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<title>Slackware, Article Issue 17</title>
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&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
<P> <HR> <P>
<H4>By Sean Dreilinger,
<a href="mailto:sean@kensho.com">sean@kensho.com</a></H4>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#slackware">Slackware Is Not For You (Or Maybe
It Is)</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#history">A Quick History</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#why">Why, Then?</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#planning">Planning</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#thinking">Thinking Through Storage and File
<li><a href="./slackware.html#upgrade">Upgrade? Think Twice!</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#boot">Boot Disks: Always A Good Thing</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#slack1">Slackware Setup Worksheet</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#slack2">Slackware Setup Program</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#trouble">Troubleshooting</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#basking">Basking In The Afterglow</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#install">Install and Test</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#secure">Secure the System</a>
<li><a href="./slackware.html#backup">Back Up</a>
<a name="slackware"></a>
<h3>Slackware Is Not For You (Or Maybe It Is)</h3>
<p>Welcome to the Slackware distribution of Linux! This chapter aims
to help the new Linux user or administrator evaluate Slackware,
plan a Slackware system, and install Slackware Linux. In it you'll
find an emphasis on careful planning rather than rushing into
an impetuous installation. A special worksheet is included to
help you "get it right the first time", which I hope will be especially
useful to overworked Unix administrators in busy environments.
<p>Whether or not to choose Slackware as the flavor of Linux you
will use is a serious consideration. It may seem like a trivial
decision now, but Linux boxes have a way of taking on more and
more responsibility in organizational computing environments.
Plenty of Linux <I>experiments</I> have evolved in their first
year to become mission-critical machines serving many more users
and purposes than originally intended. Slackware is one of the
most widely used distributions of Linux. When it comes to finding
the newest, easiest, or most carefully planned distribution of
Linux, Slackware may be "none of the above". Some background on
the life and times of Slackware put things into perspective.
<a name="history"></a>
<h3>A Quick History</h3>
<p>In 1993, SLS created one of the first organized distributions
of Linux. Although it was a great start, the SLS distribution
had many shortcomings (it didn't exactly work, for starters).
Slackware, a godsend from Patrick Volkerding, solved most of these
issues, was mirrored via FTP and pressed onto CD-ROMs the worldwide,
and quickly became the most widely used flavor of Linux. For a
while, Slackware was the only full-featured Linux solution.
Other Linux distribution maintainers, both commercial and nonprofit,
have gradually developed distributions that are also well worth
your consideration.
<p>According to statistics maintained by the Linux Counter Project,
Slackware inhabits about 69% of all machines that run Linux. Slackware
is typically obtained via FTP or CD-ROM and installed on a 486-class
computer running at 66Mhz with about 16 MB of memory and 1050
MB of storage. More information about Linux use and the Linux
Counter Project is available on the World Wide Web.
<a href="http://domen.uninett.no/\~hta/linux/counter.html">http://domen.uninett.no/\~hta/linux/counter.html</a><br>
<p>By January 1994, Slackware had achieved such widespread use that
it earned a popular notoriety normally reserved for rock stars
and cult leaders. Gossip spread through the Usenet suggesting
that the entire Slackware project was the work of witches and
"Linux, the free OS....except for your SOUL! MOUHAHAHAHA!"
From: <a href="mailto:cajho@uno.edu">cajho@uno.edu</a><br>
Date: 7 Jan 1994 15:48:07 GMT<br>
<p>Jokes alluding to RFC 666, demonic daemons, and speculation that
Pat Volkerding was actually L. Ron Hubbard in disguise were rampant
in the threads that followed. The whole amusing incident probably
helped Slackware gain some market share:
<p>I was browsing here to figure which version of Linux to install,
but after this, I think that I hve no choice but to install Slackware
From: <a href="mailto:dsith@phantom.com">David Devejian</a><br>
Date: 10 Jan 1994 04:57:41 GMT<br>
<p>All folklore and kidding aside, Slackware is a wise and powerful
choice for your adventures in Linux, whether you are a hobbyist,
student, hacker, or system administrator in the making.
<a name="why"></a>
<h3>Why, Then?</h3>
<p>If you are a system administrator, you may already be dealing
with one or more key servers running Slackware. Unless you have
time to experiment at work, sticking to the tried-and-true distribution
may be the easiest way to go. If you expect to get help from Unix
literate friends and colleagues, better make sure they're running
something compatible-odds are they're running Slackware. Its shortcomings
are widely acknowledged, for the most part discovered, documented
and patched whenever possible. You can put together a Slackware
box, close the known security holes, and install some complementary
tools from the other Linux distributions to create an excellent
Unix server or desktop workstation, all in about half a day.
<h3>Slackware Pros and Cons</h3>
<table cellpadding=10>
<td valign=top>Slackware is old</td> <td>It's mature, widely available,
and the most widely installed
Linux distribution <br></td>
<td valign=top>Slackware lacks sexy administrative tools a la RedHat</td>
<td valign=top>You're free to add
other distributions such as
the RedHat package manager <br></td>
<td valign=top>Slackware includes bundled security holes</td>
<td valign=top>We know what some of the
vulnerabilities are and
volunteers have posted fixes <br></td>
<td valign=top>
Donald Knuth complained about the fonts</td>
<td valign=top>Patrick Volkerding fixed the
fonts <br></td></tr>
<td valign=top>Linus Torvalds uses another distribution</td> <td>Oh well <br></td>
<td valign=top>Slackware is assembled by Devil Worshippers</td>
<td valign=top>Satanist crackers (not SATAN
itself) will avoid your box <br></td>
<td valign=top>Slackware is no longer</td>
<td valign=top>This is a myth, Slackware is
developed actively maintained, sans
marketing hype <br></td>
<td valign=top>Slackware is not supported by a commercial vendor or sanctionaed user
<td valign=top>Linux support is available
along with consultants, explained further
in the section on Commercial
Support <br></td>
<td valign=top>Slackware is not created by a committee or development team</td>
<td valign=top>Good. A system designed by one
accountable individual is
<p>If you are still undecided whether Slackware is the tastiest flavor
of Linux for you, have a look at the "Buyer's Guide"
published in the <I>Linux Journal</I>, which gives a thorough
comparison and evaluation of each major distribution. For a straightforward
listing of Linux flavors, have a look at the Linux Distribution HOWTO
on the Internet:<br>
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Distribution-HOWTO.html">http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Distribution-HOWTO.html</a><br>
<a name="planning"></a>
<p>Nine tenths of wisdom is timing. The right time to set up Slackware
is <I> after</I>you've carefully planned the installation <I>and
</I>alternatives in the unfortunate event of a problem. A well-planned
installation of Slackware will repay itself many times over in
the future, when the natural process of Linux evolution leads
you to add disk space, install a newer Slackware release, or jettison
any old, inferior operating systems that may linger on your drives.
