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<BIG><BIG><STRONG><FONT COLOR="maroon">Play Encoded DVDs in Xine</FONT></STRONG></BIG></BIG>
<STRONG>By <A HREF="../authors/kolp.html">LeaAnne Kolp</A></STRONG>
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<h2>Play Encoded DVDs in Xine</h2>
<p>First of all, you'll need to download the plugins.</p>
<p>These plugins will ONLY work with the xine-lib and xine-ui-0.9.12.
If you get 0.9.13 it will NOT work.</p>
<p>After you download those, switch to root</p>
<p><PRE>[tux@linux tux]$ su</PRE></p>
<p><PRE>Password: *****</PRE></p>
<p>Then you'll have to move the files that you just downloaded to your
/root/ directory. Do this by typing in the <br>
following at the command promt.</p>
<p><PRE>mv *.tar.gz /root/</PRE></p>
<p>If that doesn't work, then just type out the following:</p>
<p><PRE>mv xine-lib-0.9.12.tar.gz /root/</PRE></p>
<p>Do this for each of the files. After you get that done, then switch
to your /root/ directory by typing in the following:</p>
<p><PRE>cd /root/ type: ls</PRE></p>
<p>And you'll get a listing of all the files in your /root/ directory.
Now for the good part :)</p>
<p>Now to gunzip and untar it :)</p>
<p>To do this, type in the following:</p>
<p><PRE>gunzip -d xine-lib-0.9.12.tar.gz</PRE></p>
<p>Switch to that directory by typing the following:</p>
<p><PRE>cd xine-lib-0.9.12</PRE></p>
<p>Now type in: <PRE>ls</PRE></p>
<p>Now that you're in the directory, you'll have a README file and
INSTALL file. ALWAYS read the README file. <br>
No matter how many times you've done this before, something might have
changed. If the README doesn't tell <br>
you anything read the INSTALL file.</p>
<p>To do this, type in:</p>
<p><PRE>more README </PRE>(just like it is in the directory, if you don't type it
identical, it won'taccess it)</p>
<p><PRE>more INSTALL</PRE></p>
<p>Normally, a typical installation is done by typing in these
make check
make install</PRE></p>
<p>Again, always read the README. Each distribution of Linux is
different and therefore the installation <br>
instructions could be different.</p>
<p>Keep repeating the above steps until all 4 files are installed.</p>
<p>Then type in:</p>
<p><PRE>tar -xvf xine-lib.0.9.12.tar</PRE></p>
<p>Now type in: <PRE>ls</PRE></p>
<p>You'll see a directory (in dark blue) with the name:</p>
<p>Then type in the following to update your drive:</p>
<p>That could take awhile depending on your drive. When that's done,
you'll have to locate xine.</p>
<p>To do so, type in the following:</p>
<p><PRE>locate xine</PRE></p>
<p>It usually puts it in /usr/local/bin/ but to be on the safe side,
locate it. :)</p>
<p>Once you have it located, until you add it to your menus, type in
the directoryof where it was. <br>
So if it was in /usr/local/bin/xine you would type in:
<p>That would start the program running if that's where it was located.</p>
<p>Now here's the tricky part that you'll have to play with and figure
out on your own. When xine comes up, you'll <br>
see the d4d and d5d buttons at the bottom. When you put a dvd into the
dvdrom drive you'll have to click on either the <br>
d4d or d5d button to get it to play the encoded dvd.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, I don't know which one will work with the dvd you put
<p>Some dvds take the d5d, others take the d4d, you'll just have to
play around with it and experiment to find the one that's right. <br>
What I've started doing is when I put a dvd in and find out which
plugin works (i.e. d4d, d5d) I write it down, so I know and <br>
I don't have to play games with it to figure it out! :)</p>
<p>Congratulations! You've just gotten the plugins to work and now you
can sit back and enjoy the movie!</p>
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Hi, my name is LeaAnne and I've been Windows Free since March
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Copyright &copy; 2003, LeaAnne Kolp.
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 94 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, September 2003
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