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<font color="#B03060">The Answer Gang</font>
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<H4>By Jim Dennis, Ben Okopnik, Dan Wilder, Breen, Chris, and the Gang,
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<H3 align="left"><img src="../../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>SQL on the internet</H3>
<p><strong>From Fabiano Bonin
<p align="right"><strong>Answered By Jim Dennis
I have a Linux box connected to internet, and a NT box in my intranet.
My NT box is running SQL server (port 1433) and i want that people outside
can access this port through the Linux port.
- In the SQL Server client, i put the address of my Linux box (real IP) and
the connection is forwarded to my local NT box.
Is there some way?
<IMG SRC="../../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
First, please realize that this is a reckless way to expose your
database server. If you accomplish this, you will be wholly dependent
on the SQL server's own robustness for the integrity of your data.
At first it sounds like you want a port forwarder. With IP Masquerading
it's possible for you to "hide" your NT box on an RFC1918 reserved
IP address (such as any from the block of class C nets)
behind a Linux box (which, naturally has both an internal address <EM>and</EM>
some sort of DRIP -- directly routable IP). You'd then configure any of
several port forwarding utilities to simply forward packets that arrive
on the DRIP TCP port 1433 to the internal NT port 1433.
Normally, the portforwarder would only change the destination IP address.
The source (return) address would remain unmodified. Thus the NT box
would attempt to route response packets as normal. The Linux box,
NATurally would be configured as the default router for the NT box so
it's return packets would then be routed appropriately after they arrive
at the Linux system.
NATurally, the Linux box must be configured to <em>do</em> routing, usually
with a command like:
'echo 1 &gt; /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward'
... though many distributions may hide the ugly details by offering
some friendlier interface.
This all sounds easy enough. However you have also said that
you want to configure the MS SQL Server to simply accept addresses
that appear to be from the Linux gateway. In the example I gave,
the Linux gateway is transparent (more like a router). So the SQLServer
connections "appear" to come from some public address on the Internet.
Arguably this is what most people would prefer, since they can then
configure the SQLServer to selectively allow or deny access to specific
blocks of public IP addresses. (Also, it's easier that way).
You could write a proxy. This sort of proxy could be written in
PERL, Python, C, Java or just about any language that offers lower-level
access than awk and the shell. It would accept connections on the
DRIP/interface TCP port 1433, initiate new connections on the internal
IP address, and relay the application level data from one to the other
and vice versa. It could be blocking (only one connection at a time)
or non-blocking (handling multiple concurrent connections). If it was
written to be called via inetd, and non-blocking, then one child/proxy
process would be started for each connection (and the code would be
much simpler, though the latency and overhead would be higher). If
it was written to run "standalone" it could use any of several models
of threading and/or forking (process spawning) to handle concurrent
connections, lower latency and (possibly) lower it's memory footprint.
The disadvantage of writing a proxy is that you might have to know a bit
about the application's protocol. In particular it might be that the
MS SQL Server networking protocol uses additional "ephemeral" or
"negotiated" TCP ports. In other words, there might be traffic on
ports other than the TCP 1433 port. I don't know the details.
It's possible that a simple "plug-gw" proxy might work (plug-gw was
part of the TIS, Trusted Information Systems, FWTK, firewall toolkit).
TIS was eventually absorbed by McAfee Associates (later Network Assoc.
Inc). Although the sources are freely available *for non-commercial
and internal use*, TIS FWTK is not "free software" (no derivative
works, limitations on re-distribution, consultants are not allowed
to install it for customers, etc).
However, there are tools <EM>like</EM> plug-gw. The most notable is
probably the Juniper FWTK from Obtuse Systems (<A HREF="http://www.obtuse.com"
>http://www.obtuse.com</A> ).
That is currently distributed under a BSDish license.
I don't know much about the MS SQL Server or the net/wire protocol
that it uses. However, there is a free (GPL) package by David Muse
called SQLRelay (<A HREF="http://www.firstworks.com/sqlrelay.html"
>http://www.firstworks.com/sqlrelay.html</A> ) which
incoporates quite a bit of knowlege about it and various other
SQL servers. SQL relay is probably overkill for what you want,
but it might give you the information you need, and a small subset
of its features might do the trick for you.
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<BR>Published in issue 74 of <I>Linux Gazette</I> January 2002</H5>
<H6 ALIGN="center">HTML script maintained by
<A HREF="mailto:star@starshine.org">Heather Stern</a> of
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