<p>Like Unix, Slackware Linux tends to grow like a virus. If you
succeed in getting one Slackware box up and running, you're likely
to start infecting other computers that belong to your friends,
family, and coworkers. When this happens, you'll be grateful that
you at least took the time to think through this first setup-and
so will they!
<p>This section will help you decide...
<li>if you've got what it takes (of course you do!)
<li>whether your computer hardware is ready to run Slackware Linux
<li>where and how to get Slackware Linux
<li>how to best arrange disks and file systems to protect your
<li>not to upgrade an older version of Slackware
<li>which packages of the distribution you want and need
<li>how you will handle installation problems (however unlikely)
<h3>Literacy Required</h3>
<p>Linux is a powerful operating system, and with power comes responsibility.
Like Linux, the Slackware release treats you with the respect
you deserve as an intelligent human being. If you elect to wipe
out a few hard drives with a misplaced punctuation mark, so be
it. There are graceful and intelligent front-ends to Linux that
allow the average end-user to get lots of productive work done
without ever delving into the cryptic subtleties of Unix setup
and administration. But there's no such luck for you, the appointed
installation guru. If you're going to install Slackware, be forewarned
that you should know your IRQs from your RS232s and your SCSIs
from your IDEs.
<h3>Hardware Compatibility</h3>
<p>This is an essential element for planning any Linux installation. The only
Slackware-specific hardware issue is this: you must confirm that
the particular version (vintage, release) distribution of Slackware
you'll be installing from provides a <I>kernel and drivers to
support your hardware</I>. You're in great shape with just about
any IBM-compatible personal computer with an Intel CPU older than
the date on your Slackware distribution but younger than 1992
(built after 1992). If you have a bleeding-edge machine, you may
need to download a newer boot disk that includes an updated kernel
and drivers.
<p>For the latest information on <I>it general</I> Linux hardware compatibility,
check the Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO document on the World
Wide Web:<br>
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Hardware-HOWTO.html">http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Hardware-HOWTO.html</a><br>
<p>To check for up-to-the minute Slackware news, such as which boot
kernels are available, you can look in this directory of the Slackware
home ftp site, ftp.cdrom.com:<br>
<a href="ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/slackware/patches/">ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/slackware/patches/</a><br>
<a name="thinking"></a>
<h3>Thinking Through Storage And File Systems</h3>
<p>Careful planning of file systems and the storage media upon which
they reside can spare you hours of painful juggling at a later
date. In particular, putting all of your custom administration
files, user homes, and local software onto dedicated partitions
or disks will allow you to upgrade Slackware on the root partition
with minimal disruption to your improvements to the system.
<h3>Multiple Operating Systems On One Hard Drive</h3>
<p>A typical personal computer has one fixed disk drive. If you're
a hobbyist or power user, you may already have installed more
than one Operating System on that drive. For example, your computer
may have shipped running MS-DOS or Windows 95 as a pre-loaded
operating system, after which you added another operating system
such as OS/2, NeXTstep, Geoworks, or Linux. To run multiple operating
systems from one drive, the disk is divided into separate areas
known as partitions. Each partition may contain a different operating
system. Once you've installed a second OS, you also need to install
a small program called a boot manager or OS loader that runs at
system startup time and offers you a choice of all the installed
operating systems.
<p>If you're adding Linux to a computer running a lesser OS, you
may elect to keep the old operating system around for kicks. Take
a look at the Linux Loader (LILO), a high-powered boot manager
that comes free with Slackware. The latest distribution of LILO
and its documentation are available via FTP from this URL:<br>
<a href="ftp://lrcftp.epfl.ch/pub/linux/local/lilo/">ftp://lrcftp.epfl.ch/pub/linus/local/lilo/</a><br>
An overview of LILO and how you can use it are easily gleaned
from the LILO Mini-HOWTO:<br>
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/mini/LILO">http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/mini/LILO/</a><br>
<h3>Designing a File System To Use Multiple Partitions</h3>
<p>In a simple world, you can set up Linux to run on a single disk
partition (or maybe two-one for swap). In a real-world, multi-user
Unix system, a single-drive file system setup creates unnecessary
risks and hassles you can avoid by distributing the file system
across multiple partitions. It's all the same to Unix, which views
the file system as a continuum of available space comprised of
all the disks and partitions "mounted" into various locations
on the file tree.
<p>If you create a Slackware setup on only one drive partition, you
effectively put all of your eggs in one basket-one user may receive
an abundance of e-mail and overload the <tt>/var/mail</tt>
file system, another might store enormous files in their home area,
etc. As with many Unix quandaries, you have a choice of solutions
to control file system use, including quotas and user limits. Distributing
your Unix file system across multiple partitions and disks has
an extra benefit for Slackware users-it allows you to upgrade
the Slackware installation with a minimum of pain.
<p>The Linux file system standard puts the personal space of each
user into a subdirectory of <tt>/home</tt>. The user Linus
would typically have a home under <tt>/home/linus</tt>, the
user Patricia under <tt>/home/patricia</tt>, and so on. An
easy way to protect this file system during future upgrades is
to mount <tt>/home</tt> on a separate disk or partition. Same goes for
custom programs and resources you add to the off-the-shelf version
of Slackware-plan to put these on a separate disk mounted to <tt>/usr/local</tt>
and you'll have much less grief when it comes time to upgrade.
"Where things go"---or where they try to go unless you dictate otherwise---
in a Slackware box is determined by a standard file system layout,
called the <I>Linux File system Hierarchy Standard</I>. Read all
about it URL:<br>
<a href="http://www.pathname.com/fhs/">http://www.pathname.com/fhs/</a><br>
<h3>Designing a File System To Use Multiple Hard Drives</h3>
<p>In some settings, Linux boxes are assembled from leftover parts-"worthless"
386 and 486 motherboards, old grayscale monitors, and discarded
hard drives. You may need to link together several ancient 40MB
hard drives to come up with enough space to install Slackware.
In other environments using Linux, there are so many users and
such large development projects that several of the biggest, state-of-the-art
drives or drive arrays must be integrated to provide enough space.
<p>You can install Slackware onto more than one disk at once by
designating individual disks to hold specific parts of the Slackware
installation (just like using multiple partitions), creating a
logically continuous and unified file system.
<p>For an informed second opinion on partitioning, swap space setup,
fragmentation and inode size consult Kristian Koehntopp's <I>Partitions</I>
Mini-HOWTO via Internet URL:<br>
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/mini/Partition/">http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/HOWTO/mini/Partition/</a><br>
<a name="upgrade"></a>
<h3>Upgrade? Think Twice!</h3>
<p>24-Aug-95 NOTE: Trying to upgrade to ELF Slackware from a.out
Slackware will undoubtedly cause you all kinds of
problems. Don't do it.
<p><b>Patrick Volkerding</b>
<p>One thing we don't hear too often with Slackware is the U-word.
