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<title>Java and Linux LG #32</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Java and Linux</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:">Shay Rojansky</a></H4>
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Not long ago, Javasoft celebrated Java's third birthday. Java, once seen
as merely another way to animate and spice up web pages, has become much
more than that. Nowadays, well-known software corporations have pledged
their support to Java, and new Java APIs are being defined in record time. The
Java technology enables programmers to finally write truly multi-platform
programs, offers an advanced cross-platform GUI toolkit, embedded
threading in the language and much more.
At the same time, we are seeing remarkable events in the computer
software world. Microsoft, the behemoth of the industry, is being seriously
threatened by anti-trust action from both the Justice Department and 20
different states. Netscape has released the source code for
Communicator and may be the first company to break free of Open Software
prejudice. This has attracted much interest in Open Software from companies
who have traditionally feared the concept.
What do all of these events mean for the Linux operating system?
It means we have a window of opportunity. Never before has the
time been so right. On one hand, the industry is seriously taking
a look at Linux as an open (and free) OS. Hey, if Netscape is doing
it with their browser, why not an Open OS? On the other hand, Java
technology offers a machine-independant way to write applications,
and much of the industry has rallied behind it.
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<h3>Java and the Linux Community</h3>
The Linux community itself, however, has always treated Java with an
ambivalent attitude. The language that has promised to topple the hegemony
of Microsoft, a dream like that of any Linux enthusiast, hasn't been
accepted into the mainstream of Linux development. There are several reasons
for this.
First and foremost, Java is a proprietary language owned by Sun
Microsystems. This means that Sun controls every aspect of the language,
the APIs and their licensing conditions. Tactics by Microsoft, like changing
APIs in their Java suite J++ and rendering their virtual machine
incompatible with other Java virtual machines, have forced Sun to seek
exclusive rights to dub a product ``Java-compatible''. Although this
may be the only way to fight Microsoft's unfair tactics, never before has a
language been so much in the hands of a single corporation. The Linux
community was born much in protest of this kind of ownership.
Second, the multi-platform concept of Java, the Java Virtual Machine
(JVM), means that programmers feel they are programming for the Java
environment and not for the Linux environment. This also means that
it's much more difficult to exploit the features of Linux.
Third, Java is still slow. Many promising enhancements are available such
as Just-in-Time compilers and Sun's Hotspot (still in beta).
Java has certainly improved since it was first created, but it
still requires a powerful platform. The Linux world is
relatively speed-minded, and one of the main advantages of Linux
is its ability to run on obsolete hardware.
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<h3>The Advantages of Programming in Java</h3>
Despite all these shortcomings in the nature of Java, it
is the only real challenge made in the last few years to Microsoft's
rule. It is also an advanced language, written from the ground up
with modern programming concepts in mind; all the flaws
C++ retained from C for backwards compatibility are gone in Java,
along with other complex features (multiple inheritance, for example).
An automatic garbage collector removes the need to free memory,
drastically reducing development time. Threads are so embedded
in the language they become an indispensible tool for the programmer.
I hope Linux developers take a second look at Java as a development language
and start using it regularly. Some Linux developers have already made
impressive progress with Java tools, including several Java virtual
machines (JVMs), several Just-In-Time (JIT) compilers and others. Take a
look at these if you are considering using your Linux platform for developing
Java. The Java-Linux resources page can be found at:
I will now go over some of the key features in JDK 1.1.x. Note that
the next version, 1.2 is in beta but should be available soon.
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<h3>Object Serialization</h3>
Object serializing means taking an object and flattening it into a
stream of bytes. In practice, this is usually used for two
things--passing objects through a network and storing objects in files.
Usually, a programmer who wishes to store a data structure on
disk has to write a specific algorithm for doing so, which can
be quite tedious. Java simplifies all this by doing it
automatically for you. For example, if you have a tree in memory
and wish to pass it to another Java program on the network, all
you have to do is to pass the root object--Java will follow the
pointers and copy the entire tree. If you have special considerations
(like security), you may design the way the object is serialized.
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<h3>Java Foundation Classes (Swing)</h3>
The original AWT, which is the windowing toolkit for Java, was very
clunky and uncomfortable. Many components were missing and the
programming model was needlessly painful. The current accepted
toolkit for Java is code-named Swing. Swing offers a large number
of lightweight components; they are fully implemented in
Java but do not use the underlying windowing architecure as
in AWT. This assures the same functionality across platforms.
Another appealing feature is the completely pluggable look and feel,
which lets you switch between Windows and Motif, for example, while
the program is running. You can also design your own look.
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<h3>RMI (Remote Method Invocation)</h3>
RMI is the Java equivalent of CORBA, which is a way to invoke methods
in objects that are in a different JVM (or even machine). For those
of you who know the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) frequently used in
UNIX machines, RMI (and CORBA) are its object-oriented counterparts.
The concept of ``distributed programming'' has gotten very popular
lately. In general, it means a very tight integration between programs
across the network; objects in different machines can talk to each other
simply by calling each other's methods. This is accomplished by having a
Java program hold a ``stub'' of a remote object. Then, when a method is invoked
on that stub, Java transparently sends the request over the network
and returns the requested value. The extent by which distribution and
serialization are embedded in Java show the advantage of a
modern language designed to support these concepts.
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<h3>JNI (Java Native Interface)</h3>
Often programmers can get frustrated when they wish to use
the benefits of Java to do something that is system dependant.
The JNI allows you to interface with a native-shared object
and run its functions. This means you can write system-dependant
code in C (or any other language) and use it from Java. Of course,
as a result, your program would not be portable unless you supply
the shared object to all platforms. This could be useful, for example,
to catch signals in UNIX and to access the registry in Windows.
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<h3>JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)</h3>
Java Database Connectivity is an SQL database access interface.
It provides a database-independent way to perform SQL queries
on any database that provides JDBC drivers. Currently, many popular
databases do, and those that don't can still be accessed via
the JDBC-ODBC bridge, which allows you to use ODBC drivers instead.
For a list of database drivers see:
Take a good look at Java. If we could manage to separate the
applications from the operating systems running them, we'd have the
freedom to choose shich OS we like best. Although in spirit the Linux
community has a ``renegade'' non-conformist element in it, Java has a great
potential and deserves our attention. The Linux-Java combination can turn
into a winning one.
<h3>Java Resources</h3>
Java home: <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/">"http://java.sun.com/</A>
Java developer connection (free registration):
<A HREF="http://java.sun.com/jdc/">http://java.sun.com/jdc/</A>
Swing (JFC): <A HREF="http://java.sun.com/products/jfc/index.html">
Java for Linux: <A HREF="http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux.html">
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Shay Rojansky <BR>
Published in Issue 32 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, September 1998</H5></center>
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