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2020-08-23 10:33:19 +00:00
Dinil Divakaran <mailto:dinildivakaran@rediffmail.com>
1.1, 2002-08-29
RTLinux Installation and writing realtime programs in Linux
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Who should read this HOWTO
1.3 Acknowledgement
1.4 Feedback
1.5 Distribution Policy
2. Installing RTLINUX
3. Why RTLinux
4. Writing RTLinux Programs
4.1 Introduction to writing modules
4.2 Creating RTLinux Threads
4.3 An example program
5. Compiling and Executing
6. Inter-Process Communication
6.1 Realtime FIFO
6.2 Application Using FIFO
7. What next
1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose
This document aims at getting the novice user up and running with
RTLinux in as painless a manner as possible.
1.2. Who should read this HOWTO
This document is meant for all those who wish to know the working of a
realtime kernel. For those of you already familiar with module
programming, the document wouldn't appear as a difficult one. And for
others, you needn't worry; since only the basic concepts of module
programming are required, which we would indeed discuss, as and when
1.3. Acknowledgement
First of all I would like to thank my advisor, Pramode C. E, for his
encouragement and help. Also I express my sincere appreciation to
Victor Yodaiken. This document would not have been possible without
all the information gathered from different papers contributed by
Victor Yodaiken. I am also grateful to Michael Barabanov for his
thesis on "A Linux-base Real-Time Operating System".
1.4. Feedback
Any doubt or comment about this document, is always welcome. Please
feel free to email me <mailto:dinildivakaran@rediffmail.com>. If there
is any mistake in this document, please let me know so that I can
correct it in the next revision. Thanks.
1.5. Distribution Policy
Copyright (C)2002 Dinil Divakaran.
This document is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This document is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
2. Installing RTLINUX
The first step in the compilation of RTLinux kernel, is to download a
pre-patched kernel 2.2.18 (x86 only) 2.2.18
<http://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.2/linux-2.2.18.tar.gz> (x86
only) or 2.4.0-test1
(x86, PowerPC, Alpha) into /usr/src/ and untar it. Also put a fresh
copy of RTLinux kernel (version 3.0) from www.rtlinux.org
<http://www.rtlinux.org> in /usr/src/rtlinux/. (We will use $ to
represent the prompt).
1. Now, configure the Linux kernel :
$ cd /usr/src/linux
$ make config
$ make menuconfig
$ make xconfig
2. For building the kernel image, type :
$ make dep
$ make bzImage
$ make modules
$ make modules_install
$ cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/rtzImage
3. Next step is to configure LILO. Type in the following lines in the
file /etc/lilo.conf
WARNING: replace /dev/hda1 in the above with your root filesystem. The
easiest way to find out which filesystem it should be, take a look at
the existing entry in your /etc/lilo.conf for "root=".
4. Now, restart your computer and load the RTLinux kernel by typing
'rtl' at the LILO prompt. Then 'cd' to /usr/src/rtlinux/ and
configure RTLinux.
$ make config
$ make menuconfig
$ make xconfig
5. Finally, for compiling RTLinux
$ make
$ make devices
$ make install
The last step will create the directory:
/usr/rtlinux-xx (xx denotes the version)
which contains the default installation directory for RTLinux which is
needed to create and compile user programs (that is, it contains the
include files, utilities, and documentation). It will also create a
symbolic link:
which points to /usr/rtlinux-xx. In order to maintain future
compatibility, please make sure that all of your own RTLinux programs
use /usr/rtlinux as its default path.
NOTE : If you change any Linux kernel options, please don't forget to
$ cd /usr/src/rtlinux
$ make clean
$ make
$ make install
3. Why RTLinux
The reasons for the design of RTLinux can be understood by examining
the working of the standard Linux kernel. The Linux kernel separates
the hardware from the user-level tasks. The kernel uses scheduling
algorithms and assigns priority to each task for providing good
average performances or throughput. Thus the kernel has the ability
to suspend any user-level task, once that task has outrun the time-
slice allotted to it by the CPU. This scheduling algorithms along with
device drivers, uninterruptible system calls, the use of interrupt
disabling and virtual memory operations are sources of
unpredictability. That is to say, these sources cause hindrance to the
realtime performance of a task.
