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<HEAD> <TITLE>Linux Gazette Issue No. 7 </TITLE> </HEAD>
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<H1><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE SRC="./gx/homeboy_icon.gif">Linux Gazette Issue No. 7
<H2>A Publication of the Linux HomeBoy WebPage Series</H2>
<H4>&quot;The Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun...!</I>&quot;
<H5>Copyright (c) 1996 John M. Fisk <I>fiskjm@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu</I><BR><BR>
For information regarding copying and distribution of this material see the
<A HREF="./copying.html">COPYING</A> document.<BR>
Linux Home Boy Pages logo created using <EM>David Koblas'</EM> excellent
program XPAINT 2.1.1 </H5>
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<!-- TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="toc">Table of Contents</A></H2>
<H3>Topics in this issue include:</H3>
<LI><A HREF="#mail">Salutations and the MailBag</A>
<LI><A HREF="#gopher"><I>New!</I> Q&amp;A Gopher!</A>
<LI><A HREF="#products"><I>New!</I> New Programs and Products!</A>
<LI><A HREF="#tips">More 2 Cent Tips...</A>
<LI><A HREF="#color_ls">Fun with Color ls!</A>
<LI><A HREF="#color_issue">Colorizing /etc/issue</A>
<LI><A HREF="#ip_up">Setting up PPP's ip-up and ip-down scripts!</A>
<LI><A HREF="#scripting">Two Cent BASH Shell Script Tips</A>
<LI><A HREF="#login">Customizing the 'ol Login Prompt!</A>
<LI><A HREF="#CNDII">Review: Caldera Network Desktop Preview II, by
Alan Bailward</A>
<LI><A HREF="#ecame">CND Desktop Review - Part II, and WebSurfer, by
Edward Cameron</A>
<LI><A HREF="#emacs">Emacs -- Enhanced Features, by Jesper Pedersen</A>
<LI><A HREF="#moxfm">Moxfm, Ext2-OS/2, Xvile, Elvis, and the Unclutter
Programs!, by Larry Ayers</A>
<LI><A HREF="#screen">The <I>Screen</I> Program, by Borek Lupomesky</A>
<LI><A HREF="#linuxita">Linuxita: the Minimal Working Set?, by Peter T.
<LI><A HREF="#colophon">Colophon</A>
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<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/news.gif"><I>News Flash!</I>
<IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/news_mirror.gif"></H3>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/info.gif">Linux Gazette Mirror Page Now
Well, I <I>finally</I> got all of this together and there is now
a <A HREF="../mirrors.html">Linux Gazette Mirror Site</A> page available.
I'm deeply indebted to everyone who has kindly offered to mirror the LG,
particularly those sites outside the continental USA where connections
to the US can be very slow. If you're accessing the Linux Gazette from
outside the USA you might want to see if a mirror site is available
that would provide a faster connection.
Also, if anyone wants to mirror these pages, there is a brief explanation
of how to do this.
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/info.gif">I'm looking for help with the Linux
<B>Help Wanted!</B>
OK, the time has come for the Linux Gazette to expand a bit! It's
time for a design change.
I've received a number of letters offering help and ideas for improving
the Linux Gazette. Because the LG now reaches a pretty wide audience,
I think it's about time to throw the doors open and take up those kind
offers for help.
If you think you'd be interested in pitching in and helping, or if
you're curious about what I'm planning to do with the LG, then head
on down to the Welcome section below...
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/info.gif">Linux Expo96 at NCSU!</H3>
For those of you who will be within driving/flying/hitchhiking/walking
distance of <B>North Carolina State University on Saturday, April 13,
1996</B> there is a must-go event:
<P><B>Linux Expo96!</B>
This is being held at NCSU and is being sponsored by <B>RedHat Software
Inc.</B>. Here's an excerpt from the letter I received:
Just wanted to let you know about Linux Expo96... Last year's
event had almost 300 attendees, over 200 more than we expected!
We hope for 400 or so this year... We have several talks
The event is Saturday, April 13. It will go on most of the
day...we will have hardware vendors, software vendors, and tons
of talks. You can check out the web page at
<A HREF="http://www.linux.ncsu.edu"> http://www.linux.ncsu.edu</A>
but it's a little behind right now. Players make an entrance
<LI> Red Hat (of course)
<LI> Caldera
<LI> Digital Equipment Corp
<LI> Michael Johnson (LJ)
<LI> Linux Hardware Solutions
<LI> Softcraft Solutions
<LI> and more!
Guess who else will be there...?
Yup, there goes the neighborhood... :-) I'll be the short, nerdy looking
guy with the glasses. Should be lots of fun! It's a seriously cheap
date, too (for all of us who are <I>still</I> on a student's budget).
Be there!
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/info.gif">Brian Freeze's New WWW Linux WebBoard
Brian Freeze, et al., have recently fired up a new
<A HREF="http://www.deltastar.nb.ca/linux/wwwboard">Linux Message Board
(webboard)</A> service. If you've been looking for a place to go to
chat a bit about Linux or to ask a question and not get flamed to a
This is your place...
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/info.gif">Join the Linux CD and Support Giveaway
Here is a very worthy cause that some of you may not have heard about:
Hi John,
I enjoy your Linux Gazette a lot! Here's my contribution, a
shameless plug for the Linux CD and Support Giveaway List:
I know that many people buy one Linux CD after another, and the
old ones are never used again. Why not simply give them away so
that more people can be attracted to Linux? It's certainly a
great way to make friends, and it's fun to give something back
to the community.
Here's how it works: you register your email address on the
Giveaway List, then somebody contacts you, sends in a self
addressed, stamped envelope, you put the CD in, send it off and
that's it! Easy enough. And even if you don't have a CD to
spare, you can offer help with downloading/installing Linux.
There are already many people from all around the world on the
Those people who received a CD from the list are encouraged to
pass it on or redonate it to the list once their system is up
and running and everything has been installed. This way, I hope
the Giveaway system will one day become a self-runner, with a
large enough number of circulating CDs.
This service is intended for new Linux users only. Please don't
try to use the list in order get a cheap update of your system.
Finally, the URL:
<A HREF="http://emile.math.ucsb.edu:8000/giveaway.html">
Again, thanks for the Gazette. Keep up the good work!
Axel Boldt ** boldt@math.ucsb.edu ** http://emile.math.ucsb.edu/~boldt/
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/info.gif">Anyone having trouble getting
XF-Mail to compile under Slackware 3.0.x </H3>
I received a VERY welcome letter from <B>Tom Corner</B> with the details
of how to get this very worthy email client to compile after a Slacware
Details in the Welcome section below!
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/info.gif">Anyone looking for xwpe-1.4.2...?
I've had several letters from folks recently who've had trouble with the
link to this program from the Linux Toys page. If you happen to be one
of those still looking for this, here's a <I>correct</I> URL:
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/apps/editors/">
You'll find it, together with a patch file for Linux, as
<B>xwpe-1.4.2.tar.gz</B>. If <I>anyone</I> can get this to work
correctly (i.e., colors and graphics display correctly) in console
mode, I'd be delighted to hear from you!
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/info.gif">(COMMERCIAL) Free Chart and Table
Widgets available from Interactive Network Technologies</H3>
I recently recieved a short announcement from the folks at INT. For
those of you who might be interested...
- February 27,
<P> (INT) announced that it has made a Linux version of its
popular table and charting tools, EditTable99 and ChartObject99,
available for free. Linux is a freely distributed UNIX-like
operating system for PC platforms that is gaining rapid and
widespread acceptance in the development community.
<P> David Millar, Vice President of Marketing for INT, said, The
overwhelming growth in popularity of Linux among developers has
created a need for programming tools for this operating system,
and INT is pleased to make available these free versions of our
products to the Linux community. We believe our tools will prove
to be a valuable asset to Linux developers, and in turn, INT
will benefit through the increased exposure.
<P> INTs EditTable Widget and ChartObject Library will provide
Linux programmers with flexible, reliable tools for creating,
displaying and editing tables and charts. EditTable contains
resources for interactive control of all aspects of table data
visualization and manipulation, and ChartObject includes a
comprehensive library of easy-to-use 2D and 3D graphing tools
for building presentation quality charts and graphs. These two
products can be used together to provide a seamless table/graph
interface within interactive applications. In addition, they can
be linked dynamically, so that when a data value is changed in
one view, the change is automatically reflected in all other
linked views.
The freeware versions of EditTable and ChartObject for Linux can can be
downloaded from INTs Web site
<A HREF="http://www.int.com/linux.html"> http://www.int.com/linux.html</A>.
Commercial versions of these products are also available for both UNIX
and Linux platforms.
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<!-- WELCOME MESSAGE ----------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE SRC="../gx/text.gif">Welcome to Issue #7 of the Linux
Anybody else been up-to-your-neck busy!
I must admit that after the initial shock of being back at school again and
having to deal with exams, quizzes, programming assignments, and the like
all over again that I've really enjoyed being back in school. I'm having
a GREAT time learning C++ and managing to hold my own as I try to relearn
It's been pretty busy, folks :-) I really appreciate your patience and your
kind messages and continued contributions to the Gazette.
<H3>First, here's a fix for compiling XF-Mail under Slackware 3.0 offered
by Tom Corner</H3>
I have spent a little time getting xfmail to compile after upgrading
to Linux Slackware 3.0 ELF. The executable compiled under
Slackware 2.3 would not run after I upgraded. I got a few tips
from both the xforms and the xfmail mailing lists.
Here is what I had to do:
<LI> Download and install ELF XForms. (if my notes are correct, I ftp'd
it from laue.phys.uwm.edu.)
<LI> Configure xfmail's Makefile as follows:
FINC= -I/usr/include # where xforms install puts forms.h
XFLIB= -lforms # xforms libraries are in /usr/lib
LIBS= -ldl -lX11 -lXt -lXext -lXpm -lm
According to the ELF-howto you need ldl when a program makes
a call to load a dynamic library.
<LI> In /etc/prfile add:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/X11R6/lib
your system might need additional libraries. This is where xfmail
can find libX11.so.6.
Anyway it was a learning experience for a novice. The new Slackware
is nice, but not a trivial upgrade.
Tom Corner &lt;tcorner@via.at&gt; - 01/31/96 - 19:04:05
Vienna, Austria Don't worry, be happy.
After the December upgrade to an ELF system I set about the task of recompiling
all the old favorites for ELF. XF-Mail kept bailing out at the linking step
with a &quot;signal 11&quot; error. I tried Tom's fix and it compiled without
a hitch.
Many thanks, Tom!
And the next thing I need to chat about is...
<H3>The Linux Gazette is going to change a bit...</H3>
Yup, it's about time for a paradigm change here at the 'ol Linux Gazette.
I have to admit that I've been humbled and delighted by the absolutely
unexpected response that I've gotten to the Linux Gazette over these
past several months. It's grown from an initial page with a few tips and
tricks that I'd run across to a growing e-zine that is mirrored at two
dozen sites literally around the world and which is getting contributions
from Linux users from all over.
After getting several letters with suggestions and ideas for improvements
for the Linux Gazette, I think that it's time to throw the doors open, as
it were, and make this more of a community effort.
Up to this point, I've been trying to keep up with a growing load of
reading, tinkering, writing, responding to e-mail, coordinating article
submissions, doing each issue's layout, and so forth. It's been a huge
amount of fun but it's also getting out of hand in terms of the time
involved to do this. Thus, in the spirit of community that has always
been a hallmark of the body of Linux users I'd like to put out the
<B>Help Wanted</B> sign.
In addition to this, I'd like to try to make the following changes in
response to a number of reader's requests:
<LI>Convert the Gazette from a single monolithic document to a series
of linked documents.
This is in keeping with one of the basic premises of HTML: that
of document modularity. In the past I created a single document
so as to ease the task of loading and saving it using one's web
Now that the LG is available via anonymous ftp, this need has been
obviated and I'd like to use a more rational structure henceforth.
<LI>Recruit a number of Section Editors who would be responsible for
maintaining various regular features to the LG.
<LI>Recruit help with some of the basic &quot;housekeeping&quot; chores
that go into producing each LG: proofreading articles, tagging
documents into HTML, maintaining mirror site document, etc.
<LI>Convert the LG into a monthly publication once again. If there's
enough interest and offers of help, I think we can put the LG back
on track for a monthly release.
I'd really like to try to do this so as to end the &quot;When's the
next issue coming out...?&quot; suspense.
So, what do you think? I'm open for any further ideas or suggestions.
Although I enjoy writing the LG and have gotten a huge amount of pleasure
out of it, as far as I'm concerned it's primarily for the benefit of the
Linux community and I'd like to allow greater reader/user input into what
get's printed here.
<H3>So, Have I got you interested...?!</H3>
Here are just a few ideas for possible monthly columns or contributions that
I've been thinking about. This is HARDLY a comprehensive list. Some of the
possible ideas that I came up with are:
<LI>New Programs and Products
<LI>Shell scripting tips and techniques for BASH, csh, zsh, and other
<LI>X Window programs and ideas
<LI>X Window Manager customizations and tips - <I>e.g.,</I> FVWM,
Bowman, OpenLook, etc.
