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<title>GUI building using the Java 1.1 AWT LG #29</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
<P> <HR> <P>
<h1><font color="maroon">GUI building using the Java 1.1 AWT</font></h1>
<h2><font color="maroon">Java Linux Audio CD Player--Part 2</font></h2>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:michael@actrix.gen.nz">Michael Hamilton</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
<li><a HREF="./hamilton.html#player">The Player Class</a>
<li><a HREF="./hamilton.html#form">The Form Panel</a>
<li><a HREF="./hamilton.html#menu">The Menu Bar</a>
<li><a HREF="./hamilton.html#awt">AWT Adapters</a>
<li><a HREF="./hamilton.html#main">The Main Button Control</a>
<li><a HREF="./hamilton.html#cd">The CD Player Status Display</a>
<li><a HREF="./hamilton.html#smart">The SmartDrive and the Monitor Thread</a>
<li><a HREF="./hamilton.html#program">The Program Window</a>
<li><a HREF="./hamilton.html#sum">Summary</a>
<li><a HREF="./hamilton.html#res">Resources</a>
In my previous article I described a simple CD player that can be
extended to create a GUI player such as Jcd, a freeware player I've
made available on the Web, see http://www.actrix.gen.nz/users/michael/giveaways.html
In this article I will describe how to extend the Drive object so that
it can carry out programmed play (play a list of tracks) and shuffle
play (play every track once in a random order).
The structure of the new player is described by the class diagram in
the following figure. Rather than starting
with the low level components, I thought it would be more interesting
to start with a description of the GUI interface. For the moment just
assume that there is a new SmartDrive version of Drive that includes
all the old functionality, plus monitoring of the Drive state and the
ability to accept and modify a list of tracks to be played. I'll
introduce the use of the new functionality as we proceed.
<img src="./gx/hamilton/class.gif">
In my previous article I described a Java class, called ``Drive'', that
provides the following CD player functionality:
Drive Object:
Informational methods:
currentTrack, currentIndex, numberOfTracks,
cdEndAddress, trackAddress, trackLength
Control methods:
play, stop, pause, resume, eject, setVolume
In this article I will describe how to extend the Drive object so that
it can carry out programmed play (play a list of tracks) and shuffle
play (play every track once in a random order). But rather than start
with the low level components, I thought it would be more interesting
to start with a description of the GUI interface. For the moment just
assume that there is a new SmartDrive version of Drive that includes
all the old functionality, plus monitoring of the Drive state and the
ability to accept and modify a list of tracks to be played. I'll
introduce the use of the new functionality as we proceed.
Since writing my previous article, the Java Development Kit 1.1 has
been ported to Linux. This code in this article will use features of
the AWT from JDK 1.1. The article was originally written using the
JDK 1.0.1, and the original JDK 1.0.1 code is included in the tar
available at SSC's Linux Journal ftp site.
<P> <HR> <P>
<a name="player"></A>
<h3>The Player Class</h3>
<p> <HR> <P>
The new CD player I'm going to describe is called Player and is run
from the command line by entering:
setenv SBPCD 1 # if you have an old SoundBlaster connected drive
java Jcd.Player
Running the application creates the GUI interface in <A HREF="#fig1">Figure
1</A> and <A HREF="#fig2">Figure 2</A>.
The source code for the Player class is presented in
<A HREF="./hamilton/Player.java">Listing 1</A>.
Player class has a static <b>main()</b> method on line 30, which is where
program execution will begin. On line 32 the main() method creates an
instance of the player class:
Player player = new Player();
On lines 38 to 43, the Player's class constructor sets up the
SmartDrive object that communicates with the CD player. The name of
the device to open (/dev/cdrom) and the location of the native module
(Jcd_Drive.so) is hard coded into the Player's constructor. The native
module implements the kernel interface to the CDROM drive. In a real
production version of the system, these parameters would be read from
a configuration file or deduced by interrogating the operating
As previously stated SmartDrive is an extended version of the hardware
interface class described in my first article--it has been enhanced
to support programmed play, and to provide notification events
concerning the CD players status. On line 56, the Player's
constructor starts the SmartDrive's monitor. The monitor will begin
delivering CD player events to any object that has registered for them.
