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<title>Some History and Other Things LG #31</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Some History and Other Things</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">Marjorie Richardson</a></H4>
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I am often asked about the history of <I>Linux Journal</I> and <I>Linux
Gazette</I> and
how I think Linux has changed over the year. Here's the scoop.
Back in 1993, Phil Hughes saw the enormous potential for the Linux operating
system and its creator Linus Torvalds. Being a firm believer in open
software, he decided to start a magazine dedicated to Linux to encourage
the growth of this fledgling operating system. That magazine is <I>Linux
Journal</I>. Phil founded the magazine and acted as Editor for the first two
The first issue was published in March 1994 and had 48 pages. It contained
an interview with Linus and articles by many now familiar names:
Michael Johnson, Mark Komarinski, Ian Murdock, Arnold Robbins, Matt Welsh
and Robert Young. The first issue was primarily given away at trade shows
and sent to mailing lists; the second had over 900 subscribers. The subscriber
base and newsstand presence of the magazine has steadily increased to over
60,000 since that time, and we are currently at 100 pages.
The first two issues of <I>Linux Journal</I> were published by Robert Young.
After the second issue, Robert decided to start up Red Hat Software, and
Specialized Systems Consultants took over as publisher. Also with the third
issue, Michael Johnson took on the role of Editor and continued in that role
through the September 1996 issue. I became Editor on February 1, 1997 and
began work on the May issue.
I had begun work for SSC in April 1996 and the project I had the most fun
with was <I>Linux Gazette</I>. John Fisk had decided he just didn't have the time
to devote to the Gazette--what he had started as a learning experience had
blossomed into a very popular webzine. He posted issues whenever he had
time and in between got mail from people requesting he put it out on a more
regular basis. At any rate, he approached Phil requesting that Linux
Journal take over the Gazette. Phil said yes and gave the project to me in
August. This turned out to be a shrewd move on his part as taking care of
the Gazette gave me the necessary confidence to say yes when he asked me to
be Editor of <I>Linux Journal</I> the following February. Although I tried for a
while to outsource LG, it didn't work out and it is still in my hands. Good
thing I love it, since I do most of the work on it on my own time--outside
working hours.
<H3><I>Linux Gazette</I></H3>
<I>Linux Gazette</I> is the most popular page on our web site, helping to generate over
150,000 hits a day. All the authors are volunteer, and I am constantly
amazed at how much great content people are willing to spend their time
generating and then give it away. We have mirror sites worldwide and three
translation sites in Italy, France and Russia.
When I first began work at <I>Linux Journal</I> and people asked me where I
worked, the usual response was "What's Linux?" Today, not only do people
know what Linux is, they approach me to tell me how much they love it and
the magazine--this mainly happens when I am wearing a Linux T-shirt.
<H3>A Bit About Linux</H3>
This year has been a banner year for Linux in terms of market expansion
with two block-buster announcements. The first was Netscape's decision
to make Mozilla open source. <I>Linux Journal</I> had a
great interview with Marc Andreessen and Tom Paquin of Netscape in our
August issue and the second part of the interview is exclusively in this
issue of <I>LG</I>. With Netscape Navigator going Open Source, can
Sun's Java be far behind? Second, Corel and Corel
Computer announced they would be porting all their software to Linux and
that the new NetWinder would be sold with Linux installed. This
announcement came in May after our April issue which contained an interview
with Corel Computer's Eid Eid. I'm sure there was a direct correlation
between our interview and their decision. (smile)
Actually, it seems like we get a press release each week from someone
announcing their product will be supporting Linux. About two months ago,
one of these
was from Interbase telling us about the recent port of its popular database
to Linux. Now, on July 22, Informix has announced that they now support
Linux, and that it is available with both S.u.S.E. and Caldera. An
announcement from Oracle that they will be porting to Linux was made July
In my opinion, sooner or later, Sybase will be following suit. Cobalt's Qube
microserver is yet another coup for Linux.
With companies like these supporting Linux, Linux will continue to expand
across the globe and, perhaps, even reach Linus' stated goal of world
While I was not able to attend the recent Linux Expo put on by Red Hat in
North Carolina, I have heard glowing reports. The vi editor won again over
Emacs in the "editor war". This year the war was a held as a paintball
tournament with vi winning three out of four games.
Linus' talk was well attended as usual. In it, he announced a
code freeze will be coming for the 2.2 kernel in the next month, with
the release due in late July or early August. This is good news indeed.
The addition of symmetrical multi-processing (SMP) has been a feature
eagerly awaited by many.
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Marjorie Richardson <BR>
Published in Issue 31 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, August 1998</H5></center>
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