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<title>The Future of Linux LG #31</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<font color="navy">A <I>Linux Journal</I> Preview</font>:
This article will appear in the October issue of <I>Linux Journal</I>.
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<H1><font color="maroon">The Future of Linux, 14 July 1998</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:newt@pobox.com">Greg Roelofs</a></H4>
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<A HREF="http://www.teamtaos.com/events/linux/"><I>The Future of Linux</I></A>
was set up as a panel discussion and was held at the Santa Clara Convention
Center (in the heart of Silicon Valley) on the evening of 14 July 1998. It
was hosted by <A HREF="http://www.taos.com/">Taos Mountain</A> and the
<A HREF="http://www.svlug.org/">Silicon Valley Linux Users Group</A> (SVLUG),
and it was sponsored by them, <A HREF="http://www.intel.com/">Intel</A>,
<A HREF="http://www.redhat.com/">Red Hat</A>, <A
>Linux Journal</A>, and <A HREF="http://www.varesearch.com/">VA
Research</A>. Apparently it was considerably more popular than Taos
expected; people stood in line between 40 and 60 minutes to register, and
the free food and free VA Research/Linux t-shirts ran out. I didn't get a
firm count, but Taos said 850 people had RSVP'd, and it appeared that at
<I>least</I> 700 chairs were occupied, possibly upwards of 900 or more.
(Other reports have claimed ``more than 850'' and ``more than 1000'';
apparently quite a few people chose to stand near the front rather than
sit in back.)
The panel was a distinguished group: <B>Jeremy Allison</B>, one of the
lead <A HREF="http://samba.anu.edu.au/samba/samba.html">Samba</A> developers;
<B>Larry Augustin</B>, founder of VA Research and member of the
<A HREF="http://www.li.org/">Linux International</A> (LI) Board of Directors;
<B>Robert Hart</B>, from Red Hat Software; <B>Sunil Saxena</B>, from Intel's
Unix Performance Lab; and, of course, The Man himself, <B>Linus Torvalds</B>.
<FONT COLOR="#006600">[And for all those unwashed heathens out there:
Linus may not care how anyone <I>else</I> pronounces ``Linux,'' but
<I>he</I> unquestionably does so with a short `i' as in ``linen.''
So there.]<SUP>*</SUP></FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#006600">[And while I know there are a lot of Linux fans
who like to pronounce ``Linux'' with a long `i' sound (LYE-nucks), and
despite the fact that Linus himself doesn't care how anyone else pronounces
it, <I>he</I> unquestionably did so with a short `i' as in ``linen''
(LINN-ucks). In Swedish he presumably still pronounces it the third
way, roughly ``<A HREF=
It was moderated by <B>Michael Masterson</B> of Taos, who traded off
questioning duties with <B>Phil Hughes</B>, all-around hairy guy and the
publisher of <I>Linux Journal</I>.
The panelists were given a pair of questions ahead of time and five minutes
(per panelist) to respond to each. The evening progressed more or less as
<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLPADDING=0> <!-- nice border -->
<TR BGCOLOR="#ffffd0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
<TR BGCOLOR="#ffd0d0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
wait in line...keep waiting...trade RSVP form for name sticker
<TR BGCOLOR="#ffd0d0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
get free t-shirt / whimper about missing food and lack of dinner
<TR BGCOLOR="#c0dcc0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
<A HREF="linux-19980714-dnd.html">demos</A> / sit down
<TR BGCOLOR="#c0dcc0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
<A HREF="linux-19980714-pq1.html">panel's semi-prepared
responses to first question</A>
<TR BGCOLOR="#c0dcc0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
<A HREF="linux-19980714-qa1.html">audience Q &amp; A</A>
<TR BGCOLOR="#c0dcc0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
<A HREF="linux-19980714-phq.html">moderator Q &amp; A</A>
<TR BGCOLOR="#c0dcc0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
<A HREF="linux-19980714-pq2.html">panel's semi-prepared
responses to second question</A>
<TR BGCOLOR="#c0dcc0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
<A HREF="linux-19980714-qa2.html">more audience Q &amp; A</A>
<TR BGCOLOR="#c0dcc0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
<A HREF="linux-19980714-dnd.html">door prizes</A>
<TR BGCOLOR="#c0dcc0">
<TD VALIGN="center" ALIGN="center">
<A HREF="linux-19980714-dnd.html">demos</A> / schmoozing /
fall-on-knees-and-worship-Linus / etc.
