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<H1><font color="maroon">Linux Line Printing Daemon for Mainframe Application "Print-to-Email"</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:lpitcher@sympatico.ca">Lew Pitcher</a></H4>
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<dt><h2><font color="green">Introduction</font></h2></dt>
<dd><p>In the middle months of 2000, a colleague came to me with a question. He wanted to know
if there was any way that we could have our mainframe host systems email their reports to selected
email addresses. After some investigation, I had to tell him that, with existing, approved tools,
there was no way that we could arrange to have a mainframe application send email.
<i>&quot;However,&quot;</i> I said, <i>&quot;there is a way to do this through the back door.&quot;</i>
I explained that the mainframe supports various modes of printing, and that with suitable arrangement,
it could be persuaded to direct print output to a Unix system that could then email the data as it
saw fit.</p>
<p>Although this back-door approach was not acceptable to the situation that he was investigating at
the time, the idea stayed with me. A year later, the question came up again, but this time the
situation was not as critical and I was given some latitude to investigate the possibilities. My
co-workers (Rob Corr and Phil Robson) and I crafted two &quot;proof-of-concept&quot; implementations,
one using tools that, while they weren't approved for our use, were built to provide mainframe application
access to email, and the other being the 'back-door' approach that I had suggested the previous year. This
paper describes how we implemented our 'back-door' proof-of-concept mainframe &quot;print-to-email&quot;
using a spare Linux box, some simple tools, and a bit of knowledge.
</p></dd><!-- end of the Introduction section -->
<dt><h2><font color="green">Beginnings</font></h2></dt>
<dd><p>Our goal was to be able to have host output, generated from an IMS transaction, a CICS
transaction, or a batch job, routed to an arbitrary, application selected email address. As there
was no direct route from the host online systems to our email service, we decided to try an indirect
route through a spare Linux box on our LAN. This proof-of-concept was not meant to be a production-ready
facility, but instead was intended simply to assist in determining what problems would have to be
resolved, and how a production-ready facility would have to be built.</p>
<p>At our disposal were:
<li>an MVS/JES2 Operating System and the facilities and systems within it (IMS, CICS, batch)</li>
<li>the VPS mainframe print spooling package, and it's associated Windows NT protocol converter,</li>
<li>LAN-based Linux facilities, including Unix Line Printing Daemon (lpd) and Unix email client
(fastmail and sendmail), and</li>
<li>connectivity to the Internet through the corporate firewall</li>
<p>In theory, it should have been possible to &quot;print to email&quot; using these existing MVS/JES and
Unix facilities. The process would be:
<li>Application generates a printed report which is written to a JES2 print spool,</li>
<li>the JES2 print spooler 'prints' the report on a JES2 printer, which is implemented in software
on the MVS system</li>
<li>The MVS software printer (a pseudo-printer) uses (in our case) VPS to transmit the print data
to a Unix 'lpd' (RFC1179-compliant) print spooler (implemented on a Linux system),</li>
<li>The Linux lpd daemon processes the print data through other unix tools to email the print to an
arbitrary email userid</li>
<li>Linux email (sendmail) sends the print data email to the target email address</li>
<p>In general, the flow of print data from sending application to receiving
client looks like
<A HREF="misc/pitcher/flowchart.png">this diagram</A>.
</dd><!-- end of the Beginnings section -->
<dt><h2><font color="green">Linux</font></h2></dt>
<dd><p>Our Linux system was a minimal installation of Slackware 7.0 on a spare Pentium 90 processor.