You might already be familiar with the non-realtime performance, say,
when you are listening to the music played using 'mpg123' or any other
player. After executing this process for a pre-determined time-slice,
the standard Linux kernel could preempt the task and give the CPU to
another one (e.g. one that boots up the X server or Netscape).
Consequently, the continuity of the music is lost. Thus, in trying to
ensure fair distribution of CPU time among all processes, the kernel
can prevent other events from occurring.
A realtime kernel should be able to guarantee the timing requirements
of the processes under it. The RTLinux kernel accomplishes realtime
performances by removing such sources of unpredictability as discussed
above. We can consider the RTLinux kernel as sitting between the
standard Linux kernel and the hardware. The Linux kernel sees the
realtime layer as the actual hardware. Now, the user can both
introduce and set priorities to each and every task. The user can
achieve correct timing for the processes by deciding on the scheduling
algorithms, priorities, frequency of execution etc. The RTLinux kernel
assigns lowest priority to the standard Linux kernel. Thus the user-
task will be executed in realtime.
The actual realtime performance is obtained by intercepting all
hardware interrupts. Only for those interrupts that are related to the
RTLinux, the appropriate interrupt service routine is run. All other
interrupts are held and passed to the Linux kernel as software
interrupts when the RTLinux kernel is idle and then the standard Linux
kernel runs. The RTLinux executive is itself nonpreemptible.
Realtime tasks are privileged (that is, they have direct access to
hardware), and they do not use virtual memory. Realtime tasks are
written as special Linux modules that can be dynamically loaded into
memory. The initialization code for a realtime tasks initializes the
realtime task structure and informs RTLinux kernel of its deadline,
period, and release-time constraints.
RTLinux co-exists along with the Linux kernel since it leaves the
Linux kernel untouched. Via a set of relatively simple modifications,
it manages to convert the existing Linux kernel into a hard realtime
environment without hindering future Linux development.
4. Writing RTLinux Programs
4.1. Introduction to writing modules
So what are modules? A Linux module is nothing but an object file,
usually created with the -c flag argument to gcc. The module itself is
created by compiling an ordinary C language file without the main()
function. Instead there will be a pair of init_module/cleanup_module
<20> The init_module() which is called when the module is inserted into
the kernel. It should return 0 on success and a negative value on
<20> The cleanup_module() which is called just before the module is
Typically, init_module() either registers a handler for something with
the kernel, or it replaces one of the kernel function with its own
code (usually code to do something and then call the original
function). The cleanup_module() function is supposed to undo whatever
init_module() did, so the module can be unloaded safely.
For example, if you have written a C file called module.c (with
init_module() and cleanup_module() replacing the main() function), the
code can be converted into a module by typing :
$ gcc -c {SOME-FLAGS} my_module.c
This command creates a module file named module.o, which can now be
inserted into the kernel by using the 'insmod' command :
$ insmod module.o
Similarly, for removing the module, you can use the 'rmmod' command :
$ rmmod module
4.2. Creating RTLinux Threads
A realtime application is usually composed of several ``threads'' of
execution. Threads are light-weight processes which share a common
address space. In RTLinux, all threads share the Linux kernel address
space. The advantage of using threads is that switching between
threads is quite inexpensive when compared with context switch. We can
have complete control over the execution of a thread by using
different functions as will be shown in the examples following.
4.3. An example program
The best way to understand the working of a thread is to trace a
realtime program. For example, the program shown below will execute
once every second, and during each iteration it will print 'Hello
The Program code (file - hello.c) :
#include <rtl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t thread;
void * thread_code(void)
pthread_make_periodic_np(pthread_self(), gethrtime(), 1000000000);
while (1)
pthread_wait_np ();
rtl_printf("Hello World\n");
return 0;
int init_module(void)
return pthread_create(&thread, NULL, thread_code, NULL);
void cleanup_module(void)
So, let us start with the init_module(). The init_module() invokes
pthread_create(). This is for creating a new thread that executes
concurrently with the calling thread. This function must only be
called from the Linux kernel thread (i.e., using init_module()).
int pthread_create(pthread_t * thread,
pthread_attr_t * attr,
void * (*thread_code)(void *),
void * arg);
The new thread created is of type pthread_t, defined in the header
pthread.h. This thread executes the function thread_code(), passing it
arg as its argument. The attr argument specifies thread attributes to
be applied to the new thread. If attr is NULL, default attributes are
So here, thread_code() is invoked with no argument. thread_code has
three components - initialization, run-time and termination.
