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<SMALL>...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I></SMALL>
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<STRONG>By <A HREF="../authors/conry.html">Michael Conry</A></STRONG></BIG>
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<table cellpadding=7><tr><td>
<IMG SRC="../gx/bytes.gif" border=1 ALT="News Bytes">
<li><a HREF="#leg">Legislation and More Legislation</a>
<li><a HREF="#links">Linux Links</a>
<li><a HREF="#conferences">Conferences and Events</a>
<li><a HREF="#general">News in General</a>
<li><a HREF="#distro">Distro News</A>
<li><a HREF="#commercial">Software and Product News</a>
<STRONG>Selected and formatted by <A HREF="mailto:michael.conry@softhome.net">Michael Conry</A></STRONG>
<P> Submitters, send your News Bytes items in
format. Other formats may be rejected without reading. You have been
warned! A one- or two-paragraph summary plus URL gets you a better
announcement than an entire press release. Submit items to
<A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">gazette@ssc.com</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
October 2002 <I>Linux Journal</I>
<IMG ALT="[issue 102 cover image]" SRC="misc/bytes/lj-cover102.png" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=268
ALIGN="left" HSPACE="20">
The October issue of <A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/"><I>Linux
Journal</I></A> is on newsstands now.
This issue focuses on Security. Click
<A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=NS-lj-issues/issue100&file=index">here</A>
to view the table of contents, or
<A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/subscribe/">here</A>
to subscribe.
<FONT COLOR="green">All articles older than three months are available for
public reading at
<A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/magazine.php">http://www.linuxjournal.com/magazine.php</A></FONT>.
Recent articles are available on-line for subscribers only at
<A HREF="http://interactive.linuxjournal.com">http://interactive.linuxjournal.com/</A>.
<BR CLEAR="all">
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<a name="leg"></a>
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<center><H3><font color="green">Legislation and More Legislation</font></H3></center>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Venezuela and Other Government News
The Register
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/26928.html">
reported</a> that
Venezuela has adopted a pro-GPL policy for government software.
All software developed for the government must be GPL, and GPL is preferred
for off-the-shelf software. As described in
<a href="http://linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2002-08-30-011-26-NW-LL-PB">
LinuxToday's coverage</a>, it would appear that Dr. Felipe P&eacute;rez-Mart&iacute;,
Venezuelan Planning and Development Minister is well acquainted with
open-source, free software and the ideas behind these buzz words.
Use of Open Source has also been
<a href="http://www.itweb.co.za/sections/computing/2002/0209091122.asp?A=">
recommended by a South African Government Advisory body</a>. The
Ukrainian government is also considering
<a href="http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/09/02/1226244&mode=thread&tid=51">
expressing legal preferences for open source solutions</a>.
On a third front,
the UK Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, has
<a href="http://www.iprcommission.org/papers/text/final_report/reportwebfinal.htm">
that open source and avoidance of restrictive licensing conditions is
<a href="http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t269-s2122219,00.html">
essential to developing countries future progress</a>.
This report was also covered
<a href="http://lwn.net/Articles/10278/">
by Linux Weekly News</a>
<a href="http://economist.com/science/displayStory.cfm?story_id=1325219">
by the Economist</a>.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">FSF changes focus
<a href="http://newsforge.com/newsforge/02/09/24/182213.shtml?tid=51">
has reported</a> that
<a href="http://www.fsf.org/">
The Free Software Foundation</a>
is changing its priorities to focus less on development, and to concentrate
more on fighting digital rights management and enforcing the GPL. At the
same time, Richard Stallman is planning to take a lower profile role in the
Richard Stallman has
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/27121.html">
recently written</a>
on the issues of open-source, free software, and security.
The article takes the form of an open letter responding to an earlier
contribution by SecurityFocus' Jon Lasser. He asserts the importance of
being mindful of the very political underpinnings of free software, and
<a href="http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-software-for-freedom.html">
the differences</a>
between what is meant by the terms <em>free software</em>
and <em>open source software</em>.
Now, if only we could all
<a href="http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html">
remember to say</a> GNU/Linux!