<LI>2 Cent Tips
<LI>Emacs Tips &amp; Tricks
<LI>VI Tips &amp; Tricks
<LI>Tcl/Tk programming ideas and techniques
<LI>Networking stuff, including SLIP, CSLIP, and PPP setup and
<LI>Web authoring including HTML and Java
<LI>Book or Product Reviews
<LI>Linux Distribution sections - <I>e.g.,</I> RedHat, Slackware,
Craftworks, Debian, or one of the many other fine releases
I'd also be interested in hearing from folks who might be interested in
helping with more of the &quot;housekeeping&quot; chores:
<LI>proofreading and converting documents from ASCII to HTML
<LI>someone to maintain the mirrors document - confirming URL's,
handling additions or deletions, updating the document, etc.
<LI>someone who might be willing to convert the LG documents from
HTML into other formats such as ASCII, PostScript, LaTeX, DVI,
<LI>someone(s) who might be willing to translate all or parts of
LG into other languages.
I'd be particularly interested in help with this last item - that of
translating the LG into other languages. I apologize that the LG is
currently an English-only publication as many of you speak and read
English as a second (or third!) language. I must admit that I'm humbled
by your proficiency in English which far exceeds my meagre abilities in
a second language (German, from my mother's side of the family and which
I studied briefly in college). If there is anyone who might be willing
to translate documents into another language I'd be absolutely delighted
to include these for the benefit of others.
<H3>And for those who are <I>STILL</I> interested...</H3>
One of the things I've discovered about relationships is that it's best to
communicate your expectations early, clearly, and often repeatedly. In light
of this, here are my &quot;expectations&quot; for anyone who is interested in
setting up a regular column:
<LI>The section would be <I>your's</I> to pretty much do with as you
As far as I'm concerned, I'd be delighted to allow anyone interested
in doing this to pretty much do as they please in terms of content,
graphics, design layout, size, and so forth.
It's your baby!
<LI>You <I>don't</I> need to feel like you have to put something together
every month.
I understand the vagarities of schedules: sometimes there just
isn't time to sit and tinker or read or write. I would like to
try to get the LG out on a monthly basis and will simply include
whatever is ready to go to print!
How's <I>that</I> for flexible! :-)
<LI>You can write an article yourself, write a whole bunch of articles
yourself, edit articles which other folks have sent to you, or
any combination of the above.
That is to say, you shouldn't feel as though you have to write all
of the articles or that you even have to write <I>anything</I>
yourself. You may end up merely editing and doing the layout for
a series of submitted articles.
Again, it's your choice.
<LI>I do request that if you're interested in doing this, that you have
at least a fair command of the English language, that you feel
comfortable with writing basic HTML documents (I purposely have
used fairly simple HTML layouts), that you're willing to work with
a montly schedule, and that you're willing to handle whatever
e-mail responses or inquiries might be generated as a result of
your column.
<LI>That you do this only so long as you actually <I>enjoy</I> doing it!
That's pretty much it! I figure that I'll continue to write the LG and will
accept whatever help or ideas y'all may have to offer. When time permits,
I'll try to write up a more detailed letter to send to anyone who might be
willing to help out with any of this, explaining in more detail how I'd like
to organize things.
Saturday, March 30, 1996
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<!-- MAILBAG ------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="mail"><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE SRC="../gx/mail.gif">Salutations and the
MailBag </A></H2>
<A HREF="./letters_mar96.html">LG Issue #7 MailBag</A></H3>
Thanks again to everyone that took the time to drop a note with ideas,
suggestions, encouragement, and offers to help. They have been <I>very </I>
much appreciated! I'm sorry that I've recently fallen behind a bit in
responding. My semester continues to the first week in May and things will
be pretty busy around here until that time.
I've included a number of interesting letters in the MailBag this issue.
As always, if you find something particularly interesting or helpful, then
by all means, drop the author of the letter a note and let her/him know!
Also, comments, clarifications, and enhancements are welcome :-)
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<!-- GOPHER ------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="gopher"><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE SRC="../gx/text.gif"><I>New!</I> Q&amp;A
Guess what...?!
Through a very kind offer from <B>Laurie Harper</B> the Linux Gazette now
is starting a new <B>Question and Answer</B> column that Laurie has graciously
offered to contribute. Here's what she wrote...
What is Q&amp;A Gopher? Well, it's the Linux Gazette's new Questions and
Answers section, aimed at giving quick solutions to problems. Spent three
weeks trying to figure out how to parallel process a bunch of activities
from a script file, but can't keep track of the success of each? Bashed
your head raw trying to find where that 'your_machine.your_domain' string
keeps popping up from when using Elm? Can't find a way to number the lines
in a text file for indexing?
Send out the Gopher!
I have been using UN*X systems of one sort or another for over six years,
and administering them for more than three. I have been running Linux for
over a year now. I don't claim to know ALL the answers, and I may not be
able to answer your question off the top of my head. That's why the column
is entitled 'Q&A Gopher' - I have various references and sources to draw on,
so if I don't know straight off, I'll go(look)pher the answer for ya :-)
I can't promise to answer everything, and I can't promise to give the
canonical solution. I can promise to try my best to apply my experience and
contacts to your problems and answer them in the Gazette for all to benefit.
Pretty nice, eh?
Well, if you'd like to get in touch with Laurie and present your questions,
ideas, or suggestions you can reach her at:
<H3><A HREF="mailto: zodiac@serum.demon.co.uk">Laurie Harper
Many thanks, Laurie!
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<!-- PRODUCTS ------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="products"><IMG ALIGN=MIDDLE SRC="../gx/text.gif"><I>New!</I> New
Programs and Products! </A></H2>
Those of you who have are regular comp.os.linux.announce readers will realize
that there are a HUGE number of new programs and products being released for
the Linux OS on a very regular basis. There are also regular upgrades and
new releases of old favorites as well.
In an attempt to &quot;spread the word&quot; about all these great new
offerings, I've decided to start a regular section for <B>New Programs and
The basic idea is a simple one:
I'd like to provide a section of the Gazette that authors of both freely
available and commercial programs and products can, if you will,
&quot;advertise&quot; their wares. What I'm conceiving this to involve is
a short single page layout that includes:
<LI>The product name, version, and release information.
<LI>URL's for ftp sites where the program may be obtained and WWW sites
where more information about the product can be found.
<LI>A screen shot (if appropriate)
<LI>A short description
<LI>An e-mail address where the author or maintainer may be reached for
questions or further information.
This could be in the form of a &quot;flyer&quot; or &quot;brochure&quot;
similar to the color glossy stuff that piles up on your coffee table when
you're out shopping for a new car, television set, camera, and other stuff
that I can no longer afford since we're back on a student budget... :-)
I'm indebted to <B>Charlie Kempson</B>, author of <B>TKNET</B> - a Tcl/Tk
based graphic frontend for SLIP and PPP connections - for being willing to
make the first contribution to this (hopefully...) regular column. Have a
<H3><A HREF="./newprog_TKNET.html">TKNET Version 1.0</A></H3>
As I said above, I'd welcome commercial and non-commercial program/product
announcements. If you're interested in participating, please send an
<B>HTML</B> (sorry, non-HTML documents will NOT be included! I honestly
don't have the time to tag up and reformat plain ASCII documents) document
that includes the above basic information. Also, please do try to keep it
to one or two pages. Be as creative or crazy as you'd like! Also, I'd be
happy to include any graphics that you'd like to embellish your &quot;ad&quot;
Have fun and drop me a note! If there is any interest in this then I'd
be glad to make this a regular feature and set up an index of contributions to
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<!-- QUICK TIPS SECTION -------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="tips"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">More 2 Cent Tips!</A></H2>
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/opus.gif">Fixing Backspace and Delete Keys
under Motif/Netscape</H3>
Well, this one's admittedly a &quot;VOFAQ&quot; -- a <B>Very Old Frequently
Asked Question</B> -- but one that's worth repeating since until you discover
it, it's a real pain. The way to get a backspace and delete key that works
like many DOS-converts are used to is either:
<LI>add the following string to your ~/.xinitrc file:
xmodmap -e 'keycode 22 = BackSpace'
<LI>or, add the following string to your ~/.Xmodmap file:
keycode 22 = BackSpace
Either of these two minor additions should help fix up the 'ol BS and Delete
key problems. Now, when you're using Netscape or some other Motif app, your
backspace key will delete the character before the cursor and your delete key
will delete characters on the cursor. Try it! And be happy again :-)
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/opus.gif">Restoring your screen - Kscreen
Well, here's a very handy bit of information that I recently came across
while skimming through one of the Linux newsgroups.
Remember the 'ol &quot;kscreen&quot; shell function that restored sanity
to a screen that had gotten all buggered up? Well, here's a very cogent
explanation of what's happening and how to fix it. The author of this was
<B>Henry Wong</B> and here's his message:
&gt;Sometimes, when I inadvertently cat a binary file and get junk on my
&gt;screen, that screen goes into some sort of graphics mode and I can't get
&gt;it out of it. I've tried changing fonts and SOMETHING changes, stty
&gt;doesn't do anything, capital letters may still appear. I can switch to
&gt;another virtual console and everything is fine. When I type commands on
&gt;my messed up (must remember this is going out to the world, use
&gt;euphemisms) terminal it seems to understand. I can exit for instance,
&gt;or reboot, though what is echoed to the screen is screwed up.
&gt;On sunsite (and mirrors), there's a file called fixvt.sh or something in
&gt;the (I think) system/console directory. It'll clean this up.
I've done this to myself also.
The console appears to be using some sort of VT100 (or similar)
emulation. This emulation has two modes: G0 which is usually normal
text and G1 which is usually graphics (these can be changed but is
usually not). When sending binary text to the screen any ^n (== '\f')
character will switch the emulator to G1 (graphics) mode whereas any ^o
(== '\r') will switch to G0 (normal text) mode.
To force it back you need to have a shell or other program to send the
^o to the stricken display. I often switch to another virtual terminal
and do an "echo -e '\017' &gt;/dev/tty2" (assuming that tty2 is the
stricken terminal) to restore it back to text mode.
Of course you can put this into a shell program with the tty? as the
Hope this helps.
Henry Wong
So, want to see that this works? Try this:
In BASH, you can enter literal characters using the vi-type key sequence
control-v (that's hitting the control key and the letter &quot;v&quot;
simultaneously) followed by the character you want to insert. So, enter
the following at the command prompt:
That's a control-v followed by a control-n combination. Hit the ENTER key
<I>ShaaaZZzzamm!</I>, instant trashed console! Except now, we know that
the terminal isn't really &quot;trashed&quot; but merely in graphics mode.
All that needs to be done is return it to text mode.
Now, you can &quot;blindly&quot; enter the following:
Hit the ENTER key, and your screen is back to normal. You could also use
Henry's suggestion for echoing a similar string to the afflicted VT from
another VT. That is, presuming that tty2 was the afflicted VT, switch to
another VT and then use Henry's command:
echo -e '\017' &gt;/dev/tty2
Thanks, Henry!!
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/opus.gif">Screen Capture using <I>script</I>
and <I>setterm</I></H3>
As most of you DOS converts have probably found out by now, there is no
<B>Print Scrn</B> function available as there exists under DOS. However,
the undaunted Linux'er will quickly discover that there are a couple very
simple little tricks that can do a bit of handy screen capture to file that
can then be edited and printed at one's leisure. These involve two handy
little utilities: <B>script</B> and <B>setterm</B>.
Using the <B>script</B> program is the essence of simplicity: You merely type
in something like the following:
script output.log
and the script program will begin to log all the terminal output to the
file &quot;output.log&quot;. When you're done capturing whatever output
you want, type in &quot;exit&quot; at the command line and the script
program will exit, leaving you with the output.log file to view, edit, and
print to your heart's content.
There are a couple quick caveats that you should probably keep in mind:
<LI>Don't forget that you're running the script program!
Sounds pretty silly, but it's VERY easy to do, especially if
you are trying to capture a bit of output.
<LI>Some programs don't work well with the script program. I've had
problems using VI and script concurrently. Your mileage may vary...
<LI>And probably MOST important of all...
Naming a script log file for the ONLY copy of your almost completed
doctoral thesis is generally considered a &quot;Bad Idea&quot;.
You get the point :-)
Another means of capturing the output on the current screen is using the
<B>setterm</B> program. Again, this is very simple to use. To dump the
current screen contents to a file you'd enter:
setterm -dump
This will create a file called <B>screen.dump</B> in the current directory
that is, as the name implies, a dump of your current screen contents. A
point to keep in mind is that unlike the script program, setterm with the
&quot;-dump&quot; option only captures the current screen full of information.
Also, suppose that you wanted to save the output to a different file. Not
to worry, there's a command option for that as well (Linux takes good care
of you!). If the file you wanted to save output to was output.dump, you'd
enter something like:
setterm -dump -file output.dump
and there's your nice, shiny new file waiting for you there.
But that's not all, folks...! :-)
This thing is better than the Ronco VegoMatic...
Suppose that you wanted to capture several screen dumps and append them
to a single file. Easy enough. Use setterm's &quot;-append&quopt;
option in the place of the &quot;-dump&quot; option and the screen dump
will be appended to the file:
setterm -append -file output.dump
Pretty cool, eh?
<H3><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="./gx/opus.gif">Screen Scrollback</H3>
This one's compliments of <B>Jesper Pedersen</B>!
