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<BIG><BIG><STRONG><FONT COLOR="maroon">The CUPS printing system</FONT></STRONG></BIG></BIG>
<STRONG>By <A HREF="../authors/ward.html">Alan Ward</A></STRONG>
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<p>The CUPS printing system is what its name says: a Common Unix Printing
System. It is aimed at providing a common printing interface across a local
network, masking differences between the printing system on each computer.
While I am not sure that such a system is really needed in a
purely Linux environment where the standard Berkely LPD provides this functionality,
CUPS does provide interactivity with SMB and Windows printers. CUPS also
allows dynamic printer detection and grouping.</p>
<p>CUPS is licenced under GPL by a company called Easy Software Products.
Besides providing CUPS itself as free software, it also provides commercial
addons and support.</p>
<p>You can get it from <a href="http:/www.cups.org">www.cups.org</a>, or as
a RPM package for most distributions (seen it for Mandrake, RedHat and SuSE).</p>
<p><b>How does it work?</b></p>
<p>CUPS can be seen as a replacement of the LPD printing system. It
replaces the lpr command with its own, and the LPD printer drivers
with its own versions. However, it is very similar to LPD in that it is based on
PostScript as its underlying language for page description. Linux
(and Unix) programs won't know the difference between CUPS and LPD.</p>
<p>It contains a list of printer drivers that include most printers with
parallel port, USB and even serial connections. Note serial - connecting
a printer with a null-modem serial line is slow and more difficult to
set up than a parallel line, but it is sufficient for a matrix printer
-- for bulk printing or multiple copies -- and makes an easy way to build
a print server from a pile of older hardware. A hint to schools!</p>
<p><b>Dynamic printer detection</b></p>
<p>CUPS has a characteristic of Windows systems that is not very common in
the Unix world: it broadcasts the printers available on the local
computer to all other computers on the network. In this way, every computer
on the local IP segment gets to know in real time which printers are
available and what their status is.</p>
<p>Naturally, this is -- unlike Windows :-) -- configurable. You can tell
CUPS (in the <i>cupsd.conf</i> configuration file) if and where to broadcast
to, and specify how often the information is refreshed.</p>
<p><b>Grouping printers</b></p>
<p>A printer group -- called a <b>class</b> by CUPS -- is a group of
printers that appears as a single printer to user programs. For example,
you could create a group called ColorPrinters, including all your color
printers. The user could then tell his program to print on printer ColorPrinters,
and the output would be on one of these printers. Which one would depend on
user rights or which printer is currently available.</p>
<p>The fact that a printer is a member of a group does not mean, in itself, that
users cannot use that printer directly. However at CUPS access control level,
you can make the printers reject jobs - while groups accept them. The
end result is that users can use printer groups, not printers. It depends a
bit on the policy on printer use you intend to implement.</p>
<H4>Example 1</H4>
<p>I have a workshop with five computers under Linux, all running CUPS.
