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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Modest Home on the Web</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:zw@debian.org">zhaoway</a></H4>
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<p> We will build a small homepage site without server side
scripts. This is suitable for people who do not run their own web
servers or have no priviledge to use server side facilities. We will
use JavaScript and Lex to simulate some effects of template files to
ease the maintaining tasks. We will use Makefile to automate the
uploading, and use CSS to provide fancy formatting effects. We will
use only standard HTML in our main content file, thus provide a good
chance for any browsers to surf our web site easily.
<p> The weird choice of using Lex to present a template effect is
because I want to pretend that I am a guru. And gurus often use
complicated or even brain damaged tools to fulfil simple and sometime
stupid tasks. Of course, if I am a true guru, I'd rather write a
similar tool by myself from scratch using LISP or C. But since I am
only pretending I am one, so forget about it.
<h2>HTML and CSS</h2>
<p> There is a wonderful <a href="http://www.debian.org">Debian</a>
package which provides great documentation on standard CSS and HTML
practice. That is <code>wdg-html-reference</code> package. If you are
serious into HTML 4 and CSS, then you'd better <code>apt-get</code>
into that package, and read the documents there. They're easy to
follow. Only remember one thing though, a good understanding on CSS
does NOT mean that you should use every possible effects on your
homepage. A good taste is more important than a good technique. At the
end of this article, I presented some <a href="#example">example
files</a>, you could keep them handy when reading through.
<p> I will not duplicate those excellent documentation on HTML and CSS
here, and there are many more high quality documents outside on the
web and in the bookstore. Even better, you could use your browser's
"View Source" menu item to sneak in every webpage that you're
interested to learn from. I will provide you one advice though, that
is you should keep it simple, keep your homepage simple unless you
have a big team of webmasters and webmistress work for you, or you
have a lot and a lot of free time to work on your homepage.
<p> Simple does not necessarily mean ugly, sometime simple is
considered beauty, expecially when the CSS is available to nearly
everyone now. So your best practice (pretending that I am an
expert. heh) is to use standard HTML in your content file, and use the
HTML tags as logically as you can.
<p> For example, you may want to use <code>&lt;i&gt;</code> to
empasize a sentence or a word, DON'T, use <code>&lt;em&gt;</code>
instead. Then use CSS to provide the desired effects. That's the whole
point. And not to forget to appreciate the <a
href="http://www.mozilla.org">Mozilla</a> web browser which is nearly
the most standard compliant one out there. (Hint, use it to test your
<h2>Using JavaScript</h2>
<p> Why using JavaScript? Since we are only building a modest
homepage, we won't need those fancy features, not to mention those
annoying pop-ups. The reason we are using JavaScript is that it could
present us some template like features which could ease our task
maintaining big bunch of webpages. Modest homepage does NOT mean that
we cannot put many files there. ;)
<p> For example, if we want to present a navigation menu for our
webpage, we will have to copy and paste our menu paragraph in HTML
into every content file (as mentioned above, we do not have enough
priviledges to use any server side facilities.), and what if we want
to change the style used for our menu? That's a big nightmare to
adjust each webpages for that.
<p> Instead we could write our menu in a JavaScript, and include the
following in each of our webpages:
&lt;script type="text/javascript" src="header.js" charset="iso-8859-1"&gt;
<p> When we want to add an item to our menu, we only need to change
the <code>header.js</code> file, then viola, every webpages are
changed accordingly.
<p> The syntax of JavaScript is very easy to learn, by reading some <a
href="#example">examples</a>, you could get nearly the whole
idea. Since we are using JavaScript to present navigation menus, we
could even ease the task of generating menus by hand too. Go check out
the example <code>header.js</code> at the end of this article.
<h2>Using Lex</h2>
<p> Lex is presented in the Debian package <code>flex</code>. It is a
GNU tool. What lex do is to scan the input file, and whenever a
regular expression is met, execute some C code. So we can use it to
scan our templates then generate the HTML files. Lex could turn your
dull project of maitaining a stupid personal homepage into an exciting
C programming journey. Isn't it wonderful?
