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2020-08-23 10:33:19 +00:00
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<title>The Back Page LG #82</title>
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<BIG><BIG><STRONG><FONT COLOR="maroon">The Back Page</FONT></STRONG></BIG></BIG><BR>
<STRONG>By <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">Mike Orr (LG Editor)</A></STRONG></BIG>
<!-- END header -->
<li><a HREF="#news">Gazette News</a>
<li><a HREF="#wacko">Wacko Topic of the Month</a>
<li><a HREF="#nottag">Not The Answer Gang</a>
<li><a HREF="#spam">World of Spam</a>
<a name="news"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">Gazette News</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
I finally changed the header and footer decorations as I've been meaning to
for months. The main purpose was to shrink the vertical space the header
takes, to fit more of the article content on the first screenful. This isn't
the last change; we'll make minor adjustments and maybe get a stylesheet one
of these months.
<a name="wacko"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">Wacko Topic of the Month</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>hello there, IM BLOODY WELL MIFFED</H3>
<p><strong>From Psycopathic Hamsters
<p align="right"><strong>Answered By Ben Okopnik
tarballs everyone knows how to unzip them and install them right, wrong, i
find them evil, evil is not the word, Automated teller is, now they are
evil, especially the compaq ones, well my question is, tarballs how do u
unzip and install them.
I would be grateful for an answer, if not the linux gazate will be less 1
reader and 1 writer.<BR>
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Ben]
This is cool; I'm being threatened by a psychopathetic hamster. I never
knew that writing for LG could be so dangerous... adds spice and
adrenaline to my life.
<a name="nottag"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">Not the Answer Gang</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>cfz (Crap Factor Z)</H3>
<p align="right"><strong>Answered By Iron, Ben Okopnik
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Iron]
Here's a fortune-like program that dynamically synthesizes offensive messages.
Perfect for when you have an urge to insult Ben Okopnik and don't know what to
say. It's written in Python, and has text, Tkinter and wxWindows interfaces.
<A HREF="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cfz"
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Ben]
When I need to insult Mike, I <EM>always</EM> know what to say. I believe the
term is "a target-rich environment", or "spoiled for choice." Often,
even words aren't necessary. }:&gt;
_ _
|_| |_|
| | /^^^\ | |
_| |_ (| "o" |) _| |_
_| | | | _ (_---_) _ | | | |_
| | | | |' | _| |_ | `| | | | |
| | / \ | |
\ / / /(. .)\ \ \ /
\ / / / | . | \ \ \ /
\ \/ / ||Y|| \ \/ /
\__/ || || \__/
() ()
|| ||
ooO Ooo
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Iron]
Nice ascii art drawing. How long did it take you?
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Ben]
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT="&lt;grin&gt;"
height="24" width="20" align="middle"> Thanks; I <EM>wish</EM>
I was that much of an artist. As to how long it took me -
&lt;Alt-F9&gt; # Flips to another xterm
q # Opens my "quote catcher"
&lt;Ctrl-D&gt; # Terminates input mode, edits file
/ASCII/ # Locates art section
&lt;highlight pic&gt;
:q # Quit vi
Call it about ten seconds total.
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Hardware Clock</H3>
<A NAME="tag/15"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<p align="right"><strong>Answered By Jim Dennis
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Jim]
If the hardware clock's running slow, try heating up the case with a
blowtorch. If it's running fast, try pouring liquid nitrogen across the
<!-- end 14 -->
<!-- .~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~. -->
<A NAME="tag/15"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 15 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Iron]
Send what? I didn't send you anything. Did you get a Klez worm
(binary attachment)? If so, see
<A HREF="../issue78/lg_backpage.html#wacko"
No, not me! Never sent anything, and Norton reckons I'm clean. You didn't
send me anything, I didn't send you anything. The viruses spoof someone's
addy in the affected persons address book, and I'm taking the flack.
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Iron]
The headers are similar to Klez in that the "From:" address is completely
different from the "From " address. Unlike Klez, the ostensible domain
name in the last "Received:" header before it reached our server was not
a single word consisting only of random consonants.
<P> The next day, another
message arrived from another source:
F*ck You C*nt Don't Send Me That Ever Again.<BR>
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Iron]
... I saved the two messages in case it was the start of another
epidemic like Klez, but no more came.