We had used this system for a number of proof-of-concept tests and it was sitting idle and available
for our print-to-email trial. We configured the system to accept lpd spool requests from the host
(indirectly, from the NT &quot;protocol converter&quot; system), process the print into emailable
text, and email the text according to the requirements embedded in the print
data's <a href="misc/pitcher/Jes_Flash_Page.html#flashpage">JES2 flash page</a><p>
<p>In order to permit the Windows NT protocol converter access to the Linux lpd resources, we had
to add the NT system to the lpd security files. Since the NT system was assigned a DHCP IP address
but no dynamic DNS (dDNS) hostname, we included it's IP address to the
<a href="misc/pitcher/Files_in_etc.html#hosts"><tt>/etc/hosts</tt></a> file along with a fake hostname, and added the
fake hostname to the <a href="misc/pitcher/Files_in_etc.html#lpdhosts"><tt>/etc/hosts.lpd</tt></a></p>
<p>Next, the lpd printer 'jesprt' was defined in the <a href="misc/pitcher/Files_in_etc.html#printcap"><tt>
/etc/printcap</tt></a> file. This definition includes details on the spool directory
(<tt>/var/spool/lpd/jesprt</tt>) and spool filter program (<tt>/var/spool/lpd/jesprt.filter</tt>) to be used
to process print to email.</p>
<p>Finally, the print filter
(<a href="misc/pitcher/Print_Filter_Files.html#filter"><b><tt>/var/spool/lpd/jesprt.filter</tt></b>)</a>
and it's support programs were written. jesprt.filter respooled the print data to a temporary file,
then extracted the destination email address and other details from the spooled data. Once all the
particulars had been established, the temporary file was emailed to the destination and the local
copy was deleted.</p>
<p>I wrote four support modules for this filter:
<li><a href="#collapse"><tt>/usr/local/bin/collapse</tt></a></li>
<li><a href="#mailto"><tt>/var/spool/lpd/tools/jesprt.mailto.awk</tt></a></li>
<li><a href="#subject"><tt>/var/spool/lpd/tools/jesprt.subject.awk</tt></a>, and</li>
<li><a href="#notice"><tt>/var/spool/lpd/tools/jesprt.notice.text</tt></a></li>
<p><a name="collapse"><a href="misc/pitcher/Print_Filter_Files.html#collapse">
<b><tt>/usr/local/bin/collapse</tt></b></a> took the print data prepared by the NT
&quot;protocol converter&quot; program and reformatted it into text lines. This was necessary
because the protocol conversion generated large print files where <a href="misc/pitcher/Jes_Flash_Page.html#od">
each print line consisted of many lines overprinting each other</a>. As the print filter extracted
information from the print data, this overprinting had to be 'collapsed' into single print lines.
Additionally, the protocol conversion performed a unique form of overprinting, where each pair of
blocks of overprint were positioned 1 character to the right of the previous pair., which, if not
accommodated, would lead to errors in the resulting print data.</p>
<p><a name="mailto"><a href="misc/pitcher/Print_Filter_Files.html#mailto">
<b><tt>/var/spool/lpd/tools/jesprt.mailto.awk</tt></b></a> looked through the leading flashpage,
and extracted a destination email address from the data. It checked in three places for the target
email address:
<li>Stand-alone in the flashpage, prefixed with a &quot;<tt>EMAIL</tt>&quot; sentinel text, or
<li>as the first line of the &quot;<tt>ADDRESS: </tt>&quot;line, prefixed with a &quot;<tt>EMAIL:</tt>&quot;
sentinel text, or
<li>derived from the username that follows the &quot;<tt>USERID:</tt>&quot; sentinel text.
<p>The &quot;<tt>USERID:</tt>&quot; username was fixed at MVS/JES2 job submission time. However,
the &quot;<tt>EMAIL:</tt>&quot; email addresses were dynamically assigned through one of four
<tt>ADDRESS</tt> parameters passed to the JES2 print spooling system. The two possibilities
accounted for in the awk script accommodated the placement of the email address in the first
or the second and subsequent <tt>ADDRESS</tt> parameters. If the email address text was passed through
the <i>first</i> <tt>ADDRESS</tt> parameter, then that text would be found in the flash page as part of
the first line of the &quot;<tt>ADDRESS:</tt>&quot; line, and prefixed with a &quot;<tt>EMAIL:</tt>&quot;
sentinel text. However, if the email address text was passed through a subsequent <tt>ADDRESS</tt> parameter,
then the email address would be found in the flash page as a stand-alone line and prefixed with a
&quot;<tt>EMAIL:</tt>&quot; sentinel text.