If you want to do screen scrollback at a VT simply hold down the <B>Shift</B>
button and repeatedly hit the <B>Page Up</B> or <B>Page Down</B> buttons
to scroll the screen back or forward by half a screen. This is handy for
things like reviewing the boot up messages that go merrily scrolling by
when the system boots. It's also handy for long directory listings and things
like this.
The amount of scrollback I get on my machine varies a bit from three to six
full screen fulls. There's probably some kernel hack that would allow you
to increase this, but <I>I</I> don't happen to know it.
Also, FYI...
If you're interested in the boot messages, you can generally find them
in the /var/adm/messages file OR you can type in the command:
which will print the kernel boot messages to the screen. These, too,
have a tendency to go whizzing by, and so you'll still need to use the
'ol Shift-PageUp two-finger trick to have a peek at all of this.
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<!-- COLOR LS ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="color_ls"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">Fun with Color ls!
I have to admit that the first time I came across the colorized version
of the GNU <I>ls</I> command, I was seriously impressed. After staring
at DOS's austere gray on black mien for several years, this was a pretty
nice improvement. And guess what...? This thing is eminently and easily
hackable :-) and you can do some serious playing with this thing...
So, let's see how...
<B>Stuff you'll need</B>
Basically, most Linux distributions include the GNU version of the color
<I>ls</I> utility. This should include the programs <B>ls</B>, <B>dir</B>,
<B>vdir</B>, and <B>dircolors</B>. So, how do you know that you've got these
little rascals...? The easiest way is just to do the 'ol &quot;type
file_I'm_looking_for&quot; and see where it's stashed away. What you may
discover is that by doing this, you'll end up with something like the
FiskHaus [VTp1] ~$ type vdir
vdir is aliased to `/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS --format=long'
If this is the kind of output that you get, you're golden! Slackware and
RedHat 2.x both include all of the color GNU ls stuff. You'll find that
Slackware enables it by default, RedHat presently does not (but
instructions for enabling it are included in the RedHat FAQ and as you'll
see, it's VERY easy to do). If your distribution doesn't seem to include
these programs you'll find a copy of them in the Slackware distribution in
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/distributions/slackware/slakware/a2/">
a2 disk set</A>. The file you'll need is <B>bin.tgz</B> which
contains, amongst many other things, the ELF binaries, manual pages, and
the all-important <B>/etc/DIR_COLORS</B> file which we'll be hacking around
with in a just a bit.
<B>Getting things rolling</B>
Presuming that you've got the program files installed, the next bit of of
scouting around you'll need to do is make sure you've got the color
configuration file. Under Slackware, this is the &quot;/etc/DIR_COLORS&quot;
file. Other distributions may hide this somewhere else, but the /etc
directory is a pretty good place to look. Again, if you're missing this
file, the Slackware <B>bin.tgz</B> archive has a copy of it that you can
pick up and drop in. The permissions on it should be something like:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2882 Feb 16 09:33 /etc/DIR_COLORS
That is, only root should be able to mess with the global config file, but
it does need to be world readable. If the permissions are messed up, you
can fix 'em pretty easily by doing something like:
chown root /etc/DIR_COLORS
chgrp root /etc/DIR_COLORS
chown 644 /etc/DIR_COLORS
This should set the USER and GROUP ownership to root, read-write priviledges
for root, and read-only for all the rest of the mere mortals on the system.
The &quot;Open, sesame!&quot; that will unlock this little program is the
eval `dircolors /etc/DIR_COLORS`
(note! that you use the <B>back-quote</B> character to enclose the dircolors
command and <B>NOT</B> an apostrophe. The back-quote is that little thingy
up in the left-hand corner of the keyboard (at least on <I>my</I> keyboard :-)
below the squiggly <I>tilde</I> (~) character.)
You'll need this bit of magic somewhere in one of the profile files. Generally,
this should be an entry in the /etc/profile file which is sourced for all
logins. You can also add this to your personal ~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile,
~/.cshrc, or whatever file in your HOME directory. <B>BTW, this is what is
needed to get RedHat into color ls mode.</B>
The only other issue that needs to be addressed at this point has to do
with the shell that you use. You see, the way that dircolors works is that
it sources the file that you specify (such as /etc/DIR_COLORS) and then
sets up the LS_COLORS and LS_OPTIONS environmental variables. We'll take
a look at these a bit more closely in a minute, but you should know that
dircolors defaults to using aliases to work its magic. If you're using a
shell such as <B>sh</B> or <B>ash</B> which do NOT support aliases but DO
support functions, then dircolors will set up functions instead.
The way to make sure that the &quot;Right Thing Happens&quot; is to add a
command line option that indicates which type of shell you're using. The
list includes:
-a ash
-s sh
-b bash
-k ksh
-z zsh
-c csh
-t tcsh
So, to properly set up colorized ls under ash, you'd include something like
the following in your /etc/profile:
eval `dircolors -a /etc/DIR_COLORS`
Don't believe me...? Then try this little experiment:
At the console or in an xterm fire up the <B>ash</B> shell (presuming that
you installed it and it's listed in your /etc/shells file) by simply typing
in <KBD>ash</KBD>. This will start the ash shell session. Now, do a directory
listing by typing in <KBD>ls -l</KBD>. Pretty dull, eh?
Now, type in the command:
eval `dircolors /etc/DIR_COLORS`
and notice that you DON'T include the &quot;-a&quot; option. Hmmm... just a
bunch of error messages. Do another directory listing and it's the same 'ol
dull gray on black stuff. Now, type in the &quot;eval&quot; command again and
this time, include the &quot;-a&quot; option.
<I>ShaaaZZzzaaMmmm!!</I> Instant Color!
Very cool.
So, enough experimenting for now. Type in <KBD>exit</KBD> to get yourself
out of there and let's keep going!
<B>It's HACK time...!</B>
Ok, now for the fun part...
The first thing that you'll probably want to do is the 'ol backup :-) The
past few issues of the LG have given you some strategies for this and so
I'll leave it up to you to decide whether to wear your seatbelt or not. The
next thing to decide upon is whether you want to make changes globally or
just for your personal login sessions. If you edit the /etc/DIR_COLORS file,
then changes will affect all logins. This is probably not a bad idea for
a standalone system or one on a small LAN with few users who might not mind
your somewhat out-of-kilter idea of a color scheme. On a larger system, or
if you just want to make changes for a single user, you can copy the
/etc/DIR_COLORS file to your home account:
cp /etc/DIR_COLORS ~/.dir_colors
If you have a .dir_colors file in your home account then dircolors will use
this instead of the global /etc/DIR_COLORS file. Once you've decided which
file you're going to deface... er...um, <I>edit</I>, then we're ready to go.
The default file that comes with the Slackware distribution (/etc/DIR_COLORS)
is well commented and so using that alone you can get a pretty good idea about
how you might customize it. Let's take a look at it by sections.
To begin with, there are several possible entries for <B>COLOR</B>, <B>OPTIONS
</B>, <B>TERM</B>, and <B>EIGHTBIT</B>. In my slightly modified file, these
appear as:
# Configuration file for the color ls utility.
# This file goes in the /etc directory, and must be world readable.
# You can copy this file to .dir_colors in your $HOME directory to override
# the system defaults.
# COLOR needs one of these arguments:
# 'tty' color output to tty's only
# 'all' or 'yes' color output to tty's and pipes
# 'none' or 'no' shuts colorization off completely
# OPTIONS allows you to specify additional commandline options for
# the ls command. These can be any options (check 'man ls' for details)
# -F show '/' for dirs, '*' for executables, etc.
# -T 0 don't trust tab spacing when formatting ls output.
# TERM specifies which terminal types are to be colorized. There can
# be multiple entries.
TERM linux
TERM console
TERM con132x25
TERM con132x30
TERM con132x43
TERM con132x60
TERM con80x25
TERM con80x28
TERM con80x30
TERM con80x43
TERM con80x50
TERM con80x60
TERM xterm
TERM vt100
# EIGHTBIT specifies whether to enable display of eight-bit ISO 8859
# characters. This is set to either:
# 'yes' or '1' displays eight-bit characters
# 'no' or '0' prevents display of eight-bit characters
These are pretty much self-explanatory, but's let look at each one briefly
nonetheless. The COLOR definition allows you to turn colorization either
on or off. If you decide to turn it on, then you can specify that it is
used only at a tty, or for both tty's and pipes. To get an idea of the effect
of using the <B>all</B> or <B>yes</B> option, try this little experiment.
Set the COLOR option to <B>all</B>, save the file, logout, and then log back
in. Notice that any changes that are made can quickly be evalulated merely
by logging out and logging back in. You DO NOT need to reboot the system!
Now, type in something like:
ls -l | less
What you're doing is piping the output of the ls command to <B>less</B>. This
is a handy trick when you're scouring through a directory with a large number
of files in it. You'll notice that the output is seriously encumbered with
a lot of &quot;ESC[01;33m&quot; type garbage. That's your old friend, <B>
Mr. Escape Code</B>. It looks pretty nice at a tty, but is kinda ugly when
piped to something like <B>less</B>. By changing the COLOR option to <B>tty</B>
then these escape codes are used only at the tty. If you change this and
do the logout/login thing and then try the listing once again, you'll find that
the output is a bit more acceptable - <I>sans</I> ESC codes. It's your call,
but <KBD>COLOR tty</KBD> might not be a bad place to start.
The OPTIONS definition allows you to conveniently add whatever command line
options to ls that can be legally added. In this case, we've added the
&quot;-F&quot; and &quot;-T 0&quot; options. You'll find a bazillion command
line options listed in the ls manual page and any of these can be included.
Keep in mind, however, that dircolors DOES NOT check to see if these are
legal options -- that's left up to you, my friend :-).
No typos.
The TERM option specifies which terminal types are to be colorized. You'll
need an entry for each terminal type. I'm no terminal definition wizard and
so I just accepted the defaults :-).
Finally, the EIGHTBIT option can be either &quot;on&quot; (AKA, 1), or
&quot;off&quot; (AKA, 0). This specifies whether the eight-bit ISO 8859
character set can be displayed. I'm also no character set guru and so
I just turned it on -- figured that it was a &quot;Good Thing To Do&quot;.
<B>Now for the part you've all been waiting for...</B>
The last half of the DIR_COLORS file allows you to configure how the various
files are colorized. This is where the <I>serious fun</I> happens :-)
Again, in my somewhat modified file, it looks like this:
# Color init strings:
# These specify how various files are displayed. A color init string
# consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
# ------------------
# 00 = none
# 01 = bold
# 04 = underscore
# 05 = blink
# 07 = reverse
# 08 = concealed
# --------------
# black 30 40
# red 31 41
# green 32 42
# yellow/brown 33 43
# blue 34 44
# magenta 35 45
# cyan 36 46
# white/gray 37 47
# Note that the color init strings are a semi-colon delimited series of
# color codes. For example, to specify a bright yellow text on blue
# background the string 01;33;44 would be used.
# The following entries define the color specifications based upon the
# file type.
NORMAL 00 # global default, although everything should be something.
FILE 00 # normal file
DIR 01;34 # directory
LINK 01;36 # symbolic link
ORPHAN 01;05;31 # orphaned symbolic link - points to non-existent file
FIFO 40;33 # pipe
SOCK 01;35 # socket
BLK 40;33;01 # block device driver
CHR 40;33;01 # character device driver
EXEC 01;32 # file with executable attribute set
# These entries allow colorization based upon the file extension. These may
# either be in the form '.ext' (such as '.gz' or '.tar') or '*ext' (such
# as '*~' used with emacs backups). Note that using the asterisk allows you
# to specify extensions that are not necessarily preceeded by a period.
.cmd 01;32
.exe 01;32
.com 01;32
.btm 01;32
.bat 01;32
.tar 01;31
.tgz 01;31
.arj 01;31
.taz 01;31
.lzh 01;31
.zip 01;31
.z 01;31
.Z 01;31
.gz 01;31
.jpg 01;35
.gif 01;35
.bmp 01;35
.xbm 01;35
.xpm 01;35
.tif 01;35
.ps 01;35
Basically, the first section allows you to define colorization by the <B>type
of file</B>. That is, whether it is a regular file (FILE), a directory (DIR),
a symbolic link (LINK), a named pipe (FIFO), and so forth. To set up the color
scheme you simply use a semicolon-separated list of color attributed.
So, let's say that you were feeling a bit psychodelic this morning and had an
uncontrollable urge to see your directories show up as blinking bright red
text on a magenta (that's &quot;purple&quot; for those of us who barely learned
their colors) background.
OK, mon... you want blinking Hot Red on a Purple backdrop, it's all your's...
To do this, you'd add something like:
DIR 01;05;31;45
Pretty simple, eh?
The 01 and 05 color codes set bold and blinking attributes respectively; 31
sets the foreground (text) color to red, 45 sets the background color to
magenta, and a semicolon separates each entry.
Now, you can do this for the various file types that are listed.
Wanna do something <I>REALLY</I> cool...?!!
Here's a simple addition that will let you flag a symlink that's gone bad!