Of course, the funniest part is that the ostensible domain is so
implausable. Outlook can't send mail through Yahoo, not unless it's learned
how to post a message through Yahoo's web interface.
<A NAME="tag/15"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Sailing away</H3>
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Ben]
Hey, all.
I'm going to be out of Net contact for a few days - I'm sailing up to
Cape Cod with a stop in New York. This means a couple of days AFK,
followed by a few back on, then about 4 off. If anybody's got an
emergency, I guess you can always flag down a passing dolphin...
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" ALT=":)"
height="24" width="20" align="middle">
<P> Fair winds to all.
<!-- .~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~. -->
<A NAME="tag/23"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 23 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Iron]
Hilarious item on <A HREF="http://www.freshmeat.net/">Freshmeat</A> for News
RoadRunner 0.9 -
RoadRunner is an application toolkit library implementing BEEP (Blocks
Extensible Exchange Protocol).
I wonder if RoadRunner 1.0 will implement the BEEP-BEEP protocol.
<!-- end 24 -->
<!-- .~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~. -->
<A NAME="tag/25"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 25 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Cheap Tobacco</H3>
If you are fed up of being 'ripped off' by the British government
every time you buy your tobacco, [...]
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Breen]
I'm not a smoker, but this stuff <EM>does</EM> make steam come out of my
ears. Is that close enough??
<!-- end 26 -->
<!-- .~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~. -->
<A NAME="tag/27"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 27 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>The Advice People</H3>
wat the address for u linx thing i got it off a booting program site thats y
i emailed u but since u can't help thats no prob thanks any ways y u want to
know the site any way.
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Iron]
Thanks. The problem we had with the answerguy address was that a lot
of sites linked to it without explaining what it was for.
<P> Hmm, do you have "The Advice People" in your town? It started several
years ago in New York and then and then one of the members established
it here in Seattle. They set up a couple chairs and a sign certain
Friday and Saturday evenings in a pedestrian area (Broadway in Seattle)
and invite people to ask them any question they want. They don't claim
to have any particular qualifications except "62 years combined
experience living on this planet". The only topics they refuse to
discuss are politics and religion. I don't remember whether they do it
for free or charge a token 25 cents. Often a small crowd will gather
and listen to the questions and answers.
One year I was there the weekend before Halloween, and people would
ask for ideas on what to wear on Halloween. The girl who was the
coordinator came up with some original ideas like, "You could dress up as a
bowl of fruit. Or maybe you could be a line of coke."
I'm not sure if they're still around. I haven't seen them for a few
years. I think there's a book written by the Advice People's founder, but I
don't remember the title or the author.
<!-- end 26 -->
<!-- .~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~. -->
<A NAME="tag/27"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 27 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Ben]
This is another test. Shoo, you curious people. Why are you standing around
glaring at my email like that? Just hit the 'delete' key, for Gossake, like
decent people would do. I blame the parents; there's no proper upbringing
today, none at all...
<!-- end 26 -->
<!-- .~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~.~~. -->
<A NAME="tag/27"><HR WIDTH="75%" ALIGN="center"></A>
<!-- begin 27 -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Fatal error</H3>
<IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Guy]
"Your mouse has moved. Windows must be restarted,
for the changes to take effect Reboot now? [OK]"
<a name="spam"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">World of Spam</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
My web browser said,
"Connection timed out while connecting to ad.doubleclick.net." Boo hoo!
<HR NHSHADE WIDTH="80%"> <!-- ************************************************* -->
<P> lginternational.Com - US$475
<P> Please note that after years, the registration on the domain name
lginternational.Com was not renewed and this
domain had become available to register.
Consequently, we have been approached to market this domain name that has been
tracked and registered by a client.
As result,lginternational.Com now available from us for IMMEDIATE transfer.
[Big deal. -Iron.]
<P> With so many companies that could benefit from this domain, along with what
many would consider to be a "wholesale
price", we hope to secure a quick transfer.
[Ask somebody who cares. linuxgazette.com suits us just fine. -Iron.]
<P> Please note that the domain name market is extremely solid at the moment and
similar domains are currently selling on
afternic.com, greatdomains.com (domain auction sites) and by domain name
brokers, in some cases, for many thousands
of US dollars.