<p> Lex is a scanner generator, which means, we use lex to generate
our scanner, then using our scanner to scan our template files to
generate HTML files. How could lex generate a scanner? It does this by
reading a rules file written by us. Basically, we design some set of
rules, then using this rules in our content files. And we write a
rules file for Lex, then we use lex to read our rules file and
generate a scanner, then we use the scanner to scan our content file
to get the desired HTML file. And, it's very simple! Gurus R Us!
<p> What makes a rule? A rule is made of two parts. The first part is
a regular expression (regex) similar to that you found in
<code>perl</code> or <code>egrep</code>. The second part is a small
part of C code. Whenever a regex is found met, then the C code will be
executed. The following is a sample rule from our example rules file:
\"header\" {
if (flag_lex == 1 && flag_key == 1 && current_key == HERE)
"&lt;html&gt;&lt;head&gt;&lt;title&gt;{zhaoway} %s&lt;/title&gt;"
"&lt;link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"style.css\" type=\"text/css\"&gt;"
"&lt;meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"&gt;"
"&lt;meta name=\"description\" content=%s&gt;"
"&lt;meta name=\"keywords\" content=%s&gt;&lt;/head&gt;&lt;body&gt;"
"&lt;script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"header.js\" charset=\"iso-8859-1\"&gt;"
flag_key = 0;
else ECHO;
<p> The above code means that, when "header" is appeared in the input
file, and some conditions are satisfied, then we will replace it with
a big bunch of HTML codes. The corresonding example content file is as
the following:
&lt;lex title="home page" description="zhaoway's homepage." /&gt;
&lt;lex keywords="zhaoway, personal, homepage, diary, curriculum, vitae, resume" /&gt;
&lt;lex here="header" /&gt;
<h2>Making the upload</h2>
<p> When doing the upload, to decide which file on the server needs to
be updated is difficult, and that task should be automated indeed. So
we use Make to do it. The basic idea is to touch a blank
<code>some.html.upload</code> file whenever <code>some.html</code> is
uploaded. When <code>some.html</code> is newer than
<code>some.html.upload</code> that means it needs to be uploaded to
the server again. The following <code>Makefile</code> rule shows that:
%.upload: %
lftp -c "open -u \"$(USER),$(PASS)\" $(SITE); put $<"
touch $@
<p> Makefile and Lex themselves warrantize lengthy articles. They are
very traditional Unix tools for C development. But could be very
useful in maintaining webpages. We cannot explore the details of them
very carefully. This article is just mean to raise your imagination
with these traditional Unix tools.
<h2><a name="example">Example files available</a></h2>
<li><a href="misc/zhaoway/Makefile.txt">Makefile</a></li>
<li><a href="misc/zhaoway/scan.l.txt">scan.l</a> Lex rules file</li>
<li><a href="misc/zhaoway/index.scan.txt">index.scan</a> Template file for index.html</li>
<li><a href="misc/zhaoway/header.js.txt">header.js</a></li>
<li><a href="misc/zhaoway/footer.js.txt">footer.js</a></li>
<li><a href="misc/zhaoway/style.css.txt">style.css</a></li>
<p> You could visit <a href="http://www.zhaoway.com">my homepage</a>
for the resulted effects. Have fun and good luck!
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Zhaoway</H4>
<EM>zhaoway lives in Nanjing, China. He divides his time among his
beautiful girlfriend, his old Pentium computer, and pure
mathematics. He wants to marry now, which means he needs money, ie., a
job. Feel free to help him come into the sweet cage of marriage by
providing him a job opportunity. He would be very thankful! He is also
another volunteer member of the <a href="http://www.debian.org">Debian
GNU/Linux</a> project.</EM>
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<H5 ALIGN=center>
Copyright &copy; 2002, zhaoway.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 75 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 2002</H5>
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