In the initialization phase, is the call to
int pthread_make_periodic_np(pthread_t thread,
hrtime_t start_time,
hrtime_t period);
pthread_make_periodic_np marks the thread as ready for execution. The
thread will start its execution at start_time and will run at
intervals specified by period given in nanoseconds.
gethrtime returns the time in nanoseconds since the system bootup.
hrtime_t gethrtime(void);
This time is never reset or adjusted. gethrtime always gives
monotonically increasing values. hrtime_t is a 64-bit signed integer.
By calling the function pthread_make_periodic_np(), the thread tells
the scheduler to periodically execute this thread at a frequency of 1
Hz. This marks the end of the initialization section for the thread.
The while() loop begins with a call to the function pthread_wait_np(),
which suspends execution of the currently running realtime thread
until the start of the next period. The thread was previously marked
for execution using pthread_make_periodic_np. Once the thread is
called again, it executes the rest of the contents inside the while
loop, until it encounters another call to pthread_wait_np().
Because we haven't included any way to exit the loop, this thread will
continue to execute forever at a rate of 1Hz. The only way to stop the
program is by removing it from the kernel with the rmmod command. This
invokes the cleanup_module(), which calls pthread_delete_np() to
cancel the thread and deallocate its resources.
5. Compiling and Executing
In order to execute the program, hello.c, (after booting rtlinux,
ofcourse) you must do the following :
1. Compile the source code and create a module using the GCC compiler.
To simplify things, however, it is better to create a Makefile.
Then you only need to type 'make' to compile the code.
Makefile can be created by typing in the following lines in a file
named 'Makefile'.
include rtl.mk
all: hello.o
rm -f *.o
hello.o: hello.c
$(CC) ${INCLUDE} ${CFLAGS} -c hello.c
2. Locate and copy the rtl.mk file into the same directory as your
hello.c and Makefile. The rtl.mk file is an include file which
contains all the flags needed to compile the code. You can copy it
from the RTLinux source tree and place it alongside of the hello.c
3. For compiling the code, use the command 'make'.
$ make
4. The resulting object binary must be inserted into the kernel, where
it will be executed by RTLinux. Use the command 'rtlinux' (you need
to be the 'root' to do so).
$ rtlinux start hello
You should now be able to see your hello.o program printing its
message every second. Depending on the configuration of your machine,
you should either be able to see it directly in your console, or by
$ dmesg
To stop the program, you need to remove it from the kernel. To do so,
$ rtlinux stop hello
Alternate ways for inserting and removing the module is to use insmod
and rmmod respectively.
Here, we have made our example program too simple. Contrary to what we
have seen, there may be multiple threads in a program. Priority can be
set at thread creation or modified later. Also, we can select the
scheduling algorithm that should be used. In fact, we can write our
own scheduling algorithms!
In our example, we can set priority of the thread as 1, and select
FIFO scheduling by inserting the following lines in the beginning of
the function, thread_code() :
struct sched_param p;
p . sched_priority = 1;
pthread_setschedparam (pthread_self(), SCHED_FIFO, &p);
6. Inter-Process Communication
The example program that we have seen above is what is known as a
realtime process. Not every part of a application program need be
written in realtime. It is found that only that part of a program
which requires precise time restrictions should be written as a
realtime process. Others can be written and executed in user space.
User spaces processes are often easier to write, execute and debug
than realtime threads. But then, there should be a way to communicate
between user space Linux processes and realtime thread.
There are several ways for inter-process communication. We will
discuss the most important and common way of communication - the
realtime FIFO.
