ask.)
# Initiate the connection
# I put most of the common options on this command. Please, don't
# forget the 'lock' option or some programs such as mgetty will not
# work. The asyncmap and escape will permit the PPP link to work with
# a telnet or rlogin connection. You are welcome to make any changes
# as desired. Don't use the 'defaultroute' option if you currently
# have a default route to an ethernet gateway.
exec <TT>/usr/sbin/pppd</TT> debug lock modem crtscts <TT>/dev/ttyS1</TT> 38400 \
asyncmap 20A0000 escape FF kdebug 0 $LOCAL_IP:$REMOTE_IP noipdefault netmask $NETMASK defaultroute connect $DIALER_SCRIPT
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Some of these options conflict with those your list from
<TT>/etc/ppp/options</TT> file above. In particular I notice that
the asyncmap is different. I also note that the MTU/MRU
values you have listed are a bit odd. I usually see 296
for slower modems (14.4 and under) and 576 for faster
modems (28.8 and up). The 'kdebug' option here results
in those kernel/syslog messages from pppd (and the -v on your
chat script, below, results in the syslog messages from
that command).
Try it with an empty <TT>/etc/ppp/options</TT> file (that file is
global and might conflict with the directives that you're
putting on the command line). Try removing all of these
options from the pppd invocation --- and isolating them
into their own options file. Replace all the options on
this long command line with just:
<TT>/usr/sbin/pppd</TT> file <TT>/etc/ppp/foo.options</TT>
... and put each option directive (and it's arguments)
on a single line in the foo.options file.
<PRE><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
# This is part 2 of the ppp-on script. It will perform the connection
# protocol for the desired connection.
exec <TT>/usr/sbin/chat</TT> -v \
TIMEOUT 3 ABORT '\nBUSY\r' ABORT '\nNO ANSWER\r' ABORT '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r' &quot; '\rAT' 'OK-+++\c-OK' ATH0 TIMEOUT 30 OK ATDT$TELEPHONE CONNECT &quot; ost: ppp ogin:--ogin: $ACCOUNT assword: $PASSWORD
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
This seems like an odd way to do this. I usually isolate
my chat scripts in their own file and use my ppp/options
file's 'connect' directive to invoke 'chat' with the -f
option --- which points to my standalone chat script like
connect <TT>/usr/sbin/chat</TT> -v -f <TT>/etc/ppp/MYISP.chat</TT>
... with different files for different chat scripts.
I also invoke 'pppd' with just the 'file' directive
on its command line --- like:
<TT>/usr/sbin/pppd</TT> file <TT>/etc/ppp/MYISP.options</TT>
... and localize my options therein. My global options
file then just has the "lock" directive --- or is blank
(for some special cases).
I really don't see anything that jumps out at me. However,
I've noted a couple of oddities. One other suggestion which
relates to a similar problem I had once:
When you log in interactively, look for the
last bit of plain text that's printed by your ISPs
system before it starts printing the PPP "gibberish"
One of the ISPs I worked with would print
"starting PPP..." after my script would enter the
password. This was getting "stuck" in a buffer
somewhere and confusing pppd (similar to what
happens in C when you use a '<TT></TT>' library call
with a bad format specifier). The problem only
showed up when I was using the chat script and
not if I used 'minicom' to start the session,
then quit out of that while leaving the connection
up and using pppd to take over the existing
Adding a last "expect" string to my chat script
to "gobble that last text message up" seemed to
solve the problem.
Try that and see if it helps. Then ask your ISP for
some additional tips.
You might also try one or several of the GUI PPP
configuration frontends. I've never used any of them
--- but they've apparently gotten pretty good for the
common cases. Any of the good ones should generate
text chat script and options files that you can manually
<!-- sig -->
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<A NAME="tag/21"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 21 -->
<p>The original thread appeared in Issue 36,
"<a href="./../issue36/tag/42.html">fconfig reports TX errors
on v2.1.x kernels</a>".</p>
<hr width="40%" align="center"><!-- ................................ -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>'ifconfig': TX errors</H3>
<p><strong>From Peter Bruley on Mon, 04 Jan 1999
<!-- ::<BlockQuote>
'ifconfig': TX errors
</BlockQuote>:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Thanks Jim
I've posted the question to a few groups and have not yet heard
any replies.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Actually I looked into it a bit more --- read the Linux
Kernel Mailing List FAQ at <A HREF="http://www.tux.org/lkml"
>http://www.tux.org/lkml</A> and you'll
find that this is a known problem between the new kernels
and an older version if '<tt>ifconfig</tt>' --- update your binaries
as recommended in the LKML.FAQ.
Your "one-stop" shopping center for getting all the
requisite user space program updates for your 2.2
kernel would be at LinuxHQ
(<A HREF="http://www.linuxhq.com/pgmup21.html"
Hope that helps.
<!-- sig -->
<!-- end 21 -->
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<A NAME="tag/22"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 22 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Ahh ... The Toils of Time</H3>
<p><strong>From cly on Mon, 11 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Ahh ... The Toils of Time
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
My problem is, that the system clock runs too fast,
about 4 mins/3 days.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
That's a pretty bad clock. However, there are ways to
cope with it.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
It's a big problem, because this server is time server for some
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Are you using timed, xntpd or some other time
synchronization server/protocol?
If you have a dedicated connection to the Internet,
I'd recommend using xntpd --- and thus using the
NTP protocol.
This is a complex protocol with largely inaccessible
documentation. So far as the average sysadmin is
concerned it should simply be a matter of installing
xntpd on one or more Internet accessible (bastion)
hosts --- such as your nameserver and external
mail relay, and providing it with a suitable
configuration file.
Mine looks like:
<BR>server nebu1-atm.ucsd.edu ## (
<BR>server ns.scruz.net ## (
<BR>server # local clock (LCL)
<BR>fudge stratum 10 # LCL is unsynchronized
<BR>driftfile <TT>/etc/ntp.drift</TT>
... note that the servers I've chosen are listed among
the Stratum-2 (secondary) public time servers at
the NTP web pages:
<A HREF="http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~ntp"
... also note that you should ping and run ntpdate
against any of these before you try to use them as
one of your xntpd time source servers. (This list
is sadly out of date --- and includes hosts which
haven't responded to my pings and time requests
in a couple of years --- and that's just from a
sampling of the ones in California!).
But I'm getting ahead of myself. First you need to
ensure that your clock is even close (within 1000 seconds)
of the correct time before you load the xntpd daemon.
So, during startup you should run the 'ntpdate' command
to set your system time. (I also run the <TT>/sbin/clock</TT> -w
command to write the system time to the CMOS hardware
clock --- and have a cron job to repeat that command
once a day).
Using this technique during startup you have your
system time in the right ballpark. (The cron job also
limits how far off your CMOS/hardware clock can drift).
Then you have your startup scripts load the NTP daemon
after your networking interfaces and routes have been
established. Then this daemon will periodically poll
its time servers, measuring the networking delays and
arriving at a precise approximation of the UTC time.
I gather that the default is every 17 minutes. You'll
see UDP traffic between port 123 on the clients and
I recommend that you configure at least one exposed
(bastion) server with xntpd and another one or
two internal hosts which access the externally visible
one. Then all of your internal systems can access
the internal (stratum-4) time servers. If you have
less than a hundred systems your external systems
should probably refer to stratum-2 servers (to limit
the load on the primary (stratum-1) servers).
You can also buy hardware clocks which xntpd can use
to set the time. Some of them are radio clocks, other
monitor GPS (global positioning system) or Loran signals
(which would also be considered "radio" clocks I guess)
and others are high precision clocks embedded on PC or other
Thus, if you connect a GPS or Loran based high precision
clock to one of your servers you can be your own stratum-1
time source. (If you go to the expense of buying one of
these --- and they can cost over $1000 US --- I highly
recommend that you make that server publicly available as a
primary NTP server).
I gather that there are also modem based time services that
are supported by the NTP package. I have yet to see any
configuration examples for using these.
It has sometimes been the experience that the local clock oscillator
frequency error is too large for the NTP discipline algorithm, which
can correct frequency errors as large as 30 seconds per day. There are
two possibilities that may result in this problem. First, the hardware
time- of-year clock chip must be disabled when using NTP, since this
can destabilize the discipline process. This is usually done using the
tickadj program and the -s command line argument, but other means may
be necessary. For instance, in the Sun Solaris kernel, this must be
done using a command in the system startup file.
... in your case your system may require a bit of extra
work to get xntpd working reliably. You're experiencing
over a minute per day in slew --- so you'll almost
certainly need read these details from the NTP home page.
As I've said --- the biggest failing in the xntpd package
is that the documentation is written like a doctoral thesis.
It add incredible complexity to a process that should be
very simple to the "user" (the typical sysadmin, in this
Another problem with the whole system (protocol, utilities
etc) is that it's designed for systems with dedicated
Internet connections. No provisions or suggestions are made
for those of us with dial-up (dial on demand) connection
over modems, ISDN lines, etc.
My solution was to create a cron job that kill the
xntpd on my internal time server once every day ---
fired up my link to the 'net, ran 'ntpdate' against
three different servers and then restarted the daemon.
This is specifically NOT recommended in the NTP
documentation. They are concerned that the sudden
change in time might confuse some daemons and processes.
However, it seems to be the only choice for those of us
that want to maintain reasonable time synchronization
but don't have the money to spend on dedicated internet
connections and/or hardware clocks.
You can find a list of those high precision time clocks
at the NTP web pages. I'm must sorry that you'll have to
muddle through all that erudite prose to get at the
information you want.
(Meanwhile I have changed my network and I do have
a dedicated connection (DSL) now. So if anyone wants
to send me a good GPS PC/clock I'll be happy to set up
an ntp.starshine.org public time server
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
My config:
<A HREF="http://www.slackware.org/">Slackware</A> 3.5 with 2.0.36 kernel on iP200MMX
What to do?
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I hope that helps. I don't know if xntpd is
included with Slackware --- but you can certainly find
and build the source package from any good Linux archive
site or from the NTP home pages that I've listed above.
<!-- sig -->
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<A NAME="tag/23"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 23 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>The Complaint Department: Typos and Grammatical Errors</H3>
<p><strong>From David Augros on Sun, 10 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
The Complaint Department: Typos and Grammatical Errors
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Dear Jimbo,
You seem to have all the answers (most of the ones to the good questions
anyway...), and I am sure your wife is as lovely as she is capable when it
comes to formatting and scripting. But the fact remains that every month,
TAG is replete with typographical and spelling errors that would make a
school teacher blush. Now I realize that you perform this service as a
gift to the Linux community, and let me assure you, we are most grateful
to benefit from your expertise and experience. I always enjoy reading
your piece, (and I think Heather's comments sometimes cut to the quick
much faster than yours do, ... women's intuition I guess). But, James, my
man, we really have to think about what this looks like to the rest of the
world. Yes the web and all other trappings of the internet bring with
them an historically unprecedented dynamic of ever new and ever updated
and always changing information... of this I am not unaware, but you still
really need someone to go over your article before publishing. The rules
of grammar do not change between most postings of TAG. Even an incompetent
editor would catch eighty or more percent of these errors. And I am not
talking about the sometimes illiterate nonsesnse that you receive as email
on a (most likely) daily basis, but your own answers to said mail. If
there is nobody else to do it, then let me know and we will work something
out. The fact is, I really can't stand to see another month's worth of
quality TAG go out to the world in the sorry state it has been doing so
for as long as I have been reading it. Once again, I think you are the
man, and I just want to help out here. That should be what you walk away
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
My only complaint regarding your writing would be the
utter lack of paragraph structuring.
As you've noted, my faults related to a balance between
the time I can devote to the writing and editing vs. the
time I reserve for other work.
I'm sorry for those typos that get through. On the whole
of it I don't think my grammar is as deplorable as you
seem to suggest. However, it's probably not perfect.
I'd welcome an editor with the time to correct the typos
--- though I'm not sure how we'd arrange it.
I could ask Heather to read my work as she formats it,
with full license to edit it. Her, script is getting
pretty good, and she might find the time when I haven't
flooded her with close to 100 separate messages. We'll
(Meanwhile I can understand your frustration to some
degree. I'm fairly forgiving when it comes to netnews,
e-mail and web forums --- but I find the number of typos
in professionally published and printed books to be pretty
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Warm regards,
<!-- sig -->
<!-- end 23 -->
<hr width="40%" align="center"><!-- ................................ -->
<!-- begin 25 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Heather Answers Also</H3>
<p><strong>From <em>The Answer Guy</em> on Mon, 11 Jan 1999
I ate the fortune cookie first, then read what Jim Dennis copied me on:
<!-- ::<BlockQuote>
The Complaint Department: Typos and Grammatical Errors
</BlockQuote>:: -->
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Dear Jimbo,
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
You seem to have all the answers (most of the ones to the good questions
anyway...), and I am sure your wife is as lovely as she is capable when it
comes to formatting and scripting. But the fact remains that every month,
TAG is replete with typographical and spelling errors that would make a
school teacher blush.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
All one paragraph? "Typographical and spelling" -- I think Strunk would
frown. Calm down, have a nice cup of tea.
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
(Darn it, now I'll have to paint a speak bubble for myself. <em>sigh</em>)
<BLOCKQUOTE></em>[ Actually, I painted a couple bubbles, but I'm not sure which
to use, and would rather hope I don't become a regular on the
answering side. I'm kinda torn between an asterisk bubble (star,
get it?) or a bubble half drawn by a paintbrush. -- Heather ]
Bear in mind that I make very little effort to correct the querent, only the
AnswerGuy. Rewriting the query would reduce our readers' understanding
of how the question was asked. I only correct the AnswerGuy in the context
of reading the columns at a much faster rate than the average reader... so
a few things slip through. Was any of it difficult to understand because
of grammar? (Jargon isn't a grammar problem here -- people are asking about
technical issues.)
As I noted in one of the messages this last month, these are real people
asking, and a real person answering the question. Real people do not speak
perfect Oxford English, even though some try.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Now I realize that you perform this service as a
gift to the Linux community, and let me assure you, we are most grateful
to benefit from your expertise and experience. I always enjoy reading
your piece, (and I think Heather's comments sometimes cut to the quick
much faster than yours do, ... women's intuition I guess).
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
And avoiding making them except to provide real content... I'm more of a GUI
fan than Jim is, so have a smidge more experience with, as one querent put
it, Brand X compatibility.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
But, James, my
man, we really have to think about what this looks like to the rest of the
world. Yes the web and all other trappings of the internet bring with
them an historically unprecedented dynamic of ever new and ever updated
and always changing information... of this I am not unaware, but you still
really need someone to go over your article before publishing. The rules
of grammar do not change between most postings of TAG.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Neither do deadlines. I do wonder, though, if the translators that convert
the Gazette into Italian, French, etc, make any effort to keep the "bad
grammar" of many of the querents intact.
Maybe I'll run one of the translations back through Babelfish... I have
reasonable evidence that its translations are terrible. It ought to be a
good laugh.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Even an incompetent
editor would catch eighty or more percent of these errors.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
To edit for the purpose of adding HTML, and for the purpose of perfecting
the grammar, are not the same thing.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
And I am not
talking about the sometimes illiterate nonsesnse that you receive as email
on a (most likely) daily basis, but your own answers to said mail. If
there is nobody else to do it, then let me know and we will work something
out. The fact is, I really can't stand to see another month's worth of
quality TAG go out to the world in the sorry state it has been doing so
for as long as I have been reading it.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
As the Gazette is completely under the LDP, you are of course welcome to
correct it, including old issues. The web is not the print medium, so you
do not really have to feel it is frozen on paper and irreparable, even if
its publishing schedule deliberately follows a magazine format.
Considering your offer more thoughtfully, how are you at tight deadlines?
We're talking 3 days or less here.
I really hope you're not planning to restructure whole sentences or
paragraphs; they often make better sense when taken as a whole than
when taken alone. Nor is perfect grammar always desirable; many of the
world's classic novels get bad grades from Grammatik(tm).
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Once again, I think you are the man, and I just want to help out here.
That should be what you walk away with.
My only complaint regarding your writing would be the
utter lack of paragraph structuring.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
See splits, above.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
As you've noted, my faults related to a balance between
the time I can devote to the writing and editing vs. the
time I reserve for other work.
I'm sorry for those typos that get through. On the whole
of it I don't think my grammar is as deplorable as you
seem to suggest. However, it's probably not perfect.
I'd welcome an editor with the time to correct the typos
--- though I'm not sure how we'd arrange it.
I could ask Heather to read my work as she formats it,
with full license to edit it. Her script is getting
pretty good, and she might find the time when I haven't
flooded her with close to 100 separate messages. We'll
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I have always assumed I had license to edit, but I only correct fairly
minor things. I'm trying to provide to the world basically the same
letter the querent received. To change it too much, would mean we were
becoming more of a "useful topics this month" column rather than faithful
republication of your mail threads.
For example:
<li>I will not completely reformat sentences, but I will add the occasional
spaced-out verb or delete doubles. (If this leads to the oft-bemoaned
"passive voice" - tough luck.) These aren't that common.
<li>I make a sincere (but I suspect insufficient) effort to get the right
"its"<TT>/</TT>"it's" since Jim's mental spellchecker seems to consider
them equal. "There" and "they're" seem to get swapped occasionally too.
<li>Sometimes, URLs have moved since the answer was given.
<li>Occasionally my own mental spellchecker catches something out of place.
However, usually I'm going too fast.
I don't run ispell against it because I'd constantly have to feed jargon to
our dictionary. I don't have time for that. I don't even remember if I ran
'<tt>lynx -traverse</tt>' across the tree this time like I normally do, to
check for broken links.
As a personal comment I consider <EM>any</EM> change to the original content to
be gravy; my purpose in transmuting the messages to HTML is to retain the
appearance of the original mail. In some threads, that's a lot of work.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
(Meanwhile I can understand your frustration to some
degree. I'm fairly forgiving when it comes to netnews,
e-mail and web forums --- but I find the number of typos
in professionally published and printed books to be pretty
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Last I heard all of Linux Gazette is a volunteer, unpaid effort. (To my
knowledge none of the authors and editors lack a seperate job.) Perhaps
if it is ever "professionally published", i.e. put in book form, it will
be sifted through for inocuous typos.
However, I suspect those wanting a more organized restructuring of the
knowledge Jim has to offer will be willing to wait for his book, which <EM>is</EM>
a paid effort, with paid editors.
Heather Stern
<br><em>Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang there except those that sang best. -- Henry Van Dyke</em>
<!-- end 25 -->
<hr width="40%" align="center"><!-- ................................ -->
<!-- begin 35 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/bbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(!) " border="0"
>David Replies...</H3>
<p><strong>From Heather Stern on Sat, 16 Jan 1999
All one paragraph? "Typographical and spelling" -- I think Strunk would
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I agree. I used to write term papers that way too. I'll probably never
break the habit. But salt-water-taffy-wise, I think the message was OK.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Calm down, have a nice cup of tea.
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Earl grey for me, thanks.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Was any of it difficult to understand because of grammar? (Jargon isn't
a grammar problem here -- people are asking about technical issues.)
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
My point does not concern comprehension so much as presentation. If a
questioner says something silly, ungrammatical, or can't spell to save his
life, that's one thing. But when Jim's answers contain <EM>very preventable</EM>
errors, it just looks sloppy, and it is this that I wish to address. It
may be a very superficial point, but it remains a point nonetheless.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
As I noted in one of the messages this last month, these are real people
asking, and a real person answering the question. Real people do not speak
perfect Oxford English, even though some try.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I agree that speech is informal, and I would never suggest that it is
important to correct spoken grammar-- the whole "spoken" dynamic of
usenet, email, and even TAG is a wonderful thing, and you are right to
want to preserve it. But TAG is also something more than plain speech.
These messages are archived and available for the indefinite future. Web
publishing, though more liquid than other forms, is still publishing, and
as such, it lacks the character of the spoken word which bounces off the
walls and ceiling and seeps into oblivion. I say, leave the questioner to
fend for himself, his crummy wording is his alone. But Jim's responses
reflect the professionalism of TAG, The Linux Gazette, and more remotely,
but still in a real way, the whole Linux community. Jim's column would
benefit from a "typo filter," and the whole world would be just that much
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Maybe I'll run one of the translations back through Babelfish... I have
reasonable evidence that its translations are terrible. It ought to be a
good laugh.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Babelfish <EM>is</EM> terrible, but it seems to be the best thing going for now.
I have a perl script which gives a nice command line interface the said
fish, and it has provided me with many good laughs. I can send it if you
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Even an incompetent
editor would catch eighty or more percent of these errors.
To edit for the purpose of adding HTML, and for the purpose of perfecting
the grammar, are not the same thing.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Please understand that I in no way intended to imply that you were
incompetent (or less than that as it seems you have taken it). This
remark was meant to highlight the fact that no such editor is now in the
loop, and that even a poor one would be better than none at all. I know
the difference between formatting for HTML and general editing, and I
understand it is the former for which you are primarily responsible. It
was my intention to point out that noone is responsible for the latter,
nothing more than that.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
As the Gazette is completely under the LDP, you are of course welcome to
correct it, including old issues. The web is not the print medium, so you
do not really have to feel it is frozen on paper and irreparable, even if
its publishing schedule deliberately follows a magazine format.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
It is not so much my desire to have a "correct" copy of the Gazette for my
own personal use as it is my desire to see the Gazette show its best face
to the world. And that face is currently located at
<A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue36"
<blockquote><em>[ The top level index,
<A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/"
>http://www.linuxgazette.com/</A>. probably would have been
a better place to point. Oh well! -- Heather ]
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Considering your offer more thoughtfully, how are you at tight deadlines?
We're talking 3 days or less here.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Three days is more than enough time to do an old s/there/their/ hear and
their, if you understand my meaning.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I really hope you're not planning to restructure whole sentences or
paragraphs; they often make better sense when taken as a whole than
when taken alone. Nor is perfect grammar always desirable; many of the
world's classic novels get bad grades from Grammatik(tm).
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
First of all, Grammatik can do something unmentionable to something else,
even less mentionable to the first unmentionable thing. Secondly, the
kind of thing I am proposing here is like the following
(from <A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue36/tag/b.html"
change this:
... kernel core team has soundly reject suggestions that Linux adopt
to this:
... kernel core team has soundly rejected suggestions that Linux adopt
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I have always assumed I had license to edit, but I only correct fairly
minor things. I'm trying to provide to the world basically the same
letter the querent received. To change it too much, would mean we were
becoming more of a "useful topics this month" column rather than faithful
republication of your mail threads.
For example:
<li>I will not completely reformat sentences, but I will add the occasional
spaced-out verb or delete doubles. (If this leads to the oft-bemoaned
"passive voice" - tough luck.) These aren't that common.
<li>I make a sincere (but I suspect insufficient) effort to get the right
"its"<TT>/</TT>"it's" since Jim's mental spellchecker seems to consider them equal.
"There" and "they're" seem to get swapped occasionally too.
<li>Sometimes, URLs have moved since the answer was given.
<li>Occasionally my own mental spellchecker catches something out of place.
However, usually I'm going too fast.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I agree with/completely understand/fully support all of the above.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Last I heard all of Linux Gazette is a volunteer, unpaid effort. (To my
knowledge none of the authors and editors lack a seperate job.) Perhaps
if it is ever "professionally published", i.e. put in book form, it will
be sifted through for inocuous typos.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Just becuase it is a volunteer effort does not mean that it has to be
sloppy. The kernel was written and is maintained by a strictly unpaid army of
programmers, and it is a beautiful piece of work. We should all hold
ourselves to the same standards. God bless America... OK, I'll stop now.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
However, I suspect those wanting a more organized restructuring of the
knowledge Jim has to offer will be willing to wait for his book, which <EM>is</EM>
a paid effort, with paid editors.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I will be the first one on my block to buy it, as soon as it is available,
you can count on it.
All things end up somewhere, and here we are...
<!-- end 35 -->
<hr width="40%" align="center"><!-- ................................ -->
<!-- begin 50 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Heather again: Let's see what the rest of the world thinks</H3>
<p><strong>From David Augros on Sun, 17 Jan 1999
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
My point does not concern comprehension so much as presentation. If a
questioner says something silly, ungrammatical, or can't spell to save his
life, that's one thing. But when Jim's answers contain <EM>very preventable</EM>
errors, it just looks sloppy, and it is this that I wish to address. It
may be a very superficial point, but it remains a point nonetheless.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
So Jim is supposed to be held to higher standards in just tossing off an
answer than the world of people is when tossing off a question. Hmmm. I'm
not sure I agree.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
As I noted in one of the messages this last month, these are real people
asking, and a real person answering the question. Real people do not speak
perfect Oxford English, even though some try.
<blockquote><em>[ Specifically, in
"<a href="./../issue36/tag/40.html">TAG suggestions</a>" last
issue. -- Heather ]
I agree that speech is informal, and I would never suggest that it is
important to correct spoken grammar-- the whole "spoken" dynamic of
usenet, email, and even TAG is a wonderful thing, and you are right to
want to preserve it. But TAG is also something more than plain speech.
These messages are archived and available for the indefinite future.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
It isn't graven in stone; if you want to apply edits, go for it, and send
the corrected package to the editor of Linux Gazette. There may be a delay
but she will probably post changes.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Web publishing, though more liquid than other forms, is still publishing,
and as such, it lacks the character of the spoken word which bounces off the
walls and ceiling and seeps into oblivion.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Actually, I suspect people like the Answer Guy column because he really
speaks with them, not because he stands at a Virtual Podium and makes
perfect Oxford English speeches. Although his words are kept from oblivion
by their posting, I do not think they lose their spoken nature here.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I say, leave the questioner to
fend for himself, his crummy wording is his alone. But Jim's responses
reflect the professionalism of TAG, The Linux Gazette, and more remotely,
but still in a real way, the whole Linux community. Jim's column would
benefit from a "typo filter," and the whole world would be just that much
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Well, tell ya what. I'll make more of an effort to clobber typos as I
roll through the column. And we'll see if anyone else in the world even
notices. If they do, and I am just not good enough at mopping them up,
then we'll see what can be done about slipping a grammarian into the loop.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Maybe I'll run one of the translations back through Babelfish... I have
reasonable evidence that its translations are terrible. It ought to be a
good laugh.
Babelfish <EM>is</EM> terrible, but it seems to be the best thing going for now.
I have a perl script which gives a nice command line interface the said
fish, and it has provided me with many good laughs. I can send it if you
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Nah, I have better humor sources for my usual fun. Send it to the 2cent tips
if you feel inclined.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
As the Gazette is completely under the LDP, you are of course welcome to
correct it, including old issues. The web is not the print medium, so you
do not really have to feel it is frozen on paper and irreparable, even if
its publishing schedule deliberately follows a magazine format.
It is not so much my desire to have a "correct" copy of the Gazette for my
own personal use as it is my desire to see the Gazette show its best face
to the world. And that face is currently located at
<A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue36"
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
And you seem to retain the delusion that it's burnt in and can't be changed
now that it's posted. In fact, a couple of months ago when I discovered
I'd broken some posted URLs, I sent the correction in, and <EM>pif</EM> they were
corrected. I'd like to think this isn't just because I help edit HTML.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Considering your offer more thoughtfully, how are you at tight deadlines?
We're talking 3 days or less here.
Three days is more than enough time to do an old s/there/their/ hear and
their, if you understand my meaning.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
If you're only going to do search-and-replace I am certainly <EM>not</EM> adding
another human to the loop... 3 days, maybe 4, is the <EM>total</EM> deadline block,
from the last posting until I've sent in a final package, and I usually post
an interim or two. The interim postings are because we're usually darn
close to late -- and I refuse to leave Marjorie high and dry with all of
it if we have a last minute problem.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I really hope you're not planning to restructure whole sentences or
paragraphs; they often make better sense when taken as a whole than
when taken alone. Nor is perfect grammar always desirable; many of the
world's classic novels get bad grades from Grammatik(tm).
First of all, Grammatik can do something unmentionable to something else,
even less mentionable to the first unmentionable thing. Secondly, the
kind of thing I am proposing here is like the following
(from <A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue36/tag/b.html"
change this:
... kernel core team has soundly reject suggestions that Linux adopt
to this:
... kernel core team has soundly rejected suggestions that Linux adopt
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
That's fair.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Last I heard all of Linux Gazette is a volunteer, unpaid effort. (To my
knowledge none of the authors and editors lack a seperate job.) Perhaps
if it is ever "professionally published", i.e. put in book form, it will
be sifted through for inocuous typos.
Just becuase it is a volunteer effort does not mean that it has to be
sloppy. The kernel was written and is maintained by a strictly unpaid army of
programmers, and it is a beautiful piece of work. We should all hold
ourselves to the same standards. God bless America... OK, I'll stop now.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
And you are <EM>not</EM> seeing the first edition of CVS source code these kernel
hackers posted, you're seeing one man's code plus repairs from possibly hundreds
of others. In the Gazette, the mail has been through exactly two people,
except in the case of some threads, and there it may have gone through as
many as five, except that it isn't the habit of mailing list readers to correct
other people's grammar when quoting them.
The LDP license offers the same opportunity for all readers who are not deep C
fishermen; thousands of eyes can read and correct the Linux Gazette, and every
HOWTO and MINI-HOWTO can be given fresh polish. Many info pages and man pages
could be improved as well; just send the fix to the package maintainer instead.
In short - don't just tell us how wonderful the world could be. Go forth and
make it prettier. You're on the right track in offering aid to us, but
missing the big picture.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
However, I suspect those wanting a more organized restructuring of the
knowledge Jim has to offer will be willing to wait for his book, which <EM>is</EM>
a paid effort, with paid editors.
I will be the first one on my block to buy it, as soon as it is available,
you can count on it.
All things end up somewhere, and here we are...
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
So, I'll be putting a little more effort towards grammar this month. Any
of you with a mind to it should pick a HOWTO, a MINI-HOWTO, or an old article
of the Gazette or some other LDP item, and apply yourself to it. We'll clean
up the open documentation of Linux like a bunch of Scrubbing Bubbles (tm?).
<blockquote><em>[ The Scrubbing Bubbles are a trademark of DowBrands, Inc.
-- Heather ]</em></blockquote>
Folks, let me know if you notice
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
Heather Stern
<br><A HREF="mailto:star+tag@starshine.org"
<br><em>Never tell people how to do things. Tell them WHAT to do and they will
surprise you with their ingenuity. -- Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.</em>
<!-- end 50 -->
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<A NAME="tag/29"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 29 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>modem disconnect problem?</H3>
<p><strong>From Osborne A. Martin on Thu, 14 Jan 1999
I am a Linux novice but successfully managed to load, configure
and get RedHat on the net. However, I ran into problems when
trying to close my connection. I am using the "exec pppd ..."
command to make the modem connection. Everything is great here,
but the thing doesn't want to disconnect. I use "ps ax" to find
the running 'pppd' and "kill -9 &lt;PID&gt;" but I still don't
disconnect. Any idea how to solve this one?
Thanks in advance,
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Sounds weird to me. What if you just run 'pppd' (without
the 'exec' command)? What user are you running the 'kill'
command as? (If you get a "permission denied" or
"operation not permitted" error --- it would be because
pppd is setting itself into its own process group and
running as 'root' --- while you are trying to issue the
'kill' command as an unprivileged user).
For a simple home system where console security is a
non-issue --- just leave a 'root' shell laying around
on one of your virtual consoles or in an 'xterm' and
issue your 'kill' command from there.
You could install can configure 'sudo' to run a kill script
as 'root' --- listing your normal login ID as one of the
users that's allowed to execute this command. You could
write an SUID perl (sperl) script or a small C wrapper to
accomplish the same thing (but that requires more background
than I have time to give at the moment).
Sometimes the fact that Linux is a multi-user operating
system with a tendency to protect system processes and
files from "normal" users can be a bit inconvenient. On
the other hand it is the principle reason why computer
viruses are virtually unheard of under Linux or any other
form of Unix. (I've only encountered one case of virus
infection "in the wild" in all the years that I've used
Linux and none for any other version of Unix --- and that
victim was just being silly).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
P.S. Every Linux site should have in large bold letters at the
top of the site; "stay away from win modems of any type and modems
with the Rockwell driver set". I purchased one of each before
buying a Zoom Modem that actually worked with my Linux box. I
found this type of info. very hard to find when it should be
shouted from the mountain tops.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Every responsible retailer should also ask if you're
running Windows before selling you one of the blasted
things. Every responsible manufacturer should clearly
label the package as
<em><font color="#FF0000">FOR WIN '95 AND WIN '98 ONLY</font></em>.
At this point I have not sympathy for any losses of
business that winmodem manufacturers suffer as a result
of the RMAs (return merchandise authorizations) they get
from sell these pieces of junk to us (and Mac users, et al).
It's not just a matter of educating new Linux users ---
it's a matter of educating the whole industry; this is
not an MS Windows world! (It never really was --- though
a big chunk of the media and market place have been
so deluded for the past few years).
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<A NAME="tag/30"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 30 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>X Prevents/Kills Modem Connection</H3>
<p><strong>From ktoyama on Thu, 14 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
X Prevents/Kills Modem Connection
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Dear Answer Guy,
Great forum of Q&amp;A here at the Linux Gazette. Here is my problem.
I'm trying to use a US Robotics 28.8 (no winmodem) and it works fine
under the linux console under windows 1-6. Once I start-up X it doesn't
seem to connect to the modem and seems to lose the connection to the
modem. I start up the pppd which invokes the chat script but the modem
never does a connect. But if I quickly switch to (CTRL-ALT-F1) or and
F1-F6 window, the modem will dial and connect. Then I switch back to X
and there is a connection. I can check mail, view web pages, but then
after about 2 minutes everything stalls and the connection is lost. If
I switch to a console for 15-20 seconds the link restores it's speed and
then I can switch back to X. Then the cycle starts all over again.
Please help me in determining the root of the problem. Thanks.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
My first guess would be that you have an IRQ problem.
If you modem and your mouse are trying to use the same
IRQ --- and your modem is inactively while you're at your
text consoles (i.e. you're not using gpm) --- that would
be the most likely problem.
Other problems are possible. Some video cards use IRQ
2/9 (daisy chained IRQ pair) which might cause conflicts
while you were in graphics mode, while not causing any
problem from text consoles.
Yet another problem might have to do with the system's
overall computing power. If you have a high speed
modem connection it could be that X takes enough of
your CPU horse power that the serial driver gets
starved for attention (although that would also
suggest flow control problems).
Of course a 28.8 and any sort of Pentium (even a P60)
should be reasonably well matched --- assuming you have
enough RAM that you aren't thrashing to disk.
Does this only happen with PPP? What if you connect
to a BBS (or dial-up shell), start a file transfer
and then start X? If the transfer (zmodem, Kermit,
or whatever) still runs smoothly for several minutes
after switching to X --- it suggests some sort of
networking problem. If not, try running a file
transfer while starting a non-X graphics program
(such as 'zgv' --- the SVGAlib .GIF and JPEG viewer).
Also try running a file transfer while performing
"cut and paste" operations on your text mode VCs
(run 'gpm' to do that). Transfer a couple of page
fulls of a man page into an empty editor session
('vi' -- 'emacs' or whatever).
As with any problems with any daemons, look in your
<TT>/var/log/messages.</TT> Are there any error messages being
posted through the syslog subsystem? Try increasing the
debugging output of your pppd by adding the debug and
kdebug directives to your <TT>/etc/ppp/options</TT> file (as per
the man pages).
Try posting the contents of your PPP options file(s)
and the command that's being used to invoke it (which
may over-ride many of the directives in the options
file by listing conflicting options on its command line
or pointing to a supplemental options file using the "file"
Try a different video card and/or a different X server.
(You could even try starting a "monochrome" X server).
It's also possible that the problem lies with some
X application or "toy" ('clock', your window manager, etc)
rather than with the X server itself. If the probably
recurs while running 'zgv' or some other SVGAlib program
--- then you can conclude that it has more to do with
the hardware/drivers than with the applications.
With any troubleshooting process you want to try all sorts
of things that help isolate the exact components (hardware
and software) that are involved. Many of these tests may
not be usable as "work arounds" but they can define the
problem more precisely.
You can browse around under the <TT>/proc</TT> filesystem to
find out a bit more about which IRQs are in use and you can
use the 'procinfo' and similar commands to determin more.
(If this is a laptop running PCMCIA drivers -- for example
--- then there are any other potential problems, as
laptop hardware tends to be very quirky --- video and
PCMCIA interfaces especially).
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<A NAME="tag/31"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 31 -->
<H3 align="left"><img SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Ultra-DMA and the 8.4Gb IDE Disk Limit</H3>
<p><strong>From R. Brock Lynn on Sun, 17 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Ultra-DMA and the 8.4Gb IDE Disk Limit
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Hi Jim,
We met briefly at USENIX '98. I sat in front of you in the <A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A>
Admin Tutorial.
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle"> I think you had asked me about bochs or
something like that. But I haven't done anything with it for a
while... limited drive space until just this xmas when I bought
two brand new 10 gig IDE (ATA3) IBM Deskstar drives.
And I can't for the life of me get the full 10 gigs on each to be
recognized! I get only a flat 8gig each!
I'm running <A HREF="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</A> 2.0 Hamm, with Kernel 2.2.0-pre6 with a PPRO
single processor board, made in 1995, with the latest BIOS upgrade
my vendor has available, circa. Feb., 1997. (bought the thing in
'97) Cybermax: www.cybmax.com was the vendor.
Anyhow, the darned IBM drives only show up under Linux as 8gig. To
be precise here is output of "df": (I included the full output
just in case the added data might be useful. Yep, I've got as many
drives as IDE can handle)
# df
Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on
<TT>/dev/hda5</TT> 967677 880562 77116 92% /
<TT>/dev/hda1</TT> 1028116 1017468 10648 99% <TT>/mnt/c</TT>
<TT>/dev/hdb1</TT> 8609416 64304 8545112 1% <TT>/mnt/bigboy1</TT>
<TT>/dev/hdd1</TT> 8615982 64304 8551678 1% <TT>/mnt/bigboy2</TT>
<TT>/dev/sda4</TT> 98078 97394 684 99% <TT>/mnt/zip</TT>
<TT>/dev/hdc</TT> 108240 108240 0 100% <TT>/mnt/cdrom</TT>
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Not quite! You could have <TT>/dev/hdd</TT> --- for a total of
four IDE drives on two channels. I've heard of people
running more than that --- but I think that's just silly.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
And according to "bc"
8545112 bytes <TT>/</TT> 1024 bytes per meg <TT>/</TT> 1024 megs per gig = 8 gigs
The c/h/s numbers printed on both drives:
chs: 16383/16/63
lba: 19,807,200
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Hmm. Those don't add up. But I'm not surprised.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I wish I knew how to calculate total space in megs using C/H/S numbers!
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Sectors are 512 bytes. You multiple cylinders (C), heads
(H), and sectors per track (S) to get the total number of
sectors. Think of track as one head on one cylinder. That
is to say that it is one concentric ring on one side of
one platter.
That's all really a fiction since all of the high capacity
drives in the last decade (everything over about 200Mb)
have used "ZBR" (zone bit recording) and consequently don't
physically have the same number of sectors per track out
the outer "zones" (rings) of the platters as they do on
the inner zones.
The drive electronics hide these details from the rest
of the hardware so that the BIOS can "pretend" that it
really is an even number of sectors on a given number of
heads with a given number of tracks. The drives (SCSI and
IDE) will "auto translate" into BIOS compatible disk
addresses (CHS). (Actually SCSI controllers usually
replace the BIOS routines that handle this --- but
effectively the drive is still abstracting most of the
details away from the controller and the OS).
The BIOS was only set to handle 10 bits of cylinder (1024
maximum), six bits of sector (per track) and eight bits
of "head" which fits neatly into a 16 bit register and
one byte register. Those were convenient for programming
the 8086 based systems that were common about 20 years ago.
(They're pretty silly now).
