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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
<P> <HR> <P>
<h1><font color="maroon">Building an Audio CD Player, Part 1</font></h1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:michael@actrix.gen.nz">Michael Hamilton</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
This article outlines my recent experiences writing Jcd, a Java CD
player. It is aimed at people who have browsed through an
introductory Java or C++ text and feel they know their way around
either language. While reading the article, I think it
would be a good idea to have a Java textbook on hand to fill in any items
I might gloss over.
I have been experimenting with Java in order to evaluate its
usefulness as a general purpose language. One of the things I've written
is a GUI CD player with a track-title database. I chose to write a
CD player because it requires the use of a large part of the language
and its associated libraries: graphical user interfaces, threads,
file I/O sockets, text parsing, image manipulation, data entry forms
and native C calls to interface to the kernel's CD drivers. Since
this is one of my initial attempts at using Java, you shouldn't
assume everything you read below is authoritative or definitive--I'm
just reporting what worked for me.
<p><HR> <P>
<h3>Features of Jcd</h3>
<p><HR> <P>
Jcd has the following features:
<li> Play/Stop/Pause/Previous/Next/Eject/Volume control panel
<li> Track/Index direct access
<li> Track, index, number-of-tracks, track-time, track-remaining,
disc-remaining displays
<li> Program play, continuous/single play, shuffle play
<li> Xmcd CDDB artist, disc, track title look up and display
<li> Xmcd CDDB database format and protocols courtesy of Ti Kan and
Steve Scherf (<A
<li> Optional remote CDDB server look up
<li> Autosave of remote look ups to local cache
<li> GUI window for creating/editing artist/title/track local cache entries
<li> Icon button widgets, e.g., play button, pause button light up when active
<li> Penguin button (a built-in plug for Linux)
<li> Multi-threaded, e.g., the controls and display run in a
separate thread to the database look ups to prevent remote database
look ups from blocking other activities
The finished system is shown here:
<p> <center>
<img src="./gx/hamilton/figure1.gif"></center>
<p><HR> <P>
<h3>Java Application Programming on Linux</h3>
<P> <HR> <P>
Jcd is a Java application, not a Java applet. That is, it
can't be run in the secure sand box of a Web browser. This is because
Jcd reads and writes files in your local file system, and because
it requires a native-machine-language driver specific to your
operating system and processor architecture. In the future it
may be possible to make Jcd an Applet, as Sun is working on standards
for controlled accessed to local files and for portable
access to hardware such as CD audio drives. Until then, Jcd must be
run in a Java run-time environment, such as that provided by Sun's
Java Development Kit. I developed Jcd using the
Linux Java Porting Project's port of the Java Development Kit 1.0.2
and 1.1.1. You can find out how to obtain the JDK for Linux by
pointing your browser at <A
This article will lead you through the code of a cut-down version of
Jcd, much as it appeared in the early stages of its development. At the
end of the article, we will have a working command-line-driven player
that can be built upon to create a GUI player such as Jcd.
Linux supports a set of Sun <b>ioctl</b> commands--device I/O
control calls to the
kernel, for controlling audio CD operations. The kernel's CD-ROM
ioctl interface is defined in the /usr/include/linux/cdrom.h file. This
interface provides a set of calls for functions such as play, stop,
pause, cd-info and others. The Java interface described below
closely parallels the functions the kernel provides.
<A HREF="./hamilton1.html">Listing 1</A>
shows a test rig for testing my Java interface.
Ignoring the details for the moment, you can see in lines 26
through 71 that I have a loop reading from <b>cmd_stream</b>. On lines 31
through 65, I check the command read for a keyword. If I match a
keyword, I call the appropriate <b>cd_drive</b> operation.
At line 1 I declare that Jcd.java is
part of the package Jcd; that is, all classes
defined in Jcd.java are part of the package Jcd. This serves to
keep the Jcd classes together and grants them
mutual access to each other's data and methods, except where the data
and methods are explicitly declared private. All classes outside the
package can only access the data and methods that are explicitly
declared public. The Java run-time environment locates the Jcd
package by looking for a Jcd subdirectory in the directories listed in
the CLASSPATH environment variable. While developing Jcd, I put my
working directory . (dot) in the CLASSPATH and created a dummy Jcd
subdirectory by using a symbolic link pointing back to my working
ln -s . Jcd
Later, when I installed the finished Jcd, I put the Jcd package
in the /usr/local/lib/jcd/Jcd directory and added that directory
On lines 8 and 10 of
<A HREF="./hamilton1.html">Listing 1</A>,
I import the standard Java I/O
classes--a wild card is used to get them all--and I import the
Jcd.Drive class that calls the kernel interface. When referring to
the Drive class I have used the package qualifier Jcd, as well
as the class name Drive.