Two of the options that can be included in the file type specifications are
ORPHAN and MISSING. ORPHAN refers to symbolic links that point to a file
which no longer exists; MISSING refers to that file which no longer exists
but which still has a symlink pointing to it. So, how does <I>that</I>
To demonstrate it, just do the following. First, create a file and then
create a symlink to it. You can do this by:
touch test.file
ln -s test.file test.symlink
If you do a directory listing, you'll see something like this:
-rw-r--r-- 1 fiskjm users 0 Feb 16 11:48 test.file
lrwxrwxrwx 1 fiskjm users 9 Feb 16 11:48 test.symlink -&gt; test.file
You can see that there is now a symbolic link from test.symlink to test.file.
Now, go ahead and either rename or delete test.file and then do another
directory listing:
-rw-r--r-- 1 fiskjm users 0 Feb 16 11:48 test.FILE
lrwxrwxrwx 1 fiskjm users 9 Feb 16 11:48 test.symlink -&gt; test.file
Hmmm... the symlink <I>still</I> points to test.file, even though we've renamed
it to something else. And so here's the where the rub occurs. Thing is, it
isn't always easy to spot a bad symlink, especially if it is linked to a file
in some other directory. So, how can you spot these little buggers...? Here's
Create an additional entry for the ORPHAN file type. One possibility would be
to add something like:
ORPHAN 01;05;31
This sets the color attributes of a &quot;bad&quot; (ORPHAN'd) symbolic link
to flashing bright red. That is, for the directory listing above, the
&quot;test.symlink&quot; portion of the entry would be colorized to flashing
bright red, the rest of the line would appear as a &quot;normal&quot; entry.
Now, what is the MISSING file type? It's that part of the entry after the
&quot;-&gt;&quot; portion of the listing. That is:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 fiskjm users 9 Feb 16 11:48 test.symlink -&gt; test.file
^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
Now, you can colorize both of these, but it admittedly looks a bit odd. To
convince yourself of this, try adding a similar entry for MISSING, logout,
login, create a file and a symlink, rename the original file, and do a directory
listing. There's your bad symlink in flashing red!
Now, whenever you do a directory listing you should easily be able to spot an
errant symlink and be able to fix it.
Finally, the last section of the DIR_COLORS file let's you specify <B>colorization
by file extension</B>. This means, for example, that you can colorize all
*.gif, *.jpg, *.tiff, *.pbm, *.ppm, etc., graphics files by including an
entry such as in the example above. The intuitive will notice that this
doesn't really tell you what TYPE a particular file might be -- only that
it has a particular suffix. In other words, you <I>could</I> rename our
vacuous file <B>test.file</B> to something like <B>testfile.gif</B> and you'd
find that it would be colorized like all the other *.gif files. It would
obviously NOT be a graphics file. All that this does is allow you to quickly
spot files that have similar suffixes.
One final point about defining extensions.
There are actually two forms that can be employed and these can be illustrated
as follows:
.ps 01;35
*~ 01;33
In this example, all files that have the &quot;.ps&quot; suffix will be
colorized to bright magenta. In the second example, no &quot;.&quot;
is needed. <I>Any</I> file that ends with a tilde will be colorized to
bright yellow. So, files such as:
would all be colorized to bright yellow because they match the pattern
&quot;*~&quot;. This enables you to colorize files which do not have the
typical dot-suffix ending.
Pretty cool, eh?
Admittedly, there are a few other tricks up the 'ol dircolors sleeve, but
these are the basic ones that will get you going. If you're interested,
there is a very good manual page for the dircolors program that includes
a good deal of helpful documentation. Don't forget that you can easily
print up a copy of <I>any</I> manual page using the old trick:
man dircolors | col -b &gt; dircolors.txt
For those of you who might be intersted, I've included a text copy of my
slightly modified DIR_COLORS file and a plain text rendition of the
dircolors manual page:
<LI><A HREF="./misc/dircolors.txt">dircolors manual page (text)</A>
Hope you enjoy this as much as I did!
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<!-- SECTION 4 ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="color_issue"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">Colorizing
Well, I have to admit that after a spate of playing and tinkering around
with X and FVWM, I started messing around with text-mode stuff. X Window
is a LOT of fun and offers power and flexibility and there are TONS of great
apps to play with. Thing is, though, that it's admittedly pretty resource
intensive and there are times when I didn't really feel like starting up
X just to get something simple done.
Well, after a bit of playing around with color_ls, I ran across a means
of colorizing text at the console using escape sequences. This is actually
pretty simple and kinda fun to include in shell scripts and such.
One such use that came to mind was adding a bit of color to the /etc/issue
file. Y'all will remember that contents of /etc/issue are displayed before
the login prompt while /etc/motd is displayed after a login. So, here's a
bit of quick tinkering that adds a bit of color to the /etc/issue file.
The /etc/DIR_COLORS file that we've just been tinkering around with above
is going to come in pretty handy here. You'll use the same color codes as
in the DIR_COLORS file, only they'll be entered as escape codes. To demonstrate
how easy this is, let's try a little experiment. First, however, a word
about entering literal characters.
The key to using ESC sequences is knowing how your shell handles literal
character insertion. The BASH shell uses vi type editing commands
whereas csh and tcsh use emacs type editing commands. Since I'm a bit
more familiar with BASH and vi I'll use these as examples. BASH allows
you to enter a literal key using the &quot;control-v, key&quot;
combination. That is, you first hit the control-v key pair -- what
you'll see is a caret &quot;^&quot; at the prompt -- then hit whatever
key you wish to be literally inserted. In this case, hit the escape
key. What you'll now see is, at least under BASH, the
caret-left_bracket symbol pair &quot;^[&quot; which indicates the ESC
Now, try this: enter the following string at a command line -- either
at the console or in a color xterm:
echo &quot;Ctrl-vESC[44;33;01mHello World!Ctrl-vESC[m&quot;
The &quot;Ctrl-vESC&quot; means you hit the control key and the letter
&quot;v&quot; together, followed by the escape key. Then, type in a left
bracket and the numbers 44, 33, and 01 separated by semicolons, and the
letter m. Following this, put in your text string and close it using
the same control-v, ESC, [, and m sequence. Hit the enter key and
<I>Whamoo!!</I>, instant color &quot;Hello World!&quot;
Cool, eh?
And now wait a minute... those numbers look a bit familiar to you...?
They should, we just used them in the previous section when we edited
the DIR_COLORS file. You see, you can use the same color codes as with
the color <I>ls</I> program. The only difference is that, at the
command line, you have to use the <I>echo</I> command and enclose the
string in double quotes after you've inserted the ESC character.
Now, this is starting to look a bit like a handy little tool, eh?
Yup, and this is how we'll spruce up the 'ol /etc/issue file. Now, the
way to do this is pretty simple. What you do is fire up vi, emacs, or your
favorite editor and load up /etc/issue. On the first line, enter the
literal escape code (in vi, this is the aforementioned ctrl-v, ESC combination)
and the left bracket &quot;[&quot; and the color codes that you want to use
followed by the letter &quot;m&quot;. Now, enter the message that you want
displayed and on the last line, enter the &quot;ESC&quot;, &quot;[&quot;,
and &quot;m&quot; characters. This last character sequence simply restores
the normal color attributes.
Save your file and you should be all set! Now, to test drive it you can
simply &quot;cat&quot; the file:
cat /etc/issue
and you can admire your handiwork. You may discover that the color looks a
bit ragged in that it doesn't always extend to the edge of the screen. What
is helpful here is to avoid using tabs for spacing and simply use the space
key. Adding spaces to each line will then let you &quot;extend&quot; the
color all the way to the edges. You'll need to experiment around a bit with
this to get exactly the right number of characters (keeping in mind that most
VT's default to 80 columns and so you'll need exactly 80 characters per line).
My admittedly rather whimsical /etc/issue looks something like this:
F I S K H A U S - - N A S H V I L L E, T N
Welcome to FiskHaus, running Linux ELF
Current Kernel Version:
Linux 1.2.13 #1 Sat Dec 30 21:40:28 CST 1995
I'll admit that the kernel information is a bit out of date since I have to
update this by hand at the moment. I'm sure that there is a way to do this
automagically at boot time using a few little utils that would produce a line
exactly 80 characters long...
but that's for tinkering later :-)
(Later... :-)
Well, I had a little time and set up the following <B>rc.issue</B> script
that updates the /etc/issue file at each boot up. Specifically, it updates
the kernel version information, making pretty heavy use of the <B>cut</B>
program as you can see:
------------------------------- CUT HERE ------------------------------------
# File: rc.issue
# Description: re-creates the /etc/issue file at bootup. Bascially, all
# this really does is update the kernel version name and information.
# Author: John M. Fisk
# Let folks know what we're up to...
echo -n &quot;Updating /etc/issue... &quot;
echo &quot;44;33;01m&quot; &gt; $TEMPFILE
echo &quot; &quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo &quot; F I S K H A U S - - N A S H V I L L E, T N &quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo &quot; &quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo &quot; Welcome to FiskHaus, running Linux ELF &quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo &quot; &quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo &quot; Current Kernel Version: &quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo -ne &quot; &quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo -ne `uname -svr` &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo -ne &quot; &quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo &quot; &quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo &quot; &quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
echo &quot;m&quot; &gt;&gt; $TEMPFILE
cut -b 1-80 $TEMPFILE &gt; $ISSUE
echo &quot;done.&quot;
# END rc.issue
------------------------------- CUT HERE ------------------------------------
Have fun!
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<!-- IP-UP ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="ip_up"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">Setting up PPP's
ip-up and ip-down scripts</A></H2>
Well, here's a bit of scripting coolness that I just ran across and thought
I'd pass along to all of you <B>PPP</B> users out there. It has to do with
setting up the /etc/ppp/ip-up and /etc/ppp/ip-down shell scripts which had
completely stymied me until recently. So here's the skinny...
For those of you who've been hanging around here for a while, and who might
have tinkered with the PPP script examples that were included a while back,
a reader wrote in about using a shell script to update the /etc/hosts file.
Those of you who read his letter will recall that his concern was over that
of permissions: in order to update the /etc/hosts file (since the local
University does dynamic IP addressing) you either had to have very unsecure
permissions on the file, or else run the shell script as root. Both of these
being &quot;Not A Good Idea&quot;.
Well, over December I managed to do a temporary ELF install with Slackware
3.0.0 (but we're heading for a RedHat 2.1 system by the end of Spring Break! :-)
and had occasion to reinstall ppp-2.2.0d. In the process, I came across an
example shell script that finally pried the lid off this small mystery. Those
of you who've done the same will agree that there's all kinds of nifty stuff
included with the PPP distribution and it's worth your while to pick up a
copy of it even if you don't need to update. It comes with a wealth of VERY
helpful documentation and example scripts.
<B>Sincerest kudos to Al Longyear and Michael Callahan!!</B>
Anyway, they included several example shell scripts and one was an ip-down script.
This, coupled with the manual page, finally made ip-up and ip-down available!
And, it solved the permissions problem involving updating the /etc/hosts file
which is done automatically by the ip-up script!
Very cool :-)
So, let's cut to the chase...
Those of you who've set up PPP know that the pppd daemon checks a couple
files on the system as it goes about setting itself up. One of these is the
/etc/ppp/options file which contains a listing of the various options that
can be passed to it (such as modem, noipdefault, crtscts, -detach, and so
forth). This file is strict optional and you can pass it these run time
options from the command line.
The other couple optional files are the <B>ip-up</B> and <B>ip-down</B> scripts.
Checking out the manual page regarding these little rascals we find:
A program or script which is executed when the link
is available for sending and receiving IP packets
(that is, IPCP has come up). It is executed with
the parameters
interface-name tty-device speed local-IP-address
and with its standard input, output and error
streams redirected to /dev/null.
This program or script is executed with the same
real and effective user-ID as pppd, that is, at
least the effective user-ID and possibly the real
user-ID will be root. This is so that it can be
used to manipulate routes, run privileged daemons
(e.g. sendmail), etc. Be careful that the con-
tents of the /etc/ppp/ip-up and /etc/ppp/ip-down
scripts do not compromise your system's security.
A program or script which is executed when the link
is no longer available for sending and receiving IP
packets. This script can be used for undoing the
effects of the /etc/ppp/ip-up script. It is
invoked with the same parameters as the ip-up
script, and the same security considerations apply,
since it is executed with the same effective and
real user-IDs as pppd.
I must admit that I mused over the meaning of this for some time. For the
life of me I couldn't figure out just exactly what these did or how to use
them. Nothing like a good example to clear things up :-).
To cut the suspense, here's the Rosetta Stone that unlocked the mysteries
of these little gems. This is taken from the <B>ppp-2.2.0d</B> distribution.
# This script does the real work of the ip-down processing. It will
# cause the system to terminate just to make sure that everything is
# dead; restart the ppp-on script processing to re-dial the sequence.
TTYDEVICE=`basename $2`
# If the process is still running, then try to terminate the process
if [ -r /var/run/$NETDEVICE.pid ]; then
echo '' &gt;&gt;/var/run/$NETDEVICE.pid
pid = `head -1 /var/run/$NETDEVICE.pid`
if [! "$pid" = "" ]; then
sleep 5s
kill -HUP $pid
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
sleep 5s
if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then
sleep 5s
# Ensure that there is no junk left in the system
rm -f /var/run/$NETDEVICE.pid
rm -f /var/lock/LCK..$TTYDEVICE
# Since the defaultroute will not be added if there is an existing default
# route, remove it now. Do not do this if the defaultroute route was not
# added by the ppp script.
# route del default
# Finally, restart the connection sequence.
exec /etc/ppp/ppp-on
What caught my eye was the first part of the file:
TTYDEVICE=`basename $2`
and suddenly, there was <I>enlightenment</I>!
