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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">The Foolish Things We Do With Our Computers</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:gazette@ssc.com">Mike "Iron" Orr</a></H4>
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The submissions to this column have slowed down. There's only one this month.
<H2>Video Memory</H2>
By <A HREF="mailto:zhoupp@yahoo.com">John Joe</A>
<P> I read "The Foolish Things We Do To Our Computers" and I
have a story of my own.
<P> I have a Trident 9680 display card, bought in 1996.
Recently, uncertain
parts of the screen were blurred in both M$ Windows
and Debian/Linux. When I
screen capture, some pixels' values are wrong. this
makes me think the
monitor is OK. If refresh, they may be clear, they may
not. Finally I
decided to buy a new old card, a fake S3 card and the
screen is OK. the S3
card has 1M memory. I try to add 1M from the 9680
card. I used a screwdriver
to get memory from 9680 and failed. I'd never added
display memory before. I
feared i might destroy display memory. The fake S3 had
difficulty when probed by
XFree86, so I plugged the 9680 back in. This time the screen is
<P> I guess that when the screwdriver touched the display
memory on 9680, static
electric charge on it might be released.
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Mike Orr</H4>
<EM>Mike ("Iron") is the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>. You can read what he has
to say in the Back Page column in this issue. He has been a Linux enthusiast
since 1991 and a Debian user since 1995. He is SSC's web technical
coordinator, which means he gets to write a lot of Python scripts.
Non-computer interests include Ska/Oi! music and the international language
Esperanto. The nickname Iron was given to him in college--short for Iron Orr,
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<H5 ALIGN=center>
Copyright &copy; 2002, Mike "Iron" Orr.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 74 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, January 2002</H5>
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