6.1. Realtime FIFO
Realtime FIFOs are unidirectional queues (First In First Out). So at
one end a process writes data into the FIFO, and from the other end of
the FIFO, information is read by another process. Usually, one of
these processes is the realtime thread and the other is a user space
The Realtime FIFOs are actually character devices (/dev/rtf*) with a
major number of 150. Realtime threads uses integers to refer to each
FIFO (for example - 2 for /dev/rtf2). There is a limit to the number
of FIFOs. There are functions such as rtf_create(), rtf_destroy(),
rtf_get(), rtf_put() etc for handling the FIFOs.
On the other hand, the Linux user process sees the realtime FIFOs as
normal character devices. Therefore the functions such as open(),
close(), read() and write() can be used on these devices.
6.2. Application Using FIFO
First, let us consider a simple C program (filename pcaudio.c) to play
music (of just two tones) through the PC speaker. For the time being,
let us assume that for playing the note, we need only write to the
character device /dev/rtf3. (Later, we will see a realtime time
process that reads from this FIFO (/dev/rtf3) and sends to the PC
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define DELAY 30000
void make_tone1(int fd)
static char buf = 0;
write (fd, &buf, 1);
void make_tone2(int fd)
static char buf = 0xff;
write (fd, &buf, 1);
int i, fd = open ("/dev/rtf3", O_WRONLY);
while (1)
for (i=0;i<DELAY;i++);
for (i=0;i<DELAY;i++);
Now, if the above shown program (pcaudio.c) is compiled and run, it
should create regular sound patters corresponding to a square wave.
But before that we need a module for reading from '/dev/rtf3' and
sending the corresponding data to the PC speaker. This realtime
program can be found at the rtlinux source tree
(/usr/src/rtlinux/examples/sound/) . Insert the module sound.o using
the command 'insmod'.
Since we have inserted a module for reading from the device, we can
now execute our program (compile using 'gcc' and then execute the
corresponding 'a.out'. So the process produces somewhat regular
tones, when there is no other (time consuming) process in the system.
But, when the X server is started in another console, there comes more
prolonged silence in the tone. Finally, when a 'find' command (for a
file in /usr directory) is executed, the sound pattern is completely
distorted. The reason behind this is that, we are writing the data
onto the FIFO in non-realtime.
We will, now, see how to run this process in realtime, so that the
sound is produced without any kind of disturbance. First, we will
convert the above program into a realtime program. (Filename
#include <rtl.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <rtl_fifo.h>
#include <time.h>
#define FIFO_NO 3
#define DELAY 30000
pthread_t thread;
void * sound_thread(int fd)
int i;
static char buf = 0;
while (1)
for(i=0; i<DELAY; i++);
buf = 0xff;
rtf_put(FIFO_NO, &buf, 1);
buf = 0x0;
rtf_put(FIFO_NO, &buf, 1);
return 0;
int init_module(void)
return pthread_create(&thread, NULL, sound_thread, NULL);
void cleanup_module(void)
If not already done, 'plug in' the module sound.o into the kernel.
Compile the above program by writing a Makefile for it (as said
earlier), thus producing the module 'rtaudio.o'. Before inserting
this module, one more thing. Note that the above program runs into
infinite loop. Since, we have not included code for the thread to
sleep or stop, the thread will not cease its execution. In short, your
PC speaker will go on producing the tone, and you will have to restart
your computer for doing anything else.
So, let us change the code a little bit (only in the function
sound_thread()) by asking the thread itself to make the delay between
void * sound_thread(int fd)
static char buf = 0;
pthread_make_periodic_np (pthread_self(), gethrtime(), 500000000);
while (1)
buf = (int)buf^0xff;
rtf_put(FIFO_NO, &buf, 1);
return 0;
This time we can stop the process by just removing the module by using
the 'rmmod' command.
Here, we have seen how realtime FIFOs can be used for inter-process
communication. Also the real need for RTLinux can be understood from
the above example.
7. What next
This document has gone through the basics of programming in RTLinux.
Once you have understood the basic concept it is not difficult to make
steps by your own. So you can go through all other examples available
along with the rtlinux source. Then you should be able to write
modules and test them. For more information regarding module
programming, you can refer to 'Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide'
by Ori Pomerantz.