Slackware's setup program is designed to put a fresh operating
system onto empty hard disks or empty disk partitions. Installing
on top of a previous Slackware installation can erase your custom
applications and cause compatibility problems between updated
applications and older files on the same system. When Slackware
was first put together, everyone was a first-time Linux user,
and the system was always experimental-reinstalling the entire
operating system and applications was the norm in a developmental
system. Today, many institutions and businesses now run mission-critical
applications on Slackware Linux. In such environment, a simple
reboot is a planned activity and taking down the system and overwriting
all the user files or custom applications is absolutely unacceptable.
<p>So, if you cracked open these pages to plot an upgrade, better
think twice. If you're planning a first-time Slackware installation,
there are a few decisions you can make now that will ease upgrading
in the future:
<li>assign <tt>/usr/local</tt> to be mounted from its own
separate drive or partition
<li>build and install all of your organization's custom applications
under the <tt>/usr/local</tt> area of the file system
<li>assign <tt>/home</tt> to be mounted from its own separate
drive or partition
<li>make sure all user "homes" are added under the <tt>/home</tt>
area of the file system
<p>Teaching you how to finagle a Slackware upgrade is beyond the
scope of this chapter, but it is workable if you are an experienced
Unix administrator and you've taken the precautions above. There
is an Internet resource that claims to analyze your distribution
and bring it up to date across the Internet, you might want to
have a look at this URL if you're facing an upgrade situation:<br>
<a href="ftp://ftp.wsc.com/pub/freeware/linux/update.linux/">ftp://ftp.wsc.com/pub/freeware/linux/update.linux/</a><br>
<p>Or read, weep, and learn from the upgrade expertise of Greg Louis
in his mini HOWTO document: <I>Upgrading Your Linux Distribution</I>,
available where finer LDP publications are mirrored:<br>
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/">http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/</a>
<h3>Select An Installation Method</h3>
<p>Slackware can be installed from a variety of media and network
sources to fit your needs and budget. Every installation method
will require you to have at least three floppy diskettes available
to get started.
<p>Installation from CD-ROM is fast, popular, and convenient. Although
someone has to break down and pay for the initial purchase of
a CD-ROM, sharing CD's is <I>encouraged</I>. Because Linux and
the Slackware distribution are copylefted, you may make as many
copies as you like. CD-ROM installation is also a bit better practice
in terms of netiquette, since you're not hogging bandwidth for
an all-day FTP transfer. Finally, you may be grateful for the
extra utilities and documentation that accompany the CD-ROM, especially
if you run into installation hassles or need to add components
in the future.
<p>If you're a hobbyist (or want to watch a few dozen Slackware installs
before taking on the task at work), see if there is a LUG (Linux
User Group) in your area that sponsors install parties. Imagine
a roomful of generous and knowledgeable hackers uniting to share
CD-ROMs and expertise with other enthusiasts.
<p>According to the Linux Counter Project, FTP is still the most
popular way to obtain Linux by a narrow margin. Once you transfer
Slackware from the closest possible FTP mirror, you'll still need
to put the Slackware 'disk sets' onto installation media such
as a hard drive partition or laboriously copy them onto 50-odd
floppy diskettes.
<p>In a networked environment, it is possible to install Slackware
on a shared file system and allow everyone on the Local net to
attach to this shared location and install. If you have the technical
know-how or a geeked out system administrator who is Linux-literate,
this is a great way to go. The initial distribution of Slackware
can be added to the network via CD-ROM, FTP, Loading floppies,
tape, or even via a remote NFS share across the Internet! For
details on such a remote share, see these URLs:
<li><a href="http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/sunsite/access/nfs.html">http://sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk/sunsite/access/nfs.html</a>
<li><a href="ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/slackware/MIRRORS.TXT">ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/slackware/MIRRORS.TXT</a>
<li><a href="http://www.cs.us.es/archive/nfs.html">http://www.cs.us.es/archive/nfs.html</a>
<p>It's time consuming, but it works-you can buy or create the pile
of floppies needed to install Slackware and then feed them into
your box one-by-one when prompted. Slackware 'disk sets' are actually
designed and arranged to fit floppy diskettes. If you happen to
have a huge stack of recycled high-density floppy diskettes at
your disposal, this can be the most economical way to go.
<p><b>Hard Disk</b>
<p>This is the way to do it if you've transferred the Slackware distribution
across the Internet via FTP-you'll escape the floppy trap by merely
creating boot, root, and rescue diskettes. It requires you to
have an extra disk or disk partition with extra space to hold
the Slackware files during installation (you can erase them afterwards).
Installation from the hard drive is also a workaround if you bought
the CD but your CD-ROM drive is not supported by any of the Linux
kernels that come with the Slackware CD. You can use your present
operating system to transfer the Slackware files onto spare hard
disk space, then boot into the Slackware installation.
<p>Still experimental as of this writing, tape offers a great compromise
of speed and economy when installing Slackware-worth considering
if a friend with compatible tape drive can dupe a CD or FTP archive
for you. Get the latest details from the TAPE section of the INSTALL.TXT
file that accompanies your Slackware distribution.
<a name="boot"></a>
<h3>Boot Disks: Always a Good Thing</h3>
<p>Even if you're gifted with a direct T-3 Internet connection that
allows you to suck up a new distribution of Slackware right off
the 'net, you'll be wise to start by building the two Slackware
setup disks (boot and root) before proceeding. In the event of
an unfortunate accident (power outage, feline friends traversing
the keyboard, or even human error), these two little disks, in
the hands of an experienced Unix hacker, may be able to revive
your system or at least rescue your personal files.
<h3>Prepare To Be Questioned (There Will Be a Quiz...)</h3>
<p>During the installation, must choose which disk sets (Slackware
lingo for collections of software) and individual programs to
install. You can usually just accept the default recommendation
of whether or not a package is worth having. A few setup decisions
are <I>crucial</I>. Mid-installation is no time to decide you
want to boot back into OS/2 and look up what kind of graphics
chip your video card uses, which network card you've got in there,
or whether you'll be needing a SCSI or an IDE kernel to get started.
<h3>Contingency Plan: Food For Thought</h3>
<p>I've often blurted out to a supervisor, "Oh sure, I can have
it up and running in a few hours." Famous last words.
If anyone else has a stake in the Slackware computer's health,
you owe it to them and yourself to think through a less-than-perfect
installation attempt:
<li>What's your plan in the unfortunate event that Slackware Linux
doesn't run perfectly on your system?
<li>Do you have the necessary tools and know-how to revert to
your previous operating system?
<li>Do you have a backup of your old system on-hand, and do you
have experience restoring entire systems?
<li>Is this a shared computer? Will people be coming into work
on Monday expecting to log in to the system you just hosed?
<li>Where is the closest Unix expert with Slackware Linux expertise?
Can you call on them to help you in the event of a problem setting
up or upgrading a critical Slackware system?
<a name="slack1"></a>
<h3>Slackware Setup Worksheet</h3>
<p>After the files are all copied, Slackware can go on to do most
of the system and network configuration, if you're ready. To help
you plan your decisions, Section 3 consists of a worksheet derived
from the text-based Slackware setup program. You can use this
worksheet to record answers in advance (while your computer is
still working!), so you'll be ready with the necessary details-partitions,
IP addresses, modem and mouse IRQs, host and domain names, and
others that you're required to provide during setup.
