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<title>More Adventures with SAMBA Issue 24</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H2>More Adventures with SAMBA</H2>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:nelson@er.doe.gov">Dave Nelson</a></H4>
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If you haven't networked your small office/home office computers,
ethernet prices are now so cheap you can't afford not to! I
recently installed a three-computer LAN, including my dual-
boot Linux/Win95 box (named Dave), my wife's WfW 3.11 box (named
Kathy), and my Linux/Win95 portable. We share files among the
three computers and print to the laser printer on Dave from
within Windows.
The SMB protocol (server message blocks) does all this over IP.
SMB/IP is built into Win95 and WfW; Linux uses the Samba program
to talk SMB. A special challenge was to get Dave to look the same
to Kathy whether Dave is booted in Linux or Win95. This technique
could also be helpful if you are changing from a Windows server
to a Linux server, and you don't want to redo the settings on
each client. All the software is free, once you own the operating
systems. My total hardware costs were under $100, including a
five port 10 base T hub, network interface cards, and
twisted-pair cables.
John Fisk's article on Samba in LG issue 20 was a great
introduction to Samba. I used it to get started. Then I added
printing from Windows to Linux, solved some file permission
problems, and figured out how to make Dave look the same to Kathy
under Linux or Win95. I'm sure what I did could be improved on --
I am new to Samba and only a journeyman at Linux, but this way
works. If you worry about security, you may want to add
passwords. Between my wife and me security isn't a problem ;-)
An example of Samba's power: my wife runs Quicken on Kathy under
Windows. She transparently uses the Quicken data file stored in a
DOS partition on Dave running Linux. She transparently prints
from Quicken to the laser printer on Dave. She doesn't have to
change any settings on Kathy when I switch Dave between Linux and
Win95. And my settings on Dave are handled automatically on
bootup. Way cool!
Here's how I did it:
I used System Commander to dual boot My box (Dave)to Win95 or
Linux. I installed networking on both operating systems, using
the same IP addresses. I named my SMB group "home." Fisk's
article shows how to do most of this. My Linux release (Caldera)
comes with Samba installed. Probably your release does too. Samba
runs as two daemons: smbd and nmbd. Find them by typing
which smbd; which nmbd
If they are installed, they are probably in /usr/sbin. If not,
install them. Caldera Linux starts them on bootup by running the
script /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb. Note that if you change the Samba
configuration file, it isn't necessary to reboot (at least using
Caldera or Red Hat.) Just issue the commands
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start
and Samba will be reconfigured. Fisk's article points out that
Samba may also be started by init.d. You don't want to start
Samba twice, so check your settings after reading Fisk.
I created the following /etc/smb.conf file on Dave:
workgroup = home
printing = bsd
printcap name = /etc/printcap
load printers = yes
guest account = dos
comment = All Printers
; print command = cp %s /tmp/tmp.print
print command = lpr -Pepson -b %s
browseable = yes
printable = yes
public = yes
writable = no
create mode = 0700
comment = DOS Disk d:
path = /mnt/diskd/
public = yes
writable = yes
printable = no
guest ok = yes
The [global] section of smb.conf tells Samba that my workgroup is
called "home," the printer description file is /etc/printcap, and
the user (or guest account) for dos services is "dos." To set up
the user "dos" run the program "adduser dos" or just edit the
/etc/passswd file. I had to edit /etc/passwd after running
adduser to get things right. My /etc/passwd file has the
following line for the user dos:
dos::501:500:DOS files:/home/dos:/bin/false
In order of fields this line says the user is dos; dos needs no
passwd; its user number is 501; its group number is 500; it is
called DOS files (this field is just a comment); its home
directory is /home/dos; and it has no shell privileges. The user
and group number were assigned by adduser; they don't have to be
501,500. To test that the user dos is set up right, change
/bin/false to /bin/bash and log on as dos. You shouldn't need a
password and should get a bash shell prompt. Then change back to
/bin/false to close the security hole. When I ran adduser, I told
it that dos belongs to group DOS, and it added the group DOS to
the /etc/group file with the line
The [printers] section sets up printing for DOS. The commented-
out line "print command = cp %s /tmp/tmp.print" is a great way to
debug Samba printing. I found this in the help file
"Printing.txt" that comes in the Samba package. If this line is
uncommented and the next one commented out, the print file from
Kathy appears on Dave as /tmp/tmp.print rather than being sent to
the printer. You can check whether it arrived OK and try printing
it by running lpr. The line "print command = lpr -Pepson -b %s"
does the actual printing. The option "-Pepson" says to use the
"epson" printer description in /etc/printcap. My laser printer on
Dave is called "epson" under Win95, and Kathy expects to see the
same name under Linux. The option "-b" tells lpr to accept the
binary print files that Windows produces. Otherwise lpr chokes
because its default is to expect ASCII files, and the printer
does nothing. (Maybe this fix is the same as what is called raw
mode printing?) The "%s" parameter represents the file name being
sent to Samba.
I created a section in /etc/printcap for the epson printer:
Notice there is no "if=" line, i.e. no input filter that
processes the binary print file. My printer is an Epson 7000,
basically a HPIIp clone, so it expects the DOS convention of CRLF
at line's end. If I tried to use this printer description when
printing under Linux, which only sends the Unix standard LF, I
would see the dreaded staircase effect.
The [d] section of smb.conf describes the shared disk that Kathy
expects to be called "d," the same as drive D: under DOS. I mount
it as /mnt/diskd in Linux.
I ran into a puzzling problem with user permissions (probably
either my ignorance of standard Unix practice, or something weird
about msdos filetype.) The user dos needs to have write
privileges to the directory /mnt/diskd and all its files. But I
couldn't make that happen using chmod, chown, or chgrp. As soon
as I would reboot and mount the file system, /mnt/diskd would
revert to the following privileges:
drwxr-xr-x 44 root root 18432 Dec 31 1969 diskd/
The missing "w" for group and others did me in as long as root
owned the directory.
I fixed this by editing the line in /etc/fstab for /mnt/diskd to
be the following:
/dev/hda5 /mnt/diskd msdos user,noauto 0 0
The important field is user,noauto, which means mountable by a
user and don't automatically mount on bootup. The I added a line
to /etc/rc.d/rc.local to mount diskd as user dos:
mount -ouid=501,gid=500 /mnt/diskd
This says mount /mnt/diskd with option (-o) of user id 501 and
group id 500, which correspond to the user dos. If your adduser
gives dos a different uid and gid, just change this line
appropriately. If you have trouble mounting diskd on bootup, try
logging in as dos (after changing the /etc/passwd line for dos to
/bin/bash) and mounting diskd manually. When that works, go back
and get the rc.local line to work right.
As John Fisk wrote: one thing about Linux, it hones your problem
solving skills. If you have problems, look in Samba's logs and
message files. On my system the logs are in /var/log/smbd and
/var/log/nmbd. Messages are in the directory var/samba.
That's all it took for me to set up Samba. The Samba
documentation shows a wealth of different configurations. At
first I found them all daunting, but by chipping away, one
problem at a time, things came more easily. I hope this article
helps you get started. Who needs NT servers anyway?
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Dave Nelson <BR>
Published in Issue 24 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, January 1998</H5></center>
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