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Palladium
Two documents worth reading regarding Microsoft's Palladium project, and
potential future ramifications are
the guides written
<a href="http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/tcpa-faq.html">
by Ross Anderson</a>
<a href="http://vitanuova.loyalty.org/2002-07-05.html">
by Seth Schoen</a>.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Adobe Bitten by DMCA
Linux Weekly News
<a href="http://lwn.net/Articles/8776/">
have a commentary</a> on an ironic development whereby Adobe is being
attacked using the DMCA for a feature included in Acrobat which could be
construed. Meanwhile, Wired report that Elcomsoft have not allowed their
DMCA difficulties to cramp their style and are continuing to
<a href="http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,54712,00.html">
sail perilously close to the wind</a> in their software development.
While on the topic of the DMCA, Robert Cringely
<a href="http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/pulpit20020919.html">
has published an interview</a> with
Mark Ishikawa, a prominent enforcer of the DMCA.
Also of interest is LawMeme's
<a href="http://research.yale.edu/lawmeme/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=319">
of Cornell's DMCA Policy (<a href="http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/09/05/0326222&mode=thread&tid=19">courtesy NewsForge</a>).
<a name="links"></a>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<center><H3><font color="green">Linux Links</font></H3></center>
Some links of particular interest from the O'Reilly stable of websites:
Configuring sound for
<a href="http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2002/09/19/linuxlaptop.html">
Linux on a Laptop</a>.
<a href="http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/wlg/1982">
Interesting quotes</a>
from experts on the issues of copyright law and fair use.
<a href="http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2002/08/29/howardwen.html">
Roll Your Own Digital Video Recorder</a>:
Video Disk Recorder, or VDR, is a user interface for building a
digital satellite TV receiver and recorder box running under
<a href="http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/mozilla/2002/09/12/mozilla_browsers.html">
Let One Hundred Browsers Bloom</a>, and a sample chapter from
<a href="http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/mozilla/chapter/index.html">
Creating Applications with Mozilla</a>.
Michael Lucas
<a href="http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/09/12/Big_Scary_Daemons.html">
shows how to simplify sudo maintenance</a>
and clean up your sudo configuration using aliases. Also of interest
is the
<a href="http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/bsd/2002/08/29/Big_Scary_Daemons.html">
preceding article</a>.
<a href="http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2002/09/24/essentialsysadmin.html">
Top Five Open Source Packages for System Administrators</a>.
Some links from <a href="http://lwn.net/">Linux Weekly News</a>:
The LWN subscription department
<a href="http://lwn.net/Articles/10688/">
is now open for business</a>.
<a href="http://lwn.net/Articles/8284/">
LWN defends Red Hat</a>
against accusations that it's becoming "the Microsoft of Linux".
LWN's John Corbet
<a href="http://lwn.net/Articles/9185/">
runs SpamAssassin and bogofilter on 8000 e-mail messages</a>
to see which program is faster, easier, and more correct. Also looks
at open source and public election systems.
<a href="http://www.newsalert.com/bin/story?StoryId=CpxBwWaicu0qTq09nufvurvjt&Print=1">
Microtel/Lindows computer for $199</a> without monitor at Wal-Mart.
Some links from <a href="http://slashdot.org/">Slashdot</a> which might be
of interest:
<a href="http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/09/10/2028215&mode=nested&tid=158">
Review of liberties lost in the United States</a> in recent months.
<a href="http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/09/05/1457245&mode=nested&tid=106">
Slashdot reported</a>
<a href="http://www.bcg.com">
The Boston Consulting Group</a>
<a href="http://www.osdn.com">OSDN</a>
have been
<a href="http://kernelmapper.osdn.com">
working on a visual representation</a>
of the Linux Kernel, and have now made it available online
<a href="http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/09/09/0045223&mode=nested&tid=141">
Slashdot story</a> on the
[in German]
of the
<a href="http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/">Ogg Vorbis</a>
audio codec in a blind test of 6000 users.
<a href="http://yro.slashdot.org/yro/02/09/26/145220.shtml?tid">
Slashdot thread</a> discussing
a two part
(<a href="http://www.desktoplinux.com/articles/AT3341468184.html">I</a>
<a href="http://www.desktoplinux.com/articles/AT7966076367.html">II</a>)
Introduction to
<a href="http://www.gnupg.org/">GnuPG</a>
(Gnu Privacy Guard).
