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<title>Automated News Fetching</title>
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&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
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<H1>Slrn and Slrnpull: Sucking Down The News</H1>
<center><h4><a href="mailto: layers@vax2.rainis.net">by Larry
<P> <HR>
There are quite a few methods of reading Usenet postings. A conventional
newsreader will log on to your remote server, download headers of the new
messages in groups you want to follow, then allow you to tag the messages you
want to read. These messages are then fetched for you. All of this happens
while online, and the time can mount up.</p>
Another approach is one used by Suck and Leafnode, among others. These
programs are designed to be used non-interactively and usually are set up to
deposit fetched postings into a local spool-directory. Suck requires that you
have an active news-server, such as INN or CNEWS, on your machine. Leafnode
doesn't need the news-server (it has its own), but both programs are designed
for multiple users and might be overkill for single-user machines.</p>
Slrn is a popular text-mode newsreader, written by <a href="mailto:
davis@space.mit.edu">John Davis</a> at MIT. It originally belonged to the
first category above, but recently Davis has been working on an extension for
Slrn which will pull down messages from a server and store them locally. The
messages can then be read offline with Slrn. The extension is called
Slrnpull, and it comes with the most recent beta version of Slrn.</p>
<center><h3>Installation and Usage</h3></center>
<p> If you have the S-lang library on your system, you can compile Slrn and
Slrnpull from the source, which is available (along with the S-lang library
source) from <a href="ftp://space.mit.edu /pub/davis/slrn">this site.</a>
A binary, statically-linked version may be in the /pub/Linux/Incoming
directory at sunsite.unc.edu by the time you read this. If you prefer a
certain location for the news-spool directory (which can get large) the
<i>slrnfeat.h</i> file in the /slrn/src directory can be edited.</p>
Slrn uses a <em>configure</em> script which should enable it to be compiled on
most Linux systems. Once you've put the executables in a directory on your
path, create the spool directory (<i>/var/spool/news/slrnpull</i> or whatever
you've defined it to be), then copy the supplied sample script
<i>slrnpull.conf </i> to the new directory. This needs to be edited before
you start Slrnpull for the first time. The format is not complicated; here are
John Davis' comments from the sample file:<br><code><pre>
# The syntax of the file is very simple.
# Any line that is blank or begins with a '#' character will be ignored by
# slrnpull. The remaining lines consist of 1-3 fields separated by
# whitespace:
# The first field must contain the name of a newsgroup.
# The second field denotes the number of articles to retrieve for the
# newsgroup; if its value is 0, all available articles will
# be retrieved.
# The third field indicates the number of days after an article is retrieved
# before it will be eligible for deletion. If this value is 0, articles from
# this group will not expire.
# If a field is blank, or contains the single character '*', default values
# will apply to the field. Defaults may be set by a line whose newsgroup
# field is 'default'. Such a line will denote default values to be applied to
# the lines following it or until another default is established.
# For example:
default 20 14
# indicates a default value of 20 articles to be retrieved from the server and
# that such an article will expire after 14 days.
comp.os.linux.misc 50 7
comp.os.linux.x 20 7
comp.os.linux.announce * *
This is easier to set up than some news programs I've used!</p>
Assuming you have the $NNTPSERVER variable set to your news-server's IP
address in your <i>~/.bash_profile</i> or <i>~/.cshenv</i> file, Slrnpull
should be ready to try out. The first time you start it up it will create a
subdirectory for each news-group you have specified. Then it will log on to
your server and download messages, displaying the connection speed and number
of articles on your terminal screen.</p>
You probably subscribe to certain groups for which you want all of the new
messages. For certain others you may want to be more selective in what you
download. A kill-file can be created in the spool directory which specifies,
on a per-group basis, which messages you would prefer be left on the
Starting up Slrn with the switch <i>--spool</i> will cause it to load the
contents of your newly-filled spool-file. Reading messages this way is fast,
and any which you delete will then be invisible in the newsreader, though they
remain on the disk until they are expired. Any follow-up postings which you
might write are stored in a subdirectory of the spool. The next time you run
Slrnpull it will upload them to the server before retrieving new messages.</p>
Slrnpull keeps a log of all transactions to the server; these messages are
displayed on the screen as the program runs, but the idea of this program is
that you don't need to be sitting there watching. The log is useful for
checking to see if your postings have been accepted by the server.</p>
Periodically Slrnpull should be run with the <i>--expire</i> switch, which
will remove all messages you've marked for deletion while reading news with
Slrn. This could be run every night as a cron job.</p>
It will take some fine-tuning of the <i>slrnpull.conf</i> file, but eventually
you will have the program retrieving just the messages you want. It might seem
like a waste to be downloading all of the junk messages along with the
worthwhile ones, but it's a continuous process and doesn't take long. I've
found that running Slrnpull while browsing the web or receiving an FTP file
works well.</p>
<p>The sample <i>.slrnrc</i> file included with the program has an if/then
statement which causes Slrn to read the local active file when run in spool
mode, while keeping Slrn in standard mode from retrieving the bulky remote
active file each time a connection is made. This lets you read news
directly from your server when desired.
<p> The sample file includes some new entries in order for Slrn to make use
of the spooled messages. These are:<br></p>
set spool_inn_root "/var/spool/news/slrnpull"
set spool_root "/var/spool/news/slrnpull/news"
set spool_nov_root "/var/spool/news/slrnpull"
set use_slrnpull 1
hostname "your.host.name"
username "your_user_name"
<p>The remainder of the <i>.slrnrc</i> file is the same as in previous Slrn
versions, so if you already have one customized to your liking the
Slrnpull-specific sections can be lifted from the sample and pasted in.
I initially had some trouble convincing slrnpull to talk to my news-server. I
asked John Davis for help and he sent me a patch for one source file which
caused slrnpull to generate a debugging log; from the logfile he determined
that the problem was with the proprietary Dnews server software which my
provider uses. The currently available version has this patch included.</p>
If you want to find out what software your news-server uses, just telnet into
the news machine:<br></p>
<i>telnet [IP address] :nntp</i>
The server will identify itself when you log in.</p>
Slrnpull is probably most useful with low-volume newsgroups, such as
<em>comp.os.linux.announce</em>. You would most likely want to see all of the
messages anyway in such a group and Slrnpull will fetch them all. High-volume
groups, such as <em>comp.os.linux.advocacy</em>, typically have a high
chaff-to-wheat ratio, and in these a quick scan of the headers for the few of
interest (while online) might be more efficient. Slrnpull is also effective
for obtaining a quick idea of the the flavor and tone of a group: just tell
it to suck down the most recent twenty messages in the group, and see
what you think. </p>
<p>If you have never used Slrn, I highly recommend this program, especially
if you read news over a PPP or SLIP connection. It's fast and efficient,
and its behaviour can be easily molded to your needs. Users of the Emacs
news interface Gnus will find the transition painless, as most of the
keystroke commands are identical. Gnus has many more features but it's
slower to use over a network and is much more demanding of system resources.
<a href="http://vax2.rainis.net/~layers/">Larry
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Last modified: Thu Feb 27 18:39:52 CST 1997
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Larry Ayers <BR>
Published in Issue 15 of the Linux Gazette, March 1997</H5></center>
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