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2020-08-23 10:33:19 +00:00
<TITLE>FEddi-COMO: Installation of Binkley.</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s4">4. Installation of Binkley.</A></H2>
<H2><A NAME="ss4.1">4.1 Configuration/Installation of the <EM>caller</EM></A></H2>
<LI>The first thing to do is:
change directory to <CODE>/bt</CODE>
su root
make install
you should get in <CODE>/usr/bin</CODE>:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root fido 238983 Sep 15 18:04 /usr/bin/bt
and in <CODE>/usr/lib/binkley</CODE>:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 742 Sep 16 10:04 binkley.cfg
-rw-r--r-- 1 uucp root 108 Sep 16 10:10 binkley.day
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12332 Sep 15 16:20 binkley.lng
-rw-r--r-- 1 uucp root 124 Mar 20 2029 binkley.scd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14423 Sep 15 16:20 btctl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 13813 Sep 15 16:20 btlng
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15649 Sep 15 16:20 english.txt
-rwsr-xr-x 1 uucp fido 1603 Sep 15 16:20 fido-toconv
<LI>File <CODE>/usr/lib/binkley/binkley.cfg</CODE>
(1)Port 2
(2)baud 38400
LockBaud 38400
(3)Init ATZ0|~AT&amp;K6|~
(4)Prefix ATDP
PreDial ~
PreInit |v``^``
LogLevel 5
PollTries 10
PollDelay 600
BoxType 0
ReadHoldTime 1
(5)System seudonimo_fido
(6)Sysop tu_nombre
StatusLog /home/fido/fnet/log/binkley.log 200
Downloads /home/fido/fnet/inbound/
CaptureFile /home/fido/fnet/log/session.log
NetFile /home/fido/fnet/inbound/
Hold /home/fido/fnet/outbound/
Nodelist /home/fido/fnet/nodelist/
(7)Address 2:346/207.XX@FidoNet.org 5207 tel_del_boss
(8)Key !the_passwd 2:346/207
(9)Domain FidoNet.org outbound
Address 25:946/100.XX@EuroNet.org
Key !the_passwd 25:946/100
Domain EuroNet.org outbound
Address 93:346/101.XX@SubNet.org
Key !the_passwd 93:346/101
Domain SubNet.org outbound
You may start with this file. Just change what you need and take away the
numbers in parenthesis.
<LI>(1), serial port you're going to use 1 COM1, 2 COM2, etc... (*)</LI>
<LI>(2), port speed, 19200 if it's a 16450</LI>
<LI>(3), the modem's initialization string</LI>
<LI>(4), the prefix for your bbs, e.g.: ATDP (pulses) o ATDT (tones)</LI>
<LI>(5), your nickname as it appears on the pointlist, w/o the _</LI>
<LI>(6), your name as it appears on the pointlist, w/o the _</LI>
<LI>(7), your main fido address fakenet bbs_telefone_number</LI>
<LI>(8), your password and the boss, don't forget to put an ``!'' as a prefix
to your password.</LI>
<LI>(9), Subdomains, if you have some, handle them following the same rules
as your main domain.</LI>
<LI>(*) You may use 5, which will open <CODE>/dev/modem</CODE>.
Normally <CODE>/dev/modem</CODE> is a <I>symlink</I> to
<CODE>/dev/cua0</CODE> or <CODE>/dev/cua1</CODE>,
(<CODE>ln -s /dev/cua1 /dev/modem</CODE>). At least I have it this way...</LI>
<LI>Include the following line in your <CODE>~/.profile</CODE>
export BINKLEY=/usr/lib/binkley
. ~/.profile
(you need to do this just now. The next time you enter as <CODE>fido</CODE> you'll
already have <CODE>BINKLEY</CODE> initialized)
<H2><A NAME="ss4.2">4.2 Problems</A></H2>
<P>If you run into troubles, for sure it's about permissions or a badly defined
path. Check them out.</P>
<LI>The most common error is:
cannot re-open logfile
The owner is usually: <CODE>usuario.uucp</CODE>.
The permissions: <CODE>664</CODE>
<LI>Another rather common error:
Here it might be that the assigned tty doesn't have the appropriate
permissions. Specially if this had been used by <CODE>getty</CODE>, normally it should
get permissions to read and write for everybody.
The message was:
tty port can not be initialized
chmod 666 /dev/ttyS0
or ttyS1; (COM1: or COM2:).
<LI>For <EM>RedHat</EM> users:
ln -s /var/spool /usr
<P>If you get a screen similar to <I>frodo</I> you could do the following:</P>
<P><CODE>ALT-Y</CODE>, call your bbs, it'll leave your mail there and fetch what you
got. Then you just need to execute the commands mentioned for mail handling.</P>
<P>If it appears to have fallen asleep during the <EM>FIRST</EM> file transmission,
hit the <CODE>ESC</CODE> key to wake it up.</P>
<H2><A NAME="ss4.3">4.3 ``Templates''.</A></H2>
<P>This is my templates file <CODE>$FNET/msgbase/template</CODE>:</P>
#if to (AreaMgr|FileScan)
#; ********** Handling of AreaMgr- and FileScan-Mails **********
#if group (--InterNet--)
#; ********** Handling of Internet-Mails **********
How are you #1E!
#if mode (reply)
In &lt;#a&gt; #f wrote:
#; ********** Handling of other Mails **********
Hi #1E!
#if mode (reply|forward)
#if mode (netreply)
That happy day #d, #f said to #e
in #a concerning &quot;#s&quot;:
#if mode (^reply)
On #d, #f would write to #e
concerning &quot;#s&quot;:
#if mode (forward)
Even if it doesn't look like, it's a forward
* Message from #f to #e
* on #d to #t
* concerning &quot;#s&quot;
* in #a
(o o)
#if group (--Intern--|^$)
#if from Manuel Soriano
0-0 dpsys10@dapsys.ch
* Manuel Soriano * El Perello/Valencia/Spain *
<P>Once created your area directories, you can create an <CODE>origin</CODE> file in
each of them, and insert one or several lines (but not more than 70 chars)
referring to your message's origin.</P>
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