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<title> Tricks with tcpd issue 15</title>
&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
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<h1> What You Can Do with tcpd </h1>
<H4>By Kelly Spoon,
<a href="mailto:mars@loeffel.txdirect.net">mars@loeffel.txdirect.net</a></H4>
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If you have read my article on security, then you know that <i>tcpd</i>
can be used to keep people from getting on your machine, and, thusly,
it makes a nice first line defense against Bad Guys. You also know that
there is an extra option you can put in the <i>/etc/hosts.allow</i> and
<i>/etc/hosts.deny</i> files that the man pages refer to as the
So....are you wondering what all you can do with the "shell_command" option?
Me too. According to the <b>hosts_access</b> man(5) page, you can use it
to finger the person who is trying to get to your services. However, the
feature that I think is pretty neat is that this gives you the ability to
set up personalized banners for whenever someone tries to connect to your
Here's the catch, though. In order to enable this option, you're going to
need to recompile and turn this sucker on yourself. The binaries that your
favorite Linux distribution installed on your machine probably weren't set
up to take advantage of this neat little feature. (At least, they weren't
on mine)
<h2> Getting and installing tcpd </h2>
The first thing you need to do is get a hold of is the source for <i>tcpd</i>.
<a href="ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/Linux/PEOPLE/Linus/net-source/base/tcp_wrappers_7.4.tar.gz">
Here</a> is where it's been hidden.
Those of you with keen eyes will note that the name of the file we have
downloaded is <i>tcp_wrappers*.tar.gz</i> and not <i>tcpd*.tar.gz</i>. Don't
sweat it, this really is the package you want.
<kbd>tar -zxvf tcp_wrappers*.tar.gz</kbd> will unpack everything for you into
the <i>tcp_wrappers_7.4</i> directory. It doesn't really matter where you do
this, since after we have compiled and installed the binaries, we can get rid
of this directory.
Go in there as root. Normally, all we have to do is type <kbd>make</kbd>,
and Linux will automagically compile the program for us. However, we have
to pass some extra options to the make with this program.
tells <i>tcpd</i> where to look for the *real* daemons to use when
you try to use the "easy" tcpd method. More on that after we get the
sucker installed.<p></li>
This is the whole reason we're recompiling <i>tcpd</i> in the first place.
This option enables <i>tcpd</i> to use the "shell_command" feature,
which in turn lets use do the banners.<p></li>
This just tells the compiler to use all the options that will produce
a working binary for Linux.<p></li>
Unfortunately, the Makefile for <i>tcpd</i> doesn't have an install option,
so you have to put things in place yourself. Here's a quick list of where
things should go after you've compiled:
Bin File Location on Your Machine
-------- -----------------------
safe_finger /usr/sbin/real-daemon-dir/safe_finger
tcpd /usr/sbin/tcpd
tcpdchk /usr/sbin/real-daemon-dir/tcpd-chk
tcpdmatch /usr/sbin/real-daemon-dir/tcpdmatch
try-from /usr/sbin/real-daemon-dir/try-from
*.3 /usr/man/man3/*.3
*.5 /usr/man/man5/*.5
*.8 /usr/man/man8/*.8
As always, make sure you back up your *old* files before installing the new
<h2>The Fun Part -- Banners and Other Stuff</h2>
Now that we have our new tcpd in place, it's time to get the frame work
in place for our banners. You can do this in any directory on your machine,
but, in keeping with my own warped view of where things belong, I suggest
creating a dir called <i>/etc/banners</i> and using that for our homebase.
And since I get to be the author, that's the dir I'm going to refer to.
Once we've got <i>/etc/banners created</i>, we're going to need to do this from
the <i>tcp_wrappers_7.4</i> dir: <p>
<kbd>cp Banners.Makefile /etc/banners/Makefile</kbd>
And now that the hall is rented and the orchestra engaged, it is time to
dance. (ObNiftyStarTrekQuoteThatI'veBeenDyingToUse)
<h4>Creating your banners</h4>
In order to make a banner, all you have to do is go into <i>/etc/banners</i>,
and create a file called <i>prototype</i>. Put anything you want in here.
It's your banner. Since this would be a good place for an example, here's
what I put for my banner whenever someone is denied access to my machine:
This is a ^[[m^[[44;01mprivate^[[m^[[44m machine
If you wish to access this machine, please send email to
This prints out a nice looking little banner with the first 3 lines in blue,
and the word "private" and root's email address set in bold. Looks pretty
Once you have created your <i>prototype</i>, then all you need to do is run
a <i>make</i> in the <i>/etc/banners</i> directory. This will then produce
4 files (or more, depending on whether you've hacked the Makefile).
They are <i>in.telnetd</i>, <i>in.ftpd</i>, <i>in.rlogind</i>, and <i>nul</i>.
What you need to do next is create another dir, and move these files into
it. Since the above example is for the connections that get refused, I
put these in <i>/etc/banners/general-reject</i>. The last thing to do is
to move the <i>in.*</i> and <i>nul</i> into the new directory. It's also
a good idea to stick your <i>prototype</i> in there in case you want to change
the banner later on.
<h4>Making <i>tcpd</i> use the banners</h4>
This is the last step. I promise.
You need to edit your <i>/etc/hosts.allow</i> or <i>/etc/hosts.deny</i> files
so that <i>tcpd</i> knows it should throw up a banner whenever someone tries
to connect. Basically, my /etc/hosts.deny looks like this:
# /etc/hosts.deny for linux.home.net
ALL: ALL except .home.net: banners /etc/banners/general-reject
And that's it. You can now put up customized banners that will be shown
based upon the hostname of the person who tries to connect to your machine.
Finally, you can take advantage of the "shell_command" option listed in
<b>man 5 hosts_access</b>. To see what else you can do with this, check
out <b>man 5 hosts_options</b>.
