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<TITLE>The Answer Guy 32:
More on Distribution Preferences
linux distribution
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<H1 align="center"><A NAME="answer">
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<a href="./index.html">The Answer Guy</a>
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<H4 align="center">By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">linux-questions-only@ssc.com</a>
<BR>Starshine Technical Services, <A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A>
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<H3><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" alt="(?)"
width="50" height="28" align="left" border="0"
>More on Distribution Preferences</H3>
<p><strong>From mlees on 20 Aug 1998 </strong></p>
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What do you think of this distribution?
<font color="navy">
<p><strong>OpenLinux Base</strong></p>
<p><strong>OpenLinux<EFBFBD>: A complete Linux operating
system with all the system tools you<6F>ll need.
Plus valuable add-ons, like Netscape<70>
Communicator and backup utilities.
<p><strong>US and Canadian orders can take advantage of a $20.00
rebate from <A HREF="http://www.caldera.com/">Caldera</A>, bringing the price of
OpenLinux Base to $31.95
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(!)" border="0"
>I haven't used any of the Caldera distributions
recently. This is a much more recent version the those
that I've used. So, I don't have an informed opinion on
<blockquote>Since you just asked about Yggdrasil yesterday I'm wondering
if this is a pattern. I hope you aren't going to send me
of these every day.
<blockquote>My opinion about Caldera <EM>Standard</EM> is that it is the best
choice for a site that has existing Netware servers or
clients. It was also the first distribution that was
supported by WordPerfect for Linux. There are a number of
other commercial software companies that work with Caldera
for releasing Linux versions of their product.
<blockquote>If the Caldera Base includes a copy of StarOffice (as your
press release says it does) than that is a very good reason
to try it. (The installation of StarOffice that I have from
an early 4.0 CD is very unstable --- it dies quickly and
horribly under my <A HREF="http://www.suse.com/">S.u.S.E.</A> 5.1 system.
I've heard that that there are new libraries and releases that fix that --- but I
haven't been particularly motivated to go get them since I
still mostly live in text consoles).
<blockquote>StarOffice is a very promising product --- and the competition
between it Corel Office, and Applixware should be
interesting. The most important feature of either is to
provide me with stable, reliable access to MS Office .DOC and
.XLS files. The first one to successfully do that with MS
Office '97 wins my vote. (Since that is one of the few
reasons for me to get out of a text console and into X --- the
others being Netscape Navigator (when I need something that
just doesn't look right in <tt>Lynx</tt>), '<tt>xfig</tt>' (to draw diagrams for
the book that I'm working on), and '<tt>xdvi</tt>', and '<tt>gv</tt>' (to
preview the LaTeX and dvips output for same).
<blockquote>At the same time I recognize the potential of these office
suites (and some others). As these get better we see Linux as
a more serious contender on the desktops of home and corporate
users. According to some surveys we're already winning
against NT in a number of server categories (including web,
mail, DNS, and SMB/Samba). We've gained a lot of ground in
the technical and scientific workstation market (although the
push to get EDA and CAD/CAM suites ported is just barely
started). But all the "mom's" and "pop's" out there that have
their college kids buying systems for them need something a
bit less intimidating than '<tt>emacs</tt>' and '<tt>vi</tt>' --- and TeX and
<blockquote><A HREF="http://www.kde.org/">KDE</A> and <A HREF="http://www.gnome.org/">GNOME</A> will provide the main interface and many of the
toys and widgets. StarOffice, Applixware, Corel Office, SIAG,
LyX, Wingz, Xess, and others are all vying to provide the
main user applications.
<blockquote>(I personally think we'll also need multi-media GUI "Welcome to
Linux/XFree86/KDE" and "Welcome to Linux/XFree86/GNOME"
interactive tutorials --- with sound, music, via, and a
dancing, talking Tux. I want a system I can install on a
box and send to my Mom!).
<blockquote>Getting back to your implicit question:
<blockquote>Which Linux distribution should you try?
<blockquote>... the answer is:
<blockquote>I have no idea!