In any event the famed 8Gb limit is derived from
<blockquote><pre>max cylinders * max sectors * max heads
= maximum total sectors
<blockquote><pre>1024 * 64 * 255 = 16777216
which we convert to Kilobytes, Megabytes and Gigabytes
<blockquote><pre>16777216 / 2 = 8388608 (maximum total K)
/ 1000 = 8388 (maximum total Mb)
/ 1000 = 8.4 (maximum total Gb)
... note that we don't use 1024 to compute Mb and Gb.
This is common practice among drive manufacturers (and
unheard of for memory chips). That has been a matter of
some controversy as those extra 24 K per Mb start to had up
when you're doing them by the thousand.
I won't pretend to be authoritative on that subject.
Let's suffice to say that given the original contraints
of the BIOS addressing system the maximum addressable space
(in 512 byte sectors) is between 8 and 8.4 Gb (depending
on how you calculate your Gigabytes).
Over the years there have been various other limitation
with parts of that. This trick of lying about the number
of "heads" and claiming that there were 255 heads was
the earliest way to over come the "1024 cylinder problem"
--- which had lead to the early "540Mb" limit on IDE
drives. Various different ways of accomplishing this were
labelled EIDE and ATA-2. We no have ATA-3 and UltraDMA.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
fdisk reports these numbers for each of the disks:
Disk /dev/hdb: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1232 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes
Device Boot Begin Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hdb1 1 1 1232 9896008+ 83 Linux native
Disk /dev/hdd: 16 heads, 63 sectors, 19650 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 bytes
Device Boot Begin Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/hdd1 1 1 19650 9903568+ 83 Linux native
Strange I know that different numbers of cylinders and heads are
reported for the two drives since they are identical models: IBM
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
The drive's electronics will take all of the parts of any
address (CHS) that are presented to it and multiply them
all together to get a "linear block address" (LBA). So
It really doesn't matter what your CMOS says.
However, you probably have to add lilo.conf directives
to pass the drive's true "geometry" to the kernel
(so it will ignore the CMOS values).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Here is my <TT>/etc/lilo.conf</TT> in case it might help:
boot = /dev/hda # Device containing boot sector
default = 2.2.0-pre6 # Default image to load
prompt # Forces boot prompt
timeout = 50 # Wait &lt;val&gt;/10 sec. after prompt then boot def
image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.33
label = 2.0.33
root = /dev/hda5
vga = 8
append = "mem=143M"
image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.0.36
label = 2.0.36
root = /dev/hda5
vga = 8
append = "mem=143M"
image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.0
label = 2.2.0-pre6
root = /dev/hda5
vga = 8
other = /dev/hda1
label = win95
table = /dev/hda
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
First try adding the "<tt>linear</tt>" directive to your lilo.conf
"Global" section.
See if that helps.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I have each drive in LBA mode in the BIOS with the autodetected
settings. CHS autodetected match the numbers printed on the
drive, but the BIOS only sees 8 gig I believe.
I just don't know what the deal is.
There is some rucus on "Ask Slashdot" about this same thing, how
to overcome the 8gig barrier with Linux: but I'm at a loss for
trying so many things.
<A HREF="http://slashdot.org/askslashdot/98/12/22/1143236.shtml"
Perhaps you can help investigate this further, and finally put
this problem to rest once and for all in the annals of Linux
If there is any other info you may need about my system, please
don't hesitate to ask...
And if I find a "Correct"[tm] solution, would you like me to post
it to you for publication in LG? As it may be beneficial to many
people. I will also post it to the maintainer of the Large Disk
HOWTO (<A HREF="http://www.linux-howto.com/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Large-Disk.html"
as well, for inclusion... if I actually get at a solution!
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Actually, Andries Brouwer, maintainer/author of the
LargeDisk mini-HOWTO already has a small section on
the 8Gb Linux IDE limit at:
<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Large-Disk-7.html"
... this could probably use a bit of elaboration.
Basically it suggests that recent kernels (2.0.35+ and
2.1.90+) should automatically handle the large drives ---
but that they do a sanity check when the reported LBA
capacity exceeds from the C*H*S by more than a certain
about. Presumably this sanity check is still byting you ---
so it may be that you need to apply his suggested patch.
(That replaces the sanity check with a stub that always
returns the "O.K" value).
I suspect that adding the "<tt>linear</tt>" directive to your
lilo.conf (and running <TT>/sbin/lilo</TT> to rebuild the maps
from it --- of course) will solve the problem. If that
doesn't work, try adding appropriate "<tt>disk=</tt>" parameters
to the lilo.conf. Then try this kernel patch.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
There is also a white paper on the so called 8.4 gig limit from
IBM, in case that might also help give you clues... as I'm only
<A HREF="http://www.storage.ibm.com/hardsoft/diskdrdl/library/8.4gb.htm"
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
It seems like you did a bit of leg work looking for the
answer (so you get an A+ for effort). However, you probably
should skim over the whole LargeDisk mini-HOWTO (even the
boring parts).
Andries does mention the "linear" option in section
6. It's also listed in the lilo.conf man page (big
surprise). Personally I think he might want to
provide a bit more meat, even if it only re-iterates
or repeats what he said earlier. Many people (including
me) will just skip to the section labelled "8Gb IDE Limit."
Some will not understand that they should be trying things
from other sections of the same HOWTO.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
<br>R. Brock Lynn
<br>Debian 2.0
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<hr width="40%" align="center"><!-- ................................ -->
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<H3 align="left"><img SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Ultra-DMA and the 8.4Gb IDE Disk Limit</H3>
<p><strong>From R. Brock Lynn on Mon, 18 Jan 1999
Jim Dennis wrote:
<!-- ::<BlockQuote>
Ultra-DMA and the 8.4Gb IDE Disk Limit
</BlockQuote>:: -->
<Pre><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000099"><EM>
&gt;# df
&gt;Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on
&gt;/dev/hda5 967677 880562 77116 92% /
&gt;/dev/hda1 1028116 1017468 10648 99% /mnt/c
&gt;/dev/hdb1 8609416 64304 8545112 1% /mnt/bigboy1
&gt;/dev/hdd1 8615982 64304 8551678 1% /mnt/bigboy2
&gt;/dev/sda4 98078 97394 684 99% /mnt/zip
&gt;/dev/hdc 108240 108240 0 100% /mnt/cdrom
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Not quite! You could have <TT>/dev/hdd</TT> --- for a total of
four IDE drives on two channels. I've heard of people
running more than that --- but I think that's just silly.
Just out of mad curiosity, I wonder if you overlooked the hdd, or
whether I'm overlooking the posibility of one more drive. (I also
have a new IDE CDR I'd like to put in, but according to what I
know, I'd have to take something else out. I think...)
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I don't see hdc on this listing --- so I presume you have
some other OS on it. I was thinking of '<tt>fdisk -l</tt>' output
when I was looking at this.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Hmm, I've got: hda (HD), hdb (HD), hdc (HD), hdd (CD) I think it's
maxed out, but maybe you have a few tricks up your sleeve?
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
No. I was just too tired to be trying to write LG/TAG
stuff when I read your message and tossed off my first
SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
<BR>&gt;The c/h/s numbers printed on both drives:
<tt><BR>&gt;chs: 16383/16/63
<BR>&gt;lba: 19,807,200</tt>
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Hmm. Those don't add up. But I'm not surprised.
Yes, I found one solution that seems to have worked to give me the
maximum space on the drives!
I have to give credit to Jason Gunthorpe &lt;<A HREF="mailto:jgg@debian.org"
>jgg@debian.org</A>&gt; of the
<A HREF="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</A> Project for this solution!
(and also several other Debian and non-Debian people on the Open Projects
IRC network.
(I frequently, or rather much more than frequently, "hang out" on
the #debian and #linpeople channels of the irc.openprojects.net
IRC server network, where also quite a few Debian developers and
package maintainers "hang out". My handle is "bytor". Jason's is
"Culus". The main reason I switched to Debian from
<A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> was the
level of support I can get just being in the channel and asking
questions from time to time. And I also help out newbies as
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
[Actually the system I'm using now is one that I converted in
place from Red Hat 5.0 (upgraded from 4.2) to Debian 2.0. I wrote
up a HOWTO and a tool, a short perl script, to help convert your
passwd/group/shadow files from one system to the other (and all
files on the system to reflect the new uid's/gid's) You can have a
gander if curious at:
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/3328/rh5todeb-howto.txt"
>http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/3328/rh5todeb-howto.txt</A> and
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/3328/conversion-tools.tar.gz"
Please feel free to include this in anyway at the Answer Guy or
anywhere on Linux Gazette. I will <EM>one day</EM> write it up properly
in SGML, and submit to the LDP... just not enough time
recently. Maybe I should write a short article for LG? (and then
RH would never consider me for a job ever again!)
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
This thread will probably get in there somehow.
I'm not sure we need another HOWTO for this issue
--- although you might submit a set of patches and
suggestions to the LargeDisk mini-HOWTO (and I think
we might then upgrade it from a "mini-HOWTO" to a
"full" HOWTO --- though that's a matter for Andries,
Greg Hankins and whoever else is managing LDP HOWTOs
these days.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I hope this doesn't put me in bad standing with the Red Hat guys!
I think Red Hat is great! But I really wanted to try Debian and
didn't have the resources to start fresh! It's working great! I'm
about to do an online "apt-get dist-upgrade" to slink soon using
this very system, the rh--&gt;deb conversion guinea pig.
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">]
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Nobody should apologize for which Linux distribution
they are running.
Oh! You're saying you might release a package to
help Red Hat users convert to Debian, and a HOWTO
on that.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Anyhow, here's one more trick to put up your sleeve: (or what
worked for me to make Linux see all of my big harddrives.)
The BIOS/CMOS is messed up anyway. At least mine is. It's several
years old now. It can't handled drives over 8gig(calculated with
1024^n). It autodetects the "correct" numbers that are printed on
the drive. But the numbers printed on the drive are actually
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Like Andries and I have said 8Gb is the maximum that
can be expressed in CHS format. However, much larger
capacities can be expressed in LBA ("linear") mode.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
chs: 16383/16/63 (incorrect number of cylinders to match the heads
and sectors per track)
lba: 19,807,200 (this number I believe is the correct number of
total number of sectors though.)
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Yes! You're getting it!
LBA stands for "linear block addressing" --- which
needs to be supported by your drive and your OS for it
to work. (I suspect that you also need at least an
EIDE controller).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Let's see what I've learned!
Total Bytes = [Sectors per track (S)] * [Heads (H)] * [Cylinders (C)]
* [Bytes per sector (512)]
Total Bytes = [Total Sectors ("lba" on my drive)] * [Bytes per
sector (512)]
These are good formulas to know... perhaps Andries can add this in
an "appendix" to his HOWTO!
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I think he walks through these calculations a couple
of times already. He doesn't seem to show them in "formula"
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Anyhow I can now calculate what the proper number of cylinders
should be based on those formulas. (set both expressions for total
bytes equal, and solve for Cylinders... yep I'm a math egghead.)
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
You don't care what the cylinders/heads and sectors are.
You want to use "linear."
<Pre><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
[Total Sectors ("lba" on my drive)] * [Bytes per sector (512)]
Cylinders(C)= -----------------------------------------------------------
[Sectors per track (S)] * [Heads (H)] * [Bytes per sector (512)]
[Total Sectors ("lba" on my drive)]
Cylinders(C)= -------------------------------------
[Sectors per track (S)] * [Heads (H)]
for me this is: <tt>C = 19,807,200 <TT>/</TT> (16 * 63 ) = 19650</tt>
(And that is exaclty what Linux sees at boot up, and what fdisk
and cfdisk see ... after the fix Jason Gunthorpe suggeted was
And if I calculate Gigs, from either formula above, I get:
Total Bytes = [Total Sectors ("lba" on my drive)] * [Bytes per sector (512)]
= 19,807,200 * 512 = 10141286400 bytes
= ( 10141286400 bytes <TT>/</TT> ( 1024 <EM> 1024 </EM> 1024 bytes/gig )
= 9.44 Gigabytes = 9671.48 Megabytes
At boot Linux now sees: <tt>CHS=19650,16,63 9671MB</tt>
and <tt>cfdisk</tt> sees <tt>CHS=19650,16,63 9671.49 MB</tt>
(right on the money!)
(I think fdisk will see CHS=19650,16,63 also, but I was suggested
to use cfdisk instead of fdisk by Jason, as fdisk is no longer
being maintained by the "upstream provider" as Debian calls them.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I blind copied Andries on my message to you and
he pointed out that I should have ignored the CHS
values in the example calculations that I showed.
Your ' <TT>fdisk</TT> 'output already shows the correct values.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Mystery unraveled! <EM>Wide Smile</EM>
But I still haven't said how I fixed my system:
Here's what Jason suyggested:
Wipe the partition table:
"<tt>cat /dev/zero &gt; /hdb</TT>"
and count ten seconds as it blasts away at the drive... you only
need to wipe the first few K
"<tt>dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdb bs=1024 count=1024</tt>"
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Actually a count of one and a block size of 512 bytes
would have been sufficient.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I think that will wipe the first Megabyte of the drive that
supposedly destroys the partition table.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
The partition table is the in the last ~50 bytes of
the master boot record (MBR) which is exactly one sector.
That's <EM>all</EM> you need to blow away.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Next, if you have a broken BIOS, like mine, completely disable the
setup for your large drives... Linux will detect them anyway
whether they are listed in the BIOS or not. (At least 2.2.0-pre6
did) I set the "Not installed" flag for both large drives hdb and
hdd in the BIOS.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Hmmm. I think you want to look for an LBA, "linear"
or "PIO" mode for the CMOS IDE settings.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Then I rebooted and BINGO, Linux reports the above CHS=19650,16,63
9671MB for both drives! (before with the BIOS crap enabled, Linux
would see CHS=19650,16,63 for one drive, and CHS=1232,255,63 for
the other drive. Strange I know.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I think the "linear" option would still do the
trick. Most systems won't boot off of a drive that
the CMOS has listed as "not installed"
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
And cfdisk worked for both of them and saw CHS=19650,16,63 9671.49
MB for both drives!
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I think it should have shown that anyway. (Maybe
it needs the "linear" option).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Next I partitioned each with one large partition, hdb1 and hdd1,
and then formatted with mke2fs: "mke2fs -i 1024 -m 0 <TT>/dev/hdb1</TT>"
-i 1024 is inode density
-m 0 says reserve none for "root only".
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Bad idea! You should reserve a small amount
to lessen the chances of damage to the filesystem
when it gets <EM>full</EM>.
Try just 1% on these larger drives. You can use
'tune2fs' to change it (-m to express it as a
percentage, -r to use blocks). You can also set
the "reserved user/group" for that filesystem so
that it's not <EM>just</EM> 'root' that can use the
reserved space on a drive.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
<tt>-c</tt> says to check for bad blocks, which I will do later once I
settle down on a partition table I can live with.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Do it when you first create the partition. Otherwise
some important chunk of data may land on a bad sector
before you remember to do it with '<tt>fsck</tt>'.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Course you know all that... (but I put in here for
documentation... I will write Andries and ask him to add some of
this to his HOWTO.)
It turned out that after the format, using the maximum "Inode
Density" of 1024, (I'm kind of fuzzy in this point but...) I lost
a LOT of space to inode overhead. "df" only saw about 8.2gig
9.44gig - 8.2gig = 1.24gig lost on both disks for a total of
2.48gig lost total!!! ... there was much pulling of hair and
gnashing of teeth at that moment... until I was gently told that
increasing the "inode density" number... that lowers the density,
would help reduce the inode overhead.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Basically each file uses an inode. Any individual file
can use a large number of data blocks. The total number
of inodes and data blocks is set when the filesystem
is created. Additional inodes (extents?) are also allocated
to track indirect blocks (that is blocks of data that are
aren't listed in the first inode --- but are listed on
one of the inodes that links specially them.
If you set the ratio wrong you can run out of inodes
when plenty of disk space is available. The filesystem
will still appear to be "full" in that you won't be
able to create new files --- though you'd be able to
append some data to some existing ones until you needed
more of these "extents" (indirect blocks).
You can use '<tt>df -i</tt>' to measure the available number of
inodes rather than the number and percentage of datablocks.
Basically you should only reduce the inode density if you
know that most of the files will be large --- that you
won't have alot of small files. Even then reducing
it can be a bad idea. It is far more common to increase
the inode density to handle lots of smaller files.
Think about it. Every file uses at least one inode.
Multiple hard links don't use additional inodes, they
are additional references to existing inodes. All
file names (directory entries) are links to inodes
(except for some symlinks which can be embedded directly
into ext2 directory structures). So, if you have small
files you run of out inodes faster than when you have
large ones.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I then reformatted with:
mke2fs -i 16384 -m 0
And that time, after mounting the partition, "<tt>df -m</tt>" reported:
9547MB or 9.32gig, so the loss to inode overhead was reduced. (but
of course I risk running out of inodes! So I may redue the inode
number to something in between 1024 and 16384!) But this time the
loss was: 9.44gig - 9.32gig = 0.12gig MUCH better!
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I think that you're cutting it a bit thin. But
let us all know how it works out as the drive gets
some use.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I also have to thank DJ Delorie &lt;<A HREF="mailto:dj@delorie.com"
>dj@delorie.com</A>&gt; (author of the
DJGPP port of gcc to DOS, and the compiler of choice for DOS
Quake) for his kind replies to my email for help as well. He had
posted on the Ask Slashdot thread about large hard drive problems.
He wrote in with the following:
c <EM> h </EM> s * 512 = total bytes
16383 <EM> 16 </EM> 63 * 512 = 8,455,200,768
For 10.1g, c would have to be about 19650. The LBA number is the
number of sectors on the disk, so <tt>19,807,200 / (16*63) = 19650</tt>,
which is what you need to tell fdisk.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Disk <TT>/dev/hdb:</TT> 255 heads, 63 sectors, 1232 cylinders
Disk <TT>/dev/hdd:</TT> 16 heads, 63 sectors, 19650 cylinders
255 <EM> 63 </EM> 1232 * 512 = 10,133,544,960
16 <EM> 63 </EM> 19650 * 512 = 10,141,286,400
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Anyhow, the darned IBM drives, after formatting only show about
8.2gig. To be precise, here is output of "df": (I included the full
output just in case the
Don't use df. The capacity it reports is less than the size of the
partition due to the overhead of the ext2 file system (inodes, free
block maps, etc). For example, my 2,096,451 block boot partition
shows 2,028,098 blocks in df.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Yeah. It would be nice if the man page for '<tt>df</tt>'
not only warned you about the overhead but gave
you an idea about the typical percentages to
Heck! It would be even nicer if the '<tt>df</tt>' command
itself offered an option to print the percentage
of overhead in inodes, badblocks, reserved
space, and any other categories that might exist.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
[regarding me being pissed at 10.1gig actually being 9.44gig:]
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
That makes me MAD! Theses guys are the cream of the crop... they
<EM>make</EM> the hardware, they should know and use the proper "1024"
rather than the 1000 multiplier! ooh that strikes a nerve! Anyhow...
Seagate always uses the 1000^n values, so you get what you expect.
Most manufacturers tell you which measure they use.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
But later I found out that -i 1024 was not the "cluster size" but
rather inode density and increasing it to say 10240 would help cut
down on the overhead of all the inodes and give me more space
according to Jason. Haven't tried, but will soon. (but I fear
running out of inodes... will have to experiment)
"inode density" is tech speak for "average file size". If you know
how big the average file will be, you can make it so that you run out
of space and inodes at about the same time.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
That's a great simplication. It's absolutely true and
doesn't explain the mechanism at all.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Yes, I plan to make a 10 to 20 meg <TT>/boot</TT> partition just for kernels
at the front of the drive... I hope 20 meg is small enough to fit
under the 1024th cylinder!
Your kernel is only 1Mb. One cylinder (~8Mb on most big drives)
should be plenty.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Heh, perhaps I can sue IBM or the vendor in a local court in my
hometown? over the difference between 1024 and 1000. And show that
1000 is not the proper multiplier in the world of computers? If
nothing else just to prove a point that consumers don't like to be
lied to!
Many catalogs explicitly state "1Gb=1000Mb" somewhere, to tell you
which measure they use. Both are equally likely.
Which helped!
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000099"><EM>
<BR>&gt;I wish I knew how to calculate total space in megs using C/H/S numbers!
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Sectors are 512 bytes. You multiple cylinders (C), heads
(H), and sectors per track (S) to get the total number of
sectors. Think of track as one head on one cylinder. That
is to say that it is one concentric ring on one side of
one platter.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
That's all really a fiction since all of the high capacity
drives in the last decade (everything over about 200Mb)
have used "ZBR" (zone bit recording) and consequently don't
physically have the same number of sectors per track out
the outer "zones" (rings) of the platters as they do on
the inner zones.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
The drive electronics hide these details from the rest
of the hardware so that the BIOS can "pretend" that it
really is an even number of sectors on a given number of
heads with a given number of tracks. The drives (SCSI and
IDE) will "auto translate" into BIOS compatible disk
addresses (CHS). (Actually SCSI controllers usually
replace the BIOS routines that handle this --- but
effectively the drive is still abstracting most of the
details away from the controller and the OS).
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
The BIOS was only set to handle 10 bits of cylinder (1024
maximum), six bits of sector (per track) and eight bits
of "head" which fits neatly into a 16 bit register and
one byte register. Those were convenient for programming
the 8086 based systems that were common about 20 years ago.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
(They're pretty silly now).
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
In any event the famed 8Gb limit is derived from
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
max cylinders <EM> max sectors </EM> max heads
= maximum total sectors
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><BlockQuote>
1024 <EM> 64 </EM> 255 = 16777216
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
which we convert to Kilobytes, Megabytes and Gigabytes
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><BlockQuote>
16777216 <TT>/</TT> 2 = 8388608 (maximum total K)
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
<TT>/</TT> 1000 = 8388 (maximum total Mb)
<TT>/</TT> 1000 = 8.4 (maximum total Gb)
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
... note that we don't use 1024 to compute Mb and Gb.
This is common practice among drive manufacturers (and
unheard of for memory chips). That has been a matter of
some controversy as those extra 24 K per Mb start to had up
when you're doing them by the thousand.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
I won't pretend to be authoritative on that subject.
Let's suffice to say that given the original contraints
of the BIOS addressing system the maximum addressable space
(in 512 byte sectors) is between 8 and 8.4 Gb (depending
on how you calculate your Gigabytes).
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Over the years there have been various other limitation
with parts of that. This trick of lying about the number
of "heads" and claiming that there were 255 heads was
the earliest way to over come the "1024 cylinder problem"
--- which had lead to the early "540Mb" limit on IDE
drives. Various different ways of accomplishing this were
labelled EIDE and ATA-2. We no have ATA-3 and UltraDMA.
Thanks a TON for the above information! Very helpful stuff!
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
The drive's electronics will take all of the parts of any
address (CHS) that are presented to it and multiply them
all together to get a "linear block address" (LBA). So
It really doesn't matter what your CMOS says.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
However, you probably have to add lilo.conf directives
to pass the drive's true "geometry" to the kernel
(so it will ignore the CMOS values).
I was pondering doing that, instead of twidling with with
disabling the drives in the BIOS. As I <EM>might</EM> heaven help me,
want to put NT, *BSD, Solarisx86, or BeOS on the drives as well,
and they might require a BIOS entry!
I suppose now that I have the correct "bogus" geometries, I can
add that in lilo as:
<br>' <tt>append = "hdb=19650,16,63 hdd=19650,16,63</tt>"
And then maybe reenable the BIOS entries? (Jason suggested once I
got the drives partitioned and formatted correctly I might be able
to reenable the BIOS settings so that DOS or other OS's would be
able to see it... not sure on that though. But he warned me that
possibly cfdisk or fdisk might not partition the drive to where
the partition boundaries would land at places where DOS, NT, or
other OS's might expect them to.
Another thing that was suggested by Jason, (something he says he's
done before) is to take the drive to someone with a PentiumII MB
(assuming they have a working BIOS) and partition with DOS
fdisk. So you know the partition table is acceptable to DOS style
OS's. (in case you ever have a need to fool with such things.)
Then take the drive back to your broken BIOS computer, and then
change the partiton types to Linux and Linux Swap, but not
changing the boundaries. (dunno if you have to disable the BIOS
entries of not first) and then it should *work*!
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
That's good advice. Think about doing a BIOS
upgrade for yourself, too.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000099"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
<BR>&gt;Perhaps you can help investigate this further, and finally put
<BR>&gt;this problem to rest once and for all in the annals of Linux
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000099"><EM>
<BR>&gt;And if I find a "Correct"[tm] solution, would you like me to post
<BR>&gt;it to you for publication in LG? As it may be beneficial to many
<BR>&gt;people. I will also post it to the maintainer of the Large Disk
<BR>&gt;HOWTO (<A HREF="http://www.linux-howto.com/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Large-Disk.html"
<BR>&gt; >http://www.linux-howto.com/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Large-Disk.html</A>)
<BR>&gt;as well, for inclusion... if I actually get at a solution!
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Actually, Andries Brouwer, maintainer/author of the
LargeDisk mini-HOWTO already has a small section on
the 8Gb Linux IDE limit at:
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><BlockQuote>
<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Large-Disk-7.html"
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
... this could probably use a bit of elaboration.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Basically it suggests that recent kernels (2.0.35+ and
2.1.90+) should automatically handle the large drives ---
but that they do a sanity check when the reported LBA
capacity exceeds from the C*H*S by more than a certain
about. Presumably this sanity check is still byting you ---
so it may be that you need to apply his suggested patch.
(That replaces the sanity check with a stub that always
returns the "O.K" value).
Ah, I will look into that. If I reenable the BIOS entries and
Linux starts to see funny values again, I'll try it.
I haven't had a working windows partition on my system for over a
year now. I love Linux, but since I have all the space now with
the new drives I decided I might want to try NT... the main
interest being to experiment with Cygwin to get a Unix-like layer
working for NT (in case I ever have a job with NT servers, I'll
have experience in Unix-ifying them
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
I suspect that adding the "linear" directive to your
lilo.conf (and running <TT>/sbin/lilo</TT> to rebuild the maps
from it --- of course) will solve the problem. If that
doesn't work, try adding appropriate "disk=" parameters
to the lilo.conf. Then try this kernel patch.
Hmm, I'm not familiar with the reasoning behind the "linear"
option. I seem to recall all SCSI disks need it? May try it also
and see what happens. Is "linear" a global option to lilo, that
affects all disks in the system, or a per disk option? I think it
is global, but I'm not sure. And if global, would it adversely
affect the smaller drives that have, up till now, worked well w/o
that option? I'll have to investigate this.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
It's listed in "Global Option" section of the
man page. But I'm not sure.
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000099"><EM><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
<BR>&gt;There is also a white paper on the so called 8.4 gig limit from
<BR>&gt;IBM, in case that might also help give you clues... as I'm only
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000099"><EM><BlockQuote>
<BR>&gt;<A HREF="http://www.storage.ibm.com/hardsoft/diskdrdl/library/8.4gb.htm"
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
It seems like you did a bit of leg work looking for the
answer (so you get an A+ for effort). However, you probably
should skim over the whole LargeDisk mini-HOWTO (even the
boring parts).
Well, thanks for the commendation.
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT="8-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
I've just <EM>got to know</EM> the real answer! I'll go to almost any
length to get at "what's really going on"
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Andries does mention the "linear" option in section
6. It's also listed in the lilo.conf man page (big
surprise). Personally I think he might want to
provide a bit more meat, even if it only re-iterates
or repeats what he said earlier. Many people (including
me) will just skip to the section labelled "8Gb IDE Limit."
Some will not understand that they should be trying things
from other sections of the same HOWTO.
Yes, I have to admit I didn't read the whole thing, I skimmed a
bit and focused on that short section. I'll give it another look,
this time reading it carefully, and if I see that any of the
things above are missing, I'll prepare and email, and send it off
to him for inclusion in the next version.
Also, one other thing that I can do is try the Ontrack Disk
Manager software for the IBM drives. It's similar to EZDrive, and
is supported by Linux... only someone told me it wasn't supported
by <A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/">FreeBSD</A>... and I want to expriement with it. As I was told this
Ontrack disk manager install to the boot drive, even if it's not
the drive that needs it. And gets loaded at boot time, before even
the lilo code in the MBR gets called. It supposedly replaces the
BIOS disk routines. This may be the better solution for Linux and
NT but not if I want to try one of the BSD's. I will have to look
more into this also.
I remember back when I needed EZDrive with my 486 to recognize the
full 540meg drive I had back then. And was suprised when Linux
detected and dealt with EZdrive properly!
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I was surprised when they added the support for OnTrack
EZDrive and a few others, too.
I still won't go near them. But its nice to know
that we <EM>can</EM>.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Thanks for your reply! Will you write up an "Answer Guy" section
detailing this question <TT>/</TT> problem in the next LG, or is it too
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
It's certainly not my longest or most complicated thread.
However, writing it up in a more organized fashion, as an
LG article and as a set of suggested enhancements to
the mini-HOWTO..
Once Jim's written it, it stays in. The only messages or
threads I ever toss out completely are some with no Linux
in them. But I do sometimes defer confusing threads until
the next issue, so I can spend the first week of a month
polishing them so they don't make me dizzy. This one's
pretty close, but I think it'll do alright.
-- Heather ]
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
R. Brock Lynn
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<H3 align="left"><img SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>LTT submission</H3>
<p><strong>From pat on Sun, 17 Jan 1999
Hmm. Jim scribbled a note here advising me to make sure
to link the :Linux Tips and Tricks" site. I wonder where that
could be?
<li>I tried the Google! Linux search
(<a href="http://www.google.com/linux"
but got hundreds of hits on The Gazette's 2cent Tips
from LG mirrors.
<li>LinuxHQ (<a href="http://www.linuxhq.com">www.linuxhq.com</a>)
would probably know, but their ht//dig database broke
when the webmaster upgraded, it's supposed to be fixed soon.
<li>Doesn't sound like he means the Linux KnowledgeBase
(<a href="http://linuxkb.cheek.com/"
<li>He couldn't mean <a href="http://howto.linuxberg.com/"
>http://howto.linuxberg.com/</a>, I don't think he
even knows the TUCOWS folks started up Linuxberg.
<li>Even the Mini-HOWTO's are a bit large to be "Tips and Tricks"
in my book (but you can check the LDP anyway at
<a href="http://metalab.unc.edu/mdw/ldp.html"
>http://metalab.unc.edu/mdw/ldp.html</a> to see
what you think).
<li>I tried Linux Links by Goob
(<a href="http://www.linuxlinks.com/"
>http://www.linuxlinks.com/</a>) which has
lots of great stuff, but the only hit on these two
keywords found a page for Chinese Linux users.
<li><a href="http://www.linuxpowered.com/"
>LinuxPowered.Com</a> looks pretty handy for Linux
newbies, but doesn't mention either word, since it
has clearer categories.
So, I guess I can't say there's any "one true", definitive
Tips and Tricks site. I wonder what he meant??
-- Heather ]
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Thanks for the tip
And even more as i'm reading each month your column in LG and you're great.
I've learned many things with you.
I've also changed the url of ipchains as you pointed out.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
That's good. Stale links are a bear.
One thing you could do is point to the Linux-TIPS
HOWTO (or mirror it at your site --- and link to
your own mirror), and provide a set of links to
to the Linux Gazette "2 Cent Tips" columns (and to
mine if you like). Since LG is under the LDP license
you can mirror the whole set if you like.
<BLOCKQUOTE><em>[ OK, I guess he meant the specific HOWTO,
<a href="http://www.linuxhq.com/HOWTO/Tips-HOWTO.html"
-- Heather ]
This will help bootstrap your site and help users
get <EM>alot</EM> more tips.
It would be <EM>really</EM> cool if you or some volunteers
went through the existing TIPS HOWTO and 2 Cent Tips
and Answer Guy back issues and indexed (and or quoted)
them into your organizational hierarchy. Granted, it's
rather boring scutwork (read, cut, paste, wrap in
HTML) rather than creative research and composition ---
but your readership will get a huge bang for their buck.
The problem with my writing (vis a vis the Answer Guy)
is that it follows no organization and is not sanely
indexed (not counting the search engines). So I've
written five or six hundred pages of useful stuff that
is inaccessible to many of the key people that need it
--- since they can't wade through all of the back issues
to find it.
My wife has toyed with the idea of doing a "best of" cut
and setting up a set of web pages devoted to it. If I was
making enough money (or got some funding) I'd pay someone
to do it.
Hmmm. I should provide a courtesy link from my column
to your site. I'm copying this to my lgaz and star
(editor) addresses to remind me.
<BLOCKQUOTE><em>[ Aha! Together with the referer below, I deduce
(and my browser confirms) that he means
<dt>LTT: Linux Tips and Tricks
<dd><a href="http://www.patoche.org/LTT/"
If you want to submit a tip to Pat, use the link below.
My tip for Pat ... add yourself to the Linux related search
engines so people can find you. This column ought to help
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">.
-- Heather ]
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
On 06-Jan-99, took time to write :
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Le Wed Jan 6 04:50:50 1999 depuis la machine
la fiche suivante a ete transmise :
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><BlockQuote>
Referer = <A HREF="http://www.patoche.org/LTT/submit.html?from=33"
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
subject : rpm -Vp Verifies .rpm file vs. Installation
sections : Security
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<A NAME="tag/33"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 33 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Low Memory Installation</H3>
<p><strong>From Martin Skj\vldebrand on Sun, 17 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Low Memory Installation
:: -->
I'm trying to install <A HREF="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</A> from floppies on my spare lap-top.
It's an old machine, an Compaq Contura 486/ 25 with 4 MB RAM and 80 MB
The installation goes well (mostly - it complains that the swap space
cannot be initialized but it still is used, swapon during startup
later on goes well). But after rebooting I get various memory errors.
The latest being 'bash fork: Cannot allocate memory'
when trying to do anything on the machine.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
This sounds more like there is a disk error (bad block
or some such) that's somewhere in the area where you're
trying to create your swap partition.
That would explain both the initialization failure (which
I presume is an error message from the installation
script's 'mkswap' routine) and the bash errors.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I've read and re-read the floppy install on low-memory systems. I've
expanded the swap space to about 20 MB (should be enough) but it still
complains about the memory problem.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
If the error is near the beginning of the swap
file/partition --- then you'll keep getting it now matter
how much disk space you <EM>add</EM> to the partition.
Try invoking the mkswap command (which should be somewhere
in your startup files) with the -c option (to check for
bad blocks).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Any ideas? Is it possible to run Debian on a 4 MB RAM machine?
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I don't know. That's cutting it pretty thin. I
certainly wouldn't use 'bash' on a 4Mb system --- 'bash'
is hardly a lightweight shell. Try 'ash' --- which is a
simpler and smaller shell that's designed for use on
rescue floppies, etc.
You'll certainly want to compile a custom trimmed kernel
(on another system) for use in such a constrained
setting. I wouldn't think that the Contura's were so
old that you can't find additional memory for them.
Bumping that up to 8 or 16 Mb will make a huge
difference in what you can do with that laptop. Otherwise
I'd really just use it with a few DOS programs (there are
DOS versions many Unix utilities). The biggest disadvantage
of DOS is that you don't get any TCP/IP networking (or
when you load up a TCP/IP stack --- and a few drivers for
mice, CD drives etc. it eats up so much "conventional"
--- MS-DOS "special" memory that you can't run anything that
you care about). If you really prefer a Unix-like
environment you might find a copy of Minix --- which can
run on PC/XTs and can certainly fit on a Compaq.
(Of course, a Linux kernel with TCP/IP networking and
all other extraneous bits removed can boot in a little
over 1Mb. This wouldn't be any normal distribution
--- you'd want to use one of the micro distributions that's
tailored specifically for low memory machines. For example
on the "major-linux-archive-formerly-known-as-sunsite":
(Now known as metalab.unc.edu): we have
<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/distributions"
... which lists:
... as one of its holdings. That's a 1.2.11 kernel with
patches to support ELF binaries. There was also a 1.09
based kernel with similar patches that was called
"Linux-Lite" or something like that. These are
likely to be better suited to use on a laptop with less
than 8Mb.
In alot of cases it depends on what you're planning on
running. For example for some sorts of routers you'd want
to use a newer kernel --- since it only has to run the
kernel, the shell script to set up your routes and packet
filtering rules and maybe a copy of syslogd (if you want to
remotely log some sorts of traffic). For that you'd want
a more recent kernel with a better TCP/IP stack and
preferably with the more powerful IPChains packet filtering
features (standard for the upcoming 2.2 kernel, available
as patches to 2.0).
Anyway, good luck. Check out for-sale news groups
to see if you can find a good deal on used Contura
memory modules.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Higher Resolution X on a Laptop</H3>
<p><strong>From Dan Bell on Sat, 16 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Higher Resolution X on a Laptop
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I have been a windows users forever, and I got tired of the constant
crashing so I have just installed
<A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> 5.2 on my laptop. I travel
the world in the telecommunications business. I haven't had one crash
since installing Linux. My problem is low resolution on the LCD screen
when running Xwindows. Under windows my screen has an 800 x 600
resolution. The best resolution that I can get when installing Xfree is
600 x 480. This is using the probing feature of the installation. I
know there must be a way to sharpen the characters an icons. However
with my limited knowledge I can't seem to find the answer. Please help
or direct me to someone who can help solve this simple problem.
Dan Bell
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Personally I find X to be unusable until you can get
up to about 1024x768. However, I rarely use any GUI
so when I <EM>need</EM> one I need it to be pretty good.
(When I use Netscape change the "icon" bar to text
only, and tweak as many of the setting to "unclutter"
the window frames as possible. Then I size it to
almost completely fill my current screen --- with the
virtual screen panner peekout out above it. That's
set to 3x2 --- so I can get to any of the three "top row"
screens with just a click and to any of the others with
two --- right click on the app title bar to "bury it"
then the whole panner is available).
However, back to your question.
You don't give any details about your laptop. So,
I can't give any specific suggestions. However I
can give some general ones.
First look in the Laptop Support Pages:
<A HREF="http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/kharker/linux-laptop"
... This lists a few hundred models of laptops and
provides details about the installation and use of Linux
on them. Its an all-volunteer effort (like most of the
best projects in Linux) so the reporting can be a bit
So, look up your model of laptop in that database ---
or the closest that you can find. Also read through
some of the entries for some other laptops (more or less
at random) so you can some idea of general problems and
common solutions.
One of the common problems with many laptops is the use
of the Neomagic chipset. This is a proprietary chipset
for which programming specifications are not openly
available. Luckily there is a free binary-only XFree86
"server" for it.
Since you are new to Linux, and presumably Unix and X as
well, I'll digress for a moment to clarify a point of
terminology that causes greate confusion:
The X Window System is a communications protocol.
You have a "display server" (consisting of one or
more "screens" a mouse and/or sensor tablet and a
keyboard) and a set of clients (various programs
that request operations, such as the drawing of
windows on the screen, or the reporting of mouse
and keyboard events). The clients can be run
locally (as most of us do with most of our Linux
boxes most of the time --- where the client program
is running on the same system as the server) or it
might be running remotely (communicating over TCP/IP
on port 6000 or so). In either event the client
and server communicate through the X protocol over
some sort of networking channel (unix domain or
TCP/IP sockets).
Anyway, the software driver that responds to video requests
for the "clients" (Netscape Navigator, xterm, GhostView,
etc) is referred to as a "server." Thus we have different
servers for different video cards. Technically I think
that there would be different server for different
combinations of mouse, keyboard and video cards --- but
I think that the XFree86 implementation has been able to
consolidate the keyboard and mouse support into a common
set of libraries --- so only the video chipset support is
sufficiently different between systems to warrant different
While looking at Kenneth Harker's laptop support pages
you should also look in the documentation for your
laptop (or contact the manufacturer and beat it out of
their support staff). You want to know the video
chipset (such as the CT65545 from "Chips and Technologies").
There is a whole section of KHarker's pages devoted to
general info about XFree86 on laptops (for Linux and
<A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/">FreeBSD</A> users, et al).