<a name="fig1"></A>
<center><img src="./gx/hamilton/hamfig1.gif"></center>
<center><H4>Figure 1. GUI Components</H4> </center>
I'll now go back over Player and look at some of the code involved in
the GUI. On lines 45 to 54 of
<A HREF="./hamilton/Player.java">Listing 1</A>.
the Player's constructor
creates the GUI components seen in Figure 1: a menu-bar; a display
area for track info; and a control area of push-button CD player
<p><HR> <P>
<a name="form"></A>
<h3>The Form Panel</h3>
<p><HR> <P>
The AWT GUI toolkit provides components such as text-labels,
text-entry fields, menus, and buttons. Components are placed into
containers to build windows and pabels. The AWT's top level component
container is the Frame class. A Frame constructs a separate
free-standing window. Like other GUI toolkits, the AWT provides the
programmer with sub-container classes that can be used to control
component placement by subdividing a window into smaller areas. The
AWT's major sub-container is the Panel class. The AWT provides
further control over placement by allowing the programmer to configure
a Frame or Panel's layout policy. For example, the standard AWT
FlowLayout just places components left to right, top to bottom. A
Frame or Panel's layout can be assigned from the layouts provided by
the AWT or you can write your own.
On line 10 of <A HREF="./hamilton/Player.java">Listing 1</A>, the Player class is declared to extend the
Form class. The source code for Form is presented in <A
HREF="./hamilton/Form.java">Listing 2</A>. Form
is a class I've created that extends the normal top level AWT Frame
class. Player is a Form, a Form is a Frame, a Frame creates a
free-standing window, so Player creates a free-standing window. The
Form class uses the AWT GridBagLayout manager. The GridBagLayout
manager is the AWT's most flexible layout manager. It has a wide
variety of options for the spacing, and placement of objects with a
Frame or Panel. GridBagLayout's flexibility makes it complex to deal
with. Form simplifies dealing with the GridBagLayout by providing an
addCenter() method. On lines 23 to 32 of
<A HREF="./hamilton/Form.java">Listing 2</A>, the addCenter()
method controls placement by placing the object at the next available
row and making it consume the entire row:
c.gridx = 0;
c.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
It sets fill to NONE. It sets the inset space around the component to
1. The end effect is that the Form sub-class will place objects top to
button, one object per row, each consuming the space it needs plus
a little surrounding space.
<p><HR> <P>
<a name="menu"></A>
<h3>The Menu Bar</h3>
<p><HR> <P>
Returning to the Player class. On lines 46 and 47 of <A
HREF="./hamilton/Player.java">Listing 1</A>,
the Player's constructor sets up the windows menu bar:
setMenuBar(new MenuBar());
The actual drop-down menu is created by the <b>createFileMenu()</b> method on
Lines 70 to 78 of <A HREF="./hamilton/Player.java">Listing 1</A>.
It creates the player's file-menu, and
adds individual menu items to it. Lines 76 and 77 of createFileMenu()
setup the event handling for the menu:
These two lines set up the Player object (this) to handle the
ActionEvents from the file-menu's fileProgramItem and fileExitItem.
These events are generated when the user selects a menu item. In
order to be able to handle these events the Player class must
implement the ActionListener interface--it is declared as such on
<A HREF="./hamilton/Player.java">Listing 1</A> line 10:
public class Player extends Form implements ActionListener
What's going on here? Player inherits from--``extends''--Form, but
what does ``implements ActionLister'' mean? Player can only inherit
data and method definitions from a single parent--Java doesn't
support multiple inheritance--an object can only ``extend'' one parent
class. However, to provide some of the functionality of multiple
inheritance, Java provides the ``implements/interface'' mechanism. In
other languages multiple inheritance has to deal with the issue of
what to do when a class inherits two more implementations of the same
data-structure or method from two different parents. For example, say
both parents have an add() method, which one should be used in the
sub-class? Java's limited multiple inheritance mechanism, the
``interface'', doesn't support the inheritance of implementation.
Except for class-wide constants, interface definitions must be
completely abstract. An interface definition, such as ActionListener,
cannot provide an implementation of any of the methods it declares.
Any class wishing to ``implement'' an interface must provide its own
code to implement all the methods in the interface. A class can
implement any number of interfaces--a class could implement both
ActionListener and MouseListener and handle both kinds of events. By
not providing an implementation, interfaces leave conflict resolution
in the hands of the programmer designing the implementation.
Listener interfaces such as ActionListener, MouseListener, and others,
were newly introduced in JDK 1.1. The new JDK 1.1 AWT Event model
uses the Java interface mechanism to provide a more flexible event
handling mechanism that the earlier version of the JDK. There are
separate interfaces for different kinds of events such as the mouse or
the keyboard. Multiple objects can register for the same events and
they will all receive them.
