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<title>More 2 Cent Tips & Tricks Issue 10</title>
<H4>&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>
<!-- QUICK TIPS SECTION ==================================================
<H2><A NAME="tips"><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/twocent.gif">More 2&#162; Tips!
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#pipe">Tcl/TK Tips</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#perl">Perl Control M Trick</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#emacs">Another Emacs Control M Trick</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#xterm">XTerm Title Bar Function</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#vi">More on Commenting Code in VI</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#x2">More on X Term Title Trick 2</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#bash">Bash Quick Tip</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#redhat">Neat Red Hat Management Trick</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#find">More on Find and Alternatives</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#pico">Pico Control M Trick</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_tips10.html#emacm">Yet Another Emacs Control M Trick</a>
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="pipe">Tcl/Tk Tips</a></H3>
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 1996 13:29:37 +0100 <BR>
From: Liang Shing Ng
<A HREF="mailto:L.S.Ng@ecs.soton.ac.uk">&lt;L.S.Ng@ecs.soton.ac.uk&gt;</A><BR>
To: fiskjm@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu <BR>
Subject: Tcl/Tk tips NOT IN Welch's Book <BR>
I see that you just got hooked with Tcl/Tk.
I found an *OLD* way of interfacing C program with Tk scripts, which is
not documented in Welch's Book.
What is it? Pipe!
My C prog (parent) create two pipes to communicate with the Tk prog
(child). The Tk prog only need to use stdin and stdout without knowing
that this is controlled by the C prog. This provides a much easier way
than the interface procedures described in Welch.
Attached here are my C prog and my Tk prog. If you think this is worth
writing a full article, please let me know. I will do that for the
Gazette. :)
Cheers <BR>
Liang-Shing Ng
Description: simple C and Tk prog pair showing how to read/write with
each other. example of use: C may use this Tk for graphical interface. C
does some image processing, then ask Tk to display it.
C Prog:
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
#include &lt;unistd.h&gt;
int create_pipe(char *child, int opipe[2], int ipipe[2])
pid_t pid;
/* Create output pipe and input pipe */
if (pipe (opipe)) {
fprintf (stderr, "Pipe failed.\n");
if (pipe (ipipe)) {
fprintf (stderr, "Pipe failed.\n");
/* Create the child process. */
pid = fork ();
if (pid == (pid_t) 0) {
/* This is the child process. */
/* Child stdin is opipe[0] */
/* Child stdout is ipipe[1] */
/* Closed unused FD */
execlp(child, child, NULL);
else if (pid < (pid_t) 0) {
/* The fork failed. */
fprintf (stderr, "Fork failed.\n");
return pid;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE *po, *pi;
char s[128];
pid_t pid;
int opipe[2], ipipe[2];
char buff[256];
if (argc<2) {
fprintf(stderr, "Tk display subprogram required.\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s display.tk\n", argv[0]);
/* Change low level pipe FD to streams */
pid=create_pipe(argv[1], opipe, ipipe);
po=fdopen(opipe[1], "w");
pi=fdopen(ipipe[0], "r");
while (gets(s)!=NULL) {
fprintf(po, "%.5s\n", s);
fgets(buff, 256, pi);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s", argv[0], buff);
/* Close output pipe and wait input pipe flush */
fgets(buff, 256, pi);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s", argv[0], buff);
return 0;
--- <BR>
Tk prog
# the next line restarts using wish \
exec wish4.0 "$0" "$@"
proc Reader { pipe } {
gets $pipe line
puts stderr "tk: $line"
puts stdout "from tk: $line"
flush stdout
image create photo imb -file a.ppm
label .c -image imb
pack .c
wm geometry . +100+100
while { 1 } {
if {[eof stdin]} {
} else {
fileevent stdin readable [ Reader stdin ]
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="perl">Perl Control M Trick</a></H3>
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 1996 17:02:40 -0700 (PDT) <BR>
From: Jonathan Gross <BR>
Subject: Perl Tip <BR>
I read the most recent issue of the gazette, and the control M
issue caught my eye. Using vi or emacs is great, but if you have more than
one file, you can do this:
perl -pi.bak -e 's/\r//g;' filelist
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="emacs">Another Emacs
Control M Trick</a></H3>
Date: Thu, 05 Sep 1996 13:34:09 -0700 <BR>
From: Earl Stutes <A HREF="mailto:estutes@eas.com">&lt;estutes@eas.com&gt;</A><BR>
Subject: $.02 emacs tip <BR>
Here is the way I handle the ^M in files.
Put this in your .emacs:
(defun dos-unix ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward "\r" nil t) (replace-match "")))
(defun unix-dos ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward "\n" nil t) (replace-match "\r\n")))
IP don't usually bind these to keys, but you certainly could. When you
call the function M-xdos-unix, it will delete all of the delete all of
the &lt;CR&gt; characters in the file. And of course the other function will
put them back.