Finally, if these free resources fail you --- consider
a commercial solution. There are at least two companies
that provide commercial X servers for Linux. Since XFree86
is pretty good --- these companies specialize in laptops
and proprietary video cards that won't play nice with the
freeware programmers. (Naturally, it would be better for
the free software and alternative OS communities to
refrain from buying such hardware --- but some of us get
stuck with what we've got, so...).
So the two sites I'd check are:
MetroLink Inc. (publishers of Metro-X)
<DD><A HREF="http://www.metrolink.com"
Xig (formerly X Inside Graphics)
<DD><A HREF="http://www.xig.com"
... and, of course, you can check the latest
info on XFree86 by browsing around on its web site
<A HREF="http://www.xfree86.org"
Its possible that your copy of X can drive your video
card just fine even though the autodetection code doesn't
do it. Unfortunately X configuration for those cases is
still a bit of a black art (more art and magic than
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
<p><strong>From Erfan on Tue, 19 Jan 1999
Can you help me with my problem?
I have just started with RedHat 5.2 and it's the first time for me to
work on any Linux systems. Everything seems to goo quite godd for the
moment but I have one problem.
I have made 3 parts off my harddrive, one for dos, one for Linux and one
for Linux swap. I have some files in my dos drive that I would like to
acces under Linux, but how do I do that???
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Login as ' <TT>root</TT> 'and issue a command like:
mount -t msdos <TT>/dev/hda1</TT> <TT>/mnt/dos_c</TT>
... where <TT>/dev/hda1</TT> is the first partition on your first
IDE hard drive (replace that with the actual Linux device
name for your MS-DOS partition). <TT>/mnt/doc_c</TT> is an
arbitrary directory. Just make one under any convenient
name. I actually use just <TT>/mnt/c</TT> for that.
-t (type) msdos is only one option. There are versions
of this that support long filenames. However, your
kernel might not be configured to support that and
I don't have the time to go into all those details, here.
For more details browse the UMSDOS HOWTO at
<DD><A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/UMSDOS-HOWTO.html"
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I have tried to start xdos, but a window comes and right away it
desepears again!
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
xdos is an interface to <A HREF="http://www.dosemu.org/">DOSEMU</A> --- a system for running
DOS under Linux (technically it is not a DOS "emulator"
since it runs a real copy of DOS --- but it is more of a
system/BIOS emulator).
dosemu requires some configuration. (You have to
essentially install a copy of DOS (MS-DOS or DR-DOS
or FreeDOS or whatever) into an "hdimage" file --- which
is a small, emulated boot disk. Read the DOSEMU HOWTO
(<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/DOSEMU-HOWTO.html"
>http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/DOSEMU-HOWTO.html</A>) for
more on that.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
My x-window works fine and i'm using WindowMaker "the version that comes
along wwith RedHat 5.2-cd" The computer is P2 233 32Mb 3200Mb "about
1000 Mb for Linux, about 50 Mb for swap and the rest for dos".
If you going to put the answer on the GAZETTE page please e-mail me and
tell me that.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Normally answers to all mail to "<A HREF="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com"
>linux-questions-only@ssc.com</A>" and any
mail to <A HREF="mailto:jimd@starshine.org"
>jimd@starshine.org</A> that looks like "Answer Guy"
material is published. I normally quote the entire message
as I received it --- and I usually leave in all typos.
I consider it to be the cost of sending mail to me for
free advice. If you really don't want your message
posted, let me know. I'll forward that request to my
On the other hand I also sanitize messages of most
identifying information (particularly e-mail addresses).
This is to protect my correspondents from spam (and I end up
having to manually relay mail from other users to my
previous correspondents as a result). I normally leave
in a user's signature with their name as it appeared therein
--- though I'd be happy to remove just a querent's
last name, and corporate affiliation.
<blockquote><em>[ The script I use to aid my HTML editing
tries to get your name from the headers. Sometimes
I can tell it's wrong, and use your sig as a guide.
If I can't tell what your name is, or any querent
requests, I use </em>Anonymous<em> instead. I usually
scrub corporate identities, unless they're mentioned
elsewhere in the message. Sometimes I leave the
fortune cookies in.
-- Heather ]
The point of my answering questions via e-mail and
republishing them on the web is to make them available
to as many people as possible. People who want answers
and complete privacy can hire a consultant (or post
messages anonymously to the appropriate mailing lists
or newsgroups).
Sometimes I also pull messages from newsgroups or
mailing lists where I'm answering them anyway. I
participate in those when I can (more of an
addicition than a hobby really).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Thanks for everthing
Erfan from Sweden
<!-- sig -->
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<A NAME="tag/38"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
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<H3 align="left"><img SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Low Level Formatting</H3>
<p><strong>From William Smith on Tue, 19 Jan 1999
How do you perform a low level format on your hard disk, my system has a
virus received when dwn loading from the net that keeps throwing it into
safe mode. I have completed <tt>C:\format</tt> and re-installed windows, it ran
great for six months and went back into the safe mode. I was able to get it
back up and running, but I can't remember how to perform the low level
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
You don't actually need a "low-level" format. You
can just "zero out" or "wipe" the drive.
Boot up Linux (Tom's Root/Boot at <A HREF="http://www.toms.net/rb"
and issue the command:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda
... to wipe out the whole first IDE drive, or
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda
... to wipe out the whole first SCSI drive.
Actually you could just blow away one sector on
these drives using
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=1
It wouldn't make sense to do this to other drives
(/dev/hdb, <TT>/dev/hdc</TT>, <TT>/dev/sdb</TT>, etc) since their
boot sectors aren't referenced as code and you can
reformat those drives with normal DOS or Linux commands
to re-make your filesystems on them. However, you can
issue this command for all of your drives if you like.
In fact you should be able to do something like:
for i in a b c d; do
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hd$i
... to get four IDE drives or
for i in a b c d e f g ; do
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hd$i
... to wipe out all seven disks on a SCSI chain.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Can you assist me... Help!!!!!!!!!!!
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":-)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Now. I realize that you didn't ask about Linux, and
you might have no idea why I'm responding to your question
with a suggestion that involves it.
Before you write back to be to ask those questions ---
I answer Linux questions. Microsoft sold you Windows 9x ---
you can get tech support from them or you can find a free
"Windows Answer Guy." I don't like MS Windows and I don't
use it. I will not freely answer questions, from strangers
that don't relate to the products that I do use and like.
<blockquote><em>[ Try <a href="http://www.winfiles.com/"
>Winfiles.Com</a>, they have Tips and Howto areas.
-- Heather ]
Linux, like other forms of Unix, is basically not
susceptible to computer viruses. This is largely a matter
of typical usage (they are multi-user systems which protect
the system and most user accounts from most activities of
individual users. Most Linux and Unix just don't run as
"root" --- and consequently trojan horses and viruses
normally cannot utterly cripple a whole system just because
the guy at the keyboard ran them).
This is not to say that they are "safe" from trojans --- a
trojan can still blow away or corrupt any files owned by the
guy that runs them. But it's a lot better, in the long run,
than the common case with DOS, Windows, and MacOS. I
think it's worth the extra learning curve and the occasional
inconvenience (of having to switch to another "virtual
console" or window and log in as root).
So, consider getting a copy of Tom's Root/Boot. It's a
relatively powerful Linux distribution on a single floppy
with enough power and utility to be useful. There are
several other Linux distributions that fit on one, two
or three floppies, and run from RAM disks.
Consider trying a full blown Linux distribution
(like Red Hat <A HREF="http://www.redhat.com"
<A HREF="http://www.debian.org"
S.u.S.E. <A HREF="http://www.suse.com"
Caldera, <A HREF="http://www.caldera.com"
>http://www.caldera.com</A>, or any of the others).
That will give you a choice. You'll have a basis for
comparison and you then go back to (continue to use)
Windows or you learn more about the OS that a few million
others have adopted.
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Removing Bad Sectors</H3>
<p><strong>From Fadel on Fri, 22 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Removing Bad Sectors
:: -->
Dear Sir..
<br>How are you?
I'm Writing to ask you How can I remove bad sectors HDD?
Please reply me as soon as you can.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I'm not sure what you mean by "removing bad sectors."
A "bad sector" is a portion on a hard drive we doesn't
appear to reliably record data. That is to say that
attempts to record test patterns to this location on
the disk and read them back result in errors.
Some bad sectors are manufacturers defects on the
surface of the disk (generally minor imperfections
in the metal-oxide or other coating which is deposited
on the disk platter during its manufacture). Before
it is shipped a normal hard drive is thoroughly tested
on the manufacturer's test harnesses to "map out" the
initial set of bad sectors and to ensure that the number
of them fell below a suitable threshold.
Back in the old days (about 5 years ago and more) it
was common to see the bad sectors listed on a sticker
on the drives housing. That was common with MFM and
RLL (ST-506 interface) drives. However it is largely
unnecessary with modern SCSI and IDE drives.
Modern hard drives have "extra" sectors on every track.
These are automatically "mapped in" to replace bad
sectors. This happens initially at the factory and
(at least with some of them) automatically in normal
use. The drive electronics on these sorts of drives are
actually embedded microcomputers running a program to
store (typically on a "hidden" diagnostics cylinder) the
state of the rest of the drive.
Consequently most modern drives leave the factor with
no "apparent" bad sectors (and a few extras per track).
So they'd rarely need a bad sectors list. (Also if they
had one it would be very difficult to use it in
mainstream modern operating systems like Window '98
--- which has no option or way for you to supply a
list of bad sectors to their disk formatting utilities).
In the case of Linux is is possible to supply such a list.
However it is generally much easier to just run '<tt>badblocks</tt>'
which will scan specified portions of the disk's surface
testing every sector and returning a list of bad blocks.
Normally you wouldn't run '<tt>badblocks</tt>' yourself. As I've
mentioned in past issues of my column, you normally
supply <tt>-c</tt> options to the <tt>mke2fs</tt> and <tt>e2fsck</tt> commands
(named <tt>mkfs.ext2</tt> and <tt>fsck.ext2</tt> on some systems). These
options force these commands to transparently call
'<tt>badblocks</tt>', passing in the parameters specifying the
partitions (disk regions) and reading back the results
(the bad blocks). The resulting list of bad blocks is then
stored according to the needs of the filesystem in question
(ext2 in this case).
The ext2 filesystem uses a special sort of "hidden file" to
which it allocates all of the bad blocks on the filesystem.
The insures that those data blocks (sectors) will never
be accessed or used for any other files.
Under MS-DOS we used manually name files suspected of
containing a bad block (those which would cause the whole
system to "hang" when we'd attempt to access them) with a
name like <tt>BADBLOCK.001</tt>. Later Peter Norton, Paul Mace and
others wrote utilities to help use test for and properly
mark bad blocks.
Now, if you mean that you want to return badblocks to
use I suppose the easiest method would be to make a
new filesystem over the one that has the bad blocks.
You could run mke2fs without the -c option and let
it trip over any bad blocks on it's own. If there are
blocks that were properly detected as 'bad' before
--- it's typically a VERY BAD idea to try to use them
to store data later. You can't selectively use the
'bad blocks' for "unimportant" data and you can't guarantee
that the controller won't hang up the whole system
(or drastically hurt its performance) during attempts
to access these. (Sometimes blocks are "marginal" ---
data can be stored there and read back with some
retries and error correction. All hard drives use
ECC --- error correction coding and automatically
correct most bit errors in normal operation. However,
a block is declared 'bad' when it passes certain
thresholds, always requiring ECC and often requiring
multiple retries. I don't know the exact details of
those thresholds --- but they certainly differ among
various drive manufacturers).
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<A NAME="tag/41"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 41 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Netscape Communicator: "Improper DNS Type"?</H3>
<p><strong>From D Pettersen on Thu, 28 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Netscape Communicator: "Improper DNS Type"?
:: -->
Dear Linux Guru:
Recently due to a win98 (yuck) crash I had to reformat my hard
disk and reinstall both win/98 (yuck) and
<A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> Linux 5.2
(yeah). The reconfigure was going well with Linux until it came
time to go on line. I can connect to my ISP with root and open and
surf the net with Netscape Communicator. Since we know that a good
Linux user does not surf as root there lies my problem. I can (as
User) make the ISP connection with usernet , but when I try to
open Netscape Communicator I get error messages usually improper
DNS type. I configured the connection as I did before my reinstall
so I can't figure out what I did wrong could you be of assistance.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
So if you open an '<tt>xterm</tt>' or switch to a console
prompt (using [Ctrl][Alt][F2] or the like) and you
try (as your normal user) to use '<tt>ping</tt>' or '<tt>traceroute</tt>'
--- does it give any error message?
If you use '<tt>ifconfig</tt>' does it show that the (presumably
PPP) link is configured? How do you know that your
ISP link is actually working? What does your routing
table look like? (Issue the command '<tt>route -n</tt>' from
any root shell prompt and cut/paste or redirect it to
a temp file).
Do you have '<tt>lynx</tt>' installed? Try running '<tt>lynx</tt>' to
see if this is a Netscape Communicator specific problem
or if it is a network configuration issue.
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>NS Communicator (Mail) and PGP</H3>
<p><strong>From Cesar A. K. Grossmann on Thu, 28 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
NS Communicator (Mail) and PGP
:: -->
There are a way to sign my communicator mail and news with PGP on
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Probably not in the current code. You could get involved
in the Mozilla project (<A HREF="http://www.mozilla.org"
>http://www.mozilla.org</A>) and
help their open source community add the desired PGP and
GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) support.
Personally I prefer to use packages that are written
specifically as mail and news readers rather than trying
to "drive screws with a hammer" using a browser as a
mail reader and news cient.
Of course I could be wrong. I don't use Communicator's
mail and news functions. However, I have to assume that
you looked at all of the relevant menus and dialog boxes
and didn't see any options in their UI. If that's the
case it seems very unlikely that there is some sort of
"hidden" interface to some "undocumented" features that
will give you PGP support.
Of course you best bet would be to ask this question on
the Mozilla developers list. They know much more about
Netscape's Navigator (and presumably about Communicator)
than I will --- and they are the most likely to add the
features (assuming that they really aren't there).
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<H3 align="left"><img SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>'fsck' Breaks 'man' Pages?</H3>
<p><strong>From DrDave on Wed, 27 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
'fsck' Breaks 'man' Pages?
:: -->
Dear answer.guy.jim:
I'm not at all sure this is how one sends questions for the "Answer Guy"
column, so if I'm guessing wrong, please let me know how I should do
this before piping my message to <TT>/dev/rtfm.</TT>
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Cute. You've guessed correctly on how to post questions.
However, you don't normally "pipe" data into "device nodes"
and you don't normally store scripts or executables under
the <TT>/dev/</TT> directory. So I might write a script to
autorespond with "RTFM" --- but I'd put it in <TT>/bin</TT> or (more
likely) <tt>~/bin</tt> (a.k.a. <tt>$HOME/bin</tt>). If I had a magic
"<tt>rtfm</tt>" device driver (sounds neat!) I'd <EM>redirect</EM> or
'<tt>cat</tt>' the message into it.
Still it's a clever turn of phrase.
<IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=";)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Anyway, I've been a Linux user for all of about 72 hours now. The first
24 or so were spent trying to figure out how to recover from some faulty
partitioning on my second drive, so we're really only looking at 48.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Do you ever sleep?
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
So, you can imagine that the "man" command is pretty vital to me...
Well, moments ago, I was running an X11 session and something terribly
evil happened which left me unable to properly shutdown my system. When
I rebooted, Linux complained about all sorts of problems. Through some
miracle (hey, the Pope is in town... coincidence?) I was able to figure
out how to manually run fsck as the boot messages suggested. It had to
fix a couple of problems in <TT>/root</TT>, and about 50 zillion in <TT>/hdb8</TT> which
looked like they were mostly Netscape cache files. Once that was done,
I was able to get back into Linux, and now everything seems (so far) to
be working fine. Miracles again? Hmmm...
Anyway... that was a bit of a lie. The one thing that isn't working
fine is my "man" command. Actually, the command runs just fine, but it
can't find any of the appropriate files. In other words, "man ls"
returns "No manual entry for ls." I tried locate man | less, thinking
that maybe some of the things fsck put in lost and found were actually
my man files, but no... those seem to be intact.
OK, you're the Answer Guy, so here's the question:
How exactly does man look up a manual page that you request? Knowing
something about that procedure would help me trace my way to the
problem, methinks.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I don't know <EM>exactly</EM> what the '<tt>man</tt>' command does.
You could read the sources to get some idea of that ---
or you could run '<tt>man</tt>' under the '<tt>strace</tt>' and/or
programs (system call and library function trace utilities
for programming and debugging). I suppose you could run it
under '<tt>gdb</tt>' (the GNU interactive debugger), too.
However, I can give you some general ideas (which will be
far more productive than looking at the operations of '<tt>man</tt>'
through a microscope).
Your 'man' page sources (in groff format) are located
under <TT>/usr/man</TT> in "chapter" directories named:
<tt>man1</tt>, <tt>man2</tt>,
etc. These sources must be processed by the 'man' command
according to the method of access (printing or viewing).
The 'man' command maintains a set of cached pages that have
been processed by the viewer. Technically I think it uses
the 'catman' program to do this. Anyway, these are stored
under the <TT>/var/catman/</TT> hierarchy. One possibility is that
you have some corrupt files under <TT>/var/catman.</TT>
I supposed there are many others. Your <TT>/usr/bin/man</TT> binary
could be damaged, for example.
In any event it is probably easiest to simply re-install
the 'man' package. You don't specify which Linux
distribution you are using --- but I'll guess it might be
<A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A>. To re-install the man package under
Red Hat Linux --- mount your CD (probably by just
issuing the command 'mount <TT>/mnt/cdrom</TT>'), change into the
appropriate directory using the 'cd' command (no relation).
That directory is likely to be <TT>/mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS.</TT>
Then issue a command like:
rpm -i man-2.3.10-19.i386.rpm
(where the actual filename will probably be different
--- since this particular example is from a <A HREF="http://www.suse.com/">S.u.S.E.</A>
system which maintains its own collection of RPM packages).
If you don't have a CD but you do have Internet access
you can use a command like:
rpm -i ftp://$SOME_SITE/$SOME_PATH/man-X.Y.ZZ-X...rpm
... and the 'rpm' command will fetch the file from the
site and install it in one operation.
The process is similar for any of the RPM based
distributions (<A HREF="http://www.caldera.com/">Caldera</A>, S.u.S.E.). For <A HREF="http://www.slackware.org/">Slackware</A> you
find the appropriate binary "tarball" on your CD (or
on any FTP mirror site). You'd then 'cd' to your root
directory and extract the contents of the .tar.gz file
using a command like:
tar xzf <TT>/mnt/cdrom/.../man-X.YY.Z.tar.gz</TT>
(or whatever).
Under <A HREF="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</A> you'd use the
'<tt>dpkg</tt>' command (which I
don't know well enough to provide an example of).
If you don't want to just blindly re-install; you'd
like to find out a bit more about what went wrong, you
can use any of the following:
Red Hat (and other RPM based systems):
rpm -V man
... this will query the RPM database for details
about the files that are supposed to be installed
as part of the man package and produce a
"verification" report (listing any files that are
missing, changed or have changed ownership, type or
rpm -Vp <TT>/mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/man-.....rpm</TT>
... this will "verify" the installed files against
an RPM file. In other words, it doesn't rely on
the local databases but checks the installation
against an original source file.
(I don't know most of the details on this. I'll
have to get another system to run Debian on).
Slackware and other "binary tarball" installations:
cd / &amp;&amp; tar dzf $TARBALL_FILENAME
(I hope it's obvious that these $XXXXs that I'm
using in these examples are placeholders where
you'll have to fill in real values as appropriate.
I'm following a common Unix documentation convention
of using placeholders that "look like" shell or
environment variable names).
The 'tar df' command is (with or without the -z
option) is an interesting one. It will describe
"differences" between the <tt>.tar</tt> file (<tt>.tar.gz</tt> if
used with <tt>-z</tt>, as in my example) and the filenames
relative to your current directory. Since
Slackware tarballs are relative to the root
directory we precede the command with a 'cd'
A practical consequence of this 'd' option to
GNU 'tar' (I don't think it's supported under
most older versions of 'tar') is that you can
also use it with your own backups. Thus if
you backup a system using the 'tar' command
to a tape drive, you can insert the tape,
(rewind it with the command '<tt>mt rewind</tt>' or
'<tt>mt -f /dev/st0 rewind</tt>') and use a command like:
tar df /dev/st0
... to report on all file changes since your
backup (or to verify the integrity of the backup
depending on what actually happened).
There are similar options to other forms of
backup. The 'cpio' command seems to have no
option for actually comparing full file contents
and meta-data (ownership, permissions, etc) ---
just a way to test "CRCs" (checksums). The
'restore' command can be used with its 'C'
directive to verify backups made with the 'dump'
There are other, more sophisticated, ways to
perform filesystem integrity testing (to
isolate corrupted files, or detect sabotage).
'tripwire' is the most well known. After many
years of being freely available it has now
undergone a commercialization effort by one of
it's original authors.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Thanks in advance for the answer, or the redirection to a place more
appropriate to find it if that's the case.
David Brown
PS Supplemental Question: What do I need to know about all that stuff
that fsck did to fix my system? I'd try to look up the rudimentary info
about fsck in man, but...
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Get your 'man' subsystem fixed or re-installed, then
read more about it. You can also read the source code
for the 'fsck' command --- and there is supposed to be a
very technical description of the low-level ext2 filesystem
internals in one of the LDP guides (probably the
Programmer's Guide).
To learn more about Linux you can start with the
guides on the Linux Documentation Project's web site
(<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP"
>http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP</A>). Also at this web site
are a couple of hundred HOWTOs, and a few FAQs. These
are the best introductory materials available for many
of the specific topics that they cover (they are written
by users for other users and generally give short
"real-world" examples).
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<H3 align="left"><img SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>MANPATH was the Culprit</H3>
<H4 ALIGN="center">where'd my 'man' go?</H4>
<p><strong>From DrDave on Thu, 28 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
MANPATH was the Culprit
(more on: "where'd my 'man' go?")
:: -->
I found the problem, which, it turns out, was unrelated to my
system burp and forced fsck activity. It was actually related to
a change I made in my <tt>~/.bash_profile</tt> before the badness happened.
I installed QT, when I was thinking it would be nice to have an
ICQ client running on my machine under Linux, and I was trying to
get LICQ to work for me (no luck there yet.) One of the
recommended changes to <tt>.bash_profile</tt> was improperly setting
$MANPATH so it included only the QT manfile path. I commented
those lines out, logged in again and now 'man' works fine.
I'm guessing that setting <tt>$MANPATH=/foo</tt> causes man to
automatically run as if you'd typed '<TT>man -M /foo</TT>', and
the <tt>-d</tt> option reports what it sees in the <tt>man.conf</tt> file
rather than what
it would use if it were actually going to try to fetch an entry.
Thanks one last time...
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I should have mentioned <TT>MANPATH</TT> --- though I almost
never use it. I thought about it but it didn't relate
to the rest of your problem description at all.
In any event it's always a good idea to try commands
from a "test" account when they aren't working from your
normal login. There are a surprising number of problems
you can create for yourself with bad or corrupt dotfiles
in your home directory.
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<H3 align="left"><img SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Unable to Open Console: After "Custom" Install</H3>
<H4 align="center">
... And a number of power RPM tricks!
<p><strong>From Mark F. Johnson on Wed, 27 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Unable to Open Console: After <A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> "Custom" Install
:: -->
Greetings Once Again Honorable Guru,
My newly acquired, but soon to be short-lived, reputation as a Linux sage is
in danger. I have been helping my friend set up Linux on his PC at home. He
was the one who waged the Winmodem battle I told you about. He is attempting
to duplicate my success at dual-booting Windows98 and Linux (RedHat 5.2).
When he uses the workstation install mode, everything works fine. But when
we attempt a custom install, which I have done successfully numerous times,
the install goes fine until the first reboot. Then the boot sequence stops
after checking his partitions, with a message that reads "Unable to open a
console". We have done everything identically to the method I used on my
PC, which is a near duplicate of his PC. We have removed all the partitions
and OS's, including Windows, repartitioned and reformatted the drive,
verified that the available space equalled the size of the drive, and
reinstalled Windows and then Linux. Still, no joy. Same message. During the
custom install, we created a 300MB root directory, a 127MB swap file (he has
128MB RAM), and three 600MB (growable) directories (<tt>/usr</tt>,
<TT>/home</TT>, and <TT>/opt).</TT>
As I said, everything formatted and installed without a hitch until reboot.
I have searched the past Linux Gazettes for an answer to this problem, but I
came up dry. Any help would be appreciated.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Unable to open console after reboot suggests a problem in
your <TT>/dev</TT> directory tree. If the <tt>tty1</tt> and other "virtual
terminal" device nodes are inaccessible (you tried to put
<TT>/dev</TT> as a symlink to some mounted filesystem or something
like that) then I'd expect this error message.
You can get similar problems (error messages regarding
utmp or wtmp files) if your <TT>/var/log</TT> doesn't get
mounted --- or doesn't exist.
So, it could be some problem with the way you're structuring
your filesystems. Boot from a rescue floppy and look
around. Make sure that the <TT>/dev</TT> directory is on your
root filesystem and that the <TT>/dev/tty[0-2]*</TT> devices nodes
are there, and that the are proper character devices. An
'<tt>ls -al</tt>' should look a bit like:
<blockquote><pre>crw-rw---- 1 jimd users 4, 0 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty0
crw--w---- 1 jimd tty 4, 1 Jan 26 22:23 /dev/tty1
crw------- 1 root root 4, 10 Jan 7 17:41 /dev/tty10
crw--w---- 1 root tty 4, 11 Jan 24 18:18 /dev/tty11
crw--w---- 1 root tty 4, 12 Jan 25 05:42 /dev/tty12
crw-rw---- 1 jimd users 4, 13 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty13
crw-rw---- 1 jimd users 4, 14 Oct 3 02:28 /dev/tty14
crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 15 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty15
crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 16 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty16
crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 17 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty17
crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 18 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty18
crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 19 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty19
crw--w---- 1 jimd tty 4, 2 Jan 24 16:16 /dev/tty2
crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 20 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty20
crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 21 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty21
crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 22 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty22
crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 23 Jul 26 1998 /dev/tty23
crw-rw---- 1 root tty 4, 24 Jan 26 22:44 /dev/tty24
crw--w---- 1 jimd tty 4, 3 Jan 23 09:09 /dev/tty3
crw------- 1 root root 4, 4 Jan 7 17:41 /dev/tty4
crw------- 1 root root 4, 5 Jan 7 17:41 /dev/tty5
crw------- 1 root root 4, 6 Jan 7 17:41 /dev/tty6
crw------- 1 root root 4, 7 Jan 7 17:41 /dev/tty7
crw------- 1 root root 4, 8 Jan 7 17:41 /dev/tty8
crw------- 1 root root 4, 9 Jan 7 17:41 /dev/tty9
... note that I define 24 of these ttys --- that's because
I use twelve of them for logins and my X sessions (sometimes
up to three of them) are on the next few, a copy of
all 'syslogd' messages is on number 24, and I use the others
with the 'open' command, or as target for redirecting
'tail -f' output and other logging operations. So I use
<EM>alot</EM> more ttys than most people.
Now, the odd thing is that this is happening right after a
fresh install. I almost always used custom (one of these
days I'll learn to use Red Hat's "KickStart" package ---
though every installation I do is different so it probably
wouldn't help much).
So, I'd have to guess that somewhere you're forcing Red Hat
to skip the installation of some vital package. It's
hard to imagine how you're doing that. The only time I've
come close to that problem is when I was experimenting with
installing over FTP from a public Internet FTP site (that
was very unreliable in Red Hat 5.2).
The obvious workaround is to install using their
"workstation" profile and then to use the 'rpm' command to
add and remove the packages to your taste after the
intallation is complete and you've successfully rebooted.
One way to get a full list of packages that you hvae
installed on a Red Hat (or other RPM based) system is
to use the command:
rpm -aq
... which you can redirect to a file, of course.
If just the package names aren't enough, you can use
a command like:
rpm -aqi
... to get a full list of packages with short (one screen
full) describtion and some info about each.
So, you could create a package list using:
rpm -aq &gt; <TT>/tmp/plist</TT>
... then edit that to delete the names of all the packages
you want to keep. You can refer to individual rpm -qi
screens for packages that you don't recognize by name
by simply issuing commands like:
rpm -qi zircon-1.17-16
... (where zircon was a package name I picked at random).
(If you wanted to be clever you'd make a macro in your
favorite editor to pull in the description of any package
on which your cursor was sitting when you invoked it.
In '<tt>vi</tt>' that would be something like:
:map S mcyypI:r!rpm -qi ^[o^[k"<A HREF="mailto:cD@c"
... (where S is just any key that you don't use much
in 'vi' command mode. This macro sets mark 'c' and
fills paste register 'c'. All of the <tt>^[</tt> are
literal escapes and the one <tt>^M</tt> is a literal carriage
return; those are entered in 'vi' by preceding them
with a ^v [Ctrl-V]).
So, using this macro you'd move your cursor over any package
that you were wondering about, hit [S] (from command mode)
and this macro would extract the "info" by "querying" the
RPM database and insert the results into your editing
Once you've removed all the package names that you want
to keep you could use a command like:
cat <TT>/tmp/delete.list</TT> | xargs rpm -e
... to try "erasing" (un-installing) everything on
the list. Here I'm assuming you make a copy of your
package list file to "delete.list" and edited that.
Obviously you can use any filenames you like.
This might result in a list of error messages about
how some packages could not be removed due to dependencies
with other packages. There should be no harm done ---
so this command isn't as dangerous as it might look.
After you've removed all the packages you don't want
you can select various packages that you do want to add
and simply use the '<tt>rpm -i</tt>' command to install each of
This would be most easily done in a shell (rather than
through an editor list). To save on typing I'd
probably create a couple of shell aliases like 'q' and 'i'
to query and install packages. Those would look like:
alias q='rpm -qp '
<br>alias i='rpm -i '
Of course looking through a list of almost 600 packages
one could get boring. You could narrow the list a bit
by generating a list of the package names on the CD and
comparing that to the packages listed in your database.
To do that can use something a bit like:
rpm -qp &gt; /tmp/pkg.list
rpm -aq &gt;&gt; /tmp/pkg.list
sort /tmp/pkg.list | uniq
... since any package that is installed will be listed
twice (once from the -qp listing and once from the
-aq listing) the 'sort | uniq' step will leave you with
a list of packages that are <EM>NOT</EM> installed. Note:
This trick only works since you have just installed
all the RPMs from this CD. If you had fetched and
installed some RPMs from a different CD or from an
FTP site then you'd have to use a different approach
to weed out the "extras"
rpm -qa | sort &gt; /tmp/pkg.inst
rpm -qp | sort &gt; /tmp/pkg.dir
comm -23 /tmp/pkg.dir /tmp/pkg.inst &gt; /tmp/pkg.not
... this is a better technique overall. The 'comm'
command finds lines "in common" between two files.
It normally prints three columns of output --- but
we just want the first column (the names of packages
in the "dir" that are <EM>not</EM> in the list of "inst"-alled
Incidentally using the command
comm -13 /tmp/pkg.dir /tmp/pkg.inst &gt; /tmp/pkg.not
... or swapping the names of the files should give us
a list of all "3rd party" packages that we've installed.
That is that it results in a list of files that are
installed and for which there is no ".rpm" file in the
directory listing. Obviously the fact that Red Hat stores
all of its package files in a single directory on its CDs
is pretty convenient here. However, even when we're using
<A HREF="http://www.suse.com/">S.u.S.E.</A> CDs (with
several CDs to a set and RPMs scattered
in number groupings) we can easily generate a single listing
of all the packages from as many directories as we like.
(You can then print a list of those, or you could be
even more clever, make a <TT>/tmp/pkglist/</TT> directory and
create a series of symlinks for each of the "not installed"
package). Here's a command that will do that:
cat /tmp/not.installed.txt | while read i; do
ln -s <TT>/mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/$i</TT> .
... (execute this command from your tmp/pkglist directory!).
No you can focus on these packages --- issuing your 'q'
and 'i' commands. Or you could just use the 'q' alias to
read more about each package --- and remove the symlinks for
each that you don't want to install. Then, when you're done
you could just issue a command like:
rpm -i *.rpm
... to install every package that's still listed in your
temporary link farm.
Of course I've mentioned a number of other 'rpm' command
tricks in previous issues. However, to save you the time
searching through the back issues of LG I'll recap a
couple of them here:
"Verify" all the installed packages:
rpm -Va
... this produces a list of any file from any package
that is "missing" or has changed (checking MD5 checksums,
time stamps, ownership and permissions, etc). Unfortunately
the output doesn't list the names of the packages from which
these files came. You can get that by using:
rpm -qf $FILENAME
(for any of the files that were listed as modified or
"missing" --- or for any file that was installed by any RPM
on your system, for that matter).
The <tt>-qf</tt> option associates a file with the package that
"owns" it.
This "Verify" compares your files to the installed
RPM database. It's possible to keep back copies of your
RPM database on removable media (though they will typically
be too large to fit on a floppy, even compressed in most
of my cases). You can use the '--dbpath' option to force
the 'rpm' command to use a database in some other location
(such as <TT>/mnt/ls120/backup</TT> or <TT>/mnt/zipdisk/rpmdb.bak/).</TT>
Another trick is to verify a package installation against
the contents of a package file. To do this you use the
... in a previous column I gave a script that would
verify <EM>any</EM> of your installed packages against any
RPM in the current directory. However, it occurs to
me that this script was probably unnecessarily complex
--- I could use the 'comm' command to simplify it somewhat.
In this case we'd generate our to lists of packages as
before. We also build an "index" of the packages (matching
the package names to the filenames) using a command like:
ls *.rpm | while read f; do
echo $(rpm -qp $f) $f
done &gt; /tmp/pkg.index
Then we'd use a command like:
comm -12 /tmp/pkg.dir /tmp/pkg.inst \
<br>| join - <TT>/tmp/pkg.index</TT> | cut -f 2 -d" " | xargs rpm -Vp
... this may not look simpler --- but it is much more
elegant than the last version of this script that I posted.
(I often forget about 'comm' and 'join' --- and I
shouldn't). The 'comm' command in this case is just
listing the packages in common (between our installed
list and our directory listing). The 'join' command finds
those lines in our index file that correspond to any of the
package names we've listed (remember, package names and
package <EM>FILE</EM> names don't have to match). The '<tt>cut</tt>' command
then simply "cuts" the filename from each line (that's
"field" number two with a "delimiter" of a space; I could
have used <tt>-e</tt> and "<tt>\t</tt>" on my echo command when I was building
the "index" file to build it with 'cut's default delimiter
--- though it makes no difference). Finally we pass the
list of package file names to '<tt>xargs</tt>' which builds a series
of one or more '<tt>rpm -Vp</tt>' commands by translating the
arguments from its standard input into lists of arguments on
the command lines it executes.
If we consolidate the code samples into a full script
it would total about a dozen lines or less. (I think that's
half of what it took in my previous example).
I've used a number of techniques like these to manage the
large numbers of packages that I have installed on some of my
systems. I use 'sh' (actually 'bash') enough and on enough
different systems that I don't even keep most of these
scripts --- it's usually easier to just type them on the fly
then it is to remember where I have them and go fetch them.
I think I'll put this one together and forward it to the
Red Hat team, to the maintainer of the Linux-Tips HOWTO,
and maybe post it on my website.
(It would be nice if someone generated a list of
comparable '<tt>dpkg</tt>' commands --- since I don't have the
experience with <A HREF="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</A>,
and I'd like to learn more about it).
More importantly I hope I've given some nice examples of
shell scripting --- ways to use commands like '<tt>uniq</tt>',
'<tt>comm</tt>', '<tt>join</tt>', '<tt>cut</tt>', '<tt>xargs</tt>'
and those ubiquitous '<tt>while read</tt>' loops that show up in
so many of my scripts.
(Actually I should note that my use of <TT>/tmp</TT> for
all of this is atrocious --- since anyone using this in
a script on a multi-user system would be vulnerable to
horrible symlink attacks. Usually I use ~/tmp for all
of these sorts of things).
It turns out that I've been asked to teach shell programming
at a local community college. I've never done any
professional teaching before --- and only recently did my
first public lecture. It's kind of exciting for a guy with
no college degree himself.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
P.S. If you have the time, here's a little mind bender. Check it out.
<DD><A HREF="http://www3.mcps.k12.md.us/users/rsfay/magic/index.html"
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I'm working from my text terminal in the living room
tonight --- so I couldn't view this site's content (it
doesn't come across in '<tt>lynx</tt>'). I often use one of the
terminals in the living room while I'm watching TV, or
when I have friends over. One of my friends decided to
drop by and do some programming on his laptop, and
Heather is working on something on her laptop. My
office (with my X station) is too small and cluttered
for all of us to hang out in there.
Maybe I'll remember to look at it some other time.
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Mark F. Johnson
Systems Administrator
Maxwell Library
Bridgewater State College
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Securing a modem dial-out line.</H3>
<p><strong>From Scott Bulau on Tue, 26 Jan 1999
Dear Jim,
I am in need of a way to secure a modem line (serial) of an
assigned tty port, from dial out. This seems like an impossible
task. Do you have any suggestions, words of wisdom? I'm running
2.0.35 currently, a <A HREF="http://www.slackware.org/">Slackware</A> 3.5 distribution.
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
You want to prevent some or all of your users from
dialing out a modem that's on one of your serial ports?
That's easy. Just change the ownership on the device
node (/dev/ttyS* and/or the deprecated <TT>/dev/cua*)</TT> and
(possibly) on every installed program that uses the modem
Actually there is a minor complication here. Conventionally
modem using programs are SGID to the "uucp" or "modem"
group. That is to say that these programs execute as
members of that group regardless of whether the user that
started them was in the group or not. So the question
"How does one limit execution of SGID" programs?
If you strip off the world-execute bit with a command like
chmod o-x, then you'd have to add the users who <EM>do</EM> need
access to this program to the "modem" group. But then they
wouldn't need to access your modem <EM>using</EM> the SGID program
--- and they wouldn't have to respect the modem lock files
or any other restrictions on the use of the device. So,
we can't limit it that way.
We could make these programs SUID and change the ownership
(rather than just the group assignment) of the device node.
Then the devices wouldn't have to be group writable, and
we could create a special group of modem users, assign
our modem programs to that and add our authorized modem
users to that group. However this poses a greater security
risk. If someone subverts (tricks) an SGID program they
can only do relatively limited damage. If they subvert
an SUID program they can change the permissions and
executable files owned by that program's account.
Hmm. Such a conundrum. The answer is pretty easy ---
but I had to invent it myself. I've never seen it written
up in any book or article (other than the ones that I've
So, you create a directory full of your SGID programs. you
can asign it to any arbitrary group. Make the directory
inaccessible to "others" (mode 550 or 750 for example).
Now, only the owner of the directory and members of the
associated group can access any of the links (filenames) in
that directory. You can replace the original file link
(under <TT>/usr/bin</TT> or wherever) with a symlink to the
restricted directory. That symbolic link can only be
followed by members of the associated group.
You can even make two different "group restricted"
directories --- associated with different groups. Each can
contain HARD links to the same SGID world executable file.
Members of either group can then access their link to the
program, and thus execute it. Other users can "see" (or
access or execute) the program.
You could also require that a user concurrently be a member
of multiple different groups to access a program or other
file. You just put one group limited directory under
another. The whole path is a set of access controls.
Of course there is a downside to this. Let's say that you
wanted to grant 'minicom' access to members of "staff" and
of "wheel." So you create a <TT>/usr/bin/staff/</TT> and a
<TT>/usr/bin/wheel.</TT> Each is set to mode 750 and each as a hard
link to the minicom program. You ensure that now other
(world accessible) links exist to the program). Now these
users have to use different paths to access the same
program. This suggests that members of each group needs
additional entries on their $PATH environment string.