In order to implement the ActionListener interface, the Player class
has to have an actionPerformed() method--the method is defined on on
Lines 59 to 68. The Player will be passed menu events via a call to
the actionPerformed() method. The actionPerformed() method checks
which component was the source of the event and invokes an appropriate
code fragment: at lines 62 to 65, the Player's actionPerformed method
checks if the source of the event was the fileProgramItem--if it was,
and there isn't an existing program showing, a new one is created. At
line 66, if the source of the event was fileExitItem the program is
<p> <HR> <P>
<a name="awt"></A>
<h3>AWT Adapters</h3>
<p> <HR> <P>
In some cases the interface necessary to handle an AWT event is quite
complex. To save the programmer the work of having to completely
define all of an AWT event interface, the AWT includes pre-written
Adapter classes that provide default implementations for the more
complex event interfaces. For example the MouseListener interface has
a corresponding MouseAdapter class that provides a default
implementation. These pre-canned AWT Adapter classes can be
sub-classed to selectively override any of their methods.
The Player class makes use of an Adapter class to handle close
requests from the window manager. Close requests are usually the
result of the user double clicking the close button on window's title
bar. On line 52 of <A HREF="./hamilton/Player.java">Listing 1</A>, the Player registers a WindowListener:
addWindowListener(new DoClose());
The WindowListener interface has several methods and I only want to
override one of them--the windowClosing() method. Unfortunately the
Player class can't inherit from the default WindowAdaptor class
because the Player class already inherits from the Form class. The
solution I've applied in this case is to use another new feature of
the JDK 1.1. JDK 1.1 adds Inner Classes to the Java language--this
means I can declare a class within a class:
public class Player extends Form implements ActionListener {
addWindowListener(new DoClose());
private class DoClose extends WindowAdapter {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
The Player uses addWindowListener() to register a new instance of its
own inner DoClose class. Because DoClose is an Inner Class of
Player it has access to Player's data and methods and can therefore be
more closely integrated into Player than a separately declared class.
In other languages it's quite common to solve situations such as this
by passing pointers to methods, functions, or code-fragments--but in
Java only objects can be passed, so Inner Classes were provided as one
<p> <HR> <P>
<a name="main"></A>
<h3>The Main Button Controls</h3>
<p> <HR> <P>
Turning now to the remainder of the Player GUI interface: the Controls
and Display classes. I'll describe the Controls class first because
it's the simplest. Controls is a panel of buttons which you can see
on the bottom of <A HREF="#fig1">Figure 1</A>. <A HREF="./hamilton/Controls.java">Listing 3</A>
shows the source code for the
Controls class. Since it is intended to be a sub-panel of Player it
inherits from Panel:
class Controls extends Panel implements ActionListener
The Controls class also needs to take action when the buttons are
pressed, so it also implements the ActionLister interface.
Lines 17 to 22 of <A HREF="./hamilton/Controls.java">Listing 3</A> declares the set of buttons. The button
declarations also specify how to initialize the buttons when a
Controls object is created. On lines 26 to 32, the Controls
constructor adds each of the buttons to the Panel. The simple
GridLayout manager, not to be confused with the more complex
GridBagLayout manager, is used to control component placement within
the Panel. GridLayout places components left to right, top to bottom,
in equal sized cells in the grid specified:
setLayout(new GridLayout(1, 6, 2, 2));
In this case the grid is 1 row by 6 columns--a column for each
button. The last two arguments specify a horizontal and vertical gap
between grid cells of 2.
The <b>Controls add()</b> method, on lines 31 to 34, overrides the add()
method inherited from the Panel super-class. Add() behavour has been
modified to set the Controls object as the ActionListener for each
private void add(Button b) {
super.add(b); // Now call super class add() method.
The Controls actionPerformed() method, lines 36 to 49, reponds to
button press events by invoking corresponding CdPlayer methods.
<p><HR> <P>
<a name="cd"></A>
<h3>The CD Player Status Display</h3>
<p><HR> <P>
The final part of the interface shown in <A HREF="#fig1">Figure 1</A>
is the Display
panel, the source code for which can be seen in <A
HREF="./hamilton/Display.java">Listing 4</A>. The
Display panel consists of three text fields to display the CD track,
the CD index, and the CD track time remaining--trackField,
indexField, and timeField. They're declared on lines 13 to 15 of
<A HREF="./hamilton/Display.java">Listing 4</A> and will be initialized as new TextFields a Display object
is created (which only ever happens once in this application).