<p>Finally, no email address text were passed in any of the <tt>ADDRESS</tt> parameters, then the email
address would default to the MVS LOGONID for the job, which was found as the username that follows the
&quot;<tt>USERID:</tt>&quot; sentinel text in the flashpage.
<p><a name="subject"><a href="misc/pitcher/Print_Filter_Files.html#subject">
looked through the leading flashpage, and extracted an email subject line from the data. It obtained
this information from the text that follows the &quot;<tt>TITLE:</tt>&quot; sentinel text in the flash
page. Any text populated to the <tt>TITLE</tt> parameter was placed here by JES2. For example, if the
host program set the <tt>TITLE</tt> to the text string &quot;<tt>email subject goes here</tt>&quot;, JES2
would populate it to the flashpage, and <tt>/var/spool/lpd/tools/jesprt.subject.awk</tt> would extract
the text <b>&quot;<tt>email subject line goes here</tt>&quot;</b>from the flashpage. This text was then
be used to prepare the email subject line. If no text was found, the email subject line would just indicate
the source jobname, jobnumber, and system, as found on the flashpage.</p>
<p><a name="notice"><a href="misc/pitcher/Print_Filter_Files.html#notice">
carried a notice text that is appended to the end of every report respooled by this print filter. This
allows us to add a &quot;message of the day&quot; to each print report indicating the processing performed
on it, if we desire.</p>
</dd><!-- end of the Linux section -->
<dt><h2><font color="green">NT Protocol Converter</font></h2></dt>
<dd><p>The VPS print spool package on the host communicated using SNA LU1 to a package running on a
Microsoft Windows NT system . This package reprocessed the print data using Window NT printer drivers
to communicate with the LAN-attached printers. We arranged for the owners of this system to setup the
connection between JES2 remote <b><tt>PTE01</tt></b> and our Linux <b><tt>jesprt</tt></b> lpd printer.
On the Windows NT side, this printer was configured as a <tt>&quot;Generic&quot; /
&quot;Generic/Text Only&quot;</tt> print driver using a local &quot;Microsoft LPR&quot; port connected
to printer <tt>jesprt</tt> on the Linux server.
<p>The Windows NT protocol converter was configured so as <i>not to</i> suppress the JES2 flashpages
(suppression is the default setting), so that the Linux side could retrieve the email subject and address
metadata from the JES2 flash page text. Host applications would be expected to generate their output and
direct it to a JES2 &quot;SYSOUT&quot;. JES2 &quot;SYSOUT&quot;s act like pipes into the print spooling
</dd><!-- end of the VPS Protocol converter section -->
<dt><h2><font color="green">JES2 Host Printing</font></h2></dt>
<dd><p>On the MVS/JES2 side, applications can use one of three different methods of spooling print output,
depending on their environmental requirements: BATCH print spooling, IMS &quot;Spool API&quot; print
spooling, and CICS &quot;Spool API&quot; print spooling.
<dl><dt><h4>BATCH Print Spooling</h4></dt>
<p>MVS/JES2 supports a background processing system that uses <a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#Batch_JCL">
JCL (or &quot;Job Control Language&quot;)</a> instructions to control the execution of programs and the
distribution of their print data. In this environment, print data is referred to as &quot;SYSOUT&quot;, which
stands for &quot;System Output&quot;.
<p>Any SYSOUT directed to (in our case) printer <tt>DEST=PTE01</tt> would be respooled (by JES2) to VPS,
and on to the lpd support on our Linux system. The JES2 OUTPUT JCL statement was used to set the email subject
line and target email address for the report.