<li><B>Keyboard:</B> Slackware setup will
want to know if you need to
remap your keyboard to something other
than a standard USA 101 key layout? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<li><B>Swap Configuration:</B>Do you have one or more
partitions prepared as type 82 (Linux Swap)? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<li>Do you want setup to use mkswap on your swap
partitions? Most likely "yes",
unless you have less than 4MB of RAM and have already done this
to help setup work better. <I>Yes or No</I>.
<li><B>Prepare Main Linux Partition:</B> Setup will list any
partitions marked as type 83 (Linux Native) and ask
which one to use for the root (/) of the Linux
file system. Use a format like
<tt>/dev/hda3</tt> or whatever the device name is. <I>Yes or No</I>.
<p>Last chance to back out! When using the install from
scratch option,
you must install to a blank partition. If you have not
already formatted it manually, then you must format it
when prompted. Enter <tt>I</tt> to install from scratch, or
<tt>a</tt> to add software to your existing system.
<li>(Re)format the main Linux partition. Would you like
to format this partition? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<p>Ext2fs defaults to one inode per 4096 bytes of drive
space. If you're going to have many small files on
your drive, you may need more inodes (one is used
for each file entry). You can change the density to
one inode per 2048 bytes, or even per 1024 bytes.
Enter <tt>2048</tt> or <tt>1024</tt>, or just hit <tt>Enter</tt> to accept
the default of 4096. 4096, 2048, or 1024.
<li><B>Prepare Additional Linux Partitions:</B> You can mount
some other partitions for <tt>/usr</tt> or <tt>/usr/X11</tt> or
whatever (<tt>/tmp</tt>---you name it). Would you like to use
some of the other Linux partitions to mount some of
your directories? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<p>These are your Linux partitions (<I>partition list displayed</I>).
These partitions are already in use
(<I>partition list displayed</I>). Enter the
partition you would like to use, or type <tt>q</tt> to quit
adding new partitions. Use a format such as:
<tt>/dev/hda3</tt> or whatever the device name is.
<I>Partition name or <tt>quit</tt></I>
<li>Would you like to format this
partition? Yes, No, or Check Sections, too</I>
<li>Now this new partition must be mounted somewhere in
your new directory tree. For example, if you want to
put it under <tt>/usr/X11R6</tt>, then respond: <tt>/usr/X11R6</tt>
Where would you like to mount this new partition?
<I>Mount point</I>
<li>Would you like to mount some more additional
partitions? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<p><B>DOS and OS/2 Partition Setup:</B> The following DOS FAT
or OS/2 HPFS partitions were found: (<I>partition list displayed</I>).
<li>Would you like to set up some of these
partitions to be visible from Linux? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<li>Please enter the partition you would like to access
from Linux, or type <tt>q</tt> to quit adding new
partitions. Use a format such as: <tt>/dev/hda3</tt> or
whatever the device name is.
<I>Partition name or Quit</I>
<li>Now this new partition must be mounted somewhere in
your directory tree. Please enter the directory
under which you would like to put it. for instance,
you might want to reply <tt>/dosc</tt>, <tt>/dosd</tt>, or something
like that. Where would you like to mount this partition?
<I>Mount point</I>
<li><B>Source Media Selection:</B>
<li>Install from a hard drive partition.
<li>Install from floppy disks.
<li>Install via NFS.
<li>Install from a pre-mounted directory.
<li>Install from CD-ROM.
<I>1, 2, 3, 4, or 5</I>
<li><B>Install from a hard drive partition:</B> To install
directly from the hard disk you must have a
partition with a directory containing the Slackware
distribution such that each disk other than the boot
disk is contained in a subdirectory. For example, if
the distribution is in <tt>/stuff/slack</tt>, then you need to have
directories named <tt>/stuff/slack/a1</tt>,
<tt>/stuff/slack/a2</tt>, and so on, each containing the
files that would be on that disk. You may install
from DOS, HPFS, or Linux partitions. Enter the
partition where the Slackware sources can be found,
or <tt>p</tt> to see a partition list.
<I>Partition name or Partition list</I>
<li>What directory on this partition can the Slackware
sources be found. In the example above, this would
be: <tt>/stuff/slack</tt>. What directory are the Slackware
sources in?
<I>Directory name</I>
<li>What type of file system does your Slackware source
partition contain?
<li>FAT (MS-DOS, DR-DOS, OS/2)
<li>Linux Second Extended File System
<li>Linux Xiafs
<li>Linux MINIX
<li>OS/2 HPFS
<I>1, 2, 3, 4, or 5</I>
<li><B>Install from a pre-mounted directory:</B> OK, we will
install from a directory that is currently mounted.
This can be mounted normally or through NFS. You
need to specify the name of the directory that
contains the subdirectories for each source disk.
Which directory would you like to install from?
<I>Directory name</I>
<li><B>Install from floppy disks:</B> The base Slackware series
(A) can be installed from 1.2M or 1.44M media. Most
of the other disks will not fit on 1.2M media, but
can be downloaded to your hard drive and installed
from there later. Which drive would you like to
install from (1/2/3/4)?
<li><tt>/dev/fd0u1440</tt> (1.44M drive a:)
<li><tt>/dev/fd1u1440</tt> (1.44M drive b:)
<li><tt>/dev/fd0h1200</tt> (1.2M drive a:)
<li><tt>/dev/fd1h1200</tt> (1.2M drive b:)
<I>1, 2, 3, or 4</I>
<li><B>Install via NFS:</B> You're running off the hard drive
file system. Is this machine currently running on the
network you plan to install from? If so, we won't
try to reconfigure your ethernet card. Are you
up-and-running on the network? Yes or No.
<li>You will need to enter the IP address you wish to
assign to this machine. Example:
What is your IP address? <I>IP address</I>
<li>Now we need to know your netmask. Typically this
will be What is your netmask?
<I>IP address</I>
<li>Do you have a gateway? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<li>What is your gateway address?
<I>IP address</I>
<p>Good! We're all set on the local end, but now we
need to know where to find the software packages to
install. First, we need the IP address of the
machine where the Slackware sources are stored.
Since you're already running on the network, you
should be able to use the hostname instead of an IP
address if you wish.
<li>What is the IP address of your
NFS server?
<I>IP address</I>
<p>There must be a directory on the server with the
Slackware sources for each disk in subdirectories
beneath it. Setup needs to know the name of the
directory on your server that contains the disk
subdirectories. For example, if your A3 disk is
found at <tt>/slackware/a3</tt>, then you would respond:
<li>What is the Slackware source directory?
<I>Directory name</I>
<li><B>Install from CD-ROM:</B> What type of CD-ROM drive do you have?