Going back to the manual page and rereading it, it suddenly became clear that
what was happening was that <B>/etc/ppp/ip-up</B> was merely a shell script
(ah...duh!) and that it was being <I>passed</I> several parameters once the
interface was up and ready. These included
And that these were passed in this order. Now... beginning to see the light...?
By setting up a series of variables and assigning them the values of these
parameters, you could manipulate them in your shell script! And that is all
that <B>ip-up</B> and <B>ip-down</B> really are -- plain 'ol garden variety
shell scripts! The same thing that you've been writing now for ages.
So, to work a bit of magic, fire up your favorite editor and create your very
own shell script. Because this is a root-y kinda thing to do, I left <I>
user space</I> and entered <I>rootdom</I>. Going to the /etc/ppp/ directory
I created a couple shell scripts called, what else...?, ip-up and ip-down.
Here's my own rather humble scripts that do a couple things:
# file: /etc/ppp/ip-up
# description: this script is automatically sourced by pppd once the
# PPP interface has been established. We'll use it to
# [1] update the /etc/hosts file
# [2] load the bsd_comp.o compression module
# [3] start the ppp-up script that periodically pings our
# host and keeps the line up
# These are the parameters that are passed to the /etc/ppp/ip-up script
# once the PPP interface has been established. By assigning them to these
# variables, we can make use of them in the script below
TTYDEVICE=`basename $2`
DATE=`date` # set DATE = current time
# update the /etc/hosts file...
echo "#
# This file automatically generated by /etc/ppp/ip-up and should
# indicate the correct dynamically allocated IP address below.
# This file generated on $DATE
# localhost
$LOCAL_IP FiskHaus.vanderbilt.edu FiskHaus" &gt; /etc/hosts
# make sure the bsd_comp.o module has been loaded
if [ -e /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/bsd_comp.o ]; then
/sbin/insmod -f /lib/modules/1.2.13/net/bsd_comp.o
# start the /usr/local/sbin/pppup shell script
. /usr/local/sbin/pppup &
And here's the <B>ip-down</B> script:
# kill the pppd process
if [ -e /var/run/ppp0.pid ]; then
kill -9 `cat /var/run/ppp0.pid`
# rmmod bsd_comp.o
/sbin/rmmod bsd_comp.o
Now these are admittedly pretty far from wizardly, but they work! :-)
And here's what's going on.
One of the coolest things that the ip-up script can do is be used to
update the /etc/hosts file. Since my IP is dynamically allocated with
each dial up this is handled very easily. The script is passed the
local-IP-address as the fourth parameter ($4) and its value is assigned
to LOCAL_IP. Since this is my dynamically assigned IP address it is
used to recreate the /etc/hosts file each time a connection comes up. I
added a DATE parameter so as to see when the last connection was
established. Now, the Very Nice Thing about this is that because these
shell scripts are run, as the manual page states, with root permissions
they can update the /etc/hosts file which has write permissions only for
Now, for those of us on single user systems, this is a fairly small point but
for those on a system with more than one user, you'll need to take the warning
about system security to heart. These DO run with root priviledges (assuming
that pppd is started by root) and their standard input, output, and error
messages are all routed to /dev/null and so they silently go about their work.
In a multi-user environment, be careful!
That said, you can also see that I use this script to load up the bsd_comp.o
module (again, because I start pppd as root it can execute the /sbin/insmod
program) and start a small &quot;keepalive&quot; script. One thing that could
be added to this is, for those of you who've set up <B>sendmail for remote
queuing</B>, to have sendmail start attempting mail delivery in the background
one the connection is up with something like:
if [ -x /usr/bin/sendmail ]; then
sendmail -q &
which would make sure that sendmail is present AND is executable and then
invoke it with the &quot;-q&quot; option which causes it to attempt delivery
of any mail in the mail queue. Since I generally do this &quot;by hand&quot;
I haven't added it to ip-up.
Notice, too, some of the other information that you get with this. The
first parameter ($1, NETDEVICE) gives you the interface name - e.g., ppp0,
ppp1, ppp2, etc. The second ($2, TTYDEVICE) is the tty device from which
pppd was invoked. You'll notice that the &quot;`basename $2`&quot; construct
is used. The basename program is a small utility that strips all of the
leading directory, and optionally a specified suffix, from its argument.
In this case, if you started pppd on your second VT which would be /dev/tty2
if you were at a console, then basename would strip away all of the leading
directory information and leave you with &quot;tty2&quot; only.
The third parameter ($3, SPEED) specifies the connection speed (such as
38400, 57600, etc.). The fourth and fifth ($4, LOCAL_IP; $5, REMOTE_IP)
parameters are the local IP address and the remote IP address respectively.
Now, I'm sure that there are all kinds of cool and groovy things that could
be done with these handy little scripts. If anyone has any other ideas or
suggestions and doesn't mind bringing them to &quot;Show and Tell&quot;
then I'd be happy to include them for other's benefit and edutainment (and
yes, that's a <I>bona fide</I> yuppie-dom lexicality :-)
Have fun!
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<!-- SHELL SCRIPT TIPS --------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="scripting"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">Two Cent BASH
Shell Script Tips</A></H2>
No doubt about it...
If you're running Linux then you absolutely <I>need</I> to learn shell
Unlike DOS's rather anemic COMMAND.COM and its handful of batch file commands,
UN*X shells often come with a very rich set of shell scripting commands that
allow you to create complex and powerful shell programs. Linux supports a
number of freely available shells including BASH, csh, tcsh, zsh, and pdksh
that give you a tremendous set of tools with which to work. There is only
<I>one small problem...</I>
You need to learn to use them.
Sorry, man. If you're using Linux, the pricetag of inclusion is reading,
studying, tinkering, reading some more, fixing your mistakes, tinkering
even more, and then sharing your successes! While much of Linux can be
obtained either freely or for a marginal cost, its use depends upon your
learning the tools.
That said, let me quickly add that the pay back is excellent! :-) And
this is particularly true of shell programming.
What I'd like to present here are just a few small examples of programming
constructs that I've come across that have been pretty helpful. This is
NOT a basic primer on shell scripting. If you're just learning you might want
to consider one of these helpful sources of information:
<LI><B>Learning the BASH Shell</B> by the folks at <B>O'Reilly &amp;
Well, let me quickly state here that this is one of those books that
I currently <I>do not</I> have :-(
However, having read the reviews and skimmed though it it is a
GREAT resource for anyone using the BASH shell. It not only covers
shell scripting under BASH, but also many other aspects of using this
powerful and versatile shell.
It's definitely on my Christmas list... :-)
<LI><B>Essential System Administration</B> by <B>Aeleen Frisch</B>, published
by <B>O'Reilly &amp; Associates</B>.
Here's <I>another</I> excellent, must-have reference for anyone running
their own Linux system and having to contend with system administration.
Aeleen Frisch is a marvelous author who draws from a wealth of experience.
Her writing is clear, concise, and full of wit and candor about this
interesting occupation. In addition to covering most of the better
known commercial UN*X implementations, she now has extensive coverage
of Linux in the <B>2nd Edition</B> of this work.
The reason to include this here is that she includes an Appendix with
a very nice primer on shell scripting. It's probably not enough to
make you a scripting guru, but it covers all of the basics and will
definitely get you up and going.
<LI><B>Teach Yourself UNIX Shell Programming In 14 Days</B> by <B>Kamran
Husain</B> and published by <B>SAM's Publishing</B>.
Well, this rather wordy title tells it all... :-)
I picked up a copy of this helpful book some time ago and have used
it frequently. Now, I also have to admit that I really haven't used
this &quot;like it was meant to be used&quot;. I haven't worked though
all of the 2 weeks worth of lessons. However, you really don't need
to as the material is clearly presented and has a wealth of examples,
summary tables, and DO's and DON'T's that will get you up and going
<LI><B> man bash | col -b &gt; bash.txt</B>
Yup, this old trick will provide you with all 60 pages of the manual
page for BASH. Send this to your favorite printer and you've got a
VERY handy little document.
Now, admittedly, the manual page can be a bit... shall we say,
<I>obtuse</I>... in its descriptions of how things work. Still,
if you need just a quick refresher, this can be quite helpful and
a printed copy lets you scribble in all those helpful margin notes.
There are, I am sure, a number of other excellent references available. These
are the ones that I'm most familiar with at the moment. Purusing the local
UN*X bookshop will likely give you a number of books to choose from.
Anyway, that said, let's see what we can do.
Here are four fairly simple and VERY handy BASH shell scripting constructs
that may come in useful. The first of these is...
<B>CASE statements</B>
Let's say that you wanted to set up an /etc/profile that performed a particular
action depending on which user logged in. For argument's sake, let's say
that you wanted to set the <B>umask</B> for root to be 022 and 077 for
everyone else. Then you could use a construct such as the following:
case "$USER_WHOAMI" in
"root") umask 022;;
*) umask 077;;
see what's happening?
A <B>case</B> statement such as the above will let you assign a
particular set of commands based upon the value of a variable. The
construct itself goes something like this...
First, you assign a variable the value that you're intersted in. In
this example it was the user's login name. Now obviously, you'll need to
have a means of getting this information. This is where all those
myriad little UN*X utilities suddenly come in VERY handy :-) and we're
using the <B>whoami</B> command for this example.
After the variable USER_WHOAMI is assigned the login name, we use a
<B>case statement</B> to indicate which action to take. Notice that
using the handy little &quot;*&quot; asterisk let's you assign a default
action. The basic syntax of the case statement is:
case "$VARIABLE" in
value1) command ;;
value2) command
command ;;
value3) command
command ;;
value4) command ;;
*) command
command ;;
The value of $VARIABLE is compared to each of the patterns in value1, value2,
value3, etc., until a match is found. If no match is found then the default
&quot;*&quot; entry let's you assign a default action. This last entry is
quite optional. Note that you can have more that one command statement and
that each entry is terminated by the double semi-colons.
Pretty easy, eh?
Here's another example that we've used in the past here at the 'ol LG...
Suppose that you wanted to change the VT color scheme using the <B>setterm</B>
program so that the color scheme depends either on which virtual terminal
you've logged in on OR what user logs in (such as root). Here's one possible
implementation of this:
# Use the following construct to set up colors and various login commands
# depending upon with virtual terminal is logged into.
case "$V_TERMINAL" in
"/dev/tty1") setterm -background blue -foreground yellow -bold -store;;
"/dev/tty2") setterm -background black -foreground white -store;;
"/dev/tty3") setterm -background black -foreground white -store;;
"/dev/tty4") setterm -background black -foreground white -store;
"/dev/tty5") setterm -background black -foreground white -store;;
"/dev/tty6") setterm -background black -foreground white -store;;
In this case, we've used the <B>tty</B> command to give us the information
we want -- which terminal we've logged onto. The value is assigned to the
V_TERMINAL variable and the value of this is compared against the various
patterns listed in the case statement. If we had wanted to base our actions
on the user's login identity then we could have used the aforementioned
<B>whoami</B> program to tell us who is logging in. Change the value of
the various case options and now terminal color is based on the user!
But, using the example above, what would happen if you logged onto
/dev/tty7 for which there was no entry...?
You see, in this case we didn't set up a default and so if no match is found
then no action is performed. Notice, too, that when we assigned the variable
a value we used the <I>grave</I> character to enclose the command and NOT
an apostrophe.
So, the case statement is a handy little tool when you want to pick an item
from a list of possibilities. This next construct will let you do something
quite the opposite... it'll let you perform an action on an entire <I>list</I>
of files...
<B>Using &quot;find&quot; and &quot;while read&quot;...</B>
This one's a tremendously useful little item that let's you perform an
action or series of actions on a set of files using the <B>find</B>
command. To demonstrate this, let's suppose that you're intersted in
generating a list of all of the dynamic libraries that your programs in
the /usr/local/bin directory are linked against. You know that you can
do this manually by using the command:
ldd /usr/local/bin/program_name
and <B>ldd</B> would print out what dynamic libraries the executable is
linked against. Well, this wouldn't be too bad if you only had a few
programs in the directory, but what if you have several dozen or more...?
Hmmm... that's a pretty stiff workout for the 'ol fingers...
Fortunately, there's a VERY easy way to accomplish this using the following
find /usr/local/bin/* -print |
while read FILE; do
echo $file
ldd $file
Wanna know something REALLY cool...? :-)
You can do this in a shell script AND you can do this at a terminal!
Yup! Try typing the above lines in at a terminal. On my machine this is
what happens when I do this...
FiskHaus [VT] ~# find /usr/local/bin/* -print |
&gt; while read FILE; do
&gt; echo $FILE
&gt; echo
&gt; ldd $FILE
&gt; echo
&gt; done
libc.so.5 =&gt; /lib/libc.so.5.0.9
libc.so.5 =&gt; /lib/libc.so.5.0.9
libc.so.5 =&gt; /lib/libc.so.5.0.9
See...? Using this simple trick I get a listing of all of the files
in the /usr/local/bin directory and what libraries they are linked against.