Note that in each section I've included various editorial comments in
<FONT COLOR="#006600">[green brackets]</FONT>, usually
<FONT COLOR="#006600">[<I>italicized</I>]</FONT>.
Thanks to the following people for their corrections and additional info;
any remaining errors or omissions are solely my fault:
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">
<LI>Jeffrey Chapman <!-- jchapman@armory.com -->
<LI>Michael Cope <!-- mcope@orion.ac.hmc.edu -->
<LI>Michael Hicks <!-- hick0088@tc.umn.edu -->
<LI>Dan Kaminsky <!-- effugas@best.com -->
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">
<LI>Joe Klemmer <!-- klemmerj@hoffman.army.mil -->
<LI>Ian Kluft <!-- ikluft@cisco.com -->
<LI>Anas Nashif <!-- nashif@rz.uni-mannheim.de -->
<LI>Brent J. Nordquist <!-- bjn@visi.com -->
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="left">
<LI>Alexandre Petit-Bianco <!-- apbianco@cygnus.com -->
<LI>Jason Riedy <!-- ejr@cise.ufl.edu -->
<LI>David Sundqvist <!-- azzie@netpolicy.com -->
See also <A HREF="http://www.teamtaos.com/events/linux/">Taos Mountain's
announcement</A> (including a streaming video of highlights), <A HREF=
summary/reviews page</A>, <A HREF=
"http://eetimes.com/news/98/1017news/linux.html">EE Times' article</A> and
<A HREF="http://slashdot.org/articles/980717/2021236.shtml">Slashdot's
discussion of it</A>, <A HREF=
>InfoWorld's article</A>, <A HREF="http://www.tbtf.com/resource/skodlar.txt"
>Rafael Skodlar's report</A> at the <A HREF="http://www.tbtf.com/">Tasty
Bits</A> archive, <A HREF="http://www.forbes.com/forbes/98/0810/6209094a.htm"
>Forbes' cover story</A>, <A HREF=
Tebbe's InfoWorld column</A>, and, of course, <A HREF=
"http://www.slashdot.org/articles/980719/1413242.shtml">Slashdot's discussion
of this very report</A>.
Finally, here are some interesting developments from the week following the
<LI>Informix's <A HREF=
>Linux press release</A> (<B>Informix-SE</B> and <B>free developer's
<LI>Oracle's <A HREF="http://www.oracle.com/cgi-bin/press/printpr.cgi?file=980721.26767.html&mode=corp&td=1&tm=8&fd=1&fm=07&status=Search&ty=98&limit=50&fy=98"
>Linux press release</A> (<B>Oracle8</B>) and <A HREF=
"http://www.oracle.com/html/linux.html">feature article</A>
<!-- also "http://biz.yahoo.com/prnews/980721/ca_oracle__1.html" -->
<LI>Netscape's <A HREF=
"http://home.netscape.com/newsref/pr/newsrelease650.html">Linux press
release</A> (<B>Netscape Messaging Server</B> and <B>Netscape Directory
<LI>IBM's <A HREF="http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/formula/Jikes">fast Java
compiler</A> and <A HREF=
(<B>Jikes</B>, just ported to Linux, and <B>JikesDebugger</B>)
<LI>Dean Olson's Slashdot article on <A HREF=
"http://www.slashdot.org/features/980722/0955225.shtml"><I>Linux and
Note that a number of other relational databases, including Computer Associates'
<A HREF="http://www.ingres.com/"><B>Ingres II</B></A>, have already been ported
to Linux. And, of course, the most popular web server in the world (<A HREF=
"http://www.apache.org/"><B>Apache</B></A>) has run on Linux for years and
happens to be freely available as well.
<FONT COLOR="#006600" SIZE="-1">
<SUP>*</SUP> Oh yeah, and <B>vi rules</B>, too. Here, take two of these
<IMG ALIGN=top WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 SRC="./gx/roelofs/smile.happy.gif" ALT=" :-) ">
<IMG ALIGN=top WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 SRC="./gx/roelofs/smile.happy.gif" ALT=" :-) ">
and don't flame me in the morning... We all love Linux regardless of how
it's pronounced, right??
<I>Last modified 28 July 1998 by
<A HREF="mailto:newt@pobox.com">newt@pobox.com</A> , you betcha.</I>
<FONT SIZE="-1">
Copyright &#169; 1998 <A HREF="http://pobox.com/~newt/">Greg Roelofs</A>.
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Greg Roelofs <BR>
Published in Issue 31 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, August 1998</H5></center>
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