The Display() constructor method is on line 20 of <A
HREF="./hamilton/Display.java">Listing 4</A>. Lines 22
to 29 setup the basic components involved in the display. The Panel
is assigned the FlowLayout manager which means that calls to the add()
method will place the three text fields in a left to right layout
butted up to each other with a small amount of separation top and
bottom. And on Lines 23 and 24 I've made the indexField and timeField
read-only so the user can't alter their values:
The trackField is left editable so that the user can enter the number
of a track to start playing from. In order to handle the trackField's
mouse focus events and keyboard events, we have to register a couple
of event Listeners:
trackField.addFocusListener(new TrackFocusLost());
trackField.addKeyListener(new TrackKeyPress());
Both of the Listeners are quite complex, so rather that write our own
complete implementations, two default Adapter classes are sub-classed
to handle the task on lines 53 to 74--more about them later.
On line 34 we register Display() as an Observer of the cdPlayer:
The status of the CD player is actually kept track of by a Monitor
object--the cdPlayer.monitor object. The monitor runs in its own
thread (a thread can be thought of as a light weight sub-process that
has shared access to the data of the main task). The need to monitor
events and notify other objects is a common programming problem. Java
provides the Observable Class, and its companion Observer Interface,
as a standard basis for addressing this kind of problem. The monitor
object is a sub-class of a Observable class. The Observable class
provides the code necessary to manage the Observer/Observable
relationship. The monitor class will be described in more detail
later. Display is declared to implement Observer, which means it must
define an update() method. The update() method will be called when an
Observable event takes place. Display's update() method is defined on
lines 37 to 51, it is passed the Observable object that caused the
event and an extra argument (which isn't used in this application).
Normally the trackField is updated once a second when the monitor
broadcasts a status update to its Observers. The user can also alter
the value of the trackField by entering a new track which will force
the player to skip to it immediately. To prevent the one second
update from clobbering the users input, the update() method is careful
not to update the trackField text unless the track really has changed:
if (prevText.compareTo(newTrackText) != 0) {
prevText = newTrackText;
Lines 53 to 75 of <A HREF="./hamilton/Display.java">Listing 4</A> define two inner classes to handle user
input into the trackField. TrackFocusLost restores the correct track
number when ever the user changes focus out of the trackField.
The inner class TrackKeyPress checks every key pressed in the
trackField for the enter key. If enter is pressed, an attempt is made
to parse the text entered into an integer value, if this succeeds the
cdPlayer is instructed to immediately start playing at this track.
<p> <HR> <P>
<a name="smart"></A>
<h3>The SmartDrive and the Monitor Thread</h3>
<p> <HR> <P>
Before we go on to describe how to write a GUI for programmed track
play and shuffle play, we really have to understand more of the new
SmartDrive class that extends the Drive class from my first article.
SmartDrive.java can be seen in <A HREF="./hamilton/SmartDrive.java">Listing
5</A>. SmartDrive is a sub-class
of the original Drive class. SmartDrive mainly adds new methods to
provide for playing a list of tracks.
In order to store the playlist of tracks, a new class called TrackList
is defined at lines 175 to 243. TrackList is a sub-class of the JDK
Vector class. A Vector is is a JDK implementation of a list-like
structure. A Vector can only store java Objects. I would like to
store int-type track numbers, but the int-type isn't a Java Object,
it's a primitive data-type and primitive data types aren't first-class
objects. To get around this problem the JDK provides a class wrapper
for each kind of primitive data type. In this case I have to use the
Integer wrapper class to contain each track number. When ever a track
is added to a TrackList, the code actually stores a corresponding
Integer object:
addTrack(int t) { addElement(new Integer(t)); }
TrackList provides methods to test the state of the list, to advance
along the list, and to reset the list. Because Vectors store generic
Objects, TrackList also has to do a fair bit of casting. For example,
elementAt() returns an Object that has to be cast to an Integer before
I can use it:
Integer elem = (Integer) (elementAt(position)); // Cast Object to Integer
The methods within TrackList have been declared as synchronized.
This prevents multiple threads from simultaneously trying to access
the same TrackList object. For example, we don't want the GUI to
attempt to clear the track list at the same time as the cdPlayer
attempts to advance to the next track in the track list. By declaring
the methods as synchronized we ensures that requests are handled one
at a time--waiting calls will block until the object is available.