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="xterm">X Term
Titlebar Function</a></H3>
Date: Fri, 06 Sep 1996 17:53:00 -0600 <BR>
From: "Michael J. Hammel" <A HREF="mailto:mjhammel@emass.com">&lt;mjhammel@emass.com&gt;</A><BR>
Subject: Gazette #9 comments -- xterm title bar function<BR>
Nice job on the new Linux Gazette! I'm just scanning it and had a few
notes I thought I'd pass to you.
In the mail, there are a couple of things. Jim Murphy says that the
"-print" option to find is necessary to get output from the find command and
follows that up with "get used to it, its *nix". Well, he's part right.
Linux does require this. However, any users who work on other Unix
boxes will find slight differences in some of the common CLI commands
(CLI is "command line interface"). For example, "find" on Solaris does
not require the -print option to get output. Just food for thought.
Second, I have an xterm title bar function that people might find
useful. I'll give the code first, then explain what it does:
In your .bashrc (or .kshrc - note this only works on ksh style shells)
add the following:
HOSTNAME=`uname -n`
if [ "$TERM" = "xterm" ] && [ "$0" = "-bash" ]
ilabel () { echo -n "^[]1;$*^G"; }
label () { echo -n "^[]2;$*^G"; }
alias stripe='label $HOSTNAME - ${PWD#$HOME/}'
alias stripe2='label $HOSTNAME - vi $*'
cds () { "cd" $*; eval stripe; }
vis () { eval stripe2; "vi" $*; eval stripe;}
alias cd=cds
alias vi=vis
eval stripe
eval ilabel "$HOSTNAME"
This does three things (as long as you're in an xterm and running bash):
<li>when the xterm is first opened, the name of the current host is
displayed in the title bar.
<li>when you cd to a directory, the current path is displayed in the
xterm title bar with the users $HOME directory stripped off the
front end of the path (to save some space when you're somewhere
in your own directory tree). The path is preceded by the
current hosts network name.
<li>when you use vi to edit a file the name of the file is displayed
in the title bar along with the current hosts name. When you exit
your vi session, the title bar reverts to the "hostname - path"
format described in #2 above.
I found this very useful for all my ksh based systems because it
removed the path from my shell prompt, thus saving me space for prompt
commands. Since bash is a ksh compatible shell, this works quite
well on standard Linux systems.
Hope everyone finds this useful.
Michael J. Hammel |
mjhammel@emass.com | Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
mjhammel@csn.net |
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="vi">More
on Commenting Code in vi</a></H3>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 1996 22:23:25 -0400 <BR>
From: Jeff Blaine <A HREF="mailto:jblaine@nda.com">&lt;jblaine@nda.com&gt;</A><BR>
Subject: $0.02 tip - More on commenting code in vi <BR>
I'm generally ON the code I want to comment, so instead of
having to find out line numbers and then perform a substitution
on those lines to insert # characters, I just map my # key
to "go to the beginning of the current line, go into
insert mode, insert a # and a space, exit insert mode, go
down one line"
You can map your # key this way (or whatever key you want
to assign it to, but be careful) by putting the following
in your .exrc file:
map # I# ^[j
That "^[" is created by typing Ctrl-v and then hitting ESC,
so you literally type:
Then all you have to do to go comment-crazy is find where you want
to start and hold down your # key.
Jeff Blaine <BR>
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="x2">More
X Term Title Trick 2</a></H3>
Date: Sun, 08 Sep 1996 23:38:31 -0500 <BR>
From: the Edward Blevins
<A HREF="mailto:thedward@mail.utexas.edu ">&lt;thedward@mail.utexas.edu&gt; </A><BR>
Subject: Re:XTerm Title Trick 2 <BR>
In issue #9 of LG, one of the two cent tips is about how to put the
hostname in the title of your xterm. It mentions precmd for csh,
but not the bash equivalent. The way I do this in bash is as
if [ $TERM = 'xterm' ]
then export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne
this can just go in your .bashrc, lots of fun. I add the whoami, because
I am a sysadmin, and its a convienient way to tell if I am
root, in addition to the '#' on the prompt. Another variation I use
sometimes is : "`whoami`@`hostname`:`pwd`" then I can remove the path
from my prompt.
ps the LG is GREAT! Keep up the good work. Thank you very much!
the Edward Blevins
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="bash">Bash
Quick Tip</a></H3>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 14:59:41 +1000 <BR>
From: Jeremy Laidman
<A HREF="mailto:JPLaidman@ACSLink.net.au">&lt;JPLaidman@ACSLink.net.au&gt;</A><BR>
Subject: Bash Quick tip <BR>
Issue 8 had a 2c tip "There and Back!" describing a neat way to
change between two directories quickly. The method was to
use "cd ~-" which will set the working directory to the
previous one you were in.