Even though its not explicitly covered in any of the books
I've read I'm sure some sysadmins sometimes use a scheme
such as I've described.
That's not so bad. It's a bit confusing --- but then, so
are "access control lists" (ACLs) as supported by Netware,
NT, and some other versions of Unix. I note that the
versions of Unix which support ACLs (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX,
etc) make no use of them by default. Professional sysadmins
almost never use them. This suggests that the stock Unix
"permissions" scheme is enough for almost all practical
You have to do this for every program which is SUID or SGID
to the "modem" group (or whatever group you assigned your
<TT>/dev/ttyS</TT> node to). Many sites use the "uucp" group for
this (since the 'uucico' command, from the UUCP subsystem
was one of the first commands used for this sort of thing).
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Thanks for a response, I know how popular you are.
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<H3 align="left"><img SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Another "No Login" Problem</H3>
<p><strong>From s.alexiou on Tue, 26 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Another <A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> "No Login" Problem
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I have RH 5.0 (2.0.32). Using their graphic tool, I created two
<TT>/home</TT> accounts, me and guest, assigned UID and GID's and set
passwords. The problem is, I can only log in as root. I looked for
.nologin files, there seem to be none. I am attaching my
<TT>/etc/fstab</TT> files. Thus, at the linux prompt If I try to login as
any of these two users,
I am denied entry(back to the prompt). This is not an issue of
case sensitive.
Any ideas of what I am doing wrong?
Sincerely, S.Alexiou
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
I have NO idea. I've gotten a rash of different reports of
this sort. All involve Red Hat usually right after new
installations --- no login from console, no login over
telnet, no login as root, no login as anyone other than
Unfortunately all of these cases, so far, are being reported
to me incompletely. Only sparse details ahve been provided
(as above). I've mailed off troubleshooting suggestions and
recieved no followup to explain them.
So, I don't get it.
You said you used their graphical tool to create two
new accounts. One was named "guest" and the other
was some sort of user name for yourself. You also
said you set the passwords for these two accounts.
Let's try this: edit your passwd file. I personally
prefer to use <tt>vipw</tt> for that --- but Red Hat 5.0 had a
broken '<tt>vipw</tt>' command (immediate segfault) and my fresh
installation of 5.2 also has a broken '<tt>vipw</tt>' command
(needed to add a symlink from <TT>/bin/vi</TT> to <TT>/usr/bin/vi</TT>
--- GRRR!). So, just use your favorite editor and
keep a rescue floppy handy in case you reboot the system
with a corrupt <TT>/etc/passwd</TT> file.
Make sure that the entries you tried to create made
it into the passwd file. Send me a copy of it if you
still can't get it to work. Try setting the account
passwords to something simple like just "x" --- and
use the <TT>/bin/passwd</TT> command, not any sort of curses
or GUI front end. Consider removing '<tt>linuxconf</tt>'
(for troubleshooting).
If you're using shadow passwords try running pwunconv
and if you're not, try running pwconv (to convert
your passwd file to or from shadow format).
Please, let me know if you figure out what's doing
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
<p><strong>From Swearingen on Tue, 26 Jan 1999
Is there a way that I can tell Linux
(<A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> 5.2) how much RAM my
machine has?
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
(The churlish imp in me would love to just leave it at
that --- but I supposed you'd actually know <EM>HOW</EM> to
do it).
Your kernel is reponsible for all memory management under
Linux. You can pass parameters to your kernel in a number
of ways (depending on how you load it). The most likely
scenario is that you are using LILO (the LInux LOader).
This normally gives a brief prompt, at which you can type in
a variety of parameters.
Read the bootparam(7) man page and BootPrompt HOWTO
(<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/BootPrompt-HOWTO.html"
for details on the range of parameters that can be
entered. You can also set environment variables which
will be inherited by the init process (and thus by all
other processes).
You can type in the mem= parameter there to over-ride the
kernel's automatic memory detection and supply your own
value. That will just affect one session (useful for
testing your system to make sure that it will work with the
value that you propose). To make this change persistent you
can edit the file <TT>/etc/lilo.conf</TT> and add a line like:
... note: The "append" directive in the <TT>/etc/lilo.conf</TT>
"appends" a string to the kenrel's command line (invocation)
so you can have multiple append directives, and I think
you can put multiple parameters within one append= directive
(all separated by spaces and enclosed with the one pair of
double quote signs). You do need the quote signs and the
M (for Megabytes).
I've covered this before. Earlier versions of the
Linux kernel couldn't reliably detect memory above 64Mb
on some (most?) systems. However, newer Linux kernels
(2.0.36 and the new 2.2.0) should detect your full
memory capacity automatically.
Of course I'm only guessing at the symptom that you're
trying to address. I do know of people who maintain boot
images with <EM>LESS</EM> memory than they have installed. This is
usually done by software developers to allow them to test
their packages under artificial "low memory" and "swap
thrashing" conditions. This can be done exactly as I've
described above.
Note: I hope it's obvious that we're talking about
real memory (real chips and SIMMs inside your system) here
--- and not about "virtual memory" (paging/swap space).
The way to increase or disable your swap is to create a
swap partition or a swap file (technically its really a
"paging" partition or file --- but the term swap is misused
throughout the libraries, sources, and documentation).
You can run the command "<tt>man -k swap</tt>" to learn about
the commands and configuration files that relate to
swap files and partitions.
If you tell the kernel that your system has more memory than
it really has --- you'll almost certainly crash, almost
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<A NAME="tag/48"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 48 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Accidental Deletion</H3>
<p><strong>From cly on Mon, 25 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
Accidental Deletion
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
I used:
<tt>gzip -cr * &gt; file.gz</tt>
Then I deleted the source...
Now I have a file.gz, but how can I get back the files and the directory
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Basically there is no way (short of deep magic with a
hex editor --- which is beyond my current skills(*)).
* (I used to do data recovery for the
Peter Norton Group using DiskEdit on MS-DOS/FAT
filesystems. However, I've never developed those
skills on ext2 filesystems and the available
interactive tools don't seem to be as advanced
as the versions of MUSE and DE that I used to
So, I'd say that you'll have to use your most recent
backups or recreate the files from scratch. Certainly
you can look at the "Ext2fs Undeletion mini-HOWTO" at
<A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/mini/Ext2fs-Undeletion.html"
for some suggestions.
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<H3 align="left"><img src="./../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>TCP/IP SACK Support: When? Now!</H3>
<p><strong>From Alan Richard on Fri, 22 Jan 1999
<!-- ::
TCP/IP SACK Support: When? Now!
:: -->
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Upon further investigation, I see that the 2.1.90 and later kernels have
implemented RFCs 2018 and 1323. I found this on the
<a href="http://www.psc.edu/networking/perf_tune.html"
Thanks anyway,
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
Thanks for following up some quickly with the
answer to your own question. I was going to have
to hunt through kernel sources and the kernel
mailing list if I was going to answer this one.
To give you and idea of just how ugly that would be
let me ask:
What is the TCP/IP SACK feature?
What does it do?
Why do we need/want it?
It the Linux implementation any better or
worse than others? (Or is it some feature
where you pretty much either have it or
you don't and there is no "better" or "worse")?
<P><STRONG><IMG SRC="./../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" ALT="(?)"
Alan Richard wrote:
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM><BlockQuote>
Hey AnswerGuy,
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
Do you know anyone with a good implementation of SACK for Linux? I'm
running RedHat Linux 2.0.36. I've searched the web a bit under TCP,
SACK, and RFC 2018, and have yet to find any patch available for
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
My officemate, Mark Allman, is the co-chair of the IETF TCP
Implementation Working Group. He says that SACK and Large Windows (RFC
1323) are now the standard for TCP, with Windows98 and Sun 2.6 having
them already implemented. Where is the Linux community with respect to
implementing these? (Mark would like to know, too.)
<P><STRONG><FONT COLOR="#000066"><EM>
<!-- sig -->
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h4>&quot;Linux Gazette...<i>making Linux just a little more fun!</i>&quot; </h4>
<p align="center"><!--===================================================================--> </p>
<h1 align="center"><font color="maroon">Creating A Linux Certification Program, Part 4</font></h1>
<h4 align="center">By <a href="mailto:dyork@lodestar2.com">Dan York</a></h4>
<p>As the community effort to develop a Linux certification effort matures, we need <strong>your</strong>
help to move the process to the next level. It seems hard to believe that it's only been
four months since the <a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue33/york.html">October LG
article</a> that launched this particular initiative. In that time, we have gathered
together over 120 people interested in developing the certification program, joined
together with another group that was working on certification since the spring of 1998 and
have moved the whole process along quite far. (See my <a
href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue34/york.html">November</a> and <a
href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue35/york.html">December</a> articles for a history
of the process.)&nbsp; This month's article will address:
<li><a href="#New Web Site">New web sites</a> ----- <a href="http://www.linuxinstitute.org/">http://www.linuxinstitute.org/</a>
&nbsp; and&nbsp; <a href="http://www.linuxtraining.org/">http://www.linuxtraining.org/</a>
<li><a href="#Revised Mission Statement">Revised mission statement</a></li>
<li><a href="#Logo Contest">Logo contest</a></li>
<li><strong><a href="#How You Can Help">How you can help</a></strong></li>
<h2><a name="New Web Site">New Web Sites</a></h2>
<p>This month we are pleased to announce a new web site describing our proposed
certification program:</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="http://www.linuxinstitute.org/">http://www.linuxinstitute.org/</a>
<p>Please visit the web pages, read about the program we are proposing, and jump on board
to help us out!</p>
<p>Credit for the site (and thanks!) is due to <a href="mailto:evan@starnix.com">Evan
Leibovitch</a> who set up the site, established the domain name, and is serving as our
<p>I also have updated a web site I established a few months ago to provide a central
listing of Linux training resources at:</p>
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="http://www.linuxtraining.org/">http://www.linuxtraining.org/</a>
<p>If you are a training provider, courseware vendor, or independant instructor, please
visit that site and submit a listing so that I may include you on the list.</p>
<h2><a name="Revised Mission Statement">Revised Mission Statement</a></h2>
<p>After much discussion, we have arrived at a mission statement that defines the goal of
our certification effort:</p>
<font COLOR="#000066"><i>We believe in the need for a standardized, multi-national, and
respected program to certify levels of individual expertise in Linux. This program must be
able to satisfy the requirements of Linux professionals, as well as organizations which
would employ or contract them. </I></font> </blockquote>
<blockquote> <font color="#000066"><I>
Our goal is to design and deliver such a program from within the Linux community, using
both volunteer and hired resources as necessary. We resolve to undertake a
well-considered, open, disciplined development process, leading directly to the
establishment of a recognized and widely-endorsed Linux certification body.</i></font>
<p>Thanks are due to Evan, Chuck Mead, Tom Peters and a number of other individuals who
hashed this out on the linux-cert mailing list.</p>
<h2><a name="Logo Contest">Logo Contest</a></h2>
<p>As part of our effort to build this new web site, we are sponsoring a contest for a
logo for our project. Several entries have already been received. Please visit <a
if you have an interest in creating a graphic for the site.</p>
<h2><a name="How You Can Help">How You Can Help</a></h2>
<p>We need you!&nbsp; If we are to pull off a program of this size and scale as a
community effort, we need the help of everyone who may be interested in having a
professional certification program for Linux.&nbsp; Whether you have a large or small
amount of time to help... whether you are a Linux &quot;guru&quot; or a
&quot;newbie&quot;... you <strong>can</strong> help make this program a reality!</p>
<p>To help out, you need to join one or more of our <a
href="http://www.linuxinstitute.org/tli/involved.html">mailing lists</a>.&nbsp; Before you
decide how you can help, please read about our proposed <a
href="http://www.linuxinstitute.org/tli/program.html">program</a> (which has been arrived
at over the past four months of discussions) and the <a
href="http://www.linuxinstitute.org/tli/structure.html">structure</a> we are building to
move the whole process forward.&nbsp; I would suggest you also browse the <a
href="http://www.linuxcare.com/linux-cert/archive">archive</a> of our linux-cert mailing
list to understand the discussions we've had to date.</p>
<p>After reading our information, please plunge on in, join a list (or lists) and help us
<hr WIDTH="100%">
<h2>Final Thoughts</h2>
<p>It's been an exciting time for us all. We've had some great debates and argued many
philosophical and practical points. We have a lot more to do - and will doubtless have
many more debates ahead of us.&nbsp; But above all, it's been a very professional group of
people focused on getting a program accomplished!&nbsp; The market has changed, too. There
is no longer a question of <em>should</em> a Linux certification exist (which our group
never debated - we have only asked for people to be involved if they want to see a
certification program happen), but rather <em>who</em> will define that certification
program.&nbsp; Will it evolve out of the community?&nbsp; Or will it be specified by a
vendor or distributor?&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>We believe it should come from the community and we
hope you will join us in that effort!</em></p>
<p>Please join us on the list(s) and let's make this happen!</p>
<P> <HR> <P>
<h4 align="center">Previous ``Linux Certification'' Columns</h4>
<a HREF="../issue33/york.html">Linux Certification Part #1, October 1998</a><br>
<a HREF="../issue34/york.html">Linux Certification Part #2, November 1998</a><br>
<a HREF="../issue35/york.html">Linux Certification Part #3, December 1998</a>
<h5 align="center">Copyright &copy; 1999, Dan York <br>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</h5>
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<H1><font color="maroon">Dispelling the Kernel Compiling Myth</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:jfm2@club-internet.fr">Jean Francois Martinez</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
<P><BR><I>"Thou hast to recompile thee kernel".</I>
<P>This antique curse has been thrown on every Linux newcomer since the
birth of Linux. Unfortunately as long as kernel recompiling is deemed a
necessary part of a Linux installation it will be impossible to spread
Linux between non-nerds. In this article we will make a detailed analysis
of the performance increases one can expect of kernel compiling.
Memory savings</H2>
"Thanks to kernel recompiling you can free your installation kernel of
much unneeded bloat. You also should compile permanently used modules in
the kernel for additional savings. A leaner kernel will make your computer
faster thanks to reducing paging".
<BR>Let's quantify this.
<P>To begin with we will see module compiling. Compiling a module in the
kernel will save a little more than 2K per module: 2K due to page alignment
and a small bit of code for the loading, unloading of the module. Now,
despite being a module fanatic I never managed to be in a situation with
more than ten modules loaded, but let's imagine you have 20 modules loaded
and all of them are needed permanently so you recompile them in the kernel.
You would save 40K of memory, that is 0.5% of the memory of an 8 Meg computer.
<P>Now we will look at benefits of a lean kernel. When Matt Welsh wrote
his books kernel recompiling was undoubtedly necessary. It was not uncommon
to be able to save above 1.5 Megs of memory and your average computer had
8 Megs of RAM. Thus recompiling would increase memory available from 5.5
to 7 Megs that is a 27% increase.
<BR>But people failed to notice that Linux has gone modular and computers
got more memory. Today most distributions ship modular kernels so recompiling
will get benefits much smaller than in 1995. As an example I tested recompiling
the kernel shipped in RedHat 5.2 with everything unneeded thrown out and
modularizing everything else when it was possible. The boot messages (that
is before loading of any module) showed I had saved a mere 400K. In addition
today even low end computers have 32 Megs of RAM that means that recompiling
your kernel will increase your available memory of only 1.25%
<P>It is possible to write a specially designed program who will not do
a single page fault with N Megs of memory and thrash horribly if you reduce
it by a single page. However in normal situations a 1.25% increase in memory
available will make little difference. There ARE still a couple distributions
who ship kernels good for little else outside installation: huge kernels
lacking essential features so recompiling is not a performance issue but
a requirement. Now consider what happens if a small company without a full-time
guru needs a firewall. Its expert is good for little else short of starting
Word. If he stumbles upon a distribution with one of those broken kernels
he will fail and will end recommending NT.
<P>Most modern distribs (Caldera, Suse, RedHat and their clones) ship fully-featured
kernels and in addition kernel recompiling will produce no appreciable
speed increase due to memory savings: they are good enough out of the box.
Only a couple of "hackeristic" distribs will force you to recompile the
kernel. But for the good of Linux you should ask the maintainers to fix
them instead of supplying for their deficiencies. YOU can recompile but
your neighbour cannot and he will choose NT.
Evaluating CPU speedups due to recompiling</H2>
"Recompiling will allow you to build a faster kernel because you will be
able to compile for the right CPU".
<P>Again let's quantify this. Linux performs a number of optimizations
for CPU type but most of them are performed at execution time and don't
depend on compiling options. For one part we will quantify the influence
due to alternative portions of code being compiled and we will also take
a look at the influence of compilation options in the code generated by
Effect of the ifdefs</H3>
If you take a look at the source code of the 2.0 kernel you will notice
only two portions of code whose inclusion depends on CPU type. The first
one is related to selective invalidation of TLB entries and the second
one is related to the way used for swapping bytes. In both cases the choice
is 386 versus everything else. There was a third portion of code who depended
on CPU time: the way blocks of memory were copied: the fastest way for
386 and PPros, Pentim IIs is slightly sub-optimal on 486s and much slower
on plain Pentiums. However this optimization has been disabled and now
whatever CPU you have blocks of memory are copied the 386-PPro-PII way.
Effect of byte swapping</H4>
Byte swapping takes place in two cases: header info when trading packets
through a network with a different endian machine and addressing info for
SCSI peripherals. In both cases the content (eg what you write to an SCSI
disk) is not changed. The only effect is on headers/control info and that
is only a minimal part of the CPU time spent for networking/SCSI activity
so it has no noticeable effect on performance.
Effects of selective invalidation of TLB</H4>
We will explain some basics about VM and address translation. When given
an address the CPU will first look into a page directory, and later into
a page table in order to translate the virtual address into a real address
before being able to access the data. That means a threefold slowdown because
there are three accesses to memory instead of one. In fact it could be
much more than that in case the page table entries are in slow regular
RAM while the real data is in the much faster cache. To avoid this the
CPU keeps a list of the last accessed pages and of their translations into
an internal ultra-fast memory called the TLB (translation lookaside buffer).
Now suppose the kernel wants to unmap a page belonging to a process, it
will modify the page tables but the problem is they are no longer in sync
with the TLB so if the CPU finds the adress in TLB it will not look at
the page tables and will use the wrong data. Therefore the kernel needs
to tell the CPU to avoid using the TLB entry, but 386s don't support selective
invalidation of TLB entries so the kernel invalidates the whole TLB. Now
the kernel you get with your distribution has to be able to work with 386s
as well as newer processors so they are compiled to use total TLB invalidation
and that means if you are using a newer processor you lose the benefits
of selective invalidation.
<P>Let's look now at the circumsatnces where selective TLB invalidation
has a significant effect and let's quantify the slow down.
<BR>First of all if the kernel unmaps a page and then handles control to
another process it will reload CR3 and that will cause a total TLB invalidation
(different processes have entirely different mappings) so you get any benefit
only if control is handled back to the same process either immediately
or after some time in kernel mode. Also consider that time wasted due to
entire TLB invalidation is some microseconds while disk IO takes 10 milliseconds
in best case that is one thousand times more. That means in case there
is disk IO following this unmapping (due to swap out) benefits would be
<P>In fact about the only case where selective TLB will be meaningful would
be in the following scenario: process frees memory so the kernel will invalidate
TLB, it handles control to the same process and then the process scans
a large array doing only a single access for every entry, then just when
the TLB is fully reloaded, it unmaps memory again, new TLB invalidation,
kernel gives back control again and then the process scans the same array
entries. Highly theorical and don't forget that during the second pass
page entries will be in cache so address translation will be much faster
and this will reduce benefits got due to selective TLB invalidation.
<P>Let's evaluate what happens in a normal process. We will arbitrarily
assume this process runs for one tick (10 ms) after the unmapping.&nbsp;
For everything else we will take the worst case.&nbsp; The slower the memory
the more costly is translation so we will assume this computer uses 60
ms DRAM instead of SDRAM. The larger the TLB the bigger the benefits of
selective invalidation so we will choose a CPU with a big TLB in our case
it will be an AMD K6 model 7: it has a 64 entry TLB for code pages and
a 128 entry TLB for data pages. We will also assume that we never find
nor page table entries nor page directory entries in cache (the later is
very irrealistic because a single directory entry is used every 4 Megs
of address space) so every translation will need 2x60=120 ns so the complete
refilling of the TLB needs 120 ns * 192 TMB entries = 23 microseconds.
Because we assumed the process would be running for a whole tick that means
the slowdown due to address translation is only 0.2 per cent.
Effects of tuning GCC options</H3>
Precise measuring of kernel timing is quite difficult, in addition the
kernel is a mix of C and assembler. What will we do will be to recompile
the Byte benchmark using GCC with the same flags used in 2.0 kernels
both for 386s (the one used for native kernels in distributions) and for
Pentiums and above (486 is an intermediary case). However those benchmarks
will give us a good idea, with perhaps a bias towards overestimation because
the Byte benchmarks are pure C so the compiler gains will be felt in full
while the kernel is a mix of C and assembler the later being unaffected
by compiler optimizations.
<BR>The benchmarks were run in two computers: a Pentium 75 and an AMD K6-300.
The Pentium tuned test was effectively faster than the 386 tuned test ...
by a mere 1.8% on the P75, about the same in the AMD. The conclusions to
be drawn is that GCC 2.7 for the x86 family has little model-dependent
optimizations nor are the alignment optimizations particularly effective.
Those paltry TWO percent (rounded UP) is all you get when you listen to
the words of wisdom dispensated in magazines.
<P>If you are an expert and have a spare machine for experimenting then
you could try recompilings using more agressive optimizations than the
standard -O2 or using a better compiler than gcc 2.7 like egcs or pgcc.
However be warned that all 2.0 kernels until 2.0.35 and possibly 2.0.36
have some bugs who will break the kernel with any other compiler than gcc
2.7 (they work due to gcc 2.7 bugs). Also be wary about some optimizations
like loop-unrolling who according to egcs or pgcc doc were never thorougly
tested be in gcc, egcs or pgcc and that egcs and pgcc are not as well tested
as gcc (egcs 1.0 was notorious for its FP bugs). Given these warnings there
is a 7% speed difference between the Byte benchmarks compiled with -O6
and loop-unrolling against plain -O2. So playing with compiler and compiler
flags is an interesting possibility if you are an expert: it could help
the kernel developpers to determine what are the more agresive optimizations
who don't break the kernel. If you are not an expert then don't lose sleep
about this.&nbsp; The problem is that only a small part of the time spent
by your program will be spent executing those parts of kernel code affected
If your program spends 90% of its CPU time in user mode then kernel optimizations
will be hardly felt.</LI>
Compiler optimizations will have no effect whenever the kernel runs parts
written in assembler.</LI>
Many kernel-intensive processes are in fact IO-bound: the CPU waits for
the peripheral. That means that if there is only one active process the
kernel will end its job earlier and will wait a bit longer until the disk
is ready. In that case you will get any benefit only if you have two active
processes: the speed increase in the kernel will allow running the other
process until it gets the answer of the peripheral.</LI>
Consider also that there are some peripherals (notoriously some broken
IDE disks) who force the kernel to enter active loops until it gets the
answer of the peripheral.&nbsp;&nbsp; That means that recompiling your
kernel will only affect the number of times the kernel executes the loop.</LI>
Two cases were the kernel spends time doing pure CPU are pipe data transfers
and disk reading when data is found in cache. This should benefit from
tuning the compiler flags were it not that data transfer is done in assembler
and will not be affected by compiler magic.</LI>
Now remember that if your process spends only 10% of its time in kernel
parts written in C then recompiling the kernel with a&nbsp; compiler generating
30% faster code will only provide a 3% speed increase in the overall performance.
<P>Kernel recompiling&nbsp; for your specific processor gives only a minimal
CPU boost when the kernel version is 2.0 and the processor is a 1998 or
earlier model of the i386 architecture.&nbsp;&nbsp; This could change in
future versions of Linux or when using newer processors.
Advice and conclusions</H2>
Kernel compiling is not presently an effective way to optimize a Linux
box. Don't do it if it frightens you. At most, because it is easy and relatively
safe, prepare a rescue floppy, ensure you can boot from it and then recompile
changing only two things: processor type and disable FPU emulation if you
have one (do a cat /proc/cpuinfo if you don't know). With most distributions
you will get exactly the same drivers your distribution kernel was compiled
(keep a backup of the original modules just in case).
<P>Kernel compiling has been seen as the panacea for Linux optimization.
Unfortunately this doesn't resist serious analysis. It also has two serious
drawbacks. First it is poor public relations for spreading Linux between
normal people. Second this has sterilized investigation of more effective
Some broken IDE disks absorb 90% of CPU time when data tranfer is taking
place, tuning them with hdparms can reduce this to 20%.&nbsp; But tuning
hdparms is very dangerous and everyone who has used has suffered massive
data corruption at least once. Never use it unless you can backup your
disks or perform your tests having a single partition mounted and that
one being expendable.&nbsp; But if half the energy who has been spent in
kernel compiling had been spent on hdparms we would have a data base specifying
what settings can be safely used according to disk and chipset model.</LI>
Little has been written about to the placement of swap partitions, however
smart placement of them can shorten the moves of the disk arm. In addition
if you have two or more disks you can play with swap partition priorities
in order to get your pages being spread evenly between two disks thus doubling
transfer rate. You can also try placing your partition in a different disk
than Linux itself.</LI>
Your kernel can be tuned by writing in files under /proc/sys. Problem is
we have had little experimentation for finding the right values. In fact
few people know about this. Again emphasis on kernel compiling has precluded
serious investigation about it.</LI>
The people advocating other solutions will&nbsp; use kernel compiling as
an argument against Linux.&nbsp;&nbsp; Let's kill this myth.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Jean Francois Martinez <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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<H1><font color="maroon">Free Philosophy: Part I</font></H1>
<H2>The Beauty of Doubt</H2>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:jwp@awod.com">J. W. Pennington</a></H4>
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Nearly every article that I have read in The Linux Gazette has
been technical and/or practical, so let me apologize if this
seems a bit "off topic." I am primarily an anthropologist, and as
such have always been a bit more inclined to write about things
more generally. Instead of the technical and practical, I want to
wax philosophic for a bit on the subject of free software
in general, and the Linux kernel in particular by "porting" a bit
of my philosophy of life to the computer. I have tried to write
these articles for both the newcomers to the Free Software
Community (FSC) as well as for those who have been around a lot
than I. I will not waste time on the definition of free software
except to say that it is <I>free</I> as in <I>freedom</I>. For a
definition, I would have the reader visit the <A
HREF="http://www.gnu.org">GNU/Free Software Foundation</A>
website. The few facts that I intend to present will only be news
to those unfamiliar with free software, while the philosophy- at
least as seen from my vantage- will probably be new to all. My
idea is to present what for the lack of a better term I call The
Four Cornerstones to the Foundation of Free Software. These are
the four main things that I consider vital to the Free Software
Movement (FSM) in general, and to the Linux kernel in particular.
They are, in no particular order: <B>Doubt, cooperation,
non-control</B> (read: Freedom), and <B>rebellion</B>. I have
chosen to break these up into a series, because it would be a bit
long as one article. In each case, I will give an explanation of
what I mean by the idea and an example of how it pertains to the
FSM. I also offer the opportunity for discussion/argumentation if
anyone cares to explore "Free Philosophy" further. To those few I
invite the use of my email address at the beginning of these
The first cornerstone that I will discuss is that of <I>
doubt.</I> It is a very powerful and useful word, unfortunately,
doubt has gotten a bad rap for no-good reason. When one thinks of
doubt, they are almost certainly consumed with thoughts of lies,
fear, and uncertainty. It is a dark word, and one that we rarely
use in association with someone or something that we love. This
is wrong. I believe that doubt, often pure, serious doubt, is
absolutely necessary for any true love and exploration of a
subject. I also think that if it were not for doubt- and the
admission of self-doubt- we wouldn't have free software.
The FSC has a large share of doubt, and this has been one of its
main strengths. We doubt that software will work properly, we
doubt that it will work at all. We doubt that the code was
written efficiently, we doubt that it couldn't be better. Most
importantly we doubt that we, ourselves, have written it the best
way it could have been written. This doubt, about our product and
about ourselves, is the main strength of all free software. Do
not misunderstand me on this point. I am in no way suggesting
that we are "suspicious" of every program that we use, or that we
build binaries expecting them to fail. What I <I>am</I>
suggesting is that we do not consider the program "complete," in
the sense that the code is unable to be improved or changed.
I'll give you two scenarios to illustrate my point:
<B>Scenario one:</B> I'm a guy who has been programming since I
was twelve. I <I>know</I> that I'm a damn good (if a bit
arrogant) coder. One day I finish a <I>big</I> program that is my
masterpiece. I cried when I compiled this baby. Hell, I almost
got divorced because of it! I have no doubt in my mind that this
program is perfect! I would immediately punch anybody who said
otherwise. So I market it. I box the binary and I ship it,
knowing that I'm going to be the next Bill Gates. Soon, I find
out that I <I>am</I> the next Bill Gates, after a fashion. My
program locks computers from here to New Jersey. Not all of them,
mind you, but enough to hurt sales and make people wonder. The
bad thing is that I can't figure out why. <I>Certain</I> people
didn't like it in the first place because it's <I>big.</I> Now,
nobody want's it because it's big <I>and</I> buggy. Even though I
tested the hell out of that program.
What I don't know is that some geek in Indiana has figured it
out. He has two computers, and the program only crashes on one.
It's the Pentium II with the BX chipset on the motherboard. It
also crashes his friends LX chipset computer. I have a Pentium
Pro, but everyone wants a Pentium II these days, and they all
want that extra speed on the board. Suddenly people start
realizing that my product (and probably my programming) isn't
worth its salt. My masterpiece has failed.
<B>Scenario two:</B> Same guy, same program, same long fight with
his wife. Is very sure that his program is perfect, but has just
enough doubt (read: wisdom) to know that there is always somebody
better. He has just enough doubt to realize that a program can be
written in so many ways that his chances of using the best one in
this situation are not 100% and his chances of using the only
good one for <I>every</I> situation are pretty near 0%. So he
offers his product as free software. He gives everyone the right
to use it and modify it, hoping that no-one <I>needs</I> too, but
knowing that many will do so anyway. Unfortunately, the program
creates a nightmare for him by crashing every computer from here
to New Jersey. In this scenario, however, there's a geek in
Indiana who figures out the problem <I>and</I> writes a patch.
Within weeks the patch has fixed the problem, and within months
his program is ported to Alphas and Macs, something that he
didn't even consider. His program is a success because he
realized that he wasn't the one and only "God of programming." He
had just enough doubt to temper his delusions of perfection.
Granted, this is a very simplistic situation, but it does
highlight my main point. A lack of doubt, in every situation in
life, leads to problems. Admission of doubt allows the
possibility of another option, it is an opening, of sorts, to
different ideas. To have absolutely <I>no</I> doubt is to become
fanatical, and when one becomes fanatical, all options- all
doors- close. All possibilities for change, or consideration of
other methods are destroyed. Ironically, the fanatic's love for a
subject eventually becomes its downfall. In the long term, and
more radical situations, the very subject of the fanaticism is
itself destroyed, because all thought that improvement or change
could even be <I>necessary</I> are anathema to the fanatic's
beliefs. Eventually, the subject of the fanaticism becomes
something wholly different, and often counter, to its original
It's easy to see this closing of doors, options, and thought by
looking at the worlds of politics and religion. It is also easy
to see by looking at the world of proprietary software. Corel
recently released its version of WordPerfect 8 for Linux, and has
since been touting that the Linux community has a "desire for
proprietary software," both on it's website and in the press. The
company is so sure that its product is perfect, that it is just
what the Linux community wants, that it was patting itself on the
back just days after the program's release. I can only assume,
knowing what I know about people and bureaucracy, that it laughs
at any notion that the majority of the Linux community could
possibly be silly enough to consider its program <I>big and
buggy, </I> despite all the evidence to the contrary. The fact
that, in the Linux community, "proprietary" is often a derogatory
word, has never crossed their minds. My prediction is that they
will continue to measure their "success" by the number of
downloads, and not by the number of people who continue to use it
on a regular basis. I suspect that many (myself included)
downloaded it and almost immediately discontinued its use. The
likelihood of a decrease in users is increasing because of good
free software word processing programs and the continued growth
in the appreciation of existing ones such as Emacs.
The FSC keeps doors open by holding on to that most important
resource: Doubt. We are never happy or completely certain that
something is "perfect," or that no-one else is able to improve on
something. If it works, it is used and respected, but if someone,
anyone, thinks that they could improve it- that's admired. We are
also protected from the follies of proprietary software in
another way. In the world of free software, KISS is the name of
the game. The idea is often to Keep It Small and Simple (or my
preferred version, Keep It Simple, Stupid). Here, the doubt is
that a program that is a behemoth, with a lot of unnecessary
fluff, is better than a small one which performs the same
function, often more reliably. This is inherent protection from
the delusions of grandeur that taint so many proprietary
programs. Free software tends to keep its feet on the ground,
instead of becoming the bloated dreams of a few hungry
Netscape recently learned of some of the benefits of the Free
Software Movement when it released its code. Apparently, within
days (perhaps hours) there was a group of Australian hackers who
improved the code, increasing its security. This event was not
only good for Netscape users, who have benefited from the
increased security, but to Netscape as well. The company now has
a better product to offer the consumers. The free software method
offers a no-lose situation, and it guarantees success. The reason
for this is the next cornerstone that I will be discussing:
Cooperation. I will return next month to expound on that idea
from the vantage point of my favorite linux soapbox.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, J. W. Pennington <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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(c)1997, 1998 Michael J. Hammel (mjhammel@graphics-muse.org)
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<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOSAVE><img SRC="../gx/hammel/gm-logo-3.jpg" height=169 width=400></td>
<br><b><font size=+1>muse:</font></b>
<i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>v; to become absorbed in
<i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>n; [ fr. Any of the nine
sister goddesses of learning and the arts in Greek Mythology ]: a source
of inspiration</font></font></i></li>
<center><font size=-2>&copy; 1999 by <a href="mailto:mjhammel@graphics-muse.org">mjh</a></font></center>
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<td WIDTH="187" NOSAVE><img SRC="../gx/hammel/muse-image-map.jpg" ALT="Button Bar" USEMAP="#nav-main" height=200 width=185 align=LEFT></td>
<br><img SRC="../gx/hammel/w.gif" ALT="W" height=28 width=36 align=BOTTOM><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>elcome
to the Graphics Muse! Why a "muse"? Well, except for the sisters aspect,
the above definitions are pretty much the way I'd describe my own interest
in computer graphics: it keeps me deep in thought and it is a daily source
of inspiration.&nbsp;</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>[<a href="#mews">Graphics
Mews</a>][<a href="#webwonderings">WebWonderings</a>][<a href="#musings">Musings</a>][<a href="#rsrc">Resources</a>]</font></font></center>
<p><img SRC="../gx/hammel/t.gif" ALT="T" height=28 width=26><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>his
column is dedicated to the use, creation, distribution, and discussion
of computer graphics tools for Linux systems.</font></font></td>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>This is a short issue of
the 'Muse.&nbsp; I'm in the process of moving from Dallas to Denver so
life has been rather hectic.&nbsp; But I didn't want to completely skip
this month since last month was lost due to my hard disk crash in November.&nbsp;
Details, details, details.&nbsp; I&nbsp;should have a few more articles
next month.&nbsp; In the meantime, you can check out an interview I did
originally for the December issue:</font></font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>An Interview with Michael Sweet,
author of the Print Plug-In for the GIMP.</font></font></li>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><a NAME="mews"></a><img SRC="../gx/hammel/mews.jpg" height=50 width=245>
<table BORDER=0 COLS=3 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >
<td><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Other Announcements:</font></font></b></td>
<td><a href="mews.html#r-0.6.32">R 0.63.2</a></td>
<td><a href="mews.html#irtc-cdrom">IRTC CDROM (Year Two)</a></td>
<td NOSAVE><a href="mews.html#mesa-xfree">Mesa to be integrated with XFree86</a></td>
<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOSAVE><a href="mews.html#dc20">dc20 1.0</a></td>
<td NOSAVE><a href="mews.html#imagemagick">ImageMagick 4.1.8</a></td>
<td ALIGN=CENTER NOSAVE><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&lt;
<a href="mews.html">More
Mews</a> ></font></font></td>
<td WIDTH="1" NOSAVE></td>
<td NOSAVE><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>Disclaimer</b>:
Before I get too far into this I should note that any of the news items
I post in this section are just that - news. Either I happened to run across
them via some mailing list I was on, via some Usenet newsgroup, or via
email from someone. I'm not necessarily endorsing these products (some
of which may be commercial), I'm just letting you know I'd heard about
them in the past month.</font></font></td>
<hr NOSHADE WIDTH="100%"></td>
<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">CGM Viewer Applet 1.0</font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">&nbsp;&nbsp; <font size=-1>Alexander Larsson&nbsp;</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><font color="#CC6600">CgmVA</font></b>
is an applet that shows CGM files. CGM is a non-proprietary well known
vectorgraphics file format. The user can zoom and scroll around the viewed
image. CgmVA is scriptable with JavaScript. You can control up to 16 layers
with several images in each layer. The images can be magnified and moved
by the script or be controlled by the user with the mouse.&nbsp;</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Changes: text path supported,
full support for character orientation and alignment, all line types, all
marker types.</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.online.de/home/bdaum/howto.htm">http://www.online.de/home/bdaum/howto.htm</a></font></font></td>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Graphics Muse Tools 0.1</font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">&nbsp;&nbsp; <font size=-1>Michael J.
