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<title>Sabre: An Svgalib Flight Sim LG #30</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Sabre: An Svgalib Flight Sim</font></H1>
<h4>By <a href="mailto: layers@marktwain.net">Larry Ayers</a></h4>
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<center><h3>Introduction and Disclaimer</h3></center>
<p>I haven't written about Linux games for the Gazette, mainly because I don't
play them much. Oh, every now and then while waiting for a download to
complete I'll play Xgalaga or XEmacs-tetris for a while, but for me the real
Linux amusement is figuring out how to compile, install, and use the numerous
software packages lurking out on the net, unpublicized and just waiting
to be explored.
<p>A couple of days ago I was reading the current <a
href="http://www.ntk.net">Need to Know</a> British WWW news site, and I saw a
mention of a Linux flight-simulator called Sabre. I ended up at the <a
href="http://sabre.cobite.com">Sabre web-site</a> and was impressed by the
evident humor and good-nature of the site's developer (check out the page
describing how to get sound working with the simulator!). Though I've seldom
used flight-simulators, I decided to give this one a try.
<center><h3>Back To The Korean War</h3></center>
The developers of Sabre (Dan Hammer, with assistance from Antti Barck and
David Mansfield) have chosen to confine their attention to the Korean War, so
the aircraft involved are mostly early jets with a smattering of WWII-era
propellor-planes. The graphics are well-done, with texture-mapped clouds and
landscapes. The general effect is reminiscent of a detailed cartoon (not
Hannah-Barbra style!).Here are a couple of scaled-down screenshots (Sabre can
even take its own screenshots while running; just press <b>e</b> and the
current scene will be saved to a ppm file):<br>
<p><img alt="Sabre screen 1" src="./gx/ayers/sabre1.gif">
<img alt="Sabre screen 2" src="./gx/ayers/sabre2.gif">
<p>The first public release of Sabre was in August of 1997, so it's a
relatively new project. Don't expect a state-of-the-art flight-sim like
the numerous commercial products available. Sabre is more similar to
better-quality DOS flight-sims of a couple of years ago. The up-side to this
is that expensive hardware (such as an ultra-fast processors or a 3DFX
video-card) isn't needed in order for Sabre to run acceptably fast. This is
an Svgalib console-graphics program so not even X is needed.
<p>Sabre can be run in a variety of resolutions and window-sizes. Naturally a
fast CPU will enable a larger and more detailed screen with minimal choppiness.
<p>Frankly, I probably never would have written this review if Antti Barck's
tremendously useful <b>dialog</b>-based script <b>RunSabre</b> hadn't been
included in the distribution. Flight-simulator veterans probably will be able
to learn to use Sabre without this script, but novices (like me) will find
this interface to Sabre invaluable. It provides a convenient way to set the
screen resolution, run various demo missions and flight scenarios, and access
the documentation (especially the key-binding doc) from one menu-based screen.
All of these tasks can be accomplished with command-line switches, but who
wants to learn these while still deciding whether it's worth devoting time to
learning a new application? Without this script, running Sabre can be a
frustrating sequence of short flights followed by re-reading the docs after
watching your jet crash yet another time.
<p>Sabre offers quite an extensive array of view-points from which to observe
your fighter-plane and the surrounding action. Naturally you can be in the
cockpit and see forward, to the side, and behind, but you can also become a
disembodied viewer off to one side. Even more interesting, a click of a key
will put you in the cockpit of one of the enemy planes.
<p>Your plane can be controlled with either a mouse, the keyboard, or a
joystick (assuming joystick support is compiled into your kernel). I found
controlling with a mouse difficult, whereas after some practice the keyboard
seemed to provide more accurate control. I don't have a joystick so I was
unable to try that method; I understand that flight-sim enthusiasts prefer them.
<p>The first scenario in the <b>RunSabre</b> menu is called <i>Just Fly</i>.
I was grateful for this choice; the last thing I needed while trying to figure
out the controls was harassment by MIG fighters intent on my destruction!
Several other flight scenarios are supplied, some involving aerial combat and
others ground attack missions. These scenarios are interactive; the demo
missions are more like short movies which display the variety of scenes Sabre
is capable of displaying.
<p>All in all Sabre is a quality piece of software. It compiled easily and I
found no obvious bugs. The source or pre-compiled binaries can be obtained
from the Sabre web-site linked at the beginning of this article.
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Last modified: Sun 28 Jun 1998
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Larry Ayers <BR>
Published in Issue 30 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, July 1998</H5></center>
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