In order to implement programmed play, the SmartDrive class includes
an instance of TrackList, called tracksToPlay. SmartDrive methods
such as next() and prev(), on lines 53 to 83, either just play tracks
in the normal numerical sequence, or in the order returned by
the tracksToPlay nextTrack(), prevTrack() methods.
Anytime the player gets to the end of track SmartDrive has to refer to
tracksToPlay and issue a new play() call to play the next track in the
program. In order to do this it sets up an instanse of the Monitor object
mentioned earlier.
2b:The code for the Monitor class is in <A
HREF="./hamilton/Monitor.java">Listing 6</A>. As described earlier
the monitor object is a sub-class of a Observable class, a JDK class
that provides much of the code necessary to manage Observer/Observable
relationship. The Monitor class runs in a separate thread that
interrogates the hardware player and passes on its status every second.
The monitor is started by calling the monitor's start() method--in
this case the call to start() is made in the main() method in
<A HREF="./hamilton/Player.java">Listing 1</A>. The Monitor's start()
method, lines 57 to 65 of <A HREF="./hamilton/Monitor.java">Listing 6</A>,
creates a new thread and starts it running:
if (updateThread == null) {
System.out.println(&quot;Starting thread&quot;);
updateThread = new Thread(this);
The Thread constructor expects to be passed an object that implements
the Runnable interface, in this case the Monitor is its own Runnable,
so it passes itself (``this''). To implement the Runnable interface,
Monitor has to define a run() method. The run() method provides the
code that will be executed in a new thread. When the
updateThread.start() method is called the new execution thread will be
created. The new thread will then call the the monitor's, run()
method. The run() method loops forever collecting status from the
cdPlayer, passing it on, and then sleeping one second. The update is
carried out in a synchronized statement:
synchronized (cdPlayer) {
setChanged(); // Force notifyObservers() to do its thing.
The synchronized statement will obtain a lock on the cdPlayer before
it updates its info and notifies each observer. This ensures that all
Observers get the same consistent picture. The monitor uses the
setChanged() method, inherited from Observable, to indicate that the
Observers need to be informed. It then calls the notifyObservers()
method, also inherited from Observers, which passes the update event
on to all Observers who have previous registered with the monitor.
The bulk of the Monitor class on lines 72 to 127 implements the
updateCDInfo() method that collects info from the Drive/SmartDrive
object. It caches the CD info to save having to bother the Linux
kernel with repeated requests for constant information such as the
length of the tracks on the current CD. The Drive interface was
extensively covered in my first article, so won't go into the
the details of the calls to the cdPlayer again here.
Although the monitor provides the main means for conveying status
information, the SmartDrives's update() method, lines 118 to 148 of
<A HREF="./hamilton/SmartDrive.java">Listing 5</A>, has to switch into more precise mode to handle the
transition from one track to the next. The normal one second update
from the monitor is insufficient to control precise switching between
tracks so the update() method does it's own frequent polling when ever
the end of track is near:
if (monitor.currentAddress >= tend - 210) { // Near end of
// Poll frequently so we don't miss the event.
while (currentAddress()
&& monitor.status == Drive.STATUS_PLAY
&& currentAddress() != 0) {
try { Thread.sleep(100); } // Sleep 100 msec's.
catch (InterruptedException e) { }
This ensures that the listener doesn't hear small sound bites of the
next track.
<p> <HR> <P>
<a name="program"></A>
<h3>The Program Window</h3>
<p> <HR> <P>
<a name="fig2"></A>
<center><img src="./gx/hamilton/hamfig2.gif"></center>
<center><H4>Figure 2. Program Window</H4> </center>
Now we can address the final GUI component--the Program class that
creates the Program window. The Program window can be seen in
Figure 2. The source code for the program class can be seen in
<A HREF="./hamilton/Program.java">Listing 7</A>.
The Program class lays out its sub-panels by using the same
Form object described earlier. The Program constructor, lines 40 to
87, assembles three sub-panels:
+ programListing - a text field;
+ trackPanel - a grid of track buttons;
+ and buttonPanel - a row of control buttons.
The program class isn't really any more complex than the rest of the
GUI except that it features quite extensive use of Inner Classes and
Anonymous Classes newly introduced in Java 1.1. Most of the following
description will concentrate on these two new language features.