Bash (and several other shells I've tested) will do this without
the tilde, ie "cd -". This saves me two keystrokes (including the
shift key).
Cheers <p>
Jeremy Laidman JPLaidman@ACSLink.net.au
Networking Consultant +61 0416 290866
Canberra Institute of Technology +61 6 207 4272
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="redhat">Neat
Red Hat Management Trick</a></H3>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 01:33:51 -0400 (EDT) <BR>
From: Mike Acar
<A HREF="mailto:mike@contract.kent.edu ">&lt;mike@contract.kent.edu&gt;</A><BR>
Subject: Neat Red Hat management trick <BR>
Well, it's not really a trick per se.
If you're like me, you make an attempt to keep your Red Hat system
current- at least, in some respects. Tonight, looking at a man page which
mentioned Linux 0.99.11 brought to mind the thought that I should upgrade
my aging Red Hat 2.0 installation to something more current; fast on its
heels was a curiousity about just what I have taken from where. So with a
little bit of shell-play and some suggestions from my friend, the
following was produced:
rpm -qai | grep Dist | awk -F': ' '{print $3}' | sort | uniq -c
This will tell you all the distributions you have installed RPMs from,
and the number of RPMs from each.
Mike Acar, mike@contract.kent.edu <BR>
Bret Martin, bret.martin@yale.edu <BR>
DZ-015 (Mike Acar) Information Retrieval Ministry of Information
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="find">More on
Find and Alternatives</a></H3>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 19:50:55 -0400 (EDT) <BR>
From: Bill Duncan
<A HREF="mailto:bduncan@beachnet.org">&lt;bduncan@beachnet.org&gt;</A><BR>
Subject: find tip... <BR>
Hi Jim Murphy. <BR>
Saw your "find" tip in issue #9, and thought you might like a quicker method.
I don't know about other distributions, but Slackware and Redhat
come with the GNU versions of locate(1) and updatedb(1) which use
an index to find the files you want. The updatedb(1) program should
be run once a night from the crontab facility. To ignore certain
sub-directories (like your /cdrom) use the following syntax for the
crontab file:
41 5 * * * updatedb --prunepaths="/tmp /var /proc /cdrom" > /dev/null 2>&1
This would run every morning at 5:41am, and update the database with
filenames from everywhere but the subdirectories (and those below) the
ones listed.
To locate a file, just type "locate filename". The filename can also
do partial matching. The search only takes a few seconds typically, and
I have tens of thousands of files.
The locate(1) command also has regular expression matching, but I often
just pipe it through agrep(1) (a faster grep) to narrow the search if
I want. Thus:
locate locate | agrep -v man
..would exclude the manpage for example, and only show me the binary
and perhaps the sources if I had them online. (The -v flag excludes
the pattern used as an argument.) Or the binary alone along
with a complete directory listing of it with the following command:
ls -l `locate locate | agrep bin`
The find(1) command is a great "swiss-army knife" (and actually not
that bad once you get used to it), but for the 90% of the cases where
you just want to search by filename, the locate(1) command is *far*
faster, and much easier to use.
Bill Duncan, VE3IED | BeachNet --> http://www.beachnet.org
bduncan@BeachNet.org | - Network/System Administration
bduncan@ve3ied.uucp | - Web Design, Hosting Services
+1 416 693-5960 | - System Analysis/Design/Programming
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="pico">Pico
Control M Trick</a></H3>
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 96 09:28 PDT <BR>
From: Peter <A HREF="mailto:pb@europa.com">&lt;pb@europa.com&gt;</A><BR>
Subject: Easier ^M removal with Pico <BR>
I've been using this trick for a long time .. its a lot easier then
defining macros in Emacs, too. All it requires is a recent copy of the
Pico editor.
Load the file you wish to strip ^Ms from, make a small change in the
file (like hitting the space bar, then delete), and save it. No more ^Ms!
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT="" SRC="../gx/lil2cent.gif"><a name="emacm">Yet
Another Emacs Control M Trick</a></H3>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 1996 19:26:10 -0700 <BR>
From: Dan Gunter <A HREF="mailto:dang@hooked.net">&lt;dang@hooked.net&gt;</A><BR>
Subject: re: emacs ^M trick
I'm new to emacs, so I use a very simple trick to search & replace on
special characters: I cut or copy them into the paste buffer, then
Meta-% and hit Control-Y to yank them back into the minibuffer. This
isn't elegant, but it's very easy to remember, and seems to work for
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This page written and maintained by the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
<A HREF="mailto: gazette@ssc.com"> gazette@ssc.com</A>