<li>Works with most ATAPI/IDE CD drives <tt>/dev/hd*</tt>
<li>SCSI <tt>/dev/scd0</tt> or <tt>/dev/scd1</tt>
<li>Sony CDU31A/CDU33A <tt>/dev/sonycd</tt>
<li>Sony 531/535 <tt>/dev/cdu535</tt>
<li>Mitsumi, proprietary interface---not IDE <tt>/dev/mcd</tt>
<li>New Mitsumi, also not IDE <tt> /dev/mcdx0</tt>
<li>Sound Blaster Pro/Panasonic <tt>/dev/sbpcd</tt>
<li>Aztech/Orchid/Okano/Wearnes <tt>/dev/aztcd</tt>
<li>Phillips and some ProAudioSpectrum16 <tt>/dev/cm206cd</tt>
<li>Goldstar R420 <tt> /dev/gscd</tt>
<li>Optics Storage 8000 <tt> /dev/optcd</tt>
<li>Sanyo CDR-H94 + ISP16 soundcard <tt> /dev/sjcd</tt>
<li>Try to scan for your CD drive
<I>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 13</I>
<B>IDE CD-ROM:</B> Enter the device name that represents
your IDE CD-ROM drive. This will probably be one of
these (in the order of most to least likely):
<tt>/dev/hdb /dev/hdc /dev/hdd /dev/hde /dev/hdf
/dev/hdg /dev/hdh /dev/hda</tt>
<I>Device name</I>
<li><B>SCSI CD-ROM:</B> Which SCSI CD-ROM are you using?
If you're not sure, select <tt>/dev/scd0</tt>.
<tt>1. /dev/scd0<br>
2. /dev/scd1</br></tt>
<li><B>Installation method:</B> With the Slackware CD, you can
run most of the system from the CD if you're short
of drive space or if you just want to test Linux
without going through a complete installation. Which
type of installation do you want (slakware or
<li>[slakware] Normal installation to hard drive
<li>[slaktest] Link <tt>family /usr-$>$/cdrom/live/usr</tt> to run mostly from CD-ROM
<I>slakware or slaktext</I>
<li><B>Series Selection:</B> Identify which Packages you plan
to install. You may specify any combination of disk
sets at the prompt which follows. For example, to
install the base system, the base X Window System,
and the Tcl toolkit, you would enter: a x tcl Which
disk sets do you want to install?
<li>[A] Base Linux system
<li>[AP] Various applications that do not need X
<li>[D] Program Development (C, C++, Kernel source, Lisp, Perl, etc.)
<li>[E] GNU Emacs
<li>[F] FAQ lists
<li>[K] Linux kernel source
<li>[N] Networking (TCP/IP, UUCP, Mail)
<li>[Q] Extra kernels with special drivers (needed for non-SCSI CD)
<li>[T] TeX
<li>[TCL] Tcl/Tk/TclX, Tcl language, and Tk toolkit for developing X apps
<li>[X] Xfree86 Base X Window System
<li>[XAP] X Window Applications
<li>[XD] Xfree86 X11 server development system
<li>[XV] Xview (OpenLook virtual Window Manager, apps)
<li>[Y] Games (that do not require X)
<I>Any combination of a ap d e f k n q t tcl x xap xd xv y and other disk sets offered, separated by spaces</I>
<li><B>Software Installation:</B> Next, software packages are
going to be transferred on to your hard drive. If
this is your first time installing Linux, you should
probably use PROMPT mode. This will follow a
defaults file on the first disk of each series you
install that will ensure that required packages are
installed automatically. You will be prompted for
the installation of other packages. If you don't
use PROMPT mode, the install program will just go
ahead and install everything from the disk sets you
have selected. Do you want to use PROMPT mode
<p>These defaults are user definable---you may set any
package to be added or skipped automatically by
editing your choices into a file called TAGFILE that
will be found on the first disk of each series.
There will also be a copy of the original tagfile
called TAGFILE.ORG available in case you want to
restore the default settings. The tagfile contains
all the instructions needed to completely automate
your installation.
<li>Would you like to use a special
tagfile extension?
<p>You can specify an extension
consisting of a "." followed by any combination of 3
characters other than <tt>tgz</tt>. For instance, I specify
'.pat', and then whenever any tagfiles called
'tagfile.pat' are found during the installation they
are used instead of the default "tagfile" files. If
the install program does not find tagfiles with the
custom extension, it will use the default tagfiles.
Enter your custom tagfile extension (including the
leading ("."), or just press <tt>Enter</tt> to continue
without a custom extension.
<I>Tagfile extension <tt>Enter</tt></I>
<li><B>Extra Configuration:</B> If you wish, you may now go
through the options to reconfigure your hardware,
make a bootdisk, and install LILO. If you've
installed a new kernel image, you should go through
these steps again. Otherwise, it's up to you.
<li><B>Boot Disk Creation:</B> It is recommended that you make
a boot disk. Would you like to do this? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<p>Now put a formatted floppy in your boot drive. This
will be made into your Linux boot disk. Use this to
boot Linux until LILO has been configured to boot
from the hard drive. Any data on the target disk
will be destroyed. Insert the disk and press
<tt>Return</tt>, or <tt>s</tt> if you want to skip this step.
<li><B>Modem Setup:</B> A link in <tt>/dev</tt> will be created from
your callout device (cua0, cua1, cua2, cua3) to
<tt>/dev/modem</tt>. You can change this link later if you
put your modem on a different port. Would you like
to set up your modem? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<li>These are the standard serial I/O devices,
device is your modem attached to (0, 1, 2, 3)?
<li><tt>/dev/ttyS0</tt> (or COM1: under DOS)
<li><tt>/dev/ttyS1</tt> (or COM2: under DOS)
<li><tt>/dev/ttyS2</tt> (or COM3: under DOS)
<li><tt>/dev/ttyS3</tt> (or COM4: under DOS)
<li><B>Mouse Setup:</B> A link will be created in <tt>/dev</tt> from
your mouse device to <tt>/dev/mouse</tt>. You can change this
link later if you switch to a different type of
mouse. Would you like to set up your mouse? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<li>These types are supported. Which type of mouse do
you have (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)?
<li>Microsoft compatible serial mouse
<li>QuickPort or PS/2 style mouse (Auxiliary port)
<li>Logitech Bus Mouse
<li>ATI XL Bus Mouse
<li>Microsoft Bus Mouse
<li>Mouse Systems serial mouse
<li>Logitech (MouseMan) serial mouse
<I>1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7</I>
<li>These are the standard serial I/O devices. Which
device is your mouse attached to (0, 1, 2, 3)?
<li><tt>/dev/ttyS0</tt> (or COM1: under DOS)
<li><tt>/dev/ttyS1</tt> (or COM2: under DOS)
<li><tt>/dev/ttyS2</tt> (or COM3: under DOS)
<li><tt>/dev/ttyS3</tt> (or COM4: under DOS)
<I>0, 1, 2, or 3</I>
<li><B>Network Configuration:</B> Now we will attempt to
configure your mail and TCP/IP. This process
probably won't work on all possible network
configurations, but should give you a good start.