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The <b><font color="#CC6600">Graphics
Muse Tools</font></b> are a collection of plug-ins, brushes, and patterns
for use with the GNU Image Manipulation Program, more commonly known as
the GIMP. The 0.1 release provides three plug-ins. ArrowGFX for creating
arrows and pointers of varying types, CardGFX for creating business and
greeting cards and TransGFX which is an alternative interactive rotation
transform tool.&nbsp; Additionally, a collection of new brushes has been
included. A set of patterns will be made available at a later date.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Download: <a href="http://www.graphics-muse.org/source/gfxmuse-0.1.tar.gz">http://www.graphics-muse.org/source/gfxmuse-0.1.tar.gz</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Homepage: <a href="http://www.graphics-muse.org/sw/sw.html">http://www.graphics-muse.org/sw/sw.html</a></font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">tgif 4.0.9</font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica">&nbsp;&nbsp; <font size=-1>Bill Cheng</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><font color="#CC6600">tgif</font></b>
is a vector-based draw tool, with the additional benefit of being sort
of a web-browser. That is, you can fetch drawings from a web server with
it, and you can make objects in your picture into hotlinks to other parts
of the drawing, or to other drawings accessible via http.</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Homepage: <a href="http://bourbon.cs.umd.edu:8001/tgif/">http://bourbon.cs.umd.edu:8001/tgif/</a></font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">LibGGI 2.0 BETA1 (the Degas release)</font></b>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>LibGGI 2.0 BETA1 is finally
out.&nbsp; LibGGI has been split into a library doing generic input handling
called LibGII, and the "traditional" LibGGI, which takes care for handling
graphical output to virtually anything used to display graphics on Linux
or Unix in general.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="ftp://ftp.ggi-project.org/pub/ggi/ggi/2_0_beta_1">ftp://ftp.ggi-project.org/pub/ggi/ggi/2_0_beta_1</a></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>For those who don't yet know,
what LibGGI is about and why you want it as well:&nbsp; LibGGI is an attempt
to unify all those graphical output systems that exist on Unix with possible
ports to other systems as well.</font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Script-Fu Web site</font></b><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Introducing http://www.script-fu.org
A resource for Gimp's Script-Fu programmers. Includes lots of tips on how
to use script-fu, including how to run a script directly from within GNU
Emacs.</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>--Zachary Kessin</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.script-fu.org">http://www.script-fu.org</a></font></font>
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<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Accelerated-X new support, laptops,
graphics chips, Multihead</font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Jeremy Chatfield &lt;<a href="mailto:jdc@xig.com">jdc@xig.com</a>></font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Xi Graphics has recently
provided updates adding support for new laptops, new multihead boards and
graphics boards or correcting problems in previous support.&nbsp; Updates
may be applied to any Accelerated-X 4.1.2 Server on supported operating
systems (BSD/OS, FreeBSD, INTERACTIVE, Linux, Open Server, Solaris/x86).</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Accelerated-X (AX) for Intel
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>URL <a href="ftp://ftp.xig.com/pub/updates/accelx/desktop/4.1.2/intel">ftp://ftp.xig.com/pub/updates/accelx/desktop/4.1.2/intel</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
D4102.028 Number 9 Revolution IV FPD + SGI 1600SW FPD</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
D4102.027 ATI update</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
D4102.026 Matrox Millennium G200 PCI/SDRAM</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Accelerated-X (PX) for Alpha
processors (Red Hat 5.2)</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>URL<a href=" ftp://ftp.xig.com/pub/updates/accelx/desktop/4.1.2/alpha-processor">
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
P4102.001 Matrox Millennium G200 PCI/SDRAM</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Accelerated-X Laptop (LX)
for Intel processors</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>URL <a href="ftp://ftp.xig.com/pub/updates/accelx/laptop/4.1.2">ftp://ftp.xig.com/pub/updates/accelx/laptop/4.1.2</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
L4102.021 Toshiba Satellite Pro 490XCDT (S3 ViRGE MX)</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
L4102.020 Cyrix MediaGX Laptop Mobo</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
L4102.019 IBM ThinkPad 770X (Trident Cyber 9397 DVD)</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Accelerated-X Multi-head
(MX) for Intel processors</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>URL <a href="ftp://ftp.xig.com/pub/updates/accelx/multihead/4.1.2">ftp://ftp.xig.com/pub/updates/accelx/multihead/4.1.2</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
M4102.008 Colorgraphics Predator 2/4 AGP (S3 Savage3D)</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
M4102.007 Matrox Quad Productiva G100 board</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Each update has a gzipped
tarchive and a text file describing the update and the update procedure.&nbsp;
The INDEX file in each product directory lists all updates and pre-requisite
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">Version 1.4 of PMR is released</font></b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The Poor Mans Renderer is
a free simple 3D rendering/editing tool for LINUX.</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&nbsp;</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The home page is <a href="http://borneo.gmd.de/AS/janus/new/pmr/pmr.html">http://borneo.gmd.de/AS/janus/new/pmr/pmr.html</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>There are several improvements
since Version 1.3</font></font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>rendering is approx 2 times
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>mesh smoothing is improved</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>there a FFD techniques to manipulate
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>several segmentation faults
and memory leacks have been fixed</font></font></li>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica">METRO EXTREME 3D - EARLY ACCESS RELEASE
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Holly Robinson &lt;<a href="mailto:holly@chickadee.metrolink.com">holly@chickadee.metrolink.com</a>></font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Metro Link proudly announces
the early access release of Metro Extreme 3D for graphics cards using a
single 3DLabs GLINT 500MX chip on a Linux/x86 operating system (glibc or
libc5).&nbsp; Metro Extreme 3D is an SGI-compliant port of OpenGL which
provides 3D hardware acceleration on specific cards.</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>This early access release,
as well as the upcoming official release of Metro Extreme 3D, will be a
free upgrade for all existing customers with a valid Metro OpenGL license.&nbsp;
In addition, anyone who purchases Metro OpenGL will automatically get the
official version of Metro Extreme 3D when it is released. Contact sales@metrolink.com
to get your free upgrade or to purchase a new license.</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Metro Link has created two
newsgroups for discussion of this product and its subsequent releases.&nbsp;
The public newsgroup is for customers and potential customers who want
to stay informed of product development.&nbsp; The other newsgroup is private,
for interaction with customers actually using the early access release
of Metro Extreme 3D.</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>To join the public newsgroup,
point your news reader to news.metrolink.com and look for metrolink.me3d.</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>To join the private newsgroup,
contact sales@metrolink.com to verify your original purchase of Metro OpenGL
and to receive a login and password required for participation in this
group.</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Metro Link's goal is to provide
the highest performance and most robust software to the Linux/UNIX community.&nbsp;
Metro Link provides mission critical X Window System and related software
for many Linux/UNIX platforms.&nbsp; Our software has been proven in the
Boeing 777, the Space Shuttle, the 767 AWACS, the Crusader Self-Propelled
Howitzer, the Army Land Warrior and many other applications which demand
high reliability.</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Metro Link Incorporated</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.metrolink.com">www.metrolink.com</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mailto:sales@metrolink.com">sales@metrolink.com</a></font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
-- Did You Know Section
Did You Know?</h2>
<blockquote>...you can find a set of gallery images and source files created
with AC3D at the <b><i><font color="#006600">User Pages for AC3D</font></i></b>
- <a href="http://www.eilers.net/ac3d/">http://www.eilers.net/ac3d/</a>
<p>...you can find an interesting bit of news from Ton Roosendaal on the
future of Blender on the <a href="http://goethe.bowtie.nl/cgi-bin/web-ssql/news-blender/shw_item.ws?di_id=3069">Blender
News and Chat </a>page.</blockquote>
-- Q and A Section
Q and A</h2>
<i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Q:&nbsp; OK, I have a large
picture open in GIMP, and have cut out a smaller frame, which is the picture
I want to save.&nbsp; But how can I save just the cut-out rectangle as
a new picture ?</font></font></i>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A:&nbsp; There a dozen ways
to do this.&nbsp; Heres an example:</font></font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Cut the region using CTRL-x.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Paste it back into the picture.&nbsp;
This creates a floating layer.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Turn the floating layer into
a new layer.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Delete the old layer.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Make the new layer the active
layer (if its not already) and use the Layer Menu's "Alpha to Selection"
option to select the whole layer.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Choose the Crop tool from the
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Click on the image window to
open the Crop Information dialog.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Select "Selection" in this dialog.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Select "Crop".</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>This leaves the originally cut
region as the complete image.&nbsp; Now just save the layer (or flatten
the image first if you prefer and have other layers to worry about) to
a file.</font></font>
<p><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Q:&nbsp; Regis Rampnoux
wrote:&nbsp; I have put an offer on my web pages to find a developper for
a driver for Epson Photo Stylus Color printer and other with 5 ink cartridges
like EX.</font></font></i>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A:&nbsp; Michael Sweet replied:&nbsp;
EPSON has released the information for 6-color printing so the next version
of the print plug-in for GIMP will support it.&nbsp; As for GhostScript/other
drivers, my company is in the process of porting our software to Linux
and may also do a FreeBSD port.</font></font>
<p><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Q:&nbsp; Any pointers/tutorials/utilities
for making fonts?</font></font></i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A:&nbsp; <b>xmbdfed</b> -
there is a link to a static binary for this at <a href="http://fonts.themes.org">fonts.themes.org</a>.</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Q:&nbsp; That program
creates pixmap fonts, but vector fonts? Anybody?</font></font></i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A:&nbsp; <b>spif</b> is a
vector editor, which is unfortunately not available.&nbsp; See <a href="http://www.gh.cs.su.oz.au/~matty/Spif/ ">http://www.gh.cs.su.oz.au/~matty/Spif/
</a>for info. Also, <b>gfonted</b> is available, but it doesn't do a whole
lot yet. See <a href="http://www.levien.com/gfonted/">http://www.levien.com/gfonted/
</a>for details.</font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Zachary Beane&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="mailto:xach@mint.net">xach@mint.net</a></font></font></blockquote>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
Reader Mail</h2>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mailto:Steve.Lesley@BigFoot.com">Steve.Lesley@BigFoot.com</a>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Re: <b>BTTV video capture
card setup?</b></font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I hope I have come
to the right place, I found an old article of yours with a reference to
the bttv video driver.&nbsp; I am fairly new to linux, but I do have a
background in computers.&nbsp; If I have the wrong person, please let me
know where I might find the answer to my question.</font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:&nbsp;
I don't have this card so haven't tried this yet, but I'll see what I can
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I have been trying
to install the bttv driver for a USRobotics BigPicture video capture card
which I hear will work, but it is not the hardware support I am asking
about.&nbsp; I have the source, a patch, and it says there is an application
for putting the captured video on the screen that comes with the bttv source.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I do a <i>make</i>,</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Then <i>make install.</i></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Now what?&nbsp; When and
how do I patch it, and isn't there supposed to be a&nbsp; kernel recompile
involved?&nbsp; There is no choice for installing the module in a <i>make
xconfig</i> now.</font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>&nbsp;
Patches are applied to the source prior to running "make".&nbsp; To apply
a patch you use the "patch" command, usually something like this:</font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>% patch &lt; patchfile</font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>where patchfile is the name
of the patch file.&nbsp; You usually have to be in the directory where
the source code is or (if there are multiple directories in the source
code distribution) in the top level directory.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>After applying the patch
you run "<i>make</i>".&nbsp; "<i>make install</i>" will (if the distribution
supports this) install the binaries in one of the common binary directories,
such as /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.&nbsp; Often you can specify where these
files will be installed either by editing the Makefile, a configuration
file of some kind (config.h for example) or specifying a command line option
if the distribution uses a "<i>configure</i>" script.&nbsp; It doesn't
sound like the <b><font color="#CC6600">bttv</font></b> distribution uses
configure since you didn't mention it.&nbsp; Also, it doesn't sound like
install </i>worked since the application didn't get built either.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>As to recompiling the kernel,
I doubt it.&nbsp; Linux supports loadable modules but not all drivers have
to be part of the kernel.&nbsp; A good example of this is the X server,
which drives graphics hardware but is not part of the kernel and is not
a loadable module.&nbsp; Chances are that the bttv driver has an application
that works with the driver to directly drive the video hardware without
kernel intervention.</font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The application
doesn't seem to have been automatically compiled.</font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>&nbsp;
It may have to be built seperately.&nbsp; Its hard to say without looking
at the distribution source directly.</font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Please help a newbie
try to get drivers up for his hardware.</font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>&nbsp;
Did the distribution come with a README or some other text file explaning
how to build it or at least how to contact the author(s)?&nbsp; You might
try contacting the author(s) if they gave their email or Web address.&nbsp;
If that doesn't work you might try a local Linux User Group (you can usually
find one via SSC's web pages @ <a href="http://www.ssc.com">www.ssc.com</a>
or <a href="http://www.linuxresources.com">www.linuxresources.com</a>).</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I plan on looking at this
and other video and TV cards for my Muse column but it won't be for a while.&nbsp;
Hope this helped a little.</font></font>
<hr NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><a NAME="webwonderings"></a><img SRC="../gx/hammel/webwonderings.jpg" height=57 width=246>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>No Web Wonderings this month.&nbsp;
I'm busy moving back to Denver and didn't have time to research anything
interesting.&nbsp; But I should have something for next month.</font></font>
<hr NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<p><a NAME="musings"></a>
<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="245" NOSAVE><img SRC="../gx/hammel/musings.jpg" height=50 width=245></td>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica">An Interview with Michael Sweet, author of
the Gimp Print Plug-In</font></h2>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Back in November, before my
hard disk disaster, I did an email interview with Michael Sweet.&nbsp;
Mike wrote the Print Plug-In for the Gimp and runs a software company,
Easy Software Products, that specializes in printing software for Unix
systems.&nbsp; Although I lost all the original emails with my hardware
failures Mike was able to forward me copies of all our discussions.&nbsp;
I think this means I may do all future interviews via email, just to be
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get involved with printers?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: Back before
I went to college I started fooling around with printing stuff on dot-matrix
printers (EPSON, Radio Shack, etc.) This eventually led to color printing
on an old HP DeskJet 500C and my second shareware program, "Image Master"
(not the PC version, this was for a Color Computer).</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Later I did a freeware program
for IRIX called "topcl"; it was about this time that I started a software
company (Easy Software Products) with a friend of mine to sell printing
and 3D modeling software.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I guess my motivation all
along has been to get what I have on the screen of my computer (pictures,
computer graphics, etc.) printed out.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
What can you tell us about the current printing solutions available for
Linux? How do the commercial solutions differ from using the stock "lpr"
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: The current
printing solutions are pretty primitive compared to the typical MacOS/Windows
environment. PostScript printers are pretty well supported, however accessing
specific printer features is usually difficult, if not impossible.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The standard print drivers
shipped with the commercial Linux distributions (Red Hat, etc.) support
printing of text and PostScript files. Support for non-PostScript printers
is limited to the available drivers for GhostScript.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Currently there is only 1
commercial printing solution that I know of - PostShop from Vividata (http://www.vividata.com).
Besides supporting PostScript and text files, they also support a number
of image file formats (JPEG, GIF, etc.) and PDF (Acrobat) files directly.
PostShop for Linux uses the Alladin GhostScript 5.10 drivers for non-PostScript
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Another commercial driver
package that will be available soon from my company is ESP Print. Like
Vividata, we support a lot of different printers and file formats. The
main difference is that we are also providing a new printing system that
replaces the existing system (typically LPD or LPRng) with the Common UNIX
Printing System (CUPS). CUPS uses the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP)
and supports printer browsing, making it network-friendly. Also, CUPS supports
job-specific options (something that LPD-based solutions do not) so that
you can select different media sizes, type, trays, etc.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
What is IPP and how does it relate to Linux?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: IPP is the Internet
Printing Protocol, which is slated to become the next network printing
standard. Vendors including Xerox, Hewlett Packard, and Microsoft are adding
IPP support in their next generation of products, so having IPP support
in Linux is important.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:
Are you familiar with the recent InfoWorld article announcing the Universal
Printer Driver Format (UPDF)? If so, what can you tell us about this and
how might it relate to Linux? (http://www.infoworld.com/cgi-bin/displayStory.pl?981024.ehprint.htm)</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: UPDF looks similar
to Adobe's PostScript Printer Description (PPD) specification, just extended
to support any printer language.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>It would be interesting if
they actually pull this off, however I know from experience that it will
be difficult for anything but "standard" printers (e.g. PostScript and
PCL). Most of the entry-level printers shipped these days use proprietary
command sets and many reduce the manufacturing costs by implementing printer
functions in software rather than hardware.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>As for Linux support, it's
too early to say...</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
Wow. Lots of new acronyms for us printing-novices. So how does IPP relate
to the use of UPDF or even PPD? It sounds like we'll be using IPP to send
printer description files to printers. Does this mean IPP is how we'll
talk to printers and UPDF is what we'll be saying?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: PPD and UPDF
control what a print driver or application will send to the printer while
IPP provides a standard protocol (via HTTP) for sending those jobs to a
networked printer or server. It is likely that an IPP printer or server
will provide the PPD or UPDF file to a printer driver or application via
HTTP, something like:</font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>http://myprinter.domain.com:631/printer.ppd</font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>or:</font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>http://myprinter.domain.com:631/printers/QueueName.ppd
[CUPS does this]</font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Keep in mind that PPD, UPDF,
and IPP are all separate entities and can operate independently. IPP, for
example, is currently only a network printing protocol and would not apply
to printers connected to a local port (e.g. parallel port).</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Also, a big question is how
a printer will be "discovered" on the network so drivers and applications
know to use the IPP protocol. Currently there are dozens of "standard"
protocols, known as Directory Services, for this kind of thing. IPP doesn't
mandate any particular directory service, and right now work is underway
to update SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), LDAP (Lightwight Directory
Access Protocol), and SLP (Service Location Protocol) to handle the needs
of IPP, specifically the URL/URIs to use for the printer. CUPS will be
using its own protocol until things settle down and we see which protocol(s)
are most commonly implemented.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
You wrote the Print Plug-In for the Gimp. What was your motivation for
doing this?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: When I started
using GIMP to retouch some of my photos, I noticed there wasn't a way to
print yet. I ended up adding support for most of the entry-level inkjets,
mostly because Linux user's didn't have any other option.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
Did it take you long to write the first version of the plug-in?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: It took about
4 days to get the first version up and running. The output was OK, but
the user interface left a lot to be desired. The current release amounts
to maybe 100 hours worth of work.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
What sort of problems did you encounter while writing the plug-in?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: The biggest
one (one that is still causing problems, in fact) is dealing with different
printing systems. Each UNIX vendor uses a different spooler, so I had to
put a lot of extra code in the plug-in to deal with it.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:
How do you see this plug-in evolving with the Gimp? Will there need to
be any major changes for the 1.2 release?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: GIMP 1.2 (and
the 1.1 development version) adds support for different color spaces and
resolutions. This will require quite a bit of "retooling" in the plug-in
to handle this. The new versions of GIMP will also support physical resolution
information, so if you're editing a 300 DPI image the print plug-in will
need to handle that for scaling...</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
I recently wrote a number of plug-ins, one of which could definitely use
a direct interface to the Print plug-in. Do you have any tips for plug-in
authors who would like to call the Print plug-in directly? Or do you recommend
this not be done?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: It can be done
through the PDB interface, however I would definitely use the interactive
mode of operation. The non-interactive mode prevents users from selecting
the printer and/or options they want.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
I noticed the margins in the Print dialog could only be set to 0 if you
use the PPI setting. Is that intentional or was it possibly user error?
I was trying to print a large document, 8.5"x11" at 360 DPI and didn't
want the print plug-in to add any margins on its own.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: That's intentional,
as it knows what the printable area is on the printer. If you have a so-called
"full bleed" printer, the print plug-in will allow you to scale to the
full size of the page.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:
Does the Print plug-in now, or will it in the future, work with the commercial
printing solutions?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: Yes, it already
works with any software that uses the lp/lpr spooler interface. A future
release of the plug-in will take advantage of printer information supplied
by CUPS as well.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:
What tips would you have for a novice user who is trying to decide on a
new printer? What should they look for?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: Before they
start looking they need to answer a few questions:</font></font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Do I want to print color?</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Do I want to print pages larger
than 8.5x11" (Letter) or 8.27x11.69" (A4)</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>How many pages will I print
in a month?</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>If you need (or want) to print
color, you'll normally only be looking at the InkJet printers from EPSON,
Canon, or HP. [FWIW, I've had problems with Canon inkjet printers, primarily
due to clogged heads]</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The easiest printers to connect
to a UNIX system are PostScript printers. These usually cost more than
non-PostScript printers, but don't forget to figure in the cost of driver
software with your choice.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:
Aren't most ink jets non-Postscript printers? I though Postscript printers
were all laser printers.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: There are a
number of PostScript inkjet printers; HP's DeskJet 1600CM and DesignJet
plotters have PostScript options, as well as inkjets from Tektronix, EPSON,
Calcomp, Xerox, etc.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>There are also a number of
PostScript printers using alternative technologies, like Tektronix's "solid
ink" based printers, dye-sub printers, and so forth.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>It's possible for *any* printer
to have built-in PostScript, however this generally raises the price of
a printer. You also have to be careful about how the PostScript capability
is implemented. For example, EPSON offers PostScript printing options for
their Stylus Color 800 through 3000 printers, however these are all software
RIPs and not built into the hardware of the printer. Only the Stylus Pro
5000 has a hardware RIP (made by Fiery, a very big PostScript RIP vendor).</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
Do you see integration coming between printing on Linux and the two leading
desktop choices, KDE and GNOME? If so, when do you think this might be
available? Do you expect drag-and-drop printing options?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: Until there
is a non-commercial version of Qt I don't see KDE and GNOME coming together.
Qt is the source of many flame wars on newsgroups and mailing lists, and
the desire amongst Linux users for free software is strong. There is work
in progress to make a LGPL'd version of Qt available, so it is likely that
some common method for drag-n-drop will be adopted for both desktops.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>This will also require a
standard printing system, and I'm hoping that CUPS will fill that need...</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:
What about professional (re: business) users - what should they look for
when print quality is more important and usage is likely to be much greater?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S.</b>: I'd still stick
with those three questions. If you are sharing the printer over your LAN
I'd definitely look at getting a network card with the printer.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Question #3 is very important
for business users; trust me, if you exceed the monthly use rating for
a printer it *will* fail more rapidly.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>If price is a concern, look
for printers that can be expanded/upgraded down the road. Hewlett Packard
has several good laser printers (color and B&amp;W) that meet this criteria.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>
Any other thoughts on printing?</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>M.S</b>: Printing under
UNIX currently lags behind Windows/MacOS in a number of important ways:</font></font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>There is little integration
between the application and printing system. Applications therefore lack
information such as supported media sizes, color profiles, and so forth.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Every UNIX varient has its own
printing interface. Usually they follow the System V or BSD interfaces,
however there are some oddballs out there that make printing in a UNIX
application difficult.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Printer vendors typically do
not write drivers for UNIX. This means that UNIX users have to buy extra
software for their printer just to get it to work. It also means that the
output under UNIX may not be the same (or as good) as the corresponding
Windows/MacOS printer driver. Many vendors support these 3rd party developers,
however the most important stuff (dithering algorithms, color profiles,
and proprietary protocols) is *not* shared, which usually results in a
loss of print quality or preventing a 3rd party from supporting a printer.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:
Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions for my readers, Your
responses have been very helpful!</font></font>
<table BORDER=0 COLS=1 WIDTH="100%" BGCOLOR="#000000" NOSAVE >
<td NOSAVE><img SRC="../images/cleardot.gif" height=2 width=2></td>
<a NAME="rsrc"></a><img SRC="../gx/hammel/resources.jpg" height=50 width=245>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The following links are
just starting points for finding more information about computer graphics
and multimedia in general for Linux systems. If you have some application
specific information for me, I'll add them to my other pages or you can
contact the maintainer of some other web site. I'll consider adding other
general references here, but application or site specific information needs
to go into one of the following general references and not listed here.</font></font>
<table BORDER=0 COLS=2 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >
<td NOSAVE><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Online Magazines
and News sources&nbsp;</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.news.com/">C|Net
Tech News</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.eklektix.com/lwn/">Linux
Weekly News</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://slashdot.org/">Slashdot.org</a></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>General Web Sites&nbsp;</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.graphics-muse.org/linux.html">Linux
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.bright.net/~dlphilp/linux_soundapps.html">Linux
Sound/Midi Page</a></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Some of the Mailing Lists
and Newsgroups I keep an eye on and where I get much of the information
in this column&nbsp;</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.gimp.org">The
Gimp User and Gimp Developer Mailing Lists</a>.&nbsp;</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.irtc.org">The
IRTC-L discussion list</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="news:comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing">comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="news:comp.graphics.rendering.renderman">comp.graphics.rendering.renderman</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="news:comp.graphics.api.opengl">comp.graphics.api.opengl</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="news:comp.os.linux.announce">comp.os.linux.announce</a></font></font></td>
<td><img SRC="../gx/hammel/gmuse-2.jpg" HSPACE=10 BORDER=2 height=248 width=200></td>
<a NAME="future"></a>
Future Directions</h2>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Next month:&nbsp; I'm not sure
yet.&nbsp; I'm still in transition but have a few ideas.&nbsp; If I can
get hold of some cards I&nbsp;may do a bit on the bttv drivers for PC-TV
adapters that can do some screen captures.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mailto:mjhammel@graphics-muse.org">Let
me know what you'd like to hear about!</a></font></font>
<hr NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<div align=right><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&copy; 1999
<a href="mailto:mjhammel@graphics-muse.org">Michael
J. Hammel</a></font></font></div>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Michael J. Hammel <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<font color="navy">A <I>Linux Journal</I> Review</font>:
This article appeared first in the February 1998 issue of <I>Linux
Journal</I>. I decided to reprint it here because most of you who write
letters to <I>LG</I> don't seem to know this handy command exists.
While it's not mentioned
in the article, ispell can be used from elm and other e-mail packages.
<P> <HR> <P>
<H1><font color="maroon">ispell: Spelling Checker</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">Marjorie Richardson</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
As a former Technical Editor, I know how easy it is to miss incorrect
spelling when proof-reading, especially if the word ``looks''
right, e.g., compatability (sic). For this reason, a good spelling checker is
a must. The command <tt>ispell</tt> does a good job and has special
features to help it do even better. The Man page for
<tt>ispell</tt> is very comprehensive, so I won't go into all its
options--only my favorites.
When <tt>ispell</tt> has been invoked and it finds a misspelled
word, options are displayed across the bottom of the screen:
[SP] &lt;number> R)epel A)ccept I)nsert L)ookup U)ncap Q)uit e(X)it or ? for help
All you have to do is press the space bar (accept this time only)
or <i>A</i> (accept for rest of document) to accept the spelling as
is, press <i>I</i> to insert the word in the dictionary, or press the appropriate
number or <i>R</i> to replace it. The main thing to watch out for is the right
time to use <i>R</i>. When a misspelled word is found and the spelling choices are
offered, the tendency is to press <i>R</i> for <i>replace</i> and enter the
number of the correct choice--doing this results in the number
replacing your word. Instead, enter the number of your choice immediately,
and since <i>replace</i> is the default, the correct spelling will replace
the incorrect in the text. Use <i>R</i> only when a correct spelling is not
offered by <tt>ispell</tt>.
Most of SSC's reference cards and command summaries use troff text
formatting; other manuals use TeX. Use the option <tt>-n</tt> with
troff text or <tt>-t</tt> with TeX or LaTeX, and
will ignore formatting commands, thereby returning fewer
``misspelled'' words for you to <i>accept</i>. While an option is
not available to designate a Quark file, you can always insert the
QuarkXPress formatting commands
into your personal dictionary the first time they come up and not be
hassled again.
In fact, the personal dictionary is probably the neatest feature of all.
The very first time you select <i>I</i> to <i>insert</i> a word it doesn't
recognize, <tt>ispell</tt> sets up a personal dictionary named
ispell_english in your home directory. After that, any word you
select will be added to this dictionary, and you will never be told it
is misspelled again. This feature is particularly handy for proper names, buzz
words and abbreviations unique to your business. Hashed
dictionaries for other languages (that have been installed) can be
specified using <tt>-d</tt>.
In addition, you can set up special dictionaries for particular projects.
For example, when I was editing the Java Reference Cards, I set up a
special dictionary named ispell_java just for Java terms in my work
directory. Afterwards, whenever I ran <tt>ispell</tt>, I specified
the command line as:
ispell -n -p ./ispell_java java.troff
As a result, <tt>ispell</tt> knew class names like
<tt>getFontList</tt> were spelled correctly, and that
<tt>getFontlist</tt> was not. By the way, don't forget
that the command line specification must include the directory of the
dictionary (<tt>./</tt> in the above example); otherwise
<tt>ispell</tt> will look for it in your home directory.
Another handy feature to remember is how to check a single word instead
of a complete file by using the <tt>-a</tt> option. For
example, if you specify:
echo compatability | ispell -a
<tt>ispell</tt> will return the message:
&compatability 3 0: comparability, compatibility, computability
This message tells you ``compatability'' is misspelled, and gives you
a list of 3 <i>best guesses</i> in alphabetical order. If you prefer not to
have the list sorted alphabetically, use the <tt>-S</tt> option,
and it will be sorted by <i>best guess</i>.
All in all, <tt>ispell</tt> is an effective and easy-to-use
all-purpose spell checker.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Marjorie Richardson <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Linux Assists in the Windows NT Installation Process</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:gram@merece.uthscsa.edu">Gilbert Ramirez</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
<center><img src="./gx/ramirez/3011f1.gif"></center>
The University Health System is a major health provider in San Antonio,
Texas, serving a large portion of south Texas. We have two large hospitals
and many medium to large-sized clinics spread across the city. Half of
our 4,500 employees do not directly use computers, but over 2,000 of our
employees have been using DOS-based 80486 computers for years. We are now
replacing all of these older computers with modern Pentium-class machines
running Windows NT 4.0 Workstation. Linux not only lets us quickly send
these computers through our NT assembly line, but it also lets us get
around a fundamental flaw in Microsoft's NT-installation procedure:
it is difficult to make NTFS boot-partitions that are bigger than 2
GB. We created a system that makes NTFS boot-partitions of any size,
both for manual and unattended installs of Windows NT. And it prepares
the computer in only one minute instead of ten. It is Linux that adds
this functionality to Microsoft's New Technology.
<h3>The Old Method</h3>
<center><img src="./gx/ramirez/3011f2.gif"></center>
In order to replace two thousand computers with new NT workstations, we
are trying to deliver between 50 to 100 computers a week to our users.
To meet that goal with a limited staff size, the installation process
for Windows NT must be as fast and efficient as possible. Our initial
installation procedure was almost completely automated. It consisted of
four steps, the first of which is manual:
<li> Repartition the hard drive to remove the OEM installation of Windows 95
that comes from our hardware vendor.
<li> Reboot. Run a DOS program that grabs the MAC address of the NIC and
creates a custom ``uniqueness database file'' (UDF) for that computer. We
name each computer after the MAC address of the NIC. It's a boring naming
convention, but it provides unique names.
<li> Run the Windows NT unattended installation program. This comes
as a part of the Windows NT package.
<li> Reboot. Run our custom Windows program, to install the applications that
are needed on the hard drive of the computer rather than simply being
available on the network (like a full Microsoft Office install).
During the first step of the installation, our staff would run Partition
Magic (http://www.powerquest.com/) to manually erase all partitions on
the hard drive, then create a single maximum-sized FAT16 partition on
the hard drive. This one step was manual, took about 10 minutes for
each computer, and was error-prone. Our staff, because they're humans,
would sometimes forget to set the new FAT16 partition to
``active'' so
another five minutes would be spent re-booting the computer and running
Partition Magic again to set the active flag on the FAT16 partition.
Why would we want to create a FAT16 partition during the first step of the
installation process if at the end we want an NT workstation with NTFS?
The DOS programs that we run during the installation process (steps
2 and 3 above) need to write data to the hard drive, but DOS programs
cannot write the NT filesystems. The first program that needs to write
the hard drive is our custom-made DOS program that finds the MAC address
of the NIC and creates a uniqueness database file (UDF). This template
file drives the NT installation program. The second program that writes
to the hard drive is the Windows NT installation program itself; the NT
installation program copies the operating system files from a network
drive to the local hard drive. Then the FAT16 partition is converted to
the New Technology File System (NTFS).
<h3>Automating fdisk</h3>
We needed a better, faster, and error-proof way to re-partition and format
the hard drives in the workstations. One option was to use a disk-copying
program to copy disk-images onto the hard drive. For example, I could
partition a hard drive and set it up just as I wanted it, and then take
a snapshot of it (basically, <tt>dd if=/dev/hda
of=image</tt>). During the
installation procedure, I would copy the appropriate disk image on a
workstation's hard drive (<tt>dd if=image
of=/dev/hda</tt>). This method would
have worked, but we would have needed images of every uniquely-sized
hard drive that we wanted to deliver to our users. We really wanted a
solution that would work on any hard drive, regardless of its size. It
would be nice to have the solution work right away on any new hard drive
we happened to get from our hardware vendor.
What fits on a single boot disk, gives you low-level access to the
hardware, and gives the programmer the most tools to get the job
done? Linux, of course. I knew that with a bit of work I could create
a Linux program that would partition hard drives exactly as we needed
them and avoid the need for human intervention.
I took the boot-disk from the Debian installation disk set and modified
it. The diskette boots Linux and loads a compressed root file system to
a RAM disk. The program <A
HREF="./ramirez.dinstall"><tt>/sbin/dinstall</tt></A>, which used to be the Debian
installation script, starts automatically. This short script, which is
now my auto-fdisk script, sends keystrokes to the STDIN of
First the script learns the number of cylinders that the hard drive
contains, by capturing the output from <tt>fdisk -l</tt>. The cylinder count
is then used as input to a second run of <tt>fdisk</tt> in order to create
a single FAT16 partition that spans all the cylinders of the hard drive.
(<A HREF="./ramirez.cylcalc">cylcalc</A> and <A
HREF="./ramirez.fixbs">fixbs</A> are 2 programs called by dinstall.)
After the drive is partitioned correctly, <tt><b>mformat</b></tt> from the
Mtools collection is used to format the hard drive as FAT16. Mtools
(http://gwyn.tux.org/pub/knaff/mtools/) is a collection of programs that
allows Unix users to manipulate FAT media from user-space. That is,
no mounting of the file system is done. The
<tt><b>mformat</b></tt> program is great
because it assumes that the medium is already low-level formatted; it
writes just the boot sector and two copies of the FAT (file allocation
table). In no time at all it creates the minimal number of pieces required
for a FAT file system. The DOS <tt>format</tt> program spends more than a
minute formatting a diskette; <tt><b>mformat</b></tt> does it in just a few seconds.
The time spent booting this Linux auto-fdisk diskette and re-partitioning
and formatting the drive is between 1 minute and 1.5 minutes, depending
on the speed of the CPU of the workstation. Five seconds of this time is
spent re-partitioning and formatting the drive; the rest of the time is
just the boot process. Compare this 1-minute run-time to the 10-minute run
time of our old method, using Partition Magic. Not only does Linux let
us prepare the computer in one-tenth the time, the computer is prepared
correctly every time, with no possibility of human error. Saving about
10 minutes on 2000 computers saves us over 13 days over the time of
the NT-rollout.
<h3>Large NTFS Boot-Partitions</h3>
When our NT-rollout started, the computers came from our vendor with
1.2 GB hard drives. We easily created single FAT16 partitions on
these hard drives, which our automated NT installation then converted
to NTFS. Every user had a C: drive that spanned the entire hard drive.
After a few months of the rollout, our vendors started to supply us with
2.4 GB hard drives. Since our FAT partitions were made from DOS, the
partitions were limited to 2 GB. After the conversion to NTFS, the users
had a 2 GB C: drives! We could have given the users a D: drive to use
the rest of the space on their hard drive, but we worried that if users
moved from computer to computer, the appearance of C: on one computer and
C: and D: on another would confuse them. We decided to avoid confusion
and create workstations with only C: drives. The workstations with the
new 2.4 GB hard drives were delivered to users with 400 MB of un-used,
wasted space. This was a hard decision for us to make, but it was the
best decision at the time.
We tried to use the <tt>ExtendOEMPartition</tt> flag
(http://www.ntfaq.com/ntfaq/install.html#install29) in the unattended
installation file to make NT use all unallocated space on the hard
drive when converting the FAT partition to NTFS. This flag tells
the NT installation program to grow the NTFS boot-partition to the
extent of the unused space on the hard drive. However, setting
this flag caused the NT installation program to pause and prompt the
user for a keypress to continue, making our unattended installation
<i>attended</i>. The <tt>ExtendOEMPartition</tt> flag was unusable for us. We
recently have learned that there is a fix which involves extracting a
file from Service Pack 3 before running the unattended NT installation
(http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q143/4/73.asp), but that
solution was not available to us at the time. Not having a solution from
Microsoft, we made our own. The Service Pack 3 fix only creates large NTFS
boot-partitions for unattended installs. Our homemade solution creates
large NTFS boot-partitions for both manual and unattended installs.
The solution to our problem lies in one key point. A filesystem is a
data structure within a partition, whereas a partition is a chunk of the
hard drive. Although the terms ``FAT partition'' and ``FAT
filesystem'' are
commonly used interchangeably, they are not the same. A FAT partition
is simply space carved out of the hard drive, reserved for use by a
fileystem. The only reason the partition can be called ``FAT'' is because
the partition type, as identified in the partition table stored on the
hard drive, is type 6, which is BIG-FAT16. That's the only
of a FAT partition.
A filesystem is the collection of structures that organize data inside
a partition, and the data itself. A File Allocation Table in a FAT
filesystem is a structure that acts as a table of contents, identifying
where files are stored on the disk. Filesystems, FAT and non-FAT, are
usually created to fill the disk partition in which they reside (what
would you want to put in a partition next to a filesystem anyway?), but
technically they don't have to be built that way. No commercial tools
that we are aware of will allow you make filesystems that are smaller
than the disk partition in which they reside, but it <i>is</i> possible
to create such a filesystem. The trick is to tell <b>mformat</b>, from the
Mtools collection, that the disk partition is smaller than it actually is.
<tt><b>mformat</b></tt> was designed to format floppies. It can also format hard
disk partitions, but to do so it needs to be told all the geometry of
the partition (cylinders, heads, and sectors). Since I want a filesystem
smaller than the hard drive partition, I lie to <b>mformat</b>. I
don't tell
it the true number of cylinders that the partition uses; I only tell
<b>mformat</b> about enough cylinders to make a 500 MB FAT filesystem. (I
really only need about 220 MB for the NT installation, but I make 500
MB just in case). <b>mformat</b> dutifully makes a 500 MB FAT filesystem
within my much-larger FAT partition.
Version 3.8 of Mtools contains a small bug in
<tt><b>mformat</b></tt> when it is
used on hard disks. The number of directory entries, which is a field in
the boot sector of the FAT filesystem, is not written correctly. Less
importantly, the jump vector is also slightly incorrect. I say that
this is less important because this FAT filesystem won't be bootable,
so the jump vector won't be necessary. To fix these small problems,
a very small C program is run to fix the boot sector. This was easier
than trying to fix <tt><b>mformat</b></tt>. Version 3.9 of Mtools is now out, but
I do not know if this bug was fixed.
I then boot into DOS. By running <tt>chkdsk</tt>, I see that DOS sees
it's C: drive as being 500 MB in size. By running
<tt>fdisk</tt>, however,
I see that DOS knows that the only partition on the hard drive is 2.4
GB. This is quite a unusual situation, and perhaps the only time you'll
ever see such a configuration. At this point, steps 2 and 3 from our
installation process run. Files are created and stored onto this 500 MB
FAT filesystem, and the NT installation program begins. After copying 220
MB of operating system files to the C: drive, the computer reboots and
the NT installation program resumes from the hard drive, converting the
FAT filesystem to NTFS. When the FAT-to-NTFS conversion program runs,
it converts the 500 MB FAT filesystem to NTFS, but continues converting
to NTFS to the end of the partition. We end up with an NTFS filesystem
that fills the partition, no matter how big the partition is. Our users
now have 2.4 GB NTFS C: dries.
The ability of the filesystem-conversion program to convert to the end
of the partition was pure luck for us. It didn't have to do this. But
the FAT-to-NTFS conversion program that comes with Windows NT reads the
FAT filesystem size and the partition size as different measurements. It
knows that it has to keep converting the rest of the partition, even when
the FAT filesystem is much smaller than the size of the partition. This
is a feature that is undocumented by Microsoft.
This trick we play in the FAT partition works equally well for manual
installations of Windows NT. We have used this procedure for 1.2 GB, 2.4
GB, and 6.3 GB IDE hard drives, for both manual and uattended installs,
with no problems. We stress-tested the filesystems on five different
computers that were prepared this way. A program we wrote abused the
filesystems on these computers over the course of a weekend, 24 hours
a day. None of the filesystems had any problems then, and months later
have not had any NTFS-related errors. Now that this procedure is being
used in our NT rollout and a few hundred NT computers have been prepared
this way, we have seen no NTFS corruption whatsoever.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Gilbert Ramirez <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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<H1><font color="maroon">Linux Installation Primer, Part 6</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:rjenkins@qni.com">Ron Jenkins</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
<p>Copyright &copy; 1998, 1999 by Ron Jenkins. This work is provided on
an "as is" basis. The author provides no warranty whatsoever, either express
or implied, regarding the work, including warranties with respect to its
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
<p>The author welcomes corrections and suggestions. I can be reached by
electronic mail at <a href="mailto:rjenkins@qni.com">rjenkins@qni.com</a>,
or at my personal homepage: <a href="http://www.qni.com/~rjenkins/">http://www.qni.com/~rjenkins/</a>.
<br>Corrections, as well as updated versions of all of the author's scribbles
may be found at the URL listed above.
<p><b>NOTE</b>: As you can see, I am moving to a new ISP. Please bear with
me as I get everything in working order. The e-mail address is functional;
the web site will be operational hopefully around mid January or early
<p><b>SPECIAL NOTE</b>: Due to the quantity of correspondence I receive,
if you are submitting a question or request for problem resolution, please
see my homepage listed above for suggestions on information to provide.