<blockquote>Unlike the marketeering weenies that you encounter in
every magazine, and newspaper, on every TV and radio
show and on billboard and busses every time you drive
anywhere ... unlike them, I don't want to push a bunch
of <EM>features</EM> on you and I have nothing to sell you
(except my time --- which is pretty expensive).
<blockquote>Helping someone select a Linux distribution (or anything
else) is a matter of requirements analysis. What do
you need? What do you want? How much are you willing to
spend? (Time and money). It is quite possible that I
would recommend <A HREF="http://www.freebsd.org/">FreeBSD</A>, <A HREF="http://www.netbsd.org/">NetBSD</A>, <A HREF="http://www.openbsd.org/">OpenBSD</A>, BSDI/OS, or
even Win '95, NT, or MS-DOS --- <EM>if</EM> I understood your
requirements sufficiently.
<blockquote>Before you send me a list or essay on your requirements
consider that the Answer Guy is time I volunteer to show
my appreciation for all the work that people like Richard
Stallman, Linus Torvalds, Alan Cox, Arnold Robbins, and
so many others have put into the GNU project, Linux and
other freeware. I try to answer questions that I think
are of broad interest to many Linux users and potential
Linux users. (And possibly of interest to *BSD'ers
and eventually GNU HURD'ers).
<blockquote>The easy answer to selecting a distribution is: pick one!
Since many of them are freely distributable you might want
to start with one of those. <A HREF="http://www.debian.org/">Debian</A> and <A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A> are definitely
freely accessible. I think <A HREF="http://www.slackware.org/">Slackware</A> is still available online
--- and I suspect that it's perfectly O.K. to borrow a friend's
copy of the CD. Walnut Creek might have exclusive rights on
CD distribution of Slackware --- I don't know. I think S.u.S.E.
is free for "personal" use (although it is a bit unclear my
S.u.S.E. 5.2 manual says:
This work is copyrighted [sic] by S.u.S.E. GmbH and
is placed under conditions of the GNU General Public
<blockquote>You may copy it in whole or in part as long as the
copies retain this copyright statement.
<blockquote>... (overleaf of the title page). It's not clear whether
"this work" is intended to refer to the book or to the
distribution that included it. The box and CD case (4CD's)
don't list any other copyright or licensing notices that I
can find. The only index entry under the term "license"
points that the Appendix of their manual that contains the
full text of the FSF GPL. That would suggest that you can
borrow my set of S.u.S.E. CD's and install it, and would
even suggest that someone could start creating derivative
works (other CD sets) to sell in competition with S.u.S.E.
<blockquote>However, I've always been under the impression that S.u.S.E.
is a commercial distribution. I purchased both of my copies
for it -- 5.1 and 5.2 --- and I've purchased many copies of
various Red Hat versions (the boxed set and the lower-priced
archives sets). So, you might want to ask a S.u.S.E. rep
before you go into production against them. However, I doubt
that they'd even want you to waste their time asking if it's
O.K. to install from a friend's set on an evaluation basis.
<blockquote>You're clearly willing to buy some distribution once you
find one you like. Personally I usually select Red Hat
for my customers (after I've considered their needs) simply
because Red Hat has a pretty good balance of the various
factors they care about.
<blockquote>Debian has more packages (slightly) -- but the last copy of
<ttt>dpkg</tt> that I used was very convoluted (I'm hoping to get a 2.0
CD as soon as it goes out of beta). Slackware was nice when
I needed it --- but most of my customers aren't interested
in fussing with tarballs --- they want something with a
decent package manager (one that can be operated easily
from command lines as well as throught a GUI).
<blockquote>Under RH it's pretty simple to write a script to poll an
internal FTP site for package updates and automatically apply
any of them that appear. (I think there's a package called
'<tt>rpmwatch</tt>' floating around some '<tt>contrib</tt>' directories somewhere
that does precisely that). I haven't looked at RH 5.1 yet.
<blockquote>S.u.S.E. and Caldera both use the RPM format.
