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<TITLE>Clueless at the Prompt Issue 23</TITLE>
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&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
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<center><h2>CLUELESS at the Prompt: A Column for New Users</h2>
<H4> By
<a href="mailto:troll@net-link.net">Mike List</a></H4> </center>
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<h4>Welcome to installment 8 of Clueless at the Prompt:
a column for new users.</h4>
<b>.bashrc and .bash_profile</b>
Well, I found out why the bash dotfiles I talked about last month didn't work, and
there were a couple things I did wrong. First I didn't recognize the difference
between instances of bash and how they differ.
<li> bash as a login shell reads instructions from .bash_profile
<li> bash as used in any other instance is a non-login shell and will either use
.bashrc or no .dotfile depending on what -option you assign to it.
<li> presumably the same could go for any preferred shellrc files
<li> the correct way to specify an alias is <pre> alias xx=whatever -options.</pre>
notice that there is no white space between the alias name, the equal
sign, and the command that the alias represents
Besides aliases you can do also change the color of your console screen
with your .bashrc or .bash_profile, by using commands like:
"/dev/tty1") setterm -background green -foreground black -store;;</pre><BR>
By the way
I found this out by reading back issues of the Linux Gazette, and you might find
some other little gems, just by digging into past issues.
<b>Installing Software</b><p>
One very tricky procedure for new linuxers is installing software. Several months ago I
touched on this subject, apparently not in enough depth, so I'm going to give it another go this
time with a little more experience under my belt.
The best advice I can give you if you are using debian, redhat, or caldera distributions is to
look for the software you would like in a compatible package format, ie. RPM for redhat-caldera,
and deb for debian. These are most commonly binaries and don't require much to get
running.Slackware has packages in tgz format, but this can be misleading, as some source
packages are inexplicably given a .tgz extension. If you get your software from the CDROM you
should be set, with packages for a given distribution on that CD. Ifg you got your distribution
from an ftp site, try using the most appropriate software found on that site, to see if it fits
your needs. If not, you should check out the Linux Software Map, to see what kind of
alternatives there are for the kind of applications you want. if you have disk space, I
recommend that you choose a couple that seem to be close to what you are looking for, install
them and use them for a short period to see which is more suitable for your uses. Sad but true,
some software compiles easily, but you will probably find that many others take some hacking,
and some doesn't seem to compile at all. You are at a distinct advantage if your Linux
distribution conforms to the Linux FSSTND, which tends to assure that paths to libraries are the
same in your distribution as they were in the distribution that they were written for/in.
With enough hacking however, all of the software that has been compiled on one distribution can
be compiled on any other.<ul>
<li>Use Midnight commander or similar filemanager to look at the contents of the compressed
archive for clues. look at files called README, README.elf, INSTALL or other similarly named
files for information on how to compile or install them. This isn't always easy as it sounds,
but often directions are specific enough to get you on your way.
<li>before unpacking a tarball create a directory to unpack it in and cd to it before using
<pre> tar -zxvf filename </pre>
to unpack it, since sometimes the untarring doesn't create a
separate directory and if you just unpack it in an existing directory you could get a real
ugly situation when you get a bunch of disjointed files cluttering up your directory. you can
also use tar -cxvf or similar combination to get a listing of the files that would be unleashed
when you use the -z option. This will tell you if the files have a designated pathname which
means that it will create its own directories and subdirectories that will keep the parent
directory nice and tidy.
<li> It's a very good idea to print out the README, INSTALL or similar files before you start to
compile the software, so you can refer to the documentation as you go. If you don't have lpr
configured properly yet, you can use
<pre>cat README |pr -l 56 >/dev/lp0</pre>
(or lp1, or whatever). Using the -l 56 option should paginate the file so
that page breaks occur where they should.
<li> When you read the documentation, keep an eye out for any indication that you need, say
Motif or Xforms or other libraries or toolkits that you don't have installed,if you don't have
them you won't have a compiled application either.
<li> Alternatively to printing the documentation out to paper, if you have X installed use
separate xterms to view the docs and configure, and make the application.
<li>Remember, most Linux archive maintainers keep a close eye on their sites so it's safe to
download and install a binary if it's available.</ul>
<hr><p>I'm not really a Linux guru, and I'm starting to get into more
advanced (??) stuff, and my intent was and still is to present information
that a new user can implement now and research at his/her convenience, I'm
not trying to be the Weekend Mechanic OR the Answer Guy, although I aspire
to their level of Linux prowess. Briefly put, although it's a little late
to be brief, I may not be appearing monthly after this issue, since I
don't want to write just to hear myself type, I'll likely post a column
when I can nail down a column's worth of information.
<p> I still invite questions, suggestions, reasonable criticism and just
plain e-mail:
<center><a href="mailto:troll@net-link.net">troll@net-link.net</a><p>
<b>Don't M$ out, try Linux!!</b></center>
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<center><H4>Previous "Clueless at the Prompt" Columns</H4></center>
<A HREF="../issue14/clueless.html">Clueless at the Prompt #1 - February 1997</A><br>
<A HREF="../issue15/clueless.html">Clueless at the Prompt #2 - March 1997</A><br>
<A HREF="../issue16/clueless.html">Clueless at the Prompt #3 - April 1997</A><br>
<A HREF="../issue17/clueless.html">Clueless at the Prompt #4 - May 1997</A><br>
<A HREF="../issue18/clueless.html">Clueless at the Prompt #5 - June 1997</A><br>
<A HREF="../issue19/clue.html">Clueless at the Prompt #6 - July 1997</A><br>
<A HREF="../issue21/clue.html">Clueless at the Prompt #7 - September 1997</A>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Mike List<BR>
Published in Issue 23 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, December 1997</H5></center>
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