<p>The format and use of the JCL <tt>OUTPUT</tt> statement is documented in <u>Chapter 22</u> of the
<a href="misc/pitcher/Bibliography.html#JCL_Ref">OS/390 V2R10 MVS JCL Reference</a>, while the format and use of the
<tt>DD SYSOUT</tt> is documented in <u>Chapter 12</u> of <a href="misc/pitcher/Bibliography.html#JCL_Ref">the same manual</a>.
</dd><!-- end of the BATCH SPOOL subsection -->
<dt><h4>IMS &quot;Spool API&quot; Print Spooling</h4></dt>
<dd><p>For our IMS transaction to print to the JES2 spool (and thus onwards to email), it had to perform DLI
<tt>CHNG</tt> and <tt>ISRT</tt> calls to <a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#IMS_PCB">a modifiable alternate
non-express PCB</a>.
<p>First, the transaction's application code prepared <a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#IMS_CHNG_WS">specific
<tt>WORKING-STORAGE</tt> variables</a> and <a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#IMS_CHNG_PD">performed a
<tt>CHNG</tt> call</a> to redirect the alternate modifiable non-express PCB (in this case PCB <tt>APM00001</tt>)
to the IMS Spool interface.
<p>Then, the application performed one or more ISRT calls to send print data to the PCB. The print data was
placed in <a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#IMS_ISRT_WS">a structure</a> which was passed through the IMS
<a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#IMS_ISRT_PD"><tt>ISRT</tt> call</a> to the JES2 print queue.
<p>This <a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#IMS_ISRT_PD"><tt>ISRT</tt></a> was repeated for each line of the text
to be emailed. The email would be released to the spool at the end of the Unit of Work (at <tt>COMMIT</tt>
or at the next <tt>GU</tt> on the <tt>IOPCB</tt>), or when the next <tt>CHNG</tt> call to the modifiable
alternate non-express PCB was executed.
<p><u>Appendix A</u> of the <a href="misc/pitcher/Bibliography.html#IMS_Design">&quot;IMS Version 7 Application Programming:
Design Guide&quot;</a> provides a technical overview of the IMS SPOOL API and it's use in a JES2 environment.
Sections <u>1.3.2</u> and <u>1.3.7</u> from the <a href="misc/pitcher/Bibliography.html#IMS_TM">
&quot;IMS Version 7 Application Programming: Transaction Manager&quot;</a> manual provides details on
the specific IMS DLI calls necessary to spool output to MVS, and section <u>1.56</u> of the
<a href="misc/pitcher/Bibliography.html#TSO_CL">TSO/E V2R5 Command Reference</a> manual provides the format and
values of the spool control parameters.
</dd><!-- end of the IMS SPOOL API subsection -->
<dt><h4>CICS &quot;Spool API&quot; Print Spool</h4></dt>
<dd><p>For a CICS transaction to print to the JES2 spool (and onward to email), it must use the CICS SPOOL
API. The documentation here in the "CICS Application Programming Reference" describes the
SPOOLOPEN/SPOOLWRITE/SPOOLCLOSE verbs that must be used to create a JES2-spooled report.
<p>First, the application must SPOOLOPEN the printer. This is a bit tricky because the SPOOLOPEN verb
requires the <a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#CICS_SPOOLOPEN_WS">print options parameter</a> to be an
indirect pointer to the print options list. To enable this, the program
<a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#CICS_SPOOLOPEN_PD">must execute logic to</a> GETMAIN some storage,
manipulate the returned pointer to the GETMAINed memory to conform with CICS requirements, move
<a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#CICS_SPOOLOPEN_WS">the print options list</a> into the GETMAINed memory,
use the GETMAINed area in the SPOOLOPEN verb, and FREEMAIN the print options storage once the
SPOOLOPEN is complete.
<p>Once this is done, the program can repeatedly load a <a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#CICS_SPOOLWRITE_WS">
print buffer</a> with text data and <a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#CICS_SPOOLWRITE_PD">EXECutes the SPOOLWRITE
function</a> to write each line of report data to the spool.