At line 14 I declare the <b>main</b> method. The main method is static,
which makes it a class method, so it doesn't belong to any
particular Jcd instance; instead, it belongs to the class as a whole. This is
the method that will be invoked when I run Jcd by typing:
java Jcd.Jcd
The Java loader looks for a static method called main in the
class you tell it to run. One implication of this, is that every
class you write can have its own test rig by including a static main
method in its implementation.
At lines 16 through 18, I declare cd_drive and assign it to a new
instance of the Drive object. I pass both the drive device name,
/dev/cdrom, and the location of the compiled C shared object module,
Jcd_Drive.so, to the object constructor so that the object can
initialize itself appropriately.
At line 19 I wrap a DataInputStream object around the System.in
standard input object. DataInputStream is a filter that allows
me to read a byte stream as strings terminated by newlines. The
idea of layering filters over data streams to add new processing
functionality is very prominent in the Java I/O classes.
The only remaining unexplained pieces of code in
<A HREF="./hamilton1.html">Listing 1</A> are the
<i>try-catch</i> statements that surround most of the code. In Java, errors
are signalled by throwing exceptions which, if un-caught, cause the
program to issue a diagnostic error. These ``Thowables'' are divided
into two sub-classes: Errors, major problems that will probably
result in a program crash (such as running out of memory); and
Exceptions, problems that you are expected to be able to
handle inside the program (such as reading past end-of-file). Any
action that can result in an Exception has to be handled in one of two
ways: the method in which it can occur must either have a try-catch
statement that handles the exception, or the method must declare that
it can cause the exception, which passes the buck to callers of the
method. Because this is enforced by the compiler, it's a very nice
mechanism for ensuring that exceptions do not go unconsidered by the
<A HREF="./hamilton1.html">Listing 1</A>,
the System.in class can throw an IOException, such as
end-of-file. The Jcd main() method either has to catch each
IOException or pass it on. In this case, my empty catch body will
effectively ignore I/O errors. After catching an exception, execution
continues from the catch statement. The cd_drive object that the main
method uses to control the CD-ROM can also return a DriveException. The main
method has to catch these too--I just print the reason for the
exception and let the program continue.
<p><HR> <P>
<h3>Jcd Design Details</h3>
<p><HR> <P>
Now look at Drive.java <A HREF="./hamilton2.html">Listing 2</A>. This file declares the Java
to C interface as a set of body-less native methods on lines 69
through 138. These native methods are implemented in the
Jcd_Drive_ix86-Linux.c C module (<A HREF="./hamilton4.html">Listing 4</A>). The native methods in
<A HREF="./hamilton2.html">Listing 2</A>
are augmented by some Java methods that add additional
operations to make life simpler for the users of the class--for
example on lines 139 to 152, there are several variations of the
<b>play()</b> method to simplify the most common types of requests.
On lines 13 through 35 of <A HREF="./hamilton2.html">Listing 2</A> the Drive class defines static
class constants for all the instances of the Drive object to share.
The keyword <i>final</i> means a value is constant. There seems to be a
convention amongst Java programmers for representing constants in
uppercase. All the constants in the Drive class are related to the
kernel interface. For example, the frames per second defines the
address unit used by CD-ROM drives; the lead out track number defined
on line 18 is a dummy track that contains info on the total playing
time of the CD.
Lines 35 through 51 define data unique to each Drive object that is
created. The C module that carries out the kernel calls will access and
update some of this data.
Most of the methods can throw a DriveException. DriveException is
defined on line 157, and below it a series of sub-classes
define the full range of exceptions that a DriveException may
actually represent. The bodies of these exception classes are almost
empty because the actual processing is passed on to the super
(parent) class to handle which is ultimately the standard Java
library's Exception class. The super-class constructors accept calls
with and without an explanation string, so I've defined both. It
would be nice if the official Java language supported default values
for arguments, so that the excessive repetition of nearly identical
constructors could be avoided (one of the features of the Python
language that I miss the most).