Pedal-powered Linux-based wireless network
<a href="http://www.80211-planet.com/columns/article/0,4000,1781_1454991,00.html">
bring Internet access to Laotian villages</a> that have no electricity or phones
<a href="http://developers.slashdot.org/developers/02/09/12/236213.shtml?tid6">
Linux 2.5.34 includes User Mode Linux (UML)</a>.
<a href="http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/">UML</a> is a way
to run an instance of Linux in a virtual machine. It enables
<a href="http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2001/11/29/UserModeLinux.html">
cutting-edge experimentation without hosing your host system</a>.
<a href="http://slashdot.org/articles/02/09/04/1328209.shtml?tid9">
A Linux set-top box by Sony</a>
with a broadband Internet connection.
It's available only in Japan, but you can
<a href="http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/av/docs/20020904/sony.htm">
see pictures here</a> (and read more about it too, if you can read
This story was also
<a href="http://www.reuters.com/news_article.jhtml?type=technologynews&StoryID=1407280">
reported by Reuters</a>.
Another company which has been
<a href="http://newsvac.newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/09/05/175221&mode=thread&tid=23">
pushing Linux for consumer electronics applications</a>
is <a href="http://www.philips.com/">Philips</a>.
Andy's legion of Lego men
<a href="http://lego.dave.dk/">
assemble a computer</a>.
<a href="http://rpm.pbone.net/">
RPM PBone</a> is a
searchable index of RPMs, and an alternative to <a
Salon report on how recycled PC's can be a tool of
<a href="http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/2002/09/23/antiglobal_geeks/">
anti-globalization and empowerment</a>.
Moblix.org have released a
<a href="http://mobilix.org/Infrared-HOWTO/Infrared-HOWTO.html">
Linux Infrared-HOWTO</a>,
providing an introduction to Linux and infrared devices and to the software
from the Linux/IrDA project.
<a href="http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=1733">
article on Gentoo Linux</a>.
Some links from
<a href="http://www.linuxjournal.com/">
<em>Linux Journal</em></a>
Using Gnu Emacs and Calc for
<a href="http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=5873">
engineering and mathematical reports</a>
<a href="http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=5653">
RAID-1 HOWTO, Part 1</a> and
<a href="http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=5898">
Part 2</a>:
What it is, when to use it, how to make a RAID-1 device for an ext2 partition.
Philip Streck
<a href="http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6035">
explains how to use devfs</a>, written as a virtual filesystem
driver, to manage and administer access to /dev.
A look at
<a href="http://www.linuxjournal.com/article.php?sid=6153">
running Microsoft Office 97 and 2000</a> on Linux using Codeweaver's
Crossover Office product.
And from the commercial end of things: SSC's new 16-page reference
card on MySQL, written by database specialist Dan Wilder, is for
sale for $4.95 on-line
<a href="http://store.linuxjournal.com/">
at the Linux Journal Store</a>.
Some links from <a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/">The Register</a>:
Xbox Linux Project
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/26932.html">
gets SuSE 8.0 running</a>.
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/26995.html">
releases SuSE 8.0 howto</a>.
PGP creator
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/27078.html">
joins UK privacy watchdog</a>.
EU data protection chiefs
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/6/27155.html">
oppose data retention moves</a> on grounds of cost, practicality,
and invasiveness.
The Register
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/26788.html">
on the UK's implementation of the "European DMCA", the European Union
Copyright Directive (EUCD).
<a name="conferences"></a>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<center><H3><font color="green">Upcoming conferences and events</font></H3></center>
<P> Listings courtesy <EM>Linux Journal</EM>. See <EM>LJ</EM>'s
<A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/events.php">Events</A> page for the
latest goings-on.
