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<title>Best of Luck to Michael Hammel Issue 23</title>
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&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
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<H2>Boulder Linux Users Group -- Best of Luck to Michael Hammel</H2>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:allen@boulder.Nist.gov">Wayde Allen</a></H4>
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<P>Well since Michael Hammel was our featured speaker for the evening we had
our obligatory snow storm (grin). It is amazing that every time he
attends one of our meetings this happens. Nevertheless, we still had 24
people in attendance.
<P>For those of you who don't know Michael, he writes the <a
href="./gm.html">Graphic Muse</a> column
for <i>Linux Gazette</i>, maintains the Linux Graphics mini-HowTO, helps
administer the internet <a href="http://irtc.org">Ray Tracing Competition</a>,
coauthored the UNIX Web Server book, designed the magazine cover for the
November issue of <i>Linux Journal</i>, and is also the author of a four part
article "The Quick Start Guide to the GIMP" now running in <i>Linux
<P>His presentation started out with a demo of the GNU Image Manipulation
Program (GIMP) showcasing many of its features, and perhaps more
importantly giving us all an idea of what it could do. The discussion
then turned to GUI builders. The group discussed their experiences,
likes, dislikes, advantages, disadvantages, and general opinions of many
different GUI design software packages. Supporting this discussion,
Michael showed us examples of GUI building using XForms (I hope I've got
this right) and Visual TCL.
<P>After this discussion, Michael showed a 10 minute video tape of Toy Story
animated shorts done by Pixar. I think that everyone got a few good
laughs from this. We then held a drawing for two CD's from the Internet
Ray Tracing competition, and a copy of the November <i>Linux Journal</i>.
As usual, we wrapped up the evening with a general discussion
of Linux related topics.
<P>Since Michael is moving to Dallas next week, I particularly want to thank
him for his support of our group!!! I have appreciated him taking the
time to talk to us, and have always enjoyed his presentations. I want to
wish him the best of luck at his new job. It might be a good idea to warn
the North Texas Linux User's Group of an impending change in their weather
though (very big grin). Perhaps he can continue to participate in our
discussions on the mailing list?
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Wayde Allen<BR>
Published in Issue 23 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, December 1997</H5></center>
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