The basic construct is:
find /directory/* -print |
while read FILE; do
command $FILE
next command $FILE
next command after next command $FILE
The <B>find</B> program is a VERY powerful program that can be used for
finding files using all kinds of specifications. I'm not going to go into
this now, but for those of you who are intersted the <B>Linux Journal</B>
recently had a very complete article on using the <B>find</B> program.
Anyway, we use <B>find</B> to generate a list of files that we're interested
in and then pipe them on to the next command. The GNU version of find doesn't
really need the &quot;-print&quot; option since this is the action that it
defaults to. Still, since we're being a bit pedagogic here, it won't hurt...
The next step is where the coolness begins. What we've done here is set up
a while-do loop that takes each value piped to it from the find command and
then uses the BASH <B>read</B> function to read that value into the variable
<B>FILE</B>. While there are still filenames being read into file, we perform
the <B>do</B> statements which in this case print the name of the file to
stdout, echo a blank line, and then use <B>ldd</B> against the file. When
the last filename has been read in the while loop terminates.
Suppose that you wanted to catch all of this output that goes merrily whizzing
by you on your screen...? Well, you could do a couple different things. What
I did was simply use the <B>script</B> program to make a logfile of the output.
This is one easy means of doing this. Another might be to change the commands
a bit and save the output to a file:
find /usr/local/bin/* -print |
while read FILE; do
echo $file &gt;&gt; ldd.log
echo &gt;&gt; ldd.log
ldd $file &gt;&gt; ldd.log
echo &gt;&gt; ldd.log
In this case, we've sent the output to the <B>ldd.out</B> file. The only
problem with this is that you don't get to see what's going on until the
operation is done. If you wanted to save the output to file AND have it
print to stdout you could use the <B>tee</B> command:
find /usr/local/bin/* -print |
while read FILE; do
echo $file | tee ldd.log
echo | tee ldd.log
ldd $file | tee ldd.log
echo | tee ldd.log
Here, the <B>tee</B> command saves the output to the file you designate and
prints its input to the screen.
Very Cool... :-)
Another example that comes from the folks at RedHat involves creating a
small shell script that generates context diffs. This suggestion comes
from their <B>Red Hat Linux User's Guide</B>:
# program; gendiff
# description: generates context diffs
# usage:
# gendiff file_directory .suffix
# the `file_directory' is the location of the files to patch,
# the `.suffix' is the suffix (plus the `.') that the original files were
# saved with
# [originial program described in Redhat Commercial Linux Users Guide, p. 74-75]
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "
gendiff program: generates unified diffs
gendiff [file_directory] [.suffix]
file_directory = the directory containing the modified files
.suffix = the suffix (plus the . ) for original files
find $1 -name "*$2" -print |
while read i
diff -u $i ${i%%$2}
I won't go into a discussion of just all that's going on here... it's pretty
straight forward and the comments describe how this program is called. Many
thanks to the folks at RedHat for this great suggestion!
Since we're talking about using variables here, let's see a little trick
to do a bit of operating on our variables...
<B>Using the BASH &quot;##&quot; and &quot;%%&quot; operators...</B>
This is a little trick that I came across a while back while skimming through
some Usenet news. I honestly can't recall the author or even the subject of
the message, but what I did come across was the following handy trick.
Suppose that you successfully assign a variable a value but it's not in the
form that you can use easily. What kind of operations can you perform on that
variable in order to convert it to a form that you can use? I'm obviously
being a bit rhetorical here, so let me use a real-life example.
When I first started learning shell scripting I wrote a simple program that
allowed me to print files in various formats - PostScript, ASCII, .DVI,
TeX, LaTeX, etc. The reason for this was simply that I was getting tired of
having to type in half a dozen or so commands in order to convert a file to
a format that could be printed AND then actually print the file. I also
discovered that by echoing certain escape sequences to my printer that I could
get it to do all kinds of groovy stuff, such as control the default resident
font that was used if I wasn't using soft fonts.
The problem that I ran up against was trying to print the .DVI files. I
was using the <B>dvilj2p</B> program to convert the .dvi file to a .lj file
that I could simply <B>cat</B> to /dev/lp1 to print. The problem that I
ran up against was that I was able to get the filename with its .dvi suffix
but was having trouble changing the suffix to .lj in order the print the
file. That is, if the variable for the filename was &quot;document.dvi&quot;,
then what I need to do was convert it somehow to &quot;document.lj&quot;
since that was the default output from the dvilj2p program.
The answer came by using BASH's &quot;##&quot; and &quot;%%&quot; operators.
What these do is let you delete a portion of the variable's value - either
at the beginning of the value or at the end.
For example, using the fictitious document.dvi file from the above, what I
could do was convert the value of the variable (let's call it FILE) from
document.dvi -&gt; document, and then append the &quot;.lj&quot; suffix to
it. If this sounds confusing, it's only that explanations fall short of
having a good example. So, let's see what the solution was:
<P>Here's a snippet from my <B>print</B> program that let's me print DVI
cd /tmp
dvilj2p "$DIR"/"$FILE_NAME"
cat ${FILE_NAME%%.dvi}.lj &gt; /dev/lp1
/bin/rm -f /tmp/${FILE_NAME%%.dvi}.lj
See what's happening...? In this case I've assigned the FILE_NAME variable
the name of the file that I want to print. After changing to the /tmp
directory I run the dvilj2p program against that file and the output is
saved to the /tmp directory. At this point, my fictitious document.dvi file
has been renamed and is now document.lj. The way that I handled this before
was simply to clean out all *.lj files from the /tmp directory, create my
document.lj file, and then just &quot;cat *.lj&quot; to the /dev/lp1 device.
Now, using these handy little BASH functions, the variable value was
&quot;changed&quot; to have a &quot;.lj&quot; suffix. Now, don't lose
me here because once you see what's going on, you'll find this pretty
The manual page for these things in BASH are admittedly a bit sketchy:
The word is expanded to produce a pattern just as
in pathname expansion. If the pattern matches the
beginning of the value of parameter, then the
expansion is the value of parameter with the short-
est matching pattern deleted (the ``#'' case) or
the longest matching pattern deleted (the ``##''
The word is expanded to produce a pattern just as
in pathname expansion. If the pattern matches a
trailing portion of the value of parameter, then
the expansion is the value of parameter with the
shortest matching pattern deleted (the ``%'' case)
or the longest matching pattern deleted (the ``%%''
So, let's see how this works with my printing program and the 'ol document.dvi
If the FILE variable was assigned the value &quot;document.dvi&quot;, then
the command <KBD>echo $FILE</KBD> at this point would print out:
Now, suppose that we changed this a bit and used the construct above: Let's
change that document.dvi to the value &quot;document.lj&quot;. We could do
this using something like:
echo ${FILE%%dvi}lj
which would produce the output:
The &quot;%%&quot; operator expands the FILE variable and then deletes that
portion of it that matches &quot;dvi&quot;. Because this would now leave us
with &quot;document.&quot; (notice the &quot;.&quot; remains in this example)
and adding the &quot;lj&quot; to the end produces the output that we wanted -
The same thing could be done to delete the <I>first</I> portion of the
filename. Suppose for argument's sake that we wanted to convert our now
much-used document.dvi file to something like &quot;test.dvi&quot;. To
do this we could do something like:
echo test${FILE##document}
Again, we could do this at a terminal just to convince ourselves that this
actually works and doing so generates the following output:
FiskHaus [VTp1] ~# FILE=document.dvi &&
&gt; echo test${FILE##document}
Very Cool... :-)
One important final note: all along I've said that the value of the
variable was &quot;changed&quot;. This isn't really true since the
value of the variable really <I>isn't</I> being changed: what we're
doing is manipulating its output so that it <I>appears</I> to have been
changed. That is, the value of FILE may be &quot;document.dvi&quot;
but we can output a value of &quot;document.lj&quot; by using the
construct ${FILE%%.dvi}.lj.
Getting tired of this example...? I am. :-)
Try messing around with this a bit and see what you can do. But before we
leave this subject, here's one more small tidbit that's not very functional
but is a lot of fun...
<B>Using the echo -n construct...</B>
In tinkering around with the various rc.d files I've learned a bit about
the init process. In doing so, I noticed that during boot up there was
often quite a bit of lag time while some process was going on... either
a daemon was being launched, or some program was being called, or a mail
queue was being checked, and so forth. I didn't particularly care to see
all of the usual output from these actions but I was interested in knowing
what was going on and when a particular action was done. Well, here's a
simple trick for setting up a:
&quot;I'm doing something.... done.&quot;
kind of output.
The trick is to use the <B>echo</B> command with the &quot;-n&quot; option
which causes echo to print the value to the screen without moving the cursor
to a new line. This is used in the form:
echo -n "Starting MegaDaemon (this'll take a moment, folks)..."
/usr/sbin/MegaDaemon -t -L -ouextpPxXZ1r -cf /usr/lib/MegaDaemon.cfg
echo " done!!"
Since I'm admittedly still a bit of a UN*X tenderfoot, I don't particularly
care to know all of the gory details about what in the world a <I>MegaDaemon</I>
is doing, but it is kind of comforting to see that an attempt is made to
start it and that, at some point, it is finally done. Using echo -n helps
As you might anticipate, the output is simply:
Starting MegaDaemon (this'll take a moment, folks)... done!!
As long as the program itself doesn't print output to the screen, then all
you'll see is the initial message and the ellipsis followed by the
&quot;done!!&quot; string when things are completed.
This is admittedly a pretty cutesy thing to do and not quite as functional
as the previous constructs.
You gotta keep reminding yourself...
<B>Linux was meant to be fun!</B>
Enjoy!! :-)
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<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- LOGIN ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="login"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">Customizing the
'ol Login Prompt!</A></H2>
OK... here's a few fun suggestions for customizing the 'ol login prompt.
I started messing around with this a while ago, after tinkering around
with the keypad so that I could use it to change VT's. Once I was able
to get that done, it seemed that it would be a great idea to somehow
come up with a means of &quot;labelling&quot; each VT so that I could
tell which one I was on.
The first idea I had was to colorize each individual VT using the <B>
setterm</B> program (which is something that those of you who've been
hanging around here a while will remember...). At first, this seemed
like a pretty good idea, but after trying this, and ending up with more
color combos than a pack of LifeSavers, this didn't seem like such a
great idea.
So... after a bit more reading and tinkering, here's what I came up with
and a few kinda fun things that you can do with the 'ol login prompt.
First, ever wonder just exactly <I>where</I> that little rascal comes
I did... :-)
If you're using one of the Slackware distributions, then the answer will
be found in your /etc/profile. FYI, this is the file that is sourced for
<I>all</I> logins including root. The section of interest, at least for
Slackware, is the following:
# Set up the various login prompts based upon the shell.
#PS1='`hostname`:`pwd`# '
if [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/pdksh" -o "$SHELL" = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
PS1="! $ "
elif [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/bash" ]; then
if [ `whoami` = "root" ]; then
if [ ! "$TERM" = xterm ]; then
PS1='\033[44;01;33m root \033[m [VT${SCREEN_NO##/dev/tty}] \w# '
PS1='\u [VT${SCREEN_NO##/dev/tty}] \w# '
elif ! [ `whoami` = "root" ]; then
PS1='\u [VT${SCREEN_NO##/dev/tty}] \w$ '
elif [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/zsh" ]; then
PS1="%m:%~%# "
elif [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/ash" ]; then
PS1="$ "
PS1='\h:\w\$ '
PS2='&gt; '
Now, those of you actually using Slackware will immediately recognize that
this has been hacked up a bit...
Surprising..., huh? :-)
Even the plain vanilla /etc/profile should have a vague resemblence to this
and so you should be able to spot the section without much trouble. Let's
see what's going on here...
First, you'll need to know a couple thing about BASH. The little rascal
that we'll need to tinker around with is the &quot;PS1&quot; environment
variable. This is what actually sets the primarily prompt. Let's first
see what the 'ol BASH manual page has to say about this:
PS1 The value of this parameter is expanded (see
PROMPTING below) and used as the primary prompt
string. The default value is ``bash\$ ''.
So... that's the definition, here's a bit more on the subject:
When executing interactively, bash displays the primary
prompt PS1 when it is ready to read a command, and the
secondary prompt PS2 when it needs more input to complete
a command. Bash allows these prompt strings to be cus-
tomized by inserting a number of backslash-escaped special
characters that are decoded as follows:
\t the current time in HH:MM:SS format
\d the date in "Weekday Month Date" format
(e.g., "Tue May 26")
\n newline
\s the name of the shell, the basename of $0
(the portion following the final slash)
\w the current working directory
\W the basename of the current working direc-
\u the username of the current user
\h the hostname
\# the command number of this command
\! the history number of this command
\$ if the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a
\nnn the character corresponding to the octal
number nnn
\\ a backslash
\[ begin a sequence of non-printing characters,
which could be used to embed a terminal con-
trol sequence into the prompt
\] end a sequence of non-printing characters
The command number and the history number are usually dif-
ferent: the history number of a command is its position in
the history list, which may include commands restored from
the history file (see HISTORY below), while the command
number is the position in the sequence of commands exe-
cuted during the current shell session. After the string
is decoded, it is expanded via parameter expansion, com-
mand substitution, arithmetic expansion, and word split-
Actually, this short description was pretty helpful in doing a bit of
&quot;prompt tinkering&quot;.