[If it looks like a lie, walks like a lie and smells like a lie, it must
be a lie. "Extremely solid" compared to what? Certainly not compared to
a couple years ago when all the doman names that are expiring now were
hot property. -Iron.]
<P> Please note that transfers take just 15 minutes and are extremely
straightforward - absolutely NO technical knowledge
<HR NHSHADE WIDTH="80%"> <!-- ************************************************* -->
SPAM: Hit! (3.0 points) BODY: Nigerian widow needs your help,
cf http://www.snopes2.com/inboxer/scams/nigeria.htm
SPAM: Hit! (4.3 points) BODY: Mutated Nigerian scams,
cf http://www.snopes2.com/inboxer/scams/nigeria.htm
SPAM: Hit! (-0.4 points) BODY: Contains a line &gt;99 characters long
SPAM: Hit! (2.0 points) Forged yahoo.com 'Received:' header found
SPAM: Hit! (2.0 points) Received via a relay in relays.osirusoft.com
SPAM: [RBL check: found
relays.osirusoft.com., type:]
SPAM: Hit! (0.5 points) Received via a relay in
SPAM: [RBL check: found, type:]
SPAM: Hit! (1.9 points) Subject is all capitals
SPAM: Hit! (3.0 points) DNSBL: sender is Confirmed Spam Source
SPAM: ----------- End of SpamAssassin results -----------
I am Alhaja Maryam Abacha, the widow of the Late Gen. Sanni Abacha former Nigerian Military Head of State who died mysteriously as a result of Cardiac Arrest.
Following the recent discovery of my husband's Bank Account by the Nigerian
Government with Swiss Bank in which the huge sum of US$700 MILLION and DM 450
Million was logged....
<HR NHSHADE WIDTH="80%"> <!-- ************************************************* -->
[A sneaky way for spam to "include" a remote URL that's displayed
automatically in an HTML-enabled mailreader. -Iron.]
&lt;/HEAD&gt;&lt;FRAMESET border=0 frameBorder=0
frameSpacing=0 rows=0%,*&gt;
&lt;FRAME marginHeight=5 marginWidth name=easymain
<HR NHSHADE WIDTH="80%"> <!-- ************************************************* -->
[If you can't trick them with phony business investments, try appealing to
their humanitarian sense. -Iron.]
My name is Dr. Henrique Sessenou, a medical doctor and
the sole proprietor of the above specialist hospital.
I understand that through Internet is not the best way
to link up with you because of the confidentiality
which the transaction demands. However, I have already
sent you this same letter by post one month ago, but I
am not sure if it did get to you since I have not
heard from you, hence my resending it again. I have a
widow here in my hospital who is on a political
assylum in Lome - Togo refugee camp. She has
been so ill for some couple of months now.
<P> This woman confided in me based on the free medical
attention I have been giving to her and her children.
She had revealed to me of her life history and about
her late husband who was a top military officer in one
of the west African country (Sierra-Leone) before his
death during the civil war and the fortune she
inherited from her late husband. She has asked me to
source a credible and trustworthy partner abroad who
will manage her funds for investment, the sum of
Twenty Eight Million US Dollars (US$28m) which her
late husband deposited in a safe fiduciary agent in
Europe through a security company based in Lome -
Togo. I wish to chose you for this venture and I
believe you will be in the position to assist in
managing this large sum in a profitable ventures and
also to help create a safe haven for her and her
children by making a residence arrangement for them in
your country.
<P> After she had disclosed this information to me, I saw
the reason to request from her all the documents
relating to this deposit of which she did, now I have
the documents covering the deposit which I will not
hesitate to fax to you the copies as a proof for your
confirmation as soon as I receive your response via
e-mail. I am obliged to assist this lady knowing too
well that she has a limited knowledge in the business
world and as such she cannot manage this funds
herself, and in order to avoid any trace of her by the
government, I will need from you a mutual
understanding and then we shall make plans on how the
funds would be secured into an account in your name;
after which you will arrange and travel immediately to
meet with the security company's Agency in Europe for
<P> This amount is contained in a sealed trunk box and it
is registered and declared as containing family
treasures, so even as I am writing you now the
security company and its agency are not aware that
there is cash money in the trunk. Let me assure you
that this transaction is 100% hitch and risk free;
from my discussion with her, she has agreed to give
you a reasonable amount of percentage for your
involvement in this deal, and this has to be discussed
upon the receipt of your quick response.
