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<title>Linux and MIDI Issue 15</title>
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&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
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<h2>Linux and MIDI: In the beginning...</h2>
<H4>By Dave Phillips,
<a href="mailto:diphilp@mail.bright.net">diphilp@mail.bright.net</a></H4>
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"<i>The Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol has been variously
described as an interconnection scheme between instruments and computers, a set of
guidelines for transferring data from one instrument to another, and a language for
transmitting musical scores between computers and synthesizers. All these definitions
capture an aspect of MIDI.</i>"
&lt;Roads, Curtis. 1995.
<a href="http://mitpress.mit.edu/mitp/recent-books/comp/roads.html">
Computer Music Tutorial</a>. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. p. 972&gt;
Greetings! This article will hopefully be the first in a series covering various
aspects of <a href="http://www.midi-classics.com/whatmidi.htm">MIDI</a> and sound with Linux. The series will be far from exhaustive, and
I sincerely hope to hear from anyone currently using and/or developing MIDI and
audio software for use under Linux.<p>
Perhaps most Linux users know about MIDI as a soundcard interface option, or as
a standalone interface option during kernel configuration for sound. As usual, some
preparatory considerations must be made in order to optimally set up your Linux
MIDI music machine. Be sure to read the kernel configuration notes included in
/usr/src/linux/Documentation: you will find basic information about setting up your
soundcard and/or interface, and you will also find notes regarding changes and
additions to the sound driver software.<p>
Common soundcards such as the <a href="http://www.creativelabs.com/">SoundBlaster16</a> or the MediaVision
<a href="http://www.mediavis.com/mainmenu.htm">PAS16</a> require
a separate MIDI connector kit to provide the MIDI In/Out ports, while standalone
interface cards such as the <a href="http://www.rolandcorp.com">Roland MPU-401</a> and
<a href="http://www.opcode.com">Music Quest MQX32M</a> have the ports
built-in. Dedicated MIDI interface cards don't usually have synthesis chips (such
as the <a href="http://www.yamaha.com">Yamaha</a> OPL3 FM synthesizer) on-board, but they often provide services not usually
found on the soundcards, such as MTC or SMPTE time code and multi-port systems (for
expanding available channels past the original limit of 16).<p>
Having successfully installed your card and kernel (or module) support, you will
still need a decent audio system and a MIDI input device. If you use a soundcard for
MIDI record/play via the internal chip, you will also need a software mixer; if you
record your MIDI output to tape, and then record your tape to your hard-disk, you
will also want a soundfile editor.<p>
When the essential hardware and software is properly configured, it's time to look
at the available software for making music with MIDI and Linux. Please note that in this
article I will only supply links and very brief descriptions, while further articles
will delve deeper into the software and its uses.<p>
Nathan Laredo's <a href="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/sound/midi/">playmidi</a> is a simple command-line utility for MIDI playback and
recording which can also be compiled for ncurses and X interfaces.
<a href="http://rokke.grm.hia.no/per/jazz.html">JAZZ</a> is an excellent sequencer which has some unique MIDI-processing features and
interface which will feel quite familiar to users of Macintosh and Windows sequencers.
<a href="http://www.calband.berkeley.edu/~gmeeker/vivace/">Vivace</a>
and <a href="http://www.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/rose.html">Rosegarden</a> are notation packages which provide score playback, but each with a
difference: Rosegarden accesses your MIDI configuration, while Vivace "renders"
the score. <a href="http://www.clinet.fi/~toivonen/timidity/">tiMiDity</a> is a rendering program which compiles a MIDI file into
a soundfile, using patch sets or WAV files as sound sources. Ruediger Borrmann's
<a href="http://www.inx.de/%7Erubo/songlab/midi2cs/csound.html#top">MIDI2CS</a> is also a
rendering program, but it acts as a translator from a MIDI file to a
<a href="http://www.leeds.ac.uk/music/Man/c_front.html">Csound </a> score file.
Mike Durian's <a href="http://jagger.me.berkeley.edu/~greg/tclmidi.html">tclmidi</a> and
<a href="http://jagger.me.berkeley.edu/~greg/tclmidi.html">tkseq </a>provide a powerful MIDI programming
environment, and Tim Thompson has recently announced the availability of his
<a href="http://www.nosuch.com/keykit/index.html">KeyKit</a>,
a very interesting GUI for algorithmic MIDI composition.<p>
4-track recording to hard disk can be realized using Boris Nagels'
<a href="http://rulhmpc38.leidenuniv.nl/private/multitrack/multitrack.html">Multitrack</a>, but
Linux has yet to see an integrated MIDI/audio sequencer such as Opcode's
<a href="http://www.opcode.com">Studio Vision</a> for the Mac
or Voyetra's <a href="http://www.voyetra.coma/">Digital Orchestrator Plus</a> for Windows. Linux also lacks device support for the
digital I/O cards such as the <a href="http://www.zefiro.comi"/>Zefiro</a> or
DAL's <a href="http://www.digitalaudio.com/">Digital-only</a>.<p>
If you use the tiMiDity package or MIDI2CS you will want to edit your
Available soundfile editors include the remarkable <a href="http://www.ccmrc.ucsb.edu/~doug/htmls/MixViews.html">MiXViews</a>, the Ceres <a href="http://www.ceressoft.com>SoundStudio</a>,
and Paul Sharpe's tk-based <a
The excellent <a href="http://www.digiserve.com/ar/linux-snd/">Linux MIDI & Sound Pages</a> are the best starting point in your search
for software, and be sure to check the <a href="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/Incoming">Incoming</a> directory at
<a href="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/">sunsite</a>. Newsgroups
dedicated to MIDI include <a href="news:comp.music.midi">comp.music.midi</a> and
<a href="news:alt.binaries.sounds.midi">alt.binaries.sounds.midi</a>; please write to me if you know what
mail-lists are available, I'll list them in a later article.<p>
Feel free to write concerning corrections, addenda, or comments to this article.
Linux has great potential as a sound-production platform, and we can all contribute
to its development. I look forward to hearing from you!
<i>Special thanks to Hannu Savolainen (for maintaining sound support for the Linux kernel) and to Arne Di Russo (for the Linux MIDI & Sound Pages).</i>
<center>Dave Phillips</center>
<a href="mailto:dlphilp@bright.net">dlphilp@bright.net</a></center><p>
<a href="http://www.bright.net/~dlphilp/index.html">DLP's Home Page</a></center>
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Dave Phillips <BR>
Published in Issue 15 of the Linux Gazette, March 1997</H5></center>
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