<!-- *** BEGIN events table [this line needed by Linux Gazette events.py *** -->
<table cellpadding=5 border=0 width=100%>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference</b><BR>
<td valign=top>September 30 - October 3, 2002<BR>Santa Clara, CA<BR>
<a href="http://conferences.oreillynet.com/macosx2002/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>IBM eServer pSeries (RS/6000) and Linux Technical University</b><BR>
<td valign=top>October 14-18, 2002<BR>Dallas, TX<BR>
<a href="http://www-3.ibm.com/services/learning/conf/us/pseries/"
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>SANS Network Security</b><BR>
<td valign=top>October 18-25, 2002<BR>Washington, DC<BR>
<a href="http://www.sans.org/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>Strictly Business Solutions Expo</b><BR>
<td valign=top>October 23-24, 2002<BR>Houston, TX<BR>
<a href="http://www.strictlyebusiness.net/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>Third LCI International Conference on Linux Clusters: The
Linux HPC Revolution</b><BR>
<td valign=top>October 23-25, 2002<BR>St. Petersburg, FL<BR>
<a href="http://www.linuxclustersinstitute.org" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>USENIX 16th Systems Administration Conference (LISA)</b><BR>
<td valign=top>November 3-8, 2002<BR>Philadelphia, PA<BR>
<a href="http://www.usenix.org" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>SuperComputing 2002</b><BR>
<td valign=top>November 16-22, 2002<BR>Baltimore, MD<BR>
<a href="http://www.sc2002.org/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>November 18-22, 2002<BR>Las Vegas, NV<BR>
<a href="http://www.comdex.com/fall/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>SD East</b><BR>
<td valign=top>November 18-22, 2002<BR>Boston, MA<BR>
<a href="http://www.sdexpo.com/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>USENIX 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design
and Implementation (OSDI)</b><BR>
<td valign=top>December 9-11, 2002<BR>Boston, MA<BR>
<a href="http://www.usenix.org" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>Consumer Electronics Show</b><BR>
<td valign=top>January 9-12, 2003<BR>Las Vegas, NV<BR>
<a href="http://www.cesweb.org/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>LinuxWorld Conference & Expo</b><BR>
<td valign=top>January 21-24, 2003<BR>New York, NY<BR>
<a href="http://www.linuxworldexpo.com" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>O'Reilly Bioinformatics Technology Conference</b><BR>
<td valign=top>February 3-6, 2003<BR>San Diego, CA<BR>
<a href="http://conferences.oreilly.com/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>Game Developers Conferenc</b><BR>
<td valign=top>March 4-8, 2003<BR>San Jose, CA<BR>
<a href="http://www.gdconf.com/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>March 7-11, 2003<BR>Austin, TX<BR>
<a href="http://www.sxsw.com/interactive" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>COMDEX Canada</b><BR>
<td valign=top>March 11-13, 2003<BR>Vancouver, BC<BR>
<a href="http://www.comdex.com/vancouver/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>March 12-19, 2003<BR>Germany<BR>
<a href="http://www.cebit.de/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>4th USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems</b><BR>
<td valign=top>March 26-28, 2003<BR>Seattle, WA<BR>
<a href="http://www.usenix.org/events/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<td valign=top>April 7-9, 2003<BR>New York, NY<BR>
<a href="http://www.advanstar.com/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>SD West</b><BR>
<td valign=top>April 8-10, 2003<BR>Santa Clara, CA<BR>
<a href="http://www.sdexpo.com/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>COMDEX Chicago</b><BR>
<td valign=top>April 15-17, 2003<BR>Chicago, IL<BR>
<a href="http://www.comdex.com/chicago/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>USENIX First International Conference on Mobile Systems,
Applications, and Services (MobiSys)</b><BR>
<td valign=top>May 5-8, 2003<BR>San Francisco, CA<BR>
<a href="http://www.usenix.org/events/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>USENIX Annual Technical Conference</b><BR>
<td valign=top>June 9-14, 2003<BR>San Antonio, TX<BR>
<a href="http://www.usenix.org/events/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>CeBIT America</b><BR>
<td valign=top>June 18-20, 2003<BR>New York, NY<BR>
<a href=http://www.cebit-america.com/"" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>O'Reilly Open Source Convention</b><BR>
<td valign=top>July 7-11, 2003<BR>Location: TBD<BR>
<a href="http://conferences.oreilly.com/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>12th USENIX Security Symposium</b><BR>
<td valign=top>August 4-8, 2003<BR>Washington, DC<BR>
<a href="http://www.usenix.org/events/" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<tr><td valign=top>
<b>LinuxWorld Conference & Expo</b><BR>
<td valign=top>August 5-7, 2003<BR>San Francisco, CA<BR>
<a href="http://www.linuxworldexpo.com" target="_blank">
<tr><td colspan=2><HR size=5 width=100% noshade align=center></td></tr>
<!-- *** END events table [this line needed by Linux Gazette events.py *** -->
<a name="general"></a>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<center><H3><font color="green">News in General</font></H3></center>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">XVID and GPL
<a href="http://www.xvid.org/">
XVID</a> project scored a GPL win by persuading Sigma Designs to
<a href="http://www.xvid.org/press/press-20020822-en.html">
cease infringing</a> on GPL'ed code developed by the group.