[What he fails to consider is, if it's so important to keep the
existence of this money a secret, why is he sending an unencrypted
e-mail on the public Internet to somebody he doesn't know? -Iron.]
<HR NHSHADE WIDTH="80%"> <!-- ************************************************* -->
[Business scams aren't the only thing coming out of Nigeria. -Ed.]
I am a lagos based independent marketer and public relations exparct
specailized in marketing of goods and ervices to cooperate outfits as well as
private individuals. I am 38 years of age graduate of the Nigerian College of
Administration and I also hold a professional chartered certificate from the
chartered insitute of Adiministration Lagos as a chartered Administrator.
<P> My ultimate objective in this regards is to intimate you of my professional
capacity to promote the sales and distribution of your products or services in
Nigeria and West African sub-region.
<P> <STRONG><EM>It may intrest you to know that I have the required knowledge
and comprehensive strategy to promote and market your products or service in
different parts of Nigeria and west african sub-region in
general.</EM></STRONG> [Emphasis added.]
<P> I would be greatful therefore if I am given an opportunity to be your sloe
representative here in Nigeria. Please send me the details of your products or
service for my study.
[How can somebody have "the required knowledge and comprehensive strategy"
to market a product when he doesn't even know what the product is?
Magazines, coffee and technical consulting services each has a
distinct target market and requires different marketing abilities. -Iron.]
<HR NHSHADE WIDTH="80%"> <!-- ************************************************* -->
----- Forwarded message from Your IE Toolbar &lt;XXXXX@mail.ru&gt; -----<BR>
From: "Your IE Toolbar" &lt;XXXXX@mail.ru&gt;<BR>
To: linux-questions-only@ssc.com<BR>
Subject: Get your own Internet Explorer Toolbar!<BR>
<P> Make your customers and visitors always have the link to your site on
their Explorer toolbar.
Custom Toolbars increase your ability to market your site anywhere within
millions of Internet browsers and takes only seconds to install.
Custom IE Toolbar with unlimited menu items - 200$US!<BR>
Advanced IE Toolbar with custom design logo - 250$US! <BR>
Unlimited IE Toolbar features with the plain rate of 20$US p/h for
You may distribute your Toolbar to your Web site visitors, employees, etc.
This provides quick access to your Web site and perhaps other useful links
you find appropriate for them.
<HR NHSHADE WIDTH="80%"> <!-- ************************************************* -->
We're mailing to let you know that selected issues of the Depeche Mode
fanclub magazine - Bong - are now available from our UK Depeche Mode
<HR NHSHADE WIDTH="80%"> <!-- ************************************************* -->
SPAM: -------------- Start SpamAssassin results -----------
SPAM: Hit! (4.9 points) BODY: Resistance to this spam is futile
SPAM: -------------- End of SpamAssassin results ---------
You are receiving this exclusive promotion from AdPro Solutions as part of the
terms of service agreed to when you signed up with AdPro Solutions through one
of its network of affiliate sites. Replying to this email will not unsubscribe
you. Please follow the instructions at the end of this message if you would
prefer not to receive these special offers in the future.
<HR> <!-- ************************************************************** -->
<P> Happy Linuxing!
<P> Mike ("Iron") Orr<br>
Editor, <A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/"><i>Linux Gazette</i></A>, <A
<BR CLEAR="all">
<!-- *** END Not Linux *** -->
<!-- *** BEGIN bio *** -->
<SPACER TYPE="vertical" SIZE="30">
<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Mike Orr</H4>
<EM>Mike ("Iron") is the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>. You can read what he has
to say in the Back Page column in this issue. He has been a Linux enthusiast
since 1991 and a Debian user since 1995. He is SSC's web technical
coordinator, which means he gets to write a lot of Python scripts.
Non-computer interests include Ska/Oi! music and the international language
Esperanto. The nickname Iron was given to him in college--short for Iron Orr,
<!-- *** END bio *** -->
<!-- *** BEGIN copyright *** -->
Copyright &copy; 2002, Mike Orr (LG Editor).
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 82 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, September 2002</H5>
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