Lines 53 to 70 setup the buttonPanel and the actions to take when each
control button is pressed. The Program() constructor uses the Program's
own addButton() method to add the control buttons to the buttonPanel.
AddButton() expects to passed the panel; the button; and an object to
handle the associated button press action:
void addButton(Panel panel, Button button, DoAction action)
The action parameter, is declared to be from the DoAction class.
DoAction is declared at the top of the Program class as an Inner
class--a class contained within the Program class:
class Program extends Form implements Observer {
private abstract class DoAction implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
abstract void invoke();
The DoAction class is abstract because it has no implementation for the
invoke() method. The implementation of invoke() is provided
individually for each button by new sub-classes of DoAction.
These new sub-classes are created inside the Program() constructor on lines
54 to 78--each addButton() call creates a new DoAction sub-class:
new DoAction() { void invoke() { setEditMode(); } });
In each of these calls to addButton, the last paramter is an Anonymous
sub-class of DoAction. Like Inner Classes, Anonymous Classes were
added to Java to give programmers the means for implementing objects
like ActionListeners without the programmer having to creating
zillions of free standing mini classes. The new verb, normally used
to create a new object, is used here to create a new class:
new DoAction() { void invoke() { setEditMode(); } }
This code creates a new anonymous, i.e., unnamed, sub-class of DoAction.
The body of the class, in the curly-braces, provides an implementation
of the invoke() method specific to the editButton. In the same manner
6 other anonymous classes are created to handle each control button.
Another anonymous class is used to handle the close-request for the
Program window on lines 71 to 79. Rather than fully declare a single
class to handle the request, I've used an anonymous sub-class of the
AWT WindowAdapter class:
new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
dismiss(); // call dismiss(0) for the outer class.
Again ``new'' is creating a new class. In this case a sub-class of
WindoAdapter is created with an override for the windowClosing()
Because these anonymous classes are inner classes of Program, they
have access to its data and methods. For example, windowClosing() in
the previous example calls dismiss()--dismiss() is a method of the
Program class.
The suggested use for Anonymous classes is for small fragments of
code only. Larger code fragments are more tidily expressed as
named inner classes.
The updateTrackPanel() method, on lines 171 to 194, contains a tricky
use of inner classes. Here inner classes are used to carry extra
information around. When the Program window is created the
updateTrackPanel() method is called to set up the track-number
buttons. The method is also called whenever the number of buttons has
to be altered due to a change in CD.
When the user presses a track-number button, the button event handler
has to know which button was pressed. updateTrackPanel() achieves
this by sub-classing the DoAction class:
for (int i = prev_n; i
class TrackAction extends DoAction {
int track;
public TrackAction(int i) { track = i; }
void invoke() { pickTrack(track); }
new Button(Integer.toString(i + 1)),
new TrackAction(i + 1));
Each TrackAction objects is initialised with the track number it is
associated with.
The rest of the code in the Program class deals with the mechanics of
programmed mode play. This includes switching the mode of the track
panel between add (a track), del (a track), and play (immediately play
a track). The new java feature introduced by this code is the use of
the JDK Random class to select tracks at random on lines 152 to 169.
<p> <HR> <P>
<a name="sum"></A>
<p> <HR> <P>
This concludes my description of how the CD player works. I started
this whole exercise to try out as much Java as possible, both in terms
of the compilers and tools, and in terms of the language and JDK
libraries. I've found that the langauge, libraries, and compilers are
stable enough to for me to write non trivial programs, the fully coded
Jcd clocks in at 3600 lines of Java and 450 lines of C. The compilers
work but are slow. The JDK libraries are quite functional and offer
far more standard facilities than originally provided with C or C++.
C integration is easily accomplished. Programming in a garbage
collected environment is a real boost to productivity. Xemacs provided
me with a really good Java editing environment.
<P> <HR> <P>
<a name="res"></A>
<p><HR> <P>
See previous article in <I>Linux Gazette</I> issue 28 for detailed references.
<A HREF="./hamilton/Jcd-2-listings.tar.gz">Tar file</A> containing all
listings in this article
<A HREF="http://www.actrix.gen.nz/users/michael/">My home page</A>
containing more infomation on Jcd.
<A HREF="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/sound/cdrom/">Jcd</A> is
available on Sunsite.
<A HREF="http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux.html">
The Linux Java page</A>--a good starting point.
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Michael Hamilton <BR>
Published in Issue 29 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, June 1998</H5></center>
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