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<title>Buying A Laptop Issue 24</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H2>Buying A Laptop</H2>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:joelja@darkwing.uoregon.edu">Joel Jaeggli</a></H4>
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Having just read Micheal Shappe's review of the Fujitsu Lifebook 420d in
the Nov issue of LJ I thought I would relate a similar experience I had in
purchasing a new laptop for my organization. Academic User Services at the
University of Oregon provides support for end users on timeshare systems
running Digital Unix, VMS, Solaris, and Linux. We have a wide variety of
desktop hardware including PC's running Linux, FreeBSD, NT, 95 as well as
DEC Alphas, Sparcs, SGIs and Macs. We needed a portable computer to send
with people to do workshops, attend conferences and demo software for
people. Because our members use a number of varieties of Unix but only a
little better than half of them use Windows in the course of their work,
solid UNIX support of some variety was imperative.
Our requirements were that it should have sufficient space to dual boot
Windows95 and Linux, more over all the subsystems should work equally well
under either Windows or Linux. The Laptop needed to provide support for an
external display at 24-bit color depth as well as have support for an
external keyboard and mouse. It should above all meet those goals and be
relatively inexpensive as well as reasonably compact and durable.
We eventually settled on a Toshiba Satellite Pro 220cds. The Toshiba has a
complete compliment of ports on the back, PS/2, serial, parallel, IRDA,
VGA, docking station and interestingly enough, a USB port. It comes with a
Pentium 133 processor, 16mb of ram and 2mb of dram to drive the 12.1"
passive matrix display at 8, 16 and 24 bit color. It has a small but
sufficient 1.4gb disk. The audio jacks and the volume control are located
on the front of the case. The satellite pro 220cds is over all similar to
it's more expensive cousins the 440cds and the 460cds which will
undoubtedly replace it eventually. They are distinguished by having active
matrix displays, larger hard disks and in the case of the 460 an internal
The keyboard is quite large, the feel is closer if anything to a desktop
keyboard than anything that you would expect to find on a laptop except
for the travel of the keys which is fairly short. The Toshiba laptops have
a ThinkPad style trackpoint-pointing device rather than the ubiquitous
trackpads that seem to be on almost all portables these days. It does not
regrettably have a third mouse button like the new and very expensive
ThinkPad 770; but the buttons are located on top of each other rather than
adjacent to each other as on most trackpads. This makes them easier to
press and hold down with your thumb while moving the trackpoint with you
index finger, so you can drag a scrollbar in X for example without using
two hands.
Once I got over the fact that windows95 osr2 uses a fat/32 filesystem
which cannot be modified by fips, I used partition magic, a utility by
Powerquest to resize the windows95 partition I was able to install Redhat
4.2 without trouble. The alternative would have been to repartition the
disk by hand using fdisk and then reinstall Windows off of the supplied
CD-ROM. I choose to partition the disk 800MB for Windows and 600MB for
Linux since I needed to install some large Windows applications such as
Adobe Frame and Microsoft Office. Rather than have separate var / and home
filesystems I opted for a single large Linux partition. A 64MB slice
reserved for swap, this made sense since I didn't expect var to grow too
much. The computer wouldn't be serving to much and that everyone using the
portable under Linux would be logging in as the same user.
The Toshiba 220cds uses a Chips and Technologies 65555 chipset for the
video display. While AcceleratedX and MetroX support this chipset it is
also well supported by XFree86's SVGA X server. If you choose to run the
free server you can expect to get 640x480 or 800x600 on the internal
display at 8 16 or 24 bits per pixels. Because it has 2MB of video memory
you can drive an external monitor at up to 1280x1024 in 8-bit color.
Networking was actually easier to configure under Linux than it was in
windows. The 3com Elink 3 ethernet card and megahertz 33.6 PC-card modem
that we purchased were detected by Redhat's install disks which was
fortunate because I installed Redhat 4.2 via NFS using the network card.
Because It is a portable I haven't configured it with a static-ip, rather
I DHCP the portable under both Windows and Redhat which facilitates
dragging it back and forth between subnets on our campus a great deal. The
python based Redhat network control panel is particularly well suited to
adjusting your network configuration on the fly.
Configuring sound support turned out to be a pretty interesting exercise.
I chose to use the commercial OSS-Linux sound driver to support the Yamaha
olp3-sa chipset that the portable has. OSS-Linux could not auto detect the
settings of the sound chipset as it had done with my desktop Linux
machine. It worked fairly well once I figured out which irq's and memory
addresses were in use by the sound chipset, which was pretty easy using
the windows95 system control panel.
The Toshiba 220cds is not by the standards of the current high-flyer in
the laptop world an exceptionally fast machine, It is however full
featured and even given all the accessories that we added extremely cheap.
The laptop itself can be had for as little as $1600. The cost of a 3com
network card and a Megahertz modem were $120 and $220 dollars
respectively. A spare lithium-ion battery an additional $199 and an
additional 16MB of ram was $90. In all the fully configured laptop cost
less than $2300.
I have been very happy with how well the new laptop has worked out. It is
a compact and elegant package, which is similar in function and design if
not performance to the cream of the Toshiba notebook crop such as the
Tecra 740. The moderate sacrifice in performance results in a great
machine at a fraction of the cost. I would recommend such a device to
anyone looking in to run Linux on a laptop.
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Joel Jaeggli<BR>
Published in Issue 24 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, January 1998</H5></center>
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