You will be able to reconfigure your system at any
time by typing netconfig. First, we'll need the name
you'd like to give your host. Only the base hostname
is needed right now (not the domain). Enter the
<p>Now, we need the domain name. Do not supply a
leading "." Enter the domain name.
<I>Domain name</I>
<p>If you only plan to use TCP/IP through loopback,
then your IP address will be and we can
skip a lot of the following questions. Do you plan
to ONLY use loopback? Yes or No.
<p>Enter your IP address for the local machine.
Example: Enter the IP address for this
machine (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd).
<I>IP address</I>
<li>Enter your gateway address, such as
If you don't have a gateway, you can edit
/etc/rc.d/rc.inet1 later,or you can probably get
away with entering your own IP address here. Enter the
gateway address (aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd).
<I>IP address</I>
<li>Enter your netmask. This will generally look
something like this: Enter the netmask
<I>IP address</I>
<li>Will you be accessing a nameserver? <I>Yes or No</I>.
<li>Please give the IP address of the name server to
use. You can add more Domain Name Servers by editing
<tt>/etc/resolv.conf</tt>. Name Server for your domain
<I>HIP address</I>
<p>You may now reboot your computer by pressing <tt>Ctrl+Alt+Delete</tt>.
If you installed LILO, remove the boot disk from your computer
before rebooting. Don't forget to create you <tt>{/etc/fsta</tt>
if you don't have one!
<h3>Making Slackware Happen</h3>
<p>If you've taken the time to plot and plan as recommended in the
preceding sections, then the actual installation will be a piece
of cake. There isn't much writing needed to explain the actual
process of loading Slackware onto your computer(s). You just follow
the steps to build boot and root diskettes, then answer a long
series of questions asked by the menu-driven Slackware installation
program. If you've completed the Slackware Installation Worksheet,
these questions will be familiar and everything will run smoothly.
<h3>Build Some Boot Disks</h3>
<p>Choose Your Kernel
<p>When installing Slackware Linux, you must create a boot diskette
with a Linux kernel that is specially prepared to recognize your
system hardware. For example, to install Slackware from an IDE
CD-ROM drive onto a SCSI hard drive, the kernel that you put onto
the boot diskette will need to have drivers for your SCSI card
and your IDE CD-ROM drive.
<p>The kernels are stored as compressed <I>binary image</I> files
that you can access from most any operating system to create a
Slackware Boot diskette. On the Slackware FTP site, CD-ROM, or
NFS mount, you'll find a subdirectory called bootdsks.144-containing
1.44 MB kernel images for creating boot disks on 1.44MB high density
3.5'' floppy diskettes. If you're working from a 5.25'' floppy
diskette drive, look in a directory called bootdsks.12 for
kernel images that will fit the smaller diskette format.
<p>Table 2 provides a quick reference of the kernel images available
as we went to press. Information and up-to-date boot disk image
information is available from this URL:
<a href="ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/slackware/bootdsks.144/README.TXT">ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/slackware/bootdsks.144/README.TXT</a><br>
<center><h3>Slackware Boot Kernel Image Descriptions</h3></center>
<P><B>Table 1</b>
<table cellpadding 10>
<td valighn=top>aztech.i</td> <td>CD-ROM drives: Aztech CDA268-01A,
Orchid CD-3110, Okano/Wearnes,
CDD110, Conrad TXC, CyCDROM CR520,
<td valign=top>bare.i</td> <td>(none, just IDE support)<br></td>
<td valign=top>cdu31a.i</td> <td>Sony CDU31/33a CD-ROM<br></td>
<td>cdu535.i</td> <td>Sony CDU531/535 CD-ROM<br></td>
<td>cm206.i</td> <td>Philips/LMS cm206 CD-ROM with cm260
adapter card<br></td>
<td>goldstar.i</td> <td>Goldstar R420 CD-ROM (sometimes sold
in a Reveal "Multimedia Kit")<br></td>
<td>mcd.i</td> <td>NON-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM support<br></td>
<td>mcdx.i</td> <td>Improved NON-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM
<td>net.i</td> <td>Ethernet support<br></td>
<td>optics.i</td> <td>Optics Storage 8000 AT CD-ROM (the
"DOLPHIN" drive)<br></td>
<td>sanyo.i</td> <td>Sanyo CDR-H94A CD-ROM support<br></td>
<td>sbpcd.i</td> <td>Matsushita, Kotobuki, Panasonic,
CreativeLabs (Sound Blaster),
Longshine and Teac NON-IDE CD-ROM
<td>xt.i</td> <td>MFM hard drive support<br></td>
<p><b>Table 2</b>
<table cellpadding 10>
<td>7000fast.s</td> <td>Western Digital 7000FASST SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Advansys.s</td> <td>AdvanSys SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Aha152x.s</td> <td>Adaptec 152x SCSI support<br></td>
<td.Aha1542.s</td> <td>Adaptec 1542 SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Aha1740.s</td> <td>Adaptec 1740 SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Aha2x4x.s</td> <td>Adaptec AIC7xxx SCSI support (For these cards: AHA-274x, AHA-2842,
& AHA-2940, AHA-2940W, AHA-2940U, AHA-2940UW, AHA-2944D, AHA-2944WD,
& AHA-3940, AHA-3940W, AHA-3985, AHA-3985W)<br></td>
<td>Am53c974.s</td> <td>AMD AM53/79C974 SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Aztech.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plus CD-ROM support for Aztech CDA268-01A,
Orchid CD-3110, Okano/Wearnes CDD110, Conrad TXC, CyCDROM CR520, CR540<br></td>
<td>Buslogic.s</td> <td>Buslogic MultiMaster SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Cdu31a.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plus CD-ROM support for Sony CDU31/33a<br></td>
<td>Cdu535.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plus CD-ROM support for Sony CDU531/535<br></td>
<td>Cm206.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plus Philips/LMS cm206 CD-ROM with cm260 adapter card<br></td>
<td>Dtc3280.s</td> <td>DTC (Data Technology Corp) 3180/3280 SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Eata\_dma.s</td> <td>DPT EATA-DMA SCSI support (Boards such as PM2011, PM2021, PM2041,
& PM3021, PM2012B, PM2022, PM2122, PM2322, PM2042, PM3122, PM3222,
& PM3332, PM2024, PM2124, PM2044, PM2144, PM3224, PM3334.)<br></td>
<td>Eata\_isa.s</td> <td>DPT EATA-ISA/EISA SCSI support (Boards such as PM2011B/9X,
& PM2021A/9X, PM2012A, PM2012B, PM2022A/9X, PM2122A/9X, PM2322A/9X)<br></td>
<td>Eata\_pio.s</td> <td>DPT EATA-PIO SCSI support (PM2001 and PM2012A)<br></td>
<td>Fdomain.s</td> <td>Future Domain TMC-16x0 SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Goldstar.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plus Goldstar R420 CD-ROM (sometimes sold
in a Reveal "Multimedia Kit")<br></td>
<td>In2000.s</td> <td>Always IN2000 SCSI support<br></td>
<p><b>Table 3</b>
<table cellpadding 10>
<td>Iomega.s</td> <td>IOMEGA PPA3 parallel port SCSI support (also supports the parallel
port version of the ZIP drive)<br></td>