What I wanted to do involved primarily two things:
<LI>have the login prompt display which VT I was currently at
<LI>have the login prompt display who I was logged in as
You might think the second of these is a <I>bit</I> odd until you recall
that it is too easy to login to several VT's and have at least one of these
logins be a root login. Now, you know what kind of mischief you can get
yourself into as root and so it pays to know just exactly <I>how</I>
you're logged in at each VT. Here's one means of doing it...
The pertinent section of /etc/profile is as follows:
elif [ "$SHELL" = "/bin/bash" ]; then
if [ `whoami` = "root" ]; then
if [ ! "$TERM" = xterm ]; then
PS1='\033[44;01;33m root \033[m [VT${SCREEN_NO##/dev/tty}] \w# '
PS1='\u [VT${SCREEN_NO##/dev/tty}] \w# '
elif ! [ `whoami` = "root" ]; then
PS1='\u [VT${SCREEN_NO##/dev/tty}] \w$ '
As you can see by looking at the entire entry above, what we're doing
here is going through a series of nested if statements with the first
series of tests to determine which shell is being used. In this case,
we're assuming that you're using the BASH shell. Once this evaluates
to true, the next set of if statements are evaluated.
Next, we use the <B>whoami</B> utility to test for who we log in as.
This is how we catch the root login. If this is true, then we start the
next bit of magic :-)
The third test is to see <I>where</I> we're logged in. In this case,
it's testing to make sure that we're NOT in X and logging in to an xterm...
you'll see why in a minute. As long as we're not in X, then the first PS1
is set, if not (and we ARE in X), then the second definition is used.
So, let's take a look at all that mess on the first PS1 definition...
What I'm doing here is a bit more playing around with colors! Those of
you who've skimmed through the section above on colorizing /etc/issue
will recognize the &quot;44;01;33m&quot; format as the escape sequence
for bright yellow text on a blue background (see the info in that section
for details). What might not be immediately obvious is what is going on
with the &quot;\033[&quot; stuff. The answer is found by going back to
our friend, <B>Mr. BASH Manual Page</B>.
Looking again at this, you'll notice that you can use a designation
described as:
\nnn the character corresponding to the octal
number nnn
Now, we know from our prior mucking about that the escape character can
be entered in VIM by using the &quot;ctrl-v, ESC&quot; key combination
(that is, hitting the control and v keys simultaneously and then hitting
the escape key). <I>Another</I> means of doing this is simply providing
the octal value for escape which is...
You guessed it...! 033.
So... the light is beginning to dawn...
What we're doing here is putting in an escape sequence to temporarily
change the color of the prompt to bright yellow text on blue background
and print the word &quot;root&quot;. The final &quot;\033[m&quot;
resets the console to its normal color scheme.
Cool, eh?
So, you ask, what's to stop you from doing all kinds of crazy and wild things
with colors and stuff... I mean... you could make it bright yellow blinking on
a purple background or something unorthodox like that...!!
I mean... think of the <B>raw, unbridled power that this puts in your trembling
Hey, man... welcome to Linux :-)
This is serious coolness...
Anyway, you get the point. Go ahead, get nuts!! But before you do, keep
reading to see what little bit magic we can continue to do.
Our next bit of fun has to do with printing the VT number that we've logged
in at. As I mentioned above, I wanted to do this because I've set up the
keypad as the VT changer and want to keep track of where I am. This is
accomplished using the <B>tty</B> program which we've mentioned here before.
In this case, what we've done is set up a variable called SCREEN_NO and
assigned it the value of the <B>tty</B> command. To try this out yourself
just enter <KBD>tty</KBD> at any console and you'll see that it'll print
out which terminal you're at. Now, you'll see that the output is actually
in the form:
if you happened to be at tty3. What I wanted to do was convert this to
to something like:
This is pretty easy to do using one of those nifty BASH builtins that those
of you who've skimmed over the shell scripting stuff will already know about.
By taking the output of tty, assigning it to the variable SCREEN_NO, and then
&quot;reformatting&quot; it a bit using the following construct:
we end up with the format that we want! The ${SCREEN_NO##/dev/tty} thingy
cuts off all of the stuff at the front (/dev/tty) leaving only the part
that we're really interested in. That is, /dev/tty3 is truncated to the
number 3. Stick the letters &quot;VT&quot; in front of it and we've
got our VT3!
Very cool.
The final bit of explanation has to do with the &quot;\w&quot; and
&quot;\u&quot; stuff. Again, we'll find the answer in the BASH manual
page. You see, in defining the login prompt, there are several predefined
backslash-escaped strings that you can use. They are listed above and
let you add all kinds of fun things! In my case, I've added the \u and
\w strings that evaluate to the user (\u) and working directory (\w).
But there's nothing to stop me from including all kinds of other fun
and useful stuff like the time (\t), date (\d), hostname (\h), the
history number of the command (\!), and so forth.
One useful thing to keep in mind for those of you who want a more
terse prompt is to substitute \W for \w if you include the working
directory. This truncates the directory listing to only the basename
and not the entire path. Thus, is you were working in the
directory, using \W would print out only the final /keep part of the
directory path.
kinda handy :-)
Anyway, so what's the Big Picture?
Let's recap...
By using <B>whoami</B> we've found that we can customize the login prompt for
a root login vs. the rest of the users. Using escape sequences, we added
a bit of color so that a root login has a bright yellow on blue prompt with
the word &quot;root&quot; printed so we know that this is a root login (and,
consequently, be careful of mucking around with the system). I didn't mention
why I tested for an xterm login -- the reason for this is because when I use
rxvt or a color-capable xterm, I use a gray86 background color. These xterms
are capable of displaying colors, but on my system they come out looking pretty
washed out. Therefore, I don't colorize the prompt, but instead use the \u
sequence to print out who I'm logged in as.
So, for a normal login, my prompt looks like:
fiskjm [VT4] /usr/local/src$
A root login would look similar except that the first portion of the prompt
would be colorized if I was not in X.
Keep in mind that if you edit your /etc/profile file (AFTER you've made a
backup of it :-) to test drive your changes you only need to log out and
log back in at some terminal; you DON'T need to reboot the system.
This has been a LOT of fun to play around with. I've found that, coupled
with the keypad VT changer stuff, that's it's pretty easy to keep track
of multiple logins. I use VT1 - VT3 (bottom row of keypad numbers) for
all my root logins; VT4 - VT6 for user logins (second row of keypad numbers);
VT7 and VT8 for any additional logins that I need; and VT9 (for which I
purposely don't have a getty hanging off of) is where I send ALL logging
messages using a suggestion in one of the past LG's. For those of you
who might have missed this, it involved adding a stanza similar to this
to your /etc/syslog.conf:
*.* /dev/tty9
This sends EVERYTHING to tty9 so that you can quickly switch to this to
get an up-to-the-minute look at what's being logged by syslog.
Anyway, as usual, there's all kinds of great stuff that could be added
here and I'm sure that I've touched on just the tip of the proverbial
iceberg. If you've got any ideas or suggestions of your own, drop me
a note and share the wealth!
Have fun!
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<!-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<!-- CND II ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="CNDII"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">Review: Caldera
Network Desktop Preview II</A></H2>
<H4>By <A HREF="http://mindlink.bc.ca/alan_bailward">Alan Bailward</A></H4>
<H3>What it is and how I got it (<EM>kinda sounds like a disease, right?</EM>)
Anyone who gets the <A HREF="http://www.sc.com">Linux Journal</A> will
be familiar with <A HREF="http://www.caldera.com">Caldera</A> and their
<EM>Network Desktop</EM> from the ads. Generally within the first few
pages of the Linux Journal has a huge 2 page ad from Caldera,
advertising the <EM>Network Desktop</EM> and their preview program.
About October of 1995 I finally decided to see just what their
<EM>"...desktop metaphor"</EM> was all about.<P>
So I called the number, and gave my name, number, address, credit card
number etc to the lady, and was told that it would be here within 5
days. A few days later, FedEx showed up with a package for me. In it
was the CND CD and manual.<P> I had been to the Caldera WWW site, and
they had said it was <EM>possible</EM> to install the CND on top of a
Slackware setup (what I was running), but it was left as an excersise to
the hacker :) not much more infor than that. So I decided not to screw
around with my current setup, and to install the CND "clean". I backed
up my ~230 MB of linux files with the <STRONG>KBACKUP</STRONG> backup
program (which uses the archive utility afio, both available on sunsite)
onto my iomega 250 tape backup.<P>
The manual went through how to make the boot and root disks, what the
utilities were that you would have to use to manage the partitions,
users and groups. The CND is based on the <A
HREF="http://www.redhat.com">RedHat</A> Linux Distribution, which
differes to the "normal" Slackware setup. I'll get into how it is
diffrent is just a minute. The setup requires a boot disk and two root
<H3>A Little Bit of Hell with My CDROM</H3>
I booted up with the boot disk, then the root disks. As soon as I
<EM>would</EM> have gotten to the CLI login or prompt, my screen
exploded in a whirling mass of "Unexpected Interrupt 0x40" messages.<P>
This is a problem that I know about with my CDROM drive (a NEC 2vi with
an IDE interface) and the way the IDE interface interacts with my
computers BUS. I originally had to modify the
/usr/src/linux/drivers/block/ide.c file, and get rid of a couple of
lines. The problem was solved in the 1.3.x kernel series. I rebooted
and watched the boot messages more carefully... sure enough the kernel
was 1.2.13. I made a call to Caldera and asked for their tech support.
After a day or so of telephone tag, their techy Alan told me that there
were some additional boot disks hidden at the redhat ftp site that use
the 1.3.x kernel. I needed a new
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat-2.1/i386/images/1332">
bootdisk</A> and a new
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat-2.1/i386/images/ramdisk2.img">
ramdisk2</A>. I got these, used rawrite to write them to disk, and
rebooted again. This time Success!<P>
I followed the instructions in the CND manual, leaving out only the
network information (DNS, IP address, etc), as I was only a standalone
machine. I was eventually given some very easy X11R6 setup questions -
much easier than what one must normally go through to get it setup - and
finally a choice of what to install. One thing I didn't like was there
was not the level of control you have with the Slackware+Pkgtool setup.
For example, I chose to install the "X games", but was never give a list
of what would be installed, or a choice to select or deselect any of the
individual games.<P>
Oh yea, the 160 MB free that Caldera suggests - forget it. If you want a
decent setup I would suggest <EM>at least</EM> 200 MB.<P>
<H3>The CND Itself</H3>
The CND is an attempt at a Plug and Play Linux for the masses. It uses
a desktop metaphor program called <STRONG>Looking Glass</STRONG>, which
runs on top of a stock X11R6 + FVWM. Looking Glass has drag and drop,
file association, right click ability, and customizable everything (just
like a Linux program <EM>should</EM> have). Anyone who has run X with
the minimum 8 MB of RAM knows that it is possible, but painful. Running
X with Looking Glass on top of it with 8 MB is not much fun.<P>
The whole slew of X utilities are very nice. There is an FSTAB manager,
makes mounting, unmounting, and the options for your filesystems very easy
to manage. There is also usercfg. You can make a user's password none or
locked with a mouse press... same with change shells or secondary groups.
There is nothing new here, just easier and quicker for people who can't
richie:*:60:100:Dennis Richie:/home/richie:/bin/sh
in their sleep. Caldera also includes a WWW browser called Arena. It
is... well... OK. I would suggest getting the latest version of
<A HREF="http://home.netscape.com">Netscape</A>, though.<P>
The CND uses a Perl program called RPM to manage installing and
de-installing packages. It keeps track of what is installed where so
when you want to upgrade you can safely and easily delete an old
package, and install the new one. I used this program to get rid of the
slag that was installed against my wishes with the command: rpm -u
[package name]. RPM also supports powerful query options - so you can
keep track of what package a file belongs to, or what files a package
has, or what packages are installed total! This is a HUGE improvement
over pkgtool, and gives Linux users the potential to actually upgrade
their systems, instead of re-installing the whole thing! Unfortunatly,
if the package you get is not in an RPMed form, you have to use the
traditional meathod, and you are back at square one :). It is possible
to make your own RPM packages, but I didn't investigate this too far.<P>
What is lacking from the CND are a lot of the little things the
Slackware users are used to. EMACS is a big one - though the X editor
CRiSP-Lite is very nice. Other little things like uuencode and uudecode
and color-ls are standard in other distributions, and it is a hassle not
to have them.<P>
[Ed. - color-ls is included with the CND II/RedHat 2.0 distribution but
is not set up for use by default. You'll need to read the RedHat-FAQ
to get details of how to do this -- John]<P>
The file system is diffrent too. Because of RPM, Caldera expects that
you will have no need for a /usr/local directory. Also, there are a lot
of changes in the initialization files and directory structure in
/etc/rc.d/* . The RedHat distributions file system is close to the Linux
FSSTND (file system standard), but still falls short. They know this,
and in the manual describe the changes and reasons for them.<P>
The CND is directed more at <STRONG>networking</STRONG> - but unfortunatly
I don't have a network to use it on. Connecting to my internet provider
<A HREF="http://mindlink.bc.ca">Mindlink</A> with DIP was no problem,
and lynx, arena, netscape, ftp, telnet all worked as expected.<P>
In the /etc/httpd directory were all the config files for the http server
daemon, there is support for being a: &quot;full-featured NetWare Client with:
access to NetWare 3 and Netware 4 servers; NDS support...&quot; Also, it looked
VERY easy to set oneself up as a WWW server, an FTP server, News server, or
SMTP mail server. If you can plug yourself into the net at school or
whatnot, this would be fantastically easy and fun to do (or so I think).<P>
<H3>In Conclusion</H3>
My conclusion is inconclusive. If you are a slackware user, with no net
access, I wouldn't recommend getting this package. The main benifit of the
CND is the networking, internet server abilities, and Looking Glass
program. If you don't have the hardware to run Looking Glass efficiently
(12 MB RAM or so), it is just a diffrent Linux distribution.<P>
But if you are a first-time Linux user, the CND will give you a very nice,
easy introduction to Linux. Or if you have network access and want to be a
server, the CND makes it very easy to do.<P>
For more information, please
<A HREF="mailto:alan_bailward@mindlink.bc.ca">mail me</A>.