<p><b>Operating Systems Covered/Supported:</b>
<br><b><i>Slackware version 3.6</i></b>
<br><b><i>RedHat version 5.1</i></b>
<br><b><i>Windows NT Server version 4.0</i></b>
<br><b><i>Windows NT Workstation version 4.0</i></b>
<p>I only test my columns on the operating systems specified. I don't have
access to a MAC, I don't use Windows 95, and have no plans to use Windows
98. If someone would care to provide equivalent instructions for any of
the above operating systems, I will be happy to include them in my documents.
<p><b>Part Six: Building an Internet Gateway</b>
<br>After much rewriting and testing, we will hook our home network up
to the Internet, using a Linux machine as an Internet gateway/proxy server.
<p>The Linux machine will automatically connect to your ISP at boot time,
configure itself, and re-establish the PPP link automatically in the event
of a line failure. I will NOT be covering a dial-on-demand (diald) setup
in this column, that will be covered next month in the advanced configuration
and performance tuning column.
<p>At the conclusion of this installment, you should be able to access
the internet from any machine on your network, send and receive e-mail,
(subject to the restrictions of the type of ISP account you possess) surf
the web, and most any other darn thing you might want to do.
<p>As with each installment of this series, there will be some operations
required by each distribution that may or may not be different in another.
I will diverge from the generalized information when necessary, as always.
<p><b>In this installment, I will cover the following topics:</b>
<br>* Some background information on Internet gateway services.
<br>* Advantages and disadvantages.
<br>* Required hardware and software.
<br>* Pre-installation planning.
<br>* Setting up the PPP Interface.
<br>* Setting up the NIC.
<br>* Monolithic vs. modular approach to gateway services.
<br>* Recompiling the kernel for gateway services.
<br>* Testing the gateway machine.
<br>* Configuration of the client machines.
<br>* Testing the client machines.
<br>* Troubleshooting the installation.
<br>* Some notes and tips on particular services.
<br>* Example rc.local scripts.
<br>* References.
<br>* Resources for further information.
<br>* About the Author.
<p><b>Quick Review of previous material and assumptions relevant to this
<br>Briefly, at this point, we have a three node network, all configured
with reserved 192.168.1.x IP addresses, using a common hosts files for
name resolution.
<p>The gateway machine will be called gateway01.home.net, and will have
the IP address of
<p>It is assumed that the gateway machine has a standard, non Plug and
Pray modem (or has the capability to disable the PNP features and manually
set the COM port and IRQ values,) installed either internally or externally.
<p>NOTE: I have received many requests for the inclusion of 56K V.90 modems,
ISDN modems, and cable modems in this document.
<p>The ISDN modem's line provisioning and setup are beyond the scope of
the document. However, if it connects using a serial port or network interface,
there is no reason you should not be able to make it work. I have an Ascend
Pipeline 50 myself, and have always had great success with it.
<p>Concerning 56K V.90 internal modems, it is my understanding that these
are at best a telco interface and impedance matching device, with the bulk
of the work performed by software and your CPU. As far as I know these
will not work with Linux.
<p>If you have an external 56K V.90 modem, and it will accept the Hayes
command set, give it a try. I would be interested to hear from you concerning
your experiences with the external models.
<p>Finally, concerning cable modems, I don't have access to one, so I don't
know much about them. See the Cable Modem MINI HOW-TO. One bright note
is that since these devices connect to your computer via a NIC, your configuration
process will be much simpler than what we will be doing here.
<p>It is assumed you know the relevant information for your particular
ISP. At a minimum, you should have the following:
<p>Access phone number
<br>Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of your mail and news servers.
<br>The IP addresses of your Primary and Secondary DNS servers.
<br>Your subnet mask (usually
<p>For more information on this subject, see my November column, or the
ISP Hookup and Connectivity HOW-TO's.
<p><b>Some background information on Internet gateway services:</b>
<br>People always say "You can't get something for nothing." Well, in a
sense, that's exactly what we are going to do this time. We are going to
use a standard, non-dedicated, and inexpensive dial up account to provide
Internet access for our entire network.
<p>To accomplish this, we will be using the IP Masquerading software in
conjunction with a firewall application (ipfwadm), as well as a NIC, modem,
and what I call PFM - Pure Freakin' Magic.
<p>Simply put, our machine will be performing two major functions. It will
be acting as an Internet gateway, while simultaneously masquerading local
IP addresses from the outside world.
<p>The gateway function is fairly straightforward. A gateway does nothing
more than connect two disparate networks, and make sure that all the traffic
passed through the gateway reaches the proper destination.
<p>The masquerading function, sometimes called Network Address Translation
(NAT,) is a bit more complicated.
<p>Basically, it is a programmable liar. What a masquerade program does
is take the requests from all the machines on our local (home) network,
and lie to the rest of the world, about the source of the requests, making
it appear that they all originate from the gateway machine.
<p>Conversely, when requests from the outside world come in, the little
stinker grabs the requests and lies some more, then delivers the request
to the proper user on the local net.
<p>There is a lot more to it than that, but for the purposes of this project
we will proceed with this explanation.
<p><b><i>Advantages and disadvantages:</i></b>
<br>* You get to hookup up your whole network to the Internet for $18.00
per month, as opposed to as much as $300.00 for a dedicated ISDN connection.
<p>* You do not need to purchase a domain name, configure name servers,
and all the other administrivia that goes with a commercial installation
(although much of what you will learn and do here will be applicable to
such an installation.)
<p>* Indeed, our configuration and installation in this project will, in
many ways, be more intricate than a simple commercial installation. This
will give you not only a home network for a reasonable price, but a marketable
<br>* If there are only two or three people on it doing e mail, web surfing
or telnet, it should provide acceptable performance.
<br>* Some ISP's are less than thrilled if you set up something like this.
Although you are still using just the one dial up connection, they , like
most corporate people I approach about telecommuting from home, think there's
just something wrong with it. It is possible you could be asked to get
a business type dedicated account, or your account may be canceled.
<br>* Depending on the type of account you have with your ISP, you most
likely have only one e mail address. This means only you can receive e
mail with this setup. Some ISP's are beginning to offer "family accounts"
with extra e mail addresses available for a small extra monthly charge.
<br>* While everyone on the network can surf the WWW, perform FTP, Telnet,
and many other applications, there are some things you will not be able
to do. See the IP_Masq document mentioned below for a complete listing
of supported and unsupported services and applications.
<br>* Depending on the type of connection you use for your PPP link, performance
can be really poor. Although there are some things you can do to improve
performance and speed things up on a slow link, (More on this next time,)
after a week or so of a 28.8 or 33.6 modem connection, you will be dreaming
of an ISDN or Cable Modem connection.
<br>* This sort of setup does NOT do outbound services well at all. Since
you are most likely using Dynamic IP Addressing, where you are assigned
a different IP each time you connect, it's very difficult and not very
practical to try to provide outbound services. You would be better served
with a dedicated connection, or some co-hosted web space on your ISP's
server if you plan to do any business with this setup.
<p><b>Required hardware and software:</b>
<br>RedHat - Accept the defaults, and additionally select Dialup Workstation,
Networked Workstation, and C Development tools and libraries.
<p>You may also want to consider adding Mail/WWW/News Tools, DOS/Windows
Connectivity, NFS Server, SMB (Samba) Connectivity, Anonymous FTP Server,
or anything else you require for your particular installation.
<p>As below, skip APACHE, INN, and BIND. When prompted, go ahead and set
your local network information. Leave your nameserver and gateway prompts
<p>You don't really get a choice of kernels here, so accept the default,
and when prompted, be sure to make a bootdisk.
<p>Finally, install LILO on the first superblock of the install partition,
<p>Reboot, and you should be connected to your home.net. Copy the common
hosts file onto the gateway machine, as well as the other files specified
last month.
<p>Slackware - Install the A, AP, D, and N series. Chose the menu selection
method of installation. Do NOT install APACHE , INN, or BIND. When prompted,
go ahead and set your local network information. Leave your nameserver
and gateway prompts BLANK. Finally, choose the proper vmlinuz kernel for
your system.
<p>When asked if you want to make a bootdisk, answer yes. Make several
simple vmlinuz bootdisks. Do not install LILO at this time.
<p>Reboot, and don't worry when it freaks out about not being able to find
the network. Jump down to the setting up the NIC section and follow the
instructions there, and reboot again.
<p><b>Pre-installation planning:</b>
<br>Make sure you have the aforementioned ISP info handy.
<p>If possible, try to get someone else involved in the project.
<p>It is much easier to diagnose, test, and troubleshoot with someone else
at the workstation and you at the gateway.
<p>Make sure the ipfwadm software is installed on the gateway machine.
This is not a problem in Slackware, but depending on what you choose when
you install, it may not get installed in RedHat. If necessary, install
it using glint or by hand:
<p>rpm -ivh &lt;nameofipfwadm.rpm>
<p><b>Setting up the PPP interface:</b>
<br>RedHat - In text mode, you can either use the linuxconf utility, or
configure it manually. Under X, use the Control Panel/Networking/Network
Configurator utility.
<p>Slackware - Here you have to do it manually. The down side is it's a
bit more difficult, but the up side is in case of a problem, you will have
a lot better idea of where to look to fix it.
<p>Regardless of which flavor of Linux you are using, the following things
will need to be done on either machine:
<p>* Add your ISP's Primary and Secondary DNS servers IP addresses to you
/etc/resolv.conf file. This is identical for both distributions.
<br>* Add and configure the ppp0 interface, activate it at boot time, make
it your default gateway device, and have it set your defaultroute. Finally,
you will need to configure the ppp0 interface to automatically redial on
link failure.
<p>RedHat - Open Network Configurator, click on the Interfaces tab, select
Add, then follow the prompts of the Network Configurator to set the above
<p>Additionally, select the Routing tab, and check the Network Packet Forwarding
option. To finish up, make sure the Default Gateway: is empty, and the
Default Gateway Device: is ppp0. Select Save, then Quit.
<p>Slackware - You have two options here - you may use the pppsetup utility
that comes with Slackware 3.6, or you can script it yourself as described
in the troubleshooting section.
<p><i>I can only recommend the "script it yourself" method, as my experience
with the pppsetup method met with mixed results. When used as an end user
program, (after login and initiated by hand, it worked well.) When used
at boot time, called from the rc.local file, sometimes it would connect,
sometimes not.</i>
<p>To use the recommended scripting method, proceed to the troubleshooting
section, create and test the scripts, then edit your rc.local file to call
the unicom BEFORE the ipfwadm stuff.
<p>If you do use the pppsetup method, be sure to read the docs and insert
the line ppp-go in your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file BEFORE the ipfwadm stuff.
<p>Concerning auto redial - there is a great little program for this, called
pppupd, available at:
<p><a href="ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/network/serial/ppp/pppupd-0.23.tar.gz">ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/network/serial/ppp/pppupd-0.23.tar.gz</a>
<p>Unpack it: gunzip -dc pppupd-0.23.tar.gz | tar xvf -
<p>Look at the README file for complete compilation instructions, but in
a nutshell, copy, then edit the pppupd.cf.template file to match your system.
<p>You will have to provide the path to the pppsetup scripts, or the script
described in the troubleshooting section, the time interval between pings,
as well as a hostname for the program to ping.
<p>Next, simply open the Makefile and look for the line:
<p>And set it to the path of the pppupd.cf file you created earlier.
<p>Finally, enter the command "make" at the command line and you will end
up with the pppupd binary. Copy it to your /sbin or /usr/sbin directory.
<p>You can start this at boot time if you desire by adding the line :
<p>pppupd > /dev/null to your rc.local file, but I would be cautious, as
during testing, this intermittently caused some freaky things to happen.
I recommend starting it by hand at first, then if all goes well put it
in your rc.local file at some point after the ipfwadm stuff.
<p>* Enable IP Forwarding in the kernel at boot time. This should already
be activated on the Slackware box. To make sure, issue the following command
- cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forwarding. This should be set to the number
one (1.) On the RedHat box, edit /etc/sysconfig/network, and change the
line : FORWARD_IPV4=no to yes.
<br>* Edit your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file to instruct the machine to masquerade
for the rest of the network. Again this is the same for either distribution.
There are probably many better ways to do this, but here's what works for
<br>* Open /etc/rc.d/rc.local, and uncomment or add the following lines
(as necessary,) in the following order:
<p>1. ipfwadm -F -p deny #deny everyone not listed below
<br>2. ipfwadm -F -a masquerade -W ppp0 -S -D
<p>The previous line, number two (2), activates masquerading, and specifies
the ppp0 interface as the default gateway for the home network.
<p><b>Setting up the NIC:</b>
<br>RedHat - This should have been done during the installation of the
software. If not, in text mode, you can edit /etc/config.modules, or use
the linuxconf utility. If you have X up and running, You can use the Control
Panel/Networking/Network Configurator you used before for the PPP interface.
<p>Slackware - Provided you have a supported NIC (you have been listening
to me haven't you?) to setup the NIC, Change directory to /etc/rc.d/rc.modules,
and uncomment the appropriate line for your NIC by removing the pound (#)
sign at the beginning of the line. You may or may not have to pass some
configuration information here such as the IO port and/or IRQ of the NIC.
<p>In either case, be sure to leave the NAMESERVER and DEFAULT GATEWAY
dialogs blank.
<p><b>Monolithic vs. modular approach to gateway services:</b>
<br>You have two options for providing gateway services on a UNIX box -
a monolithic kernel (one with all the drivers and required support compiled
as part of the kernel itself,) or a modular approach (in this method you
use your standard kernel, and load or unload the required drivers and services
as needed.)
<p>There has been about as many wars over this issue as the emacs vs. vi
debate, so here's my two cent's worth - I use the modular approach, mostly
because it makes for a smaller, leaner kernel, and most importantly, I'm
lazy ;-)
<p>Since the new kernels already have support for ip_masquerade, ip_forward,
and ipfwadm built in, why go to all the extra trouble to compile a new
<p>Sure, some of us get off on tweaking and tuning our installations continuously,
the purpose of this series is to get you up and running with a minimum
of fuss.
<p><b>Recompiling the kernel for gateway services:</b>
<br>This is not necessary if you are using Slackware 3.6, RedHat 5.1 or
<p>If you are a masochist, kernel compilation instructions can be found
in the Kernel HOWTO, and the required parameters for gateway services are
specified in the IP_Masq MINI HOW-TO.
<p><b>Testing the gateway machine:</b>
<br>The RedHat box should fire right up upon reboot. Proceed to the following
<p>For Slackware, should fire up on reboot as well. Proceed to the following
<p><i>If you fail to connect, or any of the following tests fail, go to
the troubleshooting section for some ideas on how to resolve the problem.</i>
<p>Testing the interfaces - Simply issue the command ifconfig, and it should
return three (3) interfaces: lo, or the loopback adapter, eth0, your NIC,
and ppp0, the connection to your ISP.
<p>Testing the PPP interface - kill the pppd daemon a few times. Unplug
the phone line from the modem. Make sure it redials properly.
<p>Testing physical connectivity - ping the outside world by IP address
(Use one of your ISP's DNS numbers you obtained,) then ping one of your
local machines.
<p>Testing name resolution - ping the outside world by hostname, for instance
- ping ftp.foobar.com, then ping something local - ping filserver01.
<p>Testing routing and gateway functions - issue the command netstat -r
to examine your routing table. There should be four entries :
<p>1. &lt;your ISP assigned IP>, with no Gateway, a Genmask of,
Flags set to UH, MSS of 1500, Window of 0, irtt of 0, and an Iface (Interface)
of ppp0.
<br>2. 192.x (or localnet), no Gateway, Genmask, Flags U,
MSS, Window, and irtt identical to the above, Iface of eth0.
<br>3. 127.x (or localhost), no Gateway, Genmask, Flags U, MSS
3584, Window and irtt same, Iface of lo.
<br>4. Default, &lt;the same IP as number one (1,)>, Gateway &lt;your ISP's
machine at the other end of the PPP link>, Genmask, Flags UG, MSS
1500, Window and irtt same, Iface ppp0.
<p><b>Configuration of the client machines:</b>
<br>UNIX Clients -
<br>RedHat - Using either linuxconf or the Network Configurator, set the
default gateway of your client machine to
<p>Slackware - Using netconfig, set your default gateway as above.
<p>NT Clients - Open Control Panel/Network/Protocols/Properties/IP Address,
and set your default gateway as above.
<p>NOTE: For services other than http, smtp/pop3, icmp, and telnet, see
the notes and tips section below.
<p>Testing the client machines:
<br>If everything has gone well, you should be able to fire up your browser
and be off and running with access to your mail server, access to the web,
and telnet access to the net.
<p>If any of the above services does not work, see the troubleshooting
section below.
<p>If you need other services, such as ftp, real audio/video, cuseeme,
and so on, consult the notes and tips section below.
<p><b>Troubleshooting the installation:</b>
<br>Gateway Machine -
<br>Make sure all three interfaces are being recognized. If not, reconfigure
the one that is missing.
<p>Check your scripts and routing tables. If necessary, review the gateway
machine's PPP and NIC setup for accuracy.
<p>Finally, if you are having no success with the RedHat or Slackware whizbang
PPP connection thingie, you can do it with the tried and true scripting
method using the following technique:
<p>Again, there are probably many better ways to do this, but this is what
I came up with. You will have to create two scripts, one to dial up your
ISP and login using chat and to configure your PPP daemon, pppd, and one
to pass the chat program the proper information about your modem and tell
it what username/password to send to the ISP's machine when prompted.
<p>In my case, my ISP expects a Username and Password to be entered, using
clear text. Then, the ISP's PPP daemon starts up automatically. The following
examples are for this sort of configuration only. Depending on your ISP
you may or may not have to modify them. See the References section of this
column for information on other configurations.
<p>In my case, I created two scripts, one named unicom (the script that
dials the ISP and starts pppd, and one named unicom.chat, which contains
the modem information and the expect/send pairs.
<p>Using your favorite editor, create the scripts, save them, and them
make them executable by issuing the following command - chmod +x &lt;name
of script>
<p>Contents of the script unicom:
<br>pppd connect \
<br>'chat -v -f /sbin/unicom.chat' -detach crtscts modem defaultroute \
<br>/dev/modem/ 115200 &amp;
<p>Contents of the script unicom.chat:
<br>"" ATZ
<br>OK ATDT2213005
<br>TIMEOUT 45
<br>CONNECT ""
<br>"name:" your username
<br>"word:" your password
<p>When you are done, place unicom, and unicom.chat in the /sbin directory.
run the unicom script from the command line. If all goes well with the
following tests, then call the unicom script from rc.local, placing it
ABOVE the ipfwadm lines you created earlier.
<p>UNIX Clients -
<br>Double check that your workstation has the gateway machine's NIC set
as it's default gateway ( in this example.)
<p>Ping, then the machine's IP address. If this fails, your networking
setup is incorrect, or your NIC is malfunctioning.
<p>If this goes well, ping the gateway box by IP address. If this fails,
check your cabling.
<p>Ping the outside world. If this fails, the problem lies in the gateway,
not the client.
<p>Now repeat the above steps, using hostnames instead of IP addresses.
If it fails at any point, you have a name resolution problem. Check your
DNS settings in resolv.conf, your hosts.conf file for the line - order
hosts, bind, and your hosts file for accuracy.
<p>NT Clients -
<br>Double check that your workstation has the gateway machine's NIC set
as it's default gateway ( in this example.)
<p>Ping, then the machine's IP address. If this fails, your networking
setup is incorrect, or your NIC is malfunctioning.
<p>If this goes well, ping the gateway box by IP address. If this fails,
check your cabling.
<p>Ping the outside world. If this fails, the problem lies in the gateway,
not the client.
<p>Now repeat the above steps, using hostnames instead of IP addresses.
If it fails at any point, you have a name resolution problem.
<p>Check your Control Panel/Network/Protocols/Properties,DNS settings,
making sure neither enable lmhosts for lookup or enable dns for lookup
is checked in your networking setup, that your hostname and domain are
correct, and finally, check your hosts file for accuracy.
<p><b>Some notes and tips on particular services:</b>
<br>As described here, the gateway should support ICMP requests, Web Surfing,
SMTP/POP3, and telnet.
<p>For additional services, particularly ones that assume things about
certain ports, you may or may not need to load some additional modules
at boot time.
<p>For a complete listing of the supported applications, see the IP_Masq
<p>At a minimum, you will probably want to load the ftp module, and the
real audio module.
<p>Change directory to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file mentioned previously,
and add these lines BEFORE the ipfwadm rules you put in here earlier.
<p>/sbin/depmod -a
<br>/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
<br>/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio
<p><b>NOTE ON MODULES:</b> There are many more modules available, these
are simply the two I use most. To add additional modules, just add them
using the above lines as a guide.
<p><b>Example rc.local scripts:</b>
<br>RedHat -
<br>>snip of lots of stuff&lt;
<br>cp -f /etc/issue /etc/issue.net
<br>echo >> /etc/issue
<br># Now, the stuff you add -
<br>echo "Loading Masquerade Modules .."
<br>/sbin/depmod -a
<br>/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
<br>/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio
<br>echo "Done..."
<br>echo "Loading Masquerade and Routing Rules.."
<br>ipfwadm -F -p deny
<br>ipfwadm -F -a masquerade -W ppp0 -S
<br>echo "Done.."
<br># if configured properly, no pppupd required
<p>Slackware (with my script)
<br>>snip gpm stuff&lt;
<br># Now, the stuff you add -
<br>echo "Loading Masquerade Modules .."
<br>/sbin/depmod -a
<br>/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
<br>/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio
<br>echo "Done..."
<br>echo "Loading Masquerade and Routing Rules.."
<br>ipfwadm -F -p deny
<br>ipfwadm -F -a masquerade -W ppp0 -S
<br>echo "Done.."
<br>pppupd > /dev/null
<p>Slackware (with pppsetup script <b>NOT RECOMMENDED</b>)
<br>>snip gpm stuff&lt;
<br># Now, the stuff you add -
<br>ppp-go -q
<br>echo "Loading Masquerade Modules .."
<br>/sbin/depmod -a
<br>/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_ftp
<br>/sbin/modprobe ip_masq_raudio
<br>echo "Done..."
<br>echo "Loading Masquerade and Routing Rules.."
<br>ipfwadm -F -p deny
<br>ipfwadm -F -a masquerade -W ppp0 -S
<br>echo "Done.."
<br>pppupd > /dev/null
<br>Previous Columns:
<br>November, December, and January columns
<br>IP_Masq mini HOW-TO
<br>Ethernet HOW-TO
<br>Net-3 HOW-TO
<br>Network Administrator's Guide
<br>Mastering Windows NT Server 4 (3rd Edition)
<br>ISP Hookup HOW-TO
<br>ISP Connectivity HOW-TO
<p><b>Resources for further information:</b>
<br><b><i>Web Resources:</i></b>
<br><a href="http://ipmasq.cjb.net/">http://ipmasq.cjb.net/</a>
<br><a href="http://www.redhat.com/">http://www.redhat.com/</a>
<br><a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/">http://www.linuxgazette.com</a>
<br><a href="http://www.linuxjournal.com/">http://www.linuxjournal.com/</a>
<br><a href="http://www.cdrom.com/">http://www.cdrom.com/</a>
<p><b><i>Print Materials:</i></b>
<br>Linux - Installation, Configuration, and Use (Michael Kofler)
<br>RedHat Linux Installation Guide - versions 4.2, 5.0, 5.1 (Red Hat Software,
<br>Linux Gazette - (SSC Inc.)
<br>Linux Journal - (SSC Inc.)
<br>Linux - The Complete Reference (Walnut Creek CDROM Books)
<p><b>Next month, installing a caching web and nameserver, some tips and
tricks for advanced configuration, and some secrets to improve performance!</b>
<P> <HR> <P>
<center><H4>Previous ``Linux Installation Primer'' Columns</H4></center>
<A HREF="../issue32/jenkins1.html">Linux Installation Primer #1, September
<A HREF="../issue33/jenkins2.html">Linux Installation Primer #2, October
<A HREF="../issue34/jenkins3.html">Linux Installation Primer #3, November
<A HREF="../issue35/jenkins4.html">Linux Installation Primer #4, December
<A HREF="../issue36/jenkins5.html">Linux Installation Primer #5, January
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Ron Jenkins <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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<P> <HR> <P>
Linux carries a similar promise for the global software community as the
1849 Gold Rush did for California. For software products and projects,
Linux is software gold. When electroplated onto cheap, high-performance
PCs, Linux offers all the appearance, performance, and function of the
high-priced, real-gold offerings of the major vendors including Microsoft,
Sun, IBM, and HP. And the analogy can be extended further. Just as the
1849 Gold Rush provided many expected and unexpected benefits to the State
of California and even to the U.S. economy, Linux is poised to provide both
expected as well as unexpected benefits to the software industry.
The 1849 Gold Rush promoted settlement of the State of California and
provided discretionary cash at critical juncture in US history: funding art,
educational, building, and other projects which would have been delayed by
decades or never would have been accomplished at all.
Linux is already promoting the settlement of new software areas. Linux has
provided the opportunity for many engineers to contribute to operating
system kernel development, advanced networking, real-time scheduling, and
super-computer design. The results have been an exciting array of
high-quality, advanced software. Without the momentum offered by Linux,
these areas would remain sparsely populated. Today there is a healthy
collaborative community that has "settled" into and is growing and evolving
in each of these areas.
Linux is capable of much more. In addition to enabling the settlement of
new software areas, Linux provides a fertile seed as a kind of discretionary
cash whose addition to the global software economy will fund advancements in
the software technology and will broaden sources for commercial software.
Linux "gold" can provide the extra resources needed to enable software
projects that would otherwise be infeasible. This is especially important
on a global basis. Today the world's software industry is dominated largely
by U.S. companies. Commercial licensing and royalties feed the U. S.
software hegemony and often stifle initiation of projects or products in
developing countries.
Linux changes the rules.
Linux can provide an inexpensive yet strong foundation for large-scale
projects which otherwise face a multiplier of licensing restrictions and
fees. Even in the U. S., reduction of licensing fees multiplied over
hundreds of equivalent machines was a major motivator for using Linux-based
supercomputing to produce the special effects of the movie Titanic.
The combination of zero royalties and low hardware costs enable the
prerequisite infrastructure of large projects to be built cost effectively.
Furthermore, maintenance and upgrade costs can be controlled by the project
more efficiently. While software evolution is more rapid under Linux than
under commercial operating systems, each project nonetheless can select the
upgrades and maintenance which are appropriate to its own specific
requirements without arbitrary vendor upgrades and artificial external
costs. Support cannot be withdrawn because a complete snapshot of the
source code used for the project is always available.
For example, many large-scale projects exist which have been developed in
the public domain but which are tied to a proprietary infrastructure. In
one such case, the U.S. Weather Service has built a large, public domain
source system for weather forecasting based upon Hewlett Packard's (HP)
proprietary Unix operating system and compilers. The costs of implementing
a national-scale forecasting system on high-priced HP equipment would be
prohibitive to all but the wealthiest countries. However, with some effort,
the entire code base could be converted to Linux and built using standard
open compilers such as g++. Several template facilities might need to be
reworked against the template limitations of g++, and data byte order
assumptions embedded in some parts of the code must be resolved, but in
theory such a conversion could be completed successfully. Then a top-rate
automated weather tracking and early-warning system could be implemented
wherever raw data could be obtained to feed the forecasting software.
Although obtaining raw weather data is not trivial, literally hundreds of
programmer-years worth of work on a world-class front-end weather system
already has been provided. Once available under Linux, modern weather
forecasting services could begin to become available to developing nations
Product development also benefits from the same factors. Any number of
commercial products can be built without the traditional dependencies on
external licensing and support. The control of Linux-based software
products can be fully vested in the project itself. Projects can be jump
started with fewer legal and financial dependencies. New products can be
built by virtually any source in the global development community and can
compete on technical merit with few licensing constraints and no royalty
encumbrances. Some examples might be a Linux version of the popular modem
multiplexers such as Webramp, or Linux-based PDAs, office Intranet and file
servers, etc. Linux is highly suited for building any software or firmware
product that is service oriented and capable of being remotely, especially
Web managed.
Products can be built:
<li>Without traditional dependencies on external licensing and support
<li>Fewer legal dependencies
<li>Fewer financial dependencies
<li>No royalty encumbrances
<li>Fewer licensing constraints
<li>Re-investment, rather than hoarding, of new technologies
But can product developers basing their work on GNU Public License (GPL)
open source software such as Linux still protect their valuable intellectual
property, their inventions? If they have incorporated GPL source software,
then they typically must provide their own product's source code also. In
some cases this will not be a problem. Where it is, then the developer
should build their product using dynamic libraries if possible. If dynamic
libraries are not sufficient, then alternative open source software, such as
FreeBSD, could be used as a basis for their product. However, hoarding
inventions contradicts the spirit as well as the many advantages of Linux
and open source software. While fully adhering to open source practice,
vendors such as Red Hat have implemented a business model that emphasizes
other product differentiators including packaging, ease of use,
configuration utilities, and service, etc. Large projects can greatly
benefit from open source practice since they are normally sold based on
expertise and long-term maintainability. When the complete project source
code is available, the lifecycle stability of the entire project is
The world's software industry has great intellectual talent. This wealth of
talent is certainly in aggregate greater than any single company commands
including Microsoft, IBM, Sun, HP, etc. But many software developers
outside of the U. S. have been hampered by the steep cost of project startup
and by the licensing restrictions that give ownership and control to others.
Limited local opportunities further promote the "brain-drain" from
developing countries to the U.S.
Linux helps solve these problems because ownership (copyright) of software
is shared and typically does not require complex or onerous licensing
arrangements. Equally importantly, project costs can be controlled so that
they better reflect the actual costs without arbitrary expenses due to
inflated infrastructure requirements or foreign license and royalty fees.
Linux is continually being adapted and revitalized and represents an ever
more capable foundation to empower the world software development community.
Linux is truly a renewable Gold rush.
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, AuthorName <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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<H1><font color="maroon">Comparison of BeOS-r4 and Linux</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:layers@marktwain.net">Larry Ayers</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Introduction</font></h3></center>
<p>After using Linux exclusively for a couple of years I began to feel a bit
out of touch with the computer users in our rural community, nearly all of
whom use some version of Windows. It had become more difficult to help
people (especially over the phone) with computer problems, as my memories of
Windows configuration and tweaking had faded. With a fresh set of
YARD boot-disks at hand, I reinstalled Win95 from the CDROM, rebooted from the
YARD disks, then reinstalled lilo on the usurped master boot record.
<p>After completing this unpleasant and tedious task I felt that I deserved
some sort of reward. Due to an inherent and insatiable curiosity about
software and operating systems, I had ordered the BeOS release 4 CD a week or
two before but hadn't gotten around to repartitioning a hard disk and
installing it. In this article I'll discuss my first impressions of this BeOS
installation, as well as compare the relative features, appearance, and
usability of Be and Linux
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Installing the BeOS</font></h3></center>
<p>The BeOS is a young operating system. Its hardware support and software
availability reminds me of Linux in the mid-nineties. Since not everyone is
willing to spend money on new hardware in order to run Be, the company is
willing to refund the purchase price (no questions asked) if someone buys a
copy but can't get it run. Luckily my hardware was supported, which was as
much a matter of luck as anything else.
<p>Be can only be installed on a primary partition, in contrast to
Linux, which can be installed on any sort of partition. Earlier releases of
Be were limited to IDE drives, but release 4 can be installed on SCSI drives
as well, but only when connected to certain brands of controller cards. It
happens that I have one of the supported SCSI cards, but the drivers are new
so I thought I'd play it safe and make room for a new primary partition on my
IDE drive. Be Inc. has licensed a limited version of the partition-resizing
utility Partition Magic and included it on the Be CD. This version of
Partition Magic is meant to be run from Windows, so it wouldn't be of much use
to a Linux user without Windows installed. It's also limited to three preset
partition sizes. I tried it but it refused to recognize the partition I had
<p>The other method of installation is to boot from the supplied boot-floppy and
insert the CD during the booting process. The new partition was still
unrecognizable. To make a long story short, after several attempts I found
that only one of the first two primary partitions would work for the
installation. Unfortunately the first two primaries on my IDE disk were
occupied by Win95 and Linux, so I ended up moving the contents of some
Linux partitions on the SCSI disk, edited the <kbd>/etc/fstab</kbd> file to
reflect the changes, and created a new first primary partition on the drive.
BeOS installed without a hitch once it could find an acceptable boot
partition, but it struck me as being rather picky about its partitions.
<p>Be comes with a bootmanager (based on lilo) but I chose to add a new stanza
to my existing <b>lilo.conf</b> file, as lilo has always been dependable for
me and I couldn't see an advantage to using Be's. The stanza is simple:<br>
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Booting Be</font></h3></center>
<p>Accustomed as I am to the verbose Linux boot-messages scrolling by, Be's
seemed spare and uninformative. The messages which do appear let you know
that a &quot;boot-volume&quot; has been found, and that unspecified devices
are being initialized. Be requires about the same amount of time to boot as
Linux if you add in the time X takes to start up.
<p>The developers at Be have created a GUI which is reminiscent of both the
Mac and OS/2 interfaces. Not spectacular or flashy, but nevertheless cleanly
designed and functional. Linux users have become accustomed to
configurability, a trait which aficianados cherish but which can be confusing
to new users. A few minor tweaks of the interface are possible with Be, such
as scrollbar style and desktop background, but the basic window appearance is
hard-wired. In a sense, the legions of Linux programmers have, over the
years, transformed a liability (X-Windows' lack of a built-in window-manager)
into an opportunity. That this was even possible is due to X's inherent
flexibility along with the availability of the X source.
<p>Poking around in the directory tree I found some familiar names,
directories such as <kbd>/etc</kbd>, <kbd>dev</kbd>, plus a directory
<kbd>/beos/bin </kbd> which contains the standard unix utilities such as
<i>ls</i>, <i>cp</i>, and the <i>bash</i> shell. These are Be ports of the
GNU utilities; I suspect the source is tucked away on the CD in order to
satisfy the GPL. An old, non-GUI version of the Vim editor is even included.
These utilities can be run from a Terminal window, which is similar to xterm
with the addition of a menubar from which font-size and colors can be set.
<p>One interesting feature which I was interested in trying out is the support
for more than one color-depth simultaneously (on separate pager desktops).
This works, but not consistently in my case. Even though my video-card is
supposedly one of the highly-recommended cards for Be, switching back and
forth from an 8-bit to a 16-bit desktop will eventually result in a corrupted
display. I quickly learned not to try a high resolution and then set it as
default for all desktops, as if all screens are garbled rebooting is the only
solution. A reboot into &quot;safe mode&quot; to reset the defaults is
necessary when this happens.
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Font Rendering</font></h3></center>
<p>This is one part of the OS which the Be developers got right. The screen
fonts are crisply rendered at all sizes. Among the many demos included with
Be is a very impressive font demo which displays fonts in a variety of ways:
skewed, rotated, smoothly changing size, etc. One possible reason for the
high-quality on-screen font display is that the only type of font currently
supported in this release is TrueType, though Type 1 support is planned.
TrueType fonts typically just look better than Type 1 on a computer screen, as
can be seen in Linux when using one of the TrueType font servers such as
xfstt. A basic editor is included with Be, called Styled Edit. It's similar
to Microsoft's Wordpad in that it can use scalable fonts along with their bold
and italic versions and saves the information in the file.
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Filesystems</font></h3></center>
<p>Be uses a new filesystem called <i>befs</i>. It sounds impressive; a
64-bit journaling filesystem which can store file metadata in a file's
attributes. This is similar to OS/2's HPFS file-system, except HPFS files
just have attribute pointers stored in the file; the actual attribute data is
stored in a binary configuration file. When I first read about Be's
filesystem I hoped that they had avoided using binary-database configuration
files, as in my experience they cause more problems than they solve. The
filesystem also has inherent database capabilities, whatever that might mean.
I'd like to see a demonstration of this feature.
<p>The be filesystem also has support for very large files, up to one
terabyte. All of this sounds impressive, but without applications which make
use of these features (I mean large applications which handle large amounts of
data, such as video-editors) it's difficult for an end-user to see any
particular benefit.
<p>There has been much discussion in the past few months on the linux-kernel
mailing-list about the feasibility of extending the trusty ext2 filesystem to
include some of these features. People doing video-editing in particular
would like large-file support; Linus Torvalds thinks that these people would
be better off using a 64-bit machine for this sort of work, as the ability to
make use of large files &quot;comes with the territory&quot;. Journaling
ability for ext2 is being worked on, and after a lengthy debate about file
meta-data the consensus seemed to be that similar results can be achieved
using the existing ext2 filesystem.
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Stability</font></h3></center>
This is hard to judge, as I haven't really stressed the system much. I've
never had Be crash, but I've never run several large applications (like
Netscape Communicator, XEmacs, or the Gimp) simultaneously, mainly because I
don't have any for Be. Be does come with a decent web-browser, NetPositive, which
works well but doesn't have Java or secure transaction support. This browser
doubles as the default help-viewer, which is tolerable due to its quick
start-up time.
<center><font color="maroon">Networking and Printing</font></center>
<p>Be isn't a multi-user OS as Linux is, but the PPP networking is easy to set
up. Unfortunately, my modem wouldn't respond. It turns out that external
modems are autodetected well but internal modems can be troublesome. I
eventually found a configuration window which allows the user to add a non-PNP
ISA device, but it took me at least as long to figure out the format of the
memory addresses needed as it ever has taken me to figure out a cryptic Linux
config file. I finally found a newsgroup posting which explained it well, as
well as several which claimed to but were wrong. Once over this hurdle
opening a PPP session was easy, as long as the ISP uses PAP authentification.
Otherwise you're out of luck. Once online stability of the connection and
transfer rates seemed comparable to what I'm accustomed to with Linux.
<p>A few network cards are supported, nowhere near the number which Linux
supports. My card isn't supported, so I was unable to test an ethernet
<p>Printer support is very limited; only Apple Laserwriters and HP PCL3
Laserjets, and the Epson ink-jets are usable. I use an old Epson dot-matrix
printer; even if my printer worked with Be I would miss being able to use
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Applications</font></h3></center>
<p>There really aren't many, though much is promised. That's the
chicken-and-egg problem with any new operating system: nobody wants to port
applications until there is a sizable user-base, but people don't migrate to
the new OS without those &quot;killer apps&quot; available. There are several
e-mail clients, at least two word-processors-in-progress, but so far not too many of
the audio and video applications which Be needs if it wants to live up to its
nickname &quot;the media OS&quot;.
<p>One problem with application availability is the change in release 4 to the
ELF file format, similar to Linux's. This means that programs written for
earlier Be releases won't run on release 4. Evidently recompiling can be
tricky, so there is a large backlog of ports and programs which haven't yet
been updated for the new release. This was disappointing, as I was looking
forward to trying the Be port of GNU Emacs. Another change made in release 4
is the adoption of the Cygnus egcs compiler as the default. Previous releases
used a crippled free edition of the commercial Metroworks development tools.
The software developed for and ported to previous Be releases was developed
with the Metroworks tools; evidently some code rewriting is necessary to
compile the old code with egcs. Yes, Be ships with a compiler, header files,
make, etc., as does Linux, but the trend in the Be world is binary software
distribution rather than the freely available source Linux users are
accustomed to.
<p>One of the most impressive applications available is Gobe Productive, a
word-processor with spreadsheet and image-editing modules. The documents it
produces are layer-based, similar to the usage of image layers in the Gimp.
Speaking of the Gimp, the image editor includes a subset of Gimp plug-ins,
though without preview windows. Unfortunately this application saves
documents in Yet Another Proprietary Format, though RTF is also supported.
Until Gobe Productive supports the ubiquitous Word file format (promised in a
future release) it's unlikely to sell too well unless Be really takes off.