<td>Mcd.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plusstandard non-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM support<br></td>
<td>Mcdx.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plus enhanced non-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM support<br></td>
<td>N53c406a.s</td> <td>NCR 53c406a SCSI support<br></td>
<td>N\_5380.s</td> <td>NCR 5380 and 53c400 SCSI support<br></td>
<td>N\_53c7xx.s</td> <td>NCR 53c7xx, 53c8xx SCSI support (Most NCR PCI SCSI controllers use this driver)<br></td>
<td>Optics.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plus support for the Optics Storage 8000
AT CDROM (the "DOLPHIN" drive)<br></td>
<td>Pas16.s</td> <td>Pro Audio Spectrum/Studio 16 SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Qlog\_fas.s</td> <td>ISA/VLB/PCMCIA Qlogic FastSCSI! support (also supports the Control
Concepts SCSI cards based on the Qlogic FASXXX chip)<br></td>
<td>Qlog\_isp.s</td> <td>Supports all Qlogic PCI SCSI controllers, except the PCI-basic,
which the AMD SCSI driver supports <br><td>
<td>Sanyo.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plus Sanyo CDR-H94A CD-ROM support<br></td>
<td>Sbpcd.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plus Matsushita, Kotobuki, Panasonic,
CreativeLabs (Sound Blaster), Longshine and Teac NON-IDE CDROM support<br></td>
<td>Scsinet.s</td> <td>All supported SCSI controllers, plus full ethernet support<br></td>
<td>Seagate.s</td> <td>Seagate ST01/ST02, Future Domain TMC-885/950 SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Trantor.s</td> <td>Trantor T128/T128F/T228 SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Ultrastr.s</td> <td>UltraStor 14F, 24F, and 34F SCSI support<br></td>
<td>Ustor14f.s</td> <td>UltraStor 14F and 34F SCSI support<br></td>
<p><b>Unix Operating Systems</b>
<p>If you have the Slackware kernel images on a Unix host that has
a floppy drive, you can quickly create the necessary boot and
root diskettes using Unix commands. You can use the dd
command. The example below which puts the scsi.s
boot kernel image onto the floppy device rfd0:
<tt>dd if=scsi.s of=/dev/rfd0 obs=18k</tt>
<p>You'll need to repeat this process with one of the root disk images
onto a second floppy diskette.
<p>DOS, OS/2, MS-Windows 95 \& NT
<p>Slackware bundles a utility called rawrite.exe that
will generate boot and root diskettes under DOS-literate operating
systems. To write the scsi.s kernel image onto the
formatted, high-density diskette in your A:$\backslash$ diskette
drive, issue the following command:
<tt>RAWRITE SCSI.S A:</tt>
<p>You'll need to repeat this process with one of the root disk images
onto a second floppy diskette.
<h3>Boot Into Action</h3>
<p>Here's the big anticlimax. After all this planning, preparation,
and partitioning, you're in the home stretch. Make sure the boot
floppy is in the diskette drive, and restart your computer. Now
is a good time to go get some coffee (or whatever you like to
keep you company) and return to the machine ready to play the
part of a button-pushing drone, answering yes-no questions for
an hour or so.
<p>Log in as root (no password) and type setup
or setup.tty
<a name="slack2"></a>
<h3>Slackware Setup Program</h3>
<p>Slackware comes with two versions of an excellent setup program.
One is a colorful, dialog-based, menu-driven version. An alternative
setup, setup.tty, is a text-only version of the installation
that you may actually prefer, because detailed diagnostics and
error messages will stay on the screen and not be erased by the
next dialog box, which happens in the color version. If you're
attempting a Slackware setup on sketchy hardware, I strongly recommend
the less colorful setup.tty routine. If you don't
know much about Unix and would feel more comfortable with an attractive.
``clean'' interface to the same setup process, then by all means
go for the beautiful setup.
<h3><center>Slackware96 Linux Setup (version HD-3.1.0)</center></center></h3>
<h3>Welcome to Slackware Linux Setup</h3>
<p>Hint: If you have trouble using the arrow keys on your keyboard,
you can use '+', '-', and TAB instead. Which option would you like?
<li> HELP: Read the Slackware Setup HELP file
<li> KEYMAP: Remap your keyboard
<li> MAKE TAGS: Tagfile customization program
<li> TARGET: Select target directory [now: / ]
<li> SOURCE: Select source media
<li> DISK SETS: Decide which disk sets you wish to install
<li> INSTALL: Install selected disk sets
<li> CONFIGURE: Reconfigure your Linux system
<li> PKGTOOL: Install or remove packages with Pkgtool
<li> EXIT: Exit Slackware Linux Setup
OK Cancel
<p>To transfer Slackware onto your system from here should involve
little more than selecting what you want off the menus. By filling
out the Section 3 worksheet in advance, you should be able progress
quickly through each menu in order, until you reach the INSTALL
option, at which point things may s l o w down: you are advised
to select the PROMPT feature and <I>read</I> about each software
package, deciding whether or not you'd like it to end up on your
Slackware system. The last part of a regular setup is the CONFIGURE
section on the setup menu, and the questions you must answer bear
a striking resemblance to the second half of the Section 3 worksheet.
<h3>Is That All?</h3>
<p>Definitely not! At this point, you've either got some annoying
obstacle that is preventing the setup from completing, or more
likely, you're looking at the root prompt
and wondering "What Next?"
<p>Well, if you're plagued by problems, you'll want to proceed directly
to the next section on troubleshooting. If things appear to be
in working order, you've still got some details to attend to.
Sort of like purchasing a new automobile-after you've selected
an paid for a new car, there are still some things you need before
you can drive it with confidence-insurance, a steering wheel club,
and perhaps some luxuries that make the driving experience closer
to Fahrvergn\&uuml;gen than FAQ!
<a name="trouble"></a>
<h3>Troubleshooting Difficult Deliveries</h3>
<p>Not every Slackware installation is born on cue to expecting system
administrators. I've pulled a few all nighters, sitting down after
work one evening to upgrade a Slackware box and still there struggling
to get the damn thing back online at dawn, before people start
bitching about their missing mail and news. This section will
look at a few common Slackware setup problems, solutions, and
where to look for additional assistance.
<h3>Slackware Installation FAQs</h3>
<p>Patrick Volkerding, the father of Slackware, has dealt with the
many questions of new users by listening, answering, and anticipating
repeat queries. To catch the new Slackware users before they ask
the same question for the 5,000th time, Patrick has kindly created
documentation and included it with the Slackware distribution.
Three files that you may find very helpful in answering your initial
questions are FAQ.TXT, INSTALL.TXT, and BOOTING.TXT.