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<!-- E. CAMERON ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="ecame"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">CND Desktop Review -
Part II and WebSurfer</A></H2>
<B>by Edward Cameron</B>
<A HREF="mailto:ecame119@ecity.net"> &lt;ecame119@ecity.net&gt;</A>
This is the the second in a series of reviews of the much talked about
<B>Caldera Network Desktop</B> distribution. Ed continues his series
of write-ups with a review of the Preview II release. He also continues
with <B>WebSurfer</B> - recounts of his peripateticisms around <I>LinuxSpace...
(Caveat! The CND review page is <I>graphics intense</I>! Those of you
with a slow connection be advised that this may take a few minutes to
fully load. It's worth it though... :-)
<H3><A HREF="./caldera_mar96.html">CND Preview II Review</A></H3>
<H3><A HREF="./web_surfer_mar96.html">WebSurfer</A></H3>
Many thanks to Ed for writing all of this up!
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<!-- EMACS ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="emacs"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">EMACS -- Enhanced
by <B>Jesper Pedersen</B> at
<A HREF="http://www.imada.ou.dk/~blackie/"> www.imada.ou.dk</A>
<H3><A HREF="./emacs_mar96.html">Emacs -- Enhanced Features</A></H3>
Well, I owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to Jesper, author of the program
<B>Dotfile Generator</B>, for being willing to take time out of a very
hectic schedule to write this article on emacs' enhanced features. Those
of you who've been hanging out around here know that I'm still pretty
emacs-illiterate and generally revert to VIM for basic editing.
Here's a marvelous article on some of the more fun things that you can
do with EMACS (and who knows... maybe it'll make an emacs user out of me
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<!-- MOXFM ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="moxfm"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">The Moxfm, Ext2-OS/2,
XVile, Elvis, and Unclutter Programs!</A></H2>
by <B>Larry Ayers</B>
<A HREF="mailto:layers@vax2.rain.gen.mo.us"> &lt;layers@vax2.rain.gen.mo.us&gt;
<H3><A HREF="./moxfm_mar96.html">The Moxfm File Manager</A></H3>
<H3><A HREF="./ext2-os2_mar96.html">Ext2-OS/2: Access Linux from OS/2!</A></H3>
<H3><A HREF="./elvis_mar96.html">A New Version of Elvis (v. 2.0j)</A></H3>
<H3><A HREF="./xvile_mar96.html">The Vile and XVile editors: VI lives on!
<H3><A HREF="./unclutter_mar96.html">The Unclutter Utility</A></H3>
First, my sincerest thanks to Larry for his prodigious and well written
articles on several great programs!
For those of you who've been looking for a graphical file manager here's a
VERY informative article by Larry Ayers on the <B>moxfm</B> file manager -
a descendant of the <B>xfm</B> file manager. If you've never tried out this
program, this is a <I>must read</I> article!
Next, here's a program for all of you <B>OS/2</B> users out there...!
Ext2-OS/2 is a freely available program that runs under OS/2. It acts as
a filesystem driver, allowing you to access Linux from OS/2! This is serious
coolness for all of us &quot;OS/2 is my <I>next</I> fave OS&quot; kinda folks.
I must admit that I was pretty excited when Larry first wrote about this
discovery. For us OS/2 users, this is a serious <I>must read</I> article!
Also, no LG issue is complete without putting in a good word for VI (or
one of the more capable offspring! :-) Larry pulls a double here and covers
two very worthy vi clones - <B>xvile</B> and <B>elvis</B>. If it's been
a while since you test drove one of these more modern VI editors, you owe it
to yourself to come on down and kick the tires!
Finally, Larry includes a short write up of a great little X utility:
<B>unclutter</B> which chases away that cursor that's been hanging out just
a <I>bit</I> too long.
Again, a very hearty round of thanks to Larry for all of his hard work!
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<!-- SCREEN ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="screen"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">The Screen Utility
by <B>Borek Lupomesky</B>
<A HREF="mailto: root%next@termsrv3.ujep.cz"> &lt;root%next@termsrv3.ujep.cz&gt;
Two problems many of Unix users may have encountered: 1) Linux provides
you with virtual consoles. But when you login via telnet, or even using
terminal and modem, they do not work. 2) You want to logoff from
computer and still let some program running on it. In case of simple
command line oriented programs '&amp; or 'nohup' may be sufficient, but
with full-screen programs you are out of luck. Fortunately, these both
problems and others have already been addressed and the solution is
called 'screen'.
'Screen' is basically a program that implements virtual consoles. Basic
usage is pretty simple. Just type screen at your prompt and dispatch
info screen with [Enter] and you'll find yourself at the same shell
prompt. Fine, that's familiar. But here the magic begins: now, within
the "screen", you can press A-c (stands for ALT and c), and it adds
second screen. Now you are running two shells - you can do finger to see
that you're actually logged in twice. Of course, you can add more
virtual screens when you wish. Every screen is fully independent of the
others and you can run anything you want in it. Switching between screen
is quick: C-n rotates you around the active screens. There are also
other means of switching (see man page).
Now even better thing comes: while in screen, press A-n -- this returns
you to the login shell. Now you can logoff, while all the screens that
you've started on computer and the processes you started under them
continue running and doing their job. This is invaluable: you can start
NcFTP'ing large file and logoff, you can logoff without leaving IRC, you
can stay in text editor and so on. When you want to get back to your
stuff, you just log in and type at your login prompt "screen -r" and --
wow -- the jobs you've left running are back and well. There's no need
to re-attach screens from the same terminal you started them. So you may
leave your work on university, go home and from there continue.
No need to say, that these are only two basic features of the 'screen'
program. It is well documented, so you can find out the rest yourself.
Screen runs on most current Unices, it can work in telnet, terminal or
even xterm session. I personally use it even on Linux console. It is
fairly configurable. It is official GNU program, so you can download it
from any GNU mirror or directly from prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu. RedHat
Linux users might also want to look for something like screen-*.rpm.
[Once again, I'm indebted to Borek for providing information about a
program that I honestly haven't had a chance to try out and don't know
about :-). This is one of those great little programs that I've heard
about ever since I started using Linux. I appreciate Borek's taking
the time to write this up! -- John]
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<!-- LINUXITA ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="linuxita"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">Linuxita: the
Minimal Working Set?</A></H2>
By <B>Peter T. Breuer</B>
<A HREF="mailto: ptb@dit.upm.es"> &lt;ptb@dit.upm.es&gt;</A>
<H3><A HREF="./linuxita_mar96.html">Linuxita: the Minimal Working Set?
(HTML Version)</A></H3>
<H3><A HREF="./misc/linuxita.ps">Linuxita: the Minimal Working Set?
(PostScript Version)</A></H3>
Here is an absolutely delightful and informative narrative chronicling Dr.
Peter Breuer's work at reducing his Linux system (&quot;Bambam&quot;) to
a 4.7 MB partition on a 386sx with 3 MB RAM. Now don't touch that dial!!
This is an exceptional article and one that teaches you a LOT about the
basic requirements of a Linux system. It is also <B>required reading</B>
for those of you who are attempting a similar task -- squeezing Linux into
a small space. As the abstract confirms: it CAN be done.
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<!-- COLOPHON ---------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H2><A NAME="colophon"><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM SRC="../gx/text.gif">Colophon</A></H2>
You made it...! This is the end, my friend.
Well, as always, I'm deeply indebted to the growing number of folks you
have kindly given of their time and talents and have offered ideas,
suggestions, and great articles to the Linux Gazette! I've really enjoyed
hearing from y'all!
Also, for those of you who have a bit of programming experience under your
belt and want to try your hand at something <B>seriously cool</B> you've
GOTTA try <B>Tcl/Tk</B>
This stuff is <I>way too cool</I>...!
I just started tinkering around with this over Spring Break (did a bit of
<I>recreational</I> programming) and this is just too much fun. I picked
up a copy of <B>John Ousterhout's</B> excellent book <I>Tcl and the Tk
Toolkit</I> (Addison Wesley, (c) 1994) and printed up a copy of the book
draft <I>Practical Tcl and Tk Programming</I> by <B>Brent Welch</B>. Using
these and the program <B>xskim</B> by <B>Rene Pijlman</B> as an example, I
learned a LOT about the basics of Tcl/Tk programming. In the course of
a couple days I managed to add a few customizations (menubar, directory
browser for a &quot;Save As...&quot; item, and so forth) to the xskim
program, which is a program I use on a daily basis and really appreciate.
<B>Caveat!</B> This stuff is addicting! :-)
Those of you who've done <B>shell scripting</B> realize the fairly impressive
and powerful set of tools that many modern shells offer - including the ability
to create small programs. With <B>Tcl/Tk</B> you get an even richer and
more powerful and diverse set of tools that let you create <B>graphical</B>
programs that are really impressive. Many of you are familiar with the
programs <B>ical, addressbook, exmh, and xskim</B>: these are wonderful
examples of what can be done with this powerful scripting language.
In addition, a number of rich extensions are available including <B>TclX,
Blt, itcl, Tix,</B> and so forth. If you've got a bit of a programming bent
and have a little time on your hands, this is definitely worth the investment
in time to learn!
Also, there's a lot of very helpful documentation available including
<B>postscript drafts of both John Ousterhout's and Brent Welch's books</B>
that are available on the 'Net! There is no excuse for not learning!
<H3>Gotcha interested...?</H3>
Here's a listing of some great resources for all you Tcl/Tk wannabe-fans:
<DT>PostScript draft of John Ousterhout's book <I>Tcl and the Tk Toolkit</I>
at <A HREF="ftp://ftp.neosoft.com/pub/tcl/distrib/ousterbook/">
<DD>This is a freely available PostScript book draft of Dr. Ousterhout's
marvelous book. You'll need to pick up all four files.
<DT>Home page and links to the PostScript draft of Brent Welch's book
<I>Practical Tcl and Tk Programming</I> at
<A HREF="http://www.smli.com/~bwelch/book/index.html">
<DD>This is the homepage site for Brent Welch: a former graduate student
who studied under Dr. Ousterhout and who has written an excellent
resource that focuses on <I>practical</I> aspects of Tcl and Tk
programming. Read Brent's comments on the book draft while you're
<DT>Tcl Info Home page at
<A HREF="http://www.sco.com/Technology/tcl/Tcl.html">
<DD>This is a &quot;must see&quot; page for anyone interested in Tcl/tk
resources. It has extensive links to a variety of WWW and ftp
<DT>HTML'ized versions of the Tcl/Tk manual pages available for anonymous
ftp from
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.bdt.com/home/elf/pub/">
<DD>Look for the file <B>tcltk-man-html6.tar.gz</B> for the most recent
version of these pages.
<DT>Tcl/Tk Archives at
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.aud.alcatel.com/tcl/">ftp.aud.alcatel.com/tcl/</A>
<DD>This is one of <I>the</I> major Tcl/Tk ftp archive sites and contains
a wealth of program source, documents, Tcl/Tk distributions, and
various extensions. This is truly your &quot;one stop shopping&quot;
Well, that should get you going. Don't forget that there's also a huge
amount of documentation that comes with the Tcl/Tk source distribution as
manual pages AND that there are a number of very helpful demo's that come
with the Tk distribution. Depending on which Linux distribution you're
using, or whether you compiled and installed Tcl/Tk yourself, you should
be able to find these in either /usr/local/lib/tk/demos/ or in
Have fun!
Oh, and see you at <B>Linux Expo96</B>!
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<!-- FOOTER -------------------------------------------------------------- -->
<H4>Got any <I>great</I> ideas for improvements! Send your
<A HREF="mailto:fiskjm@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu">comments, criticisms, suggestions,
and ideas.</A></H4>
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<I>This page written and maintained by:</I><BR>
<A HREF="./jmf.html">John M. Fisk</A> at <A HREF="mailto:fiskjm@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu">
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