<p>The apps situation reminds me of Linux a couple of years ago, minus the
open-source tradition which kept Linux alive and thriving before the advent of
commercial Linux interest (and is still responsible for much of the vitality
and yeasty ferment of the Linux community). I admit I find the
shareware-crippleware tendency in BeOS software to be a little irritating, but
Be is unabashedly a commercial OS with all that implies. Commercial, but not
above using driver and utility code developed by free software developers.
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Conclusions</font></h3></center>
<p>Right now the BeOS is not much more than potential. If Be Inc. can induce
hardware manufacturers to write more drivers (and if enough users migrate) it
may do well. This year is a perfect time for alternatives to Microsoft to
gain user-share due to Microsoft's legal entanglements and growing public
disenchantment. I don't think many current users of Linux will abandon it for
Be, though I imagine there will be a significant number who will dual-boot if
audio and especially video-editing applications for Be become available. I
doubt the user-interface amenities Be provides are enough of an incentive to
attract many current Linux users, as people who want these features are
currently using KDE, with a stable release of Gnome on the horizon providing
another choice. I believe in the principles fueling the free software
movement, but not in an exclusionary sense. If Be should gain popularity and
market-share the consequences will likely benefit Linux as well. Consumers
will begin to realize that viable non-Microsoft choices exist; Be's unix-like
structure could expose more people to the stability and other benefits of
unix-like operating systems.
<!-- hhmts start -->
Last modified: Sat 30 Jan 1999
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<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Larry Ayers <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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<BR><IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss19Small2.jpg" HEIGHT=171 WIDTH=581>
<P><FONT SIZE="+2">An Ode to Richard Stallman</FONT>
<P><FONT SIZE="+1">(Or Minutes to the NYSIA/WWWAC Software Summit)</FONT>
<P>By <a href="http://ssadler.phy.bnl.gov/~adler/adler">Stephen Adler</a>
<HR WIDTH="80%">
I recently attended the New York Software Summit held at the Fashion
Institute of Technology (FIT) in NYC. This was a joint conference sponsored
by the New York Software Industry Association (
<a href="http://www.nysia.org">www.nysia.org</a>) and the world
Wide Web Artists Consortium (
<a href="http://www.wwwac.org">www.wwwac.org</a>). I, being a
subscriber to the LXNY mailing list (
<a href="http://www.lxny.org">www.lxny.org</a>), was informed of
this event by Jay Sulzberger, who was moderating a panel titled "The
Free Software Movement, Open Source, and the Coming Free Market in
OSes". I found the subject of this panel to be rather close to my
heart, but being a 70 mile commute into NYC for me, I thought I would
pass it up. I read the rest of Jay's announcing e-mail and saw two
words which would eventually changed my mind. Richard Stallman. He
was going to be on the panel and as it turned out, this was too much
of an incentive for me to pass up. What follows is probably too much
text to describe the event, but then, I'm drawn to the subject and I
can't help myself. So please forgive my indulgence.
<HR WIDTH="80%">
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/todays-mfhSmall.jpg" ALIGN=RIGHT hspace=10 vspace=10>
Day -1) It was a busy day for me. Rather a busy week for that matter.
I have just started working on this new experiment called
<A HREF="http://www.phenix.bnl.gov">PHENIX</A>,
which is supposed to take data in 6 months. The experiment is 5 million
dollars short, and with the engineering run coming up in 6 months, things
are rather hectic. I remembered Jay's email about the software summit and
pulled it up. I was still in my debating phase as to whether I should go
or not (event though I knew Richard Stallman was going to be there) and
with my current work load, I was starting to lean towards not going. I
read through Jay's latest announcement and realized that the closing date
for registering for the conference was today, at noon. It was 11:50am!!!!
Oh God, I had to make a decision NOW. This was hard. The arguments were
flying around my head. "The timing system must be worked on." "Richard
Stallman." "It's a critical component of this detector and rather late."
"Richard Stallman." "I worked all day yesterday and this morning on the
system with two engineers at my side and we made a lot of progress." "Richard
Stallman." "I would get a lot done tomorrow by keeping up the momentum
on this project." "Richard Stallman." "The run is only 6 months away."
"Richard Stallman." "Well, the run is 180 days away, one day off is less
than a 1% effect." "Richard Stallman." "Screw the timing system I'm going...."
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/PhInSchSmall.gif" align=left hspace=10 vspace=10>
So I grabbed the phone, and called one of the two numbers. It was busy.
I call the other number, I got a recording to leave a message. (It is now
11:58am.) I left a message saying that I wanted to register. I then pulled
up their registration web page. It was still active. I quickly filled it
out, hit the submit button and some reassuring text appears saying that
I have been registered. I know information technology better than that and
decided to call again. (It's now 12:02pm.) I was able to get through and
told the lady that I had just registered on the web and I wanted to get
some kind of confirmation that my registration went through. She told me
this could not be done for reasons which were too involved to go into
now. Oh well, I did my best. I continued working on the timing system that
By early evening I went back to my office and I got a phone call from
a one Bruce Bernstein, who asks me if I'm his cousin. Bruce is the main
organizer of this summit and his cousin is Stephen Adler, a particle physicist
who works at the Institute of Advance Study in Princeton NJ. It turns out
that there are two Stephen Adlers in High Energy and Nuclear Physics. This
guy from Princeton and me. And Bruce is this other Stephen Adler's cousin.
There are some cosmological forces going on here which confirm that I really
should go to this summit. It was good that he called because I explained
to him my rush to register for this conference at noon today. He say's
"You registered on the web right?" "Correct," I reply. He say's "What?
You don't trust the web?" I didn't want to reply to that. I did get what
I wanted, verbal confirmation of sorts, from the summit organizer no less,
that I was registered. I was ready to go.
<HR WIDTH="80%">
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss03Small.jpg" HEIGHT=152 WIDTH=259 ALIGN=LEFT hspace=10 vspace=10>
Day 0) Up at 5:20 am. I wanted to catch the 6:25am LIRR into Penn
Station. My commuting routine is working better. (See my article on <A
Internet World 98</A> for details.) I got to the train station with my
new notebook in hand, with time to buy a bagel, coffee and catch a
seat on the 6:25am express to Penn. My intent was to jot down some
thoughts, as I was riding into the city, on my new notebook. But there
was a problem. You can't type on your notebook, drink coffee and eat
your bagel at the same time. I'll get this commuting thing right some
day. The typing had to wait. I ate my bagel and drank my coffee, then
fired up my notebook to jot down some notes. This was more of an
experiment to see how well one can use a notebook on crowded
trains. (The guy to my left decided to sleep in such a position as to
pin my left elbow, making it rather challenging to type. I managed.)
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss05Small.jpg" HEIGHT=180 WIDTH=250 hspace=10 vspace=10>
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss04Small.jpg" HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=202 ALIGN=LEFT hspace=10 vspace=10>
The train arrived on time. I got that NYC effect when I burst out onto
7th avenue from Penn Station, on my way to the FIT. It was 7:30am, the
air was clean and cool, and the city was waking up. Crowds were
picking up on 7th avenue. That NYC hustle and bustle is something I
can't get enough of. I headed for the Fashion Institute of Technology
down 7th av. I have such a hard time with this Institute. I'm having a
harder time trying to relate the software summit with
Fashion. Hmmm... Maybe there will be some gorgeous models walking
around in some high tech fashioned clothes. Think of this as your Ph.D
thesis project. Cindy Crawford wrapped in a production batch of .8
micron pitch Intel wafers. I would take a picture of that and try to
explain it to my wife later.
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss09Small.jpg" HEIGHT=291 WIDTH=202 ALIGN=RIGHT hspace=10 vspace=10>
Maybe /. needs to come up with a logo for fashion when the students
from FIT post the latest gossip news on fashion technology? I should
go easy on this institute. It is hosting this summit and Richard
Stallman will grace its halls with his presence. Once I get there, my
notion of what fashion technology is confirmed. I didn't see Cindy
Crawford dressed up in .8 micron pitch wafers, but I did see displays
of leading edge fashion. A true convergence of fashion with modern
art. I'm not sure where the technology fits in, but what the heck, its
NYC. There was a rather avant-garde display in the lobby of one
building which I wanted to take a picture of, but a rather gruff guard
wouldn't let me. So be it.
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss08Small.jpg" HEIGHT=250 WIDTH=169 ALIGN=LEFT hspace=10 vspace=10>
I found the registration center which was in the lobby of building
A. I went to look for my badge, and it was not there. They told me to
go to the problem desk. The line at the problem desk was just as long
as the line to get your badge. The lady at the problem desk looked
and me and said "Sorry, I can't find your name anywhere. You must
register with a personal check." "I have no check and I registered on
your web site, check again" I demanded. Another shuffle through some
hand written pages of "last minute" registrants and no Stephen
Adler. Just then Bruce shows up. "Stephen Adler?", he looks at me. "I
saw Stephen Adler on a list somewhere" he conjectures. "Just write him
a badge" he orders the problem desk lady. And so it goes, the free
software Gods implanted an image of my name on a list somewhere in
Bruce's brain last night, and thus I get my hand written badge,
reading "Stephen Adler, B .and. L". This is my ticket in, and I don't
care if it should read, "Stephen Adler, BNL". That's BNL for <A
HREF="http://www.bnl.gov">Brookhaven National Laboratory</A>. It has a
rather Fortran look and I figure it must be a joke by the same free
software Gods who got me to attend this meeting. (Physicists tend to
write too much Fortran code anyway.)
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss20Small.jpg" HEIGHT=88 WIDTH=400 hspace=10 vspace=10>
The summit was organized around the following format. Two parallel breakfast
sessions, one for the NYSIA and one for the WWWAC. Two morning parallel
tracks, a lunch with key note address, one afternoon parallel track, and
a plenary with a keynote panel at the end. Stallman was going to be on
the 11:15-12:30 panel on free software and the keynote plenary panel at
I took off up to the 6th floor to attend the NYSIA breakfast panel.
The first of two keynote speakers was Steve Malanga. His topic was
trying to analyze the city of New York and why it didn't have more of
a software industry. The talk was rather boring and bureaucratic. Lots
of charts showing job growth over time, how NYC was able to gain back
the number of jobs it lost during the last recession, etc. He was
trying to point out that there is a big software industry in NYC but
under a different name. Wall Street. (i.e. Wall Street recent hires
account for a large technology sector.) Around me were about 100
people, and I had one of two notebooks there. An indication of the
backward technology culture of NYC. The 6th floor, where they were
having this panel, was the dining area of a cafeteria. There were
long tables with white tablecloths and plastic chairs in the room. The
architecture of the place gave it a bit of a 1970's look and
feel. When I got there, the panel had started and I was proudly
pulling out my notebook. The problem now was the tablecloth. I had set
down my coffee cup on the table, and baglet to its side. (As in a
little 2 inch bagel. Why not, applets, servlets, baglets, what's the
difference.) The chairs were one against another so as I tried to get
into my chair, the domino affect caused the two chairs to my right to
push up against someone else's chair. I then sat down and as I pulled
my notebook out of my bag, this shifted the table cloth around and
almost spilled my coffee on my notebook, ugg....
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss39Small.jpg" ALIGN=RIGHT hspace=10 vspace=10>
Food and notebooks in tight places don't mix. Eat your food and then
deal with your notebook. Or get a firm table, firm chair, no table
cloth and keep your coffee as far away from you notebook as you can
reach. I have this recurring nightmare of spilling coffee all over my
notebook. It's going to happen, it's just a matter of time. In any case,
let me get back to the talk. It was boring, so I left to the Java
breakfast. The Java breakfast was better. The speaker, David Gee,
works for IBM and is passionate about Java. He said so in his
talk. One interesting note from his talk was that he claimed that NT
systems were up 97% of the time. I'm not sure if this was a good or a
bad thing, but the number was clearly pasted on one of his .ppt
pages. Then there were things which bothered me about his talk. He was
over selling java. He kept talking about how he wanted to have all
information accessible to him at all times, where ever he was in the
world. And he kept using the airline industry as his best example. He
wanted to know those important things like; What is the model of the
plane he was going to fly on? What is the seating layout on the plane,
so that he wouldn't get a seat where the window wasn't just so. What
was the latest stock quote for e-bay? And he wanted to get all this
information from his notebook plugged into the RJ45 outlet in his
hotel bathroom. This type of over trivialization of information
technology tends to kill the application you're trying to
sell. This guy then pops up a .ppt page with a picture of a shrink
wrapped java development package on the screen. He says "I am not
plugging or selling this product...." and then rattles off a full
list of the features of this software package. With that bit of
hypocrasy, I packed up my notebook and headed out.
The first track of parallel sessions was going to begin soon, and I
chose to attend the digital music one. One of my colleagues had told
me about mp3.com a couple of days ago and I realized that the music
industry was going to be turned on its head within a year. It turned
out to be where the NYSIA breakfast panel was held. So back up the
elevator I went to get an ear full of digital music talk.
<a href="./adler-digmusic.html">
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There were 4 panelists. Nick DiGiacomo, a consultant, Michael
Robertson of mp3.com, Howard M. Singer a2b music, Dick Wingate, liquid
audio. The discussion was good. I was planning on just attending this
panel for a short while and then go off to other panels and talks, but
the discussion was so good and of relevance to our life on the
Internet that I stuck it out. The deal with digital music is the
following. The bandwidth and compression algorithms have converged
such as to allow the free availability of CD quality music over the
Internet. This is very much to the tune of open sourced software about
10 years ago, but now the general public is getting into the act. The
problem; a large, powerful, wealthy establishment is fighting very
hard to control its market and preserve the status quo. Three of the
panelists, the guy from a2b music, the guy from liquid audio and the
consultant are clearly trying to work with the industry. They talked
on and on about how to restrict content. On the other hand, Mike
Robertson from mp3.com made a very brave statement. He said that
talking about security was like talking about morality. You cannot
talk against it. But he continues to say that it is impossible to try
to restrict the distribution of music. He then says that freedom over
content will rule the market. Talk about security is nonsense and
driven by the oligarchy protecting their business model which is music
distribution via CD. The audience applauds. (The only applause during
this session.) What I got from this session is clear. Battle lines are
forming on the distribution of digital music over the Internet front.
On one side you have you, me and the artist, on the other side you
have the rich and powerful establishment. The establishment is working
hard to introduce "security" into the distribution of music
content. "Security" only deals with how one can restrict access to the
content. It has nothing to do encrypting the music itself. (I'm not
sure how you would restrict access without encrypting the music
itself.) This was emphasized by the consultant. This will be done by
adding restriction signatures to the music. For example, a two day
license for a song would work such that you download the music, your
hardware gizmo or software applet plays it for two days and then plays
it no more. The control of who and for how long one can listen to the
music is under control of the artist, or so says the industry
consultant. Reading his lips, I hear, the music is controlled by those
who sell it, those being the establishment. And it's clear that the
establishment is starting to wake up to the fact that distribution of
music over the Internet could very well destroy their whole business
model, and them with it. MP3.com is on the road to changing this. It
has a 50-50 deal with the artist for what ever is sold over their web
site. And the artists keeps ownership of their work. Right now, when a
band cuts a record, the music is then owned by the recording company
and belongs to the band no more. The band then gets about a 20% cut of
the sales. Also, a band must sell more than 250,000 CD's in order not
to get dumped. These are very large obstacles for bands to overcome in
order to get their music heard by the general public. And guess what,
the new music I hear over the radio and on MTV all sounds the same. To
me, this is a clear fallout of the restricted access musicians have to
the general public, set up by the music industry. But the Internet and
web sites like mp3.com will change all that. Another point made by the
Mike Robertson from mp3.com, the record industry is not going broke
with the current method of music distribution via CD. It is making
lots of money. So to them, it is important to maintain this status
quo. Clearly, the Internet has the power to change all that. Other
side issues which were discussed were audio formats. a2b and liquid
audio were all hot about their standards, those being closed ones. The
guy from mp3.com commented that open standards win on the Internet and
I'm sure time will bear this out. There was more to the discussion
which I cannot remember and I failed to write down in my notes, but it
was a good prelude to the next session I was going to attend, the free
software panel.
<HR WIDTH="80%">
The free software panel was being held in building C and I was in building
A. So down to the lobby I go in search of building C, somewhere on the
campus of this Fashion Institute of Technology. In the lobby, I find Jay
Sulzberger at the problem desk. It looks like web registration technology
failed him as well. Jay is the moderator for the free software panel and
who also invited me to be a panelist on another panel held last fall for
one of the LXNY meetings. The subject of that panel was something like
free software in your business. It was my first chance to talk about my
work to a non-physicist audience and I jumped at the chance, even thought
the subject was not physics. I figured I used enough free software in my
work that I would be able to fit that topic in somehow, amongst my aerial
photo transparencies of high energy physics laboratories across the nation
and the world. So, as implied in what I just said, I have already met Jay.
I waited for him as he finished up with his problem at the problem desk,
(web based registration technologies, hmmm....) This gave me a chance to
walk with him over to building C in search of the classroom where this
free software panel was to take place. On the way we chatted about something,
I can't remember if it was quantum computers, free software or his admitting
to being a gun nut, as is someone else who is an acquaintance of ours.
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss11Small.jpg" HEIGHT=152 WIDTH=250 ALIGN=LEFT hspace=10 vspace=10>
We found building C, we found the 3rd floor and room C324, the room
where Richard Stallman was to grace us with his presence. Richard
Stallman was not there when Jay and I showed up. The rest of the panel
and about 20 people who made up the audience were there. The class
room was wide and set up in such a way that the desks were close to
where the speakers stood to address the class. The desks were these
long tables with a black hard surface table top, no tablecloths. These
tables were certified notebook friendly. The chairs were high and
rather comfortable. They kept you at attention as you sat in them. I
got a chair two rows back from where the speakers were to address the
audience, centered in the room. I wanted to be in the center of this
room in order to absorb all that was to transpire. I set up my
notebook, popped open the netscape browser editor window, and Jay came
over to continue his talk about quantum computers. I think this was
just an excuse to come over and checkout what kind of software I was
running on my notebook, since I noticed his subtle glance towards my
notebook screen as he leaned over to tell me about NMR probes, coffee
cups, statistical mechanics and how engineers can make work what
physicists dream up. (Which is true, sometimes...)
Things start to settle down in the classroom. I notice that most of
the people who made up the audience for this panel discussion are guys
like you and me. We don't wear formal clothes. We have a solidity and
ruggedness in our manner. Jay definitely is heavy on the ruggedness
side. We have thoughts to be shared and passion in our hearts about
the work we pursue in our daily lives. But to counter balance this
atmosphere of technology pioneers, there were about 3 or 4 guys who
sat together towards my right in the back corner of the class
room. These guys stood out. They were formally dressed, each one. They
have a fragility to their manner. It's different with these guys. They
obviously have thoughts to be shared, I can't really account for the
passion in the heart, but they do have something the rest of us
don't. Money in the wallet. Lots of money in the wallet. These guys
are "the establishment" and will play a very interesting role in the
events to unfold.
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So there I sit, waiting for the panel discussion to start, Jay is outside
trying to give away free software to anyone who walks by the classroom
door, and we are all waiting for Richard Stallman to show up, so that we
can start this damn thing. Jay has now scared off half a dozen people who
were unfortunate enough to have walked by the door, and has given up waiting
for Richard. Jay begins. He tells us a story about how the free software
movement started with Richard. Back some time ago at the MIT software labs,
Richard was trying to print to some ding dong printer and couldn't. There
was a software bug which stood between him and his printout. Richard wanted
to solve the problem by getting the source code and fixing it. He couldn't,
the source code was not available and more important, could not be made
available because the company who sold MIT the printer would not hand over
the code. The code was locked up behind legal doors and Stallman was not
going to be able to solve this problem. Thus the beginning of the free
software movement which has evolved into what we know today. With that
story told, he introduced the panelers who were present. Jesse
Erlbaum, a man who wrote or uses object oriented perl extensions,
Elliotte Rusty Harold who is an XML expert, Jim Russell from IBM, who
is "a herder of serious cats", and Dave Shields, also from IBM who
would talk a bit about Jikes. Jesse, the perl guy and the XML guy went
first in introducing themselves. The first one talked about how he
couldn't do his work without source code available software. The
second guy talked about how XML will be a replacement for a lot of
file formats including RTF. One of the big problems with word
processing is that for all practical purposes, file formats are not convertible
thus forcing you to buy the software in order to read the file. An MS business
model no doubt. XML will fix all that. Then went the two guys from IBM.
The first one talks about Jikes, how IBM was able to release the source
code to the Internet (but under a restricted license agreement which I'll
go into later), and the /. effect. Once Jikes was released, there was a
post to slashdot about it and the Jikes upload site experienced that /.
effect. The Jikes project went from #5 on the IBM upload list to #2 in
two weeks. He showed a nice plot of the integrated number of downloads
of Jikes for different platforms. It looks like the windows version was
released first. 15 days later, the linux one was released and about 5 days
after that, it over took the windows binary upload count. IBM now has hard
concrete data to show the linux does count! The second IBM guy, Jim Russell,
talked about how it was not so difficult to convince higher management
at IBM, that it made good business sense to release the source code to
something like Jikes, and thus earning Jay's title of "herder of serious
<a href="./adler-JayAndRichard.html">
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At some point during these introduction talks, Richard Stallman walks
into the room. I get to see the man for the first time in flesh and
blood. He stands about 5 foot 5 inches, has long black hair and a
beard. He carries a cloth bag in which, as I later learned, he keeps a
notebook, amongst other personal objects. He would melt right into any
university setting, (or high energy physics laboratory for that
matter). He starts to clown around with Jay. He starts making horn
signs above his head from behind, as Jay continues to read his
introductory remarks for the next panelist.
<a href="./adler-JayAndRichard.html">
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss14Small.jpg" HEIGHT=300 WIDTH=261 ALIGN=RIGHT hspace=10 vspace=10>
This goes on for a bit and the audience is getting a real kick out of
it. Finally, Jay turns to see Richard, he freaks and this kidding
around ends. Jay continues with his introduction and Richard starts
to make himself at home in the classroom. Off go his shoes, out comes
his notebook, and he finds a quiet place under one of the tables where
he fires up his notebook and begins hacking at some code or other. Jay
continues with the introductions, the panelist continue with their
opening remarks and Richard is oblivious to all this. He gets up from
under the table, paces back and forth around the entrance to the class
room, (in his socks,) getting ready to address his audience. It's like
he is doing mental laps, warming up for the upcoming discussion on
free software. (Don't forget, we have the establishment sitting in the
back right corner of the room. It's going to be Richard vs the
establishment.) Jay finally gets around to re-introducing
Stallman. Stallman starts by saying that he is the president of the
Free Software Foundation. He continues by saying that he is not
speaking about the "open source" movement, and he does not care about
making computers easier to use. At this point, I sort of lose the
specifics of what he has said, (since my notes are rather jumbled) and
I will try and paraphrase what he said. Basically, his concern is on a
global social historical scale. The free software effort is about
freedom, not software which costs nothing. A freedom which goes beyond
source code and into the way we interact as a community. Free software
is a manifestation of this freedom and is an example of it.
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<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss16Small.jpg" HEIGHT=215 WIDTH=250 ALIGN=LEFT hspace=10 vspace=10>
I think it's best to see this in the opposite sense. When you are
encumbered with software which you cannot change, even if you have
the source code in front of you but are not allowed legally to change
and distribute the changes, then your personal, inherent freedom has
been taken from you. That same freedom the US constitution gives you
which is the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Some
other important points which Stallman says during this discussion is
that people confuse Linux with GNU. Linux is only the kernel, and
works in conjunction with all the software on your PC. I would
describe Linux has being the conductor of a symphony. The musicians are
all the apps we run, and GNU being the concert hall itself, which with
out one cannot have a concert. (This is my metaphor, not Stallman's,
but I think Stallman was trying to get this point across.) He does not
like web sites which are set up for the public good which run add
banners. (I think he is talking about sites like /., linux.org, etc.)
And he pointed out that he runs debian GNU/Linux on his
notebook. (Which fits right in with his persona.)
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Stallman's introductory remarks never really end. The more he talks
about the freedom of software development, very much on the same plane
as freedom of expression, the more the intensity of the room
discussion heats up. The best word to describe the rising level of the
intensity of the discussion is passion. And there was lots of it. The
passion level took a step function when the "establishment" chimed
in. The elder of this group asked the question, what if MS opened up
windows 98 source code under the GPL? At this point in time Jay was
out in the hallway offering free software to some innocent person passing
by, hears this, jumps back into the classroom and
exclaims, "What? Open Source Windows!", and just about collapses on
the floor. The question needed to be answered, the room goes silent
and Jay takes the floor to answer the question. The question being
more broadly if MS would continue to make money if Bill Gates GPL'ed the
source code to windows '98. Jay's answer is no. There is a free market
economy which you must deal with and in such an environment, Microsoft
would perish if it GPL'ed its OS source. He continues by emphasizing
that justice would be served and the company would die a rightful
death. (Jay also holds this sentiment for Apple.) Stallman forces his
way into the discussion; No, MS would be redeemed if it GPL's its
source code. Jay has a fit. Jay exclaims that MS and Apple should both
die. MS would have to live through a million cockroaches lives before
it could be considered for a redeemed life! But Stallman is
adamant. MS would be redeemed if it fully GPL's its source. But
Stallman if firm, MS cannot take half steps and do something like IBM
did with Jikes and just release the source under a restricted
license. Its full GPL or it's worthless. In the meantime, the guys in
the establishment corner are trying to force the issue that one cannot
make money on software if you release the source code. The back and
forth on this subject goes on, issues such as opening up file formats
to help free up the software industry rise and are batted around. Jay
finally ends the discussion since we have run out of time.
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As the session ended, people broke up into smaller discussion groups.
I packed up my notebook and headed over to the group which surrounded
Richard. There was one female who had his attention at the time. (I
think there were 3 in the room.) She was a reporter of sorts, from
England, trying to get some private time with Richard for an
interview. He was all booked up and really wouldn't give her the time
of day. I don't know why, she was all in a tizzy to get time with
Stallman, and she was full of spunk too. (I think she would have given
Stallman a better writeup than I'm doing now...) Somehow the
discussion started on Linux vs GNU and the confusion thereof. This
gave me a chance to butt in and I asked Richard about his
kernel. "Yes, I have a kernel project called the GNU/Hurd". I knew
about this project already, but I just wanted to get a word in. "So
what happened to it?", I asked. He starts to tell me about some of the
key architectural features of his kernel and clearly it was a big
complicated implementation of a distributed kernel. I guess any type
of distributed kernel would be complicated and thus it seems to have
not made much progress. He made a comment that he did find one guy who
has actually tried to run it. One of the "establishment" guys was
there listening in on this discussion. The conversation then turned to
patents. I made a comment
that patents are there to protect the "investors" and not really the
inventor. Richard agreed with me. The guy from the "establishment"
tried to argue that patents are there to protect the inventor and to
help market the inventions so that the general public can benefit from
them. He continued, "if you could write software which would cure
cancer, then a patent on it would get the cure out to the masses."
(I'm paraphrasing here...) My comment was that in principle, this is
what you would argue, but in practice, the inventor gets a very small
piece of it. Its the large corporations and those who run them, who
end up owning patents and who get the profits from such patented
inventions. I continued by telling Richard that I, working for the
Department of Energy, signed a work contract which had a clause in it
that said that all my ideas would belong to the government. The
federal government now owns all the intellectual properly which comes
out of my brain. And if there are some kind of patent rights given to
me, the lab makes no effort in telling me what they are, since I have
no idea if I have any such rights. This must be the case with a lot of
research firms across the world; Lucent, IBM, etc. The discussion
continued further in terms of how we can try to protect ourselves from
the "establishment" abusing the patent system. Finally I stuck out my
hand and introduced myself to Richard and told him I wanted to thank
him for all the good he has done for the software community. He shook
my hand and then turned to this "establishment" guy who was leaving
and said that he was going to work as hard as he had to, to defeat
him. He said this in a raised, angry and attacking voice. I was taken
back by the strength in his conviction. It was genuine though. I then
wandered off to another small group, and talked to Jim Russell. I
introduced myself and asked the question, "Why do we get so passionate
about software?". The idea being that, those who write software and
publish it on the Internet should do so and that's it. What's all the
fuss about? We talked a bit more about distributing source code. I
stuck around a bit after that, but finally decided that I better get
back over to building A and get lunch. Lunch was included in the
registration fee and I was not about to miss out.
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss43Small.jpg" HEIGHT=124 WIDTH=250 ALIGN=LEFT hspace=10 vspace=10>
I got to the cafeteria where lunch was being served. Not bad, they had
real plates and silverware, unlike the BNL cafeteria which now serves
everything on paper plates or plastic containers, with plastic
utensils. As I got there, everyone had already eaten and the keynote
speaker was starting to deliberate. He is NYC Comptroller Alan Hevesi, talking
about the woes of the software industry in NYC. The city is in 9th
place across the country when you measure the software industry on a
per-capita scale. Some of the comments which stuck in my mind are the
following. (I didn't take notes on my notebook since I wasn't about to
open it next to my chicken lunch. There was the remainder of a large
coffee spill on the table cloth next to me. That could have been on
the key board of my notebook. Ahhhh....) NYC had to pay out
$900,000,000 to the new york stock exchange in tax exemptions to keep
it from moving to NJ. The speaker blamed that on those attending the
summit since the attendees had made it is so easy for anyone to set up
an information system anywhere to do their business. The EZpass system
is a wonderful piece of technology which allows traffic to flow past
the toll booths surrounding Manhattan. But, this means that the toll
collectors are out of a job. The speaker was quite sensitive to the
dangers of high tech information systems. In a few years, there will
be no more phone operators.
<IMG SRC="./gx/adler/ss38Small.jpg" ALIGN=RIGHT hspace=10 vspace=10>
There will be one recording serving all business and those who worked
at those jobs answering phones will be looking for other work. Another
comment he made was that a new tax break was being put on the
books. Anyone in NYC who uses hardware to write software, does not
have to pay taxes when they purchase that hardware. This statement
caused a great round of applause. Another comment the speaker said
which I want to share is this. (It is taken out of context but it
stands on its own.) When the phone system was being installed in
Russia, Stalin gave orders not to install phones in every home in
Moscow. Stalin was afraid that he would loose control over the
exchange of information amongst the citizens, if they had access to
phones, and thus his control over the citizenry and his hold on
power. To me, this was a very insightful comment about the power of
information technology and ties right in with another
<a href="http://ssadler.phy.bnl.gov/~adler/OSS/OSS.html">article</a>
I wrote a couple of months ago.
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And so the talk went. I had my fill of a tasty chicken dish, listened
to this guy go on about the lack of a recognized software industry in
NYC, and had a very nice view of some 1920's looking architecture
outside the window I was facing. One last note on lunch. To my right,
I overheard some guy mention slashdot. As I looked over, I saw this
young guy, who was wearing a netscape pin on his blue sports
jacket. He was talking to an old guy, (60's or so, "establishment"
looking guy) and told him that he checked out slashdot about 4 times a
day. This older guy, who had his back to me, was writing something
down on a business card. The URL of /. is my guess. So there you have
it, the young teaching the old on how to survive in this Internet
<HR WIDTH="80%">
After lunch was the 3rd parallel track. I went to the talk on CORBA.
I did so since I've just signed up to the ORBit mailing list and I'm in
the process of learning how to develop distributed objects using IONA's
implementation of the CORBA standard. The talk was given by an IBM'er Jason
Woodward. He was excited about CORBA technology and how IBM was using it
in conjunction with Java. The talk was laced with comments plugging IBM's
e-business solutions, but if you ignored that, you got a rather general
overview of distributed object computing. He talked about the battle lines
being drawn between MS version of this application named COM and CORBA/Java.
The talk was given at such an abstract level that it never answered my
perennial question, where's the ORB in CORBA? (Being that I'm new to this
distributed object thing, knowing which software component does the ORBing
is important to me. It all seems to be hidden in "the implementation".)
In any case, I asked a question at the end, (a rather loaded one) which
was, "Is COM a strict open standard and how will the open source movement,
implementing the CORBA standard, play out in the future of CORBA?" He
answered by saying COM is not an open standard, and open source will
do good things to CORBA. Just what I wanted the audience to hear,
especially since during his talk he gave the well worn example of
betamax vs VHS. Betamax being the proprietary standard and VHS the
open one. Thus the answer to my questions were seen in a more
compelling light. CORBA would win, MS would loose.
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The day was winding down, the 3rd set of parallel sessions was over
and now it was time for the grand finale. The keynote panel on the future
of the Internet/software industry in the next 5 years. Richard was going
to grace this panel. Needless to say, the panel discussion turned into
a passioned debate over free software. What do you expect with Richard
Stallman on the panel. The panel took place in some big auditorium in building
C. There was room for about 500 people and I would say there were about
200 people there. I got there about 10 minutes before it began. I spotted
Richard Stallman pacing around, getting ready to take us on. Later, I saw
him sitting alone behind the panelist table typing away on his notebook.
Taking advantage of some quiet time to hack at his hurd kernel maybe? It
was a calm before the storm.
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Bruce Berstien took the mike, called on every one to sit down so that
the panel could begin. He then introduced himself and continued with
an award presentation to Sheldon Silver, a speaker of the New York
State Assembly. Speaker Silver had the flu, so Robin Schimminger,
Chairman of the Assembly Commerce on Economic Development took the
award for him.
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The plaque was to thank Sheldon Sliver for making it possible to get this new
hardware tax break onto the books. Bruce was very proud of his award. It
was a nice big shiny plaque. Robin, who took the award, made some remarks
which I can't remember and left. Bruce then introduced two moderators,
who would lead the discussion, Tom Watson and Jason Chervokas, co-founders
of @NY.
<a href="./adler-AtNY.html">
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The first one introduced the panel, Stallman, Jim Russell, the same
IBM'er who was also on the Free Software panel, John Borthwick, someone
associated with AOL and the development of ICQ and finally Gerry
Cohen, CEO of IBI, an "establishment" guy. (I'll explain later.) The
second guy from @NY, starts the discussion by asking a question to
Richard. Richard ignores the question and makes a comment criticizing
the award given to speaker Silver for the tax break. "Tax breaks are
bad" and goes down some tangent about how local and state governments
screw the poor in order to offer corporate welfare to the rich
"establishment". I guess you had to be there to feel the embarrassment
of the situation. Stallman had no quandaries ripping apart this
shining moment which Bruce had polished up by giving away this plaque
with great fan fare. I have to give it to Richard. To him, there is no
difference in the phrases, "freedom in software" and "freedom of
speech". At some point during this panel discussion, he comes right
out and says that he is a social activist, pursuing any avenue to
advance social justice and freedom. The gloves are off. The moderator
takes control over the discussion by asking questions to the other
panelist. The guy from IBM made a small speech in which he thanked
Richard Stallman for the work he has done in fostering the GNU
movement and all the good software which has come from it. My hat goes
off to IBM! He then continued to say that what IBM cares about is
delivering technology to its customers in a form that the customers
want. If this includes source code solutions, then that's what they
will deliver. He mentioned that IBM had joined the Appache effort,
providing AFS support for linux (although I don't think AFS is open
sourced.), the development of Jikes in a pseudo source code
distribution strategy etc. When it comes to the plumbing of
information technology systems, IBM does not care how it gets built,
fixed or distributed. Their goal is to provide systems, service and
solutions to those who ask for it. The guy from AOL/ICQ during his
open remarks talked about this ICQ product which I've never heard of
before. Its some kind of Internet communication tool, a GUI version of
the unix talk application maybe? It relies on a server and freely
distributed clients. The amazing thing about this product is how
widely it is used. At one point they released a new version of their
client and they got 1e6 downloads of the client in 3 weeks. 6e6 people
are currently using it. The guy talked about how they watch their
xferlog files and see the correlated accesses to their upload site. A
whole city will suddenly start to download the software, a whole
country would follow. To me, this is a glimpse of future (current?)
software distribution for all companies doing business over the
net. The last guy to speak, Gerry of IBI, the "establishment" guy, was
a real piece. He controlled a very large company in NYC. The
unfortunate thing is that he really was not up to speed on what is
going on right now software-wise over the Internet. He made one
classic mistake. He talked about what he didn't know about. First off,
he did make a good point that besides new software efforts, there was
the whole backlog of old software systems which need to be kept in
place. Somewhere in the city of New York there is a system which is in
charge of cutting all the checks for NYC workers. It's old, and has to
be maintained. This is obviously a big job. But this was about the
only useful comment he made to the discussion. While the discussion
raged about free software and tax breaks, he made a comment that linux
has only been around for 6 months. Richard and the audience jumped all
over him for that. He then asked the rhetorical question as to which
of the two web servers, Apache or Netscape, was better? (He asked
this question with a tone which implied that Netscape was the better
server.) The audience quickly jumped in and told him that Appache was
faster and more reliable. He then made the statement that customers
want value from their software. "When was the last time you heard a
customer walk into a software store asking for freedom?". Clearly
getting back at Richards statement that free software stands for
freedom not $0 cost software. Finally he made the comment, "All this
software is so GNU! GNU, new, get it?..." Richard got pissed and
attacked him rightly so. Then there was this question from the
audience. "Who do you sue?" Richard fires back, "Do you sue someone if
the plumbing breaks in your build? No, you get it fixed." The guy who
asked the question replied that he would fix the plumbing and then sue
someone for damages. To me, there is something wrong with this type
"free market economy". The final comment which I want to write which
Richard Stallman said was that he was appalled at states going around
trying to under cut each other by offering tax breaks to large
corporations to induce them to leave one state and settle in
another. A comment from an "establishment" guy in the audience was,
"What's wrong with that? Its a free market." Richard exclaims, "A free
market in tax breaks? Oh GOD!" He then says that states should form a
union, go to the federal government and get it to pass some laws
forbidding this activity. He concludes this chain of thought by
saying, "The name of this union is called, the United States of
America." That to me, Stallman is true patriot.
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The discussion went over time by about 20 minutes. And it was
passionate. Poor Bruce hand to get up in the middle of it to defend
his award given to the city assembly speaker declaring that the tax
break was not new, but a "straighting out of the rules", since all
manufacturing equipment bought in NYC pays no tax. Those well worn
issues of how one make money with open source technology were batted
back and forth and Richard always won the argument. Gerry, IBI's CEO,
said at one point that SAP, the second largest software company in the
world, does not give away its software for free, and it never will.
SAP customers pay lots of money to buy their software and don't want
it to be free. Richard responds by saying that he is going to write a
GPL'ed version of the software SAP sells. It will take time, but there
will be a freely, source code distributeable version available
sometime in the future. How can you argue with that. As for the ICQ
developer, Richard was going to write an ICQ server equivalent and GPL
it. This made John Borthwick sit back in his chair and exhale. The
fact is, Richard stands on the moral high ground with his GNU Public
License. And no one, mind you, no one, can stand higher than him on
this issue. He has taken the freedom of source code distribution via
GPL and has turned it into a powerful venue to advance social
justice. And the power behind Richard's morality is nothing other than
the unhindered flow of ideas over the Internet. Richard knows this, he
mentioned something about working together to make sure the
commercialization of the Internet does not hinder this freedom of
information exchange. This also ties in with the comment made at lunch
about how Stalin, who was the mid 20th centry Russian one man
establishment, was afraid of losing control over his citizens by the
installation of phones in Moscow.
