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<TITLE>ClueLess Issue 14</TITLE>
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&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more lovable!</I>&quot;
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<H2>CLUELESS at the Prompt: A New Column for New Users</H2>
<H4>By Mike List,
<a href="mailto:"troll@net-link.net>troll@net-link.net</a></H4>
<P> <HR> <P>
I'm sure you've heard it before, but Welcome to Linux! You've
heard the stories, your friends told you &quot;Don't do it&quot; but the allure of
an operating system with at least the power of NT that can run on 4 MB of
RAM on the same disk, even on the same partition with your DOS/Windows
installation, was too big to be ignored. So you went on a FTP spree
or bought a Red Hat or Slackware CD, installed it and you are confused,
things don't work the way you expected, the man pages seem to be written
in another language, and the people on the USENET keep telling you to RTFM
and belittling you.</p>
That's why I decided to ask if I could write this column, it happened
to me. Actually, when I got into computers (less than a year ago,) my friend
Trippy told me to learn DOS before trying Windows. Thanks Trippy, you
saved me a lot of trouble. So when I read about Linux, I thought -WHOA
COOL!!, and downloaded the mini-linux distribution from Sunsite.&quot;HEY!Wait
a minute, how come the keyboard doesn't work right?&quot; Turns out the
key table is Portuguese and requires file editing to be usable by us
Yanks. Thanks to SGK from the Debian group, I got that squared away, so
I decided to go with Debian, but with my small disk and no CD-ROM,
Debian's Compatibility/Conflict Resolution was too much for me. So I got a
second disk, 100 MB but it was still too small. So I decided to give
Slackware a try. That's what I'm running now.</p>
The point is, I'm not a college educated computer expert but I still
ended up(for now) with a running linux box. You can too, if you are
willing to tinker (hack later, tinker now).I made every possible mistake,
I thought until I saw some of the questions in the news groups. </p>
But enough about me, what do you think about me?;-)</p>
The first things you need to know after you install Linux are the
most common commands. Here I'm going to assume that you have at least
some DOS background. The following list will attempt to correlate
Linux commands:</p>
<p><table border=1 cellpadding=8>
<td>ls /directory/name</td><td>cd\directory\name -- dir</td></tr>
<td>ls /directory | more<br>ls " " | less</td><td>dir | more</td></tr>
<td>cat /file</td><td>type \file</td></tr>
<td>cat " " | more<br>less /file</td><td>" " | more</td></tr>
<td>cp /file /file /to</td><td>copy \file \to</td></tr>
<td>cd /directory</td><td>cd\directory</td></tr>
<td>mkdir /directory</td><td>mkdir \directory</td></tr>
<td>rm /file</td><td>del \file</td></tr>
This list is not nearly complete, there are many more commands in both OS
but these are very likely the most commonly used ones. For command help
in DOS type: help :in linux type: man (command, substitute the command
name): Both of these help utilities give options or switches that change
the nature of the command.
You can see that there are similarities in the command line operation of
both OS, historically they share a common ancestry. In fact, to use a
oversimplified view, at the command line linux could be thought of as
SUPERDOS. In fact this SUPERDOS can actually be used to run MS Windows -
check into WINE and WABI home pages on the Internet.(More on those later,
One of the next things you will need to do is find out how to write
or change file contents with an editor.I used to think elvis was the easiest
editor, until Konrad Rokicki told me about pico, which comes with the pine
mail server. If you used MS Write or Notepad, you'll find it very easy to
use. Save Emacs for another day unless you are a good typist, I found the
keyboard commands to be confusing for my two-fingered style. If you don't
have pico installed, try elvis in the input mode, by typing: input
filename, it's pretty easy too, except watch out for command mode and
input mode (type: man elvis :and read the page.If you have a CD
version of Linux, you either have pico installed or can have it if you
If you're like me one of your priority projects will be to to do is use
an Internet protocol to connect to your Internet Service Provider. My ISP
uses PPP so that's what I used, and the following descriptions are for
The first thing you will need to confirm is that your kernel supports
PPP, either in the kernel or by loadable modules. Type: pppd :and hit
enter. If your kernel doesn't support PPP, you'll get a negative message,
if you get a prompt you can assume for now that it's supported.</p>
Next you will need to type: ls /usr/sbin | more :and hit enter. Look
for files called ppp-on and ppp-off. Next, type: ls /etc | more : and hit
enter. Here you will be looking for a file called resolv.conf. Then type:
ls /etc/ppp : you can skip the: | more :this time, since it's a small
directory,and hit enter. You'll be looking for files called options and
ppp-on-dialer. </p>
Edit your /etc/resolv.conf to look something like:<pre>
domain net-link.net
Naturally you will have to change the name and numeric to match that of
your ISP </p>.
Next, edit your /etc/ppp/options file to look something like this:<pre>
38400 # at this line you could substitute 19200, 57600, 115200
These two files are necessary to either of the methods I am going to
Now you can use minicom to dial up your ISP. Type: minicom :, and when it
loads, type: ATDTYOURISPNUMBER :hit enter. When the remote modem answers
you will be prompted for your username and password. When you have
responded with this information, a string of garbage characters will run
across the screen. Type: ctrl(key)a :then: Q :which will let you out of
minicom without hanging up the modem. Then immediately type: pppd :then
hit enter. Type: ping YOURISP'SNUMERIC :you will get a message that will
inform you if you are connected. If you get a message that says in part
&quot;network not reached&quot; try again. If no luck after a couple more tries,
check to see that the files you edited have the correct information. Try
changing your connection speed in /etc/ppp/options to 19200 and try again.
If you connect this time, then one at a time try the faster speeds until
you can't connect, then drop back to the fastest speed that worked.</p>
There is an easier method using the script /usr/sbin/ppp-on, that
involves editing that file to give your ISPdialup number, username, and
password and optionally your connection speed. It is commented to help you
figure out how to change those lines that you need to change. When that is
done correctly, you can dial up by typing: ppp-on : Pretty cool, huh?
If these methods don't work for you, start by reading the PPP_HOWTO in
your /usr/doc/faq/howto directory, then respond by e-mail to
troll@net-link.net, telling me any error messages, and I'll try to square
you away.</p>
There is another method using the chat program, but I haven't had
much luck there, yet. Future installments, if any will fill you in on that
if it seems that it's wanted. Personally, ppp-on is just fine for me so
<p>you will want to get an e-mail program and a browser, if you don't
already. I recommend lynx. It's fast and you don't need X installed to use
it. There probably is a lynx binary in your distribution, but if not you
can get one from sunsite or other ftp.Pine is a good mail program, and it
includes the pico editor, as noted above.</p>
<p> NOTE TO LINUX EXPERTS- I would be glad to accept reasonable criticism
of this article and the information therein. I don't really want to put up
with heavy fire, if you can help the new user better than me, write an
article yourself, there are plenty of avenues where such information would
be of great service.</p>
<h3> Next Time- e-mail<a href="mailto:troll@net-link.net">troll@net-link.net
</a> me and ask, otherwise I'll just write about what gave me trouble and
how I got past it.</h3></p>
<p> TTYL, Mike List </p>
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Mike List <BR>
Published in Issue 14 of the Linux Gazette</H5></center>
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