And, if you're scratching your head wondering what's going on, keep reading.
<h2>Behind the Scenes</h2>
<h4>How <i>tcpd</i> Works</H4>
As you know, <i>tcpd</i> hangs around on your system and waits for something
to wake it up. When that happens, it looks at <i>/etc/hosts.deny</i> and
<i>/etc/hosts.allow</i> to see if the person who is trying to connect matches
any of the patterns you have listed in these files. If it finds a match,
then it either lets the connection go through, or it closes the socket.
If it finds a match with a "shell_command" in it, then it will execute that
The <i>banners</i> option tells <i>tcpd</i> that it needs to send back a
text message to the client that's trying to connect. When it sees
<i>banners</i> in the <i>allow</i> or <i>deny</i> file, it goes into the
directory that you listed (<i>/etc/banners/general-reject</i> in my example),
and tries to find a file with the same name as the service that the client
requested. If it finds a file, the contents of the file get pumped back
down to the client, and then <i>tcpd</i> either closes the connection or
lets it go through. It it doesn't find a file, then <i>tcpd</i> doesn't
send anything back.
In plain English, if someone tries to telnet in (which would invoke
<i>in.telnetd</i>) and you have a banners options listed for their entry
in one of the <i>hosts.*</i> files, then <i>tcpd</i> looks for a file called
<i>/etc/banners/general-reject/in.telnetd</i>. If it finds it, it displays
the file, if not, ah well.
This is important to remember when setting up a banner for your ftp service.
The <i>Banners.Makefile</i> will create a banner file called <i>in.ftpd</i>.
Since most Linux distributions use the Washington University FTP server,
the service name is actually <i>wu.ftpd</i>. Therefore, if you intend for
your banner to also be shown to people trying to ftp to your machine, you
either need to change the <i>/etc/banners/general-reject/in.ftpd</i> to
<i>wu.ftpd</i>, or you need to change the name of the service.
<h4>The 2 Ways to Use <i>tcpd</i></h4>
You generally have 2 choices on how <i>tcpd</i> protects your services:
Let <i>inetd</i> handle it, or do a substitution. In my humble opinion,
it's best to let <i>inetd</i> handle it.
As you may know, <i>inetd</i> is the "super server". It basically monitors
a bunch of ports, and whenever it detects someone trying to use one of them,
it starts up the service you have listed in <i>inetd.conf</i>. This is handy
because you don't run what you don't need, and thusly, unused daemons aren't
sucking up all your system resources.
<i>inetd</i> can be configured to launch <i>tcpd</i> before it starts up
the service. In fact, if you take a look in <i>/etc/inetd.conf</i>, you'll
see that it already does for many of your services. I'll pull one out
so you don't have to flip over to a virutal console:
Service Socket Proto Flags User Server name Arguments
------- ------ ----- ----- ---- ----------- ---------
telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
The "Service" entry is just the name of the connection from the file
<i>/etc/services</i>. This tells <i>inetd</i> what port to listen on.
The other entries that we're concerned about is the "Server Name" and
"Arguments". "Server Name", as you can see, points to our good friend
<i>tcpd</i>. Whenever <i>inetd</i> gets a request for the "Service", it
starts up <i>tcpd</i> with the path to the actual service passed as an
"Argument". This lets <i>tcpd</i> know what program to run if it exits
and the client has permission to use the service.
See. It's pretty easy.
Your other option is to substitute tcpd for the service directly, and
not even bother with <i>inetd</i>. To do this, you just move the daemon
you want to protect to <i>/usr/sbin/real-daemon-dir</i>, and then either
copy <i>tcpd</i> over to where the service used to be, or put in a symbolic
For example, let's say I want to use <i>tcpd</i> on
<i>/usr/sbin/in.telnetd</i>. I would simply give the following commands:
mv /usr/sbin/in.telnetd /usr/sbin/real-daemon-dir/in.telnetd
ln -s /usr/sbin/tcp /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
This method is even eaiser than <i>inetd</i>, but I prefer not to have 30
million sym links laying around my system.
<h4>One Last Thing to Keep in Mind</h4>
Quoting directly from <i>tcpd</i>'s man page:
The tcpd program can be set up to monitor incoming
requests for telnet, finger, ftp, exec, rsh, rlogin, tftp,
talk, comsat and other services that have a one-to-one
mapping onto executable files.
Check out that "...services that have a one-to-one mapping onto executable
files" part.
What that means is that <i>tcpd</i> is designed to be used by services that
spawn 1 daemon for 1 client. In other words, <i>tcpd</i> won't work for
stuff like <i>ircd</i> or Samba. Luckily, these programs usually give you
the option to deny access to certain hosts, which accomplishes the same
thing as what <i>tcpd</i> does.
<h2>And In Closing...</h2>
For the answer to any questions you have that I didn't address, please check
the README file that comes with <i>tcp_wrapper</i>. It does an excellent
job of explaining what's going on, and how to take advantage of some other
features (although some of it is ambiguous about exact locations of where
config files should live due to the fact that the author created
<i>tcp_wrappers</i> to work on a lot of different machines). Also peruse the
<i>Makefile</i> sometime and see if there's anything else you want to turn on
once you've got a good idea of how this all works.
And last but not least, the author of <i>tcp_wrappers</i> has given us a
very useful tool <b>free of charge</b>. If you like it and use it, please
take the time to send him a postcard (snail mail addy at the bottom of the
README)....he's earned it.
Mail to:<a href="mailto:mars@loeffel.txdirect.net"><i>mars@loeffel.txdirect.net
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Kelly Spoon <BR>
Published in Issue 15 of the Linux Gazette, March 1997</H5></center>
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