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The discussion finally ended. I went up on stage to see if I could get
in on some of the post panel discussion groups. I noticed Richard was
being sought after by another female journalist, this time working for
Wired. He was in the process of giving his card to her and it seemed
like this time he was going to grant an interview. I had a hard time
trying to get into any of the conversations and figured that it was
time to go home, which is what I did. The rain awaited me, as I left
building C of the Fashion Institute of Technology. I quickly walked up
7th avenue to catch the express back out to Ronkonkoma, my Long Island
destination. As I was on my way home, I stood in a crowed train cabin,
the windows fogging up due to the human density, as the train rocked
back and forth on its way east. This quiet time gave me a chance to go
over the day's events. On thing is for certain. The trip was well
worth it. I thanked the free software gods for tearing me away from
the PHENIX timing system for one day. The final panel discussion ended
with the same question put to each of the panelists. "Where do you see
the Internet in 5 years?" To me, this is the unanswerable
question. No one knows. At the beginning of this century, when new
models of the atom were being developed by Rutherford, Bohr and
others, no one knew that their work would lead to something as
powerful and destructive as the nuclear weapon. In the case of the
forecasting "the Internet", looking back will not tell you where we
are going or will end up. The only thing we can do, is stay informed
of what is going on now and work with the new ideas which are
presented to us by our peers. Those who do this, will be the "Internet
pioneers". And what strikes me most, by the discussions during the
day, is that time and time again, the "establishment" were not
adapting to new ideas. IBM being the one
<a href="./adler-IBMExeption.html">exception</a>. The recording
industry is one example. Gerry, the CEO of IBI, who mocked Stallman
with his new/GNU joke and the suits in the audience who wanted to know
who they were going to sue, are all in for a big fall. On the other
hand, those who understand what it means to have the freedom of
modifying the source, have the future in their hands and the Internet
will be theirs for the taking.
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<HR WIDTH="80%">
This e-mail is from Richard Stallman himself. He wants to clarify
some points I wrote in my article. <a href="./adler-rms.txt">
Click here for further details.</a>
Original article can be found at <A
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Stephen Adler <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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<H1><font color="maroon">
A True Satire About Why Commercial Support Doesn't Cut It For Me</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:wls@wls.wwco.com">Walt Stoneburner</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
While an avid Linux user, certain projects I undertake back me into
the corner of another operating system.
The project involved some BASIC source code which compiled fine under
Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.00b. However moments after the software was
run, the runtime library choked out a useless message about how it
ran out of memory cleaning up string space. In the interpreter, it
worked fine endlessly.
From what I could tell, the source code wasn't doing anything sneaky,
and a search on the web revealed this as a true error.
The solution, or so I thought, was to upgrade to QuickBASIC 4.5 and
Now, I don't know if you've been to the stores recently, but QuickBASIC
isn't on the shelves. VisualBASIC, its successor is. And one thing
we know is that QuickBASIC code doesn't run under VisualBASIC.
Considering there was a lot of source riding on this, I called Microsoft
about their Ultra Super Glow-In-The-Dark Intergalatic MSDN subscription.
One thing I can say is that they are prompt in answering the phones.
In case you don't have MSDN, you basically get a set of 50 CDs with
every Microsoft development package known to mankind on it along with
three CDs containing all the bug reports Microsoft wants you to know
However, you've paid for a lot more, and I knew that. So I asked for
every possible CD I was entitled to, international or not, to be sent
my way.
You can imagine the surprise I got when a crate arrived a few days
later with five binders chocked full of useless CDs. There was
software for everything, in every language, including sign language.
Now I also know the quick way to get extra binders when they wear out.
As I pawed through my new booty, I located DISC 3, Development Tools
International, part number X03-56050: a bright blue disk that read
"Microsoft Quick Basic, Visual Basic 1.0 for DOS, Microsoft Basic PDS
7.1, Visual Basic 2.0 for Windows Professional Edition, Visual Basic
4.0 Enterprise Edition." January, 1998.
I slip that baby into my CD-ROM drive and up comes a file called
"Qb_45". Oh, yes! Uh, "Qb_45.jpn". Oh, no.
Yes, QuickBASIC 4.5, the version I needed was in my hands, only in
Japanese. I attempted to look for an online tutorial for Japanese,
but apparently that's not development material.
Ah, but the Japanese must know how to program in English! So, with
a false sense of renewed glee, I installed... only to see my screen
fill with gibberish that could not be mistaken for anything other
than characters for a Japanese codepage.
No problem, I thought, I've missed the English version. I'll just
go through each development CD, but alas, no QuickBASIC was to be
So, I was back on the phone with customer support.
Now it took a little while to explain to the person that I was missing
some vital CDs. In fact the entire CD inventory was read to me over
the phone and I dutifully hand-checked to make sure I had each CD.
"Yup, you have them all sir," came the sweet voice at the other end.
Hmm, this time I decided to take a different approach. "Whew! I'm
glad. Before you go, could you tell me which disk Windows 3.1 is
I was very much aware that THAT was not in my inventory, but should
"Hold on sir." After a short round of MS-Music, "that's on our
Platform Archive set."
"Which is included with the Intergalactic MSDN subscription?"
"Which wasn't sent to me?"
Apparently my definition of "every possible CD I'm entitled to" differs
from their's. "Could I have that sent to me?"
"Before I let you go, could you tell me if DOS, Windows 3.1, and
QuickBASIC 4.5 are on it?"
The person was kind enough to check with a supervisor. "Yes it is
sir, it's a 20 disc pack."
"Interesting, your web site says there are only 19 discs, and
QuickBASIC isn't mentioned."
I was corrected immediately. "That's because we updated it sir."
A week later the Platform Archive was at my door.
By this time you obviously guessed that QuickBASIC wasn't included
in the Platform Archive. It had 20 discs alright. One was labeled
MSDN Library Archive, and the others labeled 1 through 19 matched
the web site."
So, I got back on the phone and called customer support again.
I explained that I had a problem with Microsoft's philosophy: they
will happily give me the software in Japanese, but not in English.
Did this make sense?
Perhaps Microsoft is taking the foreign market the same upgrade ride
that we took a decade ago and are just getting around to distributing
QuickBASIC. Enough speculation.
The customer support person thought Japanese-only sounded fishy, and
after consulting two levels of supervisors admitted that this really
appeared to be an oversight. However, as I was reminded, "the
purpose of MSDN is to supply the developer with recent development
And I reminded customer support "the purpose of the Platform Archive
is to archive things that aren't recent."
I won that one, but the point was moot. Since they didn't have the
software, they couldn't help me. So I asked to speak to a
The supervisor was less than sympathetic and suggested I call the
supplemental parts department. I wasn't aware there was such a thing.
Apparently if the dog runs off with your master diskettes, you can
replace them.
The supervisor suggested I relay what had happened and Microsoft
would send me a free copy.
Good enough. Only the supervisor wasn't going to call over on my
behalf. And he wasn't going to transfer me either.
So I dialed supplemental parts and now the fun begins.
So I start to explain how MSDN gave me the Japanese version, not
the English version, and am interrupted.
"Sir, if it's an MSDN part, I can transfer you; we don't deal with
"No." Frustrated, I explain it is not an MSDN part because they
"Could you look for QuickBASIC?" While she's checking, I proceed
to explain how MSDN neglected to put it on the CDs and how
supervisor said to call this number and get a free copy. I'll
spare you the details of needing to explain things twice about
how it doesn't make sense to ship a product in one language, but not
the original.
I hear paper shuffling, and then she comes back on line explaining
she can't find it. "Sir, I only deal with orders for replacement
parts that aren't MSDN."
Time to change tactics. "Oh, sorry, I didn't know that..." After
a brief pause, "I'd like to order QuickBASIC 4.5 please."
"I'm sorry sir, I can't sell you software. I can only replace parts."
Time to change tactics again. Apparently this maneuver can be done
repeatedly without drawing attention to oneself. "Hi, I'd like to
know what I need to do to replace my copy of QuickBASIC 4.5..."
Instantly she finds it. "I was looking under the MSDN list.
QuickBASIC 4.5?" There was a slight pause, just enough to cause
worry in only the way customer support personal can. "I can't give
it to you...."
"Why not?" I ask, conveying the disappointment in my voice.
"Because it's on 5.25" floppies, and customers don't want those. This
is a decade old product sir."
"Look, I don't care if they're written on stone tablets. I want it."
"That will be $15 sir, now all I need is a part number."
Apparently this is some precursor to serial numbers, validating that
I really owned the product.
I tell her I don't have the part number. I explain that so far
over $2,000 has been spent on MSDN because I thought the $15
software package from seven years ago would be on it.
Now she explains that, even though she has the software, she can't
give me the software without a part number. Now she wants to know how
I had a copy of it.
So I explain, very slowly what might have happened:
"I've been hired by a software company that produced a legacy
application they want to make sure is year 2000 compliant."
These were two buzzwords she recognized as important, thank goodness
for company memos.
"The problem is their office burned down and they got the source code
from the safe deposit box. Now I'm ready to fix it, but have no
Suddenly she's more sympathetic, but still wants a part number.
"Do you have it off the program?"
No, I explain that I have the source code. Not the compiler.
"Do you have the original disks?"
No, if I had those, I wouldn't be calling.
"Do you have the manual?"
I can't read the number it through the ashes.
Finally realizing I'm not going to hang up, she orders me a copy.
Only I'm not getting it for free. It costs me $15.
And $5 shipping.
And 92 cents in taxes.
"It will arrive in 3 to 5 business days... oops."
Now what?
"We may not have it in stock..."
"It turns out this is a VERY old program and not only is Microsoft
not supporting it, they aren't producing it any more." She goes on
hold and checks.
Hmm, I'm thinking... just the reason to put it on a platform archive.
Minutes later: "Sir, we have 12 copies left."
"In all of Microsoft?"
"...in all of Microsoft."
She sent the order out, bless her heart. And it arrived days later.
QuickBASIC does not like to install on WinNT. But I managed to coax
it by uncompressing each file by hand.
Incidently, it didn't fix the problem. Total time: three weeks.
Microsoft is no longer supporting the language, so the problem will
most likely forever persist. ...on Windows.
As for not first thinking of Linux for this job, I don't know what
to say. Within seconds of checking AltaVista, www.basmark.com
appeared with QuickBASIC for Linux at less than 1/10th the cost
dropped on MSDN. Other solutions were available as well, including
QuickBASIC to C translators.
Regarding Linux support, I'd like to thank everyone who's involved
with open source, everyone who maintains archive ftp sites, and
everyone who answers questions on news groups. Because of you, I
and others don't face this level frustration when working with Linux.
[ Footnote: You may find this amusing.
When firing up an old 386 DOS machine to run Linux,
I found *my* copy of QuickBASIC 4.5. Sure enough, in my
archives were floppies... I forgot I had 'em. D'oh! ]
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Walt Stoneburner <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Using Modules with Linux</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:holmwood@cadvision.com">John Holmwood</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
<center><font color="maroon">
Kernel modules provided support for a lot of functions within Linux. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a simple explanation of what they are and how to use them when I needed it.
Last summer, I installed Red Hat Linux 5.1 on my ThinkPad 770 portable computer. I used to be a Unix System Administrator and had installed Red Hat 4.1 on a computer a few years ago, so I expected to be able to solve any problems I encountered during the installation. The initial installation went smoothly.
I was taken aback to discover that I couldn't set up dialup network services. The configuration files were all there, but the system didn't seem to have kernel support for networking. I couldn't find any explanation in the documentation I had, but after digging around in Deja News (http://www.dejanews.com/), I learnt that kernel modules provided network support.
<P><HR> <P>
<center><font color="maroon">
What are kernel modules?
As operating systems evolve and grow over time, the designers of the system face a dilemma. If support for all possible functionality is included within the operating system kernel, the core program that controls the system, the kernel becomes very large and unwieldy. If support for the functionality is not included in the kernel, the functions will either work too slowly or won't work at all. Operating system designers typically solve this dilemma by modularizing support for functionality that can then be included or left out.
Traditionally, there are two ways to provide this modularity. The designer can separate functionality into separate processes called threads or the kernel can be recompiled to include/exclude any functions (not) included by the vendor. If the functionality is separated into threads, the kernel is called a micro-kernel. This solution imposes communications overhead as the threads coordinate their work. A kernel that has all of its functionality included when it is built is called a monolithic kernel. As the name implies, the downside of this solution is the size of the kernel. Linux' solution was to include kernel modules which can be loaded and unloaded on demand. This minimizes both kernel size and communication overhead.
<P><HR> <P>
<center><font color="maroon">
Evolution of module support
"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<font color="navy">A <I>Linux Journal</I> Review</font>:
This is an updated version of an article which appeared in the December 1998 issue of <I>Linux
<P> <HR> <P>
<H1><font color="maroon">The Wonderful World of Linux 2.2</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:jpranevich@lycos.com">Joseph Pranevich</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
Well, the long wait is over and 2.2.0 has finally appeared for the masses.
For the sake of history, Linux 2.2 was officially released on 1/25/99. As
of this writing, the mainstream press has not caught on to the release so
it is hoped that this will not get out too late to be useful to those
folks. At this time, no distributions have announed dates as to when they
will begin shipping 2.2.x kernels but it is reasonable to expect that
there will be mainstream 2.2.x options by March.
Submitted for your approval, my final i386 change summary. (I've now had
three separate "final" versions, but I really mean it this time.) This
document is intended as an expanded laundry list of new features and
additions to the 2.2.x kernel, a major milestone in the history of Linux.
Please note that this document does not cover all the new hardware that
Linux supports. Many devices, such as scanners and printers, are handled
exclusively in user space. Other devices, such as video cards and mice,
are handled by a combination of user and kernel drivers. If you don't see
a device class that you are interested in listed in this document, it is
quite likely that Linux 2.2 supports it -- just not necessarily using the
kernel to do so.
Also, I do not claim that everything in this document is PC. I believe that
I am being fair and I have pulled some puches with respect to how I phrased
certain portions. If you think that I should reword a certain portion so
as not to offend someone, let me know but I will not make any promises.
1) Chips Galore
The world of Intel chips is a fast and interesting thing to follow, if you
have nothing better to do. Merced, Celeron, MMX... the names of Intel
technologies float past to be replaced by new cutting-edge technology.
(Whether or not these technologies are worthwhile is a matter that I'm not
even going to begin to try and debate.) In addition, AMD, Cyrix, and other
companies have become solid competitors in the market and each have their
own little optimizations, quirks, and bugs. It's a mess, to say the
Linux 2.2 will be the first stable Linux to support options for the
various non-Intel processors in the kernel configuration tool. Perhaps even
more importantly, Linux 2.2 (and later revisions of 2.0 for
obvious reasons) supports bugfixes and workarounds for widespread
processor bugs including the infamous F00F Pentium bug. Other bugs that
can't be worked around, such as an AMD K6 sig11 bug, are reported during
Merced hasn't arrived yet and probably isn't immediately forthcoming, but
Linux 2.2 has already been ported to Sparc64, Alpha, and other 64-bit
platforms so the infrastructure for a 64-bit native kernel is already
happily in place. (There are, of course, other obstacles that would have
to be overcome before Linux/Merced could be released but having a 64-bit
ready kernel is an important step.)
Multiple-Processor machines now will operate much more efficiently than
they did in Linux 2.0 with issues such as the global spinlock removed. Up
to 16 processors are supported (the same as with 2.0) but the performance
difference should be amazing. Also, there is now greater support for the
IO-APIC on Intel boards that will make SMP generally better supported.
And finally, it is now possible to specify a multi-processor configuration
without ever leaving the kernel configuration tool.
In terms of other ports, Linux 2.2 will feature improved support for a
large number of 'workstation' machines such as Sparc, Sparc64, and Alpha
machines. As for 'desktop' machines, Linux 2.2 has been ported to
Motorola's m68k and PPC processors and now can be expected to run on many
of these platforms, including the Macintosh. (with varying degrees of
hardware support, of course. Support for m68k Macs in particular is not
ready for prime-time.) Linux is also moving to processors, such as
ARM that are increasingly popular for embedded systems.
On somewhat of a tangent, there is continuing work to support a subset of
the Linux kernel on 8086, 8088, 80186, and 80286 machines. This project
will never integrate itself with Linux-proper but will provide an
alternative Linux-subset operating system for these machines.
In terms of memory consumption, the average Linux 2.2 setup will require
more memory than Linux 2.0. (Although a larger number of components can
now be modularized or compiled-out to allow a system administrator more
flexibility if memory is tight.) There is some debate as to what is the
lower limit in terms of functionality with a text-only system but it should
still be possible to have only 4 megs of RAM in many situations. (8 megs
are still recommended.) On the bright side, Linux 2.2 includes a number of
new optimizations that should actually improve the performance of machines
with at least 16 megs of RAM. The more, the merrier.
2) System Busses and Assorted Ilk
Although somewhat less crucial and cutting edge, Linux 2.2 will support a
larger proportion of the existing x86 computers with the addition of complete
support for the Microchannel bus found on some PS/2s and older machines.
In addition to hundreds of minor patches to the bus system (including many
new PCI device names), larger improvements have taken place. The PCI
subsystem, in particular, has undergone several major changes. Firstly,
the PCI device reporting interface has been changed and moved to allow for
easier addition of new information fields. This particular change doesn't
spell much of a difference for an end user but it makes the lives of
developers much easier. Additionally, it is now possible to choose whether
you want to scan your PCI bus using your compatible PCI BIOS or through
direct access. This allows Linux 2.2 to work on a larger set of machines
as several PCI BIOSes were incompatible with the standards and caused
booting problems.
Sadly, there is still little kernel support for Plug-and-Play ISA devices.
While that would be a great addition, there are some problems with the
currently proposed systems that will need to be resolved sometime in 2.3
before inclusion. Fortunately enough, there happens to be a great
user-level utility, isapnp, for setting up PnP devices that requires just
a tad more work than we'd like but gets the job done in true Linux
Laptops and many workstations can also benifit from improved support for
power management, including worksrounds for a number of incompatible BIOS
implementations. Also new in 2.2 is the ability to use some functions of
an APM BIOS on multi-processor systems.
3) IDE, and SCSI, and USB... Oh my!
As far as Linux IDE is concerned, not much obvious has changed for Linux
2.2. The most obvious change is that it is now possible to load and unload
the IDE subsystem as a module, just like SCSI. (This also has the added
bonus of allowing one to use a PnP-based IDE controller.) For less
bleeding-edge machines, the updated IDE driver now supports older MFM and
RLL disks and controllers without having to load an older version of the
driver. Linux 2.2 now also has the ability to detect and configure all
PCI-based IDE cards automatically, including the activation of DMA
bus-mastering to reduce CPU overhead and improve performance. And finally,
more drivers have been developed for controllers that are buggy or simply
different. It's amazing how even excellent things can continue to get
Elsewhere in the IDE world, parallel port IDE devices have become more
common and are now supported by Linux 2.2, for the most part. It is a good
assumption that many devices that are not supported currently will be
added as 2.2 progresses.
The SCSI subsystem's main improvements have been the addition of many new
drivers for many new cards and chipsets. Too many, in fact, to even begin
to name here.
PCMCIA adapters (or PC-card slots, as they are called now) are not
supported in the standard Linux 2.2 but are supported by an external
module provider. Thus, while not in the kernel, PCMCIA support will be
included in most distributions.
IRDA support has also been added to the kernel although many controllers
are not yet supported. As this feature was added only in the closing days of
Linux 2.1 development, it may not be as generally usable as other, more
mature, portions of the kernel.
Alas, there is some bad news here. Despite ongoing efforts by several
parties to finish USB support, no support was included in time for a
Linux 2.2 release. Several prominent developers have
looked at USB support and it is likely that there will be some support before
we get too far into Linux 2.2.x. (Alternatively, USB support could be
provided through an external source in the same way that PCMCIA support is
4) Ports: Parallel and Serial
Nothing much new on this front, Linux has always had incredible support
for these basic building blocks. The parallel port driver has been
rewritten with cross-platform issues in mind and thus what was once just a
'Parallel Port' is now a 'PC-Style Parallel Port' Functionality-wise, the
only obvious change is that you can now effortlessly share a single
parallel port device with multiple device drivers. (Note however that the
naming convention used to label parallel ports has changed so you may find
that your lp1 has become your lp0. Distributions should allow for this
change automatically however.)
Serial support is chugging along as well as it always has but with one
notable difference. Previously, a serial device such as a modem involved
two devices, one for call-in and one for call-out. (ttyS and cua
respectively) As of Linux 2.2, the two are combined in one device (ttyS)
and accessing the cua devices now prints a warning message to the kernel
log. On the bright side, Linux 2.2 includes support for having more than 4
serial ports, it allows serial devices to share interrupts, and it
includes a number of drivers for non-standard ports and multi-port cards.
My only complaint with serial support is its lack of support for the
standard methods for modules to pass device parameters at module-load time
via the modules.conf file and kmod. (Instead, these parameters are set
using the 'setserial' command. Somewhat yuck.)
It should also be mentioned that Linux 2.2 will support newer UART chips
than 2.0 which may translate into higher transfer rates using newer
5) CD-ROMs, Floppies, and removable media
Thankfully, the hodge-podge of hundreds of CD-ROM standards has solidified
behind the 'standard' of ATAPI CD-ROMs. This reprieve has given developers
time to completely rewrite the CD-ROM driver system to be more
standardized in terms of support. Small, quirky differences between the
individual drivers have now all been fixed for better support.
Rewritable CD-ROMs aren't supported nearly as well as one would like,
unfortunately. SCSI CD-ROMs are well done (and most IDE drives use
SCSI-over-ATA, the SCSI-emulation driver). With other rewritable CD-ROMs,
your mileage may vary.
Floppies are working as well as ever. There are new developments in terms
of large volume floppies and it remains to be seen whether or not all of
these will be supported. Those devices that communicate using ATAPI (a
large number of them, actually) are already supported to some degree.
IOMEGA's zip drive, an increasingly popular storage solution, is fairly
well supported under Linux 2.2. These beasts come in three versions: SCSI,
ATAPI (IDE), and Parallel. Under SCSI and ATAPI, the Zip drives are
supported just as any other disk would be. The parallel version of these
drives actually use a sort of SCSI-over-parallel protocol that is also
supported in Linux 2.2. (Other IOMEGA solutions such as DITTO drives may
also be supported using the ftape drivers.)
DVD drives are already supported, to some degree, under Linux as they
represent themselves largely as ATAPI drives. (SCSI DVD drives may not,
but they will probably work using the excellent SCSI CD-ROM driver.)
Unfortunately, this does not necessarily mean that all will be rosy in the
Linux/DVD world as Linux does not currently support any DVD-centric
filesystems that have been proposed nor are any user-space tools developed
to display DVD movies and etc. Once the standards stabilize a bit, it is
highly likely that the requisite parts will be added to the Linux kernel
sometime during the 2.2.x cycle, following the initial release.
Other removable media may or may not be supported under Linux 2.2. If the
device connects through the parallel port, it is possible that it is
supported using one of the Parallel Port IDE device protocol modules that
are included in the kernel.
6) Glorious Sounds!
At long last, the sound code has been partially rewritten to be completely
modular from start to finish. Distributions will be able to more easily
include generic sound support out-of-the-box for their users as well as
making it easier for the rest of us to load and configure sound devices.
(Especially pesky Plug-and-Play ones.) Lots of new sound devices are
supported as well and it looks like this is one area where Linux will
really improve in the next year.
One very notable defect here is the remaining lack of support for the PC
internal speaker, if only for completeness. Then again, Windows 95/98
doesn't do it either so who am I to judge?
7) Video4Linux
Linux 2.2 now has amazing support for a growing number of TV and radio
tuner cards and digital cameras. This is a truly bleeding edge addition to
2.1's roster so there may still be some outstanding issues but it is
reasonable to assume that they will be fixed in time. In my humble
opinion, this is just an amazing area for Linux to be in at all.
8) Back me up, Scotty!
Linux 2.2's backup and tape device subsystem has not changed much since
the 2.0 release. More drivers for devices have been written, of course and
substantial improvement has been made for backup devices that work off of
the floppy disk controller (including the IOMEGA DITTO).
Rewritable CD-ROMs have become a popular solution for backing up data and
they are supported under Linux 2.2 There are still outstanding issues in
this regard, see my note above on CD-ROMs for details.
9) Joysticks, Mouse, and Input Devices
Joysticks are better supported in 2.2 including a large number of new
joysticks and joysticks with an inordinate numbers of buttons. Likely,
your joystick will work under Linux 2.2.
Mice in 2.2 aren't really different from mice in 2.0. (As in 2.0, there
are some inconsistencies regarding mouse support that will be addressed in
the future. For the most part, mouse control is provided through a daemon
external to the kernel. Some mouse drivers however deliberately emulate a
Microsoft standard mouse. The reasoning behind this is obvious but it
would be nice if it was decided on in one way or the other.) It should be
noted that, while not solely a kernel issue, mice with Microsoft's
spinning wheel extension are supported in recent versions of the XFree86,
Linux's most popular GUI. (However many Linux applications have not been
designed to take advantage of this feature.)
Additionally, several other input devices are now supported under Linux
2.2 including some digitizer pads. If your devices emulates a mouse (as
many do) then it is already supported by Linux 2.2 (and, in fact, Linux
10) Video
Perhaps the most surprising and cutting-edge addition to the Linux kernel
version 2.2 is what is called the 'frame-buffer console' driver (or
'fbcon', for short.)
Previously, the Linux kernel (for Intel-based machines) only understood
and manipulated the video devices in text mode. Graphical support was to
be provided by two other systems: 'svgalib' for console-based graphics,
and a specialized X Server for window-based graphics. This kludgey system
often required configuration information to be repeated and each system
supported only a limited slice of the myriad of video devices in common
Since this addition is rather new, it remains to be seen whether it will
truly replace the previous and long-standing duality. Unfortunately, it
could be nearly a year after Linux 2.2 ships before this new system could
be robust enough to support the cards and technologies that we already
take for granted as working. My personal opinion is that this is the right
idea, but I'm going to withhold judgment until we see exactly how far
Linus and the developers decide to take this feature.
As an added side-effect of this new feature, primitive multi-heading has
been added into the kernel for some devices. Currently, this is limited to
some text-mode output but it is reasonable to assume that this very new
addition to the Linux kernel will mature somewhat during the 2.2.x and
2.3.x cycles.
It should also be mentioned that it is now possible to remove support for
'virtual' terminals as provided by the kernel. This allows very
memory-conscious people to save just a tad more.
Although unimaginable to the desktop user, Linux can now work even better
on systems that do not actually include any sort of video device. In
addition to being able to log in over serial or networked lines, as Linux
2.0 and previous Linuxes allowed, it is now possible to redirect all the
kernel messages (usually sent to the console directly before any hardware
was initialized) to a serial device.
11) Networking: Ethernet, ISDN, and the lowly modem.
I don't have a huge amount of experience here; I've been using the same
network cards in all my machines for several years. But, it doesn't take
an Alan Cox to see that the number of supported Ethernet and ISDN devices
supported in Linux 2.2 has risen sharply. I have been told that newer
solutions such as cable modems are supported, also.
My only gripe in this regard is the continued non-support of so-called
'Winmodems.' Not that I blame Linux for their absence, making modems that
are 80% software is just a dumb idea anyway, but the idealist in me hopes
that some day these pesky devils will be supported like their less
stripped cousins.
12) Amateur Radio people are Linux people, too.
Since before Linux 2.0, Linux has been one of the few desktop OSes to
include native support for computer-based amateur radio people. (Not that
I actually know what that entails but it seems to be a more popular option
outside the US.) Linux 2.2 adds support for NetROM and ROSE amateur radio
protocols. The basic AX.25 layer has also been materially enhanced.
13) Filesystems for the World
Linux 2.2 has a wide array of new filesystems and partition types for
interconnectivity. In addition, many of Linux's supported filesystems
(including those I haven't listed here) have been updated with a new
caching system to markedly improve performance. (In fact, not updating the
drivers wasn't even an option if one wanted them included in Linux 2.2.)
For the Microsoft nut, Linux will now read NTFS (Windows
NT) drives and Windows 98's FAT32 drives (also used by some later versions
of Windows 95). Linux 2.2 also understands Microsoft's Joliet system for
long filenames on CD-ROMs. And finally, Linux also understands a new type
of extended partition that Microsoft invented. Drivers to read and write
Microsoft and Stacker compressed drives are being developed but not yet
included in the kernel. There is continuing work with NTFS to allow for
both reading and writing, but that support is still experimental.
For Mac connectivity, a HFS driver for reading and writing Mac disks has
been included. HFS+ and MFS (ancient floppy format) are not yet supported.
Macintosh partition tables can now also be read by the kernel; this allows
Mac SCSI disks to be mounted natively.
Sadly, OS/2 users will still not be able to write to their HPFS drives.
Some updates have been made to the HPFS driver to support the new 'dcache'
system but not the complete overhaul that some were hoping for. There is
ongoing work outside the kernel to include read/write support in this driver
but those changes did not make it into the initial release of 2.2.0.
If there are any Amiga users left (and there are), they will be pleased to
know that the FFS driver has undergone some minor updates since 2.0. This
is especially useful as the new generation of PPC Amigas will continue to
support this format.
For connectivity to other UNIXes, Linux 2.2 has come forward in leaps and
bounds. Linux 2.2 still includes the UFS filesystem which is used on BSD
derived systems, including Solaris and the free versions of BSD. Linux 2.2
can now also read the partition table formats used by FreeBSD, SunOS, and
Solaris. For SysV-style UNIXs, Linux 2.2 features a somewhat updated
version of SysVFS. Linux 2.2 can also read the Acorn's RiscOS disks. And
finally, Linux 2.2 features a somewhat updated version of the ever-popular
Minix filesystem, which can be used for small drives and floppies on most
UNIXes. With so many incompatible formats (and Linux 2.2 reading so many
of them), it's amazing anyone ever got any work done.
In other news, support for 'extended' drives (the format used by much
older versions of Linux) has been removed in favor of the 'second
extended' filesystem. (This shouldn't matter to many people, 'ext2' is far
superior to its predecessor.) With the increased support of initial
ramdisks, a 'romfs' has been created which has very minimal overhead.
While not quite a filesystem, Linux 2.2 includes enhanced support for
stretching a filesystem across several disks transparently. At present,
this support can be used in RAID 0, 1, 4, and 5 modes as well as a simple
linear mode.
14) Networking II: Under the Hood
On the protocol front, a lot has happened that I simply don't understand
completely. The next generation Internet protocol, IPv6, has made an
appearance. SPX, a compliment to IPX is new, as well. DDP, the protocol of
choice for older AppleTalk networks has also been improved. And, just as you
would come to expect by now, the existing protocols have been improved, as
well. I only wish I had the need to use some of this stuff...
On the low-end front, not much has changed. PPP, SLIP, CSLIP, and PLIP are
all still available for use. I guess some things don't need much
improvement. (Although each of those drivers have been updated in one way
or another.)
The list keeps going, however. Linux 2.2 will have an excellent new
networking core, new tunneling code, a completely new firewalling and
routing system called 'ipchains', support for limiting bandwidth
consumption, and a ton more. It's just amazing. I wish I could keep track
of it all. (But, who am I kidding?)
It should be noted that file and printer sharing protocols have also been
improved and markedly enhanced. SMB, the protocol for accessing
Windows-based shared filesystems has been somewhat improved with bugfixes
and the like. If you are a fan of NetWare (some people are...), you'll be happy to
know that Linux 2.2 supports a large number of improvements in this area,
including access to two different kinds of NCP long file names. Trusty NFS
has also been improved, both at the server level and the client level. And
finally, those eggheads over at CMU have been hard at work developing the
new distributed network filesystem, Coda. This filesystem supports a large
number of highly-requested features including disconnected operations for
laptops, an advanced cache system, and security improvements.
On somewhat of a tangent, Linux 2.2 also includes a driver which will
allow one to share (and remotely mount) whole disk images over a network.
15) Not Everyone Speaks English.
Linux 2.0 is a very international OS with support for international
keyboards and the like. Linux 2.2 adds to this and other
internationalization features the ability to load some Microsoft/UNICODE
codepages for translating filenames into Linux's native system. (Which
is UTF8, another encoding of UNICODE) Currently, the only
filesystems that use these translations include Microsoft's VFAT and
Microsoft's Joilet ISO 9660 (CD-ROM filesystem) extension.
16) Unix98: The Next Generation
Linux 2.2 will be a more 'standard' UNIX in a number of ways. The most
pronounced of these ways to the end user will be the addition of
UNIX98-style Pty devices using a new filesystem (devpts) and a cloning
device to provide the functionality.
17) And, finally...
In addition to those noted above, there are a large number of other
drivers and things that just don't fit in anywhere but should still be
noted. So, in no given order, the oddball updates of Linux 2.2:
The loopback driver, which allows disk images to be mounted and
manipulated just like any regular drive, has been improved in a number of
ways. Of these improvements, the most notable difference to users will be
its increased support for encryption and the mounting of encrypted hard
disks and disk images.
A driver for accessing your computer's CMOS memory has also been provided
in Linux 2.2 which may be useful in some applications. (Sadly, a similar
driver to access your BIOS's flashable RAM did not make it, it will still
be necessary to boot from a DOS floppy to flash your computer's BIOS to a
new version.)
And finally, in the past, Linux used a half-user/half-kernel method of
loading in and out drivers (called 'modules') called 'kerneld' This method
was good but inefficient. Linux 2.2 has removed kerneld and replaced it
with a smaller all-kernel solution called 'kmod'.
This is the 'revised millennium penguin' version of this document (1/26/99)
and is really just a minor update over the last three final versions.
Linux 2.2 is out now, so obviously no new features will be added and I
should be safe.
As always, I can be reached at jpranevich@lycos.com.
Thank you, and Good Night.
Joseph Pranevich
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Joseph Pranevich <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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<li><a HREF="./lg_backpage37.html#authors">About This Month's Authors</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_backpage37.html#notlinux">Not Linux</a>
<a name="authors"></a>
<P> <HR> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">About This Month's Authors</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Bob Adkins</H4>
Bob consults, lectures and publishes on Internet and Web engineering
topics. Mr. Adkins expects developing economies to benefit greatly through
the right application of open source software. He can be reached at
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Stephen Adler</H4>
Stephen, known as a <a
href="http://www.linuxtoday.com/stories/326.html">Linux devotee</a> by
Linux Today, started using Linux in Feb of 1996 and GNU software
since 1990. He is a nuclear physicist working on the <a
href="http://www.phenix.bnl.gov">PHENIX</a> detector at Brookhaven National Laboratory
where he hopes to help in the discovery of the
<a href="http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/phenix/WWW/html/physics.html">
quark gluon plasma</a> (QGP).
The QGP is a new state of nuclear matter which is postulated to exist
according to our current understanding nuclear and elementary particle
physics. Stephen is using Linux and GNU software to help try to
reach this goal.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Larry Ayers</H4>
Larry lives on a small farm
in northern Missouri, where he is currently engaged in building a
timber-frame house for his family. He operates a portable band-saw mill,
does general woodworking, plays the fiddle and searches for rare
prairie plants, as well as growing shiitake mushrooms. He is also
struggling with configuring a Usenet news server for his local ISP.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Jim Dennis</H4>
Jim is the proprietor of <A href="http://www.starshine.org">
Starshine Technical Services</A>.
His professional experience includes work in the technical
support, quality assurance, and information services (MIS)
departments of software companies like
<A href="http://www.quarterdeck.com"> Quarterdeck</A>,
<A href="http://www.symantec.com"> Symantec/
Peter Norton Group</A>, and
<A href="http://www.mcafee.com"> McAfee Associates</A> -- as well as
positions (field service rep) with smaller VAR's.
He's been using Linux since version 0.99p10 and is an active
participant on an ever-changing list of mailing lists and
newsgroups. He's just started collaborating on the 2nd Edition
for a book on Unix systems administration.
Jim is an avid science fiction fan -- and was
married at the World Science Fiction Convention in Anaheim.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Michael J. Hammel</H4>
A Computer Science graduate of Texas Tech University, Michael J. Hammel,
mjhammel@graphics-muse.org, is an software developer specializing in X/Motif
living in Dallas, Texas (but calls Boulder, CO home for some reason).
His background includes everything from data
communications to GUI development to Interactive Cable systems, all based in
Unix. He has worked for companies such as Nortel, Dell Computer, and
Xi Graphics.
Michael writes the monthly Graphics Muse column in the Linux Gazette,
maintains the Graphics Muse Web site and theLinux Graphics mini-Howto, helps
administer the Internet Ray Tracing Competition (http://irtc.org) and
recently completed work on his new book "The Artist's Guide to the Gimp",
published by SSC, Inc. His outside interests include running, basketball,
Thai food, gardening, and dogs.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">John Holmwood</H4>
John is a freelance writer and consultant specializing in
Enterprise Architecture and Open Source Software. He has 20 years
experience in the Information Technology industry.
For the last 5 years, John has been the Infrastructure Architect at NOVA
Gas Transmission Ltd. where he and his colleagues developed an
Information Technology Architecture based on Open System Standards.
John has published papers on in the USENIX association magazine
';login:' and the Middleware Spectra trade journal.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Ron Jenkins</H4>
Ron has over 20 years experience in RF design, satellite systems, and
UNIX/NT administration. He currently resides in Central Missouri where
he is pursuing his writing, helping folks solve problems and find solutions,
teaching, and generally having a dandy time while looking for some telecommuting
work. Ron is married and has two stepchildren.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Jean Francois Martinez</H4>
Jean is a mainframe system administrator by day and a Linuxer by night. He began
using Minix in 1991 and Linux in 1994. His present project involves
adapting Linux for use by nontechnical users. He has a six year old
daughter named Agnes.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">J.W. Pennington</H4>
After 8 years, J.W. Pennington escaped from the U.S. Military and is
currently in hiding. He is posing as an older student who is completing his
degrees in Anthropology and Geology at the College of Charleston in South
Carolina. He began playing with computers at the age of 12, and still has
the TI 99/4A on which he taught himself BASIC. A collector of old
computers, his lifelong dream is to build a house in the shape and color of
a Vic-20, with a huge keyboard as the front porch, and a game port as the
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Gilbert Ramirez</H4>
Gilbert is a UNIX administrator, but helps out with all technology
at the hospital system where he works. He is an ex-linguist, with a special
interest in the Tupi-Guarani family of languages. He spends his weekends
picking up floppy diskettes thrown around by his 2-year old son.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Alolita Sharma</H4>
Alolita advises commercial and government clients on software
engineering, telecommunications, service/network management, and
Internet/Web engineering. She is a keen Linux enthusiast and also enjoys
writing and lecturing on software and Web engineering. Ms. Sharma can be
reached at asharma@cwareco.com.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Walt Stoneburner</H4>
Walt currently works as a Software Engineer for Downright
Software, LLC. In his spare time he enjoys working with Linux, playing
non-computer games, reading, and reviewing hardware and development
software. Feel free to contact him at wls@wwco.com or ICQ# 5368391.
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Dan York</H4>
Dan is a technical instructor and the training manager for a technology
training company located in central New Hampshire. He has been working with the Internet
and UNIX systems for 13 years. While his passion is with Linux, he has also spent the past
two-and-a-half years working with Windows NT. He is both a Microsoft Certified System
Engineer and Microsoft Certified Trainer and has also written a book for QUE on one of the
MCSE certification exams. He is anxiously awaiting the day when he can start teaching
Linux certification classes.
<a name="notlinux"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">Not Linux</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
Thanks to all our authors, not just the ones above, but also those who wrote
giving us their tips and tricks and making suggestions. Thanks also to our
new mirror sites.
I'm sick of the impeachment trial and wish a way could be found for the Senate
to get on with "business as usual" without the Republicans feeling like
they have lost face. Of course, in my opinion they already have.
All the polls show the American people don't want Clinton impeached and
want the Congress to get on with their "real work". For the Republicans to
completely ignore this and go forward with the trial, all the time saying
the American people are apathetic, shows an incredible arrogance on their
part. They obviously think their
constituents have no intelligence and no opinions worth listening too.
I voted for Clinton but I wouldn't vote for him again. His complete lack of
judgement in his personal life is appalling. However, I don't think he has
done anything that can be called a "high crime".
Enough of the soap box.
Have fun!
<P> <hr> <P>
<A HREF="http://www.ssc.com/ssc/Employees/Margie/margie.html">
Marjorie L. Richardson</A> <br>
Editor, <A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/"><i>Linux Gazette</i></A>, <A
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<I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 37, February 1999,
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This page written and maintained by the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
<A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com"> gazette@ssc.com</A>