<p>Web Support For Slackware
<p>At this time, the Slackware-specific help you'll find on the Internet
tends to be highly customized---such as how to NFS-mount the distribution
on computers within a certain university or how to wire your dorm
room into a particular residential WAN using Slackware.
<p>Usenet Groups For Slackware
<p>The comp.os.linux.* hierarchy of the Usenet is a
treasure-trove of Linux information, not necessarily Slackware-specific.
At present, 11 separate Linux forums handle a high volume of discussion
in this hierarchy. Dozens of other general-Unix newsgroups are
also available. Some discussions relevant to getting Slackware
up and running are:
<p>A group established for figuring out Linux installation and system
administration. The best place to look for clever setup strategies
and to network with others who may have recently installed Slackware.
<p>A must-read for Linux administrators and enthusiasts, C.o.l.a
is a sort of daily Linux digest for the Internet community. The
group is moderated, so only the relevant material makes it into
circulation. The newsgroup is designed as a low-traffic alert
service for announcing Linux-specific software, documentation,
and security warnings.
<p>Here's where to find (or post) the latest Linux FAQs, How-Tos,
READMEs and other documents that answer questions about Linux.
<p>Mail Lists For Slackware
<p>At this time, there are no electronic mail discussions devoted
to Slackware per-se. You can participate in some excellent Linux-related
talk via e-mail, try www.linux.org and asking in the newsgroups
for a few good subscription lists.
<h3>You Get What You Pay For (Commercial Support)</h3>
<p>Commercial support for Linux is available from some of the CD-ROM
vendors and a long list of Linux Consultants, who can be contacted
through the Linux Commercial and Consultants HOWTO documents:
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Consultants-HOWTO.html">http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Consultatns-HOWTO.html</a><br>
<a href="http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Commercial-HOWTO.html">http://sunsite.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO/Commercial-HOWTO.html</a><br>
<a name="basking"></a>
<h3>Basking In the Afterglow</h3>
<p>Don't rest on your laurels quite yet. Especially if your Slackware
machine is a shared computer or lives in a networked environment.
Grooming a computer for community and network use is a bit more
demanding than just running the setup program and
forgetting about it. We'll leave you with a few pointers to securing
and sharing your new Slackware system.
<h3>Consider Reinstalling!</h3>
<p>I know you just sat through what may have been a long and perplexing
installation session. But before you move into the house you just
built, consider tearing it down and starting over again. Friedrich
Nietzsche had a quote:
"A man learns what he needs to know about building his house only
after he's finished."
<p>If, in the process of installing the system, you had some thoughts
about how you might do it differently, now is the time. If your
Slackware Linux box will be a multi user machine or a network
server, there may never be such a convenient opportunity to reinstall
or reconfigure the system in radical ways.
<a name="install"></a>
<h3>Install And Test Key Applications</h3>
<p>Before you put away the CDROM or return the 50 floppy disks you
borrowed to run the Slackware installation, sit down and test
each application that your users may expect to find in working
order. If professor Bien absolutely has to have emacs humming
under X-Windows, you'd better test it out now, while you've still
got the workstation 'in the shop.'
<p>Did you set up this Linux box to serve a specific purpose in your
organization, such as...
<li><b>File and Print Server for Macintoshes or Windows PCs:</b>
Better make sure netatalk, CAP and samba are configured and tested
<li><b>World Wide Web Server:</b>
Time to choose a www daemon and get it up and running
<li><b>Mail Server:</b>
Have you configured sendmail? How alternative
mail applications that offer improved performance, features, or
security over their Slackware-default counterparts? Most mail
servers would benefit from cucipop, procmail,
and Smarlist, to name a few.
<li><b>Remote Access Server:</b>
Got those serial ports or add-in boards working?
You might like to look at the second firewall toolkit from
TIS, as well as front-ends to ease firewall and network administration,
such as linuxconf.
<a name="secure"></a>
<h3>Secure the System</h3>
<p><b>Get Off The LAN At Once</b>
<p>Out of the box, Slackware is an insecure system. Although Patrick
does his best to create a secure distribution, a few inevitable
holes become known, and patches or workarounds are made available
in the system administration (and cracker) communities. If you
installed Slackware from a network source such as an NFS-mounted
drive, you should temporarily disconnect your box from the LAN
after a successful installation, while you plug a few holes.
<p><b>Give Root a Password</b>
<p>By default, a new Slackware box will not require a password for
the root user. When you're comfortable that your
new Slackware system is stable (after a few hours, not days or
weeks), add a password to protect the root account.
Login as root and type:
<tt>passwd root</tt>
<p><b>Give Yourself An Account</b>
<p>On large shared systems, the super-user root account is not used as a
working login account by any individual. If you're interested in
system administration or are running a networked machine, this is a
good precedent to follow. Use the \texttt{/sbin/adduser} program to
make yourself a login account, rather than working out of the root
login. I always smile when I see students and hobbyists posting
proudly to the Usenet as root@mymachine.mydomain. Be humble and safe,
create another login account for your daily work and use su (rather
than login) to enter the root account sparingly.
<p><b>Deny Root Logins</b>
<p>Not only is it uncommon to <I>work</I> as the root user,
it is <I>not considered secure to login as root across the network</I>.
Administrative users usually connect to a Unix box as their regular
username login, and then use the su utility to become
the root user as needed. To prevent crackers, hackers, and ignorant
users from logging in directly as root, edit the file <tt>/etc/securetty</tt>
and comment out (prepend a pound \# sign before) all but the local
\# ttyS0
\# ttyS1
<p>After this fix, users who attempt to login in as root across
the network will be denied:
<tt>Linux 2.0.29 (durak.interactivate.com)<br>
durak login: root<br>
root login refused on this terminal.<br>
durak login:</tt>
<p><b>Apply the Simple Fixes</b>
<p>Slackware installs itself with some very real security problems.
Rather than master Unix security and sleuth out these vulnerabilities
yourself, you can jump start the hole-patching process by visiting
a web resource maintained for just this purpose, called <I>Slackware
<a href="http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux-web/simplefixes/simplefixes.html">http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux-web/simplefixes/simplefixes.html</a><br>
<p><b>Check For Patches On ftp.cdrom.com</b>
<p>As an actively maintained Linux distribution Slackware updates
and patches are available from:
<a href="ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/slackware/patches/">ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/linux/slackware/patches/</a><br>
<p><b>Stay Current</b>
<p>You might like to subscribe to one or more electronic mail lists
that alert users to issues in Linux administration, such as:
<a name="backup"></a>
<h3>Back Up</h3>
<p>Like how things are running? Save it for a rainy day by backing
up. Amanda (The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver)
is one of several backup options for Linux installations. You
can learn more about Amanda from:
<a href="http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/amanda/index.html">http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/amanda/index.html/</a><br>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Sean Dreilinger<BR>
Published in Issue 17 of the Linux Gazette, May 1997</H5></center>
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