<p>When all the print data has been spooled, the program then
<a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html#CICS_SPOOLCLOSE_PD">EXECutes the SPOOLCLOSE function</a> to close the spool
and send the spooled output onward to the printer.
<p><u>Section 5.6</u> of the <a href="misc/pitcher/Bibliography.html#CICS_Guide">CICS TS for OS/390 V1R3 Application
Programming Guide</a> provides an overview of the CICS SPOOL API and examples of it's use, while
<u>Sections 1.227 through 1.231</u> of the <a href="misc/pitcher/Bibliography.html#CICS_Ref">CICS TS for OS/390 V1R3
Application Programming Reference</a> provides details on the specifics of the various EXEC SPOOLxxxx
calls necessary to spool output to MVS, while section <u>1.56</u> of the
<a href="misc/pitcher/Bibliography.html#TSO_CL">TSO/E V2R5 Command Reference</a> manual provides the format and
values of the spool control parameters used in the EXEC SPOOLOPEN call.
</dd><!-- end of the CICS SPOOL API subsection -->
</dl><!-- end of JES2 spool api list -->
</dd><!-- end of JES2 HOST PRINTING section -->
<dt><h2><font color="green">Conclusions</font></h2></dt>
<dd>In all, this exercise took about a month to go from inception to implementation, with most of that
time spent in the development of the CICS and IMS interfaces. Our tests of the 'print to email' process
proved that the facility worked well for our limited requirements. Volume testing was not performed, and
this print-to-email solution remains a proof-of-concept, for now.
<p>From this exercise, we not only established that a &quot;print-to-email&quot; facility <em>could</em> be built
without intrusion into the realm of MVS system programming, we also established that it was <em>easy</em> to
build such a system. Even if we shelve this project, the techniques we learned (IMS and CICS SPOOLING APIs,
JES2 printer setup, Linux and BSD LPD print spooler setup, etc.) can easily be applied to other projects in
our domain.
<p>For what it's worth, we learned a lot. We stood on the shoulders of giants
and saw further than we could have on our own. Perhaps we too have now given our
successors a footing from which to climb to greater heights.
<p>So, do you feel like doing a bit of climbing?
</dd><!-- end of Conclusions section -->
</dl><!-- end of the sectioned document -->
<h4>Copyright (&copy;) Lew Pitcher, March 2002</h4>
<p>This article has several supplemental files which are linked extensively in the text.
For convenience, here's a listing of all the files:
<dt><a href="pitcher.html">pitcher.html</a> and <a
<dd>This is the main page of the document, and its single illustration</dd>
<dt><a href="misc/pitcher/Files_in_etc.html">Files_in_etc.html</a></dt>
<dd>This page describes the files in /etc that were changed to enable the print-to-email
<dt><a href="misc/pitcher/Print_Filter_Files.html">Print_Filter_Files.html</a></dt>
<dd>This page describes the files that made up the linux print-to-email print filter.</dd>
<dt><a href="misc/pitcher/Jes_Flash_Page.html">Jes_Flash_Page.html</a></dt>
<dd>This page describes the format of the JES2 flash page that the email subject and address
were extracted from.</dd>
<dt><a href="misc/pitcher/JES2_Spooling.html">JES2_Spooling.html</a></dt>
<dd>This page describes the COBOL coding techniques needed in IMS and CICS to generate and
spool print to the print-to-email server.</dd>
<dt><a href="misc/pitcher/Bibliography.html">Bibliography.html</a></dt>
<dd>This page carries links to the reference documentation that we used in building this
print-to-email solution.</dd>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Lew Pitcher</H4>
Canadian by birth, and living in Brampton, Ontario, I am a career techie
working at a major Canadian bank. For over 25 years, I've programmed on
all sorts of systems, from Z80 CP/M up to OS/390. Primarily, I develop
OS/390 MVS applications for banking services, and have incorporated
Linux into my development environment.
<!-- *** END bio *** -->
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Copyright &copy; 2002, Lew Pitcher.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 77 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, April 2002</H5>
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