24 hours after the XVID team announced they would
cease all future development of the project, Sigma Designs
<a href="http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/020822/220286_1.html">
and made their sources available.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Slapper
<a href="http://slashdot.org/articles/02/09/25/1210247.shtml?tid8">
Slashdot noted the emergence</a>
of two new Linux worms, Slapper.B and Slapper.C, which exploit a buffer
overrun in OpenSSL. If you haven't upgraded to OpenSSL 0.9.6g (or at least
e), now is a good time.
A guy suspected of being the original Slapper
<a href="http://www.vnunet.com/News/1135274">
author has been arrested</a>.
Noel Davis at O'Reilly has recently
<a href="http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2002/09/23/insecurities.html">
looked at the Linux Slapper worm and other vulnerabilities</a>.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Bruce Perens
As mentioned last month,
<a href="http://perens.com/">
Bruce Perens</a>
has left <a href="http://www.hp.com/">HP</a>. As
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/27027.html">reported by The
Register</a> this split was quite amicable, but it stemmed from Bruce's
policy of openly confronting and "baiting" Microsoft.
Taking advantage of his new freedom, Perens has launched
<a href="http://sincerechoice.com/">
the Sincere Choice initiative</a>, a reaction to Microsoft's
<a href="http://www.softwarechoice.org/">
Software Choice</a>, which he
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/26616.html">
earlier denounced</a> as a sham.
Newsforge have an interview with Perens where he expands on the ideas
<a href="http://newsforge.com/newsforge/02/09/12/2040246.shtml?tid=19">
behind his new project</a>.
<a name="distro"></a>
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<center><H3><font color="green">Distro News</font></H3></center>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Debian
Debian Weekly News
<a href="http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2002/34/">
on a
<a href="http://www.robster.org.uk/files/security-update-check.py">
Security Notification Script</a>
<a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0208/msg01644.html">
announced</a> by
Rob Bradford.
The script compares locally installed packages with those on
<a href="http://security.debian.org/">
security.debian.org</a>, and
provides a description of the problem and the name of the Debian advisory
if the package is mentioned in the
<a href="http://www.debian.org/security/dsa.rdf">
DSA RDF file</a>.
<hr width="20%" noshade>
Those who own an X-Box,
<a href="http://xbox-linux.sourceforge.net/articles.php?aid02248060056">
may want to try running Debian on it</a>.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Linux From Scratch
The first test release of the upcoming LFS-4.0 book is uploaded and available
for download now. Head over to
<a href="http://www.linuxfromscratch.org">
to view and/or download it.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">SuSE
<P> the latest
<a href="http://www.suse.de/en">SuSE Linux</a> version, SuSE Linux 8.1,
will be available
by the beginning of October.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">UnitedLinux
<a href="http://www.unitedlinux.com">
UnitedLinux</a>, founded by Linux
industry leaders Conectiva S.A., The SCO Group, SuSE Linux AG, and
Turbolinux, Inc., have announced the appointment of Paula Hunter,
an experienced technology executive and consortium leader, as its
worldwide general manager. Hunter's appointment is effective
immediately. The group also announced the open availability of the
beta version of its UnitedLinux product on Sept. 23. The open beta
source code is available for download at no charge from
<a href="http://download.unitedlinux.com/">
Unfortunately, UnitedLinux has lost some goodwill among the open-source
development community, and in particular the
<a href="http://www.fsf.org/">
Free Software Foundation</a> which published
<a href="http://lwn.net/Articles/10257/">
an open letter</a> expressing concerns about UnitedLinux's closed beta and
the manner in which it was distributed.