All of my native methods are declared to be ``synchronized''. Making the
methods synchronized gives each method exclusive access to the Drive when
it is called. This prevents a multi-threaded application from issuing
multiple conflicting (or overlapping) calls to the kernel. Synchronized
methods carry more overhead than non-synchronized ones, but in this
case we are unlikely to request more than a few CD operations per second,
so we needn't worry about the overhead.
Having defined the interface, I used the <b>javah</b> utility from Sun's Java
Development Kit to help me generate the code for the C module. I used
javah to generate the C header file, Jcd_Drive.h, and the C stubs file,
javah Jcd.Drive
javah -stubs Jcd.Drive
@lay:Place 2397l3 around here
The Jcd_Drive.h file contains data definitions and function prototypes
that define the native C interface. The generated header
file is a little messy, so a more readable version of it is presented in
<A HREF="./hamilton3.html">Listing 3</A>.
It contains a define for each of the final static data
items in the Drive class. Note that javah has used the package name
(Jcd) and class name (Drive) to form the Jcd_Drive prefix for the
native data and function names.
The Jcd_Drive.c that javah generates provides code that handles the
messy details of taking the data Java passes and making it more palatable
before passing it on to the actual C routines. Aside from compiling
this file and including its object with my own code, I pretty much
ignore its existence. All I have to do is implement the interface
defined in Jcd_Drive.h, I don't need to know which part Jcd_Drive.c
plays in the process.
<p><HR> <P>
<h3>Integrating Java with C</h3>
<p><HR> <P>
For me, the ease with which Java and C can be integrated is one of
Java's biggest selling points. I know there's much talk about
sticking to pure Java, but I'm interested in using Java as a general
purpose language. I'm sure I'll still need to fall back on C both
for reasons of performance, and in order to integrate Java into existing
If I can write 90% of my systems code in Java and 10% in a well-defined
C module, that may still make for good portability. For example, after
writing a CD-ROM module in C for Linux, it only took me a few hours to
create another C module for SGI IRIX. The Java code in my final
player interrogates its environment to find out which operating system and
architecture it's running on and then dynamically loads the
appropriate native shared object module.
On line 16 of <A HREF="./hamilton3.html">Listing 3</A>, the Jcd_Drive.h file defines the
ClassJcd_Drive structure that the C run-time environment and Java
run-time environments can use to gain mutual access to data belonging
to Drive objects. The raw data structure has to be augmented with
some Java-environment bookkeeping by the
<tt>HandleTo(Jcd_Drive)</tt> macro
call which creates a new structure called HJcd_Drive on line 26. The C
functions that make up the native interface are always passed
HJcd_Drive as their first argument. The prototypes for these
functions are listed on lines 28 through 45.
<A HREF="./hamilton4.html">Listing 4</A>
details Jcd_Drive_ix86-Linux.c, the Linux Intel
version of the C module. I've used a methodical architecture/OS naming
convention based on properties I can retrieve from the Java runtime
environment. This allows Jcd to select and locate the appropriate
native module for each platform at runtime--for the cut down
version of Jcd, I've just hard-coded the module (see line 17 of
<A HREF="./hamilton1.html">Listing 1</A>).
Most of the code in
<A HREF="./hamilton4.html">Listing 4</A>
is concerned with making the kernel
ioctl calls. Before discussing these calls, I'll get the Java to C native
call side of the equation squared away. Looking at a simple case
first: on lines 181 through 189 of
<A HREF="./hamilton4.html">Listing 4</A>,
the Jcd_Drive_status()
C function implements the Jcd native <b>status()</b> method (from
<A HREF="./hamilton2.html">Listing 2</A>
line 122). When called, the status() function is passed the
HJcd_Drive struct and can access the ClassJcd_Drive it contains by
using the <b>unhand()</b> function. It first checks a C file descriptor to
see if the drive has previously been opened successfully. If the file
descriptor is <tt>-1</tt>, the drive isn't currently
assigned, so the
function just returns the last known status (which was
stored in the ClassJcd_Drive structure). Otherwise, if the file
descriptor is valid, the new_status() function is called to retrieve a
new status value into the ClassJcd_Drive structure.