<blockquote>S.u.S.E. includes more packages that the last couple RH CD's
I used (4.2 and 5.0). It seems to have a pretty good
installation interface though I have mixed feelings about
their interpretation of the SysV init scripts. They have a
large shell script named /etc/rc.config (mine is about 770
lines long --- of which about 500 are comments). This file
contains a long list of shell variables and values. You
can edit this file by hand or you can use YaST (Yet another
Setup Tool) which is their curses based system's administration
interface. The idea is that the other scripts all "source"
this one file and use the variables that apply to their
<blockquote>On the one hand this is very nice. Concievably I could
create a particular installation profile (which they support
via their installation interface), install the system,
configure it via YaST and put it into production.
<blockquote>Let's assume I use the '<tt>chattr +i +d</tt>' (immutable and no-dump)
flags on all the files that came with the distribution and
unset them as a pair whenever I change any of them; this would
allow me to use the '<tt>dump</tt>' program and <EM>never</EM> backup files
that were from the initial installation off of the CD). This
is for a "data+config" backup strategy.
<blockquote>If I've stored the rescue floppy they created, and the
rc.config file --- I should be able to restore the whole
system to its configuration with just my installation
CD's, my rescue diskette, and the rc.config file. (Naturally,
I'll have to restore all my data as well).
<blockquote>Another nice thing is that I might be able to create
a little script to generate new rc.config files from a
master form and a couple of other data files. If I have
<EM>lots</EM> of new machine trickling in I might have a few
files that contain lists of IP addresses, hostnames,
NIS domain names, shared printers, and other local (LAN)
data. I might conceivably be able to generate a new custom
rc.config file for each new box and automate even more
of the deployment.
<blockquote>Under other distributions I have to mess with over a dozen
separate files. Unfortunately it's not that easy even under
S.u.S.E. If you use NFS you really want to use NIS or synchronize
the '<tt>passwd</tt>' and '<tt>group</tt>' files across your systems (since
maintaining ugidd maps is not scaleable and NFS relies on
the uid/gid values to determine access and permissions.
<blockquote>None of the distributions I've seen prompt me for a
passwd/group file set prior to installation. So, if I use
Red Hat on one system and S.u.S.E. on another (I do)
--- there will be some base files that differ between them
(most of the uid's created by most of the distributions
<EM>do</EM> match -- there were only a couple that I had to
run through a "<tt>masschown</tt>" script). (Distribution Dudes!:
This is my enhancement plea for the month! Please let me
hand you a passwd/group file set --- from floppy or over
ftp/nfs/http --- and use that to map the ownership as you
<blockquote>These days, for large sites, I recommend creating one
"template" installation one a typical box, cutting that whole
installation to tape or CDR after configuration but <EM>before</EM>
any <EM>use</EM> (data). Now you can do all new system installations
as "restores" from your backups. You can also take that
opportunity to make sure that your recovery plans, rescue
diskettes and backup media are all in working order. One
reason I recommend that is that it takes me about
four hours to fix various permissions and configurations
(<tt>hosts.allow</tt>, <tt>hosts.deny</tt>, etc) after I've completed a new
<blockquote>One final note about choosing a distribution: don't just
ask me. I'm only one person. I've only used about a half
dozen Linux distributions (some of which no longer exist!).
Don't just go to the newsgroups and mailings lists and ask
"Which is best?"
<blockquote>Ask questions that relate to your situation: Will you be
integrating this into a Novell network? Do you have friends
or family that will be working on your Linux box? Do any of
them have experience with a Linux distribution? Do any of them
use some other form of Unix (free or otherwise)? Do you have
any particular applications preferences? Is system security
a concern? What are the risk profiles that are acceptable to
you? What is your native language (German speakers will probably
be much happier with the German S.u.S.E. or the DLD (?)
distributions, Japanese users seem to prefer FreeBSD, the French
have their own distribution, etc.)?
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<H5 align="center"><a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html"
>Copyright &copy;</a> 1998, James T. Dennis <BR>
Published in <I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 32 September 1998</H5>
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