UnitedLinux member Connective has
<a href="http://newsforge.com/article.pl?sid=02/09/22/1526208&mode=thread&tid=17">
to these concerns.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">WinLinux
WinLinux 2003 is a major upgrade of the
<a href="http://www.winlinux.net/">
system. WinLinux is claimed to be fully compatible with Windows
95/98/Millennium. WinLinux is also compatible with Red Hat Linux on the
Linux side offering the benefits of both systems.
WinLinux 2003 full version on CD with online support can be ordered
<a href="http://www.winlinux.net/2003/order/">
the website</a>.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Xandros
<a href="http://slashdot.org/articles/02/09/18/0252255.shtml?tid2">
<a href="http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=1762">
the story on OSNews</a>
previewing beta 3b of
<a href="http://www.xandros.com/">
Xandros Desktop</a>. Xandros is the current custodian of what once was
<a href="http://linux.corel.com/">
Corel Linux</a>.
<a name="commercial"></a>
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<center><H3><font color="green">Software and Product News</font></H3></center>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Linux Game Publishing News Mailing List
<P> Linux Game Publishing has announced a partnership with
<a href="http://www.pyrogon.com">Pyrogon Inc.</a>
to bring their latest games to the Linux market. This process will begin
with Candy Cruncher, a fast paced puzzle game.
Please see the
<a href="http://www.linuxgamepublishing.com/press_releases/200209100.txt">
press release</a> for details.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">TinyTERM 4.3
<a href="http://www.centurysoftware.com/">
Century Software</a> has announced the release of
<a href="http://www.centurysoftware.com/products/tinyterm_plus.php?src5">
TinyTERM Version 4.3</a>.
TinyTERM lets you use your Windows PC to easily and accurately
access character based data and applications hosted on UNIX, Linux and IBM
servers. It includes 20 emulations, network utilities, secure
file transfer and free technical support.
TinyTERM is
<a href="http://www.centurysoftware.com/download/index.php?PartNum=TTPL-1&src5">
available for download</a>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Kerio MailServer with integrated McAfee anti-virus program
<a href="http://www.kerio.com/us/kerio.html">
Kerio Technologies</a>
are offering a Linux based mail server product, the Kerio MailServer 5.1.6.
It has an integrated McAfee anti-virus program, and runs on Linux RedHat.
KMS offers a broad range of features and a user-friendly interface in one
package. Kerio claim that no other comparable solution has the McAfee
Anti-Virus program integrated.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">IBM alphaWorks posts porting manager
<a href="http://www.ibm.com/alphaWorks">
has posted a free
"porting manager" that enables the porting of C and C++ applications from
Solaris to zSeries Linux, ensuring fast deployment of applications to the
Linux platform.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">Ximian Offers Customized Opera for Linux with Red Carpet
<a href="http://www.opera.com">Opera</a>
has announced that its sales referral partner
<a href="http://www.ximian.com">
will include a customized version of the Opera Web browser as a download
option in its Red Carpet software management program for Linux users.
Red Carpet is a software management solution used by many Ximian
Desktop users, which keeps Linux systems up to date efficiently and
securely. The program allows users to install, update and maintain software
over the Internet from Ximian, leading Linux distribution providers, and
other independent software vendors.
<P> <hr> <P>
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<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<FONT COLOR="green">ActiveState Unveils Komodo 2.0
<a href="http://www.ActiveState.com">
ActiveState Corp.</a>,
has announced a new IDE that provides a powerful
workspace for cross-platform, open source language programming.
Komodo 2.0
affords greater power, flexibility and automation, including the
ActiveState GUI Builder, Visual Package Manager, Source Code Control,
Project Manager, Macros, Web services generation, and more. The only
unified open source programming language IDE, Komodo enables editing,
debugging, and testing in a single workspace.
Komodo is optimized for Perl, Python, PHP, Tcl, XML, XSLT, and supports
numerous other languages, including Ruby and JavaScript.
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Copyright &copy; 2002, Michael Conry.
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 83 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, October 2002</H5>
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