A slightly more complex case is seen on lines 217
to 234, where the <b>Jcd_Drive_trackAddress()</b> function implements the Jcd
native <b>trackAddress()</b> method. The trackAddress() method returns the
address of a track as the number of 75ths of a second from the start
of the CD. The function is passed two parameters: the HJcd_Drive
structure that contains the Java object's data and the track number
in the form of a long integer. The integer is declared as Java_Int,
but as you can see on line 39, this is just my way of getting around
the differences between the Kaffe and Sun Java compilers--looks like
native call implementations can vary a bit between compilers--
hopefully this is something that will be standardized. In fact
under JDK 1.1.1, my Java_Int should be defined as <tt>int32_t</tt>.
The trackAddress function sets up a <tt>cdrom_tocentry</tt> structure (defined
in /usr/include/linux/cdrom.h) for passing to a kernel ioctl program. In
Unix/Linux, ioctl calls provide access to a variety of kernel services
related to devices. The device the ioctl is to work on is determined
by the file descriptor passed as its first parameter--in Unix all
devices can usually be accessed as special files resident in /dev.
The kind of service an ioctl performs is determined by its second
parameter. In our case we are doing a <tt>CDROMREADTOCENTRY</tt>, i.e., CD-ROM read
table of contents entry. The third parameter to an ioctl is usually
the address of some structure specific to that particular ioctl call.
In this case the third parameter, the <tt>cdrom_tocentry</tt>
structure, is initialized to contain the track number, and the kernel
will copy the result into fields within the same structure.
If an ioctl call goes wrong, perhaps due to a drive fault or
to the drive being empty, the ioctl call returns <tt>-1</tt>. If
this happens, we need to raise a Java exception in the calling Java
module. Line 228 accomplishes this by calling SignalError and
passing it the text name of the exception as the second parameter--in
this case, one of the exceptions declared in
<A HREF="./hamilton2.html">Listing 2</A>.
first parameter to SignalError is used to control the environment in
which the error handling will occur (I left it to default). The last
parameter is any extra text explanation that we may wish to provide--in
this case I'm simply translating the C error number to a text
string. It's important to note that SignalError sets up an exception
that will be processed when the C error routine returns. On returning
to the calling Java routine, only the last of any SignalError calls
will have any effect, i.e., you can't communicate multiple errors via
multiple SignalError calls in one C call.
If the ioctl call succeeds, we take the address the kernel returned in
<tt>tocentry.cdte_addr.msf</tt> and translate it from minute-second frame to
an integer number of 75ths of a second. This value is returned as
the result of the native method call on line 231.
As we have seen above, passing numerical data backward and forward
between Java and C is pretty easy. Character strings are almost
as easy, but do require conversion. These two functions do the
necessary conversions:
Hjava_lang_String *makeJavaString(char *from,
int len);
char *javaString2CString(Hjava_lang_String *from, char *to, int max_len);
The function <b>Jcd_Drive_cddbID()</b> on lines 263 to 279 computes the
CDDB ID for a CD-ROM and uses <b>makeJavaString()</b> to convert it to a Java
string before returning it (CDDB is the database format used by the
Xmcd CD player). On lines 64 and 65 the <b>take_player()</b> function uses
<b>javaString2CString()</b> to make a C version of the Java string containing
the device name of the CD-ROM.
<p><HR> <P>
<h3>Practical Design Issues</h3>
<p><HR> <P>
If you look at almost any C routine in
<A HREF="./hamilton4.html">Listing 4</A>, you will see that the
C code is constantly checking things like whether the drive is open or
not. I'm trying to avoid monopolizing the drive. This is especially
important on ejecting the drive tray. When the user uses Jcd to eject
the tray, I relinquish the the drive by closing it and won't access it
again until the user issues another Jcd request. This allows
the user to use the drive for other purposes without leaving Jcd. It
also prevents a problem on my system--if I keep polling the
drive status after an eject, the drive will immediately close again.
There's quite a bit of code that attempts to tip-toe around issues
such as this one.
I also found that with my particular CD-ROM, if I issue an
inappropriate pause or resume (for example, pause when the drive
isn't playing anything), the kernel driver may become confused, and
further ioctl calls to the drive will hang indefinitely. Once this
happens the only way to get the drive to respond is to reboot. The
pause/resume code on Lines 359 to 386 is careful to check before
I also found that some kernel CD-ROM drivers won't respond to a play
command while they are already playing. That's why the STOP_PLAY
flag is defined on line 34 in
<A HREF="./hamilton2.html">Listing 2</A>.
You would think that CDs would include an ID unique to the album's
artist and title, and perhaps even artist and track information--well,
apparently, this isn't so. As a result, the writers of CD-players
such as Xcd and my own Jcd use a hash-key ID computed from the
lengths of the CDs and the lengths of their tracks. The hash key is
used to look up a database of CD artists, titles and track-titles.
There is a problem with using track lengths to create an ID. For an
artist/title album there may be many pressings (if that's the right
word) manufactured in different counties and states, and the different
pressings may have slightly different lead-in/lead-out times and
time intervals between tracks. The
ID is constructed so that all approximate matches can be identified--
if there isn't a unique match, the GUI interface of Jcd will present a
list of possibilities.
<p><HR> <P>
<h3>Making the Makefile</h3>
<p><HR> <P>
The final thing I'd like to discuss is the Makefile that builds this
lite version of Jcd. Inter-module/inter-class dependencies in Java
tend to depend more on whether a class has changed its interface.
Just because a source file has been modified, it does not necessarily
follow that defined interfaces within it have changed. If you
construct a Makefile using file based inter-dependencies, you are going
to do a lot of needless re-compiles. I don't have a solution to
this problem--maybe a new kind of Java-aware build tool is necessary.
This aside, the Makefile in
<A HREF="./hamilton5.html">Listing 5</A> does the job.
The CFLAGS option
<tt>-fPIC</tt> is very important; it makes the gcc compiler
generate position-independent code suitable for loading as a shared library. The
LDFLAGS option <tt>-shared</tt> is obvious enough--it tells the loader to
create a shared object. The LDFLAGS options <tt>-Wl,-soname,Jcd_Drive</tt>
passes the <tt>-soname</tt> option to the linker so that the shared object will
be named Jcd_Drive. Otherwise, the linker will include its path
in its name, and we may get a mismatch on loading a module called
Jcd_Drive. The Makefile adds a new default rule--a <i>.class</i> file
depends on a corresponding <i>.java</i> file. The Makefile installs the
native shared library in an appropriate directory structure to support
multiple architectures and operating systems.
That's about all you need to know to create a simple CD player. My
next article will examine the Abstract Windowing Toolkit in order to
add a GUI and multi-threading in order to add programmed play.
<p><HR> <P>
<p><HR> <P>
The sunsite directory where the latest Jcd can be found.
Currently this would be jcd-1.1.tar.gz
Patches or news concerning Jcd can be found on my home page.
<A HREF="http://www.blackdown.org/">http://www.blackdown.org/</A>: The Linux Java site.
<i>Java in a Nutshell</i>, David Flanagan,
O'Reilly & Associates, 1996.
Very nice introduction, with enough detail to build things like Jcd if
you team it up with Sun's on-line documentation. By the time you read
this article, the second edition will be out--you can use O'Reilly's
web page, <A HREF="http://www.ora.com/">http://www.ora.com/</A>, to check on its status.
<i>The Java Language Specification</i>, Gosling, Joy, Steele,
Addison-Wesley 1996.
Good reference on the language and class libraries but doesn't cover
the Abstract Windowing Toolkit.
InfoMagic Java CD-ROM, Spring 1996:
I used this CD-ROM to gain access to Sun's HTML documentation via my
browser. This was my main source of AWT documentation.
You can't use the JDK on this CD, as it is out of date--but
the documentation was still useful.
<i>The Java Class Libraries</i>, Chan and Lee, Addison-Wesley, 1997.
This book covers the AWT, but also repeats much of what I found in
the previous two. This is the heaviest book I own--I think I
would prefer a lighter
AWT only reference. On brief inspection, <i>Java AWT Reference</i>,
John Zukowski, O'Reilly & Associates, 1997, looks like a good
possibility, and it covers the latest AWT too.
<i>Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment</i>, W. Richard Stevens.
Great general reference on Unix programming and provides a good background for
ioctl basics and other stuff.
HREF="http://sunsite.unc.edu/~cddb/xmcd/">http://sunsite.unc.edu/~cddb/xmcd/ </A>:
The Xmcd and CDDB home page.
Ti Kan and Steve Scherf developed a Motif CD player, and its
CDDB database format has become a popular standard for free and
shareware CD players. They've defined a protocol for remote
look ups via TCP sockets.
All listings referred to in this article are available by
anonymous download in the file
<A HREF="./hamilton.tgz">hamilton.tgz</A>.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Michael Hamilton <BR>
Published in Issue 28 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, May 1998</H5></center>
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