When changing a printer on one of them, I:</p>
<ul><li>take the old printer off CUPS,</li>
<li>put in the new printer,</li></ul>
<p>through the CUPS web interface in under 30 secs. That is <b>all</b>
the configuration required - the other computers get their default printing
routes updated in another 30 secs. Under 1 minute for the whole change: less
time than a laser printer takes to warm up.</p>
<H4>Example 2</H4>
<p>I like to provide, in my school network:</p>
<ul><li>A laser B/W printer class, that anybody can print on.</li>
<li>A draft Color class, that anybody can print on - but with restrictions on volume.</li>
<li>A precision Color class, that is only unblocked under my supervision.</li></ul>
<p>Most of these printers hang off Windows boxes and would be directly
available for other computers under Windows. However, by providing them
through CUPS on a central bridge/router, I:</p>
<ul><li>provide a means of centralizing printers - users only have to look
for a printer in a single place;</li>
<li>provide a means of printing on another ethernet segment, <b>without</b>
allowing normal Windows broadcast traffic to get across and
clutter up network bandwidth;</li>
<li>make sure that the teacher printing from his classroom up there on
the third floor of the other building doesn't get stuck because the
departamental printer on the ground floor of this building has run
out of paper - his print job got redirected to the standby printer.</li></ul>
<p><b>Integrating with Windows</b></p>
<p>To use a Windows printer under Linux or the other way round, you will
need to have a Samba server working. Set this up and test it before
going on (as a normal user, try viewing your home directory on the Linux
computer from a Windows box). Remember to turn password encyptation on
in <i>/etc/samba/smb.conf</i> if you are using Windows 98 or a more recent
<p>CUPS can use printers shared from computers under Windows, and network
printers using the SMB protocol. You configure a "Windows printer using
Samba". Basically, all you have to tell CUPS is the address of the printer,
as in: <i>smb://server/printer</i>.</p>
<p>Windows can use a CUPS printer shared by Samba. Proceed in the normal
way to share your printers with Samba: i.e. do not do anything. Your
printers are generally shared by defect. If this is not the case, edit
<i>smb.conf</i> to create the necessary share. All the Samba share options
are appliable. This is because Samba treats a CUPS printer in the same way
as a LPD printer.</p>
<p><b>Network printers</b></p>
<p>Network printers -- i.e. a printer with a network interface, that doesn't
need a host computer to be made available to the network -- can use
any of a variety of protocols:</p>
<ul><li>SMB protocol - you can see it in your Windows network environment
browsing screen.</li>
<li>LPD protocol - several models of Epson printers integrate a TPC/IP
stack and the LPD protocol. You can then access them on port 515 just
like a Linux box. Try using default queue <i>lp</i></li>
<li>A proprietary protocol (not good!).</li></ul>
<p>In the first two cases, proceed as with a printer hosted by a computer.
In the third, you are probably at a dead end. This happened to me with
a Lexmark: I ended up sharing it from a Windows box.</p>
<p>There are two ways of configurating CUPS. One is editing the configuration
file <i>/etc/cups/cupsd.conf</i>. The other is a classical web-based interface
you can access at port 631. This is very similar to the web-based configuration
of many network-capable printers, and should be intuitive for all.</p>
<p align=center><img src="misc/ward/initial_screen.jpg"></p>
<p>Generally, you can access the web interface only from the localhost interface,
not from other computers. However, you can change this by changing the following
lines in the configuration file <i>cupsd.conf</i>, and restarting CUPS:</p>
&lt;Location /&gt; # this location is the main screen
Order Deny, Allow
Deny From All
Allow From # allow configuration from local host
Allow From 192.168.1.* # allow configuration from any machine
# on the subnet
Allow From mybox.mydomain # this is my desktop on another segment
<p>You can also specify one by one which menu items (called <i>Locations</i> in
CUPS terms) are accessible from any particular IP address. This doesn't mean
that other computers will not be able to connect to the server - just that
they won't be able to access contents.</p>
<p>If your Linux box is acting both as a print server and a bridge between
two or more IP segments, you can also specify on which network interfaces it
will listen for requests:</p>
Listen # Should already be there
Listen servename:631 # Add your server name here
Listen # You can also use your IP address
<p>In the above example, the web interface will be visible through my eth0 interface
with IP address, but not through the eth1 interface with IP
address .</p>
<p>Though user identification is required through basic login/password authentication,
note that you can use SSL to connect to the web interface through
the https secure protocol. This is also relatively easy to configure in
the <i>cupsd.conf</i> file.</p>
<p align=center><img src="misc/ward/help_screen.jpg"></p>
<p>The web interface has a comprehensive help system with plenty of documentation
about what CUPS is and how to configure it.</p>
<p>PS. Should anybody want to translate this article: I wrote it in
the spirit of the GPL software licence. i.e. you are free (and
indeed encouraged) to copy, post and translate it -- but please,
PLEASE, send me notice by email! I like to keep track of translations --
it's good for the curriculum :-)</p>
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<img ALIGN="LEFT" ALT="[BIO]" SRC="../gx/2002/note.png">
Alan teaches CS in Andorra at high-school and university levels. His hobbies
include science photography (both digital and traditional), trekking, rock and
processor collecting.
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Copyright &copy; 2